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AFRICAAM 30: The Egyptians (CLASSICS 82, HISTORY 48, HISTORY 148)

This course traces the emergence and development of the distinctive cultural world of the ancient Egyptians over nearly 4,000 years. Through archaeological and textual evidence, we will investigate the social structures, religious beliefs, and expressive traditions that framed life and death in this extraordinary region. Students with or without prior background are equally encouraged.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 41: Genes and Identity (ANTHRO 41, CSRE 41A, FEMGEN 41)

In recent decades genes have increasingly become endowed with the cultural power to explain many aspects of human life: physical traits, diseases, behaviors, ancestral histories, and identity. In this course we will explore a deepening societal intrigue with genetic accounts of personal identity and political meaning. Students will engage with varied interdisciplinary sources that range from legal cases to scientific articles, medical ethics guidelines, films, and anthropological works (ethnographies). We will explore several case studies where the use of DNA markers (as proof of heritage, disease risk, or legal standing) has spawned cultural movements that are biosocial in nature. Throughout we will look at how new social movements are organized around gene-based definitions of personhood, health, and legal truth. Several examples include political analyses of citizenship and belonging. On this count we will discuss issues of African ancestry testing as evidence in slavery reparations cases, revisit debates on whether Black Freedman should be allowed into the Cherokee and Seminole Nations, and hear arguments on whether people with genetic links to Jewish groups should have a right of return to Israel. We will also examine the ways genetic knowledge may shape different health politics at the individual and societal level. On this count we will do close readings of how personal genomics testing companies operate, we will investigate how health disparities funding as well as orphan disease research take on new valences when re-framed in genetic terms, and we will see how new articulations of global health priorities are emerging through genetic research in places like Africa. Finally we will explore social implications of forensic uses of DNA. Here we will examine civil liberties concerns about genetic familial searching in forensic databases that disproportionately target specific minority groups as criminal suspects, and inquire into the use of DNA to generate digital mugshots of suspects that re-introduce genetic concepts of race.
Last offered: Spring 2019 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 47: History of South Africa (CSRE 74, HISTORY 47)

(Same as HISTORY 147. HISTORY 47 is 3 units; HISTORY 147 is 5 units.) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 50C: The United States in the Twentieth Century (HISTORY 50C)

(Same as HISTORY 150C. 50C is 3 units; 150C is 5 units.) 100 years ago, women and most African-Americans couldn't vote; automobiles were rare and computers didn't exist; and the U.S. was a minor power in a world dominated by European empires. This course surveys politics, culture, and social movements to answer the question: How did we get from there to here? Suitable for non-majors and majors alike.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 53S: Black San Francisco (HISTORY 53S)

For over a century African-Americans have shaped the contours of San Francisco, a globally recognized metropolis, but their histories remain hidden. While endangered, Black San Francisco is still very much alive, and its history is an inextricable piece of the city's social and cultural fabric. This course aims to uncover the often-overlooked history of African-Americans in the city of San Francisco. The history of Black San Francisco unravels the myth of San Francisco liberalism showing how systemic racial oppression greatly limited the social mobility of non-whites well into the 20th century. Conversely, this course will also highlight the rich cultural and artistic legacies of Black San Franciscans with special attention on their ability to create social. Starting with the small, but influential middle and upper classes of African-Americans, who supported abolitionism from the West in the mid-late nineteenth century, to the rapid growth of the black population during WWII and moving through post-war struggles against the forces of Jim Crow and environmental racism. This course will explore: What is Black San Francisco? How did African-Americans shape the culture and politics of San Francisco, and where does the history of Black San Francisco fit into the broader national historical narrative? Conversely, what is unique about San Francisco and similar black communities in the West? How do we reconstruct the past of people going South to West as opposed to South to North? And finally, as raised in the critically acclaimed 2019 film, The Last Black Man in San Francisco and eluded by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, where does black San Franciscans, go from here?
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 54S: From Stanford to Stone Mountain: U.S. History, Memory, and Monuments (HISTORY 54S)

The future of America's memorial landscape is a subject of intense debate. How do societies remember? Who built the nation's monuments and memorials, and to what ends? Can the meaning of a memorial change over time? In this course, we will survey the history of memorialization in the United States, paying close attention to the interplay of race, gender, and nationalism. Case studies include: the political uses of textbooks and memoirs; Civil War memory and the Lost Cause; the re-interpretation of slavery at historic sites; and the renaming movement on Stanford's campus.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 55F: The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1830 to 1877 (AMSTUD 55F, AMSTUD 155F, HISTORY 55F, HISTORY 155F)

(History 55F is 3 units; History 155F is 5 units.)This course explores the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War. The Civil War profoundly impacted American life at national, sectional, and constitutional levels, and radically challenged categories of race and citizenship. Topics covered include: the crisis of union and disunion in an expanding republic; slavery, race, and emancipation as national problems and personal experiences; the horrors of total war for individuals and society; and the challenges--social and political--of Reconstruction.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 62Q: A Comparative Exploration of Higher Education in Jamaica (Anglo-Caribbean) and South Africa

How do developing (former colonized) nations feature in global conversations on the purpose of higher education in the Twenty-first Century and beyond? In this project-based seminar students will examine higher education systems in South Africa, and the Caribbean ¿ special emphasis on Jamaica. Together, we engage and explore fundamental questions such as: Is higher education purely a private good or a public good with private benefits? Are universities simply a means of social mobility in developing countries? What role does higher education play in the attainment of national development goals? How has student activism as evidenced by movements like #RhodesMustFall, #FeesMustFall in South Africa, and The Rodney Riots at the University of the West Indies (UWI) in Jamaica reshaped the higher education landscape and the national discourse.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 76B: The Social Life of Neighborhoods (AMSTUD 276, CSRE 176B, SOC 176, SOC 276, URBANST 179)

How do neighborhoods come to be? How and why do they change? What is the role of power, money, race, immigration, segregation, culture, government, and other forces? In this course, students will interrogate these questions using literatures from sociology, geography, and political science, along with archival, observational, interview, and cartographic (GIS) methods. Students will work in small groups to create content (e.g., images, audio, and video) for a self-guided ¿neighborhood tour,¿ which will be added to a mobile app and/or website.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 104: Foundations of African American Studies I: Black Religion, Culture, and Experience to the Civil War (AMSTUD 104A)

Beginning in 16th century West Africa and ending in the 19th century United States, this course will survey the religious, cultural, and experiential histories of African-descended people in the Atlantic world. From the early histories of the slave trade to the violence of American racial hierarchies, we will delve into the cosmologies, practices, rituals, aesthetics, and other cultural expressions of free and enslaved Africans and their descendants in the Americas, with a particular emphasis on the United States. What did Africa mean to those displaced from their ancestral homelands? How did African descended people perceive, navigate, and resist their racialization? How did they reshape the Americas through their intellect, creativity, and culture? Prioritizing the voices, thought, and sensory registers of the persons involved in these historical processes, this course will explore African Americans' experiences - from the spectacular to the quotidian - as windows into the human experience.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wells-Oghoghomeh, A. (PI)

AFRICAAM 121B: "The Will to Adorn": An Anthropology of Dress (ANTHRO 121B, ANTHRO 221B, ARCHLGY 121B, ARCHLGY 221B)

This seminar explores sartorial practices as a means for examining formations of identities and structural inequalities across space and time. Building off the definition of dress, pulled from Mary Ellen Roach-Higgins and Joanne B. Eicher, this course examines sartorial practices as social-cultural practices, shaped by many intersecting operations of power and oppression including racism, sexism, and classism, that involve modifications of the corporal form (i.e., scarification, body piercings, and hair alteration) as well as all three-dimensional supplements added to the body (i.e., clothing, hair combs, and jewelry). The emphasis on intersecting operations of power and oppression within this definition of dress draws on Kimberlé Crenshaw's conceptualization of intersectionality. Through case studies and examples from various parts of the world, we will explore multiple sources of data - documentary, material, and oral - that have come to shape the study of dress. We examine how dress intersects with facets of identity, including race, age, ethnicity, sexuality, and class.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 125: The Archaeology of Africa and African Diaspora History and Culture (ANTHRO 137A, ANTHRO 237A, ARCHLGY 137A, ARCHLGY 237A)

In recent decades, there has been a surge in archaeological research related to the African diaspora. What initially began as plantation archaeology and household archaeology to answer questions of African retention and identity, has now developed into an expansive sub-field that draws from collaborations with biological and cultural anthropologists. Similarly, methodological approaches have expanded to incorporate geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, and, more recently, maritime archaeological practices. The growth of African diaspora archaeology has thus pushed new methodological and theoretical considerations within the field of archaeology, and, inversely, added new insights in the field of Africana Studies. This course covers the thematic and methodological approaches associated with the historical archaeology of Africa and the African diaspora. Students interested in Africa and African diaspora studies, archaeology, slavery, and race should find this course useful. In addition to an overview of the development of African diaspora archaeology, students will be introduced to the major debates within the sub-field as well as its articulation with biological and socio-cultural anthropology. The course covers archaeological research throughout the wide geographical breadth of the African diaspora in Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, East, and West Africa, and the Indian Ocean. The themes covered include gender, race, identity, religion, and ethics in relation to the material record. Lectures will be supplemented with documentary films and other multimedia sources.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 145B: Foundations of African Studies I: Africa in the 20th Century (HISTORY 145B)

This course deals with three great transformations connecting African experiences and global change: the impact of the industrial revolution, colonization and colonialism, and the meanings and experiences of decolonization. It is a course about Africans and how they responded to the challenges and opportunities of colonialism and independence. Main themes include: African patterns of society and development on the eve of colonial conquest; African reactions to the imposition of colonial rule; transformation of African societies during the period of colonial rule; and African responses to the challenges of colonialism and decolonization. This course is a core course for the African Studies track and fulfils the WIM requirement for the major.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Parker, G. (PI)

AFRICAAM 145S: Land and Power in the Anthropocene: Perspectives from Africa (CSRE 45S, HISTORY 45S)

How and why is land use a contested issue? How can we understand land injustice in light of the Anthropocene, that is, human-induced climate change? How do African knowledges, practices, and experiences inform global debates about environmental, political, and socio-economic well-being? This course considers how racial and colonial thinking and processes compounded discourses about land and examines examples of resistance, legacies of struggle, and possible futures. Centering African perspectives in a global context, we will examine how individual, institutional, and societal conceptions of land are revealed in narratives, practices, and policies created and circulated by Africans as well as outsiders in the continent. We will also analyze how these dynamics have had and continue to have repercussions across the globe. We will engage with diverse written, oral, audio-visual, and digital sources and associated methodologies to explore perceptions of land and land ownership, and discuss various forms of land use including agriculture, pastoralism, conservation, mining, and urbanization, and potential futures.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 147: History of South Africa (CSRE 174, HISTORY 147)

(Same as HISTORY 47. HISTORY 147 is 5 units; HISTORY 47 is 3 units) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 150C: The United States in the Twentieth Century (AMSTUD 150C, HISTORY 150C)

(Same as HISTORY 50C. 50C is 3 units; 150C is 5 units.) 100 years ago, women and most African-Americans couldn't vote; automobiles were rare and computers didn't exist; and the U.S. was a minor power in a world dominated by European empires. This course surveys politics, culture, and social movements to answer the question: How did we get from there to here? Suitable for non-majors and majors alike.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 158: RebeliĆ³n: Black Resistance in the Caribbean (COMPLIT 158, HISTORY 177C)

In 1978, Afro-Columbian artist recorded his hit song "Rebelión," including lines such as "esclavitud perpetua," a reference to the 1455 Romanus Pontifex Papal Bull, and lines like "No le pegue a la negra," which evince a slave resistance based on a bond of kinship and affection. This is an introductory course in Caribbean history with a focus on labor and rebellion. In this course, we will discuss slave revolts and revolutions in the Caribbean from the beginning of the Transatlantic Slave trade through present-day labor strikes in the Caribbean. Using Caribbean resistance music as the backdrop to many of our discussions, this course will engage with the metaphors and motifs found in riotous iconography, such as the machete (i.e. "El machete de Maceo," in Celia Cruz¿s "Guantanamera"). Revolts covered include the 1500s slave revolts in Quisqueya, the Haitian Revolution, the 1843 La Escalera conspiracy in Cuba, the 1831 Christmas Rebellion in Jamaica, the Cuban Ten Years War, Little War, and present-day labor strikes in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We will review and study historical records, as well as take in archival and musical sources. No prior knowledge in Caribbean history is required.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 169A: Race, Ethnicity, and Water in Urban California (AMSTUD 169, CSRE 260, URBANST 169)

Is water a human right or an entitlement? Who controls the water, and who should control the water, in California? Private companies? Nonprofits? Local residents? Federal, state, or local governments? This course will explore these questions in the context of urban California more generally, the players and the politics to make sense of a complex problem with deep historical roots; one that defines the new century in California urban life. The required readings and discussions cover cities from Oakland to Los Angeles, providing a platform for students to explore important environmental issues, past and present, affecting California municipalities undergoing rapid population change. In addition, our research focus will be on the cities located on the Central Coast of California: agricultural Salinas, Watsonville, and Castroville and towns along the Salinas Valley; tourist based Monterey, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Pacific Grove; the bedroom community of Prunedale to the north, and former military towns, Marina and Seaside, as all of these ethnically, socioeconomically diverse communities engage in political struggles over precious, and ever scarcer water resources, contend with catastrophic events such as droughts and floods, and fight battles over rights to clean water, entitlement, environmental racism, and equity. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 178S: The Haitian Revolution: Slavery, Freedom, and the Atlantic World (FRENCH 178, HISTORY 78S)

How did the French colony of Saint-Domingue become Haiti, the world's first Black-led republic? What did Haiti symbolize for the African diaspora and the Americas at large? What sources and methods do scholars use to understand this history? To answer these questions, this course covers the Haitian story from colonization to independence during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Our course will center Africans and people of African descent, both enslaved and free, as they negotiated and resisted systems of racial and economic oppression in the French Caribbean. Our inquiry will critically engage with conceptions and articulations of human and civil rights as they relate to legal realities and revolutionary change over time, as well as the interplay between rights and racial thinking. Tracing what historian Julius Scott called the "common wind" of the Haitian Revolution, we will also investigate how the new nation's emergence built on the American and French Revolutions while also influencing national independence movements elsewhere in the Atlantic World. Priority given to history majors and minors; no prerequisites and all readings are in English.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 179A: Crime and Punishment in America (AMSTUD 179A, CSRE 179A, SOC 179A, SOC 279A)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the way crime has been defined and punished in the United States. Recent social movements such as the Movement for Black Lives have drawn attention to the problem of mass incarceration and officer-involved shootings of people of color. These movements have underscored the centrality of the criminal justice system in defining citizenship, race, and democracy in America. How did our country get here? This course provides a social scientific perspective on Americas past and present approach to crime and punishment. Readings and discussions focus on racism in policing, court processing, and incarceration; the social construction of crime and violence; punishment among the privileged; the collateral consequences of punishment in poor communities of color; and normative debates about social justice, racial justice, and reforming the criminal justice system. Students will learn to gather their own knowledge and contribute to normative debates through a field report assignment and an op-ed writing assignment.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 198B: Digital Traces (ANTHRO 198B)

What stories do data tell? In this course, we will follow digital traces by excavating, interrogating, and pursuing the digital evidence in data. What is the relationship between narratives and digital evidence? How do we address the tension between computational data models, the complexity of the lived experience, and the plurality of voices and methods? How can we understand and identify biases in data structures, archives, and repositories? The course offers the opportunity for extensive hands-on practical work with records, archives, and data collections. Supported by readings on archival practice, data colonialism, and the socio-cultural context of algorithms we will discuss what a critical anthropological perspective can contribute to this debate.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 200P: Doing Religious History (AFRICAST 200, HISTORY 200P, RELIGST 210X)

What is religion, and how do we write its history? This undergraduate colloquium uses case studies from a variety of regions and periods - but with a specific focus on the African continent - to consider how historians have dealt with the challenge of writing accounts of the realm of religious and spiritual experience. We will explore the utility of oral history alongside written documentary sources as well as explore issues of objectivity and affiliation in writing religious histories. (This course has been submitted for WAY-SI and WAY-ED certification.)
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 205K: The Age of Revolution: America, France, and Haiti (AMSTUD 205K, HISTORY 205K, HISTORY 305K)

(History 205K is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 305K is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) This course examines the "Age of Revolution," spanning the 18th and 19th centuries. Primarily, this course will focus on the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions (which overthrew both French and white planter rule). Taken together, these events reshaped definitions of citizenship, property, and government. But could republican principles-- color-blind in rhetoric-- be so in fact? Could nations be both republican and pro-slavery? Studying a wide range of primary materials, this course will explore the problem of revolution in an age of empires, globalization, and slavery.
Last offered: Winter 2020 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 213: Culture and Revolution in Africa (COMPLIT 213, FRENCH 213E, GLOBAL 213, HISTORY 243E)

This course investigates the relationship between culture, revolutionary decolonization, and post-colonial trajectories. It probes the multilayered development of 20th and 21st-century African literature amid decolonization and Cold War cultural diplomacy initiatives and the debates they generated about African literary aesthetics, African languages, the production of history, and the role of the intellectual. We will journey through national cultural movements, international congresses, and pan-African festivals to explore the following questions: What role did writers and artists play in shaping the discourse of revolutionary decolonization throughout the continent and in the diaspora? How have literary texts, films, and works of African cultural thought shaped and engaged with concepts such as "African unity" and "African cultural renaissance"? How have these notions influenced the imaginaries of post-independence nations, engendered new subjectivities, and impacted gender and generational dynamics? How did the ways of knowing and modes of writing promoted and developed in these contexts shape African futures?
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 238J: The European Scramble for Africa: Origins and Debates (HISTORY 238J, HISTORY 338J)

Why and how did Europeans claim control of 70% of African in the late nineteenth century? Students will engage with historiographical debates ranging from the national (e.g. British) to the topical (e.g. international law). Students will interrogate some of the primary sources on which debaters have rested their arguments. Key discussions include: the British occupation of Egypt; the autonomy of French colonial policy; the mystery of Germany¿s colonial entry; and, not least, the notorious Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.
Last offered: Winter 2020 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 242: Black Religion in America (AMSTUD 241, RELIGST 241, RELIGST 341)

Since Africans arrived on North American shores, their religious cultures have anchored them to the traditions of their originating homelands; offered outlets for communal innovation; and structured their responses to the everyday realities of life in the United States. More than a cornerstone of Black American culture, religion has helped to define U.S. African-American identities. At the same time, performances identified with Black religions have transcended racial barriers and become ubiquitous features of the American religious landscape. In this course, we will trace the history of African-descended peoples in the United States through their religious expressions, explore major questions in the study of African-American religions, and analyze representations of African-American religiosity in the popular imagination. Zigzagging across regions and through chronological periods, we will engage primary "texts" ranging from the antebellum "confessions" of Nat Turner to the contemporary rituals of a Vodou priestess, in order to interrogate the questions: "Are there continuities and/or features that mark U.S. Black religions?" "If so, what are they?" "If not, what is the function of the category?" In doing so, we aim to discover the histories of the diverse traditions subsumed under the category of Black religion and register our voices in debates that continue to preoccupy scholars in the field.Undergraduates register for 200-level for 5 units. Graduate students register for 300-level for 3-5 units.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 247: Gender and Sexuality in African History (FEMGEN 247, FEMGEN 347, HISTORY 247, HISTORY 347)

This course examines the history of gender and sexuality in twentieth and twenty-first century Africa. It explores how concepts, identities, and practices of gender and sexuality have changed in shifting social, cultural, political, and economic contexts across the continent and in connection with global currents. This historical journey encompasses European colonialism, independence, postcolonial nation-building, and current times. Course materials include African novels, films, material culture and multinational scholarly research and primary sources. We will also engage multidisciplinary perspectives, methodologies, and theories as tools for critical thinking, writing and varied modes of producing knowledge. Gender and sexuality(ies) as examined in this course act as gateways to explore transformations in : selfhood, peoplehood, and life stage; health, medicine, reproduction, and the body; law and criminality; marriage, kinship, family, and community; politics, power and protest; feminism(s); popular culture; religion and belief; LGBTQI+ themes; and the history of emotions, including love, joy, desire, pain, and trauma.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 251J: American Slavery and Its Afterlives (AMSTUD 251J, HISTORY 251J, HISTORY 351J)

How did the institution of American slavery come to an end? The story is more complex than most people know. This course examines the rival forces that fostered slavery's simultaneous contraction in the North and expansion in the South between 1776 and 1861. It also illuminates, in detail, the final tortuous path to abolition during the Civil War. Throughout, the course introduces a diverse collection of historical figures, including seemingly paradoxical ones, such as slaveholding southerners who professed opposition to slavery and non-slaveholding northerners who acted in ways that preserved it. During the course's final weeks, we will examine the racialized afterlives of American slavery as they manifested during the late-nineteenth century and beyond.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 252C: The Old South: Culture, Society, and Slavery (CSRE 252C, HISTORY 252C)

This course explores the political, social, and cultural history of the antebellum American South, with an emphasis on the history of African-American slavery. Topics include race and race making, slave community and resistance, gender and reproduction, class and immigration, commodity capitalism, technology, disease and climate, indigenous Southerners, white southern honor culture, the Civil War, and the region's place in national mythmaking and memory.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAAM 256E: The American Civil War: The Lived Experience (AMSTUD 256E, HISTORY 256E)

What was it like to live in the United States during the Civil War? This course uses the lenses of racial/ethnic identity, gender, class, and geography (among others) to explore the breadth of human experience during this singular moment in American history. It illuminates the varied ways in which Americans, in the Union states and the Confederate states, struggled to move forward and to find meaning in the face of unprecedented division and destruction.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AFRICAST 200: Doing Religious History (AFRICAAM 200P, HISTORY 200P, RELIGST 210X)

What is religion, and how do we write its history? This undergraduate colloquium uses case studies from a variety of regions and periods - but with a specific focus on the African continent - to consider how historians have dealt with the challenge of writing accounts of the realm of religious and spiritual experience. We will explore the utility of oral history alongside written documentary sources as well as explore issues of objectivity and affiliation in writing religious histories. (This course has been submitted for WAY-SI and WAY-ED certification.)
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 1B: Media, Culture, and Society (COMM 1B)

The institutions and practices of mass media, including television, film, radio, and digital media, and their role in shaping culture and social life. The media's shifting relationships to politics, commerce, and identity.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 4: The Sociology of Music (CSRE 4, SOC 4)

This course examines music - its production, its consumption, and it contested role in society - from a distinctly sociological lens. Why do we prefer certain songs, artists, and musical genres over others? How do we 'use' music to signal group membership and create social categories like class, race, ethnicity, and gender? How does music perpetuate, but also challenge, broader inequalities? Why do some songs become hits? What effects are technology and digital media having on the ways we experience and think about music? Course readings and lectures will explore the various answers to these questions by introducing students to key sociological concepts and ideas. Class time will be spent moving between core theories, listening sessions, discussion of current musical events, and an interrogation of students - own musical experiences. Students will undertake a number of short research and writing assignments that call on them to make sociological sense of music in their own lives, in the lives of others, and in society at large.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 51N: Suing for Freedom (HISTORY 51N)

How have marginalized people used the tools of the powerful to advance their interests? Although we tend to think of enslaved people's relationship to the law as indifferent at best, or hostile at worst, in a variety of different jurisdictions in colonial America and the United States those held in slavery were sometimes able to use the legal system. In a special type of legal action known as a "freedom suit," enslaved people asserted that they were unlawfully held in bondage and, if successful, obtained their freedom. From the Chesapeake Bay to Massachusetts Bay, from New Orleans to St. Louis, and many points in between, at least a thousand such cases were filed. They freed hundreds of enslaved people, ended slavery in one state, and, in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857), helped bring the nation to the brink of civil war. This course explores the many freedom suits prosecuted in American courts. We examine the nuts and bolts of how freedom suits worked: the distinctive features of these legal actions, the mechanics of filing and prosecuting a case, the challenges plaintiffs faced in securing quality representation, and the various legal bases one might use to initiate a case. We explore the broader questions freedom suits pose. Why, for instance, did a legal system designed to protect private property and the institution of slavery nevertheless tolerate freedom suits, let alone convey freedom on many plaintiffs? How do freedom suits change our understanding of law, slavery, and the law's relationship to enslaved people? And we consider the human dimension of freedom suits: the men, women, and children who filed these cases, often at enormous risk to themselves and their loved ones, as well as the attorneys who prosecuted and defended them and the judges and juries who presided over and decided them.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Twitty, A. (PI)

AMSTUD 54: The History of Ideas in America, Part I (to 1900) (HISTORY 54)

(Same as HISTORY 154. 54 is 3 units; 154 is 5 units.) How Americans considered problems such as slavery, imperialism, and sectionalism. Topics include: the political legacies of revolution; biological ideas of race; the Second Great Awakening; science before Darwin; reform movements and utopianism; the rise of abolitionism and proslavery thought; phrenology and theories of human sexuality; and varieties of feminism. Sources include texts and images.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 55F: The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1830 to 1877 (AFRICAAM 55F, AMSTUD 155F, HISTORY 55F, HISTORY 155F)

(History 55F is 3 units; History 155F is 5 units.)This course explores the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War. The Civil War profoundly impacted American life at national, sectional, and constitutional levels, and radically challenged categories of race and citizenship. Topics covered include: the crisis of union and disunion in an expanding republic; slavery, race, and emancipation as national problems and personal experiences; the horrors of total war for individuals and society; and the challenges--social and political--of Reconstruction.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 57S: "Don't Tread on Me!": The Spirit of 1776 in U.S. Politics & Culture, From the Constitution to Jan 6 (HISTORY 57S)

Are the people responsible for the American Revolution demigods or devils? What did they really believe, and what would they think of the United States today? The answers to these questions have been fraught - yet important - since the Revolution. This course explores the many ways in which the memory of the Revolution has been interpreted, appropriated, and remixed. We will explore the politics of memory, interrogate America's relationship to its founding, and study rhetoric from across the political spectrum - from abolitionists to fascists to Hamilton and beyond.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

AMSTUD 61N: The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson (HISTORY 61N)

Thomas Jefferson assumed many roles during his life-- Founding Father, revolutionary, and author of the Declaration of Independence; natural scientist, inventor, and political theorist; slaveholder, founder of a major political party, and President of the United States. This introductory seminar explores these many worlds of Jefferson, both to understand the multifaceted character of the man and the broader historical contexts that he inhabited and did so much to shape.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

AMSTUD 63N: The Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality (CSRE 63N, FEMGEN 63N, HISTORY 63N)

This course explores the long history of ideas about gender and equality. Each week we read, dissect, compare, and critique a set of primary historical documents (political and literary) from around the world, moving from the 15th century to the present. We tease out changing arguments about education, the body, sexuality, violence, labor, politics, and the very meaning of gender, and we place feminist critics within national and global political contexts.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 73: Mexican Migration to the United States (AMSTUD 173, CHILATST 173, HISTORY 73, HISTORY 173)

(History 73 is 3 units; History 173 is 5 units.) This course is an introduction to the history of Mexican migration to the United States. Barraged with anti-immigrant rhetoric and calls for bigger walls and more restrictive laws, few people in the United States truly understand the historical trends that shape migratory processes, or the multifaceted role played by both US officials and employers in encouraging Mexicans to migrate north. Moreover, few have actually heard the voices and perspectives of migrants themselves. This course seeks to provide students with the opportunity to place migrants' experiences in dialogue with migratory laws as well as the knowledge to embed current understandings of Latin American migration in their meaningful historical context.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 100: Introduction to Asian American Studies (ASNAMST 100)

What is meant by the term Asian American? How have representations of Asian Americans influenced concepts of US citizenship and belonging? What are the social and political origins of the Asian American community? This course provides a critical introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Asian American studies. Drawing on historical, creative, and scholarly texts, the course examines the history and possibilities of Asian American community. To do this, we place the Asian American experience within a transnational context, paying particular attention to the ways that Asian American lives have been shaped by the legacies of US wars in Asia and by the history of US racism. In the process, we examine the role that representations of Asian Americans have played in shaping the boundaries of US citizenship and belonging. Throughout the course, we utilize our discussions of Asian American racialization and community formation to think critically about the social and political ramifications that the designation Asian American entails.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Dinh, T. (PI)

AMSTUD 100A: Decolonizing Methodologies: Introduction to Native American Studies (NATIVEAM 100)

This course provides students with an introductory grasp on major concepts, theoretical highlights, and important figures in Native American and Indigenous Studies, also known as American Indian Studies or First Nations Studies. The discipline emerged in the United States during the late 1960s when Native student-activists demanded the inclusion of their histories alongside the dominant white settler narratives in universities¿ educational catalog. By examining historical and legal documents, storytelling accounts, images, films, and literary works, students will explore a diverse range of themes and perspectives, gaining an understanding of Native American cultures, histories, and contemporary lifeworlds. The course emphasizes materials from relevant sources produced by and about Natives to foster critical thinking and analysis. It also aims to cultivate an appreciation for the richness and complexity of Native American experiences while introducing major concepts, theoretical highlights, and important figures in the field of Native American Studies. Throughout the course, students will explore the global development of the discipline from a pan-Indian perspective, discussing keywords, histories, politics, disciplinary concerns, and the recent "decolonial turn" within academia. By the end of the course, students will have an introductory understanding of key disciplinary jargon, methodological research, and constitutive issues in Native American Studies.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wilcox, M. (PI)

AMSTUD 104A: Foundations of African American Studies I: Black Religion, Culture, and Experience to the Civil War (AFRICAAM 104)

Beginning in 16th century West Africa and ending in the 19th century United States, this course will survey the religious, cultural, and experiential histories of African-descended people in the Atlantic world. From the early histories of the slave trade to the violence of American racial hierarchies, we will delve into the cosmologies, practices, rituals, aesthetics, and other cultural expressions of free and enslaved Africans and their descendants in the Americas, with a particular emphasis on the United States. What did Africa mean to those displaced from their ancestral homelands? How did African descended people perceive, navigate, and resist their racialization? How did they reshape the Americas through their intellect, creativity, and culture? Prioritizing the voices, thought, and sensory registers of the persons involved in these historical processes, this course will explore African Americans' experiences - from the spectacular to the quotidian - as windows into the human experience.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wells-Oghoghomeh, A. (PI)

AMSTUD 107: Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (CSRE 108, FEMGEN 101, TAPS 108)

Introduction to interdisciplinary approaches to gender, sexuality, queer, trans, and feminist studies. Topics include social justice and feminist organizing, art and activism, feminist histories, the emergence of gender and sexuality studies in the academy, intersectionality and interdependence, the embodiment and performance of difference, and relevant socio-economic and political formations such as work and the family. Students learn to think critically about race, gender, disability, and sexuality. Includes guest lectures from faculty across the university and weekly discussion sections.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 110C: America and the World Economy (INTNLREL 110C, POLISCI 110C)

Examination of contemporary US foreign economic policy. Areas studied: the changing role of the dollar; mechanism of international monetary management; recent crises in world markets including those in Europe and Asia; role of IMF, World Bank and WTO in stabilizing world economy; trade politics and policies; the effects of the globalization of business on future US prosperity. Political Science majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110C.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 110D: War and Peace in American Foreign Policy (INTNLREL 110D, POLISCI 110D)

The causes of war in American foreign policy. Issues: international and domestic sources of war and peace; war and the American political system; war, intervention, and peace making in the post-Cold War period. Political Science majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110D for 5 units. International Relations majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in INTNLREL 110D for 5 units. All students not seeking WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110Y.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schultz, K. (PI)

AMSTUD 115S: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence (INTNLREL 115, POLISCI 115, PUBLPOL 114)

This course examines the past, present, and future of American espionage. Targeted at first years and sophomores, the class surveys key issues in the development of the U.S. Intelligence Community since World War II. Topics include covert action, intelligence successes and failures, the changing motives and methods of traitors, congressional oversight, and ethical dilemmas. The course pays particular attention to how emerging technologies are transforming intelligence today. We examine cyber threats, the growing use of AI for both insight and deception, and the 'open-source' intelligence revolution online. Classes include guest lectures by former senior U.S. intelligence officials, policymakers, and open-source intelligence leaders. Course requirements include an all-day crisis simulation with former senior officials designed to give students a hands-on feel for the uncertainties, coordination challenges, time pressures, and policy frictions of intelligence in the American foreign policy process.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

AMSTUD 120: The Rise of Digital Culture (COMM 120W, COMM 220)

(Graduate students register for 220. COMM 120W is offered for 5 units, COMM 220 is offered for 4 units.From Snapchat to artificial intelligence, digital systems are reshaping our jobs, our democracies, our love lives, and even what it means to be human. But where did these media come from? And what kind of culture are they creating? To answer these questions, this course explores the entwined development of digital technologies and post-industrial ways of living and working from the Cold War to the present. Topics will include the historical origins of digital media, cultural contexts of their deployment and use, and the influence of digital media on conceptions of self, community, and state. Priority to juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 123: Getting the Picture: Photojournalism in Russia and the U.S. (COMM 123, REES 223, SLAVIC 123, SLAVIC 323)

The vast majority of photographs printed and consumed around the world appeared on the pages of magazines and newspapers. These pictures were almost always heavily edited, presented in carefully devised sequences, and printed alongside text. Through firsthand visual analysis of the picture presses of yesteryear, this course considers the ongoing meaning, circulation, and power of images as they shape a worldview in Russia as well as the US. In looking at points of contact between two world powers, we will cover the works of a wide array of authors, photographers, photojournalists and photographed celebrities (Lev Tolstoy, Margaret Bourke-White, Russian satirists Ilf and Petrov, John Steinbeck and Richard Capa, and many others). We will explore the relationship between photojournalistic practice of the past with that of our present, from the printed page to digital media, as well as the ethical quandaries posed by the cameras intervention into/shaping of modern history. No knowledge of Russian is required.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 123X: Introduction to American Politics and Policy: In Defense of Democracy (POLISCI 102, PUBLPOL 101, PUBLPOL 201)

American democracy faces a series of unprecedented challenges. This course will identify the greatest areas of weakness in the American political system, make sense of the most pressing threats facing democracy, and contemplate how democracy can be strengthened. With this them - in defense of democracy - in mind, we will examine several questions: What guiding principles, norms, and institutions organize and structure American politics, and how do they affect the health and effectiveness of American democracy? What do patterns of political participation and representation in the United States tell us about the health of our democracy? How do partisan and social identities breed hostility and antagonism among the mass public? How does information from the media and other sources advance or frustrate democratic outcomes? What does increased violence - political, racially motivated, or otherwise - reveal about the trajectory of democracy in the United States? This is a course built on the science of politics, and our aim is to bring the scientific study of politics to bear on these pressing questions.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 124A: The American West (ARTHIST 152, ENGLISH 124, HISTORY 151, POLISCI 124A)

The American West is characterized by frontier mythology, vast distances, marked aridity, and unique political and economic characteristics. This course integrates several disciplinary perspectives into a comprehensive examination of Western North America: its history, physical geography, climate, literature, art, film, institutions, politics, demography, economy, and continuing policy challenges. Students examine themes fundamental to understanding the region: time, space, water, peoples, and boom and bust cycles.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 125: Perspectives on American Journalism (COMM 125, COMM 225)

An examination of American journalism, focusing on how news is produced, distributed, and financially supported. Emphasis on current media controversies and puzzles, and on designing innovations in discovering and telling stories. (Graduate students register for COMM 225. COMM 125 is offered for 5 units, COMM 225 is offered for 4 units.)
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 135: Deliberative Democracy and its Critics (COMM 135W, COMM 235, COMM 335, ETHICSOC 135F, POLISCI 234P, POLISCI 334P)

This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Can a democracy which emphasizes people thinking and talking together on the basis of good information be made practical in the modern age? What kinds of distortions arise when people try to discuss politics or policy together? The course draws on ideas of deliberation from Madison and Mill to Rawls and Habermas as well as criticisms from the jury literature, from the psychology of group processes and from the most recent normative and empirical literature on deliberative forums. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fishkin, J. (PI)

AMSTUD 137: The Dialogue of Democracy (COMM 137W, COMM 237, POLISCI 232T, POLISCI 332T)

All forms of democracy require some kind of communication so people can be aware of issues and make decisions. This course looks at competing visions of what democracy should be and different notions of the role of dialogue in a democracy. Is it just campaigning or does it include deliberation? Small scale discussions or sound bites on television? Or social media? What is the role of technology in changing our democratic practices, to mobilize, to persuade, to solve public problems? This course will include readings from political theory about democratic ideals - from the American founders to J.S. Mill and the Progressives to Joseph Schumpeter and modern writers skeptical of the public will. It will also include contemporary examinations of the media and the internet to see how those practices are changing and how the ideals can or cannot be realized.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-EthicReas, WAY-ER, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 145: Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley. The site and source of vibrant economic growth and technological innovation. A disruptive force in social, economic, and political systems. An interface between technology and academia, with the the quirky influence of the counterculture in the background. A surprisingly agile cultural behemoth that has reshaped human relationships and hierarchies of all sorts. A brotopia built on the preferences and predilections of rich, geeky white guys. A location with perpetually sunny skies and easy access to beaches and mountains. This seminar will unpack the myths surrounding Silicon Valley by exploring the people, places, industries, and ideas that have shaped it from post-WWII to the present. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to the subject and considers region's history and development; the products of Silicon Valley, from computers and circuit boards to search algorithms and social networks; and Silicon Valley's depictions in photography, film, television, and literature.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kessler, E. (PI)

AMSTUD 148: Los Angeles: A Cultural History (CSRE 148R, HISTORY 148C)

This course traces a cultural history of Los Angeles from the early twentieth century to the present. Approaching popular representations of Los Angeles as our primary source, we discuss the ways that diverse groups of Angelenos have represented their city on the big and small screens, in the press, in the theater, in music, and in popular fiction. We focus in particular on the ways that conceptions of race and gender have informed representations of the city. Possible topics include: fashion and racial violence in the Zoot Suit Riots of the Second World War, Disneyland as a suburban fantasy, cinematic representations of Native American life in Bunker Hill in the 1961 film The Exiles, the independent black cinema of the Los Angeles Rebellion, the Anna Deaver Smith play Twilight Los Angeles about the civil unrest that gripped the city in 1992, and the 2019 film Once Upon a Time¿in Hollywood.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 150A: Colonial and Revolutionary America (HISTORY 150A)

(HISTORY 50A is 3 units. HISTORY 150A is 5 units) This course surveys early American history from the onset of English colonization of North America in the late sixteenth century through the American Revolution and the creation of the United States in the late eighteenth. It situates the origins and the development of colonial American society as its peoples themselves experienced it, within the wider histories of the North American continent and the Atlantic basin. It considers the diversity of peoples and empires that made up these worlds as well as the complex movement of goods, peoples, and ideas that defined them. The British North American colonies were just one interrelated part of this wider complex. Yet out of that interconnected Atlantic world, those particular colonies produced a revolution for national independence that had a far-reaching impact on the world. The course, accordingly, explores the origins of this revolutionary movement and the nation state that it wrought, one that would rapidly ascend to hemispheric and then global prominence.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 150B: Nineteenth Century America (CSRE 150S, HISTORY 150B)

(Same as HISTORY 50B. 150B is 5 units; 50B is 3 units.) This course is a survey of nineteenth-century American history. Topics include: the legacy of the American Revolution; the invention of political parties; capitalist transformation and urbanization; the spread of evangelical Christianity; antebellum reform; changing conceptions of gender, sex, and family; territorial expansion, Indigenous dispossession, and Manifest Destiny; the politics and experience of Indian removal; slavery and emancipation; the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Redemption; the crises and corruption of the Gilded Age; the Populist insurgency; Chinese exclusion; allotment and reservation life; and the emergence of the United States as a modern nation state.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

AMSTUD 150C: The United States in the Twentieth Century (AFRICAAM 150C, HISTORY 150C)

(Same as HISTORY 50C. 50C is 3 units; 150C is 5 units.) 100 years ago, women and most African-Americans couldn't vote; automobiles were rare and computers didn't exist; and the U.S. was a minor power in a world dominated by European empires. This course surveys politics, culture, and social movements to answer the question: How did we get from there to here? Suitable for non-majors and majors alike.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Regalado, P. (PI)

AMSTUD 150X: From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco (HISTORY 252E, URBANST 150)

This class will examine the history of San Francisco from Native American and colonial settlement through the present. Focus is on social, environmental, and political history, with the theme of power in the city. Topics include Native Americans, the Gold Rush, immigration and nativism, railroads and robber barons, earthquake and fire, progressive reform and unionism, gender, race and civil rights, sexuality and politics, counterculture, redevelopment and gentrification. Students write final project in collaboration with ShapingSF, a participatory community history project documenting and archiving overlooked stories and memories of San Francisco. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center)
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 154: The History of Ideas in America, Part I (to 1900) (HISTORY 154)

(Same as HISTORY 54. 154 is 5 units; 54 is 3 units.) How Americans considered problems such as slavery, imperialism, and sectionalism. Topics include: the political legacies of revolution; biological ideas of race; the Second Great Awakening; science before Darwin; reform movements and utopianism; the rise of abolitionism and proslavery thought; phrenology and theories of human sexuality; and varieties of feminism. Sources include texts and images.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 155F: The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1830 to 1877 (AFRICAAM 55F, AMSTUD 55F, HISTORY 55F, HISTORY 155F)

(History 55F is 3 units; History 155F is 5 units.)This course explores the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War. The Civil War profoundly impacted American life at national, sectional, and constitutional levels, and radically challenged categories of race and citizenship. Topics covered include: the crisis of union and disunion in an expanding republic; slavery, race, and emancipation as national problems and personal experiences; the horrors of total war for individuals and society; and the challenges--social and political--of Reconstruction.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 156H: Women and Medicine in US History: Women as Patients, Healers and Doctors (FEMGEN 156H)

This course explores ideas about women's bodies in sickness and health, as well as women's encounters with lay and professional healers in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present. We begin with healthy women and explore ideas about women's life cycle in the past, including women's sexuality, the history of birth control, abortion, childbirth, and aging. We then turn to the history of women healers including midwives, lay physicians, professional physicians and nurses. Finally, we examine women's illnesses and their treatment as well as the lives of women with disabilities in the past. We will examine differences in women's experience with medicine on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexuality and class. We will relate this history to issues in contemporary medicine, and consider the efforts of women to gain control of their bodies and health care throughout US history.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 160: Perspectives on American Identity (ENGLISH 165)

Required for American Studies majors. In this seminar we trace diverse and changing interpretations of American identity by exploring autobiographical, literary, and/or visual texts from the 18th through the 20th century in conversation with sociological, political, and historical accounts. *Fulfills Writing In the Major Requirement for American Studies Majors*
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Richardson, J. (PI)

AMSTUD 161: The Politics of Sex: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern America (CSRE 162, FEMGEN 61, FEMGEN 161, HISTORY 61, HISTORY 161)

This course explores the ways that individuals and movements for social and economic equality have redefined and contested gender and sexuality in the modern United States. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources, we will explore the intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the politics of woman suffrage, racial justice, reproductive rights, and gay and trans rights, as well as conservative and right-wing responses. Majors and non-majors alike are welcome.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 162B: Campaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections (COMM 162, COMM 262, POLISCI 120B)

This course examines the theory and practice of American campaigns and elections. First, we will attempt to explain the behavior of the key players -- candidates, parties, journalists, and voters -- in terms of the institutional arrangements and political incentives that confront them. Second, we will use current and recent election campaigns as "laboratories" for testing generalizations about campaign strategy and voter behavior. Third, we examine selections from the academic literature dealing with the origins of partisan identity, electoral design, and the immediate effects of campaigns on public opinion, voter turnout, and voter choice. As well, we'll explore issues of electoral reform and their more long-term consequences for governance and the political process.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 163: Land Use: Planning for Sustainable Cities (EARTHSYS 168, PUBLPOL 163, URBANST 163)

Through case studies with a focus on the San Francisco Bay Area, guest speakers, selective readings and interactive assignments, this survey course seeks to demystify the concept of land use for the non-city planner. This introductory course will review the history and trends of land use policies, as well as address a number of current themes to demonstrate the power and importance of land use. Students will explore how urban areas function, how stakeholders influence land use choices, and how land use decisions contribute to positive and negative outcomes. By exploring the contemporary history of land use in the United States, students will learn how land use has been used as a tool for discriminatory practices and NIMBYism. Students will also learn about current land use planning efforts that seek to make cities more sustainable, resilient and equitable to address issues like gentrification, affordable housing, and sea level rise.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 169: Race, Ethnicity, and Water in Urban California (AFRICAAM 169A, CSRE 260, URBANST 169)

Is water a human right or an entitlement? Who controls the water, and who should control the water, in California? Private companies? Nonprofits? Local residents? Federal, state, or local governments? This course will explore these questions in the context of urban California more generally, the players and the politics to make sense of a complex problem with deep historical roots; one that defines the new century in California urban life. The required readings and discussions cover cities from Oakland to Los Angeles, providing a platform for students to explore important environmental issues, past and present, affecting California municipalities undergoing rapid population change. In addition, our research focus will be on the cities located on the Central Coast of California: agricultural Salinas, Watsonville, and Castroville and towns along the Salinas Valley; tourist based Monterey, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Pacific Grove; the bedroom community of Prunedale to the north, and former military towns, Marina and Seaside, as all of these ethnically, socioeconomically diverse communities engage in political struggles over precious, and ever scarcer water resources, contend with catastrophic events such as droughts and floods, and fight battles over rights to clean water, entitlement, environmental racism, and equity. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 169B: Race and Ethnicity in Urban California: Research Seminar (CSRE 260B, SOC 169B, URBANST 169B)

This course is part of an ongoing research project that examines the consequences of social, demographic, economic, and political changes in ethnic and race relations in in urban California. Students taking this course will construct will investigate a particular issue, place, policy, or event of special interest and write a 15-20-page paper. Through individualized research projects, our aim is to understand how and why policies and practices developed that isolated and marginalized communities of color leading to environmental racism, housing inequality, public health crises, socioeconomic (im)mobility, over-policing, and underserving, and (un)fair representation in city politics and governments. We will also focus on solutions. We look at the creative, challenging, and diverse ways grassroots organizers, academics, and governments at every level can work in partnership to reshape policy and rectify injustice in a variety of urban and suburban environments in California. Each paper should conclude with ideas about how to make constructive change. This course has been designated as a Cardinal Course by the Haas Center for Public Service. Cardinal Courses apply classroom knowledge to pressing social and environmental problems through reciprocal community partnerships. The units received through this course can be used towards the 12-unit requirement for the Cardinal Service transcript notation.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 173: Mexican Migration to the United States (AMSTUD 73, CHILATST 173, HISTORY 73, HISTORY 173)

(History 73 is 3 units; History 173 is 5 units.) This course is an introduction to the history of Mexican migration to the United States. Barraged with anti-immigrant rhetoric and calls for bigger walls and more restrictive laws, few people in the United States truly understand the historical trends that shape migratory processes, or the multifaceted role played by both US officials and employers in encouraging Mexicans to migrate north. Moreover, few have actually heard the voices and perspectives of migrants themselves. This course seeks to provide students with the opportunity to place migrants' experiences in dialogue with migratory laws as well as the knowledge to embed current understandings of Latin American migration in their meaningful historical context.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 179A: Crime and Punishment in America (AFRICAAM 179A, CSRE 179A, SOC 179A, SOC 279A)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the way crime has been defined and punished in the United States. Recent social movements such as the Movement for Black Lives have drawn attention to the problem of mass incarceration and officer-involved shootings of people of color. These movements have underscored the centrality of the criminal justice system in defining citizenship, race, and democracy in America. How did our country get here? This course provides a social scientific perspective on Americas past and present approach to crime and punishment. Readings and discussions focus on racism in policing, court processing, and incarceration; the social construction of crime and violence; punishment among the privileged; the collateral consequences of punishment in poor communities of color; and normative debates about social justice, racial justice, and reforming the criminal justice system. Students will learn to gather their own knowledge and contribute to normative debates through a field report assignment and an op-ed writing assignment.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Clair, M. (PI)

AMSTUD 200J: Doing Oral History (HISTORY 200J)

Students explore exemplary historical works based on oral histories and develop a range of practical skills while completing their own interviews. Topics include oral history and narrative theory, interview techniques, transcript preparation, and digital archiving. Students also learn how to analyze interviews using both qualitative and quantitative methods, practice writing history using oral evidence, and experiment with digital humanities approaches for disseminating oral history, including the Stanford Oral History Text Analysis Project. This course forms part of the "Doing History" series: rigorous undergraduate colloquia that introduce the practice of history within a particular field or thematic area.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

AMSTUD 200R: Doing Community History: Asian Americans and the Pandemic (ASNAMST 201, HISTORY 200R)

Students utilize a community-engaged oral history methodology to produce short video documentaries focused on Asian Americans in the Covid-19 pandemic. In producing these collaborative digital history projects, students learn to evaluate the ways social power influences historical documentation at various levels including the making of sources, the construction of archives, and the telling of historical narratives. We ask: how have race and racism, ethnicity and community, gender and class, shaped the ways that the pandemic has influenced the lives of Asian Americans? To what extent have Asian American experiences with the pandemic been shaped by the recent global protests for racial justice and Black liberation? In studying the pandemic and its relationship to histories of race and racism, how should we understand the place of Asian Americans?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 205K: The Age of Revolution: America, France, and Haiti (AFRICAAM 205K, HISTORY 205K, HISTORY 305K)

(History 205K is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 305K is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) This course examines the "Age of Revolution," spanning the 18th and 19th centuries. Primarily, this course will focus on the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions (which overthrew both French and white planter rule). Taken together, these events reshaped definitions of citizenship, property, and government. But could republican principles-- color-blind in rhetoric-- be so in fact? Could nations be both republican and pro-slavery? Studying a wide range of primary materials, this course will explore the problem of revolution in an age of empires, globalization, and slavery.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Olivarius, K. (PI)

AMSTUD 241: Black Religion in America (AFRICAAM 242, RELIGST 241, RELIGST 341)

Since Africans arrived on North American shores, their religious cultures have anchored them to the traditions of their originating homelands; offered outlets for communal innovation; and structured their responses to the everyday realities of life in the United States. More than a cornerstone of Black American culture, religion has helped to define U.S. African-American identities. At the same time, performances identified with Black religions have transcended racial barriers and become ubiquitous features of the American religious landscape. In this course, we will trace the history of African-descended peoples in the United States through their religious expressions, explore major questions in the study of African-American religions, and analyze representations of African-American religiosity in the popular imagination. Zigzagging across regions and through chronological periods, we will engage primary "texts" ranging from the antebellum "confessions" of Nat Turner to the contemporary rituals of a Vodou priestess, in order to interrogate the questions: "Are there continuities and/or features that mark U.S. Black religions?" "If so, what are they?" "If not, what is the function of the category?" In doing so, we aim to discover the histories of the diverse traditions subsumed under the category of Black religion and register our voices in debates that continue to preoccupy scholars in the field.Undergraduates register for 200-level for 5 units. Graduate students register for 300-level for 3-5 units.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 246: Constructing Race and Religion in America (CSRE 246, HISTORY 256G, RELIGST 246)

This seminar focuses on the interrelationships between social constructions of race and social interpretations of religion in America. How have assumptions about race shaped religious worldviews? How have religious beliefs shaped racial attitudes? How have ideas about religion and race contributed to notions of what it means to be "American"? We will look at primary and secondary sources and at the historical development of ideas and practices over time.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Lum, K. (PI); Mueller, J. (PI)

AMSTUD 251C: The American Enlightenment (HISTORY 251C)

The eighteenth century saw the rise of many exciting new political, religious, and scientific theories about human happiness, perfectibility, and progress that today we call "the Enlightenment." Most people associate the Enlightenment with Europe, but in this course we will explore the many ways in which the specific conditions of eighteenth-century North America --such as slavery, the presence of large numbers of indigenous peoples, a colonial political context, and even local animals, rocks, and plants--also shaped the major questions and conversations of the people who strove to become "enlightened." We'll also explore how American Enlightenment ideas have profoundly shaped the way Americans think today about everything from politics to science to race. The class is structured as lecture and discussion, with deep reading in primary sources from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 251J: American Slavery and Its Afterlives (AFRICAAM 251J, HISTORY 251J, HISTORY 351J)

How did the institution of American slavery come to an end? The story is more complex than most people know. This course examines the rival forces that fostered slavery's simultaneous contraction in the North and expansion in the South between 1776 and 1861. It also illuminates, in detail, the final tortuous path to abolition during the Civil War. Throughout, the course introduces a diverse collection of historical figures, including seemingly paradoxical ones, such as slaveholding southerners who professed opposition to slavery and non-slaveholding northerners who acted in ways that preserved it. During the course's final weeks, we will examine the racialized afterlives of American slavery as they manifested during the late-nineteenth century and beyond.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 252: Originalism and the American Constitution: History and Interpretation (HISTORY 252, HISTORY 352)

Except for the Bible no text has been the subject of as much modern interpretive scrutiny as the United States Constitution. This course explores both the historical dimensions of its creation as well as the meaning such knowledge should bring to bear on its subsequent interpretation. In light of the modern obsession with the document's "original meaning," this course will explore the intersections of history, law, and textual meaning to probe what an "original" interpretation of the Constitution looks like.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Gienapp, J. (PI)

AMSTUD 253F: Thinking the American Revolution (HISTORY 253F, HISTORY 353F)

No period in American history has generated as much creative political thinking as the era of the American Revolution. This course explores the origins and development of that thought from the onset of the dispute between Great Britain and its American colonies over liberty and governance through the debates surrounding the construction and implementation of the United States federal Constitution.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 256E: The American Civil War: The Lived Experience (AFRICAAM 256E, HISTORY 256E)

What was it like to live in the United States during the Civil War? This course uses the lenses of racial/ethnic identity, gender, class, and geography (among others) to explore the breadth of human experience during this singular moment in American history. It illuminates the varied ways in which Americans, in the Union states and the Confederate states, struggled to move forward and to find meaning in the face of unprecedented division and destruction.
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 259C: The Civil Rights Movement in American History and Memory (HISTORY 259C, HISTORY 359C)

This course examines the origins, conduct, and complex legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, as well as the continuing struggle over how the movement should be remembered and represented. Topics examined include: the NAACP legal campaign against segregation; the Montgomery Bus Boycott; the career of Martin Luther King, Jr.; the birth of the student movement; the 1964 Mississippi Summer Project; the rise of Black Power; Black political movements in the urban North; and the persistence of racial inequality in post-Jim Crow America.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 260P: American Protest Movements, Past and Present (FEMGEN 260P, HISTORY 260P)

(History 260P is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 360P is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) Societal change comes only when individuals and groups speak out, perseverantly, against prevailing norms. This course examines the overlapping histories of three nineteenth-century protest movements: antislavery, womens rights, and temperance. It focuses on the arguments and tactics used by these movements to persuade Americans to oppose the status quo, and it examines the points of agreement and disagreement that arose within and among these movements. Ultimately, the course connects these past protest movements to more recent analogs, such as Black Lives Matter, ERA ratification, and marijuana legalization. Throughout the course, race, gender, and class serve as central analytical themes.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 261W: Introduction to Asian American History (ASNAMST 261, HISTORY 261E)

This course provides an introduction to the field of Asian American history. Tracing this history between the arrival of the first wave of Asian immigrants to the US in the mid-nineteenth century and the present, we foreground the voices and personal histories of seemingly everyday Asian Americans. In the process, the course disrupts totalizing national historical narratives that center the US nation-state and its political leaders as the primary agents of historical change.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wang, Y. (PI)

AMSTUD 262B: The Roots of Gendered Labor: Women and Work in American History (FEMGEN 262B, HISTORY 262B)

This class will explore the long, tangled history of women's labor in North America. Beginning with gendered labor practices among Native Americans, West Africans, and Europeans in the seventeenth century, this class will proceed thematically and chronologically through the early twentieth century. We will consider the deep roots of gendered labor in American history, asking how categories of race and class, freedom and enslavement, and immigration status have structured female labor. We will also examine the ways in which social transformations such as industrialization and urbanization, as well as changes in the economic, political, and sexual order shaped the experiences of laboring women. Reading secondary sources alongside a rich array of primary sources, including images and songs, we will consider the deep continuities and wrenching changes in the meanings of women's work over time.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

AMSTUD 271B: US Latinx History (CHILATST 271B, HISTORY 271B)

This course introduces scholarship on Latinx history, a field of critical importance to U.S. History, American studies, Latinx studies, ethnic studies, Latin American studies, and African American history. In order to cover a plethora of Latinx experiences, it will focus on Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Central American, and other Latinx communities from the 1840s into present, though it does not adhere to a strict chronological time frame. This course attempts to show the hemispheric nature of Latinx history. It also emphasizes a notion of Latinidad as a contingent historical process. Key themes which survey its complexity include the nature and legacies of imperialism; the politics of peoplehood and citizenship; trans-border connections; the importance of race, class, and gender in defining politics and culture; the emergence of ethnic nationalisms; and the development of urban enclaves. In particular, our class will focus on linking these dynamics to present-day issues and debates.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Regalado, P. (PI)

AMSTUD 276: The Social Life of Neighborhoods (AFRICAAM 76B, CSRE 176B, SOC 176, SOC 276, URBANST 179)

How do neighborhoods come to be? How and why do they change? What is the role of power, money, race, immigration, segregation, culture, government, and other forces? In this course, students will interrogate these questions using literatures from sociology, geography, and political science, along with archival, observational, interview, and cartographic (GIS) methods. Students will work in small groups to create content (e.g., images, audio, and video) for a self-guided ¿neighborhood tour,¿ which will be added to a mobile app and/or website.
| Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 1: Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (ANTHRO 201)

This course introduces basic anthropological concepts and presents the discipline's distinctive perspective on society and culture. The power of this perspective is illustrated by exploring vividly-written ethnographic cases that show how anthropological approaches illuminate contemporary social and political issues in a range of different cultural sites. In addition to class meeting time, a one-hour, once weekly required discussion section will be assigned in the first week of the quarter.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Thiranagama, S. (PI)

ANTHRO 1S: Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (ANTHRO 101S, ANTHRO 201S)

This course introduces basic anthropological concepts and presents the discipline's distinctive perspective on society and culture. The power of this perspective is illustrated by exploring vividly-written ethnographic cases that show how anthropological approaches illuminate contemporary social and political issues in a range of different cultural sites.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 3: Introduction to Archaeology (ARCHLGY 1)

This course is a general introduction to archaeology and world prehistory, with additional emphases on the logics, practices, methods and contemporary relevance of archaeological knowledge production. Topics will range from the earliest Homo sapiens to critical considerations of the archaeology of more contemporary contexts and the politics of the past and ancient environments - recognizing that the "past" is not just about the past.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 20N: Islam and the Idea of Europe

Policy makers often ask whether Muslims can be integrated into Europe. The question itself presumes, often without justification, that Islam as such is foreign to Europe. This course seeks to challenge this presumption. What if the very idea of Europe was already shaped by the history of Muslim societies? How will we need to revise our basic assumptions about western civilization, especially with respect to its racial and religious foundations? We will explore these questions from a range of sites, from southern Spain, which witnessed eight centuries of Muslim rule, to the efforts of German converts to Islam who are rethinking their understandings of European enlightenment, and finally to those in France who claim belonging both as Europeans and as devout Muslims. Course materials will include readings in Anthropology, as well as several film screenings.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 30N: Does Science Have Culture? (CSRE 31N)

In this course students will engage with the anthropology of science and medicine to explore the how cultural norms shape scientific understandings. Through a series of diverse global case studies, seminar participants will assess how historical conditions yield political possibilities that inflect discoveries. Lastly, students will probe how cultural understandings of nature, human difference and national esteem influence how scientific facts come to cohere as reflections of the societies in which they emerge.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 34: Animals and Us (ARCHLGY 34)

The human-animal relationship is dynamic, all encompassing and durable. Without exception, all socio-cultural groups have evidenced complex interactions with the animals around them, both domesticated and wild. However, the individual circumstances of these interactions are hugely complicated, and involve much more than direct human-animal contact, going far beyond this to incorporate social, ecological and spiritual contexts.This course delves into this complexity, covering the gamut of social roles played by animals, as well as the methods and approaches to studying these, both traditional and scientific. While the notion of `animals as social actors is well acknowledged, their use as proxies for human autecology (the relationship between a species and its environment) is also increasingly recognized as a viable mechanism for understanding our cultural and economic past. It will piece together the breadth of human-animal relationships using a wide geographic range of case studies.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 41: Genes and Identity (AFRICAAM 41, CSRE 41A, FEMGEN 41)

In recent decades genes have increasingly become endowed with the cultural power to explain many aspects of human life: physical traits, diseases, behaviors, ancestral histories, and identity. In this course we will explore a deepening societal intrigue with genetic accounts of personal identity and political meaning. Students will engage with varied interdisciplinary sources that range from legal cases to scientific articles, medical ethics guidelines, films, and anthropological works (ethnographies). We will explore several case studies where the use of DNA markers (as proof of heritage, disease risk, or legal standing) has spawned cultural movements that are biosocial in nature. Throughout we will look at how new social movements are organized around gene-based definitions of personhood, health, and legal truth. Several examples include political analyses of citizenship and belonging. On this count we will discuss issues of African ancestry testing as evidence in slavery reparations cases, revisit debates on whether Black Freedman should be allowed into the Cherokee and Seminole Nations, and hear arguments on whether people with genetic links to Jewish groups should have a right of return to Israel. We will also examine the ways genetic knowledge may shape different health politics at the individual and societal level. On this count we will do close readings of how personal genomics testing companies operate, we will investigate how health disparities funding as well as orphan disease research take on new valences when re-framed in genetic terms, and we will see how new articulations of global health priorities are emerging through genetic research in places like Africa. Finally we will explore social implications of forensic uses of DNA. Here we will examine civil liberties concerns about genetic familial searching in forensic databases that disproportionately target specific minority groups as criminal suspects, and inquire into the use of DNA to generate digital mugshots of suspects that re-introduce genetic concepts of race.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 82: Medical Anthropology (ANTHRO 282, HUMBIO 176A)

Emphasis is on how health, illness, and healing are understood, experienced, and constructed in social, cultural, and historical contexts. Topics: biopower and body politics, gender and reproductive technologies, illness experiences, medical diversity and social suffering, and the interface between medicine and science.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kohrman, M. (PI)

ANTHRO 90B: Theory of Cultural and Social Anthropology

This undergraduate seminar offers students the foundations of theory in social and cultural anthropology. Each section begins with a close reading of the work of a contemporary anthropologist and then traces the intellectual legacies that have shaped it. This is a required course for Anthropology majors. The course also fulfills the requirement for Writing in the Major (WIM). To sharpen students' critical writing skills, there will be several writing and rewriting assignments.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 91: Method and Evidence in Anthropology

This course provides a broad introduction to various ways of designing anthropological questions and associated methods for collecting evidence and supporting arguments. We review the inherent links between how a question is framed, the types of evidence that can address the question, and way that data are collected. Research activities such as interviewing, participant observation, quantitative observation, archival investigation, ecological survey, linguistic methodology, tracking extended cases, and demographic methods are reviewed. Various faculty and specialists will be brought in to discuss how they use different types of evidence and methods for supporting arguments in anthropology. Significant work outside of class time is expected of the student for this course.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 97C: The Structure of Colonial Power: South Asia since the Eighteenth Century (HISTORY 97C)

How did the colonial encounter shape the making of modern South Asia? Was colonial rule a radical rupture from the pre-modern past or did it embody historical continuities? Did colonial rule cause the economic underdevelopment of the region or were regional factors responsible for it? Did colonial forms of knowledge shape how we think of social structures in the Indian subcontinent? Did the colonial census merely register pre-existing Indian communities or did it reshape them? Did colonialism break with patriarchal power or further consolidate it? How did imperial power regulate sexuality in colonial India? What was the relationship between caste power and colonial power? How did capital and labor interact under colonial rule? How did colonialism mediate the very nature of modernity in the region?This lecture-based survey course will explore the nature of the most significant historical process that shaped modern South Asia from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries -- colonialism. It primarily deals with the regions that constituted the directly administered territories of British India, specifically regions that subsequently became the nation-states of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 101S: Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (ANTHRO 1S, ANTHRO 201S)

This course introduces basic anthropological concepts and presents the discipline's distinctive perspective on society and culture. The power of this perspective is illustrated by exploring vividly-written ethnographic cases that show how anthropological approaches illuminate contemporary social and political issues in a range of different cultural sites.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 103: The Archaeology of Climate (ANTHRO 203, ARCHLGY 106)

This course reviews the long-term relationships between human societies and Earth's climatic systems. It provides a critical review of how archaeologists have approached climate change through various case studies and historical paradigms (e.g., societal 'collapse', resilience, historical ecology) and also addresses feedbacks between past human land use and global climate change, including current debates about the onset of the Anthropocene.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 103B: History of Archaeological Thought (ARCHLGY 103)

Introduction to the history of archaeology and the forms that the discipline takes today, emphasizing developments and debates over the past five decades. Historical overview of culture, historical, processual and post-processual archaeology, and topics that illustrate the differences and similarities in these theoretical approaches. Satisfies Archaeology WIM requirement.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Trivedi, M. (PI)

ANTHRO 111: Archaeology of Gender and Sexuality (ANTHRO 211B, ARCHLGY 129, FEMGEN 119)

How archaeologists study sex, sexuality, and gender through the material remains left behind by past cultures and communities. Theoretical and methodological issues; case studies from prehistoric and historic archaeology.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 115: The Social life of Human Bones (ANTHRO 215, ARCHLGY 115)

Skeletal remains serve a primary function of support and protection for the human body. However, beyond this, they have played a range of social roles once an individual is deceased. The processes associated with excarnation, interment, exhumation and reburial all speak to the place that the body, and its parts, play in our cultural as well as physical landscape.This course builds on introductory courses in human skeletal anatomy by adding the social dynamics that govern the way humans treat other humans once they have died. It draws on anthropological, biological and archaeological research, with case studies spanning a broad chronological and spatial framework to provide students with an overview of social practice as it relates to the human body.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 116B: Anthropology of the Environment (ANTHRO 216B, ARCHLGY 116B)

This seminar interrogates the history of anthropology's approach to the environment, beginning with early functionalist, structuralist, and Marxist accounts of human-environment relationships. It builds towards more recent developments in the field, focusing on nonhuman and relational ontologies as well as current projects on the intersections of nature, capital, politics, and landscape histories. At the end of this class, students will be familiar with the intellectual histories of environmental anthropology and contemporary debates and tensions around questions of ethics, agency, environment, and historical causality.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 119W: Cyborg Anthropology

What does it mean to claim we are all cyborgs ¿ a hybrid of human and machine? Cyborgs have long captured the popular imagination of people around the world, appearing in various forms of media including films, books, and video games. In these instances, cyborgs are typically imagined as futuristic entities, portrayed as products of anticipated technological advancements yet to come. This course takes a different approach, employing the cyborg as a framework to understand human existence and experience across space and time, and explore the relationship between the body, culture, and technology. Drawing from anthropology and other relevant fields, this course emphasizes how humans and tools co-construct each other, blurring the boundaries between natural and artificial, human and machine. The first section of the course will present different theoretical perspectives for understanding human-machine interactions and relationships. In the second section, we will spend each week examining various types of technological embodiments. Specific technologies explored include smartphones and wearables; biohacking and prostheses; virtual reality; and artificial intelligence. And in the last section, we explore the tensions between narratives of technological pessimism and optimism, comparing the ways different individuals and communities perceive and evaluate emergent technologies' consequences for society, now and in the future. This course will provide students with the opportunity to conduct limited, small-scale ethnographic fieldwork on human-machine interactions. The data collected during these ethnographic exercises will inform the in-class presentation and final paper for the course.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 121B: "The Will to Adorn": An Anthropology of Dress (AFRICAAM 121B, ANTHRO 221B, ARCHLGY 121B, ARCHLGY 221B)

This seminar explores sartorial practices as a means for examining formations of identities and structural inequalities across space and time. Building off the definition of dress, pulled from Mary Ellen Roach-Higgins and Joanne B. Eicher, this course examines sartorial practices as social-cultural practices, shaped by many intersecting operations of power and oppression including racism, sexism, and classism, that involve modifications of the corporal form (i.e., scarification, body piercings, and hair alteration) as well as all three-dimensional supplements added to the body (i.e., clothing, hair combs, and jewelry). The emphasis on intersecting operations of power and oppression within this definition of dress draws on Kimberlé Crenshaw's conceptualization of intersectionality. Through case studies and examples from various parts of the world, we will explore multiple sources of data - documentary, material, and oral - that have come to shape the study of dress. We examine how dress intersects with facets of identity, including race, age, ethnicity, sexuality, and class.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 125C: The Archaeology of Institutions (ARCHLGY 161, HISTORY 107B)

Modern life is marked by institutions - schools, hospitals, international conglomerates, even prisons - so how did they develop and become so common? Historical archaeology can help us tell a different history of institutions because it combines documents, especially official records, with the material items left behind by the people who lived and worked in the institution. This course uses archaeological case studies to look at the different theoretical frameworks used to explain why institutions exist and how they function. We will also use practical examples to make connections between historical institutions and modern life. For example, what can looking at nineteenth century prison menus tell us about prison or hospital food today? And how can we use the archaeology of institutions to 'read' the Stanford campus? No prior archaeological experience required.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 126: Urban Culture in Global Perspective (URBANST 114)

Core course for Urban Studies majors. A majority of the world's population now live in urban areas and most of the rapid urbanization has taken place in mega-cities outside the Western world. This course explores urban cultures, identities, spatial practices and forms of urban power and imagination in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Participants will be introduced to a global history of urban development that demonstrates how the legacies of colonialism, modernization theory and global race thinking have shaped urban designs and urban life in most of the world. Students will also be introduced to interpretative and qualitative approaches to urban life that affords an understanding of important, if unquantifiable, vectors of urban life: stereotypes, fear, identity formations, utopia, social segregation and aspirations. Significant work outside of class time is expected of the student for this course.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Balliger, R. (PI)

ANTHRO 128B: MAXIMUM CITY: Post-Colonial Mumbai at the Crossroads of Global and South Asian Culture (URBANST 143)

There are few cities more emblematic of the rapid urbanization of today's global population than Mumbai, India, formerly known as Bombay. With over 20 million residents, Mumbai today stands as the most populous city in one of the world's most populous countries, an ever-expanding metropolis marked by starkclass disparities and a heterogenous collage of religious, ethnic, and caste communities struggling to find space on a narrow peninsula painstakingly reclaimed from the Arabian Sea. The city's glitz, glamour, and diversity have long made it an object of fascination for both Indians and foreigners alike. Not only is Mumbai a major engine of culture and politics within India, but the city also has a long history of furnishing imagery of South Asian life to the wider world, whether as a site for documentaries and novels or through colorful Bollywood films. In this course, students will have the opportunity to use Mumbai as a jumping-off point to explore South Asian culture and society, as well as contemporary themes in global urban studies: How do issues such as gentrification, rural-urban migration, segregation, the globalization of capitalism, and decolonialization play out in a city such as Mumbai? What happens to supposedly timeless identities such as religion, caste, and ethnicity when they are subjected to the pressures of intense urbanization? What kinds of data can we use to answer these questions, and what are their respective strengths and limitations?We will address these questions through a wide range of materials, including film, literature, and academic texts. By the end of the quarter, students should not only find themselves with expanded knowledge of South Asia, Mumbai, and global urbanism, but also with increased confidence regarding the types of data, methodology, and analysis they can employ in their own projects. No prior knowledge of South Asia or urban studies is assumed for this course.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 131W: Intro to The Illicit Economies of Addiction: Anthropological Perspectives on Drug Use and Policing

This course introduces contemporary anthropological perspectives on the phenomenon of addiction with a focus on mental health and incarceration. In the first part, the course will introduce the making of addiction in the history of drug policing and public health through shifting discourses of the legal and cultural significance of drugs and drug scenes. Then, it will situate drugs at the heart of dispossession of specific communities over generations and geographies in the 20th century. In the final part, the course will invite students to go beyond common analytical categories to historically situate drug use on the links between therapeutic approaches and penal mechanisms. Readings and discussion will focus on the centrality of drugs to regimes of violence and dispossession, while developing a theory of illicit drug economies crucial to the development of modern state and medicine across geographies. The course will make use of philosophical, historical and anthropological literature and video clips and films.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 132: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World

This course provides an ethnographic examination of religion and politics in the Muslim world. What is the role of Islam in the political life of modern Muslim societies? Conversely, how do modern political powers shape and constrain the terms of religious life? This course takes an anthropological perspective on the study of Islam: our investigations will not focus on the origins of scriptures and doctrines but rather on the use of religious texts and signs in social context and on the political significance of ritual and bodily practices. A major aim of the course is provide students with analytical resources for thinking critically about the history and politics of modern Muslim societies, with a particular focus on issues of religious authority, gender and sexuality, and the politics of secularism.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 132C: Technology and Inequality (CSRE 132C)

In this advanced interdisciplinary seminar we will examine the ways that technologies aimed to make human lives better (healthier, freer, more connected, and informed) often also harbor the potential to exacerbate social inequalities. Drawing from readings in the social sciences on power and ethics, we will pay special attention to issues of wealth, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, globalization and humanitarianism.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 133W: Anthropology of Social Movements

In recent years, we have witnessed a growing number of social and political upheavals around the world. With new organizational principles, diversified ways of participation and mediation, and expanding themes and goals, these cases, in bringing the political near to us, also challenge our familiar ways of thinking and doing politics. They are testing the limit of our imagination of a bounded social movement in the forms such as street protest and civil disobedience, as well as the limit of analysis. This course explores the uses of anthropological theories in engaging with a politically animated world.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 134W: Elements of the Environment

What do trending TikTok diets have to do with biodiversity loss? This course examines environmental problems around bodily contamination, water scarcity, and climate change from a social and cultural perspective. It provides students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the complex relationship between society and the environment using theoretical and methodological approaches from anthropology, geography, and political ecology. From oil spills to celiac disease, this course explores how contemporary environmental problems related to consumption, production, and destruction are shaping - and being shaped by - the politics of race, gender, and class. The course begins with certain foundational texts about the knotty and intimate relations between nature and humanity. We will define and engage with key concepts in social studies of the environment like toxicity, embodiment, perspectivism, dispossession, and structural violence, among others. Readings in this course consider a range of topics, including: agroindustry, chronic disease, urban waste management, mineral extraction, and environmental activism. It will emphasize understanding these issues through a cross-cultural perspective in two ways: 1) by exploring how different cultural practices and forms of knowledge shape unequal environmental relations and 2) by drawing connections across diverse geographic and social contexts. Students will acquire the research skills to trace links between industrial pesticide use and diet culture, between oil spills and colonialism, and between access to clean water and urbanization. The aim of this course is to identify the subtle ways in which environmental politics?however distant they may seem - play out in our everyday lives, and to ask: can we do anything about it?
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 136W: Race in a Global Context

This seminar will explore how race is understood, lived, and deployed in modern societies around the world. The objective of the course is for students to understand that race is a historical, culturally constructed system of categorization with real structural and everyday political, social, and economic impacts, shaped by and mediated through both global and local processes. The course will begin by establishing race as a social and colonial construct from the complex and contested colonial project of 'race-making' while also foregrounding race as an analytic ripe for contemporary sociocultural analysis. Set up with this historical and conceptual background, students will explore the cultural dimensions of race in particular contexts around the world as they grapple with scholarly and public debates and discussions. While each week¿s readings are clustered around a common theme, students will be encouraged to apply concepts across case studies as they learn different approaches to studying race anthropologically. Course materials include ethnographies of race and readings, films, and podcasts on the histories and theories of race, colonialism, and empire.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 137A: The Archaeology of Africa and African Diaspora History and Culture (AFRICAAM 125, ANTHRO 237A, ARCHLGY 137A, ARCHLGY 237A)

In recent decades, there has been a surge in archaeological research related to the African diaspora. What initially began as plantation archaeology and household archaeology to answer questions of African retention and identity, has now developed into an expansive sub-field that draws from collaborations with biological and cultural anthropologists. Similarly, methodological approaches have expanded to incorporate geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, and, more recently, maritime archaeological practices. The growth of African diaspora archaeology has thus pushed new methodological and theoretical considerations within the field of archaeology, and, inversely, added new insights in the field of Africana Studies. This course covers the thematic and methodological approaches associated with the historical archaeology of Africa and the African diaspora. Students interested in Africa and African diaspora studies, archaeology, slavery, and race should find this course useful. In addition to an overview of the development of African diaspora archaeology, students will be introduced to the major debates within the sub-field as well as its articulation with biological and socio-cultural anthropology. The course covers archaeological research throughout the wide geographical breadth of the African diaspora in Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, East, and West Africa, and the Indian Ocean. The themes covered include gender, race, identity, religion, and ethics in relation to the material record. Lectures will be supplemented with documentary films and other multimedia sources.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 148: Health, Politics, and Culture of Modern China (ANTHRO 248, CHINA 155A, CHINA 255A)

One of the most generative regions for medical anthropology inquiry in recent years has been Asia. This seminar is designed to introduce upper division undergraduates and graduate students to the methodological hurdles, representational challenges, and intellectual rewards of investigating the intersections of health, politics, and culture in contemporary China.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 186: Culture and Madness: Anthropological and Psychiatric Approaches to Mental Illness (ANTHRO 286, HUMBIO 146, PSYC 286)

Unusual mental phenomena have existed throughout history and across cultures. Taught by an anthropologist and psychiatrist, this course explores how different societies construct the notions of "madness": What are the boundaries between "normal" and "abnormal", reason and unreason, mind and body, diversity and disease? Optional: The course will be taught in conjunction with an optional two-unit discussion section.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Luhrmann, T. (PI)

ANTHRO 196F: The Worlds of Labor in Modern India (HISTORY 296L)

This colloquium will introduce students to the exciting and expanding field of Indian labor history and provide them a comprehensive historiographical foundation in this area of historical research. Seminars will engage with one key monograph in the field every week, with selected chapters of the monograph set as compulsory reading. In these seminars, we will explore the world of the working classes and the urban poor in colonial and post-colonial India, as also the Indian labor diaspora. We will understand myriad workplaces such as jute and cotton mills, small workshops, farms and plantations. We will also explore forms of protest and political mobilization devised by workers in their struggles against structures of oppression and in their quest for a life of dignity. Most importantly, these seminars will train students in the methods deployed by labor historians to access the lives of the largely unlettered workers of the region who seldom left a trace of their consciousness in archival documents. Overall, we will connect the debates in the history of labor in modern India to wider discussions about the nature of capitalism, colonial modernity, gender, class, caste and culture.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 197C: The Structure of Colonial Power: South Asia since the Eighteenth Century (HISTORY 197C)

How did the colonial encounter shape the making of modern South Asia? Was colonial rule a radical rupture from the pre-modern past or did it embody historical continuities? Did colonial rule cause the economic underdevelopment of the region or were regional factors responsible for it? Did colonial forms of knowledge shape how we think of social structures in the Indian subcontinent? Did the colonial census merely register pre-existing Indian communities or did it reshape them? Did colonialism break with patriarchal power or further consolidate it? How did imperial power regulate sexuality in colonial India? What was the relationship between caste power and colonial power? How did capital and labor interact under colonial rule? How did colonialism mediate the very nature of modernity in the region?This lecture-based survey course will explore the nature of the most significant historical process that shaped modern South Asia from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries -- colonialism. It primarily deals with the regions that constituted the directly administered territories of British India, specifically regions that subsequently became the nation-states of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 198A: Archaeological Geographic Information Systems (ANTHRO 298A, ARCHLGY 198A, ARCHLGY 298A)

This advanced undergraduate and graduate seminar will provide students with practical and theoretical training in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as applied to archaeological research, introducing students to spatial theories and GIS methodological applications to research design and analysis. Topics covered in the course will include: cartographic skills of displaying and visualizing archaeological data, GIS applications to research design and sampling, data acquisition and generation, spatial analyses of artifacts, features, sites, and landscapes, as well as a critical evaluation of the strengths and limitations of GIS spatial analyses and epistemologies. Prerequisites: By instructor consent. Significant work outside of class time is expected of the student in this course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Bauer, A. (PI); Engel, C. (PI)

ANTHRO 198B: Digital Traces (AFRICAAM 198B)

What stories do data tell? In this course, we will follow digital traces by excavating, interrogating, and pursuing the digital evidence in data. What is the relationship between narratives and digital evidence? How do we address the tension between computational data models, the complexity of the lived experience, and the plurality of voices and methods? How can we understand and identify biases in data structures, archives, and repositories? The course offers the opportunity for extensive hands-on practical work with records, archives, and data collections. Supported by readings on archival practice, data colonialism, and the socio-cultural context of algorithms we will discuss what a critical anthropological perspective can contribute to this debate.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 203: The Archaeology of Climate (ANTHRO 103, ARCHLGY 106)

This course reviews the long-term relationships between human societies and Earth's climatic systems. It provides a critical review of how archaeologists have approached climate change through various case studies and historical paradigms (e.g., societal 'collapse', resilience, historical ecology) and also addresses feedbacks between past human land use and global climate change, including current debates about the onset of the Anthropocene.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ANTHRO 211B: Archaeology of Gender and Sexuality (ANTHRO 111, ARCHLGY 129, FEMGEN 119)

How archaeologists study sex, sexuality, and gender through the material remains left behind by past cultures and communities. Theoretical and methodological issues; case studies from prehistoric and historic archaeology.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ANTHRO 237A: The Archaeology of Africa and African Diaspora History and Culture (AFRICAAM 125, ANTHRO 137A, ARCHLGY 137A, ARCHLGY 237A)

In recent decades, there has been a surge in archaeological research related to the African diaspora. What initially began as plantation archaeology and household archaeology to answer questions of African retention and identity, has now developed into an expansive sub-field that draws from collaborations with biological and cultural anthropologists. Similarly, methodological approaches have expanded to incorporate geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, and, more recently, maritime archaeological practices. The growth of African diaspora archaeology has thus pushed new methodological and theoretical considerations within the field of archaeology, and, inversely, added new insights in the field of Africana Studies. This course covers the thematic and methodological approaches associated with the historical archaeology of Africa and the African diaspora. Students interested in Africa and African diaspora studies, archaeology, slavery, and race should find this course useful. In addition to an overview of the development of African diaspora archaeology, students will be introduced to the major debates within the sub-field as well as its articulation with biological and socio-cultural anthropology. The course covers archaeological research throughout the wide geographical breadth of the African diaspora in Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, East, and West Africa, and the Indian Ocean. The themes covered include gender, race, identity, religion, and ethics in relation to the material record. Lectures will be supplemented with documentary films and other multimedia sources.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 1: Introduction to Archaeology (ANTHRO 3)

This course is a general introduction to archaeology and world prehistory, with additional emphases on the logics, practices, methods and contemporary relevance of archaeological knowledge production. Topics will range from the earliest Homo sapiens to critical considerations of the archaeology of more contemporary contexts and the politics of the past and ancient environments - recognizing that the "past" is not just about the past.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 34: Animals and Us (ANTHRO 34)

The human-animal relationship is dynamic, all encompassing and durable. Without exception, all socio-cultural groups have evidenced complex interactions with the animals around them, both domesticated and wild. However, the individual circumstances of these interactions are hugely complicated, and involve much more than direct human-animal contact, going far beyond this to incorporate social, ecological and spiritual contexts.This course delves into this complexity, covering the gamut of social roles played by animals, as well as the methods and approaches to studying these, both traditional and scientific. While the notion of `animals as social actors is well acknowledged, their use as proxies for human autecology (the relationship between a species and its environment) is also increasingly recognized as a viable mechanism for understanding our cultural and economic past. It will piece together the breadth of human-animal relationships using a wide geographic range of case studies.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 103: History of Archaeological Thought (ANTHRO 103B)

Introduction to the history of archaeology and the forms that the discipline takes today, emphasizing developments and debates over the past five decades. Historical overview of culture, historical, processual and post-processual archaeology, and topics that illustrate the differences and similarities in these theoretical approaches. Satisfies Archaeology WIM requirement.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Trivedi, M. (PI)

ARCHLGY 106: The Archaeology of Climate (ANTHRO 103, ANTHRO 203)

This course reviews the long-term relationships between human societies and Earth's climatic systems. It provides a critical review of how archaeologists have approached climate change through various case studies and historical paradigms (e.g., societal 'collapse', resilience, historical ecology) and also addresses feedbacks between past human land use and global climate change, including current debates about the onset of the Anthropocene.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 111: Emergence of Chinese Civilization from Caves to Palaces (ARCHLGY 211, CHINA 176, CHINA 276)

Introduces processes of cultural evolution from the Paleolithic to the Three Dynasties in China. By examining archaeological remains, ancient inscriptions, and traditional texts, four major topics will be discussed: origins of modern humans, beginnings of agriculture, development of social stratification, and emergence of states and urbanism.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Liu, L. (PI); Li, J. (TA)

ARCHLGY 115: The Social life of Human Bones (ANTHRO 115, ANTHRO 215)

Skeletal remains serve a primary function of support and protection for the human body. However, beyond this, they have played a range of social roles once an individual is deceased. The processes associated with excarnation, interment, exhumation and reburial all speak to the place that the body, and its parts, play in our cultural as well as physical landscape.This course builds on introductory courses in human skeletal anatomy by adding the social dynamics that govern the way humans treat other humans once they have died. It draws on anthropological, biological and archaeological research, with case studies spanning a broad chronological and spatial framework to provide students with an overview of social practice as it relates to the human body.
Last offered: Autumn 2019 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 116B: Anthropology of the Environment (ANTHRO 116B, ANTHRO 216B)

This seminar interrogates the history of anthropology's approach to the environment, beginning with early functionalist, structuralist, and Marxist accounts of human-environment relationships. It builds towards more recent developments in the field, focusing on nonhuman and relational ontologies as well as current projects on the intersections of nature, capital, politics, and landscape histories. At the end of this class, students will be familiar with the intellectual histories of environmental anthropology and contemporary debates and tensions around questions of ethics, agency, environment, and historical causality.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 117: Virtual Italy (CLASSICS 115, ENGLISH 115, HISTORY 238C, ITALIAN 115)

Classical Italy attracted thousands of travelers throughout the 1700s. Referring to their journey as the "Grand Tour," travelers pursued intellectual passions, promoted careers, and satisfied wanderlust, all while collecting antiquities to fill museums and estates back home. What can computational approaches tell us about who traveled, where and why? We will read travel accounts; experiment with parsing; and visualize historical data. Final projects to form credited contributions to the Grand Tour Project, a cutting-edge digital platform. No prior programming experience necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ceserani, G. (PI)

ARCHLGY 121B: "The Will to Adorn": An Anthropology of Dress (AFRICAAM 121B, ANTHRO 121B, ANTHRO 221B, ARCHLGY 221B)

This seminar explores sartorial practices as a means for examining formations of identities and structural inequalities across space and time. Building off the definition of dress, pulled from Mary Ellen Roach-Higgins and Joanne B. Eicher, this course examines sartorial practices as social-cultural practices, shaped by many intersecting operations of power and oppression including racism, sexism, and classism, that involve modifications of the corporal form (i.e., scarification, body piercings, and hair alteration) as well as all three-dimensional supplements added to the body (i.e., clothing, hair combs, and jewelry). The emphasis on intersecting operations of power and oppression within this definition of dress draws on Kimberlé Crenshaw's conceptualization of intersectionality. Through case studies and examples from various parts of the world, we will explore multiple sources of data - documentary, material, and oral - that have come to shape the study of dress. We examine how dress intersects with facets of identity, including race, age, ethnicity, sexuality, and class.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 124: Archaeology of Food: production, consumption and ritual (ARCHLGY 224)

This course explores many aspects of food in human history from an archaeological perspective. We will discuss how the origins of agriculture helped to transform human society; how food and feasting played a prominent role in the emergence of social hierarchies and the development of civilization; and how various foodways influenced particular cultures. We will also conduct experimental studies to understand how certain methods of food procurement, preparation, and consumption can be recovered archaeologically.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 129: Archaeology of Gender and Sexuality (ANTHRO 111, ANTHRO 211B, FEMGEN 119)

How archaeologists study sex, sexuality, and gender through the material remains left behind by past cultures and communities. Theoretical and methodological issues; case studies from prehistoric and historic archaeology.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 135: Constructing National History in East Asian Archaeology (ARCHLGY 235, CHINA 175, CHINA 275)

Archaeological studies in contemporary East Asia share a common concern, to contribute to building a national narrative and cultural identity. This course focuses on case studies from China, Korea, and Japan, examining the influence of particular social-political contexts, such as nationalism, on the practice of archaeology in modern times.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Liu, L. (PI)

ARCHLGY 137A: The Archaeology of Africa and African Diaspora History and Culture (AFRICAAM 125, ANTHRO 137A, ANTHRO 237A, ARCHLGY 237A)

In recent decades, there has been a surge in archaeological research related to the African diaspora. What initially began as plantation archaeology and household archaeology to answer questions of African retention and identity, has now developed into an expansive sub-field that draws from collaborations with biological and cultural anthropologists. Similarly, methodological approaches have expanded to incorporate geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, and, more recently, maritime archaeological practices. The growth of African diaspora archaeology has thus pushed new methodological and theoretical considerations within the field of archaeology, and, inversely, added new insights in the field of Africana Studies. This course covers the thematic and methodological approaches associated with the historical archaeology of Africa and the African diaspora. Students interested in Africa and African diaspora studies, archaeology, slavery, and race should find this course useful. In addition to an overview of the development of African diaspora archaeology, students will be introduced to the major debates within the sub-field as well as its articulation with biological and socio-cultural anthropology. The course covers archaeological research throughout the wide geographical breadth of the African diaspora in Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, East, and West Africa, and the Indian Ocean. The themes covered include gender, race, identity, religion, and ethics in relation to the material record. Lectures will be supplemented with documentary films and other multimedia sources.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 143: Excavating the University

In this course, we will explore the university campus as a material and political space, drawing on research from historical archaeology and allied disciplines. We will examine the unequal and unjust histories of U.S. university campuses, including how they have been implicated in historical colonialism and slavery, how they continue to be enmeshed in a variety of forms of social inequality, and how they can be spaces of transformative social change. We will also get glimpses into Stanford's past with a campus archaeologist and the archaeology collections curator. This course will be introductory level/general education, with no prerequisites.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 145: Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Maritime Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean (CLASSICS 154)

Why do we care about shipwrecks? What can sunken sites and abandoned ports tell us about our past? Focusing primarily on the archaeological record of shipwrecks and harbors, along with literary evidence and contemporary theory, this course examines how and why ancient mariners ventured across the Mediterranean's "wine-dark seas" (as Homer described them) for settlement, travel, warfare, pilgrimage, and especially commerce. We will explore interdisciplinary approaches to the development of maritime contacts and communication from prehistory through the end of Mediterranean antiquity, with particular emphasis on the last millennium BCE and CE. At the same time, we will engage with practical techniques of maritime archaeology, which allows us to explore the material record first-hand.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Leidwanger, J. (PI)

ARCHLGY 151: Ten Things: An Archaeology of Design (CLASSICS 151)

Connections among science, technology, society and culture by examining the design of a prehistoric hand axe, Egyptian pyramid, ancient Greek perfume jar, medieval castle, Wedgewood teapot, Edison's electric light bulb, computer mouse, Sony Walkman, supersonic aircraft, and BMW Mini. Interdisciplinary perspectives include archaeology, cultural anthropology, science studies, history and sociology of technology, cognitive science, and evolutionary psychology.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 161: The Archaeology of Institutions (ANTHRO 125C, HISTORY 107B)

Modern life is marked by institutions - schools, hospitals, international conglomerates, even prisons - so how did they develop and become so common? Historical archaeology can help us tell a different history of institutions because it combines documents, especially official records, with the material items left behind by the people who lived and worked in the institution. This course uses archaeological case studies to look at the different theoretical frameworks used to explain why institutions exist and how they function. We will also use practical examples to make connections between historical institutions and modern life. For example, what can looking at nineteenth century prison menus tell us about prison or hospital food today? And how can we use the archaeology of institutions to 'read' the Stanford campus? No prior archaeological experience required.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 165: Roman Gladiators (CLASSICS 164)

In modern America, gladiators are powerful representatives of ancient Rome (Spartacus, Gladiator). In the Roman world, gladiators were mostly slaves and reviled, barred from certain positions in society and doomed to short and dangerous lives. A first goal of this course is to analyze Roman society not from the top down, from the perspective of politicians, generals and the literary elite, but from the bottom up, from the perspective of gladiators and the ordinary people in the stands. A second goal is to learn how work with very different kinds of evidence: bone injuries, ancient weapons, gladiator burials, laws, graffiti written by gladiators or their fans, visual images of gladiatorial combats, and the intricate architecture and social control of the amphitheater. A final goal is to think critically about modern ideas of Roman bloodthirst. Are these ideas justified, given the ancient evidence?
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ARCHLGY 198A: Archaeological Geographic Information Systems (ANTHRO 198A, ANTHRO 298A, ARCHLGY 298A)

This advanced undergraduate and graduate seminar will provide students with practical and theoretical training in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as applied to archaeological research, introducing students to spatial theories and GIS methodological applications to research design and analysis. Topics covered in the course will include: cartographic skills of displaying and visualizing archaeological data, GIS applications to research design and sampling, data acquisition and generation, spatial analyses of artifacts, features, sites, and landscapes, as well as a critical evaluation of the strengths and limitations of GIS spatial analyses and epistemologies. Prerequisites: By instructor consent. Significant work outside of class time is expected of the student in this course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Bauer, A. (PI); Engel, C. (PI)

ARCHLGY 237A: The Archaeology of Africa and African Diaspora History and Culture (AFRICAAM 125, ANTHRO 137A, ANTHRO 237A, ARCHLGY 137A)

In recent decades, there has been a surge in archaeological research related to the African diaspora. What initially began as plantation archaeology and household archaeology to answer questions of African retention and identity, has now developed into an expansive sub-field that draws from collaborations with biological and cultural anthropologists. Similarly, methodological approaches have expanded to incorporate geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, and, more recently, maritime archaeological practices. The growth of African diaspora archaeology has thus pushed new methodological and theoretical considerations within the field of archaeology, and, inversely, added new insights in the field of Africana Studies. This course covers the thematic and methodological approaches associated with the historical archaeology of Africa and the African diaspora. Students interested in Africa and African diaspora studies, archaeology, slavery, and race should find this course useful. In addition to an overview of the development of African diaspora archaeology, students will be introduced to the major debates within the sub-field as well as its articulation with biological and socio-cultural anthropology. The course covers archaeological research throughout the wide geographical breadth of the African diaspora in Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, East, and West Africa, and the Indian Ocean. The themes covered include gender, race, identity, religion, and ethics in relation to the material record. Lectures will be supplemented with documentary films and other multimedia sources.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ARTHIST 98: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 100, EDUC 166C, ENGLISH 172D, FILMEDIA 98, PSYCH 155, SOC 146, TAPS 165)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
| Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

ARTHIST 102B: Coffee, Sugar, and Chocolate: Commodities and Consumption in World History, 1200-1800 (ARTHIST 302B, HISTORY 202B, HISTORY 302B, HISTORY 402B)

Many of the basic commodities that we consider staples of everyday life became part of an increasingly interconnected world of trade, goods, and consumption between 1200 and 1800. This seminar offers an introduction to the material culture of the late medieval and early modern world, with an emphasis on the role of European trade and empires in these developments. We will examine recent work on the circulation, use, and consumption of things, starting with the age of the medieval merchant, and followed by the era of the Columbian exchange in the Americas that was also the world of the Renaissance collector, the Ottoman patron, and the Ming connoisseur. This seminar will explore the material horizons of an increasingly interconnected world, with the rise of the Dutch East India Company and other trading societies, and the emergence of the Atlantic economy. It concludes by exploring classic debates about the "birth" of consumer society in the eighteenth century. How did the meaning of things and people's relationships to them change over these centuries? What can we learn about the past by studying things? Graduate students who wish to take a two-quarter graduate research seminar need to enroll in 402B in fall and 430 in winter.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ARTHIST 152: The American West (AMSTUD 124A, ENGLISH 124, HISTORY 151, POLISCI 124A)

The American West is characterized by frontier mythology, vast distances, marked aridity, and unique political and economic characteristics. This course integrates several disciplinary perspectives into a comprehensive examination of Western North America: its history, physical geography, climate, literature, art, film, institutions, politics, demography, economy, and continuing policy challenges. Students examine themes fundamental to understanding the region: time, space, water, peoples, and boom and bust cycles.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ARTHIST 231: Leonardo's World: Science, Technology, and Art (ARTHIST 431, HISTORY 231, HISTORY 331, ITALIAN 231, ITALIAN 331)

Leonardo da Vinci is emblematic of creativity and innovation. His art is iconic, his inventions legendary. His understanding of nature, the human body, and machines made him a scientist and engineer as well as an artist. His fascination with drawing buildings made him an architect, at least on paper. This class explores the historical Leonardo, considering his interests and accomplishments as a product of the society of Renaissance Italy. Why did this world produce a Leonardo? Special attention will be given to interdisciplinary connections between religion, art, science, and technology.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ARTHIST 238C: Art and the Market (FRENCH 238)

This course examines the relationship between art and the market, from Renaissance artisans to struggling Impressionist painters to the globalized commercial world of contemporary art and NFTs. Using examples drawn from France, this course explores the relationship between artists and patrons, the changing status of artists in society, patterns of shifting taste, and the effects of museums on making and collecting art. Students will read a mixture of historical texts about art and artists, fictional works depicting the process of artistic creation, and theoretical analyses of the politics embedded in artworks. They will examine individual artworks, as well as the market structures in which such artworks were produced and bought. The course will be taught in English, with the option of readings in French for departmental majors.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Pesic, A. (PI)

ASNAMST 96C: Resisting Empire: Anti-colonial Nationalism, Popular Politics & Decolonization in Modern South Asia (ASNAMST 196C, FEMGEN 96C, FEMGEN 196C, HISTORY 96C, HISTORY 196C)

(HISTORY 96C is 3 units; 196C is 5 units.) How did subjects of British India respond to colonial rule? When and how did anti-colonial nationalism emerge in South Asia? How did leading thinkers of the region conceptualize the nature of colonialism and the methods of nationalist resistance? Did nationalism represent all social classes in British India? Did it also alienate and exclude? What tactics of resistance were developed in anti-colonial movements, especially by M. K. Gandhi? Why did independence arrive with the partition of British India into two nation-states - India and Pakistan? How did the colonial legacy shape the post-colonial nation-states of South Asia? In this this introductory lecture-based survey course on the history of modern South Asia, we will explore the answers to these questions. The course will span the period from the beginning of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, and cover the regions that constitute present day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. No prior knowledge of South Asia is necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shil, P. (PI)

ASNAMST 100: Introduction to Asian American Studies (AMSTUD 100)

What is meant by the term Asian American? How have representations of Asian Americans influenced concepts of US citizenship and belonging? What are the social and political origins of the Asian American community? This course provides a critical introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Asian American studies. Drawing on historical, creative, and scholarly texts, the course examines the history and possibilities of Asian American community. To do this, we place the Asian American experience within a transnational context, paying particular attention to the ways that Asian American lives have been shaped by the legacies of US wars in Asia and by the history of US racism. In the process, we examine the role that representations of Asian Americans have played in shaping the boundaries of US citizenship and belonging. Throughout the course, we utilize our discussions of Asian American racialization and community formation to think critically about the social and political ramifications that the designation Asian American entails.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Dinh, T. (PI)

ASNAMST 153P: Before the Model Minority: South Asians in the US (GLOBAL 253P, HISTORY 253P)

The model minority myth has been used to create a wedge between Asian and Black people in the United States, and masks the histories and lives of itinerant South Asian traders, laborers, and farmers. Beginning in the 1860s, South Asians (mostly male, and often undocumented) traveled to major ports in the US, such as New York City, New Orleans, and the California coast, where they found working-class jobs and married Puerto Rican, African American, Creole, and Mexican women. Some South Asians were double migrants, first brought to British colonies in the Caribbean and South America through indentured servitude, and later migrated to the United States. Their life stories expand to the racial history of the United States by looking beyond a Black/white binary. By juxtaposing immigrant stories with exclusionary US immigration laws, the course touches upon major themes of migration, capitalism, surveillance, race and racism, multiracial couples and communities, resistance, intersectional activism, borderlands and cities in the US, and the formation of national identity. During the quarter, we will seek to connect experiences in the past with contemporary issues of political culture in the United States to engage with the continuing challenge of locating and attaining self-definition, justice, and social progress in a fraught and divided world.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Akhter, M. (PI)

ASNAMST 196C: Resisting Empire: Anti-colonial Nationalism, Popular Politics & Decolonization in Modern South Asia (ASNAMST 96C, FEMGEN 96C, FEMGEN 196C, HISTORY 96C, HISTORY 196C)

(HISTORY 96C is 3 units; 196C is 5 units.) How did subjects of British India respond to colonial rule? When and how did anti-colonial nationalism emerge in South Asia? How did leading thinkers of the region conceptualize the nature of colonialism and the methods of nationalist resistance? Did nationalism represent all social classes in British India? Did it also alienate and exclude? What tactics of resistance were developed in anti-colonial movements, especially by M. K. Gandhi? Why did independence arrive with the partition of British India into two nation-states - India and Pakistan? How did the colonial legacy shape the post-colonial nation-states of South Asia? In this this introductory lecture-based survey course on the history of modern South Asia, we will explore the answers to these questions. The course will span the period from the beginning of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, and cover the regions that constitute present day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. No prior knowledge of South Asia is necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shil, P. (PI)

ASNAMST 201: Doing Community History: Asian Americans and the Pandemic (AMSTUD 200R, HISTORY 200R)

Students utilize a community-engaged oral history methodology to produce short video documentaries focused on Asian Americans in the Covid-19 pandemic. In producing these collaborative digital history projects, students learn to evaluate the ways social power influences historical documentation at various levels including the making of sources, the construction of archives, and the telling of historical narratives. We ask: how have race and racism, ethnicity and community, gender and class, shaped the ways that the pandemic has influenced the lives of Asian Americans? To what extent have Asian American experiences with the pandemic been shaped by the recent global protests for racial justice and Black liberation? In studying the pandemic and its relationship to histories of race and racism, how should we understand the place of Asian Americans?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ASNAMST 254: Anti-Asian Violence in America: A History (HISTORY 254F)

This course places the recent wave of hate violence directed against Asian Americans in historical context. The recent violence is the latest in a history that began with the arrival of Asian immigrants in America in the mid-19th century and continued into the 21st century. Themes include anti-Asian racism; fears of a 'yellow peril' and race war; identifying Asians as perpetual foreigners and suspect aliens; race and wars in Asia and the consequences at home; fears of medical contamination; and gendered violence against Asian women. Asian American responses to hatred are integrated throughout the course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Chang, G. (PI)

ASNAMST 261: Introduction to Asian American History (AMSTUD 261W, HISTORY 261E)

This course provides an introduction to the field of Asian American history. Tracing this history between the arrival of the first wave of Asian immigrants to the US in the mid-nineteenth century and the present, we foreground the voices and personal histories of seemingly everyday Asian Americans. In the process, the course disrupts totalizing national historical narratives that center the US nation-state and its political leaders as the primary agents of historical change.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wang, Y. (PI)

ASNAMST 298: Race, Gender, & Sexuality in Chinese History (CSRE 298G, FEMGEN 298C, HISTORY 298C, HISTORY 398C)

This course examines the diverse ways in which identities--particularly race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality have been understood and experienced in Chinese societies, broadly defined, from the imperial period to the present day. Topics include changes in women's lives and status, racial and ethnic categorizations, homosexuality, prostitution, masculinity, and gender-crossing.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

BIOE 122: BioSecurity and Pandemic Resilience (EMED 122, EMED 222, PUBLPOL 122, PUBLPOL 222)

Overview of the most pressing biosecurity issues facing the world today. Critical examination of ways of enhancing biosecurity and pandemic resilience. Examination of how the US and the world are able to withstand a pandemic or a bioterrorism attack, how the medical/healthcare field, government, and technology sectors are involved in biosecurity and pandemic or bioterrorism preparedness and response and how they interface; the rise of synthetic biology with its promises and threats; global bio-surveillance; effectiveness of various containment and mitigation measures; hospital surge capacity; medical challenges; development, production, and distribution of countermeasures such as vaccines and drugs; supply chain challenges; public health and policy aspects of pandemic preparedness and response; administrative and engineering controls to enhance pandemic resilience; testing approaches and challenges; promising technologies for pandemic response and resilience, communication in a crisis; and other relevant topics. Guest lecturers have included former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Special Assistant on BioSecurity to Presidents Clinton and Bush Jr. Dr. Ken Bernard, former Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Robert Kadlec, eminent scientists, public health leaders, innovators and physicians in the field, and leaders of relevant technology companies. Open to medical, graduate, and undergraduate students. No prior background in biology necessary. Must be taken for at least 4 units to get WAYs credit. Students also have an option to take the class for 2 units as a speaker series/seminar where they attend half the class sessions (or more) and complete short weekly assignments. In-person or asynchronous online instruction are available. First day of class is the Wednesday of the first week of class.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI | Repeatable 3 times (up to 15 units total)
Instructors: ; Trounce, M. (PI)

BIOMEDIN 156: Economics of Health and Medical Care (BIOMEDIN 256, ECON 126, HRP 256)

Institutional, theoretical, and empirical analysis of the problems of health and medical care. Topics: demand for medical care and medical insurance; institutions in the health sector; economics of information applied to the market for health insurance and for health care; economics of health care labor markets and health care production; and economic epidemiology. Graduate students with research interests should take ECON 249. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and either ECON 102A or STATS 116 or the equivalent. Recommended: ECON 51.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CEE 33C: Housing Visions (URBANST 103C)

This course provides an introduction to American Housing practices, spanning from the Industrial Age to the present. Students will examine a range of projects that have aspired to a range of social, economic and/or environmental visions. While learning about housing typologies, students will also evaluate the ethical role that housing plays within society. The course focuses on the tactical potentials of housing, whether it is to provide a strong community, solve crisis situations, integrate social services, or encourage socio-economic mixture. Students will learn housing design principles and organizational strategies, and the impact of design on the urban environment. They will discuss themes of shared spaces and defensible spaces; and how design can accommodate the evolving demographics and culture of this country. For example, how can housing design address the changing relationship between living and working? What is the role of housing and ownership in economic mobility? These issues will be discussed within the context the changing composition of the American population and economy. n nThis course will be primarily discussion-based, using slideshows, readings and field trips as a departure points for student-generated conversations. Each student will be asked to lead a class discussion based on his/her research topic. Students will evaluate projects, identifying which aspects of the initial housing visions were realized, which did not, and why. Eventually, students might identify factors that lead to ¿successful¿ projects, and/or formulate new approaches that can strengthen or redefine the progressive role of housing: one inclusive of the complex social, economic, and ethical dimensions of design.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Choe, B. (PI)

CEE 41Q: Clean Water Now! Urban Water Conflicts

Why do some people have access to as much safe, clean water as they need, while others do not? You will explore answers to this question by learning about, discussing and debating urban water conflicts including the Flint water crisis, the drought in South Africa, intermittent water supply in Mumbai, and arsenic contamination in Bangladesh. In this course, you will explore the technical, economic, institutional, social, policy, and legal aspects of urban water using these and more water conflicts as case studies. You will attend lectures, and participate in discussions, laboratory modules, and field work. In lectures, you will learn about the link between water and human and ecosystem health, drinking water and wastewater treatment methods, as well as policies and guidelines (local, national, and global from the World Health Organization) on water and wastewater, and the role of various stakeholders including institutions and the public, in the outcome of water conflicts. You will dive into details of conflicts over water through case studies using discussion and debate. You will have the opportunity to measure water contaminants in a laboratory module. You will sample a local stream and measure concentrations of Escherichia coli and enterococci bacteria in the water. A field trip to a local wastewater treatment plant will allow you to see how a plant operates. By the end of this course, you will have a greater appreciation of the importance of institutions, stakeholders and human behavior in the outcome of water conflicts, and the complexity of the coupled human-ecosystem-urban water system.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Boehm, A. (PI)

CEE 107A: Understand Energy (CEE 207A, EARTHSYS 103, ENERGY 107A, ENERGY 207A)

NOTE: This course will be taught in-person on main campus, lectures are recorded and available asynchronously. Energy is the number one contributor to climate change and has significant consequences for our society, political system, economy, and environment. Energy is also a fundamental driver of human development and opportunity. In taking this course, students will not only understand the fundamentals of each energy resource - including significance and potential, conversion processes and technologies, drivers and barriers, policy and regulation, and social, economic, and environmental impacts - students will also be able to put this in the context of the broader energy system. Both depletable and renewable energy resources are covered, including oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, biomass and biofuel, hydroelectric, wind, solar thermal and photovoltaics (PV), geothermal, and ocean energy, with cross-cutting topics including electricity, storage, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), sustainability, green buildings, energy efficiency, transportation, and the developing world. The 4 unit course includes lecture and in-class discussion, readings and videos, homework assignments, one on-campus field trip during lecture time and two off-campus field trips with brief report assignments. Off-campus field trips to wind farms, solar farms, nuclear power plants, natural gas power plants, hydroelectric dams, etc. Enroll for 5 units to also attend the Workshop, an interactive discussion section on cross-cutting topics that meets once per week for 80 minutes (Mondays, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM). Open to all: pre-majors and majors, with any background! Website: CEE 107S/207S Understand Energy: Essentials is a shorter (3 unit) version of this course, offered summer quarter. Students should not take both for credit. Prerequisites: Algebra.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-SI

CEE 107S: Understand Energy - Essentials (CEE 207S)

Energy is the number one contributor to climate change and has significant consequences for our society, political system, economy, and environment. Energy is also a fundamental driver of human development and opportunity. Students will learn the fundamentals of each energy resource -- including significance and potential, drivers and barriers, policy and regulation, and social, economic, and environmental impacts -- and will be able to put this in the context of the broader energy system. Both depletable and renewable energy resources are covered, including oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, biomass and biofuel, hydroelectric, wind, solar thermal and photovoltaics (PV), geothermal, and ocean energy, with cross-cutting topics including electricity, storage, hydrogen, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), sustainability, green buildings, energy efficiency, transportation, and the developing world. The course is 3 units, which includes lecture, readings and videos, and homework assignments. This is a course for all: pre-majors and majors, with any background - no prior energy knowledge necessary. For a course that covers all of this plus goes more in-depth, check out CEE 107A/207A - ENERGY 107A/207A - EarthSys 103 Understand Energy offered in the autumn and spring quarters (students should not take both for credit). Website: Prerequisites: Algebra.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CHILATST 173: Mexican Migration to the United States (AMSTUD 73, AMSTUD 173, HISTORY 73, HISTORY 173)

(History 73 is 3 units; History 173 is 5 units.) This course is an introduction to the history of Mexican migration to the United States. Barraged with anti-immigrant rhetoric and calls for bigger walls and more restrictive laws, few people in the United States truly understand the historical trends that shape migratory processes, or the multifaceted role played by both US officials and employers in encouraging Mexicans to migrate north. Moreover, few have actually heard the voices and perspectives of migrants themselves. This course seeks to provide students with the opportunity to place migrants' experiences in dialogue with migratory laws as well as the knowledge to embed current understandings of Latin American migration in their meaningful historical context.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CHILATST 271B: US Latinx History (AMSTUD 271B, HISTORY 271B)

This course introduces scholarship on Latinx history, a field of critical importance to U.S. History, American studies, Latinx studies, ethnic studies, Latin American studies, and African American history. In order to cover a plethora of Latinx experiences, it will focus on Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Central American, and other Latinx communities from the 1840s into present, though it does not adhere to a strict chronological time frame. This course attempts to show the hemispheric nature of Latinx history. It also emphasizes a notion of Latinidad as a contingent historical process. Key themes which survey its complexity include the nature and legacies of imperialism; the politics of peoplehood and citizenship; trans-border connections; the importance of race, class, and gender in defining politics and culture; the emergence of ethnic nationalisms; and the development of urban enclaves. In particular, our class will focus on linking these dynamics to present-day issues and debates.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Regalado, P. (PI)

CHINA 93: The Chinese Empire from the Mongol Invasion to the Boxer Uprising (FEMGEN 93, HISTORY 93)

(Same as HISTORY 193. 93 is 3 units; 193 is 5 units.) A survey of Chinese history from the 11th century to the collapse of the imperial state in 1911. Topics include absolutism, gentry society, popular culture, gender and sexuality, steppe nomads, the Jesuits in China, peasant rebellion, ethnic conflict, opium, and the impact of Western imperialism.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

CHINA 151: The Use of Classical Antiquity in Modern China (CHINA 251, CLASSICS 143)

This course examines the roles played by classical antiquity--Greek, Roman, and Chinese--in China's modernization process. Central topics of discussion include: the relationship between tradition and modernity, the relationship between China and the West, the politics and techniques of appropriation in the reception of classical heritage, and the evolving and highly contentious nature of the differences among various approaches to classical antiquity. Tackling the most fundamental questions that have confronted an ancient civilization from the turn of the twentieth century to the present, the course investigates how "classics" and "classical tradition" acquire different meanings and functions in changed contexts, and serves as a convenient introduction to key moments and figures in modern Chinese cultural and intellectual history.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Zhou, Y. (PI); Huang, X. (TA)

CHINA 151B: The Nature of Knowledge: Science and Literature in East Asia (CHINA 251B, JAPAN 151B, JAPAN 251B, KOREA 151, KOREA 251)

"The Nature of Knowledge" explores the intersections of science and humanities East Asia. It covers a broad geographic area (China, Japan, and Korea) along a long temporal space (14th century - present) to investigate how historical notions about the natural world, the human body, and social order defied, informed, and constructed our current categories of science and humanities. The course will make use of medical, geographic, and cosmological treatises from premodern East Asia, portrayals and uses of science in modern literature, film, and media, as well as theoretical and historical essays on the relationships between literature, science, and society.As part of its exploration of science and the humanities in conjunction, the course addresses how understandings of nature are mediated through techniques of narrative, rhetoric, visualization, and demonstration. In the meantime, it also examines how the emergence of modern disciplinary "science" influenced the development of literary language, tropes, and techniques of subject development. This class will expose the ways that science has been mobilized for various ideological projects and to serve different interests, and will produce insights into contemporary debates about the sciences and humanities.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

CHINA 155A: Health, Politics, and Culture of Modern China (ANTHRO 148, ANTHRO 248, CHINA 255A)

One of the most generative regions for medical anthropology inquiry in recent years has been Asia. This seminar is designed to introduce upper division undergraduates and graduate students to the methodological hurdles, representational challenges, and intellectual rewards of investigating the intersections of health, politics, and culture in contemporary China.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CHINA 168: The Chinese Family (CHINA 268)

History and literature. Institutional, ritual, affective, and symbolic aspects. Perspectives of gender, class, and social change.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

CHINA 175: Constructing National History in East Asian Archaeology (ARCHLGY 135, ARCHLGY 235, CHINA 275)

Archaeological studies in contemporary East Asia share a common concern, to contribute to building a national narrative and cultural identity. This course focuses on case studies from China, Korea, and Japan, examining the influence of particular social-political contexts, such as nationalism, on the practice of archaeology in modern times.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Liu, L. (PI)

CHINA 176: Emergence of Chinese Civilization from Caves to Palaces (ARCHLGY 111, ARCHLGY 211, CHINA 276)

Introduces processes of cultural evolution from the Paleolithic to the Three Dynasties in China. By examining archaeological remains, ancient inscriptions, and traditional texts, four major topics will be discussed: origins of modern humans, beginnings of agriculture, development of social stratification, and emergence of states and urbanism.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Liu, L. (PI); Li, J. (TA)

CHINA 183: The Chinese Empire from the Mongol Invasion to the Boxer Uprising (FEMGEN 193, HISTORY 193)

(Same as HISTORY 93. 193 is 5 units; 93 is 3 units.) A survey of Chinese history from the 11th century to the collapse of the imperial state in 1911. Topics include absolutism, gentry society, popular culture, gender and sexuality, steppe nomads, the Jesuits in China, peasant rebellion, ethnic conflict, opium, and the impact of Western imperialism.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

CHINA 292B: Chinese Legal History (HISTORY 292B)

This undergraduate colloquium introduces students to the history of law in imperial China through close reading of primary sources in translation and highlights of Anglophone scholarship. We begin with legal perspectives from the Confucian and Legalist classics and the formation of early imperial legal codes. Then we focus on how law served as a field of interaction between state and society during China's last imperial dynasty, the Qing (1644-1911). Specific topics include autocracy and political crime; evidence, review, and appeals; the regulation of gender and sexual relations; the functioning of local courts; property and contract; and the informal sphere of community regulation outside the official judicial system.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CHINA 295J: Chinese Women's History (FEMGEN 295J, HISTORY 295J)

The lives of women in the last 1,000 years of Chinese history. Focus is on theoretical questions fundamental to women's studies. How has the category of woman been shaped by culture and history? How has gender performance interacted with bodily disciplines and constraints such as medical, reproductive, and cosmetic technologies? How relevant is the experience of Western women to women elsewhere? By what standards should liberation be defined?
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 9N: What Didn't Make the Bible (HISTORY 112C, JEWISHST 4, RELIGST 4)

Over two billion people alive today consider the Bible to be sacred scripture. But how did the books that made it into the bible get there in the first place? Who decided what was to be part of the bible and what wasn't? How would history look differently if a given book didn't make the final cut and another one did? Hundreds of ancient Jewish and Christian texts are not included in the Bible. "What Didn't Make the Bible" focuses on these excluded writings. We will explore the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse ancient romance novels, explore the adventures of fallen angels who sired giants (and taught humans about cosmetics), tour heaven and hell, encounter the garden of Eden story told from the perspective of the snake, and learn how the world will end. The course assumes no prior knowledge of Judaism, Christianity, the bible, or ancient history. It is designed for students who are part of faith traditions that consider the bible to be sacred, as well as those who are not. The only prerequisite is an interest in exploring books, groups, and ideas that eventually lost the battles of history and to keep asking the question "why." In critically examining these ancient narratives and the communities that wrote them, you will investigate how religions canonize a scriptural tradition, better appreciate the diversity of early Judaism and Christianity, understand the historical context of these religions, and explore the politics behind what did and did not make it into the bible.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 12N: Income and wealth inequality from the Stone Age to the present (HISTORY 12N)

Rising inequality is a defining feature of our time. How long has economic inequality existed, and when, how and why has the gap between haves and have-nots widened or narrowed over the course of history? This seminar takes a very long-term view of these questions. It is designed to help you appreciate dynamics and complexities that are often obscured by partisan controversies and short-term perspectives, and to provide solid historical background for a better understanding of a growing societal concern.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CLASSICS 20N: Technologies of Civilization: Writing, Number and Money

The technological keys to the growth of civilization that enabled the creation of complex societies and enhanced human cognition. The role of cognition in shaping history and the role of history in shaping cognition. Global perspective, emphasizing the Western tradition and its ancient Greek roots.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 26N: The Roman Empire: Its Grandeur and Fall (HISTORY 11N)

Preference to freshmen. Explore themes on the Roman Empire and its decline from the 1st through the 5th centuries C.E.. What was the political and military glue that held this diverse, multi-ethnic empire together? What were the bases of wealth and how was it distributed? What were the possibilities and limits of economic growth? How integrated was it in culture and religion? What were the causes and consequences of the conversion to Christianity? Why did the Empire fall in the West? How suitable is the analogy of the U.S. in the 21st century?
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:IHUM-3, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Saller, R. (PI)

CLASSICS 43: Exploring the New Testament (HISTORY 111B, JEWISHST 86, RELIGST 86)

To explore the historical context of the earliest Christians, students will read most of the New Testament as well as many documents that didn't make the final cut. Non-Christian texts, Roman art, and surviving archeological remains will better situate Christianity within the ancient world. Students will read from the Dead Sea Scrolls, explore Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing divine temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse an ancient marriage guide, and engage with recent scholarship in archeology, literary criticism, and history.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Penn, M. (PI)

CLASSICS 76: Global History: The Ancient World (HISTORY 1A)

World history from the origins of humanity to the Black Death. Focuses on the evolution of complex societies, wealth, violence, hierarchy, and large-scale belief systems.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 81: Ancient Empires: Near East (HISTORY 117)

Why do imperialists conquer people? Why do some people resist while others collaborate? This course tries to answer these questions by looking at some of the world's earliest empires. The main focus is on the expansion of the Assyrian and Persian Empires between 900 and 300 BC and the consequences for the ancient Jews, Egyptians, and Greeks. The main readings come from the Bible, Herodotus, and Assyrian and Persian royal inscriptions, and the course combines historical and archaeological data with social scientific approaches. Weekly participation in a discussion section is required.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CLASSICS 82: The Egyptians (AFRICAAM 30, HISTORY 48, HISTORY 148)

This course traces the emergence and development of the distinctive cultural world of the ancient Egyptians over nearly 4,000 years. Through archaeological and textual evidence, we will investigate the social structures, religious beliefs, and expressive traditions that framed life and death in this extraordinary region. Students with or without prior background are equally encouraged.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 83: The Greeks (HISTORY 101)

250 years ago, for almost the first time in history, a few societies rejected kings who claimed to know what the gods wanted and began moving toward democracy. Only once before had this happened--in ancient Greece. This course asks how the Greeks did this, and what they can teach us today. It uses texts and archaeology to trace the material and military sides of the story as well as cultural developments, and looks at Greek slavery and misogyny as well as their achievements. Weekly participation in a discussion section is required.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Morris, I. (PI); Liu, H. (TA)

CLASSICS 84: The Romans (HISTORY 102A)

How did a tiny village create a huge empire and shape the world, and why did it fail? Roman history, imperialism, politics, social life, economic growth, and religious change. Weekly participation in a discussion section is required; enroll in sections on Coursework.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 115: Virtual Italy (ARCHLGY 117, ENGLISH 115, HISTORY 238C, ITALIAN 115)

Classical Italy attracted thousands of travelers throughout the 1700s. Referring to their journey as the "Grand Tour," travelers pursued intellectual passions, promoted careers, and satisfied wanderlust, all while collecting antiquities to fill museums and estates back home. What can computational approaches tell us about who traveled, where and why? We will read travel accounts; experiment with parsing; and visualize historical data. Final projects to form credited contributions to the Grand Tour Project, a cutting-edge digital platform. No prior programming experience necessary.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 116: Human Rights in Comparative and Historical Perspective (CLASSICS 216, ETHICSOC 106, HUMRTS 106)

The course examines core human rights concepts and issues as they arise in a variety of contexts ranging from the ancient world to today. These issues include slavery, human trafficking, gender based violence, discrimination against marginalized groups, and how these and other issues are linked to war, internal conflict, and imperialism. We will consider the ways in which such issues emerge, are explicitly treated, or are ignored in a variety of historical and contemporary settings with a particular emphasis on the impact that war and conflict have on laws and norms that in principle aim to protect individuals from violence and exploitation. This inquiry also entails consideration of the modern notion of the universality of human rights based on a conception of a common humanity and how alien that concept is in states and communities that define or embody hierarchies that systematically exclude groups or populations from the protections and respect that other groups and individuals are afforded. Nowhere do the devastating consequences of such exclusions become clearer than in times of crisis and conflict. The course draws upon a variety of case studies from the Greco-Roman world and other temporal and geographical contexts to explore the political and social dynamics that shape and inform the violence inherent in such events.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 118: Slavery, human trafficking, and the moral order: ancient and modern (CLASSICS 218)

Slavery and trafficking in persons in the Greco-Roman world were legal and ubiquitous; today slavery is illegal in most states and regarded as a grave violation of human rights and as a crime against humanity under international law. In recent trends, human trafficking has been re-conceptualized as a form of "modern day slavery. " Despite more than a century since the success of the abolition movement, slavery and trafficking continue in the 21st century on a global scale. The only book for the course is: Peter Garnsey, Ideas of Slavery from Aristotle to Augustine, Cambridge University Press
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CLASSICS 123: Ancient Medicine

Contemporary medical practice traces its origins to the creation of scientific medicine by Greek doctors such as Hippocrates and Galen. Is this something of which modern medicine can be proud? The scientific achievements and ethical limitations of ancient medicine when scientific medicine was no more than another form of alternative medicine. Scientific medicine competed in a marketplace of ideas where the boundaries between scientific and social aspects of medicine were difficult to draw.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 143: The Use of Classical Antiquity in Modern China (CHINA 151, CHINA 251)

This course examines the roles played by classical antiquity--Greek, Roman, and Chinese--in China's modernization process. Central topics of discussion include: the relationship between tradition and modernity, the relationship between China and the West, the politics and techniques of appropriation in the reception of classical heritage, and the evolving and highly contentious nature of the differences among various approaches to classical antiquity. Tackling the most fundamental questions that have confronted an ancient civilization from the turn of the twentieth century to the present, the course investigates how "classics" and "classical tradition" acquire different meanings and functions in changed contexts, and serves as a convenient introduction to key moments and figures in modern Chinese cultural and intellectual history.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Zhou, Y. (PI); Huang, X. (TA)

CLASSICS 150: Majors Seminar: The Augustan Age - Politics & Culture

Out of the ashes of the Roman Republic, Augustus crafted a new, autocratic regime that survived for centuries - a transformative moment in European history. How did Augustus establish stability after the turmoil and bloodshed of the 1st century BCE? Why did the Augustan Age produce some of the greatest literary and artistic works in European history? This course will examine the political and social revolution engineered by Augustus and explore monumental achievements such as Virgil's Aeneid and the Pantheon. The course will end with an optional trip to Rome over spring break 2025. This course satisfies the Writing in the Major requirement and will strengthen your skills in close reading, critical thinking, editing, and writing. Readings include: Augustus' Record of his Achievements, Livy, Tacitus, Suetonius, Virgil, Horace. Learning goals: Improve ability to write clearly organized and well-argued essays; Understand the interplay between politics and the literary and visual arts in one of the most important political transitions in European history; Use that understanding of the interplay to develop a critical interpretation of Augustus and his rule; Appreciate the complexities of meaning in great works of art Students who enroll in this course will have the opportunity to apply for a spring break in Rome, Italy from March 22 - March 29.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 151: Ten Things: An Archaeology of Design (ARCHLGY 151)

Connections among science, technology, society and culture by examining the design of a prehistoric hand axe, Egyptian pyramid, ancient Greek perfume jar, medieval castle, Wedgewood teapot, Edison's electric light bulb, computer mouse, Sony Walkman, supersonic aircraft, and BMW Mini. Interdisciplinary perspectives include archaeology, cultural anthropology, science studies, history and sociology of technology, cognitive science, and evolutionary psychology.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

CLASSICS 153: Ancient Urbanism

Ancient Greek, ancient Roman, and historical Islamic cities succeeded one another in western Asia and around the Mediterranean Sea. This course compares and contrasts these three great urban traditions. Cities studied include Athens, Olynthos, Rome, Pompeii, Constantinople, Tunis, Damascus. Themes include the organization of political, religious and commercial space; concepts of public and private; gendered experiences of urban life; interconnections among cities; the long-term histories of ancient cities, some of which continue to shape life today. Students will learn about historical places and developments; strengthen critical thinking skills; practice oral and written analyses of urban space.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Trimble, J. (PI)

CLASSICS 154: Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Maritime Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean (ARCHLGY 145)

Why do we care about shipwrecks? What can sunken sites and abandoned ports tell us about our past? Focusing primarily on the archaeological record of shipwrecks and harbors, along with literary evidence and contemporary theory, this course examines how and why ancient mariners ventured across the Mediterranean's "wine-dark seas" (as Homer described them) for settlement, travel, warfare, pilgrimage, and especially commerce. We will explore interdisciplinary approaches to the development of maritime contacts and communication from prehistory through the end of Mediterranean antiquity, with particular emphasis on the last millennium BCE and CE. At the same time, we will engage with practical techniques of maritime archaeology, which allows us to explore the material record first-hand.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Leidwanger, J. (PI)

CLASSICS 164: Roman Gladiators (ARCHLGY 165)

In modern America, gladiators are powerful representatives of ancient Rome (Spartacus, Gladiator). In the Roman world, gladiators were mostly slaves and reviled, barred from certain positions in society and doomed to short and dangerous lives. A first goal of this course is to analyze Roman society not from the top down, from the perspective of politicians, generals and the literary elite, but from the bottom up, from the perspective of gladiators and the ordinary people in the stands. A second goal is to learn how work with very different kinds of evidence: bone injuries, ancient weapons, gladiator burials, laws, graffiti written by gladiators or their fans, visual images of gladiatorial combats, and the intricate architecture and social control of the amphitheater. A final goal is to think critically about modern ideas of Roman bloodthirst. Are these ideas justified, given the ancient evidence?
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CLASSICS 187: Societal Collapse (POLISCI 244D)

Sustained economic growth is an anomaly in human history. Moreover, in the very long term, sustained economic decline is common. Following a historical and cross-cultural perspective, we will study the causes of economic decline, the social and political consequences of that decline, and the path that led to the collapse of some of the most prosperous societies in human history. Among the episodes we will cover are the Late Bronze Age collapse in the Eastern Mediterranean, the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the Classic Maya collapse. We will compare these ancient episodes with recent cases of socioeconomic decline, including the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the downfall of Venezuela under Chavismo. We will use the past to reflect on the fundamentals of harmony and prosperity in our society and the challenges that they will face in the future.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mejia Cubillos, J. (PI)

COLLEGE 102: Citizenship in the 21st Century

Citizenship is not just what passport you hold or where you were born. Citizenship also means equal membership in a self-governing political community. We will explore some of the many debates about this ideal: Who is (or ought to be) included in citizenship? Who gets to decide? What responsibilities come with citizenship? Is citizenship analogous to being a friend, a family member, a business partner? How have people excluded from citizenship fought for, and sometimes won, inclusion? These debates have a long history, featuring in some of the earliest recorded philosophy and literature but also animating current political debates in the United States and elsewhere.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-ER, WAY-SI

COLLEGE 104: The Meat We Eat

This course takes a global perspective on the human facets driving meat consumption. Using historical, ecological, and anthropological material, we look at the ways meat eating has fundamentally shaped our environment, our health, and our culture. We will draw on examples from Europe, Asia, and North Africa, where systems of social division have been in place for centuries based on the professional relationships of individuals and communities with animal slaughter and butchery. We consider how a range of factors, from religious norms to colonial laws have regulated how meat and animals fit into society often with unexpected results. For instance, attitudes to waste from animal slaughter led to the development of the abattoir, and ultimately facilitated industrialized meat production. The course will ask students to consider their own consumption or abstinence from meat in light of global systems of ecology and structural inequity.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-SI

COLLEGE 105: The Politics of Development

This course examines foundational reasons for why some countries remain poor and why inequality persists today. In addition to answering the why question, we will also examine how practitioners, policy-makers, and academics have tackled global development challenges, where they have met success, and where failure has provided key lessons for the future. The course will examine issues of colonialism and contemporary foreign aid. Students will learn about and explore patterns of development across the world, critically evaluate foundational theories of development, and understand the practical challenges and possible solutions to reducing poverty, creating equality, and ensuring good governance. Course assignments will aim to have students practice linking data and evidence with policy innovation, using global datasets to perform statistical analyses. Students will leave this class with an understanding of how development works (and doesn't work) in practice.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

COLLEGE 106: Environmental Sustainability: Global Predicaments and Possible Solutions

The course will survey our planet's greatest sustainability challenges, and some of the possible ways that humankind might overcome each. The course material will include introductory-level science, social science, and business studies material, and give students a basic understanding of the global biological, cultural, social, and economic processes involved in environmental sustainability.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

COLLEGE 107: Preventing Human Extinction

99.9% of all species that have ever inhabited Earth are now extinct, including 12 species of the genus Homo. The threat of human extinction is global, and it is driven by social, economic, technological and political forces operating at global scales. This course will explore several plausible scenarios by which human extinction (or near-extinction) could occur within the next 100 years. In this course, we will study the psychological, social, political, economic and epistemological barriers that frequently derail efforts to avert these catastrophes. We will explore diverse approaches to understanding these risks, strategies that could reduce them, and better ways to think and act as we move into an uncertain future. Students will engage these issues through academic reading, apocalyptic fiction, group discussion and writing. We will consider the role of human agency in the evolution of these risks and their prevention, and our responsibilities as 21st-century citizens.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-SI

COLLEGE 108: Where Does it Hurt?: Medicine and Suffering in Global Context

The relief of pain and suffering is considered one of the primary aims of medicine. However, what suffering is and what physicians must do specifically to prevent or relieve it is not well understood or explained. While suffering may be inherent to the human experience, the ways that suffering is perceived, experienced and addressed are heavily influenced by culture, beliefs and local resources. In this course, we will examine how patients and medical practitioners in different countries make meaning from the experience of pain and suffering of illness. We will draw from narratives and scholarly texts in order to explore how understandings of pain and suffering are shaped by social, cultural, economic and personal factors. Through an examination of personal, cultural and social practices related to suffering and medicine, we also develop skills for reflecting upon how one's culture and personal context influence how they make meaning of illness and suffering.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

COLLEGE 109: Rules of War

What ethical norms influence decisions to go to war and the conduct of military operations in war? How are those ethical values reflected in legal rules that govern war? What kinds of security threats or humanitarian dangers justify recourse to force? What are the values and rules that protect civilians and non-combatants in armed conflict? How do these rules apply in non-traditional, asymmetric conflicts between states and terrorist and other non-state groups? How do we determine in which kinds of conflicts to apply the moral and legal framework that governs war?
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-ER, WAY-SI

COLLEGE 110: The Spirit of Democracy

This course provides an overview of the diverse cultural origins of democratic ideals and practices, their global evolution, the challenges confronting them, and innovations that can make democracy work better. The course places American democracy in a global and comparative perspective, noting the distinctive features and challenges of U.S. democracy and the wide variety of other democratic institutional forms in the world. It deals both with competing visions of what democracy might be and their actual realization around the world. A major element of the course is to consider different conceptual approaches to democracy-direct, representative, participatory, and deliberative. How do different political systems borrow from these concepts to enhance or justify their forms of governance? How are they evolving or reforming in ways that may address the current crisis of democracy and renew public faith in the efficacy and worth of democracy? Democratic institutions are subject to a living dialogue, and we intend to engage the students in these debates, at the levels of both democratic theory and ongoing democratic practice and institutional designs. In the second half of the course, we will examine innovations like Deliberative Polling and institutional reforms of electoral systems and accountability structures that could increase civic participation, reduce polarization, rein in corruption, and improve the functioning and legitimacy of democracy.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-SI

COMM 1: Introduction to Communication

Our world is being transformed by media technologies that change how we interact with one another and perceived the world around us. These changes are all rooted in communication practices, and their consequences touch on almost all aspects of life. In COMM 1 we will examine the effects of media technologies on psychological life, on industry, and on communities local and global through theorizing and demonstrations and critiques of a wide range of communication products and services.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 1B: Media, Culture, and Society (AMSTUD 1B)

The institutions and practices of mass media, including television, film, radio, and digital media, and their role in shaping culture and social life. The media's shifting relationships to politics, commerce, and identity.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

COMM 101S: History of YouTube

Since its launch in 2005, YouTube has become the second most visited website in the world, with more than 1 billion monthly users. It has influenced the worlds of entertainment, politics, and business alike. It has launched the careers of A-list celebrities while also creating an entirely new celebrity ecosystem. It has become a crucial political tool for presidential candidates and political subcultures alike. In the process, it has upended the entertainment industry and much of its business model. From the beginning, it has also been a source of controversy, raising questions about its role in promoting cyberbullying, radicalization, and harmful content. This course will provide an overview of the platform's cultural history. Drawing on communication studies, media theory, and science and technology studies, we will explore how the platform has evolved in its seventeen years of existence, and how it has influenced, and been influenced by, its cultural and social environment. Students will be introduced to concepts such as participatory culture, microcelebrity, and platform politics. We will grapple with questions such as: how have YouTube's new technological features shaped the culture of the platform, and vice versa? How does community function on the platform, and how has that changed over time? And how have YouTube's content policies affected each of these dynamics? As we address these questions, we will come to grapple with the broader concerns of what it means to be a platform online and why a history of platforms matters.
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 102S: Deception and Technology

Deception has been around since the start of human history, but technology has affected the process of deceiving and being deceived in profound ways. This course provides an introduction to understanding deception as it is mediated by modern technologies. We will begin by reviewing theories and frameworks from psychology and interpersonal communication to build a basic understanding of how deception is produced and consumed, and how people determine what and whom to trust. The class will primarily focus on using these perspectives to understand contemporary online deception - including phenomena like mis/disinformation, deepfakes, scams, fake reviews, and more. We will also explore a number of potential solutions to lessening the prevalence and impact of online deception on society (e.g., interventions to reduce the spread of misinformation).
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 108: Media Processes and Effects (COMM 208)

(Graduate students register for COMM 208. COMM 108 is offered for 5 units, COMM 208 is offered for 4 units.) The process of communication theory construction including a survey of social science paradigms and major theories of communication. Recommended: COMM 1 or PSYCH 1.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ratan, R. (PI)

COMM 118S: Into the Metaverse: Designing the Future of Virtual Worlds

What will the future look like? One idea that is recently gaining attention is the Metaverse, a computer-generated simulation of a world in which people can meet and interact. In this course, students will critically evaluate the current landscape of such conceptualizations of virtual worlds. From the psychological and behavioral mechanisms of how people perceive virtual humans, to the design of virtual spaces and interactions, to the ethical considerations that shape how virtual worlds are regulated, this course will pull from multiple fields to provide a comprehensive understanding of virtual worlds. In the first week, the instructor will distribute Oculus Quest 2 headsets for each student to use and return at the end of the quarter. Using these headsets, we will go on virtual field trips to social worlds. Through in-VR experiences, academic papers and articles, and discussions, students will develop a toolset to learn how to approach designing future virtual worlds.
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 120W: The Rise of Digital Culture (AMSTUD 120, COMM 220)

(Graduate students register for 220. COMM 120W is offered for 5 units, COMM 220 is offered for 4 units.From Snapchat to artificial intelligence, digital systems are reshaping our jobs, our democracies, our love lives, and even what it means to be human. But where did these media come from? And what kind of culture are they creating? To answer these questions, this course explores the entwined development of digital technologies and post-industrial ways of living and working from the Cold War to the present. Topics will include the historical origins of digital media, cultural contexts of their deployment and use, and the influence of digital media on conceptions of self, community, and state. Priority to juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

COMM 123: Getting the Picture: Photojournalism in Russia and the U.S. (AMSTUD 123, REES 223, SLAVIC 123, SLAVIC 323)

The vast majority of photographs printed and consumed around the world appeared on the pages of magazines and newspapers. These pictures were almost always heavily edited, presented in carefully devised sequences, and printed alongside text. Through firsthand visual analysis of the picture presses of yesteryear, this course considers the ongoing meaning, circulation, and power of images as they shape a worldview in Russia as well as the US. In looking at points of contact between two world powers, we will cover the works of a wide array of authors, photographers, photojournalists and photographed celebrities (Lev Tolstoy, Margaret Bourke-White, Russian satirists Ilf and Petrov, John Steinbeck and Richard Capa, and many others). We will explore the relationship between photojournalistic practice of the past with that of our present, from the printed page to digital media, as well as the ethical quandaries posed by the cameras intervention into/shaping of modern history. No knowledge of Russian is required.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

COMM 124: Truth, Trust, and Tech (COMM 224)

(Graduate students enroll in COMM 224. COMM 124 is offered for 5 units, COMM 224 is offered for 4 units.) NOTE: offered only at Stanford in New York winter quarter 2022-23. Deception is one of the most significant and pervasive social phenomena of our age. Lies range from the trivial to the very serious, including deception between friends and family, in the workplace, and in security and intelligence contexts. At the same time, information and communication technologies have pervaded almost all aspects of human communication, from everyday technologies that support interpersonal interactions to, such as email and instant messaging, to more sophisticated systems that support organization-level interactions. Given the prevalence of both deception and communication technology in our personal and professional lives, an important set of questions have recently emerged about how humans adapt their deceptive practices to new communication and information technologies, including how communication technology affects the practice of lying and the detection of deception, and whether technology can be used to identify deception.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Hancock, J. (PI)

COMM 125: Perspectives on American Journalism (AMSTUD 125, COMM 225)

An examination of American journalism, focusing on how news is produced, distributed, and financially supported. Emphasis on current media controversies and puzzles, and on designing innovations in discovering and telling stories. (Graduate students register for COMM 225. COMM 125 is offered for 5 units, COMM 225 is offered for 4 units.)
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

COMM 135W: Deliberative Democracy and its Critics (AMSTUD 135, COMM 235, COMM 335, ETHICSOC 135F, POLISCI 234P, POLISCI 334P)

This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Can a democracy which emphasizes people thinking and talking together on the basis of good information be made practical in the modern age? What kinds of distortions arise when people try to discuss politics or policy together? The course draws on ideas of deliberation from Madison and Mill to Rawls and Habermas as well as criticisms from the jury literature, from the psychology of group processes and from the most recent normative and empirical literature on deliberative forums. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fishkin, J. (PI)

COMM 137W: The Dialogue of Democracy (AMSTUD 137, COMM 237, POLISCI 232T, POLISCI 332T)

All forms of democracy require some kind of communication so people can be aware of issues and make decisions. This course looks at competing visions of what democracy should be and different notions of the role of dialogue in a democracy. Is it just campaigning or does it include deliberation? Small scale discussions or sound bites on television? Or social media? What is the role of technology in changing our democratic practices, to mobilize, to persuade, to solve public problems? This course will include readings from political theory about democratic ideals - from the American founders to J.S. Mill and the Progressives to Joseph Schumpeter and modern writers skeptical of the public will. It will also include contemporary examinations of the media and the internet to see how those practices are changing and how the ideals can or cannot be realized.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-EthicReas, WAY-ER, WAY-SI

COMM 138: Deliberative Democracy Practicum: Applying Deliberative Polling (COMM 238)

In this course, students will work directly on a real-world deliberative democracy project using the method of Deliberative Polling. Students in this course will work in partnership with the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford, a research center devoted to the research in democracy and public opinion around the world. This unique practicum will allow students to work on an actual Deliberative Polling project on campus. In just one quarter, the students will prepare for, implement, and analyze the results for an Deliberative Polling project. This is a unique opportunity that allows students to take part in the entire process of a deliberative democracy project. Through this practicum, students will learn and apply quantitative and qualitative research methods. Students will explore the underlying challenges and complexities of what it means to actually do community-engaged research in the real world. As such, this course will provide students with skills and experience in research design in deliberative democracy, community and stakeholder engagement, and the practical aspects of working in local communities. This practicum is a collaboration between the Center for Deliberative Democracy and the Haas Center for Public Service. CDD website:; Hass Center website: Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI | Repeatable 3 times (up to 15 units total)
Instructors: ; Siu, A. (PI)

COMM 140X: Solving Social Problems with Data (DATASCI 154, EARTHSYS 153, ECON 163, MS&E 134, POLISCI 154, PUBLPOL 155, SOC 127)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Nobles, M. (PI)

COMM 154: The Politics of Algorithms (COMM 254, CSRE 154T, SOC 154, SOC 254C)

(Graduate students enroll in 254. COMM 154 is offered for 5 units, COMM 254 is offered for 4 units.) Algorithms have become central actors in today's digital world. In areas as diverse as social media, journalism, education, healthcare, and policing, computing technologies increasingly mediate communication processes. This course will provide an introduction to the social and cultural forces shaping the construction, institutionalization, and uses of algorithms. In so doing, we will explore how algorithms relate to political issues of modernization, power, and inequality. Readings will range from social scientific analyses to media coverage of ongoing controversies relating to Big Data. Students will leave the course with a better appreciation of the broader challenges associated with researching, building, and using algorithms.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Christin, A. (PI)

COMM 158: Censorship and Propaganda (COMM 258)

(Graduate students enroll in COMM 258. COMM 158 is offered for 5 units, COMM 258 is offered for 4 units.) While the internet and other digital technologies have amplified the voice of ordinary citizens, the power of governments and other large organizations to control and to manipulate information is increasingly apparent. In this course, we will examine censorship and propaganda in the age of the internet and social media. What constitutes censorship and propaganda in the digital age? Who conducts censorship and propaganda, and how? What are the consequences and effects of censorship and propaganda in this era of information proliferation? How have censorship and propaganda changed from previous eras? Students will take a hands-on, project-based approach to exploring these questions.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 162: Campaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections (AMSTUD 162B, COMM 262, POLISCI 120B)

This course examines the theory and practice of American campaigns and elections. First, we will attempt to explain the behavior of the key players -- candidates, parties, journalists, and voters -- in terms of the institutional arrangements and political incentives that confront them. Second, we will use current and recent election campaigns as "laboratories" for testing generalizations about campaign strategy and voter behavior. Third, we examine selections from the academic literature dealing with the origins of partisan identity, electoral design, and the immediate effects of campaigns on public opinion, voter turnout, and voter choice. As well, we'll explore issues of electoral reform and their more long-term consequences for governance and the political process.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

COMM 164: The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America (COMM 264, POLISCI 124L, POLISCI 324L, PSYCH 170, PUBLPOL 164)

Focus is on how politicians and government learn what Americans want and how the public's preferences shape government action; how surveys measure beliefs, preferences, and experiences; how poll results are criticized and interpreted; how conflict between polls is viewed by the public; how accurate surveys are and when they are accurate; how to conduct survey research to produce accurate measurements; designing questionnaires that people can understand and use comfortably; how question wording can manipulate poll results; corruption in survey research.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 166: Virtual People (COMM 266)

(Graduate students register for COMM 266. COMM 166 is offered for 5 units, COMM 266 is offered for 4 units.) The concept of virtual people or digital human representations; methods of constructing and using virtual people; methodological approaches to interactions with and among virtual people; and current applications. Viewpoints including popular culture, literature, film, engineering, behavioral science, computer science, and communication. Note for PhD students in programs other than Communication: instructor permission required.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 172: Media Psychology (COMM 272)

(Graduate students register for COMM 272. COMM 172 is offered for 5 units, COMM 272 is offered for 4 units.) The literature related to psychological processing and the effects of media. Topics: unconscious processing; picture perception; attention and memory; emotion; the physiology of processing media; person perception; pornography; consumer behavior; advanced film and television systems; and differences among reading, watching, and listening.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Yeykelis, L. (PI)

COMM 177B: Big Local Journalism: a project-based class (COMM 277B)

(COMM 177B is offered for 5 units, COMM 277B is offered for 4 units.) This class will tackle data-driven journalism, in collaboration with other academic and journalistic partners. The class is centered around one or more projects rooted in local data-driven journalism but with potential for regional or national journalistic stories and impact. Students work in interdisciplinary teams to negotiate for public records and data, analyze data and report out stories. Some of the work may be published by news organizations or may be used to advance data journalism projects focused on public accountability. Students will gain valuable knowledge and skills in how to negotiate for public records, how to critically analyze data for journalistic purpose and build out reporting and writing skills. Students with a background in journalism (especially data journalism), statistics, computer science, law, or public policy are encouraged to participate. Enrollment is limited. May be repeated for credit. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center)
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)
Instructors: ; Phillips, C. (PI)

COMM 177Y: Specialized Writing and Reporting: Foreign Correspondence (COMM 277Y)

(Graduate students register for COMM 277Y. COMM 177Y is offered for 5 units, COMM 277Y is offered for 4 units.) Study how being a foreign correspondent has evolved and blend new communication tools with clear narrative to tell stories from abroad in a way that engages a diversifying American audience in the digital age. Prerequisite: COMM 104W, COMM 279, or consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-CE, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Zacharia, J. (PI)

COMM 184: Race and Media (COMM 284)

(Graduate students register for 284. COMM 184 is offered for 5 units, COMM 284 is offered for 4 units.) This course explores the co-construction of media practices and racial identity in the US. We will ask how media have shaped how we think about race. And we will explore the often surprising ways ideas about race have shaped media practices and technologies in turn. The course will draw on contemporary debates as well as historical examples and will cover themes such as representation and visual culture, media industries and audience practices, and racial bias in digital technology.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

COMM 186W: Media, Technology, and the Body (COMM 286)

(Graduate and coterm students must register for COMM 286. COMM 186W is only for undergraduates and is offered for 5 units, COMM 286 is offered for 4 units.) This course considers major themes in the cultural analysis of the body in relation to media technologies. How do media and information technologies shape our understanding of the body and concepts of bodily difference such as race, gender, and disability? We will explore both classic theories and recent scholarship to examine how technologies mediate the body and bodily practices in various domains, from entertainment to engineering, politics to product design.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

COMM 230A: Digital Civil Society (CSRE 230A)

This class takes a global perspective and historical approach to understanding digital civil society in democracies. 'Civil society' includes social movements, philanthropists, unions, nonprofits, informal associational life, individual activism, and cooperatives, among others. Students will interrogate how civil society is evolving in a world of pervasive digitization and data collection. This year's syllabus divides the class into three "clusters" of topics: Elections, Culture and Community, and Company Towns. Through these clusters we will study tech workers unionizing, digital ID systems, disinformation, voting and democracy in digital times, the human labor behind content moderation, digitization's effects on intellectual property and creativity, and community efforts to shift corporate and/or government power. Class includes guest speakers and an optional field trip.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

COMPLIT 100: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (DLCL 100, FRENCH 175, GERMAN 175, HISTORY 206E, ILAC 175, ITALIAN 175, URBANST 153)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

COMPLIT 123A: Resisting Coloniality: Then and Now (ILAC 123A)

What are the different shapes that Western colonialism took over the centuries? How did people resist the symbolic and material oppressions engendered by such colonialist endeavors? This course offers a deep dive into history of the emergence of Western colonialism (alt: Spanish and Portuguese empires) by focusing on literary and cultural strategies of resisting coloniality in Latin America, from the 16th century to the present. Students will examine critiques of empire through a vast array of sources (novel, letter, short story, sermon, history, essay), spanning from early modern denunciations of the oppression of indigenous and enslaved peoples to modern Latin American answers to the three dominant cultural paradigms in post-independence period: Spain, France, and the United States. Through an examination of different modes of resistance, students will learn to identify the relation between Western colonialism and the discriminatory discourses that divided people based on their class, gender, ethnicity, and race, and whose effects are still impactful for many groups of people nowadays. Authors may include Isabel Guevara, Catalina de Erauso, el Inca Garcilaso, Sor Juana, Simón Bolívar, Flora Tristán, Silvina Ocampo, Jorge Luis Borges, and Gabriel García Márquez. Taught in Spanish.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

COMPLIT 158: RebeliĆ³n: Black Resistance in the Caribbean (AFRICAAM 158, HISTORY 177C)

In 1978, Afro-Columbian artist recorded his hit song "Rebelión," including lines such as "esclavitud perpetua," a reference to the 1455 Romanus Pontifex Papal Bull, and lines like "No le pegue a la negra," which evince a slave resistance based on a bond of kinship and affection. This is an introductory course in Caribbean history with a focus on labor and rebellion. In this course, we will discuss slave revolts and revolutions in the Caribbean from the beginning of the Transatlantic Slave trade through present-day labor strikes in the Caribbean. Using Caribbean resistance music as the backdrop to many of our discussions, this course will engage with the metaphors and motifs found in riotous iconography, such as the machete (i.e. "El machete de Maceo," in Celia Cruz¿s "Guantanamera"). Revolts covered include the 1500s slave revolts in Quisqueya, the Haitian Revolution, the 1843 La Escalera conspiracy in Cuba, the 1831 Christmas Rebellion in Jamaica, the Cuban Ten Years War, Little War, and present-day labor strikes in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We will review and study historical records, as well as take in archival and musical sources. No prior knowledge in Caribbean history is required.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

COMPLIT 213: Culture and Revolution in Africa (AFRICAAM 213, FRENCH 213E, GLOBAL 213, HISTORY 243E)

This course investigates the relationship between culture, revolutionary decolonization, and post-colonial trajectories. It probes the multilayered development of 20th and 21st-century African literature amid decolonization and Cold War cultural diplomacy initiatives and the debates they generated about African literary aesthetics, African languages, the production of history, and the role of the intellectual. We will journey through national cultural movements, international congresses, and pan-African festivals to explore the following questions: What role did writers and artists play in shaping the discourse of revolutionary decolonization throughout the continent and in the diaspora? How have literary texts, films, and works of African cultural thought shaped and engaged with concepts such as "African unity" and "African cultural renaissance"? How have these notions influenced the imaginaries of post-independence nations, engendered new subjectivities, and impacted gender and generational dynamics? How did the ways of knowing and modes of writing promoted and developed in these contexts shape African futures?
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Seck, F. (PI)

COMPLIT 287: Hope in the Modern Age (GERMAN 287, JEWISHST 287)

Immanuel Kant famously considered "What may I hope?" to be the third and final question of philosophy. This course considers the thinkers, from Immanuel Kant to Judith Butler, who have attempted to answer this question from within the context of modernity. Has revolution replaced religion as the object of our hope? Has Enlightenment lived up to its promises? These topics and more will be discussed, with readings from thinkers including Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Adorno, and Arendt, alongside the literature of writers such as Kafka, Celan, Nelly Sachs, among others, and with particular focus on the question of hope within the German-Jewish tradition.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

CSRE 3P: America: Unequal (PUBLPOL 113, SOC 3)

The U.S. is in the midst of an inequality explosion. The upper class has become unimaginably rich. Extreme racial discrimination and animus remain at the center of the American story. Abject poverty persists amidst so much wealth. A de facto caste system ¿ in which opportunities to get ahead depend on a birth lottery ¿ is firmly in place. The historic decline in gender inequality, which many had thought would continue on until full equality was achieved, has stalled out across many labor market indicators. Why is this happening? And what should be done about it? A no-holds-barred exploration of America¿s inequality problem.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 4: The Sociology of Music (AMSTUD 4, SOC 4)

This course examines music - its production, its consumption, and it contested role in society - from a distinctly sociological lens. Why do we prefer certain songs, artists, and musical genres over others? How do we 'use' music to signal group membership and create social categories like class, race, ethnicity, and gender? How does music perpetuate, but also challenge, broader inequalities? Why do some songs become hits? What effects are technology and digital media having on the ways we experience and think about music? Course readings and lectures will explore the various answers to these questions by introducing students to key sociological concepts and ideas. Class time will be spent moving between core theories, listening sessions, discussion of current musical events, and an interrogation of students - own musical experiences. Students will undertake a number of short research and writing assignments that call on them to make sociological sense of music in their own lives, in the lives of others, and in society at large.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

CSRE 5C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (FEMGEN 5C, HISTORY 5C, INTNLREL 5C)

(Same as History 105C. 5C is 3 units; 105C is 5 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

CSRE 28N: The Cultural Shaping of Emotion (PSYCH 28N)

This seminar examines how our cultural ideas and practices shape our conceptions, perceptions, and experiences of emotion. We will read and discuss empirical research and case studies from psychology, anthropology, sociology, and medicine. Course requirements include weekly reading and thought papers, weekly discussion, and a final research project and presentation.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 31N: Does Science Have Culture? (ANTHRO 30N)

In this course students will engage with the anthropology of science and medicine to explore the how cultural norms shape scientific understandings. Through a series of diverse global case studies, seminar participants will assess how historical conditions yield political possibilities that inflect discoveries. Lastly, students will probe how cultural understandings of nature, human difference and national esteem influence how scientific facts come to cohere as reflections of the societies in which they emerge.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 37Q: Food Justice Now! Power and Politics in the Ways We Eat (EARTHSYS 37Q, SOC 37Q)

Where does the food you eat come from? How does it get to your plate? Where does it go when you don't finish it? And why are those particular items on your plate in the first place? How and what we eat is a vastly overlooked part of everyday life, and yet comes with huge personal, societal, and environmental effects, both positive and (quite often) negative. But this isn't indicative of personal moral failings or ignorance - rather, the food system was designed this way. And it leaves many of us without choice or consent around what we put into our bodies and how our actions impact those around us, thereby exacerbating social and health inequities. This class will uncover the secret workings of the global food system and introduce students to movements and efforts towards creating a more just food future for all. We will center on the concept of 'food justice,' which includes all ideas and practices that strive to eliminate exploitation and oppression within and beyond the food system. This trajectory will take us through understandings of economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological life, both now and in the past, providing students with a unique opportunity to gain interdisciplinary knowledge of food systems. For instance, we will learn about how historical and modern-day activists and scholars draw on movements for economic, gender, racial, climate, and environmental justice, and explore the possibilities for both reformative and transformative food politics. Finally, because food production, consumption, and activism are all highly tangible practices, the class will engage in field trips to the Stanford O'Donohue Family Farm, Stanford Food Institute's Teaching Kitchen, and a local Bay Area farm to get hands-on experience with what it means to eat more ethically.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 41A: Genes and Identity (AFRICAAM 41, ANTHRO 41, FEMGEN 41)

In recent decades genes have increasingly become endowed with the cultural power to explain many aspects of human life: physical traits, diseases, behaviors, ancestral histories, and identity. In this course we will explore a deepening societal intrigue with genetic accounts of personal identity and political meaning. Students will engage with varied interdisciplinary sources that range from legal cases to scientific articles, medical ethics guidelines, films, and anthropological works (ethnographies). We will explore several case studies where the use of DNA markers (as proof of heritage, disease risk, or legal standing) has spawned cultural movements that are biosocial in nature. Throughout we will look at how new social movements are organized around gene-based definitions of personhood, health, and legal truth. Several examples include political analyses of citizenship and belonging. On this count we will discuss issues of African ancestry testing as evidence in slavery reparations cases, revisit debates on whether Black Freedman should be allowed into the Cherokee and Seminole Nations, and hear arguments on whether people with genetic links to Jewish groups should have a right of return to Israel. We will also examine the ways genetic knowledge may shape different health politics at the individual and societal level. On this count we will do close readings of how personal genomics testing companies operate, we will investigate how health disparities funding as well as orphan disease research take on new valences when re-framed in genetic terms, and we will see how new articulations of global health priorities are emerging through genetic research in places like Africa. Finally we will explore social implications of forensic uses of DNA. Here we will examine civil liberties concerns about genetic familial searching in forensic databases that disproportionately target specific minority groups as criminal suspects, and inquire into the use of DNA to generate digital mugshots of suspects that re-introduce genetic concepts of race.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 45S: Land and Power in the Anthropocene: Perspectives from Africa (AFRICAAM 145S, HISTORY 45S)

How and why is land use a contested issue? How can we understand land injustice in light of the Anthropocene, that is, human-induced climate change? How do African knowledges, practices, and experiences inform global debates about environmental, political, and socio-economic well-being? This course considers how racial and colonial thinking and processes compounded discourses about land and examines examples of resistance, legacies of struggle, and possible futures. Centering African perspectives in a global context, we will examine how individual, institutional, and societal conceptions of land are revealed in narratives, practices, and policies created and circulated by Africans as well as outsiders in the continent. We will also analyze how these dynamics have had and continue to have repercussions across the globe. We will engage with diverse written, oral, audio-visual, and digital sources and associated methodologies to explore perceptions of land and land ownership, and discuss various forms of land use including agriculture, pastoralism, conservation, mining, and urbanization, and potential futures.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 50S: Nineteenth Century America (HISTORY 50B)

(Same as HISTORY 150B. HISTORY 50B is 3 units; HISTORY 150B is 5 units.) Territorial expansion, social change, and economic transformation. The causes and consequences of the Civil War. Topics include: urbanization and the market revolution; slavery and the Old South; sectional conflict; successes and failures of Reconstruction; and late 19th-century society and culture.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

CSRE 63N: The Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality (AMSTUD 63N, FEMGEN 63N, HISTORY 63N)

This course explores the long history of ideas about gender and equality. Each week we read, dissect, compare, and critique a set of primary historical documents (political and literary) from around the world, moving from the 15th century to the present. We tease out changing arguments about education, the body, sexuality, violence, labor, politics, and the very meaning of gender, and we place feminist critics within national and global political contexts.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

CSRE 74: History of South Africa (AFRICAAM 47, HISTORY 47)

(Same as HISTORY 147. HISTORY 47 is 3 units; HISTORY 147 is 5 units.) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

CSRE 91NF: Writing and Representing Ourselves in the Time of GenAI (PWR 91NF)

Generative AI promises to help us with some of the greatest challenges in healthcare, education, finance, and more. However, how can we ensure that we benefit from a more ethical & human-centered use of this technology that encompasses and benefits all humans? In this class, we will engage in meaningful discussions and learn how to critically examine the far-reaching socio-cultural and linguistic impacts GenAI tools have on daily interactions, as well as far-reaching global impacts. You will have the opportunity to reflect more deeply on the potential challenges that GenAI can pose in terms of reinforcing stock-narratives or images about marginalized groups and investigate the ways certain GenAI tools have exhibited forms of racial, gender or language-based bias. Via course readings, guest-lecture visits, and course assignments you will increase your awareness and find practical solutions that address the normative narratives that feed Generative AI tools. This course does not fulfill the Write 1 or the Write 2 writing requirement.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fahim, N. (PI)

CSRE 100: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ARTHIST 98, EDUC 166C, ENGLISH 172D, FILMEDIA 98, PSYCH 155, SOC 146, TAPS 165)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

CSRE 105C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (FEMGEN 105C, HISTORY 105C, HUMRTS 112, INTNLREL 105C)

(Same as HISTORY 5C. 105C is 5 units, 5C is 3 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CSRE 108: Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (AMSTUD 107, FEMGEN 101, TAPS 108)

Introduction to interdisciplinary approaches to gender, sexuality, queer, trans, and feminist studies. Topics include social justice and feminist organizing, art and activism, feminist histories, the emergence of gender and sexuality studies in the academy, intersectionality and interdependence, the embodiment and performance of difference, and relevant socio-economic and political formations such as work and the family. Students learn to think critically about race, gender, disability, and sexuality. Includes guest lectures from faculty across the university and weekly discussion sections.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 114R: Comparative History of Racial & Ethnic Groups in California (HISTORY 250B, NATIVEAM 114)

Comparative focus on the demographic, political, social and economic histories of American Indians & Alaska Natives, African Americans, Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans during late 18th and early 20th century California. Topics: relationships with Spanish, Mexican, U.S. Federal, State and local governments; intragroup and intergroup relationships; and differences such as religion, class and gender.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 121L: Racial-Ethnic Politics in US (POLISCI 121L, PUBLPOL 121L)

This course examines the profound role race plays in American politics. Topics covered include the construction of political identity among Asian, Black, Latino, Native, and White Americans; the politics of immigration and acculturation; and the influence of racial identity on public opinion, voting behavior, the media, social movements, and in the justice system. We will tackle questions such as: What makes a political campaign ad 'racist?' Why did Donald Trump's support among Black, Latino, and Asian voters increase from 2016 to 2020? Are undocumented immigrants really more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens? How can we measure whether there is racial bias in policing? What do we even mean when we use the terms 'race' and 'ethnicity' - and how have the definitions of identity groups evolved over time? Throughout, students will be pushed to carefully evaluate data-based claims, critically analyze their own assumptions, and bring to bear empirical evidence to support their arguments in an inclusive learning environment. Prior coursework in Statistics or Economics strongly recommended.
Last offered: Autumn 2019 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 132C: Technology and Inequality (ANTHRO 132C)

In this advanced interdisciplinary seminar we will examine the ways that technologies aimed to make human lives better (healthier, freer, more connected, and informed) often also harbor the potential to exacerbate social inequalities. Drawing from readings in the social sciences on power and ethics, we will pay special attention to issues of wealth, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, globalization and humanitarianism.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 141: Gentrification (URBANST 141)

Neighborhoods in the Bay Area and around the world are undergoing a transformation known as gentrification. Middle- and upper-income people are moving into what were once low-income areas, and housing costs are on the rise. Tensions between newcomers and old timers, who are often separated by race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, can erupt; high rents may force long-time residents to leave. In this class we will move beyond simplistic media depictions to explore the complex history, nature, causes and consequences of this process. Students will learn through readings, films, class discussions, and engagement with a local community organization. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center)
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 141S: Immigration and Multiculturalism (POLISCI 141A)

What are the economic effects of immigration? Do immigrants assimilate into local culture? What drives native attitudes towards immigrants? Is diversity bad for local economies and societies and which policies work for managing diversity and multiculturalism? We will address these and similar questions by synthesizing the conclusions of a number of empirical studies on immigration and multiculturalism. The emphasis of the course is on the use of research design and statistical techniques that allow us to move beyond correlations and towards causal assessments of the effects of immigration and immigration policy.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

CSRE 142C: Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs, Democracy, Development and Environmental Justice (EARTHSYS 135, INTNLREL 142, URBANST 135)

This community-engaged learning class is part of a broader collaboration between the Program on Social Entrepreneurship at the Haas Center for Public Service, Distinguished Visitors Program and the Doerr School of Sustainability, using practice to better inform theory about how innovation can help address society's biggest challenges with a particular focus on environmental justice, sustainability and climate resilience for frontline and marginalized communities who have or will experience environmental harms. Working with the instructor and the 2024 Distinguished Visitors ? Angela McKee-Brown, founder and CEO of Project Reflect; Jason Su, executive director of the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy; Cecilia Taylor, founder, executive director, and CEO of Belle Haven Action; and Violet Wulf-Saena, founder and executive director of Climate Resilient Communities ? students will use case studies of successful and failed social change strategies to explore relationships between social entrepreneurship, race, systemic inequities, democracy and justice. This course interrogates approaches like design theory, measuring impact, fundraising, leadership, storytelling, and policy advocacy with the Distinguished Visitors providing practical examples from their work on how this theory plays out in practice. This is a community-engaged learning class in which students will learn by working on projects that support the social entrepreneurs' efforts to promote social change. Students should register for either 3 OR 5 units only. Students enrolled in the full 5 units will have a service-learning component along with the course. Students enrolled for 3 units will not complete the service-learning component. Limited enrollment. Attendance at the first class is mandatory in order to participate in service learning. Graduate and undergraduate students may enroll.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Janus, K. (PI)

CSRE 146A: Designing Research for Social Justice: Creating a Community Engaged Research Project (URBANST 123A)

This course will support students in designing or refining a proposal for a community-engaged research project. Unlike "traditional" forms of research, community-engaged research uses a social justice lens to ensure research outcomes benefit communities most impacted by social inequities. This approach to research aims to alter the power relationship between "researchers" and "researched" by ensuring close collaboration with community partners in the design, conceptualization, and actualization of the research process. In this course, students will be guided through each phase of designing a community-engaged research project. This involves forming a successful community partnership, generating meaningful research questions, and selecting means of collecting and analyzing data that best answer the research questions and support community partners. Additionally, the course will support students to develop a grounding in the theory and practice of community-engaged research while also considering the ethical questions and challenges involved. By the end of the course, students will have developed a robust community-engaged research design that can be used to craft a research proposal for various summer funding opportunities, including the Chappell Lougee Scholarship, the Community-Based Research Fellowship, Cardinal Quarter Fellowships, and Major Grants, among others. Please note that while the course prepares students to develop strong proposals, it does not guarantee funding. The skills gained will also benefit students in any academic year, including those who may wish to pursue community-engaged theses or capstone projects.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CSRE 146B: Community Engaged Research - Principles, Ethics, and Design (CSRE 346B, URBANST 123B)

This course is designed to support students planning to participate in community engaged research experiences during the summer 2023 term. Course materials and discussions will promote deep engagement with, and reflection on, the principles, practices, and ethics of community engaged research as a unique orientation to scholarly inquiry and social action that centers the interests and assets of the communities with whom researchers partner. On a practical level, the course will help students develop or clarify a collaborative research design process and build professional and project-specific skills in consultation with their mentors and community collaborators. This is a required course for students participating in the Haas Center for Public Service Community-based Research Fellows Program, but enrollment is open to all Stanford students. We particularly encourage the involvement of students who will be participating in partnership-based research activities over the summer.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Hurd, C. (PI)

CSRE 147A: Race and Ethnicity Around the World (SOC 147, SOC 247)

(Graduate students register for 247.) How have the definitions, categories, and consequences of race and ethnicity differed across time and place? This course offers a historical and sociological survey of racialized divisions around the globe. Case studies include: affirmative action policies, policies of segregation and ghettoization, countries with genocidal pasts, invisible minorities, and countries that refuse to count their citizens by race at all.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 148R: Los Angeles: A Cultural History (AMSTUD 148, HISTORY 148C)

This course traces a cultural history of Los Angeles from the early twentieth century to the present. Approaching popular representations of Los Angeles as our primary source, we discuss the ways that diverse groups of Angelenos have represented their city on the big and small screens, in the press, in the theater, in music, and in popular fiction. We focus in particular on the ways that conceptions of race and gender have informed representations of the city. Possible topics include: fashion and racial violence in the Zoot Suit Riots of the Second World War, Disneyland as a suburban fantasy, cinematic representations of Native American life in Bunker Hill in the 1961 film The Exiles, the independent black cinema of the Los Angeles Rebellion, the Anna Deaver Smith play Twilight Los Angeles about the civil unrest that gripped the city in 1992, and the 2019 film Once Upon a Time¿in Hollywood.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 149A: The Urban Underclass (SOC 149, SOC 249, URBANST 112)

(Graduate students register for 249.) We explore the history of residential segregation, urban policy, race, discrimination, policing and mass incarceration in the US. What are the various causes and consequences of poverty? How do institutions that serve the poor work and sometimes fail? We will read deeply into the social, political, and the legal causes of today¿s conflicts.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Rosenfeld, M. (PI)

CSRE 150S: Nineteenth Century America (AMSTUD 150B, HISTORY 150B)

(Same as HISTORY 50B. 150B is 5 units; 50B is 3 units.) This course is a survey of nineteenth-century American history. Topics include: the legacy of the American Revolution; the invention of political parties; capitalist transformation and urbanization; the spread of evangelical Christianity; antebellum reform; changing conceptions of gender, sex, and family; territorial expansion, Indigenous dispossession, and Manifest Destiny; the politics and experience of Indian removal; slavery and emancipation; the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Redemption; the crises and corruption of the Gilded Age; the Populist insurgency; Chinese exclusion; allotment and reservation life; and the emergence of the United States as a modern nation state.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-SI

CSRE 154T: The Politics of Algorithms (COMM 154, COMM 254, SOC 154, SOC 254C)

(Graduate students enroll in 254. COMM 154 is offered for 5 units, COMM 254 is offered for 4 units.) Algorithms have become central actors in today's digital world. In areas as diverse as social media, journalism, education, healthcare, and policing, computing technologies increasingly mediate communication processes. This course will provide an introduction to the social and cultural forces shaping the construction, institutionalization, and uses of algorithms. In so doing, we will explore how algorithms relate to political issues of modernization, power, and inequality. Readings will range from social scientific analyses to media coverage of ongoing controversies relating to Big Data. Students will leave the course with a better appreciation of the broader challenges associated with researching, building, and using algorithms.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Christin, A. (PI)

CSRE 156: The Changing American City (SOC 156A, SOC 256A, URBANST 156A)

After decades of decline, U.S. cities today are undergoing major transformations. Young professionals are flocking to cities instead of fleeing to the suburbs. Massive increases in immigration have transformed the racial and ethnic diversity of cities and their neighborhoods. Public housing projects that once defined the inner city are disappearing, and crime rates have fallen dramatically. Do these changes signal the end of residential segregation and urban inequality? Who do these changes benefit? This course will explore these issues and strategies to address them through readings and discussion, analyzing a changing neighborhood in a major city in the Bay Area in groups (which will include at least one site visit), and studying a changing neighborhood or city of their choice for their final project. The course does not have pre-requisites.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 162: The Politics of Sex: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern America (AMSTUD 161, FEMGEN 61, FEMGEN 161, HISTORY 61, HISTORY 161)

This course explores the ways that individuals and movements for social and economic equality have redefined and contested gender and sexuality in the modern United States. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources, we will explore the intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the politics of woman suffrage, racial justice, reproductive rights, and gay and trans rights, as well as conservative and right-wing responses. Majors and non-majors alike are welcome.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 168: Race, Nature, and the City (EARTHSYS 169, SOC 168A, URBANST 168)

This course provides an introduction to the study of race and place within urban political ecology (UPE). Geographer Natasha Cornea defines UPE as a 'conceptual approach that understands urbanization to be a political, economic, social, and ecological process, one that often results in highly uneven and inequitable landscapes' in and beyond cities. The primary focus will be cities in the Americas, but we will draw on insights from scholars studying the mutually constitutive nature of race and place in other regions. In line with critical theories that frame intersectional experiences of race, the course readings also take into account class, gender, sexuality, and nation.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 174: History of South Africa (AFRICAAM 147, HISTORY 147)

(Same as HISTORY 47. HISTORY 147 is 5 units; HISTORY 47 is 3 units) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

CSRE 176B: The Social Life of Neighborhoods (AFRICAAM 76B, AMSTUD 276, SOC 176, SOC 276, URBANST 179)

How do neighborhoods come to be? How and why do they change? What is the role of power, money, race, immigration, segregation, culture, government, and other forces? In this course, students will interrogate these questions using literatures from sociology, geography, and political science, along with archival, observational, interview, and cartographic (GIS) methods. Students will work in small groups to create content (e.g., images, audio, and video) for a self-guided ¿neighborhood tour,¿ which will be added to a mobile app and/or website.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

CSRE 179A: Crime and Punishment in America (AFRICAAM 179A, AMSTUD 179A, SOC 179A, SOC 279A)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the way crime has been defined and punished in the United States. Recent social movements such as the Movement for Black Lives have drawn attention to the problem of mass incarceration and officer-involved shootings of people of color. These movements have underscored the centrality of the criminal justice system in defining citizenship, race, and democracy in America. How did our country get here? This course provides a social scientific perspective on Americas past and present approach to crime and punishment. Readings and discussions focus on racism in policing, court processing, and incarceration; the social construction of crime and violence; punishment among the privileged; the collateral consequences of punishment in poor communities of color; and normative debates about social justice, racial justice, and reforming the criminal justice system. Students will learn to gather their own knowledge and contribute to normative debates through a field report assignment and an op-ed writing assignment.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Clair, M. (PI)

CSRE 185B: Jews in the Contemporary World:Ā Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (HISTORY 185B, JEWISHST 185B, REES 185B, SLAVIC 183)

(HISTORY 185B is 5 units; HISTORY 85B is 3 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 189: Race and Immigration (SOC 189, SOC 289)

In the contemporary United States, supposedly race-neutral immigration laws have racially-unequal consequences. Immigrants from Mexico, Central America, and the Middle East are central to ongoing debates about who's includable, and who's excludable, from American society. These present-day dynamics mirror the historical forms of exclusion imposed on immigrants from places as diverse as China, Eastern Europe, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and much of Africa. These groups' varied experiences of exclusion underscore the long-time encoding of race into U.S. immigration policy and practice. Readings and discussions center on how immigration law has become racialized in its construction and in its enforcement over the last 150 years.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Asad, A. (PI)

CSRE 194KTA: Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Racism, Misogyny, and the Law (FEMGEN 194, HISTORY 261C, PWR 194KTA)

The gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 by the Supreme Court of the United States led to the consequent disenfranchisement of many voters of color. For many citizens who desire a truly representative government, SCOTUS's decision predicted the collapse of democracy and endorsed White supremacy. In this course, through an examination of jurisprudential racism and misogyny, students will learn to dissect the rhetoric of the U.S. judicial branch and the barriers it constructs to equity and inclusion through caselaw and appellate Opinions. The United States of America long deprived the right to vote to men of color and women of every race, and equal access to justice including at the intersections has been an enduring fight. The history of employment law, criminal justice, access to healthcare, and more includes jurisprudence enforcing racist and misogynist U.S. policies and social dynamics. Students will learn how to read a case, scrutinize court briefings, and contextualize bias as a foundation to erect a more just, equitable, and inclusionary legal system.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 201L: Doing Public History (HISTORY 200L)

Examines history outside the classroom; its role in political/cultural debates in U.S. and abroad. Considers functions, practices, and reception of history in public arena, including museums, memorials, naming of buildings, courtrooms, websites, op-eds. Analyzes controversies arising when historians' work outside the academy challenges the status quo; role funders, interest groups, and the public play in promoting, shaping, or suppressing historical interpretation. Who gets to tell a group's story? What changes can public history enable? Students will engage in public history projects.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

CSRE 205L: Prostitution & Sex Trafficking: Regulating Morality and the Status of Women (FEMGEN 205L, HISTORY 205L)

Examines governmental policies toward prostitution from the late 19th century to the present. Focuses on the underlying attitudes, assumptions, strategies, and consequences of various historical and current legal frameworks regulating prostitution, including: prohibitionism, abolitionism, legalization, partial decriminalization, and full decriminalization. Special focus on these policies' effects on sex trafficking, sex worker rights, and the status of women. Emphasis on Europe and the U.S., with additional cases from across the globe.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 230A: Digital Civil Society (COMM 230A)

This class takes a global perspective and historical approach to understanding digital civil society in democracies. 'Civil society' includes social movements, philanthropists, unions, nonprofits, informal associational life, individual activism, and cooperatives, among others. Students will interrogate how civil society is evolving in a world of pervasive digitization and data collection. This year's syllabus divides the class into three "clusters" of topics: Elections, Culture and Community, and Company Towns. Through these clusters we will study tech workers unionizing, digital ID systems, disinformation, voting and democracy in digital times, the human labor behind content moderation, digitization's effects on intellectual property and creativity, and community efforts to shift corporate and/or government power. Class includes guest speakers and an optional field trip.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 243C: People, Plants, and Medicine: Atlantic World Amerindian, African, and European Science (CSRE 443C, FEMGEN 443C, HISTORY 243C, HISTORY 343C, HISTORY 443C)

Explores the global circulation of plants, peoples, disease, medicines, technologies, and knowledge. Considers primarily Africans, Amerindians, and Europeans in the eighteenth-century Atlantic World and focuses on their exchanges in the Caribbean, in particular within the French and British empires. We also take examples from other knowledge traditions, where relevant. Readings treat science and medicine in relation to voyaging, the natural history of plants, environmental exchange, racism, and slavery in colonial contexts. Colonial sciences and medicines were important militarily and strategically for positioning emerging nation states in global struggles for land and resources. Upper-level undergrads must apply for 243C; please fill in this short form: Graduate students taking the course as a one-quarter seminar should enroll in 343C. Graduate students taking the course as a two-part graduate research seminar should enroll in the 443C (Part I) in Winter and the 443D (Part II) in Spring.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 246: Constructing Race and Religion in America (AMSTUD 246, HISTORY 256G, RELIGST 246)

This seminar focuses on the interrelationships between social constructions of race and social interpretations of religion in America. How have assumptions about race shaped religious worldviews? How have religious beliefs shaped racial attitudes? How have ideas about religion and race contributed to notions of what it means to be "American"? We will look at primary and secondary sources and at the historical development of ideas and practices over time.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 252C: The Old South: Culture, Society, and Slavery (AFRICAAM 252C, HISTORY 252C)

This course explores the political, social, and cultural history of the antebellum American South, with an emphasis on the history of African-American slavery. Topics include race and race making, slave community and resistance, gender and reproduction, class and immigration, commodity capitalism, technology, disease and climate, indigenous Southerners, white southern honor culture, the Civil War, and the region's place in national mythmaking and memory.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 260: Race, Ethnicity, and Water in Urban California (AFRICAAM 169A, AMSTUD 169, URBANST 169)

Is water a human right or an entitlement? Who controls the water, and who should control the water, in California? Private companies? Nonprofits? Local residents? Federal, state, or local governments? This course will explore these questions in the context of urban California more generally, the players and the politics to make sense of a complex problem with deep historical roots; one that defines the new century in California urban life. The required readings and discussions cover cities from Oakland to Los Angeles, providing a platform for students to explore important environmental issues, past and present, affecting California municipalities undergoing rapid population change. In addition, our research focus will be on the cities located on the Central Coast of California: agricultural Salinas, Watsonville, and Castroville and towns along the Salinas Valley; tourist based Monterey, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Pacific Grove; the bedroom community of Prunedale to the north, and former military towns, Marina and Seaside, as all of these ethnically, socioeconomically diverse communities engage in political struggles over precious, and ever scarcer water resources, contend with catastrophic events such as droughts and floods, and fight battles over rights to clean water, entitlement, environmental racism, and equity. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 260B: Race and Ethnicity in Urban California: Research Seminar (AMSTUD 169B, SOC 169B, URBANST 169B)

This course is part of an ongoing research project that examines the consequences of social, demographic, economic, and political changes in ethnic and race relations in in urban California. Students taking this course will construct will investigate a particular issue, place, policy, or event of special interest and write a 15-20-page paper. Through individualized research projects, our aim is to understand how and why policies and practices developed that isolated and marginalized communities of color leading to environmental racism, housing inequality, public health crises, socioeconomic (im)mobility, over-policing, and underserving, and (un)fair representation in city politics and governments. We will also focus on solutions. We look at the creative, challenging, and diverse ways grassroots organizers, academics, and governments at every level can work in partnership to reshape policy and rectify injustice in a variety of urban and suburban environments in California. Each paper should conclude with ideas about how to make constructive change. This course has been designated as a Cardinal Course by the Haas Center for Public Service. Cardinal Courses apply classroom knowledge to pressing social and environmental problems through reciprocal community partnerships. The units received through this course can be used towards the 12-unit requirement for the Cardinal Service transcript notation.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 288C: Jews of the Modern Middle East and North Africa (HISTORY 288C, JEWISHST 288C)

This course will explore the cultural, social, and political histories of the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from 1860 to present times. The geographic concentration will range from Morocco to Iran, Iraq to Turkey, and everywhere in between. Topics include: Jewish culture and identity in Islamic contexts; the impacts of colonialism, westernization, and nationalism; Jewish-Muslim relations; the racialization of MENA Jews; the Holocaust; the experience and place of MENA Jews in Israel; and "Jews of Color."
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

CSRE 298G: Race, Gender, & Sexuality in Chinese History (ASNAMST 298, FEMGEN 298C, HISTORY 298C, HISTORY 398C)

This course examines the diverse ways in which identities--particularly race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality have been understood and experienced in Chinese societies, broadly defined, from the imperial period to the present day. Topics include changes in women's lives and status, racial and ethnic categorizations, homosexuality, prostitution, masculinity, and gender-crossing.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

DATASCI 154: Solving Social Problems with Data (COMM 140X, EARTHSYS 153, ECON 163, MS&E 134, POLISCI 154, PUBLPOL 155, SOC 127)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Nobles, M. (PI)

DLCL 21N: Global Cultural Heritage: Past, Present, Future (ENGLISH 21N, SUSTAIN 51N)

What remnants of the world's cultures will future generations be able to discover and decipher, and how will they interpret the monuments, documents, languages, and sites that remain? How will they access the technologies we have created for making our way through the world? What has been the environmental impact of human culture? Why should we preserve human cultural remains? How do encounters with the past inform our future? This IntroSem takes a humanistic perspective on sustainability, viewing the human record as a resource and exploring how it might be sustained in an ethical and meaningful way.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

DLCL 100: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (COMPLIT 100, FRENCH 175, GERMAN 175, HISTORY 206E, ILAC 175, ITALIAN 175, URBANST 153)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

EARTHSYS 37Q: Food Justice Now! Power and Politics in the Ways We Eat (CSRE 37Q, SOC 37Q)

Where does the food you eat come from? How does it get to your plate? Where does it go when you don't finish it? And why are those particular items on your plate in the first place? How and what we eat is a vastly overlooked part of everyday life, and yet comes with huge personal, societal, and environmental effects, both positive and (quite often) negative. But this isn't indicative of personal moral failings or ignorance - rather, the food system was designed this way. And it leaves many of us without choice or consent around what we put into our bodies and how our actions impact those around us, thereby exacerbating social and health inequities. This class will uncover the secret workings of the global food system and introduce students to movements and efforts towards creating a more just food future for all. We will center on the concept of 'food justice,' which includes all ideas and practices that strive to eliminate exploitation and oppression within and beyond the food system. This trajectory will take us through understandings of economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological life, both now and in the past, providing students with a unique opportunity to gain interdisciplinary knowledge of food systems. For instance, we will learn about how historical and modern-day activists and scholars draw on movements for economic, gender, racial, climate, and environmental justice, and explore the possibilities for both reformative and transformative food politics. Finally, because food production, consumption, and activism are all highly tangible practices, the class will engage in field trips to the Stanford O'Donohue Family Farm, Stanford Food Institute's Teaching Kitchen, and a local Bay Area farm to get hands-on experience with what it means to eat more ethically.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

EARTHSYS 103: Understand Energy (CEE 107A, CEE 207A, ENERGY 107A, ENERGY 207A)

NOTE: This course will be taught in-person on main campus, lectures are recorded and available asynchronously. Energy is the number one contributor to climate change and has significant consequences for our society, political system, economy, and environment. Energy is also a fundamental driver of human development and opportunity. In taking this course, students will not only understand the fundamentals of each energy resource - including significance and potential, conversion processes and technologies, drivers and barriers, policy and regulation, and social, economic, and environmental impacts - students will also be able to put this in the context of the broader energy system. Both depletable and renewable energy resources are covered, including oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, biomass and biofuel, hydroelectric, wind, solar thermal and photovoltaics (PV), geothermal, and ocean energy, with cross-cutting topics including electricity, storage, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), sustainability, green buildings, energy efficiency, transportation, and the developing world. The 4 unit course includes lecture and in-class discussion, readings and videos, homework assignments, one on-campus field trip during lecture time and two off-campus field trips with brief report assignments. Off-campus field trips to wind farms, solar farms, nuclear power plants, natural gas power plants, hydroelectric dams, etc. Enroll for 5 units to also attend the Workshop, an interactive discussion section on cross-cutting topics that meets once per week for 80 minutes (Mondays, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM). Open to all: pre-majors and majors, with any background! Website: CEE 107S/207S Understand Energy: Essentials is a shorter (3 unit) version of this course, offered summer quarter. Students should not take both for credit. Prerequisites: Algebra.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-SI

EARTHSYS 106: World Food Economy (EARTHSYS 206, ECON 106, ECON 206, ESS 106, ESS 206)

The World Food Economy is a survey course that covers the economic and political dimensions of food production, consumption, and trade. The course focuses on food markets and food policy within a global context. It is comprised of three major sections: structural features (agronomic, technological, and economic) that determine the nature of domestic food systems; the role of domestic food and agricultural policies in international markets; and the integrating forces of international research, trade, and food aid in the world food economy. This 5-unit course entails a substantial group modeling project that is required for all students. Enrollment is by application only. The application is found at Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and priority will be given to upper-level undergraduates who need the course for their major, and to graduate students pursuing work directly related to the course. The application submission period will close on March 15
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

EARTHSYS 112: Human Society and Environmental Change (EARTHSYS 212, ESS 112, HISTORY 103D)

Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding human-environment interactions with a focus on economics, policy, culture, history, and the role of the state. Prerequisite: ECON 1.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

EARTHSYS 133: Social Enterprise Workshop (URBANST 133)

Social Enterprise Workshop: A team based class to design solutions to social issues. In the class students will identify issues they are interested in, such as housing, food, the environment, or college access. They will join teams of like-minded students. Working under the guidance of an experienced social entrepreneur, together they will develop a solution to one part of their issue and write a business plan for that solution. The class will also feature guests who are leaders in the field of social entrepreneurship who will share their stories and help with the business plans. The business plan exercise can be used for both nonprofits and for-profits. Previous students have started successful organizations and raised significant funds based on the business plans developed in this class. There are no prerequisites, and students do not need to have an idea for a social enterprise to join the class. Enrollment limited to 20. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: ; Scher, L. (PI)

EARTHSYS 135: Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs, Democracy, Development and Environmental Justice (CSRE 142C, INTNLREL 142, URBANST 135)

This community-engaged learning class is part of a broader collaboration between the Program on Social Entrepreneurship at the Haas Center for Public Service, Distinguished Visitors Program and the Doerr School of Sustainability, using practice to better inform theory about how innovation can help address society's biggest challenges with a particular focus on environmental justice, sustainability and climate resilience for frontline and marginalized communities who have or will experience environmental harms. Working with the instructor and the 2024 Distinguished Visitors ? Angela McKee-Brown, founder and CEO of Project Reflect; Jason Su, executive director of the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy; Cecilia Taylor, founder, executive director, and CEO of Belle Haven Action; and Violet Wulf-Saena, founder and executive director of Climate Resilient Communities ? students will use case studies of successful and failed social change strategies to explore relationships between social entrepreneurship, race, systemic inequities, democracy and justice. This course interrogates approaches like design theory, measuring impact, fundraising, leadership, storytelling, and policy advocacy with the Distinguished Visitors providing practical examples from their work on how this theory plays out in practice. This is a community-engaged learning class in which students will learn by working on projects that support the social entrepreneurs' efforts to promote social change. Students should register for either 3 OR 5 units only. Students enrolled in the full 5 units will have a service-learning component along with the course. Students enrolled for 3 units will not complete the service-learning component. Limited enrollment. Attendance at the first class is mandatory in order to participate in service learning. Graduate and undergraduate students may enroll.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Janus, K. (PI)

EARTHSYS 137: Concepts and Analytic Skills for the Social Sector (URBANST 132)

How to develop and grow innovative nonprofit organizations and for-profit enterprises which have the primary goal of solving social and environmental problems. Topics include organizational mission, strategy, market/user analysis, communications, funding, recruitment and impact evaluation. Perspectives from the field of social entrepreneurship, design thinking and social change organizing. Opportunities and limits of using methods from the for-profit sector to meet social goals. Focus is on integrating theory with practical applications, including several case exercises and simulations. One-day practicum where students advise an actual social impact organization. Enrollment limited to 20.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

EARTHSYS 153: Solving Social Problems with Data (COMM 140X, DATASCI 154, ECON 163, MS&E 134, POLISCI 154, PUBLPOL 155, SOC 127)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Nobles, M. (PI)

EARTHSYS 160: Sustainable Cities (URBANST 164)

Community-engaged learning course that exposes students to sustainability concepts and urban planning as a tool for determining sustainable outcomes in the Bay Area. The focus will be on land use and transportation planning to housing and employment patterns, mobility, public health, and social equity. Topics will include government initiatives to counteract urban sprawl and promote smart growth and livability, political realities of organizing and building coalitions around sustainability goals, and increasing opportunities for low-income and communities of color to achieve sustainability outcomes. Students will participate in remote team-based projects in collaboration with Bay Area community partners. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center.) Apply here:
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kos, R. (PI)

EARTHSYS 165: Sustainable Transportation: Policy and Planning in Practice (URBANST 165)

The transportation network is an essential, if often invisible, part of communities. Only when traffic piles up, the subway shuts down, or the sidewalk is closed do we notice the services and infrastructure that are critical to everyday movement. Beyond the everyday effects, transportation planning decisions also have long term consequences for the environment (transportation is the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States); the economy (transportation is the fourth largest household expenditure after healthcare, housing, and food); and community wellbeing (traffic collisions are the leading cause of death for young people in the United States). This course will interrogate the role of transportation in fostering sustainable communities paying particular attention to how policy and planning decisions contribute to or hinder equitable access, economic vibrancy, environmental protection. Through a combination of lectures, field work, guest speakers, and real-world client projects, this course will provide an introduction to the field of transportation policy and planning. Student will learn about and get hands-on practice with topics such as bicycle and pedestrian design, safety analysis, traffic operations and modeling software, transit planning, and emerging trends such as autonomous vehicles, micromobility, and congestion pricing. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; McAdam, T. (PI)

EARTHSYS 168: Land Use: Planning for Sustainable Cities (AMSTUD 163, PUBLPOL 163, URBANST 163)

Through case studies with a focus on the San Francisco Bay Area, guest speakers, selective readings and interactive assignments, this survey course seeks to demystify the concept of land use for the non-city planner. This introductory course will review the history and trends of land use policies, as well as address a number of current themes to demonstrate the power and importance of land use. Students will explore how urban areas function, how stakeholders influence land use choices, and how land use decisions contribute to positive and negative outcomes. By exploring the contemporary history of land use in the United States, students will learn how land use has been used as a tool for discriminatory practices and NIMBYism. Students will also learn about current land use planning efforts that seek to make cities more sustainable, resilient and equitable to address issues like gentrification, affordable housing, and sea level rise.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

EARTHSYS 169: Race, Nature, and the City (CSRE 168, SOC 168A, URBANST 168)

This course provides an introduction to the study of race and place within urban political ecology (UPE). Geographer Natasha Cornea defines UPE as a 'conceptual approach that understands urbanization to be a political, economic, social, and ecological process, one that often results in highly uneven and inequitable landscapes' in and beyond cities. The primary focus will be cities in the Americas, but we will draw on insights from scholars studying the mutually constitutive nature of race and place in other regions. In line with critical theories that frame intersectional experiences of race, the course readings also take into account class, gender, sexuality, and nation.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

EARTHSYS 194: Introduction to Environmental Justice: Race, Class, Gender and Place (ENVRES 223)

This course examines the rhetoric, history and key case studies of environmental justice while encouraging critical and collaborative thinking, reading and researching about diversity in environmental movements within the global community and at Stanford, including the ways race, class and gender have shaped environmental battles still being fought today. We center diverse voices by bringing leaders, particularly from marginalized communities on the frontlines to our classroom to communicate experiences, insights and best practices. Together we will develop and present original research projects which may serve a particular organizational or community need, such as racialized dispossession, toxic pollution and human health, or indigenous land and water rights, among many others. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service. On Mondays, we will meet for discussion-based seminars and small group activities. On Wednesdays, Intro to EJ students will attend lectures presented by leading EJ scholars and advocates through the Environmental Justice Colloquium (EARTHSYS 194A)."Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service."
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

EASTASN 177: Divided Memories & Reconciliation: the formation of wartime historical memory in the Pacific (EASTASN 277)

Divided Memories will examine the formation of historical memory about World War Two in Asia, looking comparatively at the national memories of China, Japan, Korea, and the United States. It will also study efforts at reconciliation in contemporary Asia. The course will look at the role of textbooks, popular culture, with an emphasis on cinema, and elite opinion on the formation of wartime memory. We will study and discuss controversial issues such as war crimes, forced labor, sexual servitude, and the use of atomic weapons. Class will combine lectures with in class discussion, with short essays or papers.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Sneider, D. (PI)

EASTASN 188: The Asian Triangle: Japan, Korea and China (EASTASN 288, INTLPOL 288)

This class will examine the complex inter-relationship between the three great states of Northeast Asia - Japan, Korea and China. This class will take a historical approach but will focus as well on contemporary relations and policy issues. Topics to be covered will include Japanese imperialism and colonialism, the road to the war in the Pacific, the consequences of Japan's defeat, the Communist victory in China, the Korean War and the creation of the postwar architecture. We will focus heavily on the dynamics of the Sino-Japanese relationship, the shift from containment, to engagement, and then to rivalry. The class will look at the two Koreas and their relationship to Japan and China, and to the great powers. We will explore the tension between integration and nationalism, and the future of the triangular relationship. Class will combine lectures and class discussion, with short essays or papers and will be offered for both 3 and 4 credits.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Sneider, D. (PI)

ECON 1: Principles of Economics

This is an introductory course in economics. We will cover both microeconomics (investigating decisions by individuals and firms) and macroeconomics (examining the economy as a whole). The primary goal is to develop and then build on your understanding of the analytical tools and approaches used by economists. This will help you to interpret economic news and economic data at a much deeper level while also forming your own opinions on economic issues. The course will also provide a strong foundation for those of you who want to continue on with intermediate microeconomics and/or intermediate macroeconomics and possibly beyond.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

ECON 11N: Understanding the Welfare System

Welfare-reform legislation passed by the federal government in the mid-1990s heralded a dramatic step in the movement that has been termed the devolution revolution, which is again being discussed in the context of healthcare reform. The centerpiece of devolution is the transfer of more responsibilities for antipoverty programs to the states. We will explore the effects of these reforms and the role that devolution plays in the ongoing debates over the designs of programs that make up America's social safety net. In addition to discussing conventional welfare programs (e.g., Medicaid, food stamps, TANF, SSI) and other governmental policies assisting low-income families (EITC, minimum wages), we will examine the trends in governmental spending on anti-poverty programs and how our nation defines poverty and eligibility for income support. We will apply economics principles throughout to understand the effectiveness of America's antipoverty programs and their consequences on the behavior and circumstances of families. Prerequisites: A basic understanding/knowledge of introductory economics is recommended.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; MaCurdy, T. (PI)

ECON 17N: Energy, the Environment, and the Economy

Examines the intimate relationship between environmental quality and the production and consumption of energy. Assesses the economics efficiency and political economy implications of a number of current topics in energy and environmental economics. Topics include: the economic theory of exhaustible resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) control (cap and trade mechanisms and carbon fees), GHG emissions offsets, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), the "smart" transmission grid for electricity, nuclear energy and nuclear waste, the real cost of renewable energy, natural gas and coal-fired electricity production, the global coal and natural gas markets, Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) and Low-Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS), Energy Efficiency Investments and Demand Response, and Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). For all topics, there will be reading to explain the economics and engineering behind the topic and class discussion to clarify and elaborate on this interaction. Prerequisite: Econ 1 is recommended.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 25N: Public Policy and Personal Finance (PUBLPOL 55N)

The seminar will provide an introduction and discussion of the impact of public policy on personal finance. Voters regularly rate the economy as one of the most important factors shaping their political views and most of those opinions are focused on their individual bottom lines. In this course we will discuss the rationale for different public policies and how they affect personal financial situations. We will explore personal finance issues such as taxes, loans, charity, insurance, and pensions. Using the context of (hypothetical) personal finance positions, we will discuss the public policy implications of various proposals and how they affect different groups of people, for example: the implications of differential tax rates for different types of income, the promotion of home ownership in the U.S., and policies to care for our aging population. While economic policy will be the focus of much of the course, we will also examine some of the implications of social policies on personal finance as well. There will be weekly readings and several short policy-related writing assignments.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 43: Introduction to Financial Decision-Making

The purpose of this course is for you to obtain both a broad overview of the role of finance in society and your role in it, and a degree of greater comfort that you know how to approach the major financial decisions you will confront. Your journey through life will require many financial decisions, some easily predictable now, that will heavily influence the quality of your life, your financial security, your ability to withstand unanticipated burdens arising from the vagaries of your and your family's lives, and to keep open desirable options on how you lead your life. The course will use a variety of approaches to illustrate and analyze archetypical situations, emphasizing both sound decisions and financial mistakes that are all too common and can have major damaging results. From illustrative examples and case studies, to historical and statistical evidence and some simple analytical tools, the course is designed to help you develop some straightforward understanding of basic financial concepts, the people and institutions you will interact with in making such decisions, and advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches for individuals and society. Topics include making a financial plan and budget, managing money, obtaining and using credit and loans, saving, investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other assets, venture capital and private equity, purchasing insurance, purchasing vs. renting a home, getting a mortgage, taxes, inflation and inflation protection, financial markets and more. Summer 2024: Students will be given the option to take the full 5-unit course (Section 01) or a revised 1-unit course option that will be offered CR/NC ONLY. The 1-unit course option is suggested for students who are interested in learning more about the personal finance topics taught in this course but who may not already have background knowledge in economics. Those interested in the 1-unit course offering should enroll in section 02. The one unit course option cannot be applied to economics degree requirements.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Boskin, M. (PI)

ECON 46: Networks and Human Behavior

Two threads are interwoven: why social and economic networks have special features, and how those features shape power, opinions, opportunities, and behaviors. Some of the topics included are: the different ways in which a person's position in a network determines their influence; which systematic errors people make when forming opinions based on what they learn from others; how financial contagions work and why are they different from the spread of a flu; the role of splits in our social networks in inequality, immobility, and polarization; and how network patterns of trade and globalization have changed international conflict and wars. The course requires analyzing network data, which will be provided. No prerequisite but Econ 102A or equivalent is recommended.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jackson, M. (PI)

ECON 47: Media Markets and Social Good

This class will apply tools from economics and related social sciences to study the functioning of digital and traditional media markets and their impact on society. The guiding question will be: when and how do media best serve the social good? Topics will include the economics of two-sided markets, advertising, tech regulation, media bias, polarization, misinformation, social media, digital addiction, propaganda, race, gender, and the role of media in autocracy, corruption, protests and censorship. The course will give students a non-technical introduction to social science empirical methods, including regression analysis, experimental and quasi-experimental methods, and machine learning. Prerequisites: Introductory economics (e.g., AP economics or ECON 1), introductory statistics/econometrics (e.g., AP statistics, ECON 102a, or STATS 60), and some prior exposure to programming.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Gentzkow, M. (PI)

ECON 50: Economic Analysis I

Individual consumer and firm behavior under perfect competition. The role of markets and prices in a decentralized economy. Monopoly in partial equilibrium. Economic tools developed from multivariable calculus using partial differentiation and techniques for constrained and unconstrained optimization. Prerequisites: Econ 1 or 1V, and Math 20 or equivalent.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Math, WAY-FR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Makler, C. (PI)

ECON 51: Economic Analysis II

Neoclassical analysis of general equilibrium, welfare economics, imperfect competition, externalities and public goods, risk and uncertainty, game theory, adverse selection, and moral hazard. Multivariate calculus is used. Prerequisite: ECON 50.
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-FR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Makler, C. (PI)

ECON 52: Economic Analysis III

Long-run economic growth and short-run economic fluctuations. Focus on the macroeconomic tools of government: fiscal policy (spending and taxes) and monetary policy, and their effects on growth, employment, and inflation. Prerequisites: ECON 50.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Boul, R. (PI)

ECON 101: Economic Policy Seminar

Capstone and writing in the major course open to Econ majors only. Economic policy analysis, writing and oral presentations will be large components of this course. Students may also complete group projects that include empirical economic analysis focused on a specific topic. The goal of this course is to enable students to utilize the skills they have acquired throughout their time in the major. Section topics vary by instructor. Enrollment limited to application at the start of each school year with student placement notifications before the term starts. Permission numbers will be provided to students. Limited to students applying to graduate in 2023-24. Prerequisites: Econ 51 and 52, 102B, and two field courses. Enrollment by application:
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI | Repeatable for credit

ECON 102A: Introduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists

Probabilistic modeling and statistical techniques relevant for economics. Concepts include: probability trees, conditional probability, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, correlation, central limit theorems, point estimation, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for both one and two populations. Prerequisite: MATH 20 or equivalent.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Math, WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; McKeon, S. (PI)

ECON 102B: Applied Econometrics

Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for population variances, chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests, hypothesis tests for independence, simple linear regression model, testing regression parameters, prediction, multiple regression, omitted variable bias, multicollinearity, F-tests, regression with indicator random variables, simultaneous equation models and instrumental variables. Topics vary slightly depending on the quarter. Prerequisites: Econ 102A or equivalent. Recommended: computer experience (course often uses STATA software to run regressions).
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; McKeon, S. (PI)

ECON 102C: Advanced Topics in Econometrics

This is an advanced econometrics class targeted to students who want to go deeper into and/or expand their knowledge of topics firstly learned in Econ 102B (or equivalent class). Topics include: Instrumental variables estimation; Panel data models (fixed and random effect models, dynamic panel data models); Limited dependent variable models (probit, logit, Tobit) and selection models; models for Duration data; Bootstrap and Estimation by Simulation. Applications from Labor Economics and Public Finance will be used to motivate the discussion. Prerequisite: Econ 102B and Math51 (or equivalent).
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Pistaferri, L. (PI)

ECON 106: World Food Economy (EARTHSYS 106, EARTHSYS 206, ECON 206, ESS 106, ESS 206)

The World Food Economy is a survey course that covers the economic and political dimensions of food production, consumption, and trade. The course focuses on food markets and food policy within a global context. It is comprised of three major sections: structural features (agronomic, technological, and economic) that determine the nature of domestic food systems; the role of domestic food and agricultural policies in international markets; and the integrating forces of international research, trade, and food aid in the world food economy. This 5-unit course entails a substantial group modeling project that is required for all students. Enrollment is by application only. The application is found at Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and priority will be given to upper-level undergraduates who need the course for their major, and to graduate students pursuing work directly related to the course. The application submission period will close on March 15
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 111: Money and Banking

The primary course goal is for students to master the logic, intuition and operation of a financial system - money, financial markets (money and capital markets, debt and equity markets, derivatives markets), and financial institutions and intermediaries (the Central Bank, depository institutions, credit unions, pension funds, insurance companies, venture capital firms, investment banks, mutual funds, etc.). In other words, how money/capital change hands between agents over time, directly and through institutions. Material will be both quantitative and qualitative, yet always highly analytical with a focus on active learning - there will be an approximately equal emphasis on solving mathematical finance problems (e.g. bond or option pricing) and on policy analysis (e.g. monetary policy and financial regulation.) Students will not be rewarded for memorizing and regurgitating facts, but rather for demonstrating the ability to reason with difficult problems and situations with which they might not previously be familiar. Prerequisite: Econ 50, 52. Strongly recommended but not required: some familiarity with finance and statistics. Summer session students wishing to enroll who feel they have the appropriate prerequisites from another institution may submit that information, transcript or syllabus that is similar to Econ 52, to
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Boul, R. (PI)

ECON 113: Historical perspectives on inequality and opportunity in America

A thematic discussion of the economic history of the United States, with emphasis on the perspective it gives on modern-day economic and social issues. Topics will include economic growth, government intervention in the economy, economic causes and consequences of slavery, immigration, women's changing role in the economy, income inequality, and economic mobility. Prerequisite: Econ 1
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 118: Development Economics

The microeconomic problems and policy concerns of less developed countries. Topics include: health and education; risk and insurance; microfinance; agriculture; technology; governance. Emphasis is on economic models and empirical evidence. Prerequisites: ECON 50, ECON 102B.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

ECON 125: Economic Development, Microfinance, and Social Networks

An introduction to the study of the financial lives of households in less developed countries, focusing on savings, credit, informal insurance, the expansion of microfinance, social learning, public finance/redistribution, and social networks. Prerequisites- Econ 51 or Publpol 51 and Econ 102B.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Chandrasekhar, A. (PI)

ECON 126: Economics of Health and Medical Care (BIOMEDIN 156, BIOMEDIN 256, HRP 256)

Institutional, theoretical, and empirical analysis of the problems of health and medical care. Topics: demand for medical care and medical insurance; institutions in the health sector; economics of information applied to the market for health insurance and for health care; economics of health care labor markets and health care production; and economic epidemiology. Graduate students with research interests should take ECON 249. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and either ECON 102A or STATS 116 or the equivalent. Recommended: ECON 51.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 127: Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries (HRP 227, MED 262)

Application of economic paradigms and empirical methods to health improvement in lower-income countries. Emphasis is on unifying analytic frameworks and evaluation of empirical evidence. How economic views differ from public health, medicine, and epidemiology; analytic paradigms for health and population change; the demand for health; the role of health in international development. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and ECON 102B.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Miller, G. (PI)

ECON 131: The Chinese Economy

This is a survey course of the Chinese economy with emphasis on understanding the process of economic reform, transition and development during the past 40 years. It will help students learn the different historical stages of institutional changes, develop an informed perspective on economic and political rationale and the effectiveness of the economic policies that have shaped China's economic emergence, and think critically about the process of economic and social changes. Prerequisite: Econ 1. Same as OSPBEIJ 30. Students may not earn credit for both OSPBEIJ 30 and ECON 131.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Li, H. (PI); Rozelle, S. (PI)

ECON 134: Wealth of Nations (POLISCI 244C)

Why are there economic disparities across countries? Why did some countries grow steadily over the past 200 years while many others did not? What have been the consequences for the citizens of those countries? What has been the role of geography, culture, and institutions in the development process? What are the moral dilemmas behind this development process? These are some of the questions we will discuss in this course. Following a historical and cross-cultural perspective, we will study the origins of economic development and the path that led to the configuration of the modern global economy.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 140: Introduction to Financial Economics

Modern portfolio theory and corporate finance. Topics: present value and discounting, interest rates and yield to maturity, various financial instruments including financial futures, mutual funds, the efficient market theory, basic asset pricing theory, the capital asset pricing model, and models for pricing options and other contingent claims. Use of derivatives for hedging. Prerequisites: ECON 50, ECON 102A.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 144: Family and Society

The family into which a child is born plays a powerful role in determining lifetime opportunities. This course will apply tools from economics and related social sciences to study how the functioning of families is shaped by laws, social insurance, social norms, and technology. Topics will include intergenerational transmission of wealth and health, the importance of the early family environment, partnership formation, cohabitation and marriage, teen pregnancy and contraception, assisted reproduction, Tiger Moms and Helicopter Parenting, and the employment effects of parenthood. In the context of these topics, the course will cover social science empirical methods, including regression analysis, causal inference, and quasi-experimental methods. Throughout the course, we will think critically about the role of the government and how the design of public policy targeting families affect our ability to solve some of the most important social and economic problems of our time. Prerequisites: Econ 50
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

ECON 146: Economics of Education

How a decision to invest in education is affected by factors including ability and family background. Markets for elementary and secondary schooling; topics such as vouchers and charter schools, accountability, expenditure equalization among schools, and the teacher labor market.The market for college education emphasizing how college tuition is determined, and whether students are matched efficiently with colleges. How education affects economic growth, focusing on developing countries. Theory and empirical results. Application of economics from fields such as public economics, labor economics, macroeconomics, and industrial organization. Prerequisites: ECON 50, ECON 102B.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 149: Management Economics

Examines the empirics on the economics, management and strategy of organizations (e.g. firms). Topics include the organization of firms in US and internationally. Management practices around information systems, target setting and human resources. Focus on management practices in manufacturing, but also analyze retail, hospitals and schools, plus some recent field-experiments in developing countries. Prerequisites: ECON 51 (Public Policy majors may take PUBLPOL 51 as a substitute for ECON 51), ECON 102B.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Bloom, N. (PI)

ECON 154: Law and Economics (PUBLPOL 106, PUBLPOL 206)

In this course, we explore the role of law in promoting social well-being (happiness). Law, among its other benefits, can serve as a mechanism to harmonize private incentives with cooperative gains, to maintain an equitable division of those gains, and to deter social defection and dystopia. Law is thus an implementation of the social contract and essential to civilization. Economic analysis of law focuses on the welfare-enhancing incentive effects of law (and of law enforcement). More generally, we study the law's role in reducing the risks of cooperation, achieved by fixing expectations of what courts or the state will do in possible futures. Prerequisite: ECON 50 or PUBLPOL 50. Final paper instead of an exam. Instructor consent required for enrollment. Please email the instructor a short statement of interest (300 words max) explaining why you would like to enroll in the course.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 155: Climate change and global inequality

This course tackles the challenges of mitigating and adapting to climate change. We will study the consequences of climate change and the government policy aimed at limiting carbon emissions. We will place particular emphasis on global impacts, including in lower-income countries that face disproportionate damages from climate change, as well as unique difficulties in implementing environmental regulation. Prerequisite for Undergraduates: ECON 50. May be taken concurrently with consent of the instructor.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SI

ECON 157: Imperfect Competition

The interaction between firms and consumers in markets that fall outside the benchmark competitive model. How firms acquire and exploit market power. Game theory and information economics to analyze how firms interact strategically. Topics include monopoly, price discrimination, advertising, oligopoly pricing, product differentiation, collusion and cartel behavior, and anti-competitive behavior. Sources include theoretical models, real-world examples, and empirical papers. Prerequisite: ECON 51 or PUBLPOL 301A or INTLPOL 204A, and ECON 102A. ECON 102B is recommended.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Cuesta, J. (PI)

ECON 160: Game Theory and Economic Applications

Introduction to game theory and its applications to economics. Topics: strategic and extensive form games, dominant strategies, Nash equilibrium, subgame-perfect equilibrium, and Bayesian equilibrium. The theory is applied to repeated games, oligopoly, auctions, and bargaining with examples from economics and political science. Prerequisites: Working knowledge of calculus and basic probability theory.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-FR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fragiadakis, D. (PI)

ECON 162: Games Developing Nations Play (POLISCI 247A, POLISCI 347A)

If, as economists argue, development can make everyone in a society better off, why do leaders fail to pursue policies that promote development? The course uses game theoretic approaches from both economics and political science to address this question. Incentive problems are at the heart of explanations for development failure. Specifically, the course focuses on a series of questions central to the development problem: Why do developing countries have weak and often counterproductive political institutions? Why is violence (civil wars, ethnic conflict, military coups) so prevalent in the developing world, and how does it interact with development? Why do developing economies fail to generate high levels of income and wealth? We study how various kinds of development traps arise, preventing development for most countries. We also explain how some countries have overcome such traps. This approach emphasizes the importance of simultaneous economic and political development as two different facets of the same developmental process. No background in game theory is required.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

ECON 163: Solving Social Problems with Data (COMM 140X, DATASCI 154, EARTHSYS 153, MS&E 134, POLISCI 154, PUBLPOL 155, SOC 127)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Nobles, M. (PI)

ECON 165: International Finance

We will explore models for analyzing a wide variety of issues in open-economy macroeconomics such as the balance of payments; the determination and behavior of exchange rates; the implementation of monetary and fiscal policy under flexible and fixed exchange rate regimes; the macroeconomic gains and/or pains from financial globalization; optimum currency areas; exchange rate crises and debt crises. We will apply our theoretical framework to an examination of important historical episodes and contemporary policy debates; the textbook will be supplemented with readings from academic articles and mainstream news sources. Active class participation is an important part of the course. Prerequisite: ECON 52.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Tendall, M. (PI)

ECON 166: International Trade

Explaining patterns of trade among nations; characterizing the sources of comparative advantage in production and the prospect of gains from economies of scale. Enumerating and accounting for the net aggregate gains from trade, and identifying winners and losers from globalization. Analyzing the effects of international labor migration, foreign direct investment, outsourcing, and multinational companies. Strategic trade policy; international trade agreements; labor and environmental implications. We will review relevant theoretical frameworks, examine empirical evidence, and discuss historical and contemporary policy debates as covered in the popular press; active class participation is an important part of the course. Prerequisite: ECON 51 (Public Policy majors may take PUBLPOL 51 as a substitute for ECON 51).
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Tendall, M. (PI)

ECON 167G: Game Theory and Social Behavior

Game theory is the formal toolkit for analyzing situations in which payoffs depend not only on your actions (say, which TV series you watch), but also others' (whether your friends are watching the same show). You've probably already heard of some famous games, like the prisoners' dilemma and the costly signaling game. We'll teach you to solve games like these, and more, using tools like Nash equilibrium, subgame perfection, Bayesian Nash equilibrium, and the one-off deviation principle. Game theory has traditionally been applied to understand the behavior of highly deliberate agents, like heads of state, firms in an oligopoly, or participants in an auction. However, we'll apply game theory to social behavior typically considered the realm of psychologists and philosophers, such as why we speak indirectly, in what sense beauty is socially constructed, and where our moral intuitions come from. Nearly each week, students are expected to complete a problem set, to read 2-3 academic papers, and to complete a 1-2 page response to short essay questions (`prompts') on these readings. All assignments can be completed in groups of two. There will also be a final exam. Prerequisites: Although there are no formal prerequisites for this course, we will make frequent use of probability theory (Bayes¿ Rule; conditional probabilities), set theory notation, and proofs. Students without a background in these tools have historically found some of the later problem sets to be challenging. TA sessions are not required, but are recommended for students without the necessary math background. Not sure if this class is for you? Take our self assessment, then see how your answers compare with ours. (Assessments and solutions can be found here:
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 177: Empirical Environmental Economics (SUSTAIN 130, SUSTAIN 230)

See for the class webpage and promo video. Are you interested in environmental and energy policy? Do you want to improve your data science skills? If so, Empirical Environmental Economics is for you. In the first few weeks of class, you'll use data and microeconomic modeling to quantify the harms from pollution, including estimating the social cost of carbon emissions. For the rest of the quarter, you'll use more data and microeconomic modeling to evaluate major environmental policies such as pollution taxes, cap-and-trade programs, and subsidies for clean technologies. You will consider overall benefits and costs as well as the distributional equity, which can inform discussions of environmental justice. You will learn and practice useful data science skills, including applied econometrics/causal inference methods (e.g., difference-in-differences, instrumental variables, and regression discontinuity) and equilibrium modeling. The class has weekly problem sets involving data analysis in R, plus a final paper. Class sessions feature active learning, discussions, and small-group case studies. You should only enroll if you expect to attend regularly and complete the problem sets on time. The final paper is a great way to generate ideas for and get started on a senior thesis. Prerequisites: You must have experience with regression analysis (e.g., ECON 102 or 108, CS 129, EARTHSYS 140, HUMBIO 88, POLISCI 150C, or STATS 60 or 101). If you plan to take microeconomics (e.g., ECON 1, 50, or 51), we recommend you take those either beforehand or concurrently. If you have no economics background, you may still be comfortable in class if you are strong in math, statistics, and/or computer science. If you have not used R before, that is OK: we will guide you from the beginning. If you have used R before, you can still learn a lot in this class through the applications.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ECON 178: Behavioral Economics

The field of behavioral economics draws on insights from other disciplines, especially psychology, to enrich our understanding of economic behavior. In this course, we will discuss how psychological considerations can create behavioral patterns that diverge from the predictions of standard economic models, the implications of those behavioral patterns for market outcomes and public policies, and the ways in which economists incorporate those considerations into their theories. We will also examine how social motives (such as altruism or concerns about fairness, equity, status, or image) impact economic behavior. We will learn about classical findings and leading theories in behavioral economics. The treatment of psychological phenomena in this course involves tools similar to those employed in other economics courses. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and ECON 102A. Econ 51 and 102B are recommended.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Clerici-Arias, M. (PI)

ECON 179: Experimental Economics

Methods and major subject areas that have been addressed by laboratory experiments. Focus is on a series of experiments that build on one another. Topics include decision making, two player games, auctions, and market institutions. How experiments are used to learn about preferences and behavior, trust, fairness, and learning. Final presentation of group projects. Prerequisites: ECON 51 (Public Policy majors may take PUBLPOL 51 as a substitute for ECON 51), ECON 102A.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fragiadakis, D. (PI)

ECON 180: Honors Game Theory

Rigorous introduction to game theory and applications. Topics include solution concepts for static and dynamic games of complete and incomplete information, signaling games, repeated games, bargaining, and elements of cooperative game theory. Applications mainly from economics, but also political science, biology, and computer science. Prerequisites: Experience with abstract mathematics and willingness to work hard. No background in economics required.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-FR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jagadeesan, R. (PI)

EDUC 115N: How to Learn Mathematics

What is going on in mathematics education in the United States? Why do so many people hate and fear math? What contributes to the high levels of innumeracy in the general population? Why do girls and women opt out of math when they get a chance? In this seminar we will consider seminal research on math learning in K-12 classrooms, including a focus on equity. We will spend time investigating cases of teaching and learning, through watching videos and visiting schools. This seminar is for those who are interested in education, and who would like to learn about ways to help students (and maybe yourselves?) learn and enjoy mathematics. If you have had bad math experiences and would like to understand them - and put them behind you - this seminar will be particularly good for you. The final project for this class will involve developing a case of one or more math learners, investigating their journeys in the world of math.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Boaler, J. (PI)

EDUC 120: Sociology of Science (EDUC 320, SOC 330, STS 200Q)

This course explores the social construction of scientific knowledge from various perspectives. The course begins by taking stock of core philosophical theories on scientific knowledge and then it proceeds to ask how various authors have described and characterized this knowledge as socially embedded and constructed. Through this course we will ask what sort of knowledge is considered scientific or not? And then from there, a variety of social, institutional and historical factors will enter and influence not only how scientific knowledge is discovered and developed, but also how we evaluate it. This course is suitable to advanced undergraduates and doctoral students.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; McFarland, D. (PI)

EDUC 120C: Education and Society (EDUC 220C, SOC 130, SOC 230)

The effects of schools and schooling on individuals, the stratification system, and society. Education as socializing individuals and as legitimizing social institutions. The social and individual factors affecting the expansion of schooling, individual educational attainment, and the organizational structure of schooling.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ramirez, F. (PI)

EDUC 122Q: Democracy in Crisis: Learning from the Past (HISTORY 52Q, POLISCI 20Q)

This January, an armed insurrection assaulted the U.S. Capital, trying to block the Electoral College affirmation of President Biden's election. For the past four years, American democracy has been in continual crisis. Bitter and differing views of what constitutes truth have resulted in a deeply polarized electoral process. The sharp increase in partisanship has crippled our ability as a nation to address and resolve the complex issues facing us. <br><br>There are reasons to hope the current challenges will be overcome and the path of our democracy will be reset on a sound basis. But that will require a shift to constructive--rather than destructive--political conflict. <br><br>This Sophomore Seminar will focus on U.S. democracy and will use a series of case studies of major events in our national history to explore what happened and why to American democracy at key pressure points. This historical exploration will shed light on how the current challenges facing American democracy might best be handled. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

EDUC 147: Stanford and Its Worlds: 1885-present (HISTORY 58E)

The past and future of Stanford University examined through the development of five critical "worlds," including the Western region of the United States, the US nation-state, the global academy, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the complex phenomena summarized by the name Silicon Valley. Students are asked to consider and theorize these worlds, their interrelationships, and the responsibilities they entail for all of us who live and work at Stanford in the present.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stevens, M. (PI)

EDUC 152N: Improving Inclusive Higher Education: Students with Down Syndrome at Stanford?

This course is designed to deepen knowledge related to including individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), including Down syndrome (DS), in college settings and to research model post-secondary programs. Students will conduct a project investigating one model post-secondary program at an institute of higher education. We will complete the quarter by authoring a white paper for Stanford leadership that outlines next steps for establishing a world-class post-secondary program that will enhance the lives of individuals with DS and IDD.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

EDUC 152Q: Improving Inclusive Higher Education: Students with Down Syndrome at Stanford?

Students with Down syndrome (DS) have an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. This impacts many aspects of their lives, including commonly being identified as individuals with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD). Historically, individuals with DS and other IDDs have been excluded from higher education. However, as our society continues to evolve in inclusivity and equity, organizations like Think College ( continue to push our understanding of possibilities. The goal of this IntroSem is to deepen knowledge related to how to successfully include individuals with IDD in college settings and to provide guidance and advocacy to establish a vibrant, impactful, inclusive college program for individuals with DS and IDD at Stanford. We will explore research focused on supporting individuals with IDD as they transition into the post-secondary world-specifically we will focus on effective strategies to support students with IDD in inclusive courses and we will explore and design training, guidance, and coaching for faculty members who teach these courses. You will conduct an independent or small group research project in which you will investigate how one model post-secondary program at an institute of higher education provides support to students and faculty in inclusive courses. This project will involve program review and interviews with students and faculty at successful post-secondary programs. We will complete the quarter by designing training, guidance, and coaching support to guide Stanford's efforts to establish a world-class post-secondary program that will enhance the lives of individuals with DS and IDD. You will be invited to serve on the Stanford Down Syndrome Research Center's Post-Secondary Program Advisory Council following successful completion of the course. Enroll if you are interested in playing a key role in transforming Stanford into a model of high-quality inclusive higher education.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Lemons, C. (PI)

EDUC 166C: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ARTHIST 98, CSRE 100, ENGLISH 172D, FILMEDIA 98, PSYCH 155, SOC 146, TAPS 165)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

EDUC 173: Gender and Higher Education: National and International Perspectives (EDUC 273, FEMGEN 173, SOC 173, SOC 273)

This course examines the ways in which higher education structures and policies interact with gender, gender identity, and other characteristics in the United States, around the world, and over time. Attention is paid to how changes in those structures and policies relate to access to, experiences in, and outcomes of higher education by gender. Students can expect to gain an understanding of theories and perspectives from the social sciences relevant to an understanding of the role of higher education in relation to structures of gender differentiation and hierarchy. Topics include undergraduate and graduate education; identity and sexuality; gender and science; gender and faculty; and feminist scholarship and pedagogy.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

EDUC 197: Gender and Education in Global and Comparative Perspectives (FEMGEN 297, SOC 134)

This course introduces students to theories and perspectives from the social sciences relevant to an understanding of the role of education in relation to structures of gender differentiation, hierarchy, and power. It familiarizes students with and enables them to critically evaluate research on the status of children, adolescents, and young adults around the world and their participation patterns in various sectors of society, particularly in education. Students have the opportunity to gain research skills by designing research proposals or to develop action plans on topics of their choosing related to gender and education from global and/or comparative perspectives.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wotipka, C. (PI)

EDUC 204: Introduction to Philosophy of Education (ETHICSOC 204)

How to think philosophically about educational problems. Recent influential scholarship in philosophy of education. No previous study in philosophy required.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Cox, G. (PI); Bates, D. (TA)

EMED 122: BioSecurity and Pandemic Resilience (BIOE 122, EMED 222, PUBLPOL 122, PUBLPOL 222)

Overview of the most pressing biosecurity issues facing the world today. Critical examination of ways of enhancing biosecurity and pandemic resilience. Examination of how the US and the world are able to withstand a pandemic or a bioterrorism attack, how the medical/healthcare field, government, and technology sectors are involved in biosecurity and pandemic or bioterrorism preparedness and response and how they interface; the rise of synthetic biology with its promises and threats; global bio-surveillance; effectiveness of various containment and mitigation measures; hospital surge capacity; medical challenges; development, production, and distribution of countermeasures such as vaccines and drugs; supply chain challenges; public health and policy aspects of pandemic preparedness and response; administrative and engineering controls to enhance pandemic resilience; testing approaches and challenges; promising technologies for pandemic response and resilience, communication in a crisis; and other relevant topics. Guest lecturers have included former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Special Assistant on BioSecurity to Presidents Clinton and Bush Jr. Dr. Ken Bernard, former Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Robert Kadlec, eminent scientists, public health leaders, innovators and physicians in the field, and leaders of relevant technology companies. Open to medical, graduate, and undergraduate students. No prior background in biology necessary. Must be taken for at least 4 units to get WAYs credit. Students also have an option to take the class for 2 units as a speaker series/seminar where they attend half the class sessions (or more) and complete short weekly assignments. In-person or asynchronous online instruction are available. First day of class is the Wednesday of the first week of class.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI | Repeatable 3 times (up to 15 units total)
Instructors: ; Trounce, M. (PI)

EMED 127: Health Care Leadership (EMED 227, PUBLPOL 127, PUBLPOL 227)

Healthcare Leadership class brings eminent healthcare leaders from a variety of sectors within healthcare to share their personal reflections and insights on effective leadership. Speakers discuss their personal core values, share lessons learned and their recipe for effective leadership in the healthcare field, including reflection on career and life choices. Speakers include CEOs of healthcare technology, pharmaceutical and other companies, leaders in public health, eminent leaders of hospitals, academia, biotechnology companies and other health care organizations. The class will also familiarize the students with the healthcare industry, as well as introduce concepts and skills relevant to healthcare leadership. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit. Students taking the course Mondays and Wednesdays should enroll for 4 units (exceptions for a 3 unit registration can be made with the consent of instructor to be still eligible for Ways credit). Students also have an option of taking the course as a speaker seminar series for 2 units where they attend at least half the class sessions of their choice and complete short weekly assignments. Synchronous online instruction is available.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: ; Trounce, M. (PI)

ENERGY 107A: Understand Energy (CEE 107A, CEE 207A, EARTHSYS 103, ENERGY 207A)

NOTE: This course will be taught in-person on main campus, lectures are recorded and available asynchronously. Energy is the number one contributor to climate change and has significant consequences for our society, political system, economy, and environment. Energy is also a fundamental driver of human development and opportunity. In taking this course, students will not only understand the fundamentals of each energy resource - including significance and potential, conversion processes and technologies, drivers and barriers, policy and regulation, and social, economic, and environmental impacts - students will also be able to put this in the context of the broader energy system. Both depletable and renewable energy resources are covered, including oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, biomass and biofuel, hydroelectric, wind, solar thermal and photovoltaics (PV), geothermal, and ocean energy, with cross-cutting topics including electricity, storage, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), sustainability, green buildings, energy efficiency, transportation, and the developing world. The 4 unit course includes lecture and in-class discussion, readings and videos, homework assignments, one on-campus field trip during lecture time and two off-campus field trips with brief report assignments. Off-campus field trips to wind farms, solar farms, nuclear power plants, natural gas power plants, hydroelectric dams, etc. Enroll for 5 units to also attend the Workshop, an interactive discussion section on cross-cutting topics that meets once per week for 80 minutes (Mondays, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM). Open to all: pre-majors and majors, with any background! Website: CEE 107S/207S Understand Energy: Essentials is a shorter (3 unit) version of this course, offered summer quarter. Students should not take both for credit. Prerequisites: Algebra.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 13P: Media and Communication from the Middle Ages to the Printing Press (ENGLISH 113P, HISTORY 13P, HISTORY 113P, MUSIC 13P, MUSIC 113P)

Did you know that the emperor Charlemagne was illiterate, yet his scribes revolutionized writing in the West? This course follows decisive moments in the history of media and communication, asking how new recording technologies reshaped a society in which most people did not read or write--what has been described as the shift "from memory to written record." To understand this transformation, we examine forms of oral literature and music, from the Viking sagas, the call to crusade, and medieval curses (Benedictine maledictions), to early popular authors such as Dante and the 15th-century feminist scribe, Christine de Pizan. We trace the impact of musical notation, manuscript and book production, and Gutenberg's print revolution. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum, how did the medium shape the message? Along the way, we will consider how the medieval arts of memory and divine reading (lectio divina) can inform communication in the digital world. This is a hands-on course: students will handle medieval manuscripts and early printed books in Special Collections, and will participate in an "ink-making workshop," following medieval recipes for ink and for cutting quills, then using them to write on parchment. The course is open to all interested students.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 21N: Global Cultural Heritage: Past, Present, Future (DLCL 21N, SUSTAIN 51N)

What remnants of the world's cultures will future generations be able to discover and decipher, and how will they interpret the monuments, documents, languages, and sites that remain? How will they access the technologies we have created for making our way through the world? What has been the environmental impact of human culture? Why should we preserve human cultural remains? How do encounters with the past inform our future? This IntroSem takes a humanistic perspective on sustainability, viewing the human record as a resource and exploring how it might be sustained in an ethical and meaningful way.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 39Q: Were They Really "Hard Times"? Mid-Victorian Social Movements and Charles Dickens (HISTORY 39Q)

"It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it." So begins Charles Dickens description of Coketown in Hard Times. And it only seems to get more grim from there. But the world that Dickens sought to portray in the novel was a hopeful one, too. And that tension is our starting point. The intent of this class is to more closely examine mid-Victorian Britain in light of Dickens' novel, with particular focus on the rise of some of our modern social movements in the 19th century. While things like the labor movement, abolitionism, feminism, and environmentalism, are not the same now as they were then, this class will explore the argument that the 21st century is still, in some ways, working out 19th century problems and questions. At the same time, this is also a course that seeks to expand the kinds of sources we traditionally use as historians. Thus, while recognizing that literary sources are particularly complex, we will use Hard Times as a guide to our exploration to this fascinating era. We will seek both to better understand this complex, transitional time and to assess the accuracy of Dickens' depictions of socio-political life.Through a combination of short response papers, creative Victorian projects (such as sending a hand-written letter to a classmate), and a final paper/project, this course will give you the opportunity to learn more about the 19th century and the value of being historically minded.As a seminar based course, discussion amongst members of the class is vital. All students are welcome
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 112C: Humanities Core: Great Minds of the Italian Renaissance and their World (HUMCORE 122)

What enabled Leonardo da Vinci to excel in over a dozen fields from painting to engineering and to anticipate flight four hundred years before the first aircraft took off? How did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling? What forces and insights led Machiavelli to write "The Prince"? An historical moment and a cultural era, the Italian Renaissance famously saw monumental achievements in literature, art, and architecture, influential developments in science and technology, and the flourishing of multi-talented individuals who contributed profoundly, expertly, and simultaneously to very different fields. In this course on the great thinkers, writers, and achievers of the Italian Renaissance, we will study these "universal geniuses" and their world. Investigating the writings, thought, and lives of such figures as Leonardo da Vinci, Niccol¿ Machiavelli, and Galileo Galilei, we will interrogate historical and contemporary ideas concerning genius, creativity, and the phenomenon of "Renaissance man" known as polymathy. Taught in English. On Tuesdays you meet in your own course, and on Thursday all the HumCore seminars in session that quarter meet together:
| Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 113P: Media and Communication from the Middle Ages to the Printing Press (ENGLISH 13P, HISTORY 13P, HISTORY 113P, MUSIC 13P, MUSIC 113P)

Did you know that the emperor Charlemagne was illiterate, yet his scribes revolutionized writing in the West? This course follows decisive moments in the history of media and communication, asking how new recording technologies reshaped a society in which most people did not read or write--what has been described as the shift "from memory to written record." To understand this transformation, we examine forms of oral literature and music, from the Viking sagas, the call to crusade, and medieval curses (Benedictine maledictions), to early popular authors such as Dante and the 15th-century feminist scribe, Christine de Pizan. We trace the impact of musical notation, manuscript and book production, and Gutenberg's print revolution. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum, how did the medium shape the message? Along the way, we will consider how the medieval arts of memory and divine reading (lectio divina) can inform communication in the digital world. This is a hands-on course: students will handle medieval manuscripts and early printed books in Special Collections, and will participate in an "ink-making workshop," following medieval recipes for ink and for cutting quills, then using them to write on parchment. The course is open to all interested students.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 115: Virtual Italy (ARCHLGY 117, CLASSICS 115, HISTORY 238C, ITALIAN 115)

Classical Italy attracted thousands of travelers throughout the 1700s. Referring to their journey as the "Grand Tour," travelers pursued intellectual passions, promoted careers, and satisfied wanderlust, all while collecting antiquities to fill museums and estates back home. What can computational approaches tell us about who traveled, where and why? We will read travel accounts; experiment with parsing; and visualize historical data. Final projects to form credited contributions to the Grand Tour Project, a cutting-edge digital platform. No prior programming experience necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ceserani, G. (PI)

ENGLISH 124: The American West (AMSTUD 124A, ARTHIST 152, HISTORY 151, POLISCI 124A)

The American West is characterized by frontier mythology, vast distances, marked aridity, and unique political and economic characteristics. This course integrates several disciplinary perspectives into a comprehensive examination of Western North America: its history, physical geography, climate, literature, art, film, institutions, politics, demography, economy, and continuing policy challenges. Students examine themes fundamental to understanding the region: time, space, water, peoples, and boom and bust cycles.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 165: Perspectives on American Identity (AMSTUD 160)

Required for American Studies majors. In this seminar we trace diverse and changing interpretations of American identity by exploring autobiographical, literary, and/or visual texts from the 18th through the 20th century in conversation with sociological, political, and historical accounts. *Fulfills Writing In the Major Requirement for American Studies Majors*
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ENGLISH 172D: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ARTHIST 98, CSRE 100, EDUC 166C, FILMEDIA 98, PSYCH 155, SOC 146, TAPS 165)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

ENGLISH 186B: The American Underground: Crime and the Criminal in American Literature

The literary representation of crime and the criminal from postrevolutionary through contemporary American literature. Topics will include the enigma of the criminal personality; varieties of crime, from those underwritten by religious or ethical principle to those produced by the deformations of bias; the impact on narrative form of the challenge of narrating crime; and the significance attributed to gratuitous crime in the American cultural context.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ENGR 145: Technology Entrepreneurship (ENGR 145S)

How does the entrepreneurship process enable the creation and growth of high-impact enterprises? Why does entrepreneurial leadership matter even in a large organization or a non-profit venture? What are the differences between just an idea and true opportunity? How do entrepreneurs form teams and gather the resources necessary to create a successful startup? Mentor-guided projects focus on analyzing students' ideas, case studies allow for examining the nuances of innovation, research examines the entrepreneurial process, and expert guests allow for networking with Silicon Valley's world-class entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. For undergraduates of all majors with interest in startups the leverage breakthrough information, energy, medical and consumer technologies. No prerequisites. Limited Enrollment.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

ENGR 145S: Technology Entrepreneurship (ENGR 145)

How does the entrepreneurship process enable the creation and growth of high-impact enterprises? Why does entrepreneurial leadership matter even in a large organization or a non-profit venture? What are the differences between just an idea and true opportunity? How do entrepreneurs form teams and gather the resources necessary to create a successful startup? Mentor-guided projects focus on analyzing students' ideas, case studies allow for examining the nuances of innovation, research examines the entrepreneurial process, and expert guests allow for networking with Silicon Valley's world-class entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. For undergraduates of all majors with interest in startups the leverage breakthrough information, energy, medical and consumer technologies. No prerequisites. Limited Enrollment.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

ESF 10: Education as Self-Fashioning: Unintended Consequences

Unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and/or intended by a new product, action or decision. Some unintended outcomes are very surprising, and would have been hard to predict. Others seem completely logical in hindsight and leaves people wondering why they were not anticipated. For instance, when the first biofuel mandates were imposed in the EU, little did policy makers realize it would lead to a strong rise in palm oil production, which in turn led to tropical deforestation, undoing any of the possible positive impacts of increased biofuels use. In hindsight it is easy to see this potential negative impact, yet at the time the decision was made the EU leadership was blind to it. Not all unintended consequences are negative. Aspirin, for example, was developed to relieve pain, but was found to also be an anticoagulant that can lower the risk of heart attacks. As another example, the setting up of large hunting reserves for nobility in the medieval period preserved green areas, which later could be converted to large parks.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 7 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-SI, Writing 1

ESF 10A: Education as Self-Fashioning: Unintended Consequences

Unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and/or intended by a new product, action or decision. Some unintended outcomes are very surprising, and would have been hard to predict. Others seem completely logical in hindsight and leaves people wondering why they were not anticipated. For instance, when the first biofuel mandates were imposed in the EU, little did policy makers realize it would lead to a strong rise in palm oil production, which in turn led to tropical deforestation, undoing any of the possible positive impacts of increased biofuels use. In hindsight it is easy to see this potential negative impact, yet at the time the decision was made the EU leadership was blind to it. Not all unintended consequences are negative. Aspirin, for example, was developed to relieve pain, but was found to also be an anticoagulant that can lower the risk of heart attacks. As another example, the setting up of large hunting reserves for nobility in the medieval period preserved green areas, which later could be converted to large parks.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 7 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-SI, Writing 1

ESF 13: Education as Self-Fashioning: Rebellious Minds

The struggle to know began long before you entered the university. The university as an institution has its origins in the late Middle Ages; it has been reinvented repeatedly as our ideas about education have changed. People have been rebelling against how institutions define learning (and for whom) ever since. This course introduces you to some of the most thoughtful and interesting reflections on the nature and purpose of an education, on knowledge and ignorance, at the birth of the modern world. Understanding the quest to discover the mind and to embrace learning as a lifelong endeavor is a starting point to reflect on the goals of your own education, as an engaged intellectual citizen of the world.
Terms: Aut | Units: 7 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI, Writing 1
Instructors: ; Findlen, P. (PI)

ESF 13A: Education as Self-Fashioning: Rebellious Minds

The struggle to know began long before you entered the university. The university as an institution has its origins in the late Middle Ages; it has been reinvented repeatedly as our ideas about education have changed. People have been rebelling against how institutions define learning (and for whom) ever since. This course introduces you to some of the most thoughtful and interesting reflections on the nature and purpose of an education, on knowledge and ignorance, at the birth of the modern world. Understanding the quest to discover the mind and to embrace learning as a lifelong endeavor is a starting point to reflect on the goals of your own education, as an engaged intellectual citizen of the world.
Terms: Aut | Units: 7 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI, Writing 1
Instructors: ; Findlen, P. (PI)

ESF 20: Science as Culture

When have you been made aware of how comfortable you are in your cultural views about the world? It often takes traveling abroad, being forced to speak and think in a new language, or encountering beliefs quite different from our own, to shake up our passive acceptance about "how things work." In this course we will not actually travel to any distant lands. Instead, we will venture into the worlds of scientists to explore how cultural norms shape scientific understandings. We will see how the historical conditions and political climates where discoveries happen can influence how scientific facts come to cohere. Why, for example, was sickle cell anemia posited as a 'black' disease that was seen as genetic proof of African ancestry in the 20th century United States, but not in India where it is also prevalent? In another context, how did the cultural revolution in China and its purge of certain types of scientists create the conditions for cybernetic experts and aerospace engineers (rather than demographers) to largely shape the country's one-child policy? And more recently, how have instances of recorded climate change and environmental degradation drawn on human-centric scientific interventions? And when have more species inclusive methods been offered by global indigenous groups who might help us rethink planetary sustainability?
Terms: Aut | Units: 7 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI, Writing 1
Instructors: ; Fullwiley, D. (PI)

ESF 20A: Science as Culture

When have you been made aware of how comfortable you are in your cultural views about the world? It often takes traveling abroad, being forced to speak and think in a new language, or encountering beliefs quite different from our own, to shake up our passive acceptance about "how things work." In this course we will not actually travel to any distant lands. Instead, we will venture into the worlds of scientists to explore how cultural norms shape scientific understandings. We will see how the historical conditions and political climates where discoveries happen can influence how scientific facts come to cohere. Why, for example, was sickle cell anemia posited as a 'black' disease that was seen as genetic proof of African ancestry in the 20th century United States, but not in India where it is also prevalent? In another context, how did the cultural revolution in China and its purge of certain types of scientists create the conditions for cybernetic experts and aerospace engineers (rather than demographers) to largely shape the country's one-child policy? And more recently, how have instances of recorded climate change and environmental degradation drawn on human-centric scientific interventions? And when have more species inclusive methods been offered by global indigenous groups who might help us rethink planetary sustainability?
Terms: Aut | Units: 7 | UG Reqs: College, THINK, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI, Writing 1
Instructors: ; Fullwiley, D. (PI)

ESF 25: Development and Dispossession

Many students come to Stanford hoping to "make the world a better place," but what does that mean? Where do our ideas about human development, progress and improvement come from? This class asks you to consider this goal from a global historical perspective, including but not limited to the Middle East. How do ideas about human progress intersect with the development of nonhuman landscapes, built environments and infrastructure? What are the intended and unintended consequences of the projects and plans these ideas inspire? In particular, we will examine how projects aimed at improvement have legitimated and shaped colonial expansion, large-scale infrastructure schemes, and population exchanges, alongside human experiences of dispossession, loss, and exile.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 7 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

ESS 106: World Food Economy (EARTHSYS 106, EARTHSYS 206, ECON 106, ECON 206, ESS 206)

The World Food Economy is a survey course that covers the economic and political dimensions of food production, consumption, and trade. The course focuses on food markets and food policy within a global context. It is comprised of three major sections: structural features (agronomic, technological, and economic) that determine the nature of domestic food systems; the role of domestic food and agricultural policies in international markets; and the integrating forces of international research, trade, and food aid in the world food economy. This 5-unit course entails a substantial group modeling project that is required for all students. Enrollment is by application only. The application is found at Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and priority will be given to upper-level undergraduates who need the course for their major, and to graduate students pursuing work directly related to the course. The application submission period will close on March 15
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ESS 112: Human Society and Environmental Change (EARTHSYS 112, EARTHSYS 212, HISTORY 103D)

Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding human-environment interactions with a focus on economics, policy, culture, history, and the role of the state. Prerequisite: ECON 1.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

ETHICSOC 106: Human Rights in Comparative and Historical Perspective (CLASSICS 116, CLASSICS 216, HUMRTS 106)

The course examines core human rights concepts and issues as they arise in a variety of contexts ranging from the ancient world to today. These issues include slavery, human trafficking, gender based violence, discrimination against marginalized groups, and how these and other issues are linked to war, internal conflict, and imperialism. We will consider the ways in which such issues emerge, are explicitly treated, or are ignored in a variety of historical and contemporary settings with a particular emphasis on the impact that war and conflict have on laws and norms that in principle aim to protect individuals from violence and exploitation. This inquiry also entails consideration of the modern notion of the universality of human rights based on a conception of a common humanity and how alien that concept is in states and communities that define or embody hierarchies that systematically exclude groups or populations from the protections and respect that other groups and individuals are afforded. Nowhere do the devastating consequences of such exclusions become clearer than in times of crisis and conflict. The course draws upon a variety of case studies from the Greco-Roman world and other temporal and geographical contexts to explore the political and social dynamics that shape and inform the violence inherent in such events.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

ETHICSOC 135: Citizenship (PHIL 135X, POLISCI 135)

This class begins from the core definition of citizenship as membership in a political community and explores the many debates about what that membership means. Who is (or ought to be) a citizen? Who gets to decide? What responsibilities come with citizenship? Is being a citizen analogous to being a friend, a family member, a business partner? How can citizenship be gained, and can it ever be lost? These debates figure in the earliest recorded political philosophy but also animate contemporary political debates. This class uses ancient, medieval, and modern texts to examine these questions and different answers given over time. We¿Äôll pay particular attention to understandings of democratic citizenship but look at non-democratic citizenship as well. Students will develop and defend their own views on these questions, using the class texts as foundations. No experience with political philosophy is required or expected, and students can expect to learn or hone the skills (writing / reading / analysis) of political philosophy.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

ETHICSOC 135F: Deliberative Democracy and its Critics (AMSTUD 135, COMM 135W, COMM 235, COMM 335, POLISCI 234P, POLISCI 334P)

This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Can a democracy which emphasizes people thinking and talking together on the basis of good information be made practical in the modern age? What kinds of distortions arise when people try to discuss politics or policy together? The course draws on ideas of deliberation from Madison and Mill to Rawls and Habermas as well as criticisms from the jury literature, from the psychology of group processes and from the most recent normative and empirical literature on deliberative forums. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fishkin, J. (PI)

ETHICSOC 204: Introduction to Philosophy of Education (EDUC 204)

How to think philosophically about educational problems. Recent influential scholarship in philosophy of education. No previous study in philosophy required.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Cox, G. (PI); Bates, D. (TA)

FEMGEN 5C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (CSRE 5C, HISTORY 5C, INTNLREL 5C)

(Same as History 105C. 5C is 3 units; 105C is 5 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

FEMGEN 41: Genes and Identity (AFRICAAM 41, ANTHRO 41, CSRE 41A)

In recent decades genes have increasingly become endowed with the cultural power to explain many aspects of human life: physical traits, diseases, behaviors, ancestral histories, and identity. In this course we will explore a deepening societal intrigue with genetic accounts of personal identity and political meaning. Students will engage with varied interdisciplinary sources that range from legal cases to scientific articles, medical ethics guidelines, films, and anthropological works (ethnographies). We will explore several case studies where the use of DNA markers (as proof of heritage, disease risk, or legal standing) has spawned cultural movements that are biosocial in nature. Throughout we will look at how new social movements are organized around gene-based definitions of personhood, health, and legal truth. Several examples include political analyses of citizenship and belonging. On this count we will discuss issues of African ancestry testing as evidence in slavery reparations cases, revisit debates on whether Black Freedman should be allowed into the Cherokee and Seminole Nations, and hear arguments on whether people with genetic links to Jewish groups should have a right of return to Israel. We will also examine the ways genetic knowledge may shape different health politics at the individual and societal level. On this count we will do close readings of how personal genomics testing companies operate, we will investigate how health disparities funding as well as orphan disease research take on new valences when re-framed in genetic terms, and we will see how new articulations of global health priorities are emerging through genetic research in places like Africa. Finally we will explore social implications of forensic uses of DNA. Here we will examine civil liberties concerns about genetic familial searching in forensic databases that disproportionately target specific minority groups as criminal suspects, and inquire into the use of DNA to generate digital mugshots of suspects that re-introduce genetic concepts of race.
| Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 44Q: Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Environment (HISTORY 44Q)

Gendered Innovations harness the creative power of sex, gender, and intersectional analysis for innovation and discovery. We focus on sex and gender, and consider factors intersecting with sex and gender, including age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational background, disabilities, geographic location, etc. We start with the history of gender in science in the scientific revolution to understand how to transform research institutions so that women, men, and non-binary individuals can flourish. The majority of the course is devoted to considering gendered innovations in AI, social robotics, health & medicine, design of cars and cockpits, menstrual products, marine science, and more. This course will emphasize writing skills as well as oral and multimedia presentation; it fulfills the second level Writing and Rhetoric Requirement (WRITE 2), WAY-ED, and WAY-SI.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI, Writing 2

FEMGEN 61: The Politics of Sex: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern America (AMSTUD 161, CSRE 162, FEMGEN 161, HISTORY 61, HISTORY 161)

This course explores the ways that individuals and movements for social and economic equality have redefined and contested gender and sexuality in the modern United States. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources, we will explore the intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the politics of woman suffrage, racial justice, reproductive rights, and gay and trans rights, as well as conservative and right-wing responses. Majors and non-majors alike are welcome.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 63N: The Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality (AMSTUD 63N, CSRE 63N, HISTORY 63N)

This course explores the long history of ideas about gender and equality. Each week we read, dissect, compare, and critique a set of primary historical documents (political and literary) from around the world, moving from the 15th century to the present. We tease out changing arguments about education, the body, sexuality, violence, labor, politics, and the very meaning of gender, and we place feminist critics within national and global political contexts.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 93: The Chinese Empire from the Mongol Invasion to the Boxer Uprising (CHINA 93, HISTORY 93)

(Same as HISTORY 193. 93 is 3 units; 193 is 5 units.) A survey of Chinese history from the 11th century to the collapse of the imperial state in 1911. Topics include absolutism, gentry society, popular culture, gender and sexuality, steppe nomads, the Jesuits in China, peasant rebellion, ethnic conflict, opium, and the impact of Western imperialism.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 96C: Resisting Empire: Anti-colonial Nationalism, Popular Politics & Decolonization in Modern South Asia (ASNAMST 96C, ASNAMST 196C, FEMGEN 196C, HISTORY 96C, HISTORY 196C)

(HISTORY 96C is 3 units; 196C is 5 units.) How did subjects of British India respond to colonial rule? When and how did anti-colonial nationalism emerge in South Asia? How did leading thinkers of the region conceptualize the nature of colonialism and the methods of nationalist resistance? Did nationalism represent all social classes in British India? Did it also alienate and exclude? What tactics of resistance were developed in anti-colonial movements, especially by M. K. Gandhi? Why did independence arrive with the partition of British India into two nation-states - India and Pakistan? How did the colonial legacy shape the post-colonial nation-states of South Asia? In this this introductory lecture-based survey course on the history of modern South Asia, we will explore the answers to these questions. The course will span the period from the beginning of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, and cover the regions that constitute present day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. No prior knowledge of South Asia is necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shil, P. (PI)

FEMGEN 101: Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (AMSTUD 107, CSRE 108, TAPS 108)

Introduction to interdisciplinary approaches to gender, sexuality, queer, trans, and feminist studies. Topics include social justice and feminist organizing, art and activism, feminist histories, the emergence of gender and sexuality studies in the academy, intersectionality and interdependence, the embodiment and performance of difference, and relevant socio-economic and political formations such as work and the family. Students learn to think critically about race, gender, disability, and sexuality. Includes guest lectures from faculty across the university and weekly discussion sections.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 105C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (CSRE 105C, HISTORY 105C, HUMRTS 112, INTNLREL 105C)

(Same as HISTORY 5C. 105C is 5 units, 5C is 3 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

FEMGEN 109E: Global Women Leaders: Past and Present

This course will introduce students to global women's history, and focus on the emergence of women political leaders in the 20th century. We will begin by looking at the history of patriarchy around the world, and then consider the growth of feminist politics. We will look at movements for women's self-determination in the 19th and 20th centuries, and women's emergence as national political leaders in the 20th century. We then focus on a series of global women leaders, primarily heads of state, and explore their biographies and historical contributions. What conditions have permitted women to emerge as heads of state in the 20th century? Have women made a distinctive contribution as heads of state and political activists? In addition to lectures and discussions, class meetings include viewing several films.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 119: Archaeology of Gender and Sexuality (ANTHRO 111, ANTHRO 211B, ARCHLGY 129)

How archaeologists study sex, sexuality, and gender through the material remains left behind by past cultures and communities. Theoretical and methodological issues; case studies from prehistoric and historic archaeology.
Last offered: Autumn 2019 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 123: Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: In the Margins: Race, Gender and the Rhetoric of Science (PWR 194MF)

Every day a new headline alerts us to the lack of race and gender diversity in the tech sector in Silicon Valley. At the same time, science and technology are often lauded as objective systems capable of producing color- and gender-blind truths and social good for all of us. This course pushes beyond the headlines and the hashtags to think about the complex relationship between gender, race and science. Together we will research chronically understudied voices and contributions in the history of science and technology and have the opportunity to read and participate in some of the efforts to highlight their stories through a Wikipedia edit-a-thon and final research project. We will also rigorously think through why the historical and current under-representation of women and people of color matters for the questions that are asked, methodologies that are used, and science and technology that is eventually produced. This course fulfills the advanced PWR requirement for the Notation in Science Communication (NSC). Prerequisite: first two levels of the writing requirement or equivalent transfer credit. For topics, see
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 140D: LGBTQ History of the United States (FEMGEN 240D, HISTORY 257C)

An introductory course that explores LGBT/Queer social, cultural, and political history in the United States. By analyzing primary documents that range from personal accounts (private letters, autobiography, early LGBT magazines, and oral history interviews) to popular culture (postcards, art, political posters, lesbian pulp fiction, and film) to medical, military, and legal papers, students will understand how the categories of gender and sexuality have changed over the past 150 years. This class investigates the relationship among queer, straight and transgender identities. Seminar discussions will question how the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality influenced the construction of these categories.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 141P: Political Economy of Development (POLISCI 141)

The last few decades have seen remarkable progress in lifting millions of people out of poverty worldwide. Yet, millions still are unable to meet even their most basic sustenance needs. This course examines foundational reasons for why some countries remain poor and why inequality persists today. In addition to answering the why question, we will also examine how practitioners, policy-makers, and academics have tackled global development challenges, where they have met success, and where failure has provided key lessons for the future. The course will examine how social, political, and economic institutions affect prospects for development, including by covering issues of colonialism and contemporary foreign aid. Students will learn about and explore patterns of development across the world, critically evaluate foundational theories of development, and understand the practical challenges and possible solutions to reducing poverty, creating equality, and ensuring good governance. Course assignments will aim to have students practice linking data and evidence with policy innovation, using global datasets to perform statistical analyses. Students will leave this class with an understanding of how development works (and does not work) in practice.
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 142: Sociology of Gender (FEMGEN 242, SOC 142, SOC 242)

Sociologists study taken-for-granted social categories and systems, like gender, to understand how they shape our lives. In this course, we will learn sociological approaches to understanding and studying gender. We will critically examine how gender structures society and reproduces inequality. To do this, we will use a multi-level approach, examining gender at the individual, interactional, and structural level. We will apply this framework to multiple areas of social life, including the self, the family, school, and work. This introductory course is designed to cover a range of topics in the sociology of gender, providing a baseline for further study. You will actively participate in class, bringing your own experiences while building your sociological imagination. Through a combination of lectures, in-class discussions, and papers, students will strengthen their academic analysis and writing skills.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Warner, M. (PI)

FEMGEN 143: One in Five: The Law, Politics, and Policy of Campus Sexual Assault (SOC 188, SOC 288)

CW: SA/GBV: Access the Application Consent Form Here: Over the past decade, the issue of campus sexual assault and harassment has exploded into the public discourse. Multiple studies have reinforced the finding that between 20-25% of college women (and a similar proportion of students identifying as transgender and gender-nonconforming, as well as approximately 10% of male students) experience sexual assault carried out through force or while the victim was incapacitated. This course delves into the complex issues of sexual assault and harassment on college campuses, examining legal, policy, and political dimensions. We explore the prevalence of these issues, the historical and social contexts, and relevant laws such as Title IX and the Clery Act. Through readings spanning social science, history, literature, law, health, and journalism, we analyze responses to campus violence, considering the intersectionality of race, class, gender, and other factors. Guest speakers, including experts and advocates, provide firsthand insights. Sensitive Material: The subject matter of this course is sensitive, and students are expected to treat the material with maturity. Much of the reading and subject matter may be upsetting and/or triggering for students who identify as survivors. This course has no therapeutic component, although supportive campus resources are available for those who need them. Elements used in grading: Grades will be based on class attendance, in-person class participation, and either several short reflection papers and a class presentation (Law section 01) or an independent research paper and class presentation, or a project and class presentation (undergraduates, graduates, and Law section 02). After the term begins, law students accepted into the course can transfer from section 01 into section 02, which meets the R requirement, with consent of the instructor. Enrollment: Requires INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION. Application consent forms are available ( or you may contact Professor Burgart at Cross-listed with Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies ( FEMGEN 143) and Sociology ( SOC 188/288). Apply early as demand is high and enrollment is limited to 18 students. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the class is full.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Burgart, A. (PI)

FEMGEN 144: Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Environment (HISTORY 144)

Explores "Gendered Innovations" or how sex, gender, and intersectional analysis in research spark discovery and innovation. This course focuses on sex and gender, and considers factors intersecting with sex and gender, including age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational background, disabilities, geographic location, etc., where relevant. Topics include historical background, basic concepts, social robots, sustainability, medicine & public health, femtech, facial recognition, inclusive crash test dummies, and more. Stanford University is engaged in a multi-year collaboration with the European Commission and the U.S. National Science Foundation project on Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment, and this class will contribute that project. The operative questions is: how can sex, gender, and intersectional analysis lead to discovery, enhance social justice, and environmental sustainability?
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schiebinger, L. (PI)

FEMGEN 147: Feminism and Technology

How can a feminist lens help us understand technology? What can technology teach us about gender? This course explores the mutual shaping of gender and technology using an intersectional feminist approach. We will draw on theories from feminist science and technology studies (STS) to examine contemporary and historical case studies with attention to how race, sexuality, disability, and class impact the relationship between gender and technology. Topics include the history of computing, digital labor and the gig economy, big data and surveillance, bias and algorithms, reproductive technologies, videogames, and social media.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Butler-Wall, A. (PI)

FEMGEN 150Q: Challenging Sex and Gender Dichotomies in Biology and Medicine (SOMGEN 150Q)

This course explores and challenges the physiological basis for distinguishing human "males" and "females", expands the concepts of "intersex" beyond reproductive anatomy/physiology (i.e. beyond the genitalia), and discusses some known consequences of "gender biases" in medical diagnoses and treatments. The influence of gender (sociocultural) "norms", i.e. gendered behaviors and relations, on human biology is juxtaposed with the role of biological traits on the construction of gender identity, roles and relationships, thereby focusing on the interactions of sex and gender on health and medical outcomes. Problems that may arise by labeling conditions that vary in incidence, prevalence and/or severity across the "male-female" spectrum as "men's" or "women's" health issues will be discussed. In addition, the importance of recognizing the spectrum of sex and gender, as well as sexual orientation, in clinical practice from pediatric to geriatric populations, will be highlighted, with consideration of varying perspectives within different race/ethnic, religious, political, and other groups.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

FEMGEN 155: The Changing American Family (FEMGEN 255, SOC 155, SOC 255)

What are the historical trajectories and consequences of marriage, divorce, and premarital cohabitation? Where have gay rights come from and what is the future of gay rights in the US? What are the gender differences in marriage, family and housework? What does it mean for the personal to be political? What are the racial differences in family life and how have those differences been politicized? How did marriage equality go from being impossible to being the law of the US? We will study social change from the perspective of public opinion, legal changes, and family politics.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 156H: Women and Medicine in US History: Women as Patients, Healers and Doctors (AMSTUD 156H)

This course explores ideas about women's bodies in sickness and health, as well as women's encounters with lay and professional healers in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present. We begin with healthy women and explore ideas about women's life cycle in the past, including women's sexuality, the history of birth control, abortion, childbirth, and aging. We then turn to the history of women healers including midwives, lay physicians, professional physicians and nurses. Finally, we examine women's illnesses and their treatment as well as the lives of women with disabilities in the past. We will examine differences in women's experience with medicine on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexuality and class. We will relate this history to issues in contemporary medicine, and consider the efforts of women to gain control of their bodies and health care throughout US history.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 156X: Language, Gender, & Sexuality (LINGUIST 156)

The role of language in the construction of gender, the maintenance of the gender order, and social change. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No knowledge of linguistics required.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 161: The Politics of Sex: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern America (AMSTUD 161, CSRE 162, FEMGEN 61, HISTORY 61, HISTORY 161)

This course explores the ways that individuals and movements for social and economic equality have redefined and contested gender and sexuality in the modern United States. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources, we will explore the intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the politics of woman suffrage, racial justice, reproductive rights, and gay and trans rights, as well as conservative and right-wing responses. Majors and non-majors alike are welcome.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 173: Gender and Higher Education: National and International Perspectives (EDUC 173, EDUC 273, SOC 173, SOC 273)

This course examines the ways in which higher education structures and policies interact with gender, gender identity, and other characteristics in the United States, around the world, and over time. Attention is paid to how changes in those structures and policies relate to access to, experiences in, and outcomes of higher education by gender. Students can expect to gain an understanding of theories and perspectives from the social sciences relevant to an understanding of the role of higher education in relation to structures of gender differentiation and hierarchy. Topics include undergraduate and graduate education; identity and sexuality; gender and science; gender and faculty; and feminist scholarship and pedagogy.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 193: The Chinese Empire from the Mongol Invasion to the Boxer Uprising (CHINA 183, HISTORY 193)

(Same as HISTORY 93. 193 is 5 units; 93 is 3 units.) A survey of Chinese history from the 11th century to the collapse of the imperial state in 1911. Topics include absolutism, gentry society, popular culture, gender and sexuality, steppe nomads, the Jesuits in China, peasant rebellion, ethnic conflict, opium, and the impact of Western imperialism.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 193S: Beyond the Modern Girl: Gender, Sexuality, and Empire in Japan and Korea, 1900-1955 (HISTORY 93S)

In the 1920s and 1930s, the fashionable and iconoclastic "modern girl" appeared in media in Tokyo, Seoul, and beyond. Yet what, if anything, did she have to do with empire? And what other gendered experiences, identities, and movements emerged alongside her? From "new women" to "comfort women," from the "sons of the empire" to "sensitive young men," along with discourses on same-sex love, this course examines gender in Japan and Korea from the colonial period through the postwar occupations.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 194: Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Racism, Misogyny, and the Law (CSRE 194KTA, HISTORY 261C, PWR 194KTA)

The gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 by the Supreme Court of the United States led to the consequent disenfranchisement of many voters of color. For many citizens who desire a truly representative government, SCOTUS's decision predicted the collapse of democracy and endorsed White supremacy. In this course, through an examination of jurisprudential racism and misogyny, students will learn to dissect the rhetoric of the U.S. judicial branch and the barriers it constructs to equity and inclusion through caselaw and appellate Opinions. The United States of America long deprived the right to vote to men of color and women of every race, and equal access to justice including at the intersections has been an enduring fight. The history of employment law, criminal justice, access to healthcare, and more includes jurisprudence enforcing racist and misogynist U.S. policies and social dynamics. Students will learn how to read a case, scrutinize court briefings, and contextualize bias as a foundation to erect a more just, equitable, and inclusionary legal system.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 196C: Resisting Empire: Anti-colonial Nationalism, Popular Politics & Decolonization in Modern South Asia (ASNAMST 96C, ASNAMST 196C, FEMGEN 96C, HISTORY 96C, HISTORY 196C)

(HISTORY 96C is 3 units; 196C is 5 units.) How did subjects of British India respond to colonial rule? When and how did anti-colonial nationalism emerge in South Asia? How did leading thinkers of the region conceptualize the nature of colonialism and the methods of nationalist resistance? Did nationalism represent all social classes in British India? Did it also alienate and exclude? What tactics of resistance were developed in anti-colonial movements, especially by M. K. Gandhi? Why did independence arrive with the partition of British India into two nation-states - India and Pakistan? How did the colonial legacy shape the post-colonial nation-states of South Asia? In this this introductory lecture-based survey course on the history of modern South Asia, we will explore the answers to these questions. The course will span the period from the beginning of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, and cover the regions that constitute present day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. No prior knowledge of South Asia is necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shil, P. (PI)

FEMGEN 200GH: Doing Gender History (HISTORY 200GH)

While history was once believed to be the study of "great men," war, and politics, in recent decades, histories of women, gender, and sexuality have flourished. This course explores the development and major questions in the subfield of gender history from a transnational perspective. It allows students to examine gender history at the craft level, including research methods, theoretical frameworks, and novel approaches to uncover what has been previously hidden or ignored. This course is part of the "Doing History" series, rigorous undergraduate colloquia that introduce the practice of history within a particular field or thematic area.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

FEMGEN 200LB: Doing Labor History (HISTORY 200LB)

How do historians access lives of the laboring poor in the past? What is the archive of the working-class life? Toiling in farms, plantations, workshops, mines, factories, brothels and households, workers seldom leave behind an account of their lives in their own words. How have labor historians devised methods and techniques of reading traces from the past of those who were on the margins of society and struggling for their survival, and dignity? In this undergraduate colloquium, we will engage with these questions, particularly through the historical scholarship on workers in the Global South. This course will provide an introduction to the history of the field of labor history across different parts of the world; discuss the tremendous influence of the historian E.P. Thompson in the shaping of the field; explore how studies of gender, race, caste, cultural identities, and of a global perspective, have transformed the field in profound ways; and how the modern world was built on the foundation of oppressive regimes of labor extraction such as slavery, indenture, and wage labor.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 205L: Prostitution & Sex Trafficking: Regulating Morality and the Status of Women (CSRE 205L, HISTORY 205L)

Examines governmental policies toward prostitution from the late 19th century to the present. Focuses on the underlying attitudes, assumptions, strategies, and consequences of various historical and current legal frameworks regulating prostitution, including: prohibitionism, abolitionism, legalization, partial decriminalization, and full decriminalization. Special focus on these policies' effects on sex trafficking, sex worker rights, and the status of women. Emphasis on Europe and the U.S., with additional cases from across the globe.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 221B: The 'Woman Question' in Modern Russia (HISTORY 221B, HISTORY 321B)

(History 221B is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 321B is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) Russian radicals believed that the status of women provided the measure of freedom in a society and argued for the extension of rights to women as a basic principle of social progress. The social status and cultural representations of Russian women from the mid-19th century to the present. The arguments and actions of those who fought for women's emancipation in the 19th century, theories and policies of the Bolsheviks, and the reality of women's lives under them. How the status of women today reflects on the measure of freedom in post-Communist Russia.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 227: East European Women and War (HISTORY 227, HISTORY 327)

Thematic & chronological approach to conflicts in the region 20th & 21st centuries: Balkan Wars, WWI, WWII, Yugoslav wars, & current Russo-Ukrainian War. Ways women in E. Europe involved in and affected by wars; comparison with women in W. Europe in the two world wars. Examines women during war as members of military services, underground movements, workers, volunteers, mothers of soldiers, subjects and supporters of war aims and propaganda, activists in peace movements, and objects of wartime destruction, dislocation, and sexual violation.
| Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 247: Gender and Sexuality in African History (AFRICAAM 247, FEMGEN 347, HISTORY 247, HISTORY 347)

This course examines the history of gender and sexuality in twentieth and twenty-first century Africa. It explores how concepts, identities, and practices of gender and sexuality have changed in shifting social, cultural, political, and economic contexts across the continent and in connection with global currents. This historical journey encompasses European colonialism, independence, postcolonial nation-building, and current times. Course materials include African novels, films, material culture and multinational scholarly research and primary sources. We will also engage multidisciplinary perspectives, methodologies, and theories as tools for critical thinking, writing and varied modes of producing knowledge. Gender and sexuality(ies) as examined in this course act as gateways to explore transformations in : selfhood, peoplehood, and life stage; health, medicine, reproduction, and the body; law and criminality; marriage, kinship, family, and community; politics, power and protest; feminism(s); popular culture; religion and belief; LGBTQI+ themes; and the history of emotions, including love, joy, desire, pain, and trauma.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 255B: Contested Masculinities in Modern America (HISTORY 255B)

This course examines masculinity in the twentieth-century United States across academic disciplines. Suspending the idea that manhood is biologically fixed or innate, this course presents masculinity as socially constructed and in a state of ongoing contest and crisis. Students will explore what it has meant (and means) to be a man in America, how masculinity has related to femininity and feminism, and masculinity's intersection with other identities like race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. Assigned materials include an array of readings in History, African and African American Studies, Gender and Women's Studies, Art History, and American Studies, along with documentary and fictional films.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 260P: American Protest Movements, Past and Present (AMSTUD 260P, HISTORY 260P)

(History 260P is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 360P is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) Societal change comes only when individuals and groups speak out, perseverantly, against prevailing norms. This course examines the overlapping histories of three nineteenth-century protest movements: antislavery, womens rights, and temperance. It focuses on the arguments and tactics used by these movements to persuade Americans to oppose the status quo, and it examines the points of agreement and disagreement that arose within and among these movements. Ultimately, the course connects these past protest movements to more recent analogs, such as Black Lives Matter, ERA ratification, and marijuana legalization. Throughout the course, race, gender, and class serve as central analytical themes.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 262A: Taylor Swift and Millennial America (HISTORY 262A)

Whether you identify as a Swiftie or "grumble on about how she can't sing," it is impossible to deny that Taylor Swift has become a cultural, economic, and political powerhouse. This course will place Swift in historical context within the modern United States, exploring the forces that enabled her rise to superstardom as well as those that shape her loyal millennial and Gen-Z fanbase. Topics include the politics of country music; the roles of globalization and technology in the rapidly changing music industry; feminist readings, and feminist critiques, of Swift's career; and the attempts of various communities to claim Swift as their own, including Gaylors and the alt-right. Fans and non-fans alike are welcome, as our historical objective is to explore Swift, the world that made her, and the world that she is creating at a critical distance.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

FEMGEN 262B: The Roots of Gendered Labor: Women and Work in American History (AMSTUD 262B, HISTORY 262B)

This class will explore the long, tangled history of women's labor in North America. Beginning with gendered labor practices among Native Americans, West Africans, and Europeans in the seventeenth century, this class will proceed thematically and chronologically through the early twentieth century. We will consider the deep roots of gendered labor in American history, asking how categories of race and class, freedom and enslavement, and immigration status have structured female labor. We will also examine the ways in which social transformations such as industrialization and urbanization, as well as changes in the economic, political, and sexual order shaped the experiences of laboring women. Reading secondary sources alongside a rich array of primary sources, including images and songs, we will consider the deep continuities and wrenching changes in the meanings of women's work over time.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 292: Gender in Modern South Asia (HISTORY 292C)

Gender is crucial to understanding the political, cultural, and economic trajectories of communities in colonial and postcolonial South Asia. Throughout this course, we will ask a series of questions: How does gender structure conceptions of home, community, and homeland in South Asia? How do gender and religion become represented in movements for nation-states? How does women's participation in anticolonial politics and fights for equal representation in postcolonial nation-states affect our understanding of gender in South Asia today? Readings examine the creation and impact of religious personal law under British colonial rule, the role of masculinity in the British-Indian army, perspectives on religion and clothing, the interplay of rights movements and anti-colonialism, and the status of women in postcolonial India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Students will also explore a range of primary sources, including political treatises, short stories, didactic manuals, autobiographies, and travelogues.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 295J: Chinese Women's History (CHINA 295J, HISTORY 295J)

The lives of women in the last 1,000 years of Chinese history. Focus is on theoretical questions fundamental to women's studies. How has the category of woman been shaped by culture and history? How has gender performance interacted with bodily disciplines and constraints such as medical, reproductive, and cosmetic technologies? How relevant is the experience of Western women to women elsewhere? By what standards should liberation be defined?
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FEMGEN 298C: Race, Gender, & Sexuality in Chinese History (ASNAMST 298, CSRE 298G, HISTORY 298C, HISTORY 398C)

This course examines the diverse ways in which identities--particularly race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality have been understood and experienced in Chinese societies, broadly defined, from the imperial period to the present day. Topics include changes in women's lives and status, racial and ethnic categorizations, homosexuality, prostitution, masculinity, and gender-crossing.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FILMEDIA 98: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ARTHIST 98, CSRE 100, EDUC 166C, ENGLISH 172D, PSYCH 155, SOC 146, TAPS 165)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
| Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

FILMEDIA 178: Film and History of Latin American Revolutions and Counterrevolutions (HISTORY 78, HISTORY 178, ILAC 178)

In this course we will watch and critique films made about Latin America's 20th century revolutions focusing on the Cuban, Chilean and Mexican revolutions. We will analyze the films as both social and political commentaries and as aesthetic and cultural works, alongside archivally-based histories of these revolutions.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

FRENCH 62N: Art and Healing in the Wake of Covid-19: A Health Humanities Perspective (ITALIAN 62N)

How have artists contributed to healing during the Covid-19 pandemic? How does art shape or express diverse cultural understandings of health and illness, medicine and the body, death and spirituality, in response to crisis? How do such understandings directly impact the physical healing but also the life decisions and emotions of individuals, from caregivers to patients? And finally, how do these affect social transformation as part of healing? This course examines the art of COVID-19, from a contemporary and historical perspective, using the tools of Health Humanities, a relatively new discipline that connects medicine to the arts and social sciences. Materials for this course include art from different media (from poetry and fiction to performance and installation), produced during COVID-19 in mostly Western contexts, in diverse communities and with some forays into the rest of the world and into other historical moments of crisis. They also include some non-fiction readings from the disciplines Health Humanities draws from, such as history of medicine, anthropology, psychology, sociology, cultural history, media studies, art criticism, and medicine itself. We will thus be introduced to basics of Health Humanities and its methods while addressing the pandemic as a world-changing event, aided by the unique insights of artists. The course will culminate in final projects that present a critical and contextual appreciation of a specific art project created in response to COVID-19; such appreciations may be creative art projects as well, or more analytical, scholarly evaluations.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

FRENCH 131: Absolutism, Enlightenment, and Revolution in 17th- and 18th-Century France

The literature, culture, and politics of France from Louis XIV to Olympe de Gouges. How this period produced the political and philosophical foundations of modernity. Readings may include Corneille, Moli¿re, Racine, Lafayette, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Beaumarchais, and Gouges. Taught in French. Students are highly encouraged to complete FRENLANG 124 or to successfully test above this level through the Language Center. This course fulfills the Writing in the Major (WIM) requirement.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Edmondson, C. (PI)

FRENCH 159: French Kiss: The History of Love and the French Novel (FRENCH 256, HISTORY 236F)

The history of the French novel is also the history of love. How did individuals experience love throughout history? How do novels reflect this evolution of love through the ages? And, most significantly, how have French novels shaped our own understanding of and expectations for romantic love today? The course will explore many forms of love from the Ancien R¿gime to the 20th century. Sentiment and seduction, passion and desire, the conflict between love and society: students will examine these themes from a historical perspective, in tandem with the evolution of the genre of the novel (the novella, the sentimental novel, the epistolary novel, the 19th-century novel, and the autobiographical novel). Some texts will be paired with contemporary films to probe the enduring relevance of love "¿ la fran¿aise" in the media today. Readings include texts by Lafayette, Pr¿vost, Laclos, Dumas fils, Flaubert, Colette, Yourcenar, and Duras. This is an introductory course to French Studies, with a focus on cultural history, literary history, interpretation of narrative, thematic analysis, and close reading. Undergraduate students should enroll for FRENCH159, while graduate students may enroll for FRENCH256. Readings and discussion in English.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Edmondson, C. (PI)

FRENCH 175: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (COMPLIT 100, DLCL 100, GERMAN 175, HISTORY 206E, ILAC 175, ITALIAN 175, URBANST 153)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

FRENCH 178: The Haitian Revolution: Slavery, Freedom, and the Atlantic World (AFRICAAM 178S, HISTORY 78S)

How did the French colony of Saint-Domingue become Haiti, the world's first Black-led republic? What did Haiti symbolize for the African diaspora and the Americas at large? What sources and methods do scholars use to understand this history? To answer these questions, this course covers the Haitian story from colonization to independence during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Our course will center Africans and people of African descent, both enslaved and free, as they negotiated and resisted systems of racial and economic oppression in the French Caribbean. Our inquiry will critically engage with conceptions and articulations of human and civil rights as they relate to legal realities and revolutionary change over time, as well as the interplay between rights and racial thinking. Tracing what historian Julius Scott called the "common wind" of the Haitian Revolution, we will also investigate how the new nation's emergence built on the American and French Revolutions while also influencing national independence movements elsewhere in the Atlantic World. Priority given to history majors and minors; no prerequisites and all readings are in English.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

FRENCH 213E: Culture and Revolution in Africa (AFRICAAM 213, COMPLIT 213, GLOBAL 213, HISTORY 243E)

This course investigates the relationship between culture, revolutionary decolonization, and post-colonial trajectories. It probes the multilayered development of 20th and 21st-century African literature amid decolonization and Cold War cultural diplomacy initiatives and the debates they generated about African literary aesthetics, African languages, the production of history, and the role of the intellectual. We will journey through national cultural movements, international congresses, and pan-African festivals to explore the following questions: What role did writers and artists play in shaping the discourse of revolutionary decolonization throughout the continent and in the diaspora? How have literary texts, films, and works of African cultural thought shaped and engaged with concepts such as "African unity" and "African cultural renaissance"? How have these notions influenced the imaginaries of post-independence nations, engendered new subjectivities, and impacted gender and generational dynamics? How did the ways of knowing and modes of writing promoted and developed in these contexts shape African futures?
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Seck, F. (PI)

FRENCH 217: Love, Death and the Afterlife in the Medieval West (FRENCH 317, HISTORY 217D, HISTORY 317D, ITALIAN 217, ITALIAN 317)

Romantic love, it is often claimed, is an invention of the High Middle Ages. The vocabulary of sexual desire that is still current in the twenty-first century was authored in the twelfth and thirteenth, by troubadours, court poets, writers like Dante; even by crusaders returning from the eastern Mediterranean. How did this devout society come to elevate the experience of sensual love? This course draws on primary sources such as medieval songs, folktales, the "epic rap battles" of the thirteenth century, along with the writings of Boccaccio, Saint Augustine and others, to understand the unexpected connections between love, death, and the afterlife from late antiquity to the fourteenth century. Each week, we will use a literary or artistic work as an interpretive window into cultural attitudes towards love, death or the afterlife. These readings are analyzed in tandem with major historical developments, including the rise of Christianity, the emergence of feudal society and chivalric culture, the crusading movement, and the social breakdown of the fourteenth century.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

FRENCH 238: Art and the Market (ARTHIST 238C)

This course examines the relationship between art and the market, from Renaissance artisans to struggling Impressionist painters to the globalized commercial world of contemporary art and NFTs. Using examples drawn from France, this course explores the relationship between artists and patrons, the changing status of artists in society, patterns of shifting taste, and the effects of museums on making and collecting art. Students will read a mixture of historical texts about art and artists, fictional works depicting the process of artistic creation, and theoretical analyses of the politics embedded in artworks. They will examine individual artworks, as well as the market structures in which such artworks were produced and bought. The course will be taught in English, with the option of readings in French for departmental majors.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Pesic, A. (PI)

FRENCH 256: French Kiss: The History of Love and the French Novel (FRENCH 159, HISTORY 236F)

The history of the French novel is also the history of love. How did individuals experience love throughout history? How do novels reflect this evolution of love through the ages? And, most significantly, how have French novels shaped our own understanding of and expectations for romantic love today? The course will explore many forms of love from the Ancien R¿gime to the 20th century. Sentiment and seduction, passion and desire, the conflict between love and society: students will examine these themes from a historical perspective, in tandem with the evolution of the genre of the novel (the novella, the sentimental novel, the epistolary novel, the 19th-century novel, and the autobiographical novel). Some texts will be paired with contemporary films to probe the enduring relevance of love "¿ la fran¿aise" in the media today. Readings include texts by Lafayette, Pr¿vost, Laclos, Dumas fils, Flaubert, Colette, Yourcenar, and Duras. This is an introductory course to French Studies, with a focus on cultural history, literary history, interpretation of narrative, thematic analysis, and close reading. Undergraduate students should enroll for FRENCH159, while graduate students may enroll for FRENCH256. Readings and discussion in English.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Edmondson, C. (PI)

GERMAN 132: Politics in 20th Century German Literature

Is there a difference between art and propaganda? How do writers express their political values? Who gets to decide what counts as literature? Or who counts as German? This introductory course will focus on these questions and more as we discuss works of prose, poetry, theater, and film from the German-speaking world in the context of 20th century political developments, including the World Wars and the Holocaust, the Cold War and German Reunification, and the rise of multiculturalism. Course materials in the original German include selections from Franz Kafka, Bertolt Brecht, Ingeborg Bachmann, May Ayim, and others. Taught in German. GERLANG 3 or equivalent required.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

GERMAN 175: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (COMPLIT 100, DLCL 100, FRENCH 175, HISTORY 206E, ILAC 175, ITALIAN 175, URBANST 153)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

GERMAN 185: Understanding International Politics Today: From the German Philosophers to Modern Social Science

This course is being offered in collaboration with Stanford in Berlin, Bing Overseas Study Program. International politics is beset by problems. States go to war. The global economy is volatile and unequal. The human community is divided into multiple nation-states. Some states dominate others. People commit acts of evil. Luckily, we are not the first people to have noticed that international politics is not characterized exclusively by peace and harmony. War, capitalism, racism, and totalitarianism have all been subjects about which German thinkers - many based in Berlin - have made profound contributions over the last two centuries. Do their ideas and arguments stand up in the cold light of modern social science? What can we learn from them - and what do we need to discard? This course will introduce students to perennial problems in international politics from two perspectives: those of key German political thinkers, and those of modern social science. It is structured around five core questions: Why do states go to war and what could be the basis for a lasting peace? If war is unavoidable, what is the role of morality in war? How can/should the world be governed in the absence of a world state? How has international politics been transformed by capitalism? What role has been and is played by race and racism in international politics?
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

GERMAN 213: Medieval Germany, 900-1250 (GERMAN 313, HISTORY 213F, HISTORY 313F)

(Undergraduates may sign up for German 213 or History 213F, graduate students should sign up for German 313 or History 313F. This course may be taken for variable units. Check the individual course numbers for unit spreads.) This course will provide a survey of the most important political, historical, and cultural events and trends that took place in the German-speaking lands between 900 and 1250. Important themes include the evolution of imperial ideology and relations with Rome, expansion along the eastern frontier, the crusades, the investiture controversy, the rise of powerful cities and civic identities, monastic reform and intellectual renewal, and the flowering of vernacular literature. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 1-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

GERMAN 253: Hannah Arendt: Facing Totalitarianism (COMPLIT 353B, GERMAN 353, JEWISHST 243A)

Like hardly any other thinker of the modern age, Hannah Arendt's thought offers us timeless insights into the fabric of the modern age, especially regarding the perennial danger of totalitarianism. This course offers an in-depth introduction to Arendt's most important works in their various contexts, as well as a consideration of their reverberations in contemporary philosophy and literature. Readings include Arendt's <em>The Origin of Totalitarianism</em>, <em>The Human Condition, Between Past and Future</em>, <em>Men in Dark Times</em>, <em>On Revolution</em>,<em>Eichmann in Jerusalem</em>, and <em>The Life of the Mind</em>, as well as considerations of Hannah Arendt's work by Max Frisch, Jürgen Habermas, Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, Giorgio Agamben, and others. Special attention will be given to Arendt's writings on literature with an emphasis on Kafka, Brecht, Auden, Sartre, and Camus. This course will be synchronously conducted, but will also use an innovative, Stanford-developed, online platform called Poetic Thinking. Poetic Thinking allows students to share both their scholarly and creative work with each other. Based on the newest technology and beautifully designed, it greatly enhances their course experience.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

GERMAN 287: Hope in the Modern Age (COMPLIT 287, JEWISHST 287)

Immanuel Kant famously considered "What may I hope?" to be the third and final question of philosophy. This course considers the thinkers, from Immanuel Kant to Judith Butler, who have attempted to answer this question from within the context of modernity. Has revolution replaced religion as the object of our hope? Has Enlightenment lived up to its promises? These topics and more will be discussed, with readings from thinkers including Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Adorno, and Arendt, alongside the literature of writers such as Kafka, Celan, Nelly Sachs, among others, and with particular focus on the question of hope within the German-Jewish tradition.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

GLOBAL 34N: Nationalism (POLISCI 34N)

SU Intro Seminar - Freshman. Nationalist platforms have been on the rise for years across the globe. The success of nationalist parties and candidates is often accompanied by backlash against outgroups, from immigrants to religious and ethnic minorities. Nationalism often leads people to act against their material interest, from voting against economic policies that would improve their standing, to undertaking extreme actions like self-sacrifice. Why is nationalism such a dominant force in today's world? And why is it such a powerful driver of human behavior? In this course, we will explore this question through a broad interdisciplinary lens, drawing lessons from the social sciences and history. We will ask what national identity is, where it comes from and why it has such appeal for humans. We will go back to the roots of nationalism in early modern Europe in order to understand the historical origin of national identities. And we will try to identify the forces that drive the rise in right-wing nationalism today, by exploring a number of country cases across the world.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

GLOBAL 41Q: The Ape Museum: Exploring the Idea of the Ape in Global History, Science, Art and Film (HISTORY 41Q)

This course will explore the idea of "the ape" in global history, science, art, and film. The idea that apes might be humanity's nearest animal relatives is only about 200 years old. From the start, the idea developed in a global context: living fossil apes were found in Africa and Asia, and were immediately embroiled in international controversies about theories of human origins and racial hierarchies. This class will look at how and why "the ape" became a generative and controversial new concept in numerous national and regional contexts. We'll explore some of the many ways humans have looked at, studied, and thought about apes around the world: the "out of Asia" versus "out of Africa" hypothesis for human origins; Nim Chimpsky, the chimpanzee raised as a human child; Koko, the gorilla who may have learned sign language; Congo, the chimpanzee who made "abstract" paintings; films such as King Kong, Planet of the Apes, and 2001: Space Odyssey; the ape in World War II and Cold War propaganda in Japan, the Soviet Union, Germany, and the United States; Jane Goodall's study of chimpanzees "culture" and "personality"; the place of apes in natural history museums and zoos around the world; and Stanford's own fraught history of comparing apes and humans through the archival writings of eugenicist founding president David Starr Jordan. Taught in conjunction with an exhibit on global ape imagery at the Stanford Library curated by Professors Riskin and Winterer in 2024, the course will culminate in students' own miniature exhibits for a class-generated "Ape Museum."
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

GLOBAL 101: Critical Issues in Global Affairs

It is often stated that we live in a global age. What does this mean? How new is this phenomenon? What does it mean to think about the human experience from a global perspective? And, why does it matter? In this course, we will examine globalism and globalization in historical and contemporary contexts; engage with theoretical frameworks and a range of case studies from a variety of national/regional contexts; and use these to analyze global economic, political, environmental, and socio-cultural networks, trends, and issues, exploring the interconnectedness of the local and the global. We will consider how universal is the human experience and how the answer to this question might impact the future of humanity. (This is the gateway course for students wishing to pursue a Global Studies minor in one of six specializations: African, European, Islamic, Iranian, Latin American, and South Asian studies. Frosh are strongly encouraged to take COLLEGE 119 in spring quarter in place of GLOBAL 101, as COLLEGE 119 fulfills both the global studies minor and COLLEGE global perspectives requirements.)
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kuhns, K. (PI)

GLOBAL 102: The Mamluks: Slave-Soldiers and Sultans of Medieval Egypt (GLOBAL 210, HISTORY 249, HISTORY 349A)

Known as ghulam or mamluk in Arabic, the slave-soldier was a ubiquitous phenomenon in the world of medieval Islam. Usually pagan steppe nomads, mamluks were purchased in adolescence, converted to Islam, taught Arabic, and trained to lead armies. Sometimes manumitted and sometimes not, in either case mamluks rose to positions of privilege and prominence in numerous regimes in the medieval Middle East. Nowhere was the mamluk institution so fundamental as it was in Egypt between 1250 and 1517 CE, when Cairo was ruled by these slave-soldiers, their ranks constantly renewed by imports of new mamluks from the Black Sea and Caucuses. Born in the age of the crusades and ultimately conquered by the Ottoman Empire, the Mamluk Sultanate can be understood as a bridge between the worlds of medieval and early modern Islam, as well as between East and West, sitting astride the major Nile-Red Sea route that linked the Mediterranean world to that of the Indian Ocean and beyond. This class will investigate the rise and fall of the Mamluk Sultanate in Egypt and its key roles in the commercial, diplomatic, and political history both of the medieval Middle East and the wider world.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

GLOBAL 131L: Early Modern Iran: Continuity and Change (HISTORY 281L)

This course is an opportunity and invitation to explore themes and topics in politics and society in Iran from 1500 to 1900 CE. The course invites students to read, discuss, and reflect on trends and events that shaped early modern politics and society in Iran through the lens of primary and secondary sources, including narrative and archival sources in translation. Topics include the changing dynamics of state-building, religious transition, revivalist movements, women in politics and society, modernization paths in response to European global hegemony, and center-periphery relations concerning linguistic and religious minorities.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ghereghlou, K. (PI)

GLOBAL 190: Peace and War in Medieval Islam: From the Arab Conquests to the Crusades (GLOBAL 232, HISTORY 218C, HISTORY 318C)

This course interrogates the theory and reality of war-making and peacemaking across the first millennium of Islamic history (c.600-c.1600 CE). We will examine major historical events (e.g. the struggle of the early community of Muslims against the pagan tribes of Arabia; Arab expansion and conquest during the seventh and eighth centuries; a sequence of civil wars, dynastic struggles, and schisms within Islam; and external invasions of the Islamic world by crusaders and steppe nomads, etc.). We will also investigate the development of major normative concepts across the Islamic tradition concerning peace and war (e.g. holy war; treaty- and truce-making; treatment of conquered enemies and prisoner; diplomacy with Muslims and non-Muslims, etc.). With respect to these concepts, we will attend especially to change over time and diversity across various sects. Mix of lecture and discussion. Readings will consist of both primary sources (in English translation) and modern scholarship. No previous experience with pre-modern or Islamic history required.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

GLOBAL 194: Understanding China's Rise (SOC 175, SOC 275)

This course is an overview China's national trajectory since the 1980s, and will place its historic economic advance in comparative perspective. We will examine the factors that made this advance possible, explore the ways that China's political and economic institutions are different from other major economies, and consider challenges that now appear to threaten China's continuing economic advance. Same as OSPBEIJ 20. Students may not earn credit for both OSPBEIJ 20 and Sociology 175/275.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

GLOBAL 213: Culture and Revolution in Africa (AFRICAAM 213, COMPLIT 213, FRENCH 213E, HISTORY 243E)

This course investigates the relationship between culture, revolutionary decolonization, and post-colonial trajectories. It probes the multilayered development of 20th and 21st-century African literature amid decolonization and Cold War cultural diplomacy initiatives and the debates they generated about African literary aesthetics, African languages, the production of history, and the role of the intellectual. We will journey through national cultural movements, international congresses, and pan-African festivals to explore the following questions: What role did writers and artists play in shaping the discourse of revolutionary decolonization throughout the continent and in the diaspora? How have literary texts, films, and works of African cultural thought shaped and engaged with concepts such as "African unity" and "African cultural renaissance"? How have these notions influenced the imaginaries of post-independence nations, engendered new subjectivities, and impacted gender and generational dynamics? How did the ways of knowing and modes of writing promoted and developed in these contexts shape African futures?
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Seck, F. (PI)

GLOBAL 253P: Before the Model Minority: South Asians in the US (ASNAMST 153P, HISTORY 253P)

The model minority myth has been used to create a wedge between Asian and Black people in the United States, and masks the histories and lives of itinerant South Asian traders, laborers, and farmers. Beginning in the 1860s, South Asians (mostly male, and often undocumented) traveled to major ports in the US, such as New York City, New Orleans, and the California coast, where they found working-class jobs and married Puerto Rican, African American, Creole, and Mexican women. Some South Asians were double migrants, first brought to British colonies in the Caribbean and South America through indentured servitude, and later migrated to the United States. Their life stories expand to the racial history of the United States by looking beyond a Black/white binary. By juxtaposing immigrant stories with exclusionary US immigration laws, the course touches upon major themes of migration, capitalism, surveillance, race and racism, multiracial couples and communities, resistance, intersectional activism, borderlands and cities in the US, and the formation of national identity. During the quarter, we will seek to connect experiences in the past with contemporary issues of political culture in the United States to engage with the continuing challenge of locating and attaining self-definition, justice, and social progress in a fraught and divided world.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Akhter, M. (PI)

GSBGEN 113N: The Economic Survival of the Performing Arts

Even the most artistically accomplished and well-managed performing arts organizations--symphony orchestras, operas, dance companies, and many theaters--tend to live on the edge financially. In fact, most performing arts groups are organized as nonprofit organizations, because they cannot make enough money to cover costs and survive as profit-seeking businesses. In this seminar we will explore the reasons for the tension between artistic excellence and economic security,drawing on the experience of performing arts organizations in the United States and in countries(whose governments have adopted quite different policies toward the arts). Using economic concepts and analysis that we develop in the seminar, you will first examine the fundamental reasons for the economic challenges faced by performing arts organizations. In later sessions, we will consider and evaluate alternative solutions to these challenges in the United States and other countries. The seminar may include meetings with managers and/or trustees of arts organizations.nnnBy the end of the seminar, you will be able to assess the economic condition of an arts organization, evaluate alternative strategies for its survival, and understand the consequences of alternative government policies toward the arts.nnnDuring the early part of the course, you will prepare two short papers on topics or questions that I will suggest. Later, you will prepare a longer paper applying concepts learned to one of the performing arts or a particular arts organization that interests you. You will submit that paper in stages, as you learn about concepts and issues that are relevant to your analysis. There will also be a final exam.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 1A: Global History: The Ancient World (CLASSICS 76)

World history from the origins of humanity to the Black Death. Focuses on the evolution of complex societies, wealth, violence, hierarchy, and large-scale belief systems.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 1B: Global History: The Early Modern World, 1300 to 1800

(Course is offered for 3 OR 5 units.) Topics include early globalization and cross-cultural exchanges; varying and diverse cultural formations in different parts of the world; the growth and interaction of empires and states; the rise of capitalism and the economic divergence of "the west"; changes in the nature of technology, including military and information technologies; migration of ideas and people (including the slave-trade); disease, climate, and environmental change over time. Designed to accommodate beginning students, non-majors, and more advanced history students
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Acosta, E. (PI)

HISTORY 1C: Global History through Graphic Novels: The Modern Age

(Course is offered for 3 OR 5 units.) How did empires and nation-states evolve around the globe during the modern period? How did they shape global experiences of modernity? And how can one write a history of the entire world, so as to cover the necessary ground, but also preserve nuance and complexity? In this course we will use graphic novels (paired with archival sources and historical essays) to examine modern world history from the 18th to the 21st century, from the age of empires and revolutions, through the World Wars, the Cold War, and the War on Terror. The class is appropriate for beginning students, non-majors, and more advanced history students, and may be taken for different levels of credit.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Crews, R. (PI)

HISTORY 3F: Introduction to Modern Military History (HISTORY 103F)

(HISTORY 3F is 3 units; 103F is 5 units.) This course will introduce students to the basic concepts of modern warfare, its evolution, and some of the immeasurable ways by which it shaped our history as well as our world today. How have strategy, operations and tactics been transformed by the modern state; the industrial revolution; and the accelerated pace of technological change? What is the meaning of total war, conventional war, and asymmetric war, and how were these different types of war fought in the 20th and 21st centuries? From the Napoleonic wars to the war in Ukraine, how do wars reflect, and shape, our politics, economics, culture, and technology? No prior knowledge of military history (or technology) is required. Students satisfying the WiM requirement for the major in International Relations must enroll in INTNLREL 103F course listing. Please note that the version of this course offered in 2023-24 and later does not fulfill a "pre-1700" requirement for the history major. May not take for credit if you have already taken INTNLREL 103F.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 4N: What is Nature? Discovering the History of Nature at Stanford

Nature is everywhere. It pops up in advertisements, in news stories, and popular culture. We talk about nature all the time, sometimes without even realizing it: conserving nature, loving nature, and being in nature. But what actually is nature? Are oak trees nature? What about gardens, sunsets, or garbage? Are human beings nature, or is nature a state one can enter into? Do you have to go outdoors to be in nature? In this course we'll get out of the classroom and use the Stanford campus to explore how people in the past have thought about nature and why it has been and continues to be such a potent idea that is so hard to define. Together in this seminar we'll examine the history and design of Stanford University. We'll explore a range of narrative approaches to nature stories. And we'll consider current problems and debates about nature from pollution, to drought, to wildfire, and climate change. The course will culminate in a fun, hands-on project.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 5C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (CSRE 5C, FEMGEN 5C, INTNLREL 5C)

(Same as History 105C. 5C is 3 units; 105C is 5 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

HISTORY 5N: The Global Refugee Crisis

Worldwide there are more refugees and displaced people today than in any other period of human history. More than 90 million people across the planet have been forcibly displaced from their homes in recent years. How do we account for this crisis? And how might we imagine altering its trajectory? This course explores the varied forces, from war to climate change to narcotrafficking, that have uprooted these populations. It also seeks to understand the politics of migration by focusing on the experiences of refugees narrated by themselves. We analyze films, memoirs, novels and scholarly literature. Students will have the option of producing papers and/or audio and visual projects.Readings include:Viet Than Hguyen, ed., The DisplacedReyna Grande, The Distance Between Us Behrouz Boochani, No Friend But the MountainsEmmanuel Mbolela, RefugeeLeila Abdelrazaq, Badddawiand others
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 6S: An Environmental Problem: Energy, Pollution, Catastrophe

This course looks at pollution in the modern period through the lens of energy and resource use, focusing on four major categories of resources: coal, oil, nuclear power and metals. Key themes and topics, including colonialism, exploitation, disposability, and sustainability, will be explored through the use of archival documents, newspaper articles, maps, and multimedia. We will examine the histories of pollution worldwide and their legacies today -- as such the course intersects with international politics, environmental justice and human rights.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 7Q: Pacifism and Nonviolent Resistance in History, Theory, and Practice

"Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Indeed, it is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it." That was how Martin Luther King, Jr. described nonviolent resistance in his 1964 Noble Peace Price lecture. In the time since, both of King's claims--that nonviolence is powerful and that it is just--have been questioned as often as they are supported. Is nonviolent resistance the most effective way to produce political or social change? Is it the most just? In this course we will grapple with these questions and more through an exploration of the history of pacifism as a political philosophy and nonviolence as a form of political action: from their origins in multiple global religious traditions, to their role in some of the major political struggles of the 20th century, to their challenged status in present-day political movements. We will read about and discuss the lives and ideas of those who have advocated for nonviolence around the world, both famous--like King and Gandhi--and lesser-known. Throughout, we will critically engage with arguments both for and against nonviolence as a just and effective method of resistance and grapple with how nonviolence might fit into the political and social struggles of today.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Klingensmith, M. (PI)

HISTORY 7S: Global Imperial Cities of the Pacific World: 1900-2000 (URBANST 7)

The history of the twentieth-century Pacific World is the history of imperialism on a global scale. And cities were both the stages and actors of this global dynamic of domination and resistance. We will examine ten cities around the Pacific Rim (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seoul, Panama, Auckland, Shanghai, Lima, Singapore, Kyoto, and Ho Chi Minh City) and explore how we can use local historical sources to study the transnational processes of empire-building and capitalism. In this class, we learn to read city plans, maps, business documents, policy documents, newspapers, photos, diaries, interviews, and landscapes to do environmental, colonial, international, social, gender, and cultural history.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 8S: Whales, Bombs, & the Race to the Bottom: Oceanic Histories of Law, Environmentalism, & Human Rights

Oceans cover two thirds of the world's surface and play a vital role in global carbon storage, biodiversity, and food stocks. But who owns the oceans and their resources? And what rights and duties do countries, corporations, and individuals have at sea? In this course, we will examine histories of commercial fishing and whaling, nuclear testing, seabed mining, human rights at sea, and sea-level rise as avenues for understanding developments in international law over the course of the 20th century.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 9N: How to Start Your Own Country: Sovereignty and State-Formation in Modern History

What does it mean to start a country, or to acquire and possess sovereignty over a territory? This course will examine the historical evolution of fundamental concepts in our international system: state formation, statehood, and sovereignty. Each week will spotlight a case-study in which sovereignty and statehood have appeared greatly confused and hotly contested. These include: the UK-China lease for control of Hong Kong; the US Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay; the corporate state of the legendary British East India Company; and Disney World.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 10B: Renaissance to Revolution: Early Modern Europe

(Same as HISTORY 110B. HISTORY 10B is 3 units; HISTORY 110B is 5 units) Few historical settings offer a more illuminating perspective on our world today than old-regime Europe. Few cast a darker shadow. Science and the enlightened ambition to master nature and society, the emergence of statehood and its grasp for human mobility, bloodshed and coexistence in the face of religious fragmentation, as well as capitalism and the birth of modern finance: this course surveys some of the most consequential developments in European societies between the late fifteenth and the early nineteenth century.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 10C: Modern Europe's Lives

(Same as HISTORY 110C. 10C is 3 units; 110C is 5 units.) From the late 18th century to the present. How Europeans responded to rapid social changes caused by political upheaval, industrialization, and modernization. How the experience and legacy of imperialism and colonialism both influenced European society and put in motion a process of globalization that continues to shape international politics today.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 10N: Thinking About War

This course examines classic approaches to war as an intellectual problem, looking at how a matter of such great physical violence and passions can be subjected to understanding and used in philosophy, political theory, and art. Questions to be examined include the definition of war, its causes, its moral value, the nature of its participants, its use in the self-definition of individuals and societies, its relation to political authority, warfare and gender, and the problem of civil war.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 10S: The Enlightenment and Slavery

An age defined by lofty goals of progress, improvement, and perfection also saw the colossal expansion of race-based slavery in the Atlantic world. This course explores how people living in the 1700s reconciled the ideals of the Enlightenment with the realities of slavery. Characters include Caribbean enslavers lining their deadly plantations with coconut trees, Black slaves tracking the developments of the Haitian Revolution from American newspaper offices, and European political thinkers questioning imperial rule. With an Atlantic-focused but global perspective, we will use ideas about betterment to examine a notoriously brutal history.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 11N: The Roman Empire: Its Grandeur and Fall (CLASSICS 26N)

Preference to freshmen. Explore themes on the Roman Empire and its decline from the 1st through the 5th centuries C.E.. What was the political and military glue that held this diverse, multi-ethnic empire together? What were the bases of wealth and how was it distributed? What were the possibilities and limits of economic growth? How integrated was it in culture and religion? What were the causes and consequences of the conversion to Christianity? Why did the Empire fall in the West? How suitable is the analogy of the U.S. in the 21st century?
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:IHUM-3, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Saller, R. (PI)

HISTORY 12N: Income and wealth inequality from the Stone Age to the present (CLASSICS 12N)

Rising inequality is a defining feature of our time. How long has economic inequality existed, and when, how and why has the gap between haves and have-nots widened or narrowed over the course of history? This seminar takes a very long-term view of these questions. It is designed to help you appreciate dynamics and complexities that are often obscured by partisan controversies and short-term perspectives, and to provide solid historical background for a better understanding of a growing societal concern.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 13P: Media and Communication from the Middle Ages to the Printing Press (ENGLISH 13P, ENGLISH 113P, HISTORY 113P, MUSIC 13P, MUSIC 113P)

Did you know that the emperor Charlemagne was illiterate, yet his scribes revolutionized writing in the West? This course follows decisive moments in the history of media and communication, asking how new recording technologies reshaped a society in which most people did not read or write--what has been described as the shift "from memory to written record." To understand this transformation, we examine forms of oral literature and music, from the Viking sagas, the call to crusade, and medieval curses (Benedictine maledictions), to early popular authors such as Dante and the 15th-century feminist scribe, Christine de Pizan. We trace the impact of musical notation, manuscript and book production, and Gutenberg's print revolution. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum, how did the medium shape the message? Along the way, we will consider how the medieval arts of memory and divine reading (lectio divina) can inform communication in the digital world. This is a hands-on course: students will handle medieval manuscripts and early printed books in Special Collections, and will participate in an "ink-making workshop," following medieval recipes for ink and for cutting quills, then using them to write on parchment. The course is open to all interested students.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 13S: Misfits of the Middle Ages: Persecution and Tolerance in Medieval Europe

Medieval Europe is infamous for its persecutions. In the popular imagination, the Middle Ages were a uniquely unhappy time for Jews, heretics, lepers, witches, and countless other outsiders. But what is the truth about Europe¿s ¿Dark Ages?¿ What was it actually like to be a Jew in medieval Italy, a leper in England, a heretic in France? Who carried out the persecutions, what motivated them to violence, and did they actually succeed? How do the experiences of medieval Europe¿s outsiders still inform our own notions of tolerance, human rights, and inclusion today?
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 14B: The Crusades: A Global History (JEWISHST 14B)

(HISTORY 14B is 3 units; HISTORY 114B is 5 units.) Questioning traditional western narratives of the crusades, this course studies Latin and Turkic invaders as rival barbarian formations, and explores the societies of western Afro-Eurasia and the Mediterranean in the centuries before western European global expansion. We approach the crusades as a "Christianized Viking raid," and investigate an array of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish sources. In so doing, we emphasize the diversity of perspectives within the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities: in the Muslim case, the tangle of Turkic, Arab, and Berber ethnicities; in the Jewish case, Hebrew, Arabic, and Turkic speakers ranging from the Iberian peninsula to India; in the Christian case, the fragmented Greek, Latin, and Arabic traditions. We explore how these barbarian invasions transformed the societies of western Afro-Eurasia, how ancient Greek knowledge in Islamic translation came to medieval Europe, and how a fragmenting Byzantine Empire gave way to the rise of the Ottoman Empire. However foreign, the interactions and encounters between these societies continue to reverberate today.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 14S: Conversion in Ancient and Medieval Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (JEWISHST 14S)

In the third century, a group of Roman soldiers submerged themselves in baptismal waters in the Syrian desert and became Christians, a radical act. A thousand years later, the Jews of Spain were forced to do the same; in 1391, their mass forced baptisms sparked widespread panic. Traces of these historical events, and countless others like them, survive in texts, manuscripts and archeological remains, and prompt the following questions: how did people of the past judge the "authenticity" of a religious conversion? What was the relationship between religion, culture, ethnicity, and race? Was religion an internal conviction, or a cultural practice? This course will explore conversions, both willing and forced, in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Our exploration will focus on conversions among the three Abrahamic traditions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 15D: Europe in the Middle Ages, 300-1500 (HISTORY 115D, RELIGST 115X)

(HISTORY 15D is 3 units; HISTORY 115D is 5 units.) This course provides an introduction to Medieval Europe from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance. While the framework of the course is chronological, we'll concentrate particularly on the structure of medieval society. Rural and urban life, kingship and papal government, wars and plagues provide the context for our examination of the lives of medieval people, what they believed, and how they interacted with other, both within Christendom and beyond it. This course may count as DLCL 123, a course requirement for the Medieval Studies Minor.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 16: Traders and Crusaders in the Medieval Mediterranean (HISTORY 116)

Trade and crusade were inextricably interconnected in the high Middle Ages. As merchant ships ferried knights and pilgrims across the Mediterranean, rulers borrowed heavily to finance their expeditions, while military expansion opened new economic opportunities. Course themes include the origins of the Crusading movement; the rise of Venice and other maritime powers; the pivotal roles of the Byzantine and Mongol Empires; relations between Christians, Muslims, and Jews; new military, maritime, and commercial technologies; and the modern legacy of the Crusades.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 18S: Pirates, Captives, and Renegades: Encounters in the Early Modern Mediterranean World

In this course, we will study how mobile subjects, such as (barbary) pirates, slaves, captives, renegades, merchants, and dragomans shaped the history of the early modern Mediterranean. By studying a range of primary sources, including official documents, chronicles, travel accounts, autobiographical texts, objects, and visual materials, we will analyze how people living on the Mediterranean's European, Asian, and African littorals experienced and influenced interactions between regional powers, such as the Italian city states, Spain, Portugal, France, Morocco, and the Ottoman Empire. In order to analyze these accounts, we will employ various historical methods and evaluate what is at stake in understanding cross-cultural/religious encounters and exchanges in the Mediterranean world during the early modern period.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 20A: The Russian Empire, 1450-1800

(Same as HISTORY 120A. 20A is 3 units; 120A is 5 units.) The rise of Russian state as a Eurasian "empire of difference"; strategies of governance of the many ethnic and religious groups with their varied cultures and political economies; particular attention to Ukraine. In the Russian center, explores gender and family; serfdom; Russian Orthodox religion and culture; Europeanizing cultural change of 18th century.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 20N: Russia in the Early Modern European Imagination

Critically assesses European travelers' travel accounts of Russia in comparison with what was really happening in Russia at the time; explores the phenomenon of travel writing. Write2, Freshman Seminar; requires frequent oral presentations, major research paper and building of a website based on paper research.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI, Writing 2

HISTORY 23N: The Soviet Union and the World: View from the Hoover Archives

This course seeks to explore the Soviet Union's influence on the world from 1917 to its end in 1991 from a variety of perspectives. Hoover Institution archival holdings will be the basic sources for the course.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 23S: Sex and Socialism

Among the major promises made by socialism and communism was the liberation of women from an imperialist, capitalist, and patriarchal world. How did these promises hold up in the face of the realities of revolution and state formation? This course explores the relationship between gender, sex, and sexuality within the state socialist polities of the 20th century. Topics include diversity in barricades and workplaces, motherhood and reproductive rights, medicine and sexology, incarceration and state violence, and homosexuality and gender non-conformity.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 24B: The Balkan World: History, Culture, Politics (HISTORY 124B, REES 224C)

The Balkans is a region that is often marginalized, even though throughout modern history it has stood at the crossroads between East and West and has been the locus of the major developments of the 19th and 20th centuries - the site of Great Power competition, the first de-colonization movements, the rise of the modern nation-state, the outbreak of the First World War, Nazi occupation and resistance, genocides, the rise of emancipatory communist regimes that have challenged the hegemony of the Soviet Union, the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, and a challenge for democratization and western-based military intervention. Today the Balkans are a region where the European Union, Russia and the China vie for control. This course draws on a range of primary and secondary, literary, historical and policy sources as well as a range of scholars from a variety of disciplines to explore the significance of the Balkans to global affairs in historical and contemporary contexts. Section REES 224C is offered for graduate student enrollment.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 24N: Stalin's Terror: Causes, Crimes, Consequences

This course explores the period of Stalin's rule in the Soviet Union from 1928 until 1953 and focuses on what the Russians called "the repressions." This includes, the war against the kulaks, the Ukrainian famine (Holodomor), the operations against the nationalities, the Great Terror, the deportation of the "punished peoples," the expansion of the Gulag (prison camp system), the Leningrad Affair, and the Doctors' Plot. The origins of these events are still controversial, as are their impact on the development of the Soviet Union. Scholars also continue to argue about the numbers of deaths involved. Students will discuss the arguments about Stalin's crimes using newly available documents, memoirs, literary sources, and other materials. We will visit the Hoover Archives, view the poster and film collection there, and discuss the period with archivists. Viewing films and documentaries, we will also reconstruct the lives of the people faced with the daily threat of denunciations and arrest. "Life has become better comrades; living has become happier..." was an often repeated slogan during the period of Stalin's terror. We will examine how that slogan translated into reality.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 26S: Building Utopia: Cities, 'Megaprojects', and Socialism in the USSR

'Utopia' has always been a realm of dreamers and intellectuals. But between 1917 and 1991, the political leaders of the Soviet Union actually built their socialist utopia, brick by brick. They constructed cities in a matter of months, moved whole factories by train, and even tried to reverse the course of rivers. This class aims to explore how infrastructure, as policy and in implementation, impacted the political, geographic, economic, social, and environmental history of the USSR. We will examine maps, architecture, propaganda, newspapers, and films to figure out how socialism was `built' and what the consequences were.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 31Q: Resistance and Collaboration in Hitler's Europe (JEWISHST 31Q)

What is resistance and what did it entail in Nazi-occupied Europe? What prompted some to resist, while others accommodated or actively collaborated with the occupiers? How have postwar societies remembered their resistance movements and collaborationists? This seminar examines how Europeans responded to the Nazi order during World War II. We will explore experiences under occupation; dilemmas the subject peoples faced; the range of resistance motivations, goals, activities, and strategies; and postwar memorialization. Select cases from Western, Eastern, and Mediterranean Europe.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Batinic, J. (PI)

HISTORY 32S: Utopian Dreams, Dystopian Nightmares: Visions of the Ideal Society in Early Modern Britain

Visions of the ideal society are a mainstay in the European imagination, from Plato¿s Republic to Charles Fourier¿s phalanstère. Yet utopianism has always been maligned as idealistic, impracticable, or naïve, while its proponents accused variously of hypocrisy, totalitarianism, and abject failure. Nowhere more so has the utopian impulse been felt than in early modern Britain during the age of imperial, scientific, and industrial revolution. This course asks how British writers imagined better futures, starting with Thomas More¿s genre-defining Utopia and ending with the utopian socialists and communitarian experiments of the early nineteenth century. We will ask what utopias can tell us about the societies which imagined them, and appraise their lasting legacies in political thought, social science, and critical theory. Covering themes such as empire, capitalism, gender, enlightenment, and socialism, we will engage with a range of primary sources, including literary texts, cartographic images, political and scientific tracts, and letters, aided by secondary literature from the history of political thought, literary history, the history of science, and theory.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 33A: Blood and Roses: The Age of the Tudors

(Same as HISTORY 133A. 33A is 3 units; 133A is 5 units.) English society and state from the Wars of the Roses to the death of Elizabeth. Political, social, and cultural upheavals of the Tudor period and the changes wrought by the Reformation. The establishment of the Tudor monarchy; destruction of the Catholic church; rise of Puritanism; and 16th-century social and economic changes.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 33Q: Stanford Confronts the Fascist Moment (JEWISHST 33Q)

What made fascism so attractive and so powerful in 20th century Europe and throughout the world? How did the Stanford community respond to this political ideology that burst onto the scene in the 1920s and engulfed the world in war in the 1940s? Could fascism have another "moment" - in the present or in the future? Students will consider these and other questions in this course, which will discuss the various definitions and theories of fascism and the major fascist movements of the interwar period (primarily Italian Fascism and German Nazism), as well as how the Stanford community responded to them. The course will not just focus on the military and political aspects of fascism, as is traditionally taught, but also social and cultural aspects of fascism, as well. We'll also consider how different groups experienced and reacted to fascism, based on racial background, religious affiliation, gender identity, and sexual orientation. This discussion-based course will also include hands-on archival work in Stanford Special Collections and Hoover Institution Library & Archives.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Weiner, D. (PI)

HISTORY 34A: European Witch Hunts

(Same as HISTORY 134A. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 134A.) After the Reformation, in the midst of state building and scientific discovery, Europeans conducted a series of deadly witch hunts, violating their own laws and procedures in the process. What was it about early modernity that fueled witch hunting? Witch trials and early modern demonology as well as historians' interpretations of events to seek answers to this question.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 37D: Germany's Wars and the World, 1848-2010 (HISTORY 137D)

(History 37D is 3 units; History 137D is 5 units.)This course examines a series of explosive encounters between Germans, Europe, and the world. Starting with the overlooked revolutions of 1848 and ending with the reunification of West Germany and East Germany after the Cold War, the course will explore a range of topics: capitalism, communism, imperialism, nationalism, diplomacy, antisemitism, gender, race, and the Holocaust, among others. We will also consider competing visions of Germany its borders, its members, its enemies.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Press, S. (PI); Zhang, A. (TA)

HISTORY 38S: All That Glitters is not Gold: The Country House in Modern Britain

The country house is more than just the setting for period dramas starring Maggie Smith; its story, from construction to demolition, is also that of modern Britain. This class is a biography of the country house, told each week as a chapter of historical methodology. From palace to military hospital to 'heritage' property of the National Trust, we will use the country house--its occupants, decor, and collections--to see how this symbol of class hierarchy came to be a national rallying point for Brexiteers.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 39: Modern Britain and the Empire, 1688-2016

(History 39 is offered for 3 units; History 139 is offered for 5 units.) This course surveys British history from the Glorious Revolution to Brexit. We will integrate the stories of Britain and its empire as we examine key topics, including the rise of the modern British state and economy, imperial expansion and contraction, the formation of class, gender, and national identities, mass culture and politics, the world wars, and racial politics in contemporary Britain. We will focus particularly on questions of decline, the dynamic fortunes and contradictions of British liberalism in an era of imperialism, and the weight of the past in contemporary Britain. Readings focus on primary sources from the period covered as well as a few scholarly works.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 39Q: Were They Really "Hard Times"? Mid-Victorian Social Movements and Charles Dickens (ENGLISH 39Q)

"It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it." So begins Charles Dickens description of Coketown in Hard Times. And it only seems to get more grim from there. But the world that Dickens sought to portray in the novel was a hopeful one, too. And that tension is our starting point. The intent of this class is to more closely examine mid-Victorian Britain in light of Dickens' novel, with particular focus on the rise of some of our modern social movements in the 19th century. While things like the labor movement, abolitionism, feminism, and environmentalism, are not the same now as they were then, this class will explore the argument that the 21st century is still, in some ways, working out 19th century problems and questions. At the same time, this is also a course that seeks to expand the kinds of sources we traditionally use as historians. Thus, while recognizing that literary sources are particularly complex, we will use Hard Times as a guide to our exploration to this fascinating era. We will seek both to better understand this complex, transitional time and to assess the accuracy of Dickens' depictions of socio-political life.Through a combination of short response papers, creative Victorian projects (such as sending a hand-written letter to a classmate), and a final paper/project, this course will give you the opportunity to learn more about the 19th century and the value of being historically minded.As a seminar based course, discussion amongst members of the class is vital. All students are welcome
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HISTORY 40: World History of Science: From Prehistory through the Scientific Revolution

(History 40 is 3 units; History 140 is 5 units.) The earliest developments in science, the prehistoric roots of technology, the scientific revolution, and global voyaging. Theories of human origins and the oldest known tools and symbols. Achievements of the Mayans, Aztecs, and native N. Americans. Science and medicine in ancient Greece, Egypt, China, Africa, and India. Science in medieval and Renaissance Europe and the Islamic world including changing cosmologies and natural histories. Theories of scientific growth and decay; how science engages other factors such as material culture and religions.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Proctor, R. (PI)

HISTORY 40A: The Scientific Revolution

(Same as History 140A. 40A is 3 units; 140A is 5 units.) What do people know and how do they know it? What counts as scientific knowledge? In the 16th and 17th centuries, understanding the nature of knowledge engaged the attention of individuals and institutions including Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, the early Royal Society, and less well-known contemporaries. New meanings of observing, collecting, experimenting, and philosophizing, and political, religious, and cultural ramifications in early modern Europe.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Riskin, J. (PI)

HISTORY 40S: The Mind's Not-So-New Science: Thinking About Thinking in the Modern World

What is a mind? Who has one? How can you know? This course investigates how psychologists, philosophers, anthropologists, statisticians, test-makers, medical practitioners, linguists, economists, and others wrestled with these questions from the late eighteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries all across the globe. Through analyses of treatises, letters, newspapers, tests, illustrations, diagrams, instruments, and videos, we follow how theorists of the mind, thinking, rationality, madness, and more were attuned to one another and to the societal developments around them. "The mind" and its associated ideas have their own, particular history - pinning down what it is has been thought consistently important yet never at all obvious. Through this course, we will see how knowledge of minds was crucial for defining good thoughts, for arbitrating who counted in society, and for arguing over what makes us human.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 41Q: The Ape Museum: Exploring the Idea of the Ape in Global History, Science, Art and Film (GLOBAL 41Q)

This course will explore the idea of "the ape" in global history, science, art, and film. The idea that apes might be humanity's nearest animal relatives is only about 200 years old. From the start, the idea developed in a global context: living fossil apes were found in Africa and Asia, and were immediately embroiled in international controversies about theories of human origins and racial hierarchies. This class will look at how and why "the ape" became a generative and controversial new concept in numerous national and regional contexts. We'll explore some of the many ways humans have looked at, studied, and thought about apes around the world: the "out of Asia" versus "out of Africa" hypothesis for human origins; Nim Chimpsky, the chimpanzee raised as a human child; Koko, the gorilla who may have learned sign language; Congo, the chimpanzee who made "abstract" paintings; films such as King Kong, Planet of the Apes, and 2001: Space Odyssey; the ape in World War II and Cold War propaganda in Japan, the Soviet Union, Germany, and the United States; Jane Goodall's study of chimpanzees "culture" and "personality"; the place of apes in natural history museums and zoos around the world; and Stanford's own fraught history of comparing apes and humans through the archival writings of eugenicist founding president David Starr Jordan. Taught in conjunction with an exhibit on global ape imagery at the Stanford Library curated by Professors Riskin and Winterer in 2024, the course will culminate in students' own miniature exhibits for a class-generated "Ape Museum."
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 41S: The Spirit in Motion: Desire in Early Modern Europe

How did people experience and express desire -- for objects, for ideas, or for each other -- in the early modern period? From lusting after a beautiful woman to frantically seeking gold in the farthest corners of the earth, early modern individuals and societies were shaped by the many things they craved. This course will use desire as a lens to better understand its impacts on daily life and culture, and to explore what it meant to want in early modern Europe.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 42N: The Missing Link

This course explores the history of evolutionary science, focusing upon debates surrounding the evolutionary place of human beings in the natural world, by examining the history of the idea of a "missing link," an intermediate form between humans and apes. We will consider famous hoaxes such as the Piltdown Man, and films and stories such as King Kong and Planet of the Apes, as well as serious scientific work such as that of Eugène Dubois, the paleoanthropologist and geologist who discovered Homo erectus (first called Java Man and then Pithecanthropus erectus) and first developed the notion of a missing link. We will take an interest not only in scientific aspects of missing-link theories but in their accompanying political, social and cultural implications. And we'll watch some classic monster films.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 42Q: Animal Archives: History Beyond the Human

There's a great big world out there. We humans are just one of a million or more animate beings on this planet. Nonhuman animals have their own histories that influence, intersect with, and stand apart from our own. This IntroSem takes animals seriously as subjects of historical study. Together we'll explore how the study of animals--from platypus to (plastic) pink flamingo--offers new ways of seeing human history. We'll examine how animals have shaped historical events and, inversely, how animals are historical artifacts. And we'll spend the majority of the course puzzling through challenges that arise when studying nonhumans. Can we understand creatures that do not communicate the way we do? Do nonhumans tell stories and chronicle their own histories? Are animals themselves archives of historical information? If so, how do we read them? This course will introduce you to diverse ways of studying historical animals and contemporary creatures too. You'll write animal biographies, practice slow witnessing of the more-than-human world, and conduct research deep dives into nonhuman narratives. You'll encounter multi-disciplinary approaches to our core questions, including historical and cultural analysis, ethnography, scientific inquiry, and technological surveillance. Ultimately, you'll gain insight into how scholars reconstruct the past and know the lives of others, whether human or nonhuman. The creative research skills and critical analysis that you exercise in Animal Archives will serve you in other history courses and beyond.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 42S: Cannibalism in Early Modern Europe: The Ultimate Taboo in Historical Context

Cannibalism (or anthropophagy) may be one of many societies' greatest taboos, but how have ideas about the act changed over time? Taking a historical perspective on cannibalism, this course explores its meanings in Europe during the early modern period, when the word "cannibal" emerged in the context of the "discovery" of the Americas. Focusing on cannibalism offers insight into events like the witch craze, the Reformation, and colonization, as well as larger issues such as social and religious conflict, responses to disasters, and ideas about human nature.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 44Q: Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Environment (FEMGEN 44Q)

Gendered Innovations harness the creative power of sex, gender, and intersectional analysis for innovation and discovery. We focus on sex and gender, and consider factors intersecting with sex and gender, including age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational background, disabilities, geographic location, etc. We start with the history of gender in science in the scientific revolution to understand how to transform research institutions so that women, men, and non-binary individuals can flourish. The majority of the course is devoted to considering gendered innovations in AI, social robotics, health & medicine, design of cars and cockpits, menstrual products, marine science, and more. This course will emphasize writing skills as well as oral and multimedia presentation; it fulfills the second level Writing and Rhetoric Requirement (WRITE 2), WAY-ED, and WAY-SI.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI, Writing 2
Instructors: ; Schiebinger, L. (PI)

HISTORY 45B: Introduction to African Studies I: Africa in the 20th Century

(AFRICAAM/HISTORY 45B is 3 units; AFRICAAM/HISTORY 145B is 5 units.) CREATIVITY. AGENCY. RESILIENCE. This is the African history with which this course will engage. African scholars and knowledge production of Africa that explicitly engages with theories of race and global Blackness will take center stage. TRADE. RELIGION. CONQUEST. MIGRATION. These are the transformations of the 20th century which we shall interrogate and reposition. Yet these groundbreaking events did not happen in a vacuum. As historians, we also think about the continent's rich traditions and histories prior to the 20th century. FICTION. NONFICTION. FILM. MUSIC. Far from being peripheral to political transformation, African creative arts advanced discourse on gender, technology, and environmental history within the continent and without. We will listen to African creative artists not only as creators, but as agents for change.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Parker, G. (PI)

HISTORY 45S: Land and Power in the Anthropocene: Perspectives from Africa (AFRICAAM 145S, CSRE 45S)

How and why is land use a contested issue? How can we understand land injustice in light of the Anthropocene, that is, human-induced climate change? How do African knowledges, practices, and experiences inform global debates about environmental, political, and socio-economic well-being? This course considers how racial and colonial thinking and processes compounded discourses about land and examines examples of resistance, legacies of struggle, and possible futures. Centering African perspectives in a global context, we will examine how individual, institutional, and societal conceptions of land are revealed in narratives, practices, and policies created and circulated by Africans as well as outsiders in the continent. We will also analyze how these dynamics have had and continue to have repercussions across the globe. We will engage with diverse written, oral, audio-visual, and digital sources and associated methodologies to explore perceptions of land and land ownership, and discuss various forms of land use including agriculture, pastoralism, conservation, mining, and urbanization, and potential futures.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 47: History of South Africa (AFRICAAM 47, CSRE 74)

(Same as HISTORY 147. HISTORY 47 is 3 units; HISTORY 147 is 5 units.) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

HISTORY 48: The Egyptians (AFRICAAM 30, CLASSICS 82, HISTORY 148)

This course traces the emergence and development of the distinctive cultural world of the ancient Egyptians over nearly 4,000 years. Through archaeological and textual evidence, we will investigate the social structures, religious beliefs, and expressive traditions that framed life and death in this extraordinary region. Students with or without prior background are equally encouraged.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 50A: Colonial and Revolutionary America

(Same as HISTORY 150A. 50A is 3 units; 150A is 5 units.) Survey of the origins of American society and polity in the 17th and 18th centuries. Topics: the migration of Europeans and Africans and the impact on native populations; the emergence of racial slavery and of regional, provincial, Protestant cultures; and the political origins and constitutional consequences of the American Revolution.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 50B: Nineteenth Century America (CSRE 50S)

(Same as HISTORY 150B. HISTORY 50B is 3 units; HISTORY 150B is 5 units.) Territorial expansion, social change, and economic transformation. The causes and consequences of the Civil War. Topics include: urbanization and the market revolution; slavery and the Old South; sectional conflict; successes and failures of Reconstruction; and late 19th-century society and culture.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

HISTORY 50C: The United States in the Twentieth Century (AFRICAAM 50C)

(Same as HISTORY 150C. 50C is 3 units; 150C is 5 units.) 100 years ago, women and most African-Americans couldn't vote; automobiles were rare and computers didn't exist; and the U.S. was a minor power in a world dominated by European empires. This course surveys politics, culture, and social movements to answer the question: How did we get from there to here? Suitable for non-majors and majors alike.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Regalado, P. (PI)

HISTORY 51B: The End of American Slavery, 1776-1865 (HISTORY 151B)

How did the institution of American slavery come to an end? The story is more complex than most people know. This course examines the rival forces that fostered slavery's simultaneous contraction in the North and expansion in the South between 1776 and 1861. It also illuminates, in detail, the final tortuous path to abolition during the Civil War. Throughout, the course introduces a diverse collection of historical figures, including seemingly paradoxical ones, such as slaveholding southerners who professed opposition to slavery and non-slaveholding northerners who acted in ways that preserved it. Historical attitudes toward race are a central integrative theme.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 51N: Suing for Freedom (AMSTUD 51N)

How have marginalized people used the tools of the powerful to advance their interests? Although we tend to think of enslaved people's relationship to the law as indifferent at best, or hostile at worst, in a variety of different jurisdictions in colonial America and the United States those held in slavery were sometimes able to use the legal system. In a special type of legal action known as a "freedom suit," enslaved people asserted that they were unlawfully held in bondage and, if successful, obtained their freedom. From the Chesapeake Bay to Massachusetts Bay, from New Orleans to St. Louis, and many points in between, at least a thousand such cases were filed. They freed hundreds of enslaved people, ended slavery in one state, and, in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857), helped bring the nation to the brink of civil war. This course explores the many freedom suits prosecuted in American courts. We examine the nuts and bolts of how freedom suits worked: the distinctive features of these legal actions, the mechanics of filing and prosecuting a case, the challenges plaintiffs faced in securing quality representation, and the various legal bases one might use to initiate a case. We explore the broader questions freedom suits pose. Why, for instance, did a legal system designed to protect private property and the institution of slavery nevertheless tolerate freedom suits, let alone convey freedom on many plaintiffs? How do freedom suits change our understanding of law, slavery, and the law's relationship to enslaved people? And we consider the human dimension of freedom suits: the men, women, and children who filed these cases, often at enormous risk to themselves and their loved ones, as well as the attorneys who prosecuted and defended them and the judges and juries who presided over and decided them.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Twitty, A. (PI)

HISTORY 52Q: Democracy in Crisis: Learning from the Past (EDUC 122Q, POLISCI 20Q)

This January, an armed insurrection assaulted the U.S. Capital, trying to block the Electoral College affirmation of President Biden's election. For the past four years, American democracy has been in continual crisis. Bitter and differing views of what constitutes truth have resulted in a deeply polarized electoral process. The sharp increase in partisanship has crippled our ability as a nation to address and resolve the complex issues facing us. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;There are reasons to hope the current challenges will be overcome and the path of our democracy will be reset on a sound basis. But that will require a shift to constructive--rather than destructive--political conflict. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;This Sophomore Seminar will focus on U.S. democracy and will use a series of case studies of major events in our national history to explore what happened and why to American democracy at key pressure points. This historical exploration will shed light on how the current challenges facing American democracy might best be handled. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 53S: Black San Francisco (AFRICAAM 53S)

For over a century African-Americans have shaped the contours of San Francisco, a globally recognized metropolis, but their histories remain hidden. While endangered, Black San Francisco is still very much alive, and its history is an inextricable piece of the city's social and cultural fabric. This course aims to uncover the often-overlooked history of African-Americans in the city of San Francisco. The history of Black San Francisco unravels the myth of San Francisco liberalism showing how systemic racial oppression greatly limited the social mobility of non-whites well into the 20th century. Conversely, this course will also highlight the rich cultural and artistic legacies of Black San Franciscans with special attention on their ability to create social. Starting with the small, but influential middle and upper classes of African-Americans, who supported abolitionism from the West in the mid-late nineteenth century, to the rapid growth of the black population during WWII and moving through post-war struggles against the forces of Jim Crow and environmental racism. This course will explore: What is Black San Francisco? How did African-Americans shape the culture and politics of San Francisco, and where does the history of Black San Francisco fit into the broader national historical narrative? Conversely, what is unique about San Francisco and similar black communities in the West? How do we reconstruct the past of people going South to West as opposed to South to North? And finally, as raised in the critically acclaimed 2019 film, The Last Black Man in San Francisco and eluded by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, where does black San Franciscans, go from here?
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 54: The History of Ideas in America, Part I (to 1900) (AMSTUD 54)

(Same as HISTORY 154. 54 is 3 units; 154 is 5 units.) How Americans considered problems such as slavery, imperialism, and sectionalism. Topics include: the political legacies of revolution; biological ideas of race; the Second Great Awakening; science before Darwin; reform movements and utopianism; the rise of abolitionism and proslavery thought; phrenology and theories of human sexuality; and varieties of feminism. Sources include texts and images.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Winterer, C. (PI)

HISTORY 54S: From Stanford to Stone Mountain: U.S. History, Memory, and Monuments (AFRICAAM 54S)

The future of America's memorial landscape is a subject of intense debate. How do societies remember? Who built the nation's monuments and memorials, and to what ends? Can the meaning of a memorial change over time? In this course, we will survey the history of memorialization in the United States, paying close attention to the interplay of race, gender, and nationalism. Case studies include: the political uses of textbooks and memoirs; Civil War memory and the Lost Cause; the re-interpretation of slavery at historic sites; and the renaming movement on Stanford's campus.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 55F: The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1830 to 1877 (AFRICAAM 55F, AMSTUD 55F, AMSTUD 155F, HISTORY 155F)

(History 55F is 3 units; History 155F is 5 units.)This course explores the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War. The Civil War profoundly impacted American life at national, sectional, and constitutional levels, and radically challenged categories of race and citizenship. Topics covered include: the crisis of union and disunion in an expanding republic; slavery, race, and emancipation as national problems and personal experiences; the horrors of total war for individuals and society; and the challenges--social and political--of Reconstruction.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 57S: "Don't Tread on Me!": The Spirit of 1776 in U.S. Politics & Culture, From the Constitution to Jan 6 (AMSTUD 57S)

Are the people responsible for the American Revolution demigods or devils? What did they really believe, and what would they think of the United States today? The answers to these questions have been fraught - yet important - since the Revolution. This course explores the many ways in which the memory of the Revolution has been interpreted, appropriated, and remixed. We will explore the politics of memory, interrogate America's relationship to its founding, and study rhetoric from across the political spectrum - from abolitionists to fascists to Hamilton and beyond.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 58E: Stanford and Its Worlds: 1885-present (EDUC 147)

The past and future of Stanford University examined through the development of five critical "worlds," including the Western region of the United States, the US nation-state, the global academy, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the complex phenomena summarized by the name Silicon Valley. Students are asked to consider and theorize these worlds, their interrelationships, and the responsibilities they entail for all of us who live and work at Stanford in the present.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stevens, M. (PI)

HISTORY 61: The Politics of Sex: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern America (AMSTUD 161, CSRE 162, FEMGEN 61, FEMGEN 161, HISTORY 161)

This course explores the ways that individuals and movements for social and economic equality have redefined and contested gender and sexuality in the modern United States. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources, we will explore the intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the politics of woman suffrage, racial justice, reproductive rights, and gay and trans rights, as well as conservative and right-wing responses. Majors and non-majors alike are welcome.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 61N: The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson (AMSTUD 61N)

Thomas Jefferson assumed many roles during his life-- Founding Father, revolutionary, and author of the Declaration of Independence; natural scientist, inventor, and political theorist; slaveholder, founder of a major political party, and President of the United States. This introductory seminar explores these many worlds of Jefferson, both to understand the multifaceted character of the man and the broader historical contexts that he inhabited and did so much to shape.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Gienapp, J. (PI)

HISTORY 62E: Extremism in America, from the Ku Klux Klan to January 6

(62E is 3 units; 262E is 5 units.)This course is a historical analysis of extremism in the United States from Reconstruction through the present day, looking at such figures and movements and the KKK, the First Red Scare, Father Coughlin and the Christian Front, McCarthyism, the John Birch Society, the Aryan Nations, and the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers of the present. Students will explore the following questions: what do we mean by extremism? What are the material, cultural, political, and intellectual conditions that lay the groundwork for extremism? What is the relationship between political and religious extremism? Is there a connecting thread spanning extremist movements across the nation's history--a paranoid style or authoritarian personality, perhaps? With these guiding questions, students will be introduced to primary sources along with scholarly literature--classic texts and new, groundbreaking research--to equip them with a foundational knowledge of the long history of extremism in the United States.
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 63N: The Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality (AMSTUD 63N, CSRE 63N, FEMGEN 63N)

This course explores the long history of ideas about gender and equality. Each week we read, dissect, compare, and critique a set of primary historical documents (political and literary) from around the world, moving from the 15th century to the present. We tease out changing arguments about education, the body, sexuality, violence, labor, politics, and the very meaning of gender, and we place feminist critics within national and global political contexts.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 64S: The Religious Right and Its Critics in America from 1920 to Today

In 2016, Donald Trump won 81% of white evangelical voters. Evangelical and conservative Catholic voters, members of the so-called Religious Right, have formed an essential pillar of the Republican Party for the entire lifetime of most Stanford undergraduates. But this was not always the case. In this course, we will discover leaders who shaped the Religious Right through coalition building, ideological line-drawing, and sermonizing as well as those who offered political alternatives of the Irreligious Right and ever-elusive Religious Left.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 73: Mexican Migration to the United States (AMSTUD 73, AMSTUD 173, CHILATST 173, HISTORY 173)

(History 73 is 3 units; History 173 is 5 units.) This course is an introduction to the history of Mexican migration to the United States. Barraged with anti-immigrant rhetoric and calls for bigger walls and more restrictive laws, few people in the United States truly understand the historical trends that shape migratory processes, or the multifaceted role played by both US officials and employers in encouraging Mexicans to migrate north. Moreover, few have actually heard the voices and perspectives of migrants themselves. This course seeks to provide students with the opportunity to place migrants' experiences in dialogue with migratory laws as well as the knowledge to embed current understandings of Latin American migration in their meaningful historical context.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 77S: Independence or Death! The Transformation of Latin America in the Age of Revolution (1808-1831)

The first half of the nineteenth century saw a cascade of Revolutions transform Latin America from a collection of colonies into independent and sovereign countries struggling for their own national identity. The invasion of the Iberian Peninsula by Napoleon in 1808, the forced abdication of the Spanish Royal Family and the escape of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil forever changed the course of Latin America. But the history of that region was not solely defined in Europe, and it was through their own agency that the people of Latin America set about the road to independence.In this course we will explore the history of Latin America in the years preceding, concurrent and following the many Wars of Independence that splintered the continent into many sovereign nations. Specifically, we'll focus on the cases of Mexico, New Granada (Colombia and Venezuela) and Brazil, to understand what was unique and what as shared among each of these. We'll learn about the colonial period, how the ideas of the enlightenment influenced revolutionary movements in Latin America, and what changes these revolutions brought to the people of Latin America. Using a wide range of primary and secondary sources, among them speeches, newspapers, books, paintings and movies, we'll attempt to understand the history of the Independence movements not only from the points of view of the colonial elite, but from the many other groups that constituted Latin American society, such as Indigenous populations and the many enslaved. Doing so we'll tackle the question: What did these Revolutions really mean to the day-to-day lives of Latin Americans?
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 78: Film and History of Latin American Revolutions and Counterrevolutions (FILMEDIA 178, HISTORY 178, ILAC 178)

In this course we will watch and critique films made about Latin America's 20th century revolutions focusing on the Cuban, Chilean and Mexican revolutions. We will analyze the films as both social and political commentaries and as aesthetic and cultural works, alongside archivally-based histories of these revolutions.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 78S: The Haitian Revolution: Slavery, Freedom, and the Atlantic World (AFRICAAM 178S, FRENCH 178)

How did the French colony of Saint-Domingue become Haiti, the world's first Black-led republic? What did Haiti symbolize for the African diaspora and the Americas at large? What sources and methods do scholars use to understand this history? To answer these questions, this course covers the Haitian story from colonization to independence during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Our course will center Africans and people of African descent, both enslaved and free, as they negotiated and resisted systems of racial and economic oppression in the French Caribbean. Our inquiry will critically engage with conceptions and articulations of human and civil rights as they relate to legal realities and revolutionary change over time, as well as the interplay between rights and racial thinking. Tracing what historian Julius Scott called the "common wind" of the Haitian Revolution, we will also investigate how the new nation's emergence built on the American and French Revolutions while also influencing national independence movements elsewhere in the Atlantic World. Priority given to history majors and minors; no prerequisites and all readings are in English.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 79C: The Ethical Challenges of the Climate Catastrophe (HISTORY 179C)

(History 79C is 3 units; History 179C is 5 units.) This course explores the ethical challenges of the climate catastrophe from historical, social, economic, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. These include the discovery of global warming over two centuries; the rise of secular and religious denialism toward the scientific consensus on it; the dispute between "developed" and "developing" countries over the timing and amount of national contributions per the 2015 Paris Accord; climate justice as it intersects with race, ethnicity, class, gender, and nationality; and the "role morality" of various actors (scientists, politicians, fossil fuel companies, the media and ordinary individuals) in assessing ethical responsibility for the catastrophe and how to mitigate, adapt, or even geoengineer, it.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-EthicReas, WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HISTORY 81B: Making the Modern Middle East

(Same as HISTORY 181B. 81B is 3 units; 181B is 5 units) This course aims to introduce students to major themes in the modern history of the region linking the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean worlds. No prerequisites or prior knowledge of the Middle East is required. We will begin with the Eurasian context that produced the Safavid and Ottoman empires and quickly move to the rapid transformations of the nineteenth century and imperial dissolution of the early twentieth. Twentieth-century themes will include mass migrations and colonial occupation; nationalism, mass politics and revolution; socialist and Islamist movements; and the growing role of American policy in the region. The course will conclude with a close examination of the profound transformations of the past decade, from the multiform uprisings of the 2010s to the equally multiform attempts to repress them.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 82S: Enemies Within: Hostile Minorities in Israel and Iraq in the 20th Century

This course explores the nation state in the Middle East through the perspectives of minority groups in Israel and Iraq. The class examines the origins of these two states since WWI, and considers the integral role that minority groups have played in their formation. Using an array of primary sources and methods of analysis, we will examine significant political, economic, social, and discursive trends in these states, while keeping in mind the broader regional and global contexts.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 83A: Enlightenment and Genocide: Modern Europe and the Ottoman Empire

(HISTORY 83A is 3 units; HISTORY 183A is 5 units.) In the early eighteenth century, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, introduced Ottoman smallpox inoculation to western medicine. But over the next two centuries, Ottoman scientific, cultural, and geopolitical strength disintegrated, while western Europeans colonized much of the globe and industrialized at home. How and why did this happen? This course explores this period of wrenching social change and transformation, and asks how the Enlightenment, with its calls for universal human rights and democracy, existed alongside crimes against humanity such as the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust. We inquire into ethical dilemmas from diverse perspectives to better understand the contested heritage of our modern world. Bringing western and non-western philosophy into conversation with history, we study the changing structures of Ottoman and European societies in the context of industrialization, repeated cycles from monarchy to democracy to dictatorship, and the growth of radical strains of Islam as a social protest and revolt against European dominance.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HISTORY 83S: Refugees, Routes, and Risks: How People and Things Moved in the Early Modern Period

How did people move, before the inventions of the train and steamship? How did they cross borders before the passport, or get news before the internet, the telephone, the telegraph? We often imagine people, things, and ideas in the early modern period as being static, unchanging, and immobile. This course offers a new "mobile" perspective on history of the Early Modern world before 1800, particularly focusing on the Ottoman Empire, Eastern and Western Europe.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 85B: Jews in the Contemporary World: Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (JEWISHST 85B, REES 85B)

(HISTORY 85B is 3 units; HISTORY 185B is 5 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 86Q: Blood and Money: The Origins of Antisemitism (JEWISHST 86Q)

For over two millennia, Jews and Judaism have been the object of sustained anxieties, fears, and fantasies, which have in turn underpinned repeated outbreaks of violence and persecution. This course will explore the development and impact of antisemitism from Late Antiquity to the Enlightenment, including the emergence of the Blood libel, the association between Jews and moneylending, and the place of Judaism in Christian and Islamic theology. No prior background in history or Jewish studies is necessary. Prerequisite: PWR 1.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI, Writing 2

HISTORY 87: The Islamic Republics: Politics and Society in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan

(Same as HISTORY 187. History majors and other taking 5 units, register for 187.) Explores the contested politics of these societies in modern times. Topics include controversies surrounding the meaning of revolution, state building, war, geopolitics, Islamic law, clerical authority, gender, an Islamic economy, culture, and ethnic, national and religious identities from the 1940s to the present. Assignments will focus on primary sources (especially legal documents, poetry, novels, and memoirs) and films.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 89S: Chinese Diaspora and the Making of the Pacific World, 1750-1911

What do the city of Singapore, ICE, the abolition of the slave trade, and the latex condom have in common? All are entangled with the merchant princes, people-smugglers, indentured laborers, and rubber planters that made up the Chinese diaspora in the ¿long¿ 19th century. This course will introduce the primary sources and interpretive techniques that historians use to understand the Chinese diasporic past by focusing on four main themes: autonomy and assimilation, indenture and forced labor, race and immigration, and intellectual and material exchanges.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 90: Early Chinese Thought (HISTORY 190)

This lecture course examines the emergence of critical thought in early China. After a brief study of the social and political changes that made this emergence possible, it looks at the nature and roles of the thinkers, and finally their ideas about the social order, the state, war and the army, the family, the cosmos, and the self (both physical and mental). Some brief comparisons with early Greek thought.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 93: The Chinese Empire from the Mongol Invasion to the Boxer Uprising (CHINA 93, FEMGEN 93)

(Same as HISTORY 193. 93 is 3 units; 193 is 5 units.) A survey of Chinese history from the 11th century to the collapse of the imperial state in 1911. Topics include absolutism, gentry society, popular culture, gender and sexuality, steppe nomads, the Jesuits in China, peasant rebellion, ethnic conflict, opium, and the impact of Western imperialism.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Javers, Q. (PI)

HISTORY 93S: Beyond the Modern Girl: Gender, Sexuality, and Empire in Japan and Korea, 1900-1955 (FEMGEN 193S)

In the 1920s and 1930s, the fashionable and iconoclastic "modern girl" appeared in media in Tokyo, Seoul, and beyond. Yet what, if anything, did she have to do with empire? And what other gendered experiences, identities, and movements emerged alongside her? From "new women" to "comfort women," from the "sons of the empire" to "sensitive young men," along with discourses on same-sex love, this course examines gender in Japan and Korea from the colonial period through the postwar occupations.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 94B: Japan in the Age of the Samurai

(Same as HISTORY 194B. 94B is 3 units; 194B is 5 units.) From the Warring States Period to the Meiji Restoration. Topics include the three great unifiers, Tokugawa hegemony, the samurai class, Neoconfucian ideologies, suppression of Christianity, structures of social and economic control, frontiers, the other and otherness, castle-town culture, peasant rebellion, black marketing, print culture, the floating world, National Studies, food culture, samurai activism, black ships, unequal treaties, anti-foreign terrorism, restorationism, millenarianism, modernization as westernization, Japan as imagined community.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 94S: Savoring Japan: Food and Society in Global Perspective

Sushi, Sukiyaki, and Ramen--why are they considered "Japanese?" This course provides insight into this question by exploring the transformations that the Japanese diet underwent in the early 20th century. While the course centers on modern Japan, we will often draw on food histories from other times and places.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 95: Modern Korean History

(Same as HISTORY 195. 95 is 3 units; 195 is 5 units.) This lecture course provides a general introduction to the history of modern Korea. Themes include the characteristics of the Chosôn dynasty, reforms and rebellions in the nineteenth century, Korean nationalism; Japan's colonial rule and Korean identities; decolonization and the Korean War; and the different state-building processes in North and South, South Korea's democratization in 1980s, and the current North Korean crisis.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Moon, Y. (PI)

HISTORY 95C: Modern Japanese History: From Samurai to Pokemon

(95C is 3 units; 195C is 5 units.) Japan's modern transformation from the late 19th century to the present. Topics include: the Meiji revolution; industrialization and social dislocation; the rise of democracy and empire; total war and US occupation; economic miracle and malaise; Japan as soft power; and politics of memory. Readings and films focus on the lived experience of ordinary men and women across social classes and regions.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Uchida, J. (PI); Fu, K. (TA)

HISTORY 95E: Trenches, Guerrillas, and Bombs: Modern Warfare in East Asian History

(95E is 3 units; 295E is 5 units.) This course is an introduction to the field of military history. But rather than centering on the typical Western perspectives, it focuses on studying the East Asian modern warfare during the early 20th century. Students will investigate, define, and historicize different kinds of wars, and draw historical lessons to better understand the contemporary military conflicts. From the trench warfare in the Russo-Japanese War, to the guerrilla warfare of the Chinese Communist Party, and to Americans' strategic bombing in the Korean War, students will identify modern warfare's historical characteristics in East Asia and reflect on how they continue to affect the politics in the region today.
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 95N: Maps in the Modern World

Preference to freshmen. Through critical essays, maps, and atlases focusing on California, this seminar explores four principal themes: the roots of modern mapping in the rise of the state; maps as commodities; cartographies of race; and counter-mapping (where the marginalized take map-making into their own hands). Students learn to use resources in the Branner Map Library, Stanford digital collections, and the David Rumsey Map Center. The culminating project involves making and annotating your own map of the campus.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wigen, K. (PI)

HISTORY 96C: Resisting Empire: Anti-colonial Nationalism, Popular Politics & Decolonization in Modern South Asia (ASNAMST 96C, ASNAMST 196C, FEMGEN 96C, FEMGEN 196C, HISTORY 196C)

(HISTORY 96C is 3 units; 196C is 5 units.) How did subjects of British India respond to colonial rule? When and how did anti-colonial nationalism emerge in South Asia? How did leading thinkers of the region conceptualize the nature of colonialism and the methods of nationalist resistance? Did nationalism represent all social classes in British India? Did it also alienate and exclude? What tactics of resistance were developed in anti-colonial movements, especially by M. K. Gandhi? Why did independence arrive with the partition of British India into two nation-states - India and Pakistan? How did the colonial legacy shape the post-colonial nation-states of South Asia? In this this introductory lecture-based survey course on the history of modern South Asia, we will explore the answers to these questions. The course will span the period from the beginning of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, and cover the regions that constitute present day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. No prior knowledge of South Asia is necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shil, P. (PI)

HISTORY 97C: The Structure of Colonial Power: South Asia since the Eighteenth Century (ANTHRO 97C)

How did the colonial encounter shape the making of modern South Asia? Was colonial rule a radical rupture from the pre-modern past or did it embody historical continuities? Did colonial rule cause the economic underdevelopment of the region or were regional factors responsible for it? Did colonial forms of knowledge shape how we think of social structures in the Indian subcontinent? Did the colonial census merely register pre-existing Indian communities or did it reshape them? Did colonialism break with patriarchal power or further consolidate it? How did imperial power regulate sexuality in colonial India? What was the relationship between caste power and colonial power? How did capital and labor interact under colonial rule? How did colonialism mediate the very nature of modernity in the region?This lecture-based survey course will explore the nature of the most significant historical process that shaped modern South Asia from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries -- colonialism. It primarily deals with the regions that constituted the directly administered territories of British India, specifically regions that subsequently became the nation-states of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 97S: Between Empires: Modern History of Taiwan

Since the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the prospect of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan has drawn renewed concern and debate around the world. To fully understand the contemporary Taiwanese issues, however, requires one to dig deeper and see Taiwan as a space where multiple great powers - China, Japan, and the United States - have historically intersected. This course explores the centuries-long history of Taiwan under different empires: the Qing empire (1683-1895), the Japanese empire (1895-1945), the Republic of China (1945-present), and the U.S. military empire (1945-present). Entering the postwar era, we will also cover the White Terror period (1947-1987), the democratization in the 1980s and 90s, and the issue of historical memory. Examining how different histories are remembered and forgotten, we will address the ways colonial legacies are intertwined with nation-making and postwar politics. Throughout the course, we will pay attention to how Taiwan's ethnic diversity has complicated the writing of national history and the formation of national identity. And we will ask: from whose perspective is Taiwanese history written? This course will analyze governmental reports, colonial travelogues, and propaganda videos, as well as fiction, music, and video games.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 98: The History of Modern China

(Same as HISTORY 198. 98 is 3 units; 198 is 5 units.) This course charts major historical transformations in modern China, and will be of interest to those concerned with Chinese politics, culture, society, ethnicity, economy, gender, international relations, and the future of the world.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mullaney, T. (PI)

HISTORY 98S: Crime and Punishment in Late Imperial China: Law, State Formation, and Society

How did crime and punishment in late imperial China compare to other parts of the world? What place did the law have in the imperial Chinese state's strategies of governance and in resolving social grievances? How did certain groups and behaviors come to be criminalized, and how did this relate to broader contexts of pre-modern Chinese society? How was Chinese law perceived by foreign observers? Over the course of the quarter, we will utilize a wide range of both Qing legal documents and other types of primary sources to search for answers to these questions.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 101: The Greeks (CLASSICS 83)

250 years ago, for almost the first time in history, a few societies rejected kings who claimed to know what the gods wanted and began moving toward democracy. Only once before had this happened--in ancient Greece. This course asks how the Greeks did this, and what they can teach us today. It uses texts and archaeology to trace the material and military sides of the story as well as cultural developments, and looks at Greek slavery and misogyny as well as their achievements. Weekly participation in a discussion section is required.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Morris, I. (PI); Liu, H. (TA)

HISTORY 102: History of the International System since 1914 (INTNLREL 102)

The course seeks to explain the history of international relations in the tumultuous century since 1914. It aims at a three-dimensional understanding, relating social and political structures of countries and regions to the primary shifts in the character of the competition between states, in the composition of the system, and in international institutions and norms. Great power interactions constitute the most visible element within the course: through the two world wars, into the Cold War, and beyond. Concurrently, we look within the empires and blocs of the Twentieth Century world, to consider the changing relationships between imperial centers and subject peoples. Lastly, we consider spirited if sporadic international efforts to pursue order, justice, and progress. This last pursuit also requires study of the proliferation of transnational non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 102A: The Romans (CLASSICS 84)

How did a tiny village create a huge empire and shape the world, and why did it fail? Roman history, imperialism, politics, social life, economic growth, and religious change. Weekly participation in a discussion section is required; enroll in sections on Coursework.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 103D: Human Society and Environmental Change (EARTHSYS 112, EARTHSYS 212, ESS 112)

Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding human-environment interactions with a focus on economics, policy, culture, history, and the role of the state. Prerequisite: ECON 1.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 103F: Introduction to Modern Military History (HISTORY 3F)

(HISTORY 3F is 3 units; 103F is 5 units.) This course will introduce students to the basic concepts of modern warfare, its evolution, and some of the immeasurable ways by which it shaped our history as well as our world today. How have strategy, operations and tactics been transformed by the modern state; the industrial revolution; and the accelerated pace of technological change? What is the meaning of total war, conventional war, and asymmetric war, and how were these different types of war fought in the 20th and 21st centuries? From the Napoleonic wars to the war in Ukraine, how do wars reflect, and shape, our politics, economics, culture, and technology? No prior knowledge of military history (or technology) is required. Students satisfying the WiM requirement for the major in International Relations must enroll in INTNLREL 103F course listing. Please note that the version of this course offered in 2023-24 and later does not fulfill a "pre-1700" requirement for the history major. May not take for credit if you have already taken INTNLREL 103F.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 105C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (CSRE 105C, FEMGEN 105C, HUMRTS 112, INTNLREL 105C)

(Same as HISTORY 5C. 105C is 5 units, 5C is 3 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

HISTORY 105F: Global Futures: History, Statecraft, Systems (INTLPOL 222, POLISCI 116M, POLISCI 316M)

Where does the future come from? It comes from the past, of course, but how? What are the key drivers of continuity or change, and how can we trace those drivers going forward, too? What are the roles of contingency, chance, and choice, versus long-term underlying structure? How can people, from whatever walk of life, identify and utilize levers of power to ty to shift the larger system? What is a system, and how do systems behave? To answer these questions and analyze how today's world came into being and where it might be headed, this course explores geopolitics and geoeconomics, institutions and technologies, citizenship and leadership. We examine how our world works to understand the limits but also the possibilities of individual and collective agency, the phenomenon of perverse and unintended consequences, and ultimately, the nature of power. Our goal is to investigate not just how to conceive of a smart policy, but how its implementation might unfold. In sum, this course aims to combine strategic analysis and tactical agility.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kotkin, S. (PI); Rice, C. (PI)

HISTORY 106A: Global Human Geography: Asia and Africa

Global patterns of demography, economic and social development, geopolitics, and cultural differentiation, covering E. Asia, S. Asia, S.E. Asia, Central Asia, N. Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. Use of maps to depict geographical patterns and processes.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 106B: Global Human Geography: Europe and Americas

Patterns of demography, economic and social development, geopolitics, and cultural differentiation. Use of maps to depict geographical patterns and processes.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 107: Introduction to Urban Studies (SOC 100, URBANST 110)

Today, for the first time in history, a majority of people live in cities. By 2050, cities will hold two-thirds of the world's population. This transformation touches everyone, and raises critical questions. What draws people to live in cities? How will urban growth affect the world's environment? Why are cities so divided by race and by class, and what can be done about it? How do cities change who we are, and how can we change cities? In this class, you will learn to see cities in new ways, from the smallest everyday interactions on a city sidewalk to the largest patterns of global migration and trade. We will use specific examples from cities around the world to illustrate the concepts that we learn in class. The course is intended primarily for freshmen and sophomores.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 107B: The Archaeology of Institutions (ANTHRO 125C, ARCHLGY 161)

Modern life is marked by institutions - schools, hospitals, international conglomerates, even prisons - so how did they develop and become so common? Historical archaeology can help us tell a different history of institutions because it combines documents, especially official records, with the material items left behind by the people who lived and worked in the institution. This course uses archaeological case studies to look at the different theoretical frameworks used to explain why institutions exist and how they function. We will also use practical examples to make connections between historical institutions and modern life. For example, what can looking at nineteenth century prison menus tell us about prison or hospital food today? And how can we use the archaeology of institutions to 'read' the Stanford campus? No prior archaeological experience required.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 110B: Renaissance to Revolution: Early Modern Europe

(HISTORY 110B is 5 units; HISTORY 10B is 3 units). Few historical settings offer a more illuminating perspective on our world today than old-regime Europe. Few cast a darker shadow. Science and the enlightened ambition to master nature and society, the emergence of statehood and its grasp for human mobility, bloodshed and coexistence in the face of religious fragmentation, as well as capitalism and the birth of modern finance: this course surveys some of the most consequential developments in European societies between the late fifteenth and the early nineteenth century.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 110C: Modern Europe's Lives

(Same as HISTORY 10C. 110C is 5 units; 10C is 3 units.) From the late 18th century to the present. How Europeans responded to rapid social changes caused by political upheaval, industrialization, and modernization. How the experience and legacy of imperialism and colonialism both influenced European society and put in motion a process of globalization that continues to shape international politics today.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 111B: Exploring the New Testament (CLASSICS 43, JEWISHST 86, RELIGST 86)

To explore the historical context of the earliest Christians, students will read most of the New Testament as well as many documents that didn't make the final cut. Non-Christian texts, Roman art, and surviving archeological remains will better situate Christianity within the ancient world. Students will read from the Dead Sea Scrolls, explore Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing divine temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse an ancient marriage guide, and engage with recent scholarship in archeology, literary criticism, and history.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Penn, M. (PI)

HISTORY 112C: What Didn't Make the Bible (CLASSICS 9N, JEWISHST 4, RELIGST 4)

Over two billion people alive today consider the Bible to be sacred scripture. But how did the books that made it into the bible get there in the first place? Who decided what was to be part of the bible and what wasn't? How would history look differently if a given book didn't make the final cut and another one did? Hundreds of ancient Jewish and Christian texts are not included in the Bible. "What Didn't Make the Bible" focuses on these excluded writings. We will explore the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse ancient romance novels, explore the adventures of fallen angels who sired giants (and taught humans about cosmetics), tour heaven and hell, encounter the garden of Eden story told from the perspective of the snake, and learn how the world will end. The course assumes no prior knowledge of Judaism, Christianity, the bible, or ancient history. It is designed for students who are part of faith traditions that consider the bible to be sacred, as well as those who are not. The only prerequisite is an interest in exploring books, groups, and ideas that eventually lost the battles of history and to keep asking the question "why." In critically examining these ancient narratives and the communities that wrote them, you will investigate how religions canonize a scriptural tradition, better appreciate the diversity of early Judaism and Christianity, understand the historical context of these religions, and explore the politics behind what did and did not make it into the bible.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 113P: Media and Communication from the Middle Ages to the Printing Press (ENGLISH 13P, ENGLISH 113P, HISTORY 13P, MUSIC 13P, MUSIC 113P)

Did you know that the emperor Charlemagne was illiterate, yet his scribes revolutionized writing in the West? This course follows decisive moments in the history of media and communication, asking how new recording technologies reshaped a society in which most people did not read or write--what has been described as the shift "from memory to written record." To understand this transformation, we examine forms of oral literature and music, from the Viking sagas, the call to crusade, and medieval curses (Benedictine maledictions), to early popular authors such as Dante and the 15th-century feminist scribe, Christine de Pizan. We trace the impact of musical notation, manuscript and book production, and Gutenberg's print revolution. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum, how did the medium shape the message? Along the way, we will consider how the medieval arts of memory and divine reading (lectio divina) can inform communication in the digital world. This is a hands-on course: students will handle medieval manuscripts and early printed books in Special Collections, and will participate in an "ink-making workshop," following medieval recipes for ink and for cutting quills, then using them to write on parchment. The course is open to all interested students.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 114B: The Crusades: A Global History

(History 114B is 5 units; History 14B is 3 units) Questioning traditional western narratives of the crusades, this course studies Latin and Turkic invaders as rival barbarian formations, and explores the societies of western Afro-Eurasia and the Mediterranean in the centuries before western European global expansion. We approach the crusades as a "Christianized Viking raid," and investigate an array of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish sources. In so doing, we emphasize the diversity of perspectives within the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities: in the Muslim case, the tangle of Turkic, Arab, and Berber ethnicities; in the Jewish case, Hebrew, Arabic, and Turkic speakers ranging from the Iberian peninsula to India; in the Christian case, the fragmented Greek, Latin, and Arabic traditions. We explore how these barbarian invasions transformed the societies of western Afro-Eurasia, how ancient Greek knowledge in Islamic translation came to medieval Europe, and how a fragmenting Byzantine Empire gave way to the rise of the Ottoman Empire. However foreign, the interactions and encounters between these societies continue to reverberate today.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 115D: Europe in the Middle Ages, 300-1500 (HISTORY 15D, RELIGST 115X)

(HISTORY 15D is 3 units; HISTORY 115D is 5 units.) This course provides an introduction to Medieval Europe from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance. While the framework of the course is chronological, we'll concentrate particularly on the structure of medieval society. Rural and urban life, kingship and papal government, wars and plagues provide the context for our examination of the lives of medieval people, what they believed, and how they interacted with other, both within Christendom and beyond it. This course may count as DLCL 123, a course requirement for the Medieval Studies Minor.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 116: Traders and Crusaders in the Medieval Mediterranean (HISTORY 16)

Trade and crusade were inextricably interconnected in the high Middle Ages. As merchant ships ferried knights and pilgrims across the Mediterranean, rulers borrowed heavily to finance their expeditions, while military expansion opened new economic opportunities. Course themes include the origins of the Crusading movement; the rise of Venice and other maritime powers; the pivotal roles of the Byzantine and Mongol Empires; relations between Christians, Muslims, and Jews; new military, maritime, and commercial technologies; and the modern legacy of the Crusades.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 117: Ancient Empires: Near East (CLASSICS 81)

Why do imperialists conquer people? Why do some people resist while others collaborate? This course tries to answer these questions by looking at some of the world's earliest empires. The main focus is on the expansion of the Assyrian and Persian Empires between 900 and 300 BC and the consequences for the ancient Jews, Egyptians, and Greeks. The main readings come from the Bible, Herodotus, and Assyrian and Persian royal inscriptions, and the course combines historical and archaeological data with social scientific approaches. Weekly participation in a discussion section is required.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 120A: The Russian Empire, 1450-1800 (SLAVIC 110)

(Same as HISTORY 20A. 120A is 5 units, 20A is 3 units.) The rise of Russian state as a Eurasian "empire of difference"; strategies of governance of the many ethnic and religious groups with their varied cultures and political economies; particular attention to Ukraine. In the Russian center, explores gender and family; serfdom; Russian Orthodox religion and culture; Europeanizing cultural change of 18th century.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

HISTORY 124B: The Balkan World: History, Culture, Politics (HISTORY 24B, REES 224C)

The Balkans is a region that is often marginalized, even though throughout modern history it has stood at the crossroads between East and West and has been the locus of the major developments of the 19th and 20th centuries - the site of Great Power competition, the first de-colonization movements, the rise of the modern nation-state, the outbreak of the First World War, Nazi occupation and resistance, genocides, the rise of emancipatory communist regimes that have challenged the hegemony of the Soviet Union, the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, and a challenge for democratization and western-based military intervention. Today the Balkans are a region where the European Union, Russia and the China vie for control. This course draws on a range of primary and secondary, literary, historical and policy sources as well as a range of scholars from a variety of disciplines to explore the significance of the Balkans to global affairs in historical and contemporary contexts. Section REES 224C is offered for graduate student enrollment.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 133A: Blood and Roses: The Age of the Tudors

(Same as HISTORY 33A. 133A is 5 units; 33A is 3 units.) English society and state from the Wars of the Roses to the death of Elizabeth. Political, social, and cultural upheavals of the Tudor period and the changes wrought by the Reformation. The establishment of the Tudor monarchy; destruction of the Catholic church; rise of Puritanism; and 16th-century social and economic changes.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 134A: The European Witch Hunts

(Same as HISTORY 34A. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 134A.) After the Reformation, in the midst of state-building and scientific discovery, Europeans conducted a series of deadly witch hunts, violating their own laws and procedures in the process. What was it about early modernity that fueled witch hunting? Examines witch trials and early modern demonology as well as historians' interpretations of events to seek answers to this question.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 137D: Germany's Wars and the World, 1848-2010 (HISTORY 37D)

(History 37D is 3 units; History 137D is 5 units.)This course examines a series of explosive encounters between Germans, Europe, and the world. Starting with the overlooked revolutions of 1848 and ending with the reunification of West Germany and East Germany after the Cold War, the course will explore a range of topics: capitalism, communism, imperialism, nationalism, diplomacy, antisemitism, gender, race, and the Holocaust, among others. We will also consider competing visions of Germany its borders, its members, its enemies.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Press, S. (PI); Zhang, A. (TA)

HISTORY 139: Modern Britain and the Empire, 1688-2016

(Same as HISTORY 39. 139 is 5 units; 39 is 3 units.) This course surveys British history from the Glorious Revolution to Brexit. We will integrate the stories of Britain and its empire as we examine key topics, including the rise of the modern British state and economy, imperial expansion and contraction, the formation of class, gender, and national identities, mass culture and politics, the world wars, and racial politics in contemporary Britain. We will focus particularly on questions of decline, the dynamic fortunes and contradictions of British liberalism in an era of imperialism, and the weight of the past in contemporary Britain. Readings focus on primary sources from the period covered as well as a few scholarly works.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 140: World History of Science: From Prehistory through the Scientific Revolution

(History 40 is 3 units; History 140 is 5 units.) The earliest developments in science, the prehistoric roots of technology, the scientific revolution, and global voyaging. Theories of human origins and the oldest known tools and symbols. Achievements of the Mayans, Aztecs, and native N. Americans. Science and medicine in ancient Greece, Egypt, China, Africa, and India. Science in medieval and Renaissance Europe and the Islamic world including changing cosmologies and natural histories. Theories of scientific growth and decay; how science engages other factors such as material culture and religions.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Proctor, R. (PI)

HISTORY 140A: The Scientific Revolution

(History 140A is 5 units; History 40A is 3 units.) What do people know and how do they know it? What counts as scientific knowledge? In the 16th and 17th centuries, understanding the nature of knowledge engaged the attention of individuals and institutions including Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, the early Royal Society, and less well-known contemporaries. New meanings of observing, collecting, experimenting, and philosophizing, and political, religious, and cultural ramifications in early modern Europe.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Riskin, J. (PI)

HISTORY 144: Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Environment (FEMGEN 144)

Explores "Gendered Innovations" or how sex, gender, and intersectional analysis in research spark discovery and innovation. This course focuses on sex and gender, and considers factors intersecting with sex and gender, including age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational background, disabilities, geographic location, etc., where relevant. Topics include historical background, basic concepts, social robots, sustainability, medicine & public health, femtech, facial recognition, inclusive crash test dummies, and more. Stanford University is engaged in a multi-year collaboration with the European Commission and the U.S. National Science Foundation project on Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment, and this class will contribute that project. The operative questions is: how can sex, gender, and intersectional analysis lead to discovery, enhance social justice, and environmental sustainability?
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schiebinger, L. (PI)

HISTORY 145B: Foundations of African Studies I: Africa in the 20th Century (AFRICAAM 145B)

This course deals with three great transformations connecting African experiences and global change: the impact of the industrial revolution, colonization and colonialism, and the meanings and experiences of decolonization. It is a course about Africans and how they responded to the challenges and opportunities of colonialism and independence. Main themes include: African patterns of society and development on the eve of colonial conquest; African reactions to the imposition of colonial rule; transformation of African societies during the period of colonial rule; and African responses to the challenges of colonialism and decolonization. This course is a core course for the African Studies track and fulfils the WIM requirement for the major.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Parker, G. (PI)

HISTORY 147: History of South Africa (AFRICAAM 147, CSRE 174)

(Same as HISTORY 47. HISTORY 147 is 5 units; HISTORY 47 is 3 units) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

HISTORY 148: The Egyptians (AFRICAAM 30, CLASSICS 82, HISTORY 48)

This course traces the emergence and development of the distinctive cultural world of the ancient Egyptians over nearly 4,000 years. Through archaeological and textual evidence, we will investigate the social structures, religious beliefs, and expressive traditions that framed life and death in this extraordinary region. Students with or without prior background are equally encouraged.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 148C: Los Angeles: A Cultural History (AMSTUD 148, CSRE 148R)

This course traces a cultural history of Los Angeles from the early twentieth century to the present. Approaching popular representations of Los Angeles as our primary source, we discuss the ways that diverse groups of Angelenos have represented their city on the big and small screens, in the press, in the theater, in music, and in popular fiction. We focus in particular on the ways that conceptions of race and gender have informed representations of the city. Possible topics include: fashion and racial violence in the Zoot Suit Riots of the Second World War, Disneyland as a suburban fantasy, cinematic representations of Native American life in Bunker Hill in the 1961 film The Exiles, the independent black cinema of the Los Angeles Rebellion, the Anna Deaver Smith play Twilight Los Angeles about the civil unrest that gripped the city in 1992, and the 2019 film Once Upon a Time¿in Hollywood.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 150A: Colonial and Revolutionary America (AMSTUD 150A)

(HISTORY 50A is 3 units. HISTORY 150A is 5 units) This course surveys early American history from the onset of English colonization of North America in the late sixteenth century through the American Revolution and the creation of the United States in the late eighteenth. It situates the origins and the development of colonial American society as its peoples themselves experienced it, within the wider histories of the North American continent and the Atlantic basin. It considers the diversity of peoples and empires that made up these worlds as well as the complex movement of goods, peoples, and ideas that defined them. The British North American colonies were just one interrelated part of this wider complex. Yet out of that interconnected Atlantic world, those particular colonies produced a revolution for national independence that had a far-reaching impact on the world. The course, accordingly, explores the origins of this revolutionary movement and the nation state that it wrought, one that would rapidly ascend to hemispheric and then global prominence.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 150B: Nineteenth Century America (AMSTUD 150B, CSRE 150S)

(Same as HISTORY 50B. 150B is 5 units; 50B is 3 units.) This course is a survey of nineteenth-century American history. Topics include: the legacy of the American Revolution; the invention of political parties; capitalist transformation and urbanization; the spread of evangelical Christianity; antebellum reform; changing conceptions of gender, sex, and family; territorial expansion, Indigenous dispossession, and Manifest Destiny; the politics and experience of Indian removal; slavery and emancipation; the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Redemption; the crises and corruption of the Gilded Age; the Populist insurgency; Chinese exclusion; allotment and reservation life; and the emergence of the United States as a modern nation state.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

HISTORY 150C: The United States in the Twentieth Century (AFRICAAM 150C, AMSTUD 150C)

(Same as HISTORY 50C. 50C is 3 units; 150C is 5 units.) 100 years ago, women and most African-Americans couldn't vote; automobiles were rare and computers didn't exist; and the U.S. was a minor power in a world dominated by European empires. This course surveys politics, culture, and social movements to answer the question: How did we get from there to here? Suitable for non-majors and majors alike.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Regalado, P. (PI)

HISTORY 151: The American West (AMSTUD 124A, ARTHIST 152, ENGLISH 124, POLISCI 124A)

The American West is characterized by frontier mythology, vast distances, marked aridity, and unique political and economic characteristics. This course integrates several disciplinary perspectives into a comprehensive examination of Western North America: its history, physical geography, climate, literature, art, film, institutions, politics, demography, economy, and continuing policy challenges. Students examine themes fundamental to understanding the region: time, space, water, peoples, and boom and bust cycles.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 151B: The End of American Slavery, 1776-1865 (HISTORY 51B)

How did the institution of American slavery come to an end? The story is more complex than most people know. This course examines the rival forces that fostered slavery's simultaneous contraction in the North and expansion in the South between 1776 and 1861. It also illuminates, in detail, the final tortuous path to abolition during the Civil War. Throughout, the course introduces a diverse collection of historical figures, including seemingly paradoxical ones, such as slaveholding southerners who professed opposition to slavery and non-slaveholding northerners who acted in ways that preserved it. Historical attitudes toward race are a central integrative theme.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 151C: Imagineering the American City

What will American cities look like in the future? Will they be "smart"? Will they be sustainable? Will they be equitable? This course will explore possible answers to these questions by looking back towards the nation's urban past. The city has been a polarizing space in the U.S. imagination since the nation's inception, but in the late nineteenth century it became clear that industrialization and urbanization were undeniable parts of the nation's future. The national conversation shifted away from debating if the U.S. should urbanize to how it would urbanize. This course will introduce students to the concept of "imagineering" in urban studies, or the process of engineering imagined urban landscapes into physical reality. Drawing on a wide range of historical sources, including engineering design publications, city planning maps and memos, and urban photojournalism, students will learn about why and how the nation imagineered (and re-imagineered) urban spaces, and trace how these activities have shaped urban inequality, politics, culture, and environments in the past and present. Using contemporary media, like Weird City (2019) and Elysium (2013), short stories like N.K. Jemisin's "The City Born Great," and TedTalks on the future of urban design, this course will also explore possible futures for urban America. The creative weekly assignments will ask students to step into the proverbial shoes of different city residents, writing Op-eds as a journalist, inspection reports as a city planner, and manifestos as a local activist, to discuss urban issues across time and space from different perspectives. The final research project offers students the opportunity to use their newfound knowledge to propose a solution for a contemporary urban issue with deep historical roots.
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 152K: America as a World Power in the Modern Era (INTNLREL 168, INTNLREL 168W)

This class will examine the history of U.S. foreign policy, beginning the U.S. rise to world power at the dawn of the 20th century and concluding with an examination of the foreign policies of Presidents Bush and Obama. It will ask you to weigh the arguments scholars alongside firsthand (primary source) evidence ? to make your own assessments of motivations, goals, causation, and consequences. Above all, it will ask you to think historically about the last century of U.S. foreign policy, and to consider a broad range of factors: ideology, domestic politics, geopolitics, race, psychology, culture, and bureaucracy ? sometimes in complementary ways. Our task is to understand the critical choices made over the past century, both in their own right and for the broader lessons that a comparative historical perspective might provide.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 154: The History of Ideas in America, Part I (to 1900) (AMSTUD 154)

(Same as HISTORY 54. 154 is 5 units; 54 is 3 units.) How Americans considered problems such as slavery, imperialism, and sectionalism. Topics include: the political legacies of revolution; biological ideas of race; the Second Great Awakening; science before Darwin; reform movements and utopianism; the rise of abolitionism and proslavery thought; phrenology and theories of human sexuality; and varieties of feminism. Sources include texts and images.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Winterer, C. (PI)

HISTORY 155F: The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1830 to 1877 (AFRICAAM 55F, AMSTUD 55F, AMSTUD 155F, HISTORY 55F)

(History 55F is 3 units; History 155F is 5 units.)This course explores the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War. The Civil War profoundly impacted American life at national, sectional, and constitutional levels, and radically challenged categories of race and citizenship. Topics covered include: the crisis of union and disunion in an expanding republic; slavery, race, and emancipation as national problems and personal experiences; the horrors of total war for individuals and society; and the challenges--social and political--of Reconstruction.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 161: The Politics of Sex: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern America (AMSTUD 161, CSRE 162, FEMGEN 61, FEMGEN 161, HISTORY 61)

This course explores the ways that individuals and movements for social and economic equality have redefined and contested gender and sexuality in the modern United States. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources, we will explore the intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the politics of woman suffrage, racial justice, reproductive rights, and gay and trans rights, as well as conservative and right-wing responses. Majors and non-majors alike are welcome.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 166C: The Cold War: An International History (INTNLREL 154)

Though it ended twenty years ago, we still live in a world shaped by the Cold War. Beginning with its origins in the mid-1940s, this course will trace the evolution of the global struggle, until its culmination at the end of the 1980s. Students will be asked to ponder the fundamental nature of the Cold War, what kept it alive for nearly fifty years, how it ended, and its long term legacy for the world. As distinguished from the lecture taught in previous quarters, this class will closely investigate ten major Cold War battlegrounds over the quarter. Selected case studies will include: the division of Germany, Iran in the 1950s, Cuba, Vietnam, the Six Day War, the Chilean coup, sub-Saharan Africa, Afghanistan, Central America, and the Eastern European revolutions of 1989. Students will be asked to consult a combination of original documents and recent histories.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 173: Mexican Migration to the United States (AMSTUD 73, AMSTUD 173, CHILATST 173, HISTORY 73)

(History 73 is 3 units; History 173 is 5 units.) This course is an introduction to the history of Mexican migration to the United States. Barraged with anti-immigrant rhetoric and calls for bigger walls and more restrictive laws, few people in the United States truly understand the historical trends that shape migratory processes, or the multifaceted role played by both US officials and employers in encouraging Mexicans to migrate north. Moreover, few have actually heard the voices and perspectives of migrants themselves. This course seeks to provide students with the opportunity to place migrants' experiences in dialogue with migratory laws as well as the knowledge to embed current understandings of Latin American migration in their meaningful historical context.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 177C: RebeliĆ³n: Black Resistance in the Caribbean (AFRICAAM 158, COMPLIT 158)

In 1978, Afro-Columbian artist recorded his hit song "Rebelión," including lines such as "esclavitud perpetua," a reference to the 1455 Romanus Pontifex Papal Bull, and lines like "No le pegue a la negra," which evince a slave resistance based on a bond of kinship and affection. This is an introductory course in Caribbean history with a focus on labor and rebellion. In this course, we will discuss slave revolts and revolutions in the Caribbean from the beginning of the Transatlantic Slave trade through present-day labor strikes in the Caribbean. Using Caribbean resistance music as the backdrop to many of our discussions, this course will engage with the metaphors and motifs found in riotous iconography, such as the machete (i.e. "El machete de Maceo," in Celia Cruz¿s "Guantanamera"). Revolts covered include the 1500s slave revolts in Quisqueya, the Haitian Revolution, the 1843 La Escalera conspiracy in Cuba, the 1831 Christmas Rebellion in Jamaica, the Cuban Ten Years War, Little War, and present-day labor strikes in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We will review and study historical records, as well as take in archival and musical sources. No prior knowledge in Caribbean history is required.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 178: Film and History of Latin American Revolutions and Counterrevolutions (FILMEDIA 178, HISTORY 78, ILAC 178)

In this course we will watch and critique films made about Latin America's 20th century revolutions focusing on the Cuban, Chilean and Mexican revolutions. We will analyze the films as both social and political commentaries and as aesthetic and cultural works, alongside archivally-based histories of these revolutions.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 179C: The Ethical Challenges of the Climate Catastrophe (HISTORY 79C)

(History 79C is 3 units; History 179C is 5 units.) This course explores the ethical challenges of the climate catastrophe from historical, social, economic, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. These include the discovery of global warming over two centuries; the rise of secular and religious denialism toward the scientific consensus on it; the dispute between "developed" and "developing" countries over the timing and amount of national contributions per the 2015 Paris Accord; climate justice as it intersects with race, ethnicity, class, gender, and nationality; and the "role morality" of various actors (scientists, politicians, fossil fuel companies, the media and ordinary individuals) in assessing ethical responsibility for the catastrophe and how to mitigate, adapt, or even geoengineer, it.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-EthicReas, WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HISTORY 181B: Making the Modern Middle East

(Same as 81B. 181B is 5 units; 81B is 3 units.) This course aims to introduce students to major themes in the modern history of the region linking the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean worlds. No prerequisites or prior knowledge of the Middle East is required. We will begin with the Eurasian context that produced the Safavid and Ottoman empires and quickly move to the rapid transformations of the nineteenth century and imperial dissolution of the early twentieth. Twentieth-century themes will include mass migrations and colonial occupation; nationalism, mass politics and revolution; socialist and Islamist movements; and the growing role of American policy in the region. The course will conclude with a close examination of the profound transformations of the past decade, from the multiform uprisings of the 2010s to the equally multiform attempts to repress them.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 183A: Enlightenment and Genocide: Modern Europe and the Ottoman Empire

(History 183A is 5 units; History 83A is 3 units.) In the early eighteenth century, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, introduced Ottoman smallpox inoculation to western medicine. But over the next two centuries, Ottoman scientific, cultural, and geopolitical strength disintegrated, while western Europeans colonized much of the globe and industrialized at home. How and why did this happen? This course explores this period of wrenching social change and transformation, and asks how the Enlightenment, with its calls for universal human rights and democracy, existed alongside crimes against humanity such as the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust. We inquire into ethical dilemmas from diverse perspectives to better understand the contested heritage of our modern world. Bringing western and non-western philosophy into conversation with history, we study the changing structures of Ottoman and European societies in the context of industrialization, repeated cycles from monarchy to democracy to dictatorship, and the growth of radical strains of Islam as a social protest and revolt against European dominance.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HISTORY 185B: Jews in the Contemporary World:Ā Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (CSRE 185B, JEWISHST 185B, REES 185B, SLAVIC 183)

(HISTORY 185B is 5 units; HISTORY 85B is 3 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 187: The Islamic Republics: Politics and Society in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan

(Same as HISTORY 87. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 187.) Explores the contested politics of these societies in modern times. Topics include controversies surrounding the meaning of revolution, state building, war, geopolitics, Islamic law, clerical authority, gender, an Islamic economy, culture and ethnic, national and religious identities from the 1940s to the present. Assignments will focus on primary sources (especially legal documents, poetry, novels, and memoirs) and films.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 190: Early Chinese Thought (HISTORY 90)

This lecture course examines the emergence of critical thought in early China. After a brief study of the social and political changes that made this emergence possible, it looks at the nature and roles of the thinkers, and finally their ideas about the social order, the state, war and the army, the family, the cosmos, and the self (both physical and mental). Some brief comparisons with early Greek thought.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 193: The Chinese Empire from the Mongol Invasion to the Boxer Uprising (CHINA 183, FEMGEN 193)

(Same as HISTORY 93. 193 is 5 units; 93 is 3 units.) A survey of Chinese history from the 11th century to the collapse of the imperial state in 1911. Topics include absolutism, gentry society, popular culture, gender and sexuality, steppe nomads, the Jesuits in China, peasant rebellion, ethnic conflict, opium, and the impact of Western imperialism.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Javers, Q. (PI)

HISTORY 194B: Japan in the Age of the Samurai

(Same as HISTORY 94B. 194B is 5 units, 94B is 3 units.) From the Warring States Period to the Meiji Restoration. Topics include the three great unifiers, Tokugawa hegemony, the samurai class, Neoconfucian ideologies, suppression of Christianity, structures of social and economic control, frontiers, the other and otherness, castle-town culture, peasant rebellion, black marketing, print culture, the floating world, National Studies, food culture, samurai activism, black ships, unequal treaties, anti-foreign terrorism, restorationism, millenarianism, modernization as westernization, Japan as imagined community.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 195: Modern Korean History

(Same as HISTORY 95. 195 is 5 units; 95 is 3 units.) This lecture course provides a general introduction to the history of modern Korea. Themes include the characteristics of the Chosôn dynasty, reforms and rebellions in the nineteenth century, Korean nationalism; Japan's colonial rule and Korean identities; decolonization and the Korean War; and the different state-building processes in North and South, South Korea's democratization in 1980s, and the current North Korean crisis.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Moon, Y. (PI)

HISTORY 195C: Modern Japanese History: From Samurai to Pokemon (JAPAN 195C)

(95C is 3 units; 195C is 5 units.) Japan's modern transformation from the late 19th century to the present. Topics include: the Meiji revolution; industrialization and social dislocation; the rise of democracy and empire; total war and US occupation; economic miracle and malaise; Japan as soft power; and politics of memory. Readings and films focus on the lived experience of ordinary men and women across social classes and regions.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Uchida, J. (PI); Fu, K. (TA)

HISTORY 196C: Resisting Empire: Anti-colonial Nationalism, Popular Politics & Decolonization in Modern South Asia (ASNAMST 96C, ASNAMST 196C, FEMGEN 96C, FEMGEN 196C, HISTORY 96C)

(HISTORY 96C is 3 units; 196C is 5 units.) How did subjects of British India respond to colonial rule? When and how did anti-colonial nationalism emerge in South Asia? How did leading thinkers of the region conceptualize the nature of colonialism and the methods of nationalist resistance? Did nationalism represent all social classes in British India? Did it also alienate and exclude? What tactics of resistance were developed in anti-colonial movements, especially by M. K. Gandhi? Why did independence arrive with the partition of British India into two nation-states - India and Pakistan? How did the colonial legacy shape the post-colonial nation-states of South Asia? In this this introductory lecture-based survey course on the history of modern South Asia, we will explore the answers to these questions. The course will span the period from the beginning of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, and cover the regions that constitute present day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. No prior knowledge of South Asia is necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shil, P. (PI)

HISTORY 197C: The Structure of Colonial Power: South Asia since the Eighteenth Century (ANTHRO 197C)

How did the colonial encounter shape the making of modern South Asia? Was colonial rule a radical rupture from the pre-modern past or did it embody historical continuities? Did colonial rule cause the economic underdevelopment of the region or were regional factors responsible for it? Did colonial forms of knowledge shape how we think of social structures in the Indian subcontinent? Did the colonial census merely register pre-existing Indian communities or did it reshape them? Did colonialism break with patriarchal power or further consolidate it? How did imperial power regulate sexuality in colonial India? What was the relationship between caste power and colonial power? How did capital and labor interact under colonial rule? How did colonialism mediate the very nature of modernity in the region?This lecture-based survey course will explore the nature of the most significant historical process that shaped modern South Asia from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries -- colonialism. It primarily deals with the regions that constituted the directly administered territories of British India, specifically regions that subsequently became the nation-states of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 198: The History of Modern China

(Same as HISTORY 98. 198 is 5 units; 98 is 3 units.) This course charts major historical transformations in modern China, and will be of interest to those concerned with Chinese politics, culture, society, ethnicity, economy, gender, international relations, and the future of the world.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mullaney, T. (PI)

HISTORY 200B: Doing Environmental History: Water Justice

This course is an introduction to the field of environmental history, or the study of how humans have influenced, and have been influenced by, diverse environments over time. We will employ various sources (written, visual, aural) to learn about different methods of doing environmental history with a focus on water justice, or how access to freshwater has historically reflected racial, gender and class disparities at multiple levels, from families to communities (urban and rural), states, nations, and empires, especially with the rise of industrial capitalism from the late 19th century and increasing scientific understanding of climate change in the late 20th century. Final assignments may be multi-media (Youtube, TikTok, Podcasts, etc) as well as traditional research papers.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-CE, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wolfe, M. (PI)

HISTORY 200D: Doing the History of Science and Technology

The history of science has often been at the crux of key debates in the larger field of history, including debates over objectivity and bias, relativism and the problem of "present-ism." This course explores key questions, methods and debates in the history of science and examines how historians of science have addressed these organizing problems of the historical discipline. This course forms part of the "Doing History" series: rigorous undergraduate colloquia that introduce the practice of history within a particular field or thematic area.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mullaney, T. (PI)

HISTORY 200F: Doing Microhistory

The genre of microhistory was expressly invented in the 1970s to recover the voices of people usually neglected in the past, often based on scanty sources. It's an exciting and risky endeavor, as the historian often has to fill in details lacking in the sources, a historical tightrope act. Class includes three sessions with authors of microhistory who share how they met these challenges:Profs. Zipperstein and Stokes (Stanford) and Getz (San Francisco State).
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 200GH: Doing Gender History (FEMGEN 200GH)

While history was once believed to be the study of "great men," war, and politics, in recent decades, histories of women, gender, and sexuality have flourished. This course explores the development and major questions in the subfield of gender history from a transnational perspective. It allows students to examine gender history at the craft level, including research methods, theoretical frameworks, and novel approaches to uncover what has been previously hidden or ignored. This course is part of the "Doing History" series, rigorous undergraduate colloquia that introduce the practice of history within a particular field or thematic area.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Iker, T. (PI)

HISTORY 200J: Doing Oral History (AMSTUD 200J)

Students explore exemplary historical works based on oral histories and develop a range of practical skills while completing their own interviews. Topics include oral history and narrative theory, interview techniques, transcript preparation, and digital archiving. Students also learn how to analyze interviews using both qualitative and quantitative methods, practice writing history using oral evidence, and experiment with digital humanities approaches for disseminating oral history, including the Stanford Oral History Text Analysis Project. This course forms part of the "Doing History" series: rigorous undergraduate colloquia that introduce the practice of history within a particular field or thematic area.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 200L: Doing Public History (CSRE 201L)

Examines history outside the classroom; its role in political/cultural debates in U.S. and abroad. Considers functions, practices, and reception of history in public arena, including museums, memorials, naming of buildings, courtrooms, websites, op-eds. Analyzes controversies arising when historians' work outside the academy challenges the status quo; role funders, interest groups, and the public play in promoting, shaping, or suppressing historical interpretation. Who gets to tell a group's story? What changes can public history enable? Students will engage in public history projects.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

HISTORY 200LB: Doing Labor History (FEMGEN 200LB)

How do historians access lives of the laboring poor in the past? What is the archive of the working-class life? Toiling in farms, plantations, workshops, mines, factories, brothels and households, workers seldom leave behind an account of their lives in their own words. How have labor historians devised methods and techniques of reading traces from the past of those who were on the margins of society and struggling for their survival, and dignity? In this undergraduate colloquium, we will engage with these questions, particularly through the historical scholarship on workers in the Global South. This course will provide an introduction to the history of the field of labor history across different parts of the world; discuss the tremendous influence of the historian E.P. Thompson in the shaping of the field; explore how studies of gender, race, caste, cultural identities, and of a global perspective, have transformed the field in profound ways; and how the modern world was built on the foundation of oppressive regimes of labor extraction such as slavery, indenture, and wage labor.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 200M: Doing Digital History

This course is designed to introduce students to the theories and methods of digital history. In keeping with the digital humanities- commitment to experimentation, public discourse, and praxis, we will compile a web presence for our seminar that includes blog posts from students that engage with the discussions and readings. A series of tutorials will provide hands-on experience with a range of common digital history tools. The course will culminate in a final project in which students apply DH methodologies to their own research interests.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 200MM: Doing Historical Memory

How do societies remember? What events and experiences become part of our shared patrimony and what stories are lost to time? Who decides? What are the dynamics -- and the politics -- of collective memory? In this course, we will examine these questions in the context of several different societies and historical problems. Topics examined include slavery and the transatlantic slave trade; the Holocaust; South African apartheid; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the Civil Rights movement; and the current battles over historical memorials and monuments.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

HISTORY 200P: Doing Religious History (AFRICAAM 200P, AFRICAST 200, RELIGST 210X)

What is religion, and how do we write its history? This undergraduate colloquium uses case studies from a variety of regions and periods - but with a specific focus on the African continent - to consider how historians have dealt with the challenge of writing accounts of the realm of religious and spiritual experience. We will explore the utility of oral history alongside written documentary sources as well as explore issues of objectivity and affiliation in writing religious histories. (This course has been submitted for WAY-SI and WAY-ED certification.)
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 200R: Doing Community History: Asian Americans and the Pandemic (AMSTUD 200R, ASNAMST 201)

Students utilize a community-engaged oral history methodology to produce short video documentaries focused on Asian Americans in the Covid-19 pandemic. In producing these collaborative digital history projects, students learn to evaluate the ways social power influences historical documentation at various levels including the making of sources, the construction of archives, and the telling of historical narratives. We ask: how have race and racism, ethnicity and community, gender and class, shaped the ways that the pandemic has influenced the lives of Asian Americans? To what extent have Asian American experiences with the pandemic been shaped by the recent global protests for racial justice and Black liberation? In studying the pandemic and its relationship to histories of race and racism, how should we understand the place of Asian Americans?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 200U: Doing History: Beyond the Book

This class will teach you how to look for clues in the historical record beyond the usual written texts. The past took place in three dimensions, involved five senses, and included actors that were not human beings. This course takes seriously the challenges of recovering a larger source base than books (although we will also consider books in their materiality as books). What are some of these non-text sources? How should we approach them? What are their prospects and limitations? What do we do when there aren't many sources for our subject? "How do we know what to look for?" is one of the most profound and important questions for historians - and scholars more generally - to ask themselves.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 200Y: Doing Colonial History

This course will explore major themes and debates in the history of modern colonialism in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Using case studies from Asia and Africa, "Doing Colonial History" will address the following issues of global importance: colonial conquest and governance, development vs. exploitation, education for assimilation, wartime and sexual violence, decolonization, and the politics of memory. This course is part of the "Doing History" series through which students learn how historians frame problems, collect and analyze evidence, and contribute to on-going debates.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Uchida, J. (PI)

HISTORY 201A: The Global Drug Wars (HISTORY 301A)

Explores the global story of the struggle over drugs from the nineteenth century to the present. Topics include the history of the opium wars in China, controversies over wine and tobacco in Iran, narco-trafficking and civil war in Lebanon, the Afghan 'narco-state,' Andean cocaine as a global commodity, the politics of U.S.- Mexico drug trafficking, incarceration, drugs, and race in the U.S., and the globalization of the American 'war on drugs.'
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Crews, R. (PI)

HISTORY 201C: The U.S., U.N. Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian War (INTNLREL 140C)

The involvement of U.S. and the UN in major wars and international interventions since the 1991 Gulf War. The UN Charter's provisions on the use of force, the origins and evolution of peacekeeping, the reasons for the breakthrough to peacemaking and peace enforcement in the 90s, and the ongoing debates over the legality and wisdom of humanitarian intervention. Case studies include Croatia and Bosnia, Somalia, Rwanda, Kosovo, East Timor, and Afghanistan. *International Relations majors taking this course to fulfill the WiM requirement should enroll in INTNLREL 140C for 5 units.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Patenaude, B. (PI)

HISTORY 202B: Coffee, Sugar, and Chocolate: Commodities and Consumption in World History, 1200-1800 (ARTHIST 102B, ARTHIST 302B, HISTORY 302B, HISTORY 402B)

Many of the basic commodities that we consider staples of everyday life became part of an increasingly interconnected world of trade, goods, and consumption between 1200 and 1800. This seminar offers an introduction to the material culture of the late medieval and early modern world, with an emphasis on the role of European trade and empires in these developments. We will examine recent work on the circulation, use, and consumption of things, starting with the age of the medieval merchant, and followed by the era of the Columbian exchange in the Americas that was also the world of the Renaissance collector, the Ottoman patron, and the Ming connoisseur. This seminar will explore the material horizons of an increasingly interconnected world, with the rise of the Dutch East India Company and other trading societies, and the emergence of the Atlantic economy. It concludes by exploring classic debates about the "birth" of consumer society in the eighteenth century. How did the meaning of things and people's relationships to them change over these centuries? What can we learn about the past by studying things? Graduate students who wish to take a two-quarter graduate research seminar need to enroll in 402B in fall and 430 in winter.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 202G: Peoples, Armies and Governments of the Second World War (HISTORY 302G)

Clausewitz conceptualized war as always consisting of a trinity of passion, chance, and reason, mirrored, respectively, in the people, army and government. Following Clausewitz, this course examines the peoples, armies, and governments that shaped World War II. Analyzes the ideological, political, diplomatic and economic motivations and constraints of the belligerents and their resulting strategies, military planning and fighting. Explores the new realities of everyday life on the home fronts and the experiences of non-combatants during the war, the final destruction of National Socialist Germany and Imperial Japan, and the emerging conflict between the victors. How the peoples, armies and governments involved perceived their possibilities and choices as a means to understand the origins, events, dynamics and implications of the greatest war in history.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Vardi, G. (PI)

HISTORY 203: Premodern Economic Cultures (HISTORY 303)

Modern economists have made a science of studying the aggregate effects of individual choices. This science is based on the realities of personal freedom and individual choice. Prior to the modern era, however, different realities comprised very different economic cultures: moral economies in which greed was evil and generosity benefitted the patron's soul; familial collectives operating within historical conditioned diasporas; economies of obligation that threatened to collapse under their own weight as economic structures shifted. In this course we will be reading cross-culturally to develop an understanding of the shared and distinct elements of premodern economic cultures.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stokes, L. (PI)

HISTORY 203B: East Asia Discovers the World: Cartographic Encounters from the Mongols to Meiji (HUMCORE 124)

Before the modern era, how did curious people in China, Korea, and Japan learn about the world? How did geographical information reach them, and how did they interpret it? This class will probe the history of cartographic exchange from the Mongols to Meiji from an East Asian perspective. Every Tuesday, we will examine East Asian maps; Thursday readings will introduce broader comparative perspectives. This course is part of the Humanities Core, a collaborative humanities seminar cluster. On Tuesdays we meet in our own course, while on Thursdays we will gather with two other HumCore classes for joint Plenary Sessions.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wigen, K. (PI)

HISTORY 204A: Reimagining History: A Workshop (HISTORY 299CAP1, HISTORY 304A)

This class explores, through analysis and practice, the ways in which history can be told and experienced through means other than traditional scholarly narratives. Approaches include literary fiction and non-fiction, digital media, graphic arts, maps, exhibitions, and film. A final project will require students to produce their own innovative work of history.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daughton, J. (PI)

HISTORY 204G: War and Society (HISTORY 304G, REES 304G)

(History 204G is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 304G is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) How Western societies and cultures have responded to modern warfare. The relationship between its destructive capacity and effects on those who produce, are subject to, and must come to terms with its aftermath. Literary representations of WW I; destructive psychological effects of modern warfare including those who take pleasure in killing; changes in relations between the genders; consequences of genocidal ideology and racial prejudice; the theory of just war and its practical implementation; how wars end and commemorated.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

HISTORY 205E: Comparative Historical Development of Latin America and East Asia (HISTORY 305E, ILAC 267E)

(Graduate students must enroll for 5 units.) Students will analyze, in historical perspective, the similarities and differences between the development of Latin America and East Asia from early modern times to the present. Focusing primarily on Brazil and Mexico, on one hand, and China and Japan, on the other, topics will include the impact of colonial and postcolonial relationships on the development of states, markets, and classes, as well as geopolitical, social, cultural, technological and environmental factors that shaped, and were shaped by, them.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 205K: The Age of Revolution: America, France, and Haiti (AFRICAAM 205K, AMSTUD 205K, HISTORY 305K)

(History 205K is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 305K is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) This course examines the "Age of Revolution," spanning the 18th and 19th centuries. Primarily, this course will focus on the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions (which overthrew both French and white planter rule). Taken together, these events reshaped definitions of citizenship, property, and government. But could republican principles-- color-blind in rhetoric-- be so in fact? Could nations be both republican and pro-slavery? Studying a wide range of primary materials, this course will explore the problem of revolution in an age of empires, globalization, and slavery.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Olivarius, K. (PI)

HISTORY 205L: Prostitution & Sex Trafficking: Regulating Morality and the Status of Women (CSRE 205L, FEMGEN 205L)

Examines governmental policies toward prostitution from the late 19th century to the present. Focuses on the underlying attitudes, assumptions, strategies, and consequences of various historical and current legal frameworks regulating prostitution, including: prohibitionism, abolitionism, legalization, partial decriminalization, and full decriminalization. Special focus on these policies' effects on sex trafficking, sex worker rights, and the status of women. Emphasis on Europe and the U.S., with additional cases from across the globe.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 206C: The Modern Battle (INTNLREL 183)

The purpose of this seminar is to examine the evolution of modern warfare by closely following four modern battles/campaigns. For this purpose the seminar offers four mock staff rides, facilitating highly engaged, well-researched experience for participants. In a mock staff ride, students are assigned roles; each student is playing a general or staff officer who was involved in the battle/campaign. Students will research their roles and, during the staff ride, will be required to explain "their" decisions and actions. Staff rides will not deviate from historical records, but closely examine how decisions were made, what pressures and forces were in action, battle outcomes, etc. This in-depth examination will allow students to gain a deeper understanding of how modern tactics, technology, means of communications, and the scale of warfare can decide, and indeed decided, campaigns. We will will spend two weeks preparing for and playing each staff ride. One meeting will be dedicated to discussing the forces shaping the chosen battle/campaign: the identity and goals ofnthe belligerents, the economic, technological, cultural and other factors involved, as well as the initial general plan. The second meeting will be dedicated to the battle itself. The four battles will illustrate major developments in modern warfare.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Vardi, G. (PI)

HISTORY 206E: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (COMPLIT 100, DLCL 100, FRENCH 175, GERMAN 175, ILAC 175, ITALIAN 175, URBANST 153)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

HISTORY 207B: The Irish and the World (HISTORY 307B)

"When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees. Maimed, stark and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious." The writer Edna O'Brien's portrait of Irish life encapsulates a history shaped by colonialism, famine, forced migration, and enduring political struggle. This course explores the global story of Ireland, a small land of 4.8 million that since 1800 has produced a diaspora of some 10 million people worldwide. Colonized and colonizers, freedom fighters and slave-owners, the starving and the wealthy, pious and irreverent-- the Irish reveal their past through memoirs, poetry, novels, music, film, and television.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 207C: The Global Early Modern (HISTORY 307C)

In what sense can we speak of "globalization" before modernity? What are the characteristics and origins of the economic system we know as "capitalism"? When and why did European economies begin to diverge from those of other Eurasian societies? With these big questions in mind, the primary focus will be on the history of Europe and European empires, but substantial readings deal with other parts of the world, particularly China and the Indian Ocean. HISTORY 307C is a prerequisite for HISTORY 402 (Spring quarter).
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Como, D. (PI)

HISTORY 208C: The Laws of War in Global History

What are the modern laws of war and how have they changed since they were first codified in the 1860s? What does it mean to wage a lawful war? Course readings focus on central through lines of the history of the laws of war: colonial hierarchies and exclusions, the problem of new weaponry, the conflict between humanity and military necessity, and law as wartime morality. We will also reflect on past and ongoing violations of the laws of war and discuss responses to such transgressions. Chronologically, discussions will range from the 1864 Geneva Conventions to the role of international humanitarian law in the Syrian Civil War and the Russo-Ukrainian War today.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 210D: Neighbors: Intimate Relationships and Everyday Life in Hitler's Europe

This course explores how different groups of people experienced Nazi rule in Germany and German-occupied Europe. While we will cover the general history of Hitler's rise to power, the prewar years of his rule, and the Second World War, our focus will be on the effects of fascism on everyday life and relationships between neighbors, family members, partners, friends, and coworkers. How did class, race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation interact with Nazi rule and occupation? The course pays special attention to the fate of European Jews and the Holocaust. On a theoretical level, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of "Alltagsgeschichte," or the history of everyday life, as an approach to studying Nazi rule. The course provides tools to manage efficiently a fairly high reading load, a skill that will greatly help students to succeed in future academic endeavors.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 210F: Making Italy Great Again: Mussolini, Italian Fascism, and Its Impact

100 years ago in 1922, Benito Mussolini and his followers marched Rome in a show of force that ushered in a period of radical change in Italian government and society, culminating in the establishment of the first fascist totalitarian regime. Who was Benito Mussolini? What were the factors that made Mussolini's rise to power possible? What was his fascist ideology? What effect did Mussolini have on Hitler and the NAZIs and what effect did Hitler have on Mussolini's Italy? What was Italian fascist culture? What was Mussolini's legacy in the wider world? What parallels exist between the world today and the world of the early 20th century? We will investigate these and other questions in this class.
| Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 210G: The Great War (INTNLREL 182)

The First World War provided a prototype and a reference for a new, horrific kind of war. It catalyzed the emergence of modern means of warfare and the social mechanisms necessary to sustain the industrialized war machine. Killing millions, it became the blueprint for the total war that succeeded it. It also brought about new social and political orders, transforming the societies which it mobilized at unprecedented levels. This course will examine the military, political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the conflict. We will discuss the origins and outbreak of the war, the land, sea and air campaigns, the war's economic and social consequences, the home fronts, the war's final stages in eastern and western Europe as well as non-European fronts, and finally, the war's impact on the international system and on its belligerents' and participants' perceptions of the new reality it had created.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Vardi, G. (PI)

HISTORY 210J: Fascism and Authoritarianism

This course introduces students to the history of fascist and authoritarian movements in modern Europe, from their origins through the post-WWII era. Germany and Italy will serve as central case studies, though the course will consider other examples as well. Through analytical consideration of secondary sources, primary texts, and art as political propaganda, we will interrogate the meanings and applications of these fraught and complex terms, the different forms taken by fascist and authoritarian movements, and their relationship to nationalism, race, religion, gender, and economic and political institutions. Why did millions of Europeans accept -- and even enthusiastically support -- fascist and authoritarian regimes? To what extent was a single, charismatic leader central to the success or failure of such governments? The course will conclude with an opportunity to reflect on the degree to which fascism and authoritarianism are concepts that remain relevant to political discourse in the twenty-first century.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 211: Out of Eden: Deportation, Exile, and Expulsion from Antiquity to the Renaissance (HISTORY 311, JEWISHST 211)

This course examines the long pedigree of modern deportations and mass expulsions, from the forced resettlements of the ancient world to the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, and from the outlawry of Saga-era Iceland to the culture of civic exile in Renaissance Italy. The course focuses on Europe and the Mediterranean from antiquity to the early modern period, but students are welcome to venture beyond these geographical and chronological boundaries for their final papers.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 212D: Dante's World: A Medieval and Renaissance Journey

700 years ago this year Dante Alighieri died. The Italian poet, philosopher, politician, and humanist crafted one of the great epics of world literature, The Divine Comedy. For seven centuries, his journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven has been a source of inspiration and fascination for countless artists, critics, and students from all over the world. Yet, at heart, his tale is a commentary upon the complex, violent, wealthy, and deeply religious world to which Dante belonged. In this class, we will investigate Dante's world. Medieval Italy held a privileged place in Latin Christendom. Its location upon a peninsula, jutting out into the Mediterranean Sea, meant it was wedged between and deeply affected by the Islamic and Byzantine worlds. It was home to merchants, bankers, nobles, university students, friars, nuns, and heretics, popes, prostitutes, and the city-states in which they all lived together. Italy played a leading role throughout the Middle Ages in economy, art, culture, religion, and politics and gives us the opportunity to jump into a rich and fascinating world, much different from our own. Our guide and witness to this world will be Dante. Each week students will read selected portions of Dante's journey through the afterlife in order to make their own journey through the world of Italy in the Middle Ages.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 213F: Medieval Germany, 900-1250 (GERMAN 213, GERMAN 313, HISTORY 313F)

(Undergraduates may sign up for German 213 or History 213F, graduate students should sign up for German 313 or History 313F. This course may be taken for variable units. Check the individual course numbers for unit spreads.) This course will provide a survey of the most important political, historical, and cultural events and trends that took place in the German-speaking lands between 900 and 1250. Important themes include the evolution of imperial ideology and relations with Rome, expansion along the eastern frontier, the crusades, the investiture controversy, the rise of powerful cities and civic identities, monastic reform and intellectual renewal, and the flowering of vernacular literature. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 1-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 216D: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Lord of the Rings: The Middle Ages in the Modern World

From its inception the term "Middle Ages" carried negative connotations. Renaissance humanists bewailed the fall of the Roman Empire and its replacement with "barbarian" kingdoms. Enlightenment philosophes abhorred the Middle Ages even more intensely than their Renaissance forerunners and decried medieval "superstition" and "barbarism." Nevertheless, as part of their rejection of the Enlightenment, nineteenth-century Romantics embraced the Middle Ages and sought inspiration for political and cultural renewal within medieval civilization. From nationalist movements, to colonialism, to movements within high and popular culture interest in the Middle Ages helped fashion the modern world in important ways. This class will explore the complex history associated with the images of the Middle Ages in the modern world.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 217D: Love, Death and the Afterlife in the Medieval West (FRENCH 217, FRENCH 317, HISTORY 317D, ITALIAN 217, ITALIAN 317)

Romantic love, it is often claimed, is an invention of the High Middle Ages. The vocabulary of sexual desire that is still current in the twenty-first century was authored in the twelfth and thirteenth, by troubadours, court poets, writers like Dante; even by crusaders returning from the eastern Mediterranean. How did this devout society come to elevate the experience of sensual love? This course draws on primary sources such as medieval songs, folktales, the "epic rap battles" of the thirteenth century, along with the writings of Boccaccio, Saint Augustine and others, to understand the unexpected connections between love, death, and the afterlife from late antiquity to the fourteenth century. Each week, we will use a literary or artistic work as an interpretive window into cultural attitudes towards love, death or the afterlife. These readings are analyzed in tandem with major historical developments, including the rise of Christianity, the emergence of feudal society and chivalric culture, the crusading movement, and the social breakdown of the fourteenth century.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 218: The Holy Dead: Saints and Spiritual Power in Medieval Europe (HISTORY 318, RELIGST 218X, RELIGST 318X)

Examines the cult of saints in medieval religious thought and life. Topics include martyrs, shrines, pilgrimage, healing, relics, and saints' legends.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 218C: Peace and War in Medieval Islam: From the Arab Conquests to the Crusades (GLOBAL 190, GLOBAL 232, HISTORY 318C)

This course interrogates the theory and reality of war-making and peacemaking across the first millennium of Islamic history (c.600-c.1600 CE). We will examine major historical events (e.g. the struggle of the early community of Muslims against the pagan tribes of Arabia; Arab expansion and conquest during the seventh and eighth centuries; a sequence of civil wars, dynastic struggles, and schisms within Islam; and external invasions of the Islamic world by crusaders and steppe nomads, etc.). We will also investigate the development of major normative concepts across the Islamic tradition concerning peace and war (e.g. holy war; treaty- and truce-making; treatment of conquered enemies and prisoner; diplomacy with Muslims and non-Muslims, etc.). With respect to these concepts, we will attend especially to change over time and diversity across various sects. Mix of lecture and discussion. Readings will consist of both primary sources (in English translation) and modern scholarship. No previous experience with pre-modern or Islamic history required.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 221B: The 'Woman Question' in Modern Russia (FEMGEN 221B, HISTORY 321B)

(History 221B is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 321B is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) Russian radicals believed that the status of women provided the measure of freedom in a society and argued for the extension of rights to women as a basic principle of social progress. The social status and cultural representations of Russian women from the mid-19th century to the present. The arguments and actions of those who fought for women's emancipation in the 19th century, theories and policies of the Bolsheviks, and the reality of women's lives under them. How the status of women today reflects on the measure of freedom in post-Communist Russia.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-SI

HISTORY 222: Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe and Russia (HISTORY 322A)

Explores criminal law in early modern Europe and Russia, ca 1500-1800, in law and in practice. Engages debates about use of exemplary public executions as tactic of governance, and about gradual decline in "violence" in Europe over this time. Explores practice of accusatory and inquisitory judicial procedures, judicial torture, forms of punishment, concepts of justice.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kollmann, N. (PI)

HISTORY 223F: Russia's Industrial Revolutions: The Making and Breaking of a Superpower

In the span of a single century, Russia went from unstable empire to revolutionary proving ground, from scene of mass starvation to space pioneer, from the geopolitical sidelines to a seat among superpowers -- all before falling back again. This course foregrounds industrialization, economic development, and (often agonizing) adaptation as engines of these dramatic transformations. Was pre-revolutionary Russia 'backwards' as many suggested? Can state socialism be credited for decades of rapid growth and the landmark achievements of the USSR? Or should it be blamed for economic stagnation, environmental degradation, and the ultimate collapse of an empire? How have the conditions of that late 20th-century collapse impacted the country's prospects and problems into the 21st? Readings and assignments will encourage students to explore various methodological approaches -- social, cultural, economic, urban -- to address long-term themes and sector-specific histories of Russian industrialization. (This course has been submitted for WAY-SI and WAY-EDP certifications, currently pending review.)
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 224C: Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention (HISTORY 324C, JEWISHST 284C, JEWISHST 384C, PEDS 224)

Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Traces the history of genocide in the 20th century and the question of humanitarian intervention to stop it, a topic that has been especially controversial since the end of the Cold War. The pre-1990s discussion begins with the Armenian genocide during the First World War and includes the Holocaust and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. Coverage of genocide and humanitarian intervention since the 1990s includes the wars in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, the Congo and Sudan.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Patenaude, B. (PI)

HISTORY 225E: From Vladimir to Putin: Key Themes in Russian History (HISTORY 325E, REES 225E)

Formative issues in Russian history from Muscovy to the present: autocracy and totalitarianism; tsars, emperors, and party secretaries; multi-ethnicity and nationalism; serfdom, peasantry; rebellions and revolutions, dissent and opposition; law and legality; public and private spheres; religion and atheism; patterns of collapse. Class format will be discussion of one to two assigned books or major articles per class.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 225G: Propaganda Century: 20th-Century Preoccupations with Mass Influence

The course explores the idea of propaganda as one of the central obsessions of 20th-century thought and politics. It traces the history of propaganda, from the early 20th century optimistic ideas about mass manipulation and political education to post-WWII anxieties around totalitarianism and capitalist public opinion manipulation. The course examines just how malleable or resistant various 20th-century belief systems considered societies to be. It also explores how they have thought of the ethics and desirability of mass persuasion and how they struggled with adjacent concepts such as the crowd, mass society, totalitarianism, false consciousness, manufactured consent, etc. It concludes by exploring the waning of propaganda discourse in the late-1980s. As an epilogue, we will discuss propaganda's modified resurgence a generation later in today's concerns over "new media," "viral misinformation," and "indoctrination." The course aims to help students historicize the concept of propaganda and contextualize it transnationally, bridging cultural, political, and theoretical divides.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HISTORY 226D: The Holocaust: Insights from New Research (HISTORY 326D, JEWISHST 226E, JEWISHST 326D)

Overview of the history of the Holocaust, the genocide of European Jews. Explores its causes, course, consequences, and memory. Addresses the events themselves, as well as the roles of perpetrators and bystanders, dilemmas faced by victims, collaboration of local populations, and the issue of rescue. Considers how the Holocaust was and is remembered and commemorated by victims and participants alike. Uses different kinds of sources: scholarly work, memoirs, diaries, film, and primary documents.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 226E: Famine in the Modern World (HISTORY 326E, PEDS 226)

Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Examines the major famines of modern history, the controversies surrounding them, and the reasons that famine persists in our increasingly globalized world. Focus is on the relative importance of natural, economic, and political factors as causes of famine in the modern world. Case studies include the Great Irish Famine of the 1840s; the Bengal famine of 1943-44; the Soviet famines of 1921-22 and 1932-33; China's Great Famine of 1959-61; the Ethiopian famines of the 1970s and 80s, and the Somalia famines of the 1990s and of 2011.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 227: East European Women and War (FEMGEN 227, HISTORY 327)

Thematic & chronological approach to conflicts in the region 20th & 21st centuries: Balkan Wars, WWI, WWII, Yugoslav wars, & current Russo-Ukrainian War. Ways women in E. Europe involved in and affected by wars; comparison with women in W. Europe in the two world wars. Examines women during war as members of military services, underground movements, workers, volunteers, mothers of soldiers, subjects and supporters of war aims and propaganda, activists in peace movements, and objects of wartime destruction, dislocation, and sexual violation.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-SI

HISTORY 227B: The Business of Socialism: Economic Life in Cold War Eastern Europe (REES 205)

This colloquium investigates the processes of buying, making, and selling goods and services in Cold War Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. We will familiarize ourselves with a variety of approaches to writing the history of economic life and discuss to what extent they are applicable to state socialist systems. Our focus will not be on theories of socialism but on empirically grounded studies that allow for insights into how the system operated in practice and interacted with capitalism. We will, among others, explore the following questions: What was the role of the state in the economies east and west of the Iron Curtain? Are socialism and capitalism two incompatible systems? How did women experience and shape economic life after the Second World War? What had a greater impact on the economies of the region: Cold War politics or globalization?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 227K: Marx and Marxism: History and Social Change

This course examines the life and work of Karl Marx, his social and intellectual milieu, and the evolution of Marxism and historical materialism in theory and practice to the present. Basic concepts of Marxism will be discussed along with debates about orthodox or unorthodox extensions. Critiques of Marx and Marxism from the perspective of gender and race will be addressed. The learning outcomes anticipated include facility with Marxist terminology, a basic understanding of the biography of Marx, an overview of the historical development of Marxism and its role in shaping world history, and the development of critical tools for the evaluation and extension of Marxist concepts in contemporary settings.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 228: Circles of Hell: Poland in World War II (HISTORY 328, JEWISHST 282, JEWISHST 382)

Looks at the experience and representation of Poland's wartime history from the Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) to the aftermath of Yalta (1945). Examines Nazi and Soviet ideology and practice in Poland, as well as the ways Poles responded, resisted, and survived. Considers wartime relations among Polish citizens, particularly Poles and Jews. In this regard, interrogates the traditional self-characterization of Poles as innocent victims, looking at their relationship to the Holocaust, thus engaging in a passionate debate still raging in Polish society.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 231: Leonardo's World: Science, Technology, and Art (ARTHIST 231, ARTHIST 431, HISTORY 331, ITALIAN 231, ITALIAN 331)

Leonardo da Vinci is emblematic of creativity and innovation. His art is iconic, his inventions legendary. His understanding of nature, the human body, and machines made him a scientist and engineer as well as an artist. His fascination with drawing buildings made him an architect, at least on paper. This class explores the historical Leonardo, considering his interests and accomplishments as a product of the society of Renaissance Italy. Why did this world produce a Leonardo? Special attention will be given to interdisciplinary connections between religion, art, science, and technology.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 231G: The Battle for Souls: Europe's Religious Reformations, 1500-1650

How do you get to heaven, and who has the right to decide? The Reformation ruptured Europe and ultimately fractured Western Christianity with competing claims about the soul's health, and the necessary personal beliefs and communal norms to sustain it. It plunged this world into compounding crises of faith, politics, and conscience. At the same time, a media revolution heralded an age of propaganda and censorship. The emergent technology of printing unleashed fiercely public debates that encouraged people to question everything, giving rise to new ideas about skepticism, doubt, and certainty, and new social methods of controlling opinion. We will examine the Reformation by looking at the intersections of media, science, and politics with faith, and grapple with religion's inadvertent role in secularizing society.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 232G: Early Modern Cities (HISTORY 332G)

Colloquium on the history of early modern European cities, covering urbanization, street life, neighborhoods, fortifications, guilds and confraternities, charity, vagrancy, and begging, public health, city-countryside relationship, urban constitutions, and confederations. Assignments include annotated bibliography, book review, and a final paper. Second-quarter continuation of research seminar available (HIST299S or HIST402).
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 233: Reformation to Civil War: England under the Tudors and Stuarts (HISTORY 333)

English political and religious culture from the end of the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War of the 1640s. Themes include the growth of the size and power of the state, Reformation, creation of a Protestant regime, transformation of the political culture of the ruling elite, emergence of Puritanism, and causes of the Civil War. HISTORY 333 is a prerequisite for HISTORY 402 (Spring quarter).
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Como, D. (PI)

HISTORY 233C: Two British Revolutions (HISTORY 333C)

Current scholarship on Britain,1640-1700, focusing on political and religious history. Topics include: causes and consequences of the English civil war and revolution; rise and fall of revolutionary Puritanism; the Restoration; popular politics in the late 17th century; changing contours of religious life; the crisis leading to the Glorious Revolution; and the new order that emerged after the deposing of James II.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-SI

HISTORY 233F: Political Thought in Early Modern Britain (HISTORY 333F)

1500 to 1700. Theorists include Hobbes, Locke, Harrington, the Levellers, and lesser known writers and schools. Foundational ideas and problems underlying modern British and American political thought and life.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Como, D. (PI)

HISTORY 233G: Global Visions: Faith and Knowledge in the Early Modern World

The early modern world saw Catholicism transform itself into a global faith. Missionaries traveled with expanding Portuguese, Spanish, French empires, and beyond to translate their message of salvation into every culture possible from the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy to the Japanese shogunate. No group was more instrumental in this regard than the Jesuits. Between 1534 and its suppression by the pope in 1773, the Society of Jesus grew from seven founding members to several thousand worldwide. As evangelizers they operated at boundaries of political, cultural, and metaphysical conflict. As global observers they became astronomers, linguists, ethnographers, historians, and mapmakers. We will critically examine Jesuit strategies to expand their religious network across every inhabitable continent, as well as the distinctive range of reactions from host societies. The extraordinary range of mission fields challenges us with issues of political and cultural conflict, integration, and appropriation. What did it mean to globalize religion in this era? How did missionaries facilitate and maneuver societal confrontation, and how did this conflict shape lasting knowledge and faith?
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 234: The Enlightenment (DLCL 324, HISTORY 334)

The Enlightenment as a philosophical, literary, and political movement. Themes include the nature and limits of philosophy, the grounds for critical intellectual engagement, the institution of society and the public, and freedom, equality and human progress. Authors include Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hume, Diderot, and Condorcet.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Riskin, J. (PI)

HISTORY 234P: The Age of Plague: Medicine and Society, 1300-1750 (STS 200U)

(Undergraduates, enroll in 234P. Graduates, enroll in 334P) The arrival of plague in Eurasia in 1347-51 affected many late medieval and early modern societies. It transformed their understanding of disease, raised questions about the efficacy of medical knowledge, and inspired new notions of public health. This class explores the history of medicine in the medieval Islamic and European worlds. Changing ideas about the body, the roles of different healers and religion in healing, the growth of hospitals and universities, and the evolution of medical theory and practice will be discussed. How did medicine and society change in the age of plague?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 235J: The Meaning of Life: Modern European Encounters with Consequential Questions

(History 235J is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 335J is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) Across two centuries of social, political, and religious upheaval and transformation, modern Europeans confronted a series of interconnected ¿big questions¿: What is humanity¿s relationship with deity? Where does life, including human life, come from, and where is it going? What considerations should shape human beings¿ relationships with, and actions toward, one another? What is socially and morally acceptable¿or transgressive? Is there life after death, and a spiritual realm distinct from the material world? Through case studies in the history of religion, evolutionary thought, gender and sexuality, and the aims and ends of empire, this course will examine European engagement with these questions across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (with some background in earlier periods), paying attention to the ways in which the questions people asked¿and the conclusions they drew¿were shaped by social, religious, and political institutions and structures.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 235L: Alien Imaginations: Extraterrestrial Speculations in Modern European History

(History 235L is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 335L is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) This course will examine the historical basis and evolution of modern European beliefs concerning the existence and nature of alien life throughout the universe, and the ways in which these imagined alien beings have historically reflected an interplay of social, religious, political, and scientific assumptions, hopes, fears, and preoccupations. We will explore the relationship between belief in extraterrestrial life and historical themes and episodes in European history including the debate over heliocentrism, deism and freethought, theories of life and of human nature, changing concepts of national identity, and the intertwined histories of immigration, colonialism, race, and gender. We will particularly examine how and why concepts of the alien took a dark and sinister turn across the late nineteenth- and early-to-mid-twentieth centuries.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 236F: French Kiss: The History of Love and the French Novel (FRENCH 159, FRENCH 256)

The history of the French novel is also the history of love. How did individuals experience love throughout history? How do novels reflect this evolution of love through the ages? And, most significantly, how have French novels shaped our own understanding of and expectations for romantic love today? The course will explore many forms of love from the Ancien R¿gime to the 20th century. Sentiment and seduction, passion and desire, the conflict between love and society: students will examine these themes from a historical perspective, in tandem with the evolution of the genre of the novel (the novella, the sentimental novel, the epistolary novel, the 19th-century novel, and the autobiographical novel). Some texts will be paired with contemporary films to probe the enduring relevance of love "¿ la fran¿aise" in the media today. Readings include texts by Lafayette, Pr¿vost, Laclos, Dumas fils, Flaubert, Colette, Yourcenar, and Duras. This is an introductory course to French Studies, with a focus on cultural history, literary history, interpretation of narrative, thematic analysis, and close reading. Undergraduate students should enroll for FRENCH159, while graduate students may enroll for FRENCH256. Readings and discussion in English.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Edmondson, C. (PI)

HISTORY 238C: Virtual Italy (ARCHLGY 117, CLASSICS 115, ENGLISH 115, ITALIAN 115)

Classical Italy attracted thousands of travelers throughout the 1700s. Referring to their journey as the "Grand Tour," travelers pursued intellectual passions, promoted careers, and satisfied wanderlust, all while collecting antiquities to fill museums and estates back home. What can computational approaches tell us about who traveled, where and why? We will read travel accounts; experiment with parsing; and visualize historical data. Final projects to form credited contributions to the Grand Tour Project, a cutting-edge digital platform. No prior programming experience necessary.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ceserani, G. (PI)

HISTORY 238J: The European Scramble for Africa: Origins and Debates (AFRICAAM 238J, HISTORY 338J)

Why and how did Europeans claim control of 70% of African in the late nineteenth century? Students will engage with historiographical debates ranging from the national (e.g. British) to the topical (e.g. international law). Students will interrogate some of the primary sources on which debaters have rested their arguments. Key discussions include: the British occupation of Egypt; the autonomy of French colonial policy; the mystery of Germany¿s colonial entry; and, not least, the notorious Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Press, S. (PI)

HISTORY 239D: Capital and Empire (HISTORY 339D)

This colloquium for advanced undergraduate and graduate students will investigate the political economy of modern empire, focusing on the British empire. Topics include the history of imperial corporations; industry and empire; the commodification of nature and life; racial capitalism; the formation of the global economy; the relationship between trafficking and free trade; and the relationship between empire and the theory and practice of development.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 239T: What is Time?

At a basic level, history is the study of change over time. But the modern discipline of history, as it was formed during the Enlightenment, radically changed conceptions of time itself: from something at times understood as cyclical or directionless to something linear and teleological. Modern history then prompted further reconceptualizations of time: Capitalism introduced new ways of valuing time; the Darwinian revolution introduced a new scale of earthly time; the world wars dented faith in the idea that time passed in the direction of progress; and now climate change has altered conceptions of time in a new way. This course examines evolving understandings of the medium of the historian's craft: what is time? We will examine poetic, scientific, literary, and geographical conceptions of time and trace time's modern history: how colonialism and capitalism produced new experiences of time, and anticolonial and anticapitalist critiques of those experiences. Throughout, we will consider how this history should shape the way historians think about change over time, in terms of questions of scale, human experience, and disciplinary purpose.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 240: The History of Evolution (HISTORY 340)

This course examines the history of evolutionary biology from its emergence around the middle of the eighteenth century. We will consider the continual engagement of evolutionary theories of life with a larger, transforming context: philosophical, political, social, economic, institutional, aesthetic, artistic, literary. Our goal will be to achieve a historical rich and nuanced understanding of how evolutionary thinking about life has developed to its current form.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 241C: Histories of Attention and Mind Control

This course follows the history of attention from the Enlightenment and the rise of capitalism to Cold War controversies over mind control and recent debates on the attention economy and the ethics of technology. Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on a discrete aspect of information, which regulates what enters consciousness. In an age of information abundance, digital technologies compete to catch and direct our attention. Offering a historical perspective, the course readings trace how attention has been constructed, studied, commodified, and manipulated throughout the modern period by travelling across various regions including the Middle East, Europe, the Caribbean and North America. Consideration will be given to the training and altering of attention, to spectacle and the manipulation of attention, and to the shifting economies of attention. We will explore how practices such as mesmerism, hypnotism, and conjure became part of power relationships within social, racial, gendered, religious and cultural contexts, and how attention was made to reproduce different relationships of inequality between the industrial revolution and the advent of surveillance capitalism. The course is divided into three parts. It begins with introducing approaches to attention by historians, philosophers, and scholars of visual studies among others. Second is a more empirical analysis of how slavery, industrialism, advertising, cinema, science, and technology came together to shape modern theories of attention. The course then ends with several weeks on the current politics of attention and the attention economy.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 242J: London Low Life in the Nineteenth Century

(History 242J is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 342J is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) London began the nineteenth century as a city of one million, but was home to over six million people by the century¿s end. How did Londoners in the nineteenth century respond to the challenges and temptations of life in a growing metropolis? How did government and reformers try to influence and control city dwellers¿ behavior? This class seeks to answer these questions by exploring life in Britain¿s capital in the nineteenth century, using the digital database ¿London Low Life¿ as a guide. Contemporary street literature, night-life guides, pamphlets, broadsides, images, reformer¿s tracts, and public-interest journalism are some of the sources that will give us a window into vice, virtue, and daily life in London during a period of great uncertainty and change.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 243C: People, Plants, and Medicine: Atlantic World Amerindian, African, and European Science (CSRE 243C, CSRE 443C, FEMGEN 443C, HISTORY 343C, HISTORY 443C)

Explores the global circulation of plants, peoples, disease, medicines, technologies, and knowledge. Considers primarily Africans, Amerindians, and Europeans in the eighteenth-century Atlantic World and focuses on their exchanges in the Caribbean, in particular within the French and British empires. We also take examples from other knowledge traditions, where relevant. Readings treat science and medicine in relation to voyaging, the natural history of plants, environmental exchange, racism, and slavery in colonial contexts. Colonial sciences and medicines were important militarily and strategically for positioning emerging nation states in global struggles for land and resources. Upper-level undergrads must apply for 243C; please fill in this short form: Graduate students taking the course as a one-quarter seminar should enroll in 343C. Graduate students taking the course as a two-part graduate research seminar should enroll in the 443C (Part I) in Winter and the 443D (Part II) in Spring.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schiebinger, L. (PI)

HISTORY 243D: Emerging Diseases, Past and Present

This course will use our current experience with the COVID-19 pandemic as a lens to study the processes by which infectious diseases emerge. Because of recent developments in the "historicist sciences" (bioarchaeology and palaeogenetics), it is possible to piece together the origin stories of some of the world's most impactful diseases. How does a "microbe's-eye view" of disease emergence change our understanding of past (and present) pandemics? Is it possible that understanding emergence might help us better understand why certain diseases have continued to proliferate, refusing to yield to modern interventions?We will focus on several major diseases transmitted between the Old and New Worlds before and after 1500. At issue is not simply the original spillover event (the transfer of a pathogen from one host species to humans), but the question of how these diseases exploit human connectivity to proliferate. These early globalizing stories will be compared with the story of SARS-CoV-2 as its own "origin story" continues to unfold. Given current critiques of the failures of "global health," what do these origin stories have to tell us about how diseases become "endemic"? Is humankind both the cause of its major diseases, but also doomed to endure them in perpetuity?
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 243E: Culture and Revolution in Africa (AFRICAAM 213, COMPLIT 213, FRENCH 213E, GLOBAL 213)

This course investigates the relationship between culture, revolutionary decolonization, and post-colonial trajectories. It probes the multilayered development of 20th and 21st-century African literature amid decolonization and Cold War cultural diplomacy initiatives and the debates they generated about African literary aesthetics, African languages, the production of history, and the role of the intellectual. We will journey through national cultural movements, international congresses, and pan-African festivals to explore the following questions: What role did writers and artists play in shaping the discourse of revolutionary decolonization throughout the continent and in the diaspora? How have literary texts, films, and works of African cultural thought shaped and engaged with concepts such as "African unity" and "African cultural renaissance"? How have these notions influenced the imaginaries of post-independence nations, engendered new subjectivities, and impacted gender and generational dynamics? How did the ways of knowing and modes of writing promoted and developed in these contexts shape African futures?
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Seck, F. (PI)

HISTORY 244F: New Directions in Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, Technology, and Environment (FEMGEN 344F, HISTORY 344F)

Welcome! This is a new upper-level course in Gendered Innovations that explores how sex, gender, and intersectional analysis in research and design sparks discovery and innovation. This course focuses on sex and gender, and considers factors intersecting with sex and gender, including age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational background, disabilities, geographic location, etc., where relevant. We will read new research touching on basic concepts, intersectional design, gendering social robots, new approaches to sustainability, what's new in biomedicine & public health, facial recognition, inclusive crash test dummies, and more. As Director of Gendered Innovations, I work with the European Commission, Wellcome Trust, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and major journals on policy to support integrating sex, gender, and intersectional analysis into the design of research. The operative question is: how can this type of analysis lead to discovery & innovation while enhancing social equity and environmental sustainability? Students will read and report on new research in weekly sessions and present a paper on a topic of their choice. We welcome open and respectful discussion. This course is open to upper-level undergraduate students and to graduate students by application Limited to 15.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schiebinger, L. (PI)

HISTORY 246G: Participatory Research in African History

Historical research in Africa is liable to issues of authenticity and relevance to local communities, as well as power disparities between researcher and subject. Can we turn this weakness into a strength by developing theory and practice of participatory action research in which communities and scholars work together to make meaningful interpretations of the past? We will explore this issue, study previous attempts, and design a participatory action research project to be carried out in Ghana.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HISTORY 247: Gender and Sexuality in African History (AFRICAAM 247, FEMGEN 247, FEMGEN 347, HISTORY 347)

This course examines the history of gender and sexuality in twentieth and twenty-first century Africa. It explores how concepts, identities, and practices of gender and sexuality have changed in shifting social, cultural, political, and economic contexts across the continent and in connection with global currents. This historical journey encompasses European colonialism, independence, postcolonial nation-building, and current times. Course materials include African novels, films, material culture and multinational scholarly research and primary sources. We will also engage multidisciplinary perspectives, methodologies, and theories as tools for critical thinking, writing and varied modes of producing knowledge. Gender and sexuality(ies) as examined in this course act as gateways to explore transformations in : selfhood, peoplehood, and life stage; health, medicine, reproduction, and the body; law and criminality; marriage, kinship, family, and community; politics, power and protest; feminism(s); popular culture; religion and belief; LGBTQI+ themes; and the history of emotions, including love, joy, desire, pain, and trauma.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 249: The Mamluks: Slave-Soldiers and Sultans of Medieval Egypt (GLOBAL 102, GLOBAL 210, HISTORY 349A)

Known as ghulam or mamluk in Arabic, the slave-soldier was a ubiquitous phenomenon in the world of medieval Islam. Usually pagan steppe nomads, mamluks were purchased in adolescence, converted to Islam, taught Arabic, and trained to lead armies. Sometimes manumitted and sometimes not, in either case mamluks rose to positions of privilege and prominence in numerous regimes in the medieval Middle East. Nowhere was the mamluk institution so fundamental as it was in Egypt between 1250 and 1517 CE, when Cairo was ruled by these slave-soldiers, their ranks constantly renewed by imports of new mamluks from the Black Sea and Caucuses. Born in the age of the crusades and ultimately conquered by the Ottoman Empire, the Mamluk Sultanate can be understood as a bridge between the worlds of medieval and early modern Islam, as well as between East and West, sitting astride the major Nile-Red Sea route that linked the Mediterranean world to that of the Indian Ocean and beyond. This class will investigate the rise and fall of the Mamluk Sultanate in Egypt and its key roles in the commercial, diplomatic, and political history both of the medieval Middle East and the wider world.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 250B: Comparative History of Racial & Ethnic Groups in California (CSRE 114R, NATIVEAM 114)

Comparative focus on the demographic, political, social and economic histories of American Indians & Alaska Natives, African Americans, Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans during late 18th and early 20th century California. Topics: relationships with Spanish, Mexican, U.S. Federal, State and local governments; intragroup and intergroup relationships; and differences such as religion, class and gender.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 251C: The American Enlightenment (AMSTUD 251C)

The eighteenth century saw the rise of many exciting new political, religious, and scientific theories about human happiness, perfectibility, and progress that today we call "the Enlightenment." Most people associate the Enlightenment with Europe, but in this course we will explore the many ways in which the specific conditions of eighteenth-century North America --such as slavery, the presence of large numbers of indigenous peoples, a colonial political context, and even local animals, rocks, and plants--also shaped the major questions and conversations of the people who strove to become "enlightened." We'll also explore how American Enlightenment ideas have profoundly shaped the way Americans think today about everything from politics to science to race. The class is structured as lecture and discussion, with deep reading in primary sources from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 251J: American Slavery and Its Afterlives (AFRICAAM 251J, AMSTUD 251J, HISTORY 351J)

How did the institution of American slavery come to an end? The story is more complex than most people know. This course examines the rival forces that fostered slavery's simultaneous contraction in the North and expansion in the South between 1776 and 1861. It also illuminates, in detail, the final tortuous path to abolition during the Civil War. Throughout, the course introduces a diverse collection of historical figures, including seemingly paradoxical ones, such as slaveholding southerners who professed opposition to slavery and non-slaveholding northerners who acted in ways that preserved it. During the course's final weeks, we will examine the racialized afterlives of American slavery as they manifested during the late-nineteenth century and beyond.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 252: Originalism and the American Constitution: History and Interpretation (AMSTUD 252, HISTORY 352)

Except for the Bible no text has been the subject of as much modern interpretive scrutiny as the United States Constitution. This course explores both the historical dimensions of its creation as well as the meaning such knowledge should bring to bear on its subsequent interpretation. In light of the modern obsession with the document's "original meaning," this course will explore the intersections of history, law, and textual meaning to probe what an "original" interpretation of the Constitution looks like.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Gienapp, J. (PI)

HISTORY 252C: The Old South: Culture, Society, and Slavery (AFRICAAM 252C, CSRE 252C)

This course explores the political, social, and cultural history of the antebellum American South, with an emphasis on the history of African-American slavery. Topics include race and race making, slave community and resistance, gender and reproduction, class and immigration, commodity capitalism, technology, disease and climate, indigenous Southerners, white southern honor culture, the Civil War, and the region's place in national mythmaking and memory.
Last offered: Spring 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 252E: From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco (AMSTUD 150X, URBANST 150)

This class will examine the history of San Francisco from Native American and colonial settlement through the present. Focus is on social, environmental, and political history, with the theme of power in the city. Topics include Native Americans, the Gold Rush, immigration and nativism, railroads and robber barons, earthquake and fire, progressive reform and unionism, gender, race and civil rights, sexuality and politics, counterculture, redevelopment and gentrification. Students write final project in collaboration with ShapingSF, a participatory community history project documenting and archiving overlooked stories and memories of San Francisco. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center)
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 253F: Thinking the American Revolution (AMSTUD 253F, HISTORY 353F)

No period in American history has generated as much creative political thinking as the era of the American Revolution. This course explores the origins and development of that thought from the onset of the dispute between Great Britain and its American colonies over liberty and governance through the debates surrounding the construction and implementation of the United States federal Constitution.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Gienapp, J. (PI)

HISTORY 253P: Before the Model Minority: South Asians in the US (ASNAMST 153P, GLOBAL 253P)

The model minority myth has been used to create a wedge between Asian and Black people in the United States, and masks the histories and lives of itinerant South Asian traders, laborers, and farmers. Beginning in the 1860s, South Asians (mostly male, and often undocumented) traveled to major ports in the US, such as New York City, New Orleans, and the California coast, where they found working-class jobs and married Puerto Rican, African American, Creole, and Mexican women. Some South Asians were double migrants, first brought to British colonies in the Caribbean and South America through indentured servitude, and later migrated to the United States. Their life stories expand to the racial history of the United States by looking beyond a Black/white binary. By juxtaposing immigrant stories with exclusionary US immigration laws, the course touches upon major themes of migration, capitalism, surveillance, race and racism, multiracial couples and communities, resistance, intersectional activism, borderlands and cities in the US, and the formation of national identity. During the quarter, we will seek to connect experiences in the past with contemporary issues of political culture in the United States to engage with the continuing challenge of locating and attaining self-definition, justice, and social progress in a fraught and divided world.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Akhter, M. (PI)

HISTORY 254F: Anti-Asian Violence in America: A History (ASNAMST 254)

This course places the recent wave of hate violence directed against Asian Americans in historical context. The recent violence is the latest in a history that began with the arrival of Asian immigrants in America in the mid-19th century and continued into the 21st century. Themes include anti-Asian racism; fears of a 'yellow peril' and race war; identifying Asians as perpetual foreigners and suspect aliens; race and wars in Asia and the consequences at home; fears of medical contamination; and gendered violence against Asian women. Asian American responses to hatred are integrated throughout the course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Chang, G. (PI)

HISTORY 255B: Contested Masculinities in Modern America (FEMGEN 255B)

This course examines masculinity in the twentieth-century United States across academic disciplines. Suspending the idea that manhood is biologically fixed or innate, this course presents masculinity as socially constructed and in a state of ongoing contest and crisis. Students will explore what it has meant (and means) to be a man in America, how masculinity has related to femininity and feminism, and masculinity's intersection with other identities like race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. Assigned materials include an array of readings in History, African and African American Studies, Gender and Women's Studies, Art History, and American Studies, along with documentary and fictional films.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 255G: Planning Suburban America

In 2021 Governor Galvin Newsom singed a law ending single-family zoning in the state of California, a remarkable departure for the state of California, which had pioneered automobile-centric suburban development. This course aims to contextualize contemporary concerns about the suburb. Life outside of the urban core had often been seen as dangerous and uncivilized. But, by the middle of the 20th century, homogenous, middle class suburban households were often depicted as quintessentially American bulwarks against communism. This course will engage with debates over whether that transformation was a natural result of technological innovation or a contingent product of public policy and white flight. It will then consider how suburban planning has impacted popular culture, ecology, race, politics, national identity, and even foreign policy.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 255J: Oral History Practicum: United States History and Stanford History Through Oral History

Oral history gathers, preserves, and interprets the spoken memories of participants in past events. The subjects of interviews range from public figures to behind-the-scenes actors to people and communities whose stories and perspectives are often excluded from traditional historical narratives. In this class, students will examine aspects of United States history and the history of Stanford University through the medium of oral history. By reading exemplary historical studies based on oral histories, analyzing transcripts and recordings of individual life narratives, and conducting oral histories of Stanford community members in collaboration with the Stanford Historical Society, students will learn how this interviewee-centered methodology contributes to our understanding of contemporary history (since the twentieth century). Each week one class session typically will center on discussions of secondary readings and primary oral history sources and the second session will focus on methodological issues and training in doing oral history.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 256A: Antebellum America (HISTORY 356A)

In the decades leading up to the American Civil War, the United States underwent profound transformations. Diverse developments - including the expansion of slavery and the increasing power of the cotton kingdom, the rise of the Second Great Awakening and mass politics, the growth of capitalism and its attendant panics, the construction of a series of reform movements, and deep uncertainties and anxieties about the proper role of women and people of color in the still new nation - made the lived experience of the period incredibly tumultuous. In this advanced undergraduate/graduate colloquium, students will explore the social, cultural, religious, political, economic, labor, and gender history and historiography of antebellum America, with a particular focus on how these developments were experienced by ordinary people.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 256E: The American Civil War: The Lived Experience (AFRICAAM 256E, AMSTUD 256E)

What was it like to live in the United States during the Civil War? This course uses the lenses of racial/ethnic identity, gender, class, and geography (among others) to explore the breadth of human experience during this singular moment in American history. It illuminates the varied ways in which Americans, in the Union states and the Confederate states, struggled to move forward and to find meaning in the face of unprecedented division and destruction.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 256G: Constructing Race and Religion in America (AMSTUD 246, CSRE 246, RELIGST 246)

This seminar focuses on the interrelationships between social constructions of race and social interpretations of religion in America. How have assumptions about race shaped religious worldviews? How have religious beliefs shaped racial attitudes? How have ideas about religion and race contributed to notions of what it means to be "American"? We will look at primary and secondary sources and at the historical development of ideas and practices over time.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Lum, K. (PI); Mueller, J. (PI)

HISTORY 257C: LGBTQ History of the United States (FEMGEN 140D, FEMGEN 240D)

An introductory course that explores LGBT/Queer social, cultural, and political history in the United States. By analyzing primary documents that range from personal accounts (private letters, autobiography, early LGBT magazines, and oral history interviews) to popular culture (postcards, art, political posters, lesbian pulp fiction, and film) to medical, military, and legal papers, students will understand how the categories of gender and sexuality have changed over the past 150 years. This class investigates the relationship among queer, straight and transgender identities. Seminar discussions will question how the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality influenced the construction of these categories.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 257D: War, Revolution, and Modern American Society

War has fundamentally shaped the ways that Americans think about themselves, their fellow Americans, and the meanings of national citizenship. Whatever the extent of American participation, war has transformed how Americans think about other nations, the environment, technology, and the meaning of death and dying. War has also posed challenges of representation, both for those who fought as well as those who did not. Wars and revolutions abroad have likewise played a part in molding American identity. This course examines how Americans have observed, experienced, and thought about modern war and revolution in history, literature, and popular culture. Course themes will include mobilization, protest and dissent, building empire, gender and masculinity, race and xenophobia, the economics of war, coercion and propaganda, war and the environment, and the changing meanings of death and sacrifice. The course begins with the American Civil War, and takes students through the rise of American empire, the world wars, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Cold War, Vietnam, and closes with the War on Terror. Students will be introduced to a variety of primary and secondary sources and historical methods directed at probing the paradox of how conflict creates social cohesion, and will be guided by a basic ethical question: how do we live together?
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 259C: The Civil Rights Movement in American History and Memory (AMSTUD 259C, HISTORY 359C)

This course examines the origins, conduct, and complex legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, as well as the continuing struggle over how the movement should be remembered and represented. Topics examined include: the NAACP legal campaign against segregation; the Montgomery Bus Boycott; the career of Martin Luther King, Jr.; the birth of the student movement; the 1964 Mississippi Summer Project; the rise of Black Power; Black political movements in the urban North; and the persistence of racial inequality in post-Jim Crow America.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 259E: American Interventions, 1898-Present (HISTORY 359E, INTNLREL 168A)

This class seeks to examine the modern American experience with limited wars, beginning with distant and yet pertinent cases, and culminating in the war in Iraq. Although this class will examine war as a consequence of foreign policy, it will not focus primarily on presidential decision making. Rather, it will place wartime policy in a broader frame, considering it alongside popular and media perceptions of the war, the efforts of antiwar movements, civil-military relations, civil reconstruction efforts, and conditions on the battlefield. We will also examine, when possible, the postwar experience. Non-matriculating students are asked to consult the instructor before enrolling in the course.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 260P: American Protest Movements, Past and Present (AMSTUD 260P, FEMGEN 260P)

(History 260P is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 360P is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) Societal change comes only when individuals and groups speak out, perseverantly, against prevailing norms. This course examines the overlapping histories of three nineteenth-century protest movements: antislavery, womens rights, and temperance. It focuses on the arguments and tactics used by these movements to persuade Americans to oppose the status quo, and it examines the points of agreement and disagreement that arose within and among these movements. Ultimately, the course connects these past protest movements to more recent analogs, such as Black Lives Matter, ERA ratification, and marijuana legalization. Throughout the course, race, gender, and class serve as central analytical themes.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 261C: Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Racism, Misogyny, and the Law (CSRE 194KTA, FEMGEN 194, PWR 194KTA)

The gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 by the Supreme Court of the United States led to the consequent disenfranchisement of many voters of color. For many citizens who desire a truly representative government, SCOTUS's decision predicted the collapse of democracy and endorsed White supremacy. In this course, through an examination of jurisprudential racism and misogyny, students will learn to dissect the rhetoric of the U.S. judicial branch and the barriers it constructs to equity and inclusion through caselaw and appellate Opinions. The United States of America long deprived the right to vote to men of color and women of every race, and equal access to justice including at the intersections has been an enduring fight. The history of employment law, criminal justice, access to healthcare, and more includes jurisprudence enforcing racist and misogynist U.S. policies and social dynamics. Students will learn how to read a case, scrutinize court briefings, and contextualize bias as a foundation to erect a more just, equitable, and inclusionary legal system.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 261E: Introduction to Asian American History (AMSTUD 261W, ASNAMST 261)

This course provides an introduction to the field of Asian American history. Tracing this history between the arrival of the first wave of Asian immigrants to the US in the mid-nineteenth century and the present, we foreground the voices and personal histories of seemingly everyday Asian Americans. In the process, the course disrupts totalizing national historical narratives that center the US nation-state and its political leaders as the primary agents of historical change.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wang, Y. (PI)

HISTORY 261G: Presidents and Foreign Policy in Modern History (INTNLREL 173)

Nothing better illustrates the evolution of the modern presidency than the arena of foreign policy. This class will examine the changing role and choices of successive presidential administrations over the past century, examining such factors as geopolitics, domestic politics, the bureaucracy, ideology, psychology, and culture. Students will be encouraged to think historically about the institution of the presidency, while examining specific case studies, from the First World War to the conflicts of the 21st century. Non-matriculating students are asked to consult the instructor before enrolling in the course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 262A: Taylor Swift and Millennial America (FEMGEN 262A)

Whether you identify as a Swiftie or "grumble on about how she can't sing," it is impossible to deny that Taylor Swift has become a cultural, economic, and political powerhouse. This course will place Swift in historical context within the modern United States, exploring the forces that enabled her rise to superstardom as well as those that shape her loyal millennial and Gen-Z fanbase. Topics include the politics of country music; the roles of globalization and technology in the rapidly changing music industry; feminist readings, and feminist critiques, of Swift's career; and the attempts of various communities to claim Swift as their own, including Gaylors and the alt-right. Fans and non-fans alike are welcome, as our historical objective is to explore Swift, the world that made her, and the world that she is creating at a critical distance.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 262B: The Roots of Gendered Labor: Women and Work in American History (AMSTUD 262B, FEMGEN 262B)

This class will explore the long, tangled history of women's labor in North America. Beginning with gendered labor practices among Native Americans, West Africans, and Europeans in the seventeenth century, this class will proceed thematically and chronologically through the early twentieth century. We will consider the deep roots of gendered labor in American history, asking how categories of race and class, freedom and enslavement, and immigration status have structured female labor. We will also examine the ways in which social transformations such as industrialization and urbanization, as well as changes in the economic, political, and sexual order shaped the experiences of laboring women. Reading secondary sources alongside a rich array of primary sources, including images and songs, we will consider the deep continuities and wrenching changes in the meanings of women's work over time.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 262E: Extremism in America, from the Ku Klux Klan to January 6

(262E is 5 units; 62E is 3 units.)This course is a historical analysis of extremism in the United States from Reconstruction through the present day, looking at such figures and movements and the KKK, the First Red Scare, Father Coughlin and the Christian Front, McCarthyism, the John Birch Society, the Aryan Nations, and the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers of the present. Students will explore the following questions: what do we mean by extremism? What are the material, cultural, political, and intellectual conditions that lay the groundwork for extremism? What is the relationship between political and religious extremism? Is there a connecting thread spanning extremist movements across the nation's history--a paranoid style or authoritarian personality, perhaps? With these guiding questions, students will be introduced to primary sources along with scholarly literature--classic texts and new, groundbreaking research--to equip them with a foundational knowledge of the long history of extremism in the United States.
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 269: Thinking About Capitalism (HISTORY 369)

What is capitalism? An economic and social system that maximizes both individual freedom and social good? An exploitative arrangement dependent on the subordination of labor to capital? A natural arrangement guided by a munificent invisible hand? Or a finely tuned mechanism requiring state support? This class offers undergraduate and graduate students a forum to consider these questions by reading selected works by historians, sociologists, economists, and other thinkers. Together we will work our way through primary sources from the twentieth century, using them to examine how capitalism has been understood, conceptualized, defended, and attacked. We will study the history of debates about markets, the state, and social organization, taking capitalism as both an economic system and a culture. Permission number required to enroll. Please contact Professor Burns at to request permission to enroll in the course.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Burns, J. (PI)

HISTORY 271B: US Latinx History (AMSTUD 271B, CHILATST 271B)

This course introduces scholarship on Latinx history, a field of critical importance to U.S. History, American studies, Latinx studies, ethnic studies, Latin American studies, and African American history. In order to cover a plethora of Latinx experiences, it will focus on Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Central American, and other Latinx communities from the 1840s into present, though it does not adhere to a strict chronological time frame. This course attempts to show the hemispheric nature of Latinx history. It also emphasizes a notion of Latinidad as a contingent historical process. Key themes which survey its complexity include the nature and legacies of imperialism; the politics of peoplehood and citizenship; trans-border connections; the importance of race, class, and gender in defining politics and culture; the emergence of ethnic nationalisms; and the development of urban enclaves. In particular, our class will focus on linking these dynamics to present-day issues and debates.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Regalado, P. (PI)

HISTORY 273D: Caudillos and Dictators from BolĆ­var to Bolsonaro: Modern South America

Latin American history provides key insight into the origins and resurgence of authoritarianism as well as various forms of political and social resistance. Consequently, this course surveys the major social, economic, political, and cultural trends that shaped modern South American history. We will examine the nation-states forged in the aftermath of early-nineteenth-century independence movements, their diverse peoples, and how their development was shaped by US imperialism and intervention. We will analyze the following themes: liberalism vs. conservatism; modernization and neocolonialism ('order and progress'); the rise of nationalism and populism; industrialization and the environment; (im)migration and urbanization; and neoliberal reform. Special emphasis is placed on racial and gender inequality and the struggle for both national and individual self-determination.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 278B: The Historical Ecology of Latin America (HISTORY 378)

This seminar explores the ways in which access to natural resources has translated into political and economic power in Latin America and the Caribbean, from the colonial period to the present. We will examine how state-building projects (colonialism, capitalism, socialism) have used natural resources as a tool to assert power and legitimacy in the region and on the world stage. We will also explore how Latin American and Caribbean thinkers and activists have offered some of the earliest critiques of capitalism based on the region's environmental exploitation. How has the long history of resource extraction and resistance played out in Latin America and the Caribbean? In what ways have indigenous and local knowledge been overlooked, even as that knowledge informed scientific innovation or management techniques over time? How can environmental history reveal new perspectives on the history of colonialism, inequality, and resistance in the region? Case studies range from hurricanes in the Caribbean to the fight of the Indigenous Cofán against oil spills in Ecuador. Students will learn how to think and write like historians through participation in class discussions, regular short response papers, and creative research toward a final project.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wolfe, M. (PI)

HISTORY 279B: Potatoes, Coca, and Tamales: Food in Latin American History

The history of Latin America is profoundly marked by the production, circulation, preparation, and consumption of food in its most different forms: as a staple food, drugs, ethnic dishes, drinks, etc. This course examines the cultural, social, economic, and environmental significance of food throughout the history of the region, from pre-Columbian times to the present. By selecting specific examples of ingredients, spices, dishes, cooking practices, and dietary habits, we will explore the role of new foods in shaping empires and global trading networks, the global circulation of Latin America's food commodities and internationalization of its cuisine, and food as an expression of identities based on race, class, gender, and nationality, linking them to major trends in the region's history. Students are welcome to explore themes of their interest related to the course topic in their assignments.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 281D: Introduction to Islamic Law (HISTORY 381D)

What is Islamic law? What kinds of sources do we use to access Islamic law, and how has Islamic legal thinking and practice changed historically? This course introduces students to topics in Islamic law while addressing questions of continuity and change in the legal tradition from the medieval period to the present. The first part of the course will introduce aspects of substantive Islamic law, including criminal and penal law, family law, and the law of war. The second part will explore the diversity of Islamic legal traditions across chronological and geographic space, examining topics from classical jurisprudence to Ottoman constitutionalism, the encounter with colonialism and modern state iterations. No prior knowledge or prerequisites are required.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 281L: Early Modern Iran: Continuity and Change (GLOBAL 131L)

This course is an opportunity and invitation to explore themes and topics in politics and society in Iran from 1500 to 1900 CE. The course invites students to read, discuss, and reflect on trends and events that shaped early modern politics and society in Iran through the lens of primary and secondary sources, including narrative and archival sources in translation. Topics include the changing dynamics of state-building, religious transition, revivalist movements, women in politics and society, modernization paths in response to European global hegemony, and center-periphery relations concerning linguistic and religious minorities.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ghereghlou, K. (PI)

HISTORY 282J: Disasters in Middle Eastern History

(History 282J is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 382J is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) nnThis course explores the history of disasters in the Middle East from the early modern period to the mid-20th-century. We will trace the evolving meanings of disasters and misfortunes by focusing on critical moments -- plagues, fires, earthquakes, wars -- to examine how people have responded to these events, labeled them, and devised strategies to live with or forget them. The course readings follow the evolution of policies and norms together with the articulation of new forms of knowledge and expertise in the wake of catastrophe. Additionally, particular attention will be paid to how modern conceptions of disaster relate to older understandings of apocalypse, as well as to various strands of "disaster reformism," when rethinking tragedy and time helped assert radical agendas for reforming political, economic, social, communal, racial, and gender relations while remodeling social science and intellectual life. The course focuses on various trajectories of disaster thinking in Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Armenian, and Hebrew.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 282K: Refugees and Migrants in the Middle East and Balkans: 18th Century to Present (HISTORY 382K, JEWISHST 282K)

This course studies one of the most pressing issues of our day--massive population displacements--from a historical perspective. Our focus will be the Ottoman Empire and its successor states, including Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Israel/Palestine. Questions include the following: When and why did certain ethno-religious groups begin to relocate en masse? To what extent were these departures caused by state policy? In what cases can we apply the term "ethnic cleansing"? How did the movement of people and the idea of the nation influence each other in the modern age?
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 283F: Capital and Crisis in the Middle East and the World

(History 283F is an undergraduate course for 5 units; History 383F is a graduate course for 4-5 units.) How do economies change in times of crisis? How do economic crises intersect with pandemics, violence and environmental disaster to redefine the workings of capital? This course approaches these questions through critical reading in the histories of capitalism, crisis, and intersections between legal history and political economy, using the Middle East region as a starting point for the study of global phenomena. We will examine the ways in which constructions like race and ethnicity, gender, and the human/non-human divide have mediated the social and spatial expansion of capital in the region, especially through legal categories and instruments that transform rapidly in times of crisis. Temporally, we will focus our examination between two moments of economic crisis: the ¿long depression¿ of the late nineteenth century and the financial crisis of 2008. We will ground our historical reading in attention to current events, in particular the Middle East¿s ongoing experience of the pandemic-induced global financial crisis of 2020.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 283J: Global Islam

(Undergraduates, enroll in 283J; Graduates, enroll in 383J.) Explores the history and politics of Islam in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas --- and of the novel connections that have linked Muslim communities across the globe in modern times.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 284K: The "Other" Jews: Sephardim in Muslim-Majority Lands (HISTORY 384K, JEWISHST 284)

This course expands conceptions of Jewish History by focusing on overlooked regions such as North Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans. Beginning in medieval Al-Andalus, the course follows the Jews of Spain and Portugal to other parts of the world and traces their stories into the 20th century. Topics include the expulsions from Iberia, the formation of a Sephardi identity, encounters between Sephardim and other communities (Muslim, Christian, and Jewish), life in the Ottoman Empire, networks and mobility, gender, colonialism, and the rise of the nation-state paradigm.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 285D: Vanishing Diaspora? Ruin, Revival, and Jewish Life in Post-Holocaust Europe (JEWISHST 285D)

This course explores the lives and fates of European Jews as they re-encountered, reimagined, and reconstructed their communities in the grim aftermath of World War II. Attending to a variety of national and ideological contexts, with a particular focus on Eastern Europe and the communist bloc, the course traces how Jews wrestled with their present and future in the wake of continent-wide calamity, the founding of the state of Israel, Soviet influence, Cold War geopolitics, the collapse of communism, and, finally, the post-Soviet order of the 1990s and 2000s. It likewise traces how postwar European Jewry grappled with the anxieties of immigration and return, the wages of acculturation and assimilation, and the interplay between cultural destruction, revival, and nostalgia in the face of persistent antisemitism, explosive Holocaust memory politics, and significant foreign Jewish philanthropy. Drawing on a wide range of printed, visual, and oral sources, this highly interdisciplinary course investigates questions particular to the Jewish experience, but also broader concerns about European inclusion, interethnic relations, and diasporic identity in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. All readings are in English. **For time and location, email**
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 285E: Counterinsurgency and Torture: Algeria, Vietnam, and Iraq

This course covers the post-WWII history of counterinsurgency, a type of warfare in which a powerful, state-backed military is pitted against guerrilla fighters, or insurgents. In the context of decolonization (the dissolution of European overseas empires) and the United States' growing role on the world stage, we will examine four counterinsurgency campaigns: the French in Indochina (1946-1954) and Algeria (1954-1962); and the Americans in Vietnam (1964-1973) and Iraq (2003-2011). Using a combination of secondary and primary sources, including declassified government documents, maps, photography, film, music, news broadcasts, and recorded tapes of presidential phone calls, we will ask four overarching questions: 1) How did military planners and politicians learn from prior counterinsurgencies, and what are the strengths and pitfalls of an approach to warfare that applies historical "lessons learned" to contemporary problems? 2) Are torture and violence against civilians the results of mishandled counterinsurgency, or are they inherent to the doctrine? 3) Why have counterinsurgency strategies persisted despite long-term failures and public criticism? 4) How does historical thinking allow us to participate more effectively in debates about counterinsurgency and torture in America today? Throughout, we will explore how counterinsurgency and torture have traveled across space and time, intertwining historical trajectories in Southeast Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 286E: Labor Migration: Gender, Race, and Capitalism in North Africa and the Middle East

Current media coverage dwells on the plight of migrants passing through North Africa in search of higher-wage jobs in Europe. But labor migration from, to, and through North Africa and the Middle East is nothing new. Pushing beyond widespread views of labor migration as a policy problem for Western governments to "solve," we will instead explore how migrant laborers shaped the modern history of North Africa and the Middle East, from the late Ottoman Empire until today. We will read an array of texts in history and historical anthropology--each deploying different sources, methods, and empirical examples--to discuss how migrant laborers molded 1) conceptions of race and gender, 2) the development of capitalism, 3) political mobilization, and 4) the boundaries between nations and regions. Among other examples, we will discuss trans-Atlantic migrants from the Ottoman Levant who shaped labor and gender relations within the Middle East and the Americas; migrant workers from North Africa and the Middle East who sustained wartime industries in European empires and metropoles; the construction of an oil economy in the Gulf that was built by migrant labor; and sub-Saharan African domestic workers in the Middle East facing exploitation and crisis. Throughout, we will devote particular attention to the ways in which our readings place migrant laborers and their communities at the center of analysis, despite the fact that migrant laborers do not have a voice in dominant archives.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 287C: What is Zionism? (JEWISHST 287C)

Zionism from its genesis in the 1880s up until the establishment of the state of Israel in May, 1948, exploring the historical, ideological and political dimensions of Zionism. Topics include: the emergence of Zionist ideology in connection to and as a response to challenges of modernity; emancipation; Haskalah (Jewish enlightenment); other national and ideological movements of the period; the ideological crystallization of the movement; and the immigration waves to Palestine.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Zipperstein, S. (PI)

HISTORY 288C: Jews of the Modern Middle East and North Africa (CSRE 288C, JEWISHST 288C)

This course will explore the cultural, social, and political histories of the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from 1860 to present times. The geographic concentration will range from Morocco to Iran, Iraq to Turkey, and everywhere in between. Topics include: Jewish culture and identity in Islamic contexts; the impacts of colonialism, westernization, and nationalism; Jewish-Muslim relations; the racialization of MENA Jews; the Holocaust; the experience and place of MENA Jews in Israel; and "Jews of Color."
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 290: North Korea in a Historical and Cultural Perspective (HISTORY 390, KOREA 190X, KOREA 290X)

North Korea has been dubbed secretive, its leaders unhinged, its people mindless dupes. Such descriptions are partly a result of the control that the DPRK exerts over texts and bodies that come through its borders. Filtered through foreign media, North Korea's people and places can seem to belong to another planet. However, students interested in North Korea can access the DPRK through a broad and growing range of sources including satellite imagery, archival documents, popular magazines, films, literature, art, tourism, and through interviews with former North Korean residents (defectors). When such sources are brought into conversation with scholarship about North Korea, they yield new insights into North Korea's history, politics, economy, and culture. This course will provide students with fresh perspectives on the DPRK and will give them tools to better contextualize its current position in the world. Lectures will be enriched with a roster of guest speakers.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Moon, Y. (PI)

HISTORY 291E: Maps, Borders, and Conflict in East Asia (HISTORY 391E)

(Students enroll for 3 OR 5 units.)The nature of borders and border conflicts in N.E. Asia from the 17th to the early 20th century. Focus is on contact zones between China, Russia, Korea, and Japan. The geopolitical imperatives that drove states to map their terrain in variable ways. Cultural, diplomatic, and imperial contexts. European pressures and contributions to E. Asian cartography; the uses of maps in surveillance, diplomacy, identity, and war. Student projects focus on a contested border zone.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

HISTORY 292B: Chinese Legal History (CHINA 292B)

This undergraduate colloquium introduces students to the history of law in imperial China through close reading of primary sources in translation and highlights of Anglophone scholarship. We begin with legal perspectives from the Confucian and Legalist classics and the formation of early imperial legal codes. Then we focus on how law served as a field of interaction between state and society during China's last imperial dynasty, the Qing (1644-1911). Specific topics include autocracy and political crime; evidence, review, and appeals; the regulation of gender and sexual relations; the functioning of local courts; property and contract; and the informal sphere of community regulation outside the official judicial system.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 292C: Gender in Modern South Asia (FEMGEN 292)

Gender is crucial to understanding the political, cultural, and economic trajectories of communities in colonial and postcolonial South Asia. Throughout this course, we will ask a series of questions: How does gender structure conceptions of home, community, and homeland in South Asia? How do gender and religion become represented in movements for nation-states? How does women's participation in anticolonial politics and fights for equal representation in postcolonial nation-states affect our understanding of gender in South Asia today? Readings examine the creation and impact of religious personal law under British colonial rule, the role of masculinity in the British-Indian army, perspectives on religion and clothing, the interplay of rights movements and anti-colonialism, and the status of women in postcolonial India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Students will also explore a range of primary sources, including political treatises, short stories, didactic manuals, autobiographies, and travelogues.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 292D: Japan in Asia, Asia in Japan (HISTORY 392D, JAPAN 392D)

(History 292D is an undergraduate course offered for 5 units; History 392D is a graduate course offered for 4-5 units.) How Japan and Asia mutually shaped each other in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Focus is on Japanese imperialism in Asia and its postwar legacies. Topics include: pan-Asianism and orientalism; colonial modernization in Korea and Taiwan; collaboration and resistance; popular imperialism in Manchuria; total war and empire; comfort women and the politics of apology; the issue of resident Koreans; and economic and cultural integration of postwar Asia.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Uchida, J. (PI)

HISTORY 292F: Culture and Religions in Korean History (HISTORY 392F)

This colloquium explores the major themes of Korean history before 1800 and the role of culture and religions in shaping the everyday life of Chosôn-dynasty Koreans. Themes include the aristocracy and military in the Koryô dynasty, Buddhism and Confucianism in the making of Chosôn Korea, kingship and court culture, slavery and women, family and rituals, death and punishment, and the Korean alphabet (Hangûl) and print culture.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 294K: Chinese Migrations

This seminar will explore global patterns of Chinese migration, and consider both continuities and change within these movements. We will examine Chinese communities here in California, as well as in Asia, Africa, South America, and the Caribbean. In addition to the dynamics of specific encounters, the course examines how Chinese migrants contributed to broader patterns of nation building, colonialism, race formation, capitalist development, and global constructions of "Chinese-ness?"
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 295E: Trenches, Guerrillas, and Bombs: Modern Warfare in East Asian History

(295E is 5 units; 95E is 3 units.) This course is an introduction to the field of military history. But rather than centering on the typical Western perspectives, it focuses on studying the East Asian modern warfare during the early 20th century. Students will investigate, define, and historicize different kinds of wars, and draw historical lessons to better understand the contemporary military conflicts. From the trench warfare in the Russo-Japanese War, to the guerrilla warfare of the Chinese Communist Party, and to Americans' strategic bombing in the Korean War, students will identify modern warfare's historical characteristics in East Asia and reflect on how they continue to affect the politics in the region today.
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 295J: Chinese Women's History (CHINA 295J, FEMGEN 295J)

The lives of women in the last 1,000 years of Chinese history. Focus is on theoretical questions fundamental to women's studies. How has the category of woman been shaped by culture and history? How has gender performance interacted with bodily disciplines and constraints such as medical, reproductive, and cosmetic technologies? How relevant is the experience of Western women to women elsewhere? By what standards should liberation be defined?
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 296F: Science and Society in Modern South Asia

(Undergraduates, enroll in 296F. Graduates, enroll in 396F.) Modern science, technology and medicine are global phenomena, and yet scientific knowledge, as the product of human activity, reflects the social, political, economic and cultural contexts in which it is produced, mobilized and used. This course explores the dynamic relationship between science and society in South Asia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Taking scientific practice as not the exclusive domain of the British colonial state, its European personnel or even South Asian scientists, this course explores the knowledge practices of a range of actors in South Asian societies. We will pursue two questions throughout: How and where did South Asians learn, receive, interpret, practice, and produce scientific knowledge? How did they mobilize this knowledge in their own political and social agendas? In these varied practical, social and cultural projects, science became a force for civilization and enlightenment, political domination and national liberation, and economic development and social transformation. In fact, a 'scientific temperament' has also come to be upheld as the appropriate civic attitude of postcolonial citizens. Through these themes, this course examines the making of the power and cultural authority of the sciences and their practitioners in modern South Asia.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 296L: The Worlds of Labor in Modern India (ANTHRO 196F)

This colloquium will introduce students to the exciting and expanding field of Indian labor history and provide them a comprehensive historiographical foundation in this area of historical research. Seminars will engage with one key monograph in the field every week, with selected chapters of the monograph set as compulsory reading. In these seminars, we will explore the world of the working classes and the urban poor in colonial and post-colonial India, as also the Indian labor diaspora. We will understand myriad workplaces such as jute and cotton mills, small workshops, farms and plantations. We will also explore forms of protest and political mobilization devised by workers in their struggles against structures of oppression and in their quest for a life of dignity. Most importantly, these seminars will train students in the methods deployed by labor historians to access the lives of the largely unlettered workers of the region who seldom left a trace of their consciousness in archival documents. Overall, we will connect the debates in the history of labor in modern India to wider discussions about the nature of capitalism, colonial modernity, gender, class, caste and culture.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 297T: Time and History in South Asia (HISTORY 397T)

This course explores key concepts and themes around the temporal cultures of South Asia, with an emphasis on the transition from the middle ages to modernity. We will study the philosophical/scientific understandings of time and history in South Asia, and how the West read (or misread) these temporal traditions. Topics include: the philosophical debates around cyclical and linear time; the development of historical thinking outside Europe; the impact of colonialism on medieval understandings of time and history; the challenges to our sense of 'future' due to the current climate crisis. The goal is to think of South Asia not merely as subject to Western epistemologies and temporalities, but also as an important site where our current concepts and propositions about time and history were developed.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 298C: Race, Gender, & Sexuality in Chinese History (ASNAMST 298, CSRE 298G, FEMGEN 298C, HISTORY 398C)

This course examines the diverse ways in which identities--particularly race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality have been understood and experienced in Chinese societies, broadly defined, from the imperial period to the present day. Topics include changes in women's lives and status, racial and ethnic categorizations, homosexuality, prostitution, masculinity, and gender-crossing.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HISTORY 298E: Chinese Pop Culture: A History

This discussion course examines the evolution of popular culture in the Chinese-speaking world and diaspora from the late imperial era to the present. Analyzing myth, literature, medicine, music, art, film, fashion, and internet culture will help students understand the revolutionary social and political changes that have transformed modern East Asia.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HISTORY 298F: Social Movements and State Power in China, 1644-Present

This discussion course investigates the ideological, political and environmental conditions that have shaped social movements, uprisings and governance in China from the late imperial period to the present. It considers differences between the experience of social movements, the portrayal of social movements and the memory of social movements, as well as evolving approaches to wielding power.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HISTORY 299CAP1: Reimagining History: A Workshop (HISTORY 204A, HISTORY 304A)

This class explores, through analysis and practice, the ways in which history can be told and experienced through means other than traditional scholarly narratives. Approaches include literary fiction and non-fiction, digital media, graphic arts, maps, exhibitions, and film. A final project will require students to produce their own innovative work of history.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daughton, J. (PI)

HUMBIO 2B: Culture, Evolution, and Society

Introduction to the past, present, and future of human biological and social structures. Topics include the evolution of hominids and the origins of human diversity, the development of agriculture and the modern state, human population growth and global demographic change, patterns and consequences of inequality, and conclude with a discussion of our place on a rapidly changing planet. HUMBIO2B, with HUMBIO3B and HUMBIO 4B, satisfies the Writing in the Major (WIM) requirement for students in Human Biology. HUMBIO 2A and HUMBIO 2B are designed to be taken concurrently. Lectures in the two courses will address related content from complementary perspectives, so as to enhance understanding. Concurrent enrollment is strongly encouraged and is necessary for majors to meet recommended declaration deadlines. Human Biology majors are required to take the Human Biology Core Courses for a letter grade.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

HUMBIO 4B: Behavior, Health, and Development

Research and theory on human behavior, health, and life span development. How biological factors and cultural and educational practices influence cognition, behavior, and health across the lifespan. Introduction to research methods, including study design, statistical analysis, and causal inference. HUMBIO 4B, with HUMBIO2B and HUMBIO 3B, satisfies the Writing in the Major (WIM) requirement for students in Human Biology. HUMBIO 4A and HUMBIO 4B are designed to be taken concurrently. Periodically there will be lectures that address related content in the two courses. Concurrent enrollment is strongly encouraged and is necessary for majors to meet recommended declaration deadlines. Human Biology majors are required to take the Human Biology Core Courses for a letter grade.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kurina, L. (PI)

HUMBIO 29: Introduction to Global Health

The class is an introduction to the field of global health. It focuses on resource-poor areas of the world and explores how human health is affected by poverty, international policy, planetary health, economic development, human rights, and power imbalances. We will examine global health from broad perspectives: historical, cultural, political, demographic, economic and biomedical. The course is intended for students interested in human health, international relations, and technical and social strategies to improve health worldwide. Students will have opportunities for in-depth discussion, presentations, and interaction with experts in the field. Because of the breadth of material to be covered, issues presented in class will be supplemented by independent student research and selected required readings.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Chao, T. (PI); Ward, V. (PI)

HUMBIO 82A: Qualitative Research Methodology

This course introduces students to core concepts and methods of qualitative research. Through a variety of hands-on learning activities, readings, field experiences, class lectures and discussions, students will explore the process and products of qualitative inquiry. This course is designed particularly to support Human Biology undergraduates in designing, proposing and preparing for Honors Thesis research; students may use the course assignments and office hours to support individual research needs (e.g., proposal design, IRB protocol, pilot work).
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wolf, J. (PI)

HUMBIO 82B: Advanced Data Analysis in Qualitative Research

This course is designed to support upperclass undergraduates who have collected - or are collecting - qualitative data in completion of Honors Thesis research. The course will review methods of qualitative data organization (field note amendment, transcription, data indexing, conceptual memo writing) and teach methods of qualitative data analysis (mutli-stage coding, data modeling, charting, use of analytic software) and examine best methods for the reporting of qualitative research. The course introduces methodologies through readings, sample data sets, and group practice; students then display learning by executing these methodologies on their own data, and reporting findings and methods.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wolf, J. (PI)

HUMBIO 122: Beyond Health Care: the effects of social policies on health (PEDS 222)

Prerequisite: Must be a junior, senior, or graduate student.(HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 122. Med/Graduate students must enroll in PEDS 222.) Available evidence at the national and cross-country level linking social welfare interventions and health outcomes. If and how non-health programs and policies could have an impact on positive health outcomes. Evaluation of social programs and policies that buffer the negative health impact of economic instability and unemployment among adult workers and their children. Examination of safety nets, including public health insurance, income maintenance programs, and disability insurance. Open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Rodriguez, E. (PI)

HUMBIO 122A: Health Care Policy and Reform (PUBLPOL 156)

Focuses on U.S. health care policy. Includes comparisons with health care policy in other countries and detailed examinations of Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and proposed reforms. Examines health policy efforts at state and local levels. The course includes sessions on effective memo writing as well as presentation and the politics of health policy and reform efforts. Prerequisite: Must be a HUMBIO major or minor to enroll in HUMBIO 122A. Graduate students must enroll in PUBLPOL 156.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HUMBIO 122E: Reducing Health Disparities and Closing the Achievement Gap through Health Integration in Schools (EDUC 429, PEDS 229)

Prerequisite: Must be a junior, senior, or graduate student to enroll. Health and education are inextricably linked. If kids aren't healthy, they won't realize their full potential in school. This is especially true for children living in poverty. This course proposes to: 1) examine the important relationship between children's health and their ability to learn in school as a way to reduce heath disparities; 2) discuss pioneering efforts to identify and address manageable health barriers to learning by integrating health and education in school environments. HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 122E. Med/Graduate students must enroll in PEDS 229 . Education students must enroll in EDUC 429.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HUMBIO 122M: Challenges of Human Migration: Health and Health Care of Migrants and Autochthonous Populations (PEDS 212)

An emerging area of inquiry. Topics include: global migration trends, health Issues/aspects of migration, healthcare and the needs of immigrants in the US, and migrants as healthcare providers: a new area of inquiry in the US. Class is structured to include: lectures lead by the instructor and possible guest speakers; seminar, discussion and case study sessions led by students. Enrollment limited to juniors, seniors and and graduate students or the consent of the instructor. HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 122M. Med/Graduate students enroll in PEDS 212.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HUMBIO 124: Health Impact of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse across the Lifecourse (FEMGEN 237, SOMGEN 237)

Prerequisite: Must be a junior, senior, or graduate student. An overview of the acute and chronic physical and psychological health impact of sexual abuse through the perspective of survivors of childhood, adolescent, young and middle adult, and elder abuse, including special populations such as pregnant women, military and veterans, prison inmates, individuals with mental or physical impairments. Also addresses: race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other demographic and societal factors, including issues specific to college culture. Professionals with expertise in sexual assault present behavioral and prevention efforts such as bystander intervention training, medical screening, counseling and other interventions to manage the emotional trauma of abuse. Undergraduates must enroll for 3 units. To receive a letter grade in any listing, students must enroll for 3 units. This course must be taken for a letter grade and a minimum of 3 units to be eligible for Ways credit. Human Biology students must enroll in HUMBIO 124. Med/Grad students should enroll in SOMGEN 237 or FEMGEN 237 for 2 units.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

HUMBIO 125: Current Topics and Controversies in Women's Health (FEMGEN 256, OBGYN 256)

(HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 125 or FEMGEN 256. PhD minor in FGSS must enroll in FEMGEN 256. Med students must enroll in OBGYN 256.) Interdisciplinary. Focus is primarily on the U.S., with selected global women's health topics. Topics include: leading causes of morbidity and mortality across the life course; reproductive (e.g. gynecologic & obstetric) health issues; sexual function; importance of lifestyle (e.g. diet, exercise, weight control), including eating disorders; mental health; sexual and relationship abuse; issues for special populations. In-class Student Debates on key controversies in women's health. Guest lecturers. Undergraduates must enroll for 3 units. PhD minor in FGSS should enroll for 3 units. Med students can enroll for 2 - 3 units. To receive a letter grade in any listing, students must enroll for 3 units. This course must be taken for a letter grade and a minimum of 3 units to be eligible for Ways credit. Enrollment limited to students with sophomore academic standing or above. Undergraduate prerequisite: At least 2 of the Human Biology Core or Biology Foundations or equivalent or consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-3 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

HUMBIO 128: Community Health Psychology (PSYCH 101)

Social ecological perspective on health emphasizing how individual health behavior is shaped by social forces. Topics include: biobehavioral factors in health; health behavior change; community health promotion; and psychological aspects of illness, patient care, and chronic disease management. Prerequisites: HUMBIO 3B or PSYCH 1 or consent of the instructor
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Heaney, C. (PI)

HUMBIO 146: Culture and Madness: Anthropological and Psychiatric Approaches to Mental Illness (ANTHRO 186, ANTHRO 286, PSYC 286)

Unusual mental phenomena have existed throughout history and across cultures. Taught by an anthropologist and psychiatrist, this course explores how different societies construct the notions of "madness": What are the boundaries between "normal" and "abnormal", reason and unreason, mind and body, diversity and disease? Optional: The course will be taught in conjunction with an optional two-unit discussion section.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

HUMBIO 149L: Longevity (MED 229, PSYCH 102)

Interdisciplinary. Challenges to and solutions for the young from increased human life expectancy: health care, financial markets, families, work, and politics. Guest lectures from engineers, economists, geneticists, and physiologists.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

HUMBIO 163: The Opioid Epidemic: Using Neuroscience to Inform Policy and Law

The opioid epidemic has become a national problem, killing 115 people per day in the United States, and contributing to the first decrease in life expectancy in this country for decades. This is an upper division undergraduate class that aims to help students understand the science of opiates, how opioid prescribing and availability led us to be in this place, and how that information might be used to create effective policy to reverse it. Students will engage didactic work and interactive discussions to stimulate critical thinking at the interface between psychology, psychiatry, addiction medicine, neuroscience, communication, law, and society. They will develop the knowledge-base and framework to critically evaluate the science behind opioid addiction and how to apply this knowledge to address the addiction epidemic. This highly interactive seminar aims to engage the students in critical thinking didactics, activities and discussions that shape their understanding of the complexity inherent to the issues surrounding addiction and increase the student's ability to more critically assimilate and interrogate information. Preference will be given to upperclassmen, especially in the Human Biology program. Attendance at first class is mandatory. Prerequisites: HUMBIO 4A or PSYC 83 or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

HUMBIO 176A: Medical Anthropology (ANTHRO 82, ANTHRO 282)

Emphasis is on how health, illness, and healing are understood, experienced, and constructed in social, cultural, and historical contexts. Topics: biopower and body politics, gender and reproductive technologies, illness experiences, medical diversity and social suffering, and the interface between medicine and science.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kohrman, M. (PI)

HUMCORE 122: Humanities Core: Great Minds of the Italian Renaissance and their World (ENGLISH 112C)

What enabled Leonardo da Vinci to excel in over a dozen fields from painting to engineering and to anticipate flight four hundred years before the first aircraft took off? How did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling? What forces and insights led Machiavelli to write "The Prince"? An historical moment and a cultural era, the Italian Renaissance famously saw monumental achievements in literature, art, and architecture, influential developments in science and technology, and the flourishing of multi-talented individuals who contributed profoundly, expertly, and simultaneously to very different fields. In this course on the great thinkers, writers, and achievers of the Italian Renaissance, we will study these "universal geniuses" and their world. Investigating the writings, thought, and lives of such figures as Leonardo da Vinci, Niccol¿ Machiavelli, and Galileo Galilei, we will interrogate historical and contemporary ideas concerning genius, creativity, and the phenomenon of "Renaissance man" known as polymathy. Taught in English. On Tuesdays you meet in your own course, and on Thursday all the HumCore seminars in session that quarter meet together:
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

HUMCORE 124: East Asia Discovers the World: Cartographic Encounters from the Mongols to Meiji (HISTORY 203B)

Before the modern era, how did curious people in China, Korea, and Japan learn about the world? How did geographical information reach them, and how did they interpret it? This class will probe the history of cartographic exchange from the Mongols to Meiji from an East Asian perspective. Every Tuesday, we will examine East Asian maps; Thursday readings will introduce broader comparative perspectives. This course is part of the Humanities Core, a collaborative humanities seminar cluster. On Tuesdays we meet in our own course, while on Thursdays we will gather with two other HumCore classes for joint Plenary Sessions.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wigen, K. (PI)

HUMRTS 101: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights Theory and Practice

This course will introduce students to the philosophical and historical foundations for the modern concept of human rights, as well as the international and domestic legal frameworks currently in force to protect and promote these rights. Students will learn about the broad landscape of institutions responsible for defining and enforcing human rights from scholars who study the institutions, and practitioners who have worked inside them. Throughout the quarter we will read and discuss critical scholarship about the gap between the promises and aspirations of international human rights covenants, and the ongoing realities of widespread oppression, exploitation, and atrocity happening around the world. We will welcome practitioners as well as guest faculty from departments across the university whose teaching and research touches on aspects of human rights within their respective fields of expertise. Throughout the course, we will explore how distinct perspectives, assumptions, and vocabulary of particular disciplinary communities affect the way scholars and practitioners trained in these fields approach, understand, and employ human rights concepts. HUMRTS 101 fulfills the gateway course requirement for the Minor in Human Rights, and is offered once per year, winter quarter. No prior knowledge or formal human rights education is required of students enrolling in this introductory course. Students of all years and majors are welcome to join. Students should enroll in Section 01 of the course for in-person instruction Tu/Th 3:00-4:50 pm. Enrollment in Section 02 is available only by special consent of the instructor, for students with special circumstances who need to complete HUMRTS 101 for the Minor, but cannot regularly attend the class in person as scheduled for Section 01. Students enrolled in Section 02 will complete identical curriculum, and will engage with classmates from Section 02 on a single Canvas site, but will have asynchronous and remote scheduling options for lectures. These same asynchronous and remote options can also be made available to Section 01 students (if/when needed, at discrete times throughout the quarter) in the event of COVID-related disruptions to class (e.g. instructor illness, student quarantine).
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Van Tuyl, P. (PI)

HUMRTS 106: Human Rights in Comparative and Historical Perspective (CLASSICS 116, CLASSICS 216, ETHICSOC 106)

The course examines core human rights concepts and issues as they arise in a variety of contexts ranging from the ancient world to today. These issues include slavery, human trafficking, gender based violence, discrimination against marginalized groups, and how these and other issues are linked to war, internal conflict, and imperialism. We will consider the ways in which such issues emerge, are explicitly treated, or are ignored in a variety of historical and contemporary settings with a particular emphasis on the impact that war and conflict have on laws and norms that in principle aim to protect individuals from violence and exploitation. This inquiry also entails consideration of the modern notion of the universality of human rights based on a conception of a common humanity and how alien that concept is in states and communities that define or embody hierarchies that systematically exclude groups or populations from the protections and respect that other groups and individuals are afforded. Nowhere do the devastating consequences of such exclusions become clearer than in times of crisis and conflict. The course draws upon a variety of case studies from the Greco-Roman world and other temporal and geographical contexts to explore the political and social dynamics that shape and inform the violence inherent in such events.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

HUMRTS 112: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (CSRE 105C, FEMGEN 105C, HISTORY 105C, INTNLREL 105C)

(Same as HISTORY 5C. 105C is 5 units, 5C is 3 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

ILAC 103E: Archeology of Computer Science: Islamic, Iberian, and Pre-Columbian Roots

This course examines the history of computer science before there were computers and before there was a scientific field. It makes use of an archaeology of knowledge to find traces in the past for ideas and practices common in our present. We will explore in this course some of the ideas and devices that foreshadowed, during the Middle Ages and Early Modernity, the field of computation. We will also explore the different uses that were given or were meant to be given to these ideas and devices. In this journey, we will discover how different cultures created, used, or imagined different devices for computation. Some of the topics that we will cover are: al-Khwarizmi's algebra, al-Jazari's clocks, Raymond Llull's combinatorial diagrams, Peruvian Quipus, and Leibniz's binary numbers. Our focus is cultural, philosophical, and historical, the course will not involve programming and knowing how to program is not a prerequisite. Taught in English.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ILAC 123A: Resisting Coloniality: Then and Now (COMPLIT 123A)

What are the different shapes that Western colonialism took over the centuries? How did people resist the symbolic and material oppressions engendered by such colonialist endeavors? This course offers a deep dive into history of the emergence of Western colonialism (alt: Spanish and Portuguese empires) by focusing on literary and cultural strategies of resisting coloniality in Latin America, from the 16th century to the present. Students will examine critiques of empire through a vast array of sources (novel, letter, short story, sermon, history, essay), spanning from early modern denunciations of the oppression of indigenous and enslaved peoples to modern Latin American answers to the three dominant cultural paradigms in post-independence period: Spain, France, and the United States. Through an examination of different modes of resistance, students will learn to identify the relation between Western colonialism and the discriminatory discourses that divided people based on their class, gender, ethnicity, and race, and whose effects are still impactful for many groups of people nowadays. Authors may include Isabel Guevara, Catalina de Erauso, el Inca Garcilaso, Sor Juana, Simón Bolívar, Flora Tristán, Silvina Ocampo, Jorge Luis Borges, and Gabriel García Márquez. Taught in Spanish.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ILAC 130: Introduction to Iberia: Cultural Perspectives

The purpose of this course is to study major figures and historical trends in modern Iberia against the background of the linguistic plurality and cultural complexity of the Iberian world. We will cover the period from the loss of the Spanish empire, through the civil wars and dictatorships to the end of the Portuguese Estado Novo and the monarchic restoration in Spain. Particular attention will be given to the Peninsula's difficult negotiation of its cultural and national diversity, with an emphasis on current events. This course is designed to help prepare students for their participation in the Stanford overseas study program in Spain. Taught in Spanish.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ILAC 175: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (COMPLIT 100, DLCL 100, FRENCH 175, GERMAN 175, HISTORY 206E, ITALIAN 175, URBANST 153)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

ILAC 178: Film and History of Latin American Revolutions and Counterrevolutions (FILMEDIA 178, HISTORY 78, HISTORY 178)

In this course we will watch and critique films made about Latin America's 20th century revolutions focusing on the Cuban, Chilean and Mexican revolutions. We will analyze the films as both social and political commentaries and as aesthetic and cultural works, alongside archivally-based histories of these revolutions.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

INTNLREL 5C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (CSRE 5C, FEMGEN 5C, HISTORY 5C)

(Same as History 105C. 5C is 3 units; 105C is 5 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

INTNLREL 45Q: Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention

The seminar traces the history of genocide since the beginning of the 20th century. It examines the role of humanitarian intervention to prevent or stop it and the use of international law to punish it. The discussion begins with the Armenian genocide during the First World War and includes the Holocaust, Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s, and the Kurds in Iraq in the 1980s. Coverage starting in the 1990s includes the cases of Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, and Darfur and the more recent discussions of the appropriateness of the term genocide to describe the fate of the Yazidis in Syria, the Rohingya in Myanmar, the Uighurs in China, and the people of Ukraine.Students will learn about the origins of the word "genocide," which was coined during the Second World War, and about the legal definition of genocide as spelled out in the 1948 Genocide Convention. A chief focus of the course is the response of the United States, both in words and deeds, to alleged cases of genocide from Armenia in 1915 to Ukraine in 2023.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Patenaude, B. (PI)

INTNLREL 62Q: Mass Atrocities: Reckoning and Reconciliation

Imagine you live in a country in which a delusional dictator imprisons untold masses in labor and concentration camps, and kills millions of them. Imagine you live in another country, in which one ethnic group slaughters the other. Imagine you live in yet another country in which a racial white minority terrorizes and violently discriminates against a huge majority of black population. Or, imagine you live in a country in which members of one group engage in an "ethnic cleansing" of their former neighbors.Now imagine this: Some big political change comes to each of these societies, and the perpetrators lose their power and are finally stopped from committing any more crimes and atrocities. Now comes the time to decide how to bring about justice for the past wrongs. It is also a question of how to come to terms with the terrible past. How to remember it? How to confront it? How to judge the perpetrators? How to identify them? How to punish them appropriately if at all? Also, is it possible to ever reconcile with the former oppressors and enemies? Maybe even to forgive them? If so, under what circumstances? What is necessary for such reconciliation? What if some of the victims were also perpetrators?The scenarios mentioned above are real ones¿they happened in Germany, Rwanda, South Africa, Bosnia, and elsewhere. In this IntroSem we will explore the social, political, and legal arrangements societies debated about, negotiated, and used to deal with the atrocities of the past. We will assess their utility in the process of ¿transitional justice.¿ We will scrutinize crimes tribunals and truth commissions, and inquire whether they enabled the victims to gain a sense of justice and fairness. Likewise, we will consider under what conditions those victims might ever be capable of a genuine reconciliation.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

INTNLREL 63Q: International Organizations and Accountability

International organizations (IOs), like the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, and others, have been widely criticized as insufficiently accountable. For example, some argue that states are not able to control IOs whose bureaucracies have grown out of control and run amok, while others argue that the real problem is that communities most impacted by IO activities, such as those receiving World Bank loans or UN peacekeeping operations, are least able to influence their activities. Still others contend that the voting rules by which states control IOs are outdated and should be reformed to remedy these problems.Through readings, discussions and case studies, students will learn about a range of international organizations in order to better understand what they do and how they are supposed to be controlled. In addition, we will evaluate the critiques of IO accountability that come from the right and the left, as well as the North, South, East and West, and will analyze different mechanisms of accountability, both formal and informal. Students will have the opportunity to research and present on specific international organizations and accountability mechanisms.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 101: Introduction to International Relations (POLISCI 101)

Approaches to the study of conflict and cooperation in world affairs. Applications to war, trade policy, the environment, and world poverty. Debates about the ethics of war and the global distribution of wealth.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

INTNLREL 102: History of the International System since 1914 (HISTORY 102)

The course seeks to explain the history of international relations in the tumultuous century since 1914. It aims at a three-dimensional understanding, relating social and political structures of countries and regions to the primary shifts in the character of the competition between states, in the composition of the system, and in international institutions and norms. Great power interactions constitute the most visible element within the course: through the two world wars, into the Cold War, and beyond. Concurrently, we look within the empires and blocs of the Twentieth Century world, to consider the changing relationships between imperial centers and subject peoples. Lastly, we consider spirited if sporadic international efforts to pursue order, justice, and progress. This last pursuit also requires study of the proliferation of transnational non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

INTNLREL 105C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives (CSRE 105C, FEMGEN 105C, HISTORY 105C, HUMRTS 112)

(Same as HISTORY 5C. 105C is 5 units, 5C is 3 units.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jolluck, K. (PI)

INTNLREL 110C: America and the World Economy (AMSTUD 110C, POLISCI 110C)

Examination of contemporary US foreign economic policy. Areas studied: the changing role of the dollar; mechanism of international monetary management; recent crises in world markets including those in Europe and Asia; role of IMF, World Bank and WTO in stabilizing world economy; trade politics and policies; the effects of the globalization of business on future US prosperity. Political Science majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110C.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

INTNLREL 110D: War and Peace in American Foreign Policy (AMSTUD 110D, POLISCI 110D)

The causes of war in American foreign policy. Issues: international and domestic sources of war and peace; war and the American political system; war, intervention, and peace making in the post-Cold War period. Political Science majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110D for 5 units. International Relations majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in INTNLREL 110D for 5 units. All students not seeking WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110Y.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schultz, K. (PI)

INTNLREL 114D: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (INTLPOL 230, POLISCI 114D, POLISCI 314D, REES 230)

This course explores the different dimensions of development - economic, social, and political - as well as the way that modern institutions (the state, market systems, the rule of law, and democratic accountability) developed and interacted with other factors across different societies around the world. The class will feature additional special guest lectures by Francis Fukuyama, Larry Diamond, Michael McFaul, Anna Grzymala-Busse, and other faculty and researchers affiliated with the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. Undergraduate students should enroll in this course for 5 units. Graduate students should enroll for 3.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

INTNLREL 114S: International Security in a Changing World (POLISCI 114S)

International Security in a Changing World examines some of the most pressing international security problems facing the world today: nuclear weapons, the rise of China, the war in Ukraine, terrorism, and climate change. Alternative perspectives - from political science, history, and STS (Science, Technology, and Society) studies - are used to analyze these problems. The class includes an award-winning two-day international negotiation simulation.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Trinkunas, H. (PI)

INTNLREL 115: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence (AMSTUD 115S, POLISCI 115, PUBLPOL 114)

This course examines the past, present, and future of American espionage. Targeted at first years and sophomores, the class surveys key issues in the development of the U.S. Intelligence Community since World War II. Topics include covert action, intelligence successes and failures, the changing motives and methods of traitors, congressional oversight, and ethical dilemmas. The course pays particular attention to how emerging technologies are transforming intelligence today. We examine cyber threats, the growing use of AI for both insight and deception, and the 'open-source' intelligence revolution online. Classes include guest lectures by former senior U.S. intelligence officials, policymakers, and open-source intelligence leaders. Course requirements include an all-day crisis simulation with former senior officials designed to give students a hands-on feel for the uncertainties, coordination challenges, time pressures, and policy frictions of intelligence in the American foreign policy process.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 122: Introduction to European Studies (POLISCI 213E)

This course offers an introduction to major topics in the study of historical and contemporary Europe. We focus on European politics, economics and culture. First, we study what makes Europe special, and how its distinct identity has been influenced by its history. Next, we analyze Europe's politics. We study parliamentary government and proportional representation electoral systems, and how they affect policy. Subsequently, we examine the challenges the European economy faces. We further study the European Union and transatlantic relations.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 123: The Future of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities

First, this course analyzes the EU's greatest challenge, preserving the monetary union, and discusses the political and economic reforms needed to achieve that goal. In this context the course also studies the fiscal and budgetary polices of the EU. Second, the course discusses the EU's role in global politics, its desire to play a more prominent role, and the ways to reach that objective. Third, the course analyzes the EU's institutional challenges in its efforts to enhance its democratic character.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 131: Understanding Russia: Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order (INTLPOL 231B, POLISCI 113, REES 231B)

Russia presents a puzzle for theories of socio-economic development and modernization and their relationship to state power in international politics. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 brought into being the new Russia (or Russian Federation) as its successor in international politics. Russia suffered one of the worst recessions and experienced 25 years of halting reform. Despite these issues, Russia is again a central player in international affairs. Course analyzes motivations behind contemporary Russian foreign policy by reviewing its domestic and economic underpinnings. Examination of concept of state power in international politics to assess Russia's capabilities to influence other states' policies, and under what conditions its leaders use these resources. Is contemporary Russia strong or weak? What are the resources and constraints its projection of power beyond its borders? What are the determinants of state power in international politics in the twenty-first century? This course is a combination of a lecture and discussion, and will include lectures, readings, class discussions, films and documentaries.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 135A: International Environmental Law and Policy: Oceans and Climate Change

This seminar offers an introduction to International Environmental Law, with a strong emphasis on oceans and climate change, its underlying principles, how it is developed and implemented, and the challenges of enforcing it. We will focus on oceans and climate change, exploring the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS) and the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). We will explain why these agreements are described as ¿umbrella conventions¿ and how new conventions like the Paris Agreement fit within them. There will be guest speakers, a negotiation simulation, and a legal design sprint focused on re-imagining International Environmental Law.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 140A: International Law and International Relations

International law, as a body of law, performs multiple, competing functions. It serves the interests, and seeks to limit the actions, of state actors. It is also a political rhetoric captured by the oppressed, and a foundation for activism and resistance. The purpose of this introductory course is to illuminate this malleable nature of international law, to explain its foundational principles and sources, and to evaluate the contours of its role as law and discourse. Questions that will accompany us throughout this seminar include: What is the character of international legal rules? Do they matter in international politics? How effective are they? What potential and what limitations do they have? In addition to exploring such questions against the backdrop of theories of international relations, we will consider several topics which bring tensions between international law and international relations to the fore, such as use of force, human rights, and international criminal law.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 140C: The U.S., U.N. Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian War (HISTORY 201C)

The involvement of U.S. and the UN in major wars and international interventions since the 1991 Gulf War. The UN Charter's provisions on the use of force, the origins and evolution of peacekeeping, the reasons for the breakthrough to peacemaking and peace enforcement in the 90s, and the ongoing debates over the legality and wisdom of humanitarian intervention. Case studies include Croatia and Bosnia, Somalia, Rwanda, Kosovo, East Timor, and Afghanistan. *International Relations majors taking this course to fulfill the WiM requirement should enroll in INTNLREL 140C for 5 units.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Patenaude, B. (PI)

INTNLREL 142: Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs, Democracy, Development and Environmental Justice (CSRE 142C, EARTHSYS 135, URBANST 135)

This community-engaged learning class is part of a broader collaboration between the Program on Social Entrepreneurship at the Haas Center for Public Service, Distinguished Visitors Program and the Doerr School of Sustainability, using practice to better inform theory about how innovation can help address society's biggest challenges with a particular focus on environmental justice, sustainability and climate resilience for frontline and marginalized communities who have or will experience environmental harms. Working with the instructor and the 2024 Distinguished Visitors ? Angela McKee-Brown, founder and CEO of Project Reflect; Jason Su, executive director of the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy; Cecilia Taylor, founder, executive director, and CEO of Belle Haven Action; and Violet Wulf-Saena, founder and executive director of Climate Resilient Communities ? students will use case studies of successful and failed social change strategies to explore relationships between social entrepreneurship, race, systemic inequities, democracy and justice. This course interrogates approaches like design theory, measuring impact, fundraising, leadership, storytelling, and policy advocacy with the Distinguished Visitors providing practical examples from their work on how this theory plays out in practice. This is a community-engaged learning class in which students will learn by working on projects that support the social entrepreneurs' efforts to promote social change. Students should register for either 3 OR 5 units only. Students enrolled in the full 5 units will have a service-learning component along with the course. Students enrolled for 3 units will not complete the service-learning component. Limited enrollment. Attendance at the first class is mandatory in order to participate in service learning. Graduate and undergraduate students may enroll.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Janus, K. (PI)

INTNLREL 143: State and Society in Korea (SOC 111, SOC 211)

20th-century Korea from a comparative historical perspective. Colonialism, nationalism, development, state-society relations, democratization, and globalization with reference to the Korean experience.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shin, G. (PI)

INTNLREL 145: Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention

The course, traces the history of genocide in the 20th century and the question of humanitarian intervention to stop it, a topic that has been especially controversial since the end of the Cold War. The pre-1990s discussion begins with the Armenian genocide during the First World War and includes the Holocaust and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. Coverage of genocide and humanitarian intervention since the 1990s includes the wars in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, the Congo, and Sudan. The final session of the course will be devoted to a discussion of the International Criminal Court and the separate criminal tribunals that have been tasked with investigating and punishing the perpetrators of genocide.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 146A: Energy and Climate Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere (INTNLREL 246A)

The seminar provides an overview of the current political dynamics in each of the major fossil fuel producing countries in the Western Hemisphere and its impact on local energy exploration and production. It also explores the potential for expanding existing or developing new renewable energy resources throughout the Americas, and impacts on the local environment, food prices, and land use issues. The course examines the feasibility of integrating energy markets and establishing initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the regional and hemispheric level. The seminar focuses on Chile, a country that lacks significant petroleum and natural gas reserves and has traditionally been a major user of coal. Accordingly, the country has been at the forefront of efforts to facilitate the regional integration of energy markets and develop renewable and non-traditional energy resources. The course concludes with a discussion of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas or ECPA, launched by the Obama administration at the Fifth Summit of the Americas in Trinidad in April 2009, and China's increasing role in Latin America's energy sector. Students taking this course for the M.A. in Latin American Studies should enroll in the INTNLREL 246A section.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 147: Political Economy of the Southern Cone Countries of South America (INTNLREL 247)

This seminar examines the economic and political development of the five countries that make up South America's Southern Cone (i.e., Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay) as well as Bolivia (which was historically part of the sub-region and with which today it has close commercial ties). In particular, the course focuses on the era of Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI), explores the reasons why that model of economic development eventually collapsed and how this contributed to the rise of military dictatorships, looks at the return to democratic rule and the adoption of market-oriented economic policies, and concludes with a discussion of the contemporary situation. Students taking this course for the M.A. in Latin American Studies should enroll in the INTNLREL 247 section.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 153: Political Economy of Latin America (POLISCI 243)

This course offers a comprehensive overview of Latin America's political and economic development, exploring the factors contributing to the region's current situation. It examines why Latin America fell behind the United States, its high degree of political instability, and widespread inequality. The course analyzes Latin America's history, including the colonial period, and uses theories on democracy and development to interpret persistent economic inequality and political instability. Additionally, the course examines key features of Latin American democracies, including state weakness, clientelism, and corruption. By analyzing these factors, students gain an understanding of the challenges facing Latin American countries and potential solutions. The course provides a deep dive into Latin America's political and economic development, offering insights into the region's history and current circumstances, and how they inform potential future outcomes.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mejia Cubillos, J. (PI)

INTNLREL 154: The Cold War: An International History (HISTORY 166C)

Though it ended twenty years ago, we still live in a world shaped by the Cold War. Beginning with its origins in the mid-1940s, this course will trace the evolution of the global struggle, until its culmination at the end of the 1980s. Students will be asked to ponder the fundamental nature of the Cold War, what kept it alive for nearly fifty years, how it ended, and its long term legacy for the world. As distinguished from the lecture taught in previous quarters, this class will closely investigate ten major Cold War battlegrounds over the quarter. Selected case studies will include: the division of Germany, Iran in the 1950s, Cuba, Vietnam, the Six Day War, the Chilean coup, sub-Saharan Africa, Afghanistan, Central America, and the Eastern European revolutions of 1989. Students will be asked to consult a combination of original documents and recent histories.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 158: Chinese Politics (POLISCI 148, POLISCI 348)

China, one of the few remaining communist states in the world, has not only survived, but has become a global political actor of consequence with the fastest growing economy in the world. Why has the CCP thrived while other communist regimes have failed? What explains China's authoritarian resilience? What are the limits to such resilience? How has the Chinese Communist Party managed to develop markets and yet keep itself in power? How does censorship work in the information and 'connected' age of social media? How resilient is the party state in the face of technological and economic change? Materials will include readings, lectures, and selected films. This course has no prerequisites. This course fulfills the Writing in the Major requirement for Political Science and International Relations undergraduate majors. PoliSci majors should register for POLISCI 148 and IR majors should register for INTNLREL 158. Graduate students should register for POLISCI 348.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

INTNLREL 160: United Nations Peacekeeping

This seminar is devoted to an examination of United Nations peacekeeping, from its inception in 1956 in the wake of the Suez Crisis, to its increasingly important role as an enforcer of political stability in sub-Saharan Africa. We will look at the practice of "classic" peacekeeping as it developed during the Cold War, with the striking exception of the Congo Crisis of 1960; the rise and fall of so-called "second-generation peacekeeping"¿more accurately labeled "peace enforcement"¿in the early 1990s in Bosnia and Somalia; and the reemergence in recent years of a muscular form of peacekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa, most notably in Congo in 2013.nStudents will learn the basic history of the United Nations since 1945 and the fundamentals of the United Nations Charter, especially with respect to the use of force and the sovereignty of member states. While the course does not attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of the historical details of any particular peacekeeping mission, students should come away with a firm grasp of the historical trajectory of U.N. peacekeeping and the evolving arguments of its proponents and critics over the years.nEach session of the course is structured around the discussion of assigned readings. Students are expected to complete the readings before class and to come to class prepared to participate in discussions. Each student will serve as rapporteur for one of the assigned readings, providing a critical summary of the reading in question and helping to stimulate the discussion to follow. The instructor will occasionally begin a session with brief introductory remarks (no more than ten minutes) to provide historical context about one or another topic. Required coursework includes two short papers whose particular topic and guidelines will be announced in class.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 168: America as a World Power in the Modern Era (HISTORY 152K, INTNLREL 168W)

This class will examine the history of U.S. foreign policy, beginning the U.S. rise to world power at the dawn of the 20th century and concluding with an examination of the foreign policies of Presidents Bush and Obama. It will ask you to weigh the arguments scholars alongside firsthand (primary source) evidence ? to make your own assessments of motivations, goals, causation, and consequences. Above all, it will ask you to think historically about the last century of U.S. foreign policy, and to consider a broad range of factors: ideology, domestic politics, geopolitics, race, psychology, culture, and bureaucracy ? sometimes in complementary ways. Our task is to understand the critical choices made over the past century, both in their own right and for the broader lessons that a comparative historical perspective might provide.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Rakove, R. (PI)

INTNLREL 168A: American Interventions, 1898-Present (HISTORY 259E, HISTORY 359E)

This class seeks to examine the modern American experience with limited wars, beginning with distant and yet pertinent cases, and culminating in the war in Iraq. Although this class will examine war as a consequence of foreign policy, it will not focus primarily on presidential decision making. Rather, it will place wartime policy in a broader frame, considering it alongside popular and media perceptions of the war, the efforts of antiwar movements, civil-military relations, civil reconstruction efforts, and conditions on the battlefield. We will also examine, when possible, the postwar experience. Non-matriculating students are asked to consult the instructor before enrolling in the course.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 168W: America as a World Power in the Modern Era (HISTORY 152K, INTNLREL 168)

This class will examine the history of U.S. foreign policy, beginning the U.S. rise to world power at the dawn of the 20th century and concluding with an examination of the foreign policies of Presidents Bush and Obama. It will ask you to weigh the arguments scholars alongside firsthand (primary source) evidence ? to make your own assessments of motivations, goals, causation, and consequences. Above all, it will ask you to think historically about the last century of U.S. foreign policy, and to consider a broad range of factors: ideology, domestic politics, geopolitics, race, psychology, culture, and bureaucracy ? sometimes in complementary ways. Our task is to understand the critical choices made over the past century, both in their own right and for the broader lessons that a comparative historical perspective might provide.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 173: Presidents and Foreign Policy in Modern History (HISTORY 261G)

Nothing better illustrates the evolution of the modern presidency than the arena of foreign policy. This class will examine the changing role and choices of successive presidential administrations over the past century, examining such factors as geopolitics, domestic politics, the bureaucracy, ideology, psychology, and culture. Students will be encouraged to think historically about the institution of the presidency, while examining specific case studies, from the First World War to the conflicts of the 21st century. Non-matriculating students are asked to consult the instructor before enrolling in the course.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 174: Diplomacy on the Ground: Case Studies in the Challenges of Representing Your Country (HISTORY 252B)

The tragic death of Ambassador Chris Stevens has recently highlighted the dangers of diplomacy in the modern era. This class will look at how Americans in embassies have historically confronted questions such as authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, violent changes of government, and covert action. Case studies will include the Berlin embassy in the 1930s, Tehran in 1979, and George Kennan's experiences in Moscow, among others. Recommended for students contemplating careers in diplomatic service. *IR majors taking this course to fulfill the IR WIM requirement should enroll in INTNLREL174. As space is limited, first-year students must obtain the instructor's prior consent before enrolling. Non-matriculating students are also asked to consult the instructor before enrolling in the course.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 179: Major Themes in U.S.-Latin America Diplomatic History

This seminar provides an overview of the most important events and initiatives that have characterized the relationship of the United States of America with its neighbors to the south, including Mexico, the Caribbean (especially Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic), Central America, and South America since the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine in the early 19th century until the Biden Administration. In particular, the course examines the motivations for the Theodore Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine and the resulting period of blatant interventionism known as "Dollar Diplomacy," the Good Neighbor Policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the brutal Cold War period, as well as policies pursued by post-Cold War U.S. Presidents such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The seminar also examines the major features of the inter-American system from the Pan American Union to the creation of the Organization of American States (OAS) and its continued relevancy in light of new institutional frameworks such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the rise of China as a major economic power in the Western Hemisphere.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; O'Keefe, T. (PI)

INTNLREL 182: The Great War (HISTORY 210G)

The First World War provided a prototype and a reference for a new, horrific kind of war. It catalyzed the emergence of modern means of warfare and the social mechanisms necessary to sustain the industrialized war machine. Killing millions, it became the blueprint for the total war that succeeded it. It also brought about new social and political orders, transforming the societies which it mobilized at unprecedented levels. This course will examine the military, political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the conflict. We will discuss the origins and outbreak of the war, the land, sea and air campaigns, the war's economic and social consequences, the home fronts, the war's final stages in eastern and western Europe as well as non-European fronts, and finally, the war's impact on the international system and on its belligerents' and participants' perceptions of the new reality it had created.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Vardi, G. (PI)

INTNLREL 183: The Modern Battle (HISTORY 206C)

The purpose of this seminar is to examine the evolution of modern warfare by closely following four modern battles/campaigns. For this purpose the seminar offers four mock staff rides, facilitating highly engaged, well-researched experience for participants. In a mock staff ride, students are assigned roles; each student is playing a general or staff officer who was involved in the battle/campaign. Students will research their roles and, during the staff ride, will be required to explain "their" decisions and actions. Staff rides will not deviate from historical records, but closely examine how decisions were made, what pressures and forces were in action, battle outcomes, etc. This in-depth examination will allow students to gain a deeper understanding of how modern tactics, technology, means of communications, and the scale of warfare can decide, and indeed decided, campaigns. We will will spend two weeks preparing for and playing each staff ride. One meeting will be dedicated to discussing the forces shaping the chosen battle/campaign: the identity and goals ofnthe belligerents, the economic, technological, cultural and other factors involved, as well as the initial general plan. The second meeting will be dedicated to the battle itself. The four battles will illustrate major developments in modern warfare.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Vardi, G. (PI)

INTNLREL 200A: International Relations Honors Field Research

For juniors planning to write an honors thesis during senior year. Initial steps to prepare for independent research. Professional tools for conceptualizing a research agenda and developing a research strategy. Preparation for field research through skills such as data management and statistics, references and library searches, and fellowship and grant writing. Creating a work schedule for the summer break and first steps in writing. Prerequisite: acceptance to IR honors program.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

INTNLREL 200B: International Relations Honors Seminar

Second of two-part sequence. For seniors working on their honors theses. Professional tools, analysis of research findings, and initial steps in writing of thesis. How to write a literature review, formulate a chapter structure, and set a timeline and work schedule for the senior year. Skills such as data analysis and presentation, and writing strategies. Prerequisites: acceptance to IR honors program, and 199 or 200A. * Course satisfies the WiM requirement for International Relations majors who are accepted into the IR Honors program.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Gould, E. (PI)

ITALIAN 62N: Art and Healing in the Wake of Covid-19: A Health Humanities Perspective (FRENCH 62N)

How have artists contributed to healing during the Covid-19 pandemic? How does art shape or express diverse cultural understandings of health and illness, medicine and the body, death and spirituality, in response to crisis? How do such understandings directly impact the physical healing but also the life decisions and emotions of individuals, from caregivers to patients? And finally, how do these affect social transformation as part of healing? This course examines the art of COVID-19, from a contemporary and historical perspective, using the tools of Health Humanities, a relatively new discipline that connects medicine to the arts and social sciences. Materials for this course include art from different media (from poetry and fiction to performance and installation), produced during COVID-19 in mostly Western contexts, in diverse communities and with some forays into the rest of the world and into other historical moments of crisis. They also include some non-fiction readings from the disciplines Health Humanities draws from, such as history of medicine, anthropology, psychology, sociology, cultural history, media studies, art criticism, and medicine itself. We will thus be introduced to basics of Health Humanities and its methods while addressing the pandemic as a world-changing event, aided by the unique insights of artists. The course will culminate in final projects that present a critical and contextual appreciation of a specific art project created in response to COVID-19; such appreciations may be creative art projects as well, or more analytical, scholarly evaluations.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ITALIAN 115: Virtual Italy (ARCHLGY 117, CLASSICS 115, ENGLISH 115, HISTORY 238C)

Classical Italy attracted thousands of travelers throughout the 1700s. Referring to their journey as the "Grand Tour," travelers pursued intellectual passions, promoted careers, and satisfied wanderlust, all while collecting antiquities to fill museums and estates back home. What can computational approaches tell us about who traveled, where and why? We will read travel accounts; experiment with parsing; and visualize historical data. Final projects to form credited contributions to the Grand Tour Project, a cutting-edge digital platform. No prior programming experience necessary.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ITALIAN 155: The Mafia in Society, Film, and Fiction

The mafia has become a global problem through its infiltration of international business, and its model of organized crime has spread all over the world from its origins in Sicily. At the same time, film and fiction remain fascinated by a romantic, heroic vision of the mafia. Compares both Italian and American fantasies of the Mafia to its history and impact on Italian and global culture. Taught in English.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ITALIAN 175: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (COMPLIT 100, DLCL 100, FRENCH 175, GERMAN 175, HISTORY 206E, ILAC 175, URBANST 153)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

ITALIAN 217: Love, Death and the Afterlife in the Medieval West (FRENCH 217, FRENCH 317, HISTORY 217D, HISTORY 317D, ITALIAN 317)

Romantic love, it is often claimed, is an invention of the High Middle Ages. The vocabulary of sexual desire that is still current in the twenty-first century was authored in the twelfth and thirteenth, by troubadours, court poets, writers like Dante; even by crusaders returning from the eastern Mediterranean. How did this devout society come to elevate the experience of sensual love? This course draws on primary sources such as medieval songs, folktales, the "epic rap battles" of the thirteenth century, along with the writings of Boccaccio, Saint Augustine and others, to understand the unexpected connections between love, death, and the afterlife from late antiquity to the fourteenth century. Each week, we will use a literary or artistic work as an interpretive window into cultural attitudes towards love, death or the afterlife. These readings are analyzed in tandem with major historical developments, including the rise of Christianity, the emergence of feudal society and chivalric culture, the crusading movement, and the social breakdown of the fourteenth century.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

ITALIAN 231: Leonardo's World: Science, Technology, and Art (ARTHIST 231, ARTHIST 431, HISTORY 231, HISTORY 331, ITALIAN 331)

Leonardo da Vinci is emblematic of creativity and innovation. His art is iconic, his inventions legendary. His understanding of nature, the human body, and machines made him a scientist and engineer as well as an artist. His fascination with drawing buildings made him an architect, at least on paper. This class explores the historical Leonardo, considering his interests and accomplishments as a product of the society of Renaissance Italy. Why did this world produce a Leonardo? Special attention will be given to interdisciplinary connections between religion, art, science, and technology.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

JAPAN 82N: Joys and Pains of Growing Up and Older in Japan

What do old and young people share in common? With a focus on Japan, a country with a large long-living population, this seminar spotlights older people's lives as a reflectiion of culture and society, history, and current social and personal changes. Through discussion of multidisciplinary studies on age, analysis of narratives, and films, we will gain a closer understanding of Japanese society and the multiple meanings of growing up and older. Students will also create a short video/audio profile of an older individual, and we will explore cross-cultural comparisons. Held in Knight Bldg. Rm. 201.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JAPAN 151B: The Nature of Knowledge: Science and Literature in East Asia (CHINA 151B, CHINA 251B, JAPAN 251B, KOREA 151, KOREA 251)

"The Nature of Knowledge" explores the intersections of science and humanities East Asia. It covers a broad geographic area (China, Japan, and Korea) along a long temporal space (14th century - present) to investigate how historical notions about the natural world, the human body, and social order defied, informed, and constructed our current categories of science and humanities. The course will make use of medical, geographic, and cosmological treatises from premodern East Asia, portrayals and uses of science in modern literature, film, and media, as well as theoretical and historical essays on the relationships between literature, science, and society.As part of its exploration of science and the humanities in conjunction, the course addresses how understandings of nature are mediated through techniques of narrative, rhetoric, visualization, and demonstration. In the meantime, it also examines how the emergence of modern disciplinary "science" influenced the development of literary language, tropes, and techniques of subject development. This class will expose the ways that science has been mobilized for various ideological projects and to serve different interests, and will produce insights into contemporary debates about the sciences and humanities.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

JAPAN 188: The Japanese Tea Ceremony: The History, Aesthetics, and Politics Behind a National Pastime (ARTHIST 287A, JAPAN 288)

This course on the Japanese tea ceremony ('water for tea') introduces the world of the first medieval tea-masters and follows the transformation of chanoyu into a popular pastime, a performance art, a get-together of art connoisseurs, and a religious path for samurai warriors, merchants, and artists in early-modern Japan. It also explores the metamorphosis of chanoyu under 20th century nationalisms and during the postwar economic boom, with particular attention to issues of patronage, gender, and social class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stilerman, A. (PI)

JAPAN 195C: Modern Japanese History: From Samurai to Pokemon (HISTORY 195C)

(95C is 3 units; 195C is 5 units.) Japan's modern transformation from the late 19th century to the present. Topics include: the Meiji revolution; industrialization and social dislocation; the rise of democracy and empire; total war and US occupation; economic miracle and malaise; Japan as soft power; and politics of memory. Readings and films focus on the lived experience of ordinary men and women across social classes and regions.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Uchida, J. (PI); Fu, K. (TA)

JEWISHST 4: What Didn't Make the Bible (CLASSICS 9N, HISTORY 112C, RELIGST 4)

Over two billion people alive today consider the Bible to be sacred scripture. But how did the books that made it into the bible get there in the first place? Who decided what was to be part of the bible and what wasn't? How would history look differently if a given book didn't make the final cut and another one did? Hundreds of ancient Jewish and Christian texts are not included in the Bible. "What Didn't Make the Bible" focuses on these excluded writings. We will explore the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse ancient romance novels, explore the adventures of fallen angels who sired giants (and taught humans about cosmetics), tour heaven and hell, encounter the garden of Eden story told from the perspective of the snake, and learn how the world will end. The course assumes no prior knowledge of Judaism, Christianity, the bible, or ancient history. It is designed for students who are part of faith traditions that consider the bible to be sacred, as well as those who are not. The only prerequisite is an interest in exploring books, groups, and ideas that eventually lost the battles of history and to keep asking the question "why." In critically examining these ancient narratives and the communities that wrote them, you will investigate how religions canonize a scriptural tradition, better appreciate the diversity of early Judaism and Christianity, understand the historical context of these religions, and explore the politics behind what did and did not make it into the bible.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 14B: The Crusades: A Global History (HISTORY 14B)

(HISTORY 14B is 3 units; HISTORY 114B is 5 units.) Questioning traditional western narratives of the crusades, this course studies Latin and Turkic invaders as rival barbarian formations, and explores the societies of western Afro-Eurasia and the Mediterranean in the centuries before western European global expansion. We approach the crusades as a "Christianized Viking raid," and investigate an array of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish sources. In so doing, we emphasize the diversity of perspectives within the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities: in the Muslim case, the tangle of Turkic, Arab, and Berber ethnicities; in the Jewish case, Hebrew, Arabic, and Turkic speakers ranging from the Iberian peninsula to India; in the Christian case, the fragmented Greek, Latin, and Arabic traditions. We explore how these barbarian invasions transformed the societies of western Afro-Eurasia, how ancient Greek knowledge in Islamic translation came to medieval Europe, and how a fragmenting Byzantine Empire gave way to the rise of the Ottoman Empire. However foreign, the interactions and encounters between these societies continue to reverberate today.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 14S: Conversion in Ancient and Medieval Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (HISTORY 14S)

In the third century, a group of Roman soldiers submerged themselves in baptismal waters in the Syrian desert and became Christians, a radical act. A thousand years later, the Jews of Spain were forced to do the same; in 1391, their mass forced baptisms sparked widespread panic. Traces of these historical events, and countless others like them, survive in texts, manuscripts and archeological remains, and prompt the following questions: how did people of the past judge the "authenticity" of a religious conversion? What was the relationship between religion, culture, ethnicity, and race? Was religion an internal conviction, or a cultural practice? This course will explore conversions, both willing and forced, in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Our exploration will focus on conversions among the three Abrahamic traditions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 31Q: Resistance and Collaboration in Hitler's Europe (HISTORY 31Q)

What is resistance and what did it entail in Nazi-occupied Europe? What prompted some to resist, while others accommodated or actively collaborated with the occupiers? How have postwar societies remembered their resistance movements and collaborationists? This seminar examines how Europeans responded to the Nazi order during World War II. We will explore experiences under occupation; dilemmas the subject peoples faced; the range of resistance motivations, goals, activities, and strategies; and postwar memorialization. Select cases from Western, Eastern, and Mediterranean Europe.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 33Q: Stanford Confronts the Fascist Moment (HISTORY 33Q)

What made fascism so attractive and so powerful in 20th century Europe and throughout the world? How did the Stanford community respond to this political ideology that burst onto the scene in the 1920s and engulfed the world in war in the 1940s? Could fascism have another "moment" - in the present or in the future? Students will consider these and other questions in this course, which will discuss the various definitions and theories of fascism and the major fascist movements of the interwar period (primarily Italian Fascism and German Nazism), as well as how the Stanford community responded to them. The course will not just focus on the military and political aspects of fascism, as is traditionally taught, but also social and cultural aspects of fascism, as well. We'll also consider how different groups experienced and reacted to fascism, based on racial background, religious affiliation, gender identity, and sexual orientation. This discussion-based course will also include hands-on archival work in Stanford Special Collections and Hoover Institution Library & Archives.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Weiner, D. (PI)

JEWISHST 77: "Jewish" in 7 Concepts

This course explores Jewish religion, history, and culture by tracing seven key concepts that shape what we mean when we say "Jewish." This course offers a gateway for students pursuing a minor in Jewish Studies or a degree in CSRE, but is open to everyone. The course will include visits from Stanford Jewish Studies core faculty members who will share their approaches to the concepts from their respective fields in history, religious studies, and literature.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 85B: Jews in the Contemporary World: Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (HISTORY 85B, REES 85B)

(HISTORY 85B is 3 units; HISTORY 185B is 5 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 86: Exploring the New Testament (CLASSICS 43, HISTORY 111B, RELIGST 86)

To explore the historical context of the earliest Christians, students will read most of the New Testament as well as many documents that didn't make the final cut. Non-Christian texts, Roman art, and surviving archeological remains will better situate Christianity within the ancient world. Students will read from the Dead Sea Scrolls, explore Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing divine temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse an ancient marriage guide, and engage with recent scholarship in archeology, literary criticism, and history.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Penn, M. (PI)

JEWISHST 86Q: Blood and Money: The Origins of Antisemitism (HISTORY 86Q)

For over two millennia, Jews and Judaism have been the object of sustained anxieties, fears, and fantasies, which have in turn underpinned repeated outbreaks of violence and persecution. This course will explore the development and impact of antisemitism from Late Antiquity to the Enlightenment, including the emergence of the Blood libel, the association between Jews and moneylending, and the place of Judaism in Christian and Islamic theology. No prior background in history or Jewish studies is necessary. Prerequisite: PWR 1.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI, Writing 2

JEWISHST 116: The Hebrew Bible: Readings in religion and culture (RELIGST 116X)

This course will provide an introduction to the Hebrew Bible as well as later, classical Jewish literature. We will examine ancient Jewish texts in their social context and explore both the history of Ancient Israel as well as later, diasporic forms of Jewish practice and culture. The class will begin at 11:00 am. This course is under review for WAYS SI and EDP.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Aranoff, D. (PI)

JEWISHST 148: Writing Between Languages: The Case of Eastern European Jewish Literature (JEWISHST 348, SLAVIC 198, SLAVIC 398)

Eastern European Jews spoke and read Hebrew, Yiddish, and their co-territorial languages (Russian, Polish, etc.). In the modern period they developed secular literatures in all of them, and their writing reflected their own multilinguality and evolving language ideologies. We focus on major literary and sociolinguistic texts. Reading and discussion in English; students should have some reading knowledge of at least one relevant language as well. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for WAYS credit. In 2020-21, a 'letter' or 'CR' grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 1-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 185B: Jews in the Contemporary World:Ā Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (CSRE 185B, HISTORY 185B, REES 185B, SLAVIC 183)

(HISTORY 185B is 5 units; HISTORY 85B is 3 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 211: Out of Eden: Deportation, Exile, and Expulsion from Antiquity to the Renaissance (HISTORY 211, HISTORY 311)

This course examines the long pedigree of modern deportations and mass expulsions, from the forced resettlements of the ancient world to the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, and from the outlawry of Saga-era Iceland to the culture of civic exile in Renaissance Italy. The course focuses on Europe and the Mediterranean from antiquity to the early modern period, but students are welcome to venture beyond these geographical and chronological boundaries for their final papers.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

JEWISHST 226E: The Holocaust: Insights from New Research (HISTORY 226D, HISTORY 326D, JEWISHST 326D)

Overview of the history of the Holocaust, the genocide of European Jews. Explores its causes, course, consequences, and memory. Addresses the events themselves, as well as the roles of perpetrators and bystanders, dilemmas faced by victims, collaboration of local populations, and the issue of rescue. Considers how the Holocaust was and is remembered and commemorated by victims and participants alike. Uses different kinds of sources: scholarly work, memoirs, diaries, film, and primary documents.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

JEWISHST 243A: Hannah Arendt: Facing Totalitarianism (COMPLIT 353B, GERMAN 253, GERMAN 353)

Like hardly any other thinker of the modern age, Hannah Arendt's thought offers us timeless insights into the fabric of the modern age, especially regarding the perennial danger of totalitarianism. This course offers an in-depth introduction to Arendt's most important works in their various contexts, as well as a consideration of their reverberations in contemporary philosophy and literature. Readings include Arendt's <em>The Origin of Totalitarianism</em>, <em>The Human Condition, Between Past and Future</em>, <em>Men in Dark Times</em>, <em>On Revolution</em>,<em>Eichmann in Jerusalem</em>, and <em>The Life of the Mind</em>, as well as considerations of Hannah Arendt's work by Max Frisch, Jürgen Habermas, Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, Giorgio Agamben, and others. Special attention will be given to Arendt's writings on literature with an emphasis on Kafka, Brecht, Auden, Sartre, and Camus. This course will be synchronously conducted, but will also use an innovative, Stanford-developed, online platform called Poetic Thinking. Poetic Thinking allows students to share both their scholarly and creative work with each other. Based on the newest technology and beautifully designed, it greatly enhances their course experience.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 281K: Departures: Late Ottoman Displacements of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, 1853-1923

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, millions of people moved into and out of the Ottoman Empire, sometimes voluntarily and sometimes under extremely violent circumstances. More often than not, they moved in groups that were religiously defined. This course examines how these developments shaped the future of the modern Middle East, Balkans, and beyond. Questions include: How did migration and the idea of the nation shape each other? What does it mean to call a group or a migration "religious"? Why did certain types of diversity become a "problem," in the eyes of the state? What caused these population displacements? What can this topic teach us about today's mass migrations?
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 282: Circles of Hell: Poland in World War II (HISTORY 228, HISTORY 328, JEWISHST 382)

Looks at the experience and representation of Poland's wartime history from the Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) to the aftermath of Yalta (1945). Examines Nazi and Soviet ideology and practice in Poland, as well as the ways Poles responded, resisted, and survived. Considers wartime relations among Polish citizens, particularly Poles and Jews. In this regard, interrogates the traditional self-characterization of Poles as innocent victims, looking at their relationship to the Holocaust, thus engaging in a passionate debate still raging in Polish society.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 282K: Refugees and Migrants in the Middle East and Balkans: 18th Century to Present (HISTORY 282K, HISTORY 382K)

This course studies one of the most pressing issues of our day--massive population displacements--from a historical perspective. Our focus will be the Ottoman Empire and its successor states, including Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Israel/Palestine. Questions include the following: When and why did certain ethno-religious groups begin to relocate en masse? To what extent were these departures caused by state policy? In what cases can we apply the term "ethnic cleansing"? How did the movement of people and the idea of the nation influence each other in the modern age?
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 284: The "Other" Jews: Sephardim in Muslim-Majority Lands (HISTORY 284K, HISTORY 384K)

This course expands conceptions of Jewish History by focusing on overlooked regions such as North Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans. Beginning in medieval Al-Andalus, the course follows the Jews of Spain and Portugal to other parts of the world and traces their stories into the 20th century. Topics include the expulsions from Iberia, the formation of a Sephardi identity, encounters between Sephardim and other communities (Muslim, Christian, and Jewish), life in the Ottoman Empire, networks and mobility, gender, colonialism, and the rise of the nation-state paradigm.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 284C: Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention (HISTORY 224C, HISTORY 324C, JEWISHST 384C, PEDS 224)

Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Traces the history of genocide in the 20th century and the question of humanitarian intervention to stop it, a topic that has been especially controversial since the end of the Cold War. The pre-1990s discussion begins with the Armenian genocide during the First World War and includes the Holocaust and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. Coverage of genocide and humanitarian intervention since the 1990s includes the wars in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, the Congo and Sudan.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Patenaude, B. (PI)

JEWISHST 285D: Vanishing Diaspora? Ruin, Revival, and Jewish Life in Post-Holocaust Europe (HISTORY 285D)

This course explores the lives and fates of European Jews as they re-encountered, reimagined, and reconstructed their communities in the grim aftermath of World War II. Attending to a variety of national and ideological contexts, with a particular focus on Eastern Europe and the communist bloc, the course traces how Jews wrestled with their present and future in the wake of continent-wide calamity, the founding of the state of Israel, Soviet influence, Cold War geopolitics, the collapse of communism, and, finally, the post-Soviet order of the 1990s and 2000s. It likewise traces how postwar European Jewry grappled with the anxieties of immigration and return, the wages of acculturation and assimilation, and the interplay between cultural destruction, revival, and nostalgia in the face of persistent antisemitism, explosive Holocaust memory politics, and significant foreign Jewish philanthropy. Drawing on a wide range of printed, visual, and oral sources, this highly interdisciplinary course investigates questions particular to the Jewish experience, but also broader concerns about European inclusion, interethnic relations, and diasporic identity in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. All readings are in English. **For time and location, email**
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

JEWISHST 287: Hope in the Modern Age (COMPLIT 287, GERMAN 287)

Immanuel Kant famously considered "What may I hope?" to be the third and final question of philosophy. This course considers the thinkers, from Immanuel Kant to Judith Butler, who have attempted to answer this question from within the context of modernity. Has revolution replaced religion as the object of our hope? Has Enlightenment lived up to its promises? These topics and more will be discussed, with readings from thinkers including Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Adorno, and Arendt, alongside the literature of writers such as Kafka, Celan, Nelly Sachs, among others, and with particular focus on the question of hope within the German-Jewish tradition.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

JEWISHST 287C: What is Zionism? (HISTORY 287C)

Zionism from its genesis in the 1880s up until the establishment of the state of Israel in May, 1948, exploring the historical, ideological and political dimensions of Zionism. Topics include: the emergence of Zionist ideology in connection to and as a response to challenges of modernity; emancipation; Haskalah (Jewish enlightenment); other national and ideological movements of the period; the ideological crystallization of the movement; and the immigration waves to Palestine.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Zipperstein, S. (PI)

JEWISHST 288C: Jews of the Modern Middle East and North Africa (CSRE 288C, HISTORY 288C)

This course will explore the cultural, social, and political histories of the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from 1860 to present times. The geographic concentration will range from Morocco to Iran, Iraq to Turkey, and everywhere in between. Topics include: Jewish culture and identity in Islamic contexts; the impacts of colonialism, westernization, and nationalism; Jewish-Muslim relations; the racialization of MENA Jews; the Holocaust; the experience and place of MENA Jews in Israel; and "Jews of Color."
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

KOREA 151: The Nature of Knowledge: Science and Literature in East Asia (CHINA 151B, CHINA 251B, JAPAN 151B, JAPAN 251B, KOREA 251)

"The Nature of Knowledge" explores the intersections of science and humanities East Asia. It covers a broad geographic area (China, Japan, and Korea) along a long temporal space (14th century - present) to investigate how historical notions about the natural world, the human body, and social order defied, informed, and constructed our current categories of science and humanities. The course will make use of medical, geographic, and cosmological treatises from premodern East Asia, portrayals and uses of science in modern literature, film, and media, as well as theoretical and historical essays on the relationships between literature, science, and society.As part of its exploration of science and the humanities in conjunction, the course addresses how understandings of nature are mediated through techniques of narrative, rhetoric, visualization, and demonstration. In the meantime, it also examines how the emergence of modern disciplinary "science" influenced the development of literary language, tropes, and techniques of subject development. This class will expose the ways that science has been mobilized for various ideological projects and to serve different interests, and will produce insights into contemporary debates about the sciences and humanities.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

KOREA 190X: North Korea in a Historical and Cultural Perspective (HISTORY 290, HISTORY 390, KOREA 290X)

North Korea has been dubbed secretive, its leaders unhinged, its people mindless dupes. Such descriptions are partly a result of the control that the DPRK exerts over texts and bodies that come through its borders. Filtered through foreign media, North Korea's people and places can seem to belong to another planet. However, students interested in North Korea can access the DPRK through a broad and growing range of sources including satellite imagery, archival documents, popular magazines, films, literature, art, tourism, and through interviews with former North Korean residents (defectors). When such sources are brought into conversation with scholarship about North Korea, they yield new insights into North Korea's history, politics, economy, and culture. This course will provide students with fresh perspectives on the DPRK and will give them tools to better contextualize its current position in the world. Lectures will be enriched with a roster of guest speakers.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Moon, Y. (PI)

LAWGEN 118Q: Re-Imagining U.S. Border Law and Policy

The U.S.-Mexico border is a region marked by vibrant natural beauty, a welcoming culture, and defined by cross-border communities unwilling to let the border and its politics define them. But why is the border such a convenient muse for fear driven rhetoric, law, and policy? By any metric U.S. border law and policy of the past 30 years has been a complete failure. It has caused thousands of deaths, ripped families apart, militarized and surveilled U.S. communities, grown the largest law enforcement agency in the nation, and never achieved the government's aim of reducing border crossings. Beyond the headlines, U.S. border law and policy actually goes well beyond the border itself. Did you know one-third of the U.S. population lives within the 100-mile border zone? Did you know Border Patrol is permitted to consider race when stopping a vehicle? Did you know it was Border Patrol agents who abducted protestors off the streets of Portland in 2020 and flew drones over Minneapolis? U.S. border law and policy is as much about policing and surveillance as about immigration. This course is for any interested student, no matter their major. It will explore the multifaceted elements of U.S. border law and policy, both related to arriving migrants and to Border Patrol's far and expanding reach domestically and abroad. Through guest speakers, seminar discussions, videos, and simulations students will learn how the U.S. border operates on paper and in practice. We will explore together if we can imagine border law and policies that respect human rights while grappling with today's political realities. Students will leave the course with a deep understanding of border law and policy and analytical skills to apply to complex policy or legal issues, particularly those marked by politics. Class preparation and participation and a short final paper are required.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Drake, S. (PI)

LINGUIST 1: Introduction to Linguistics

This introductory-level course is targeted to students with no linguistics background. It is designed to provide an overview of methods, findings, and problems in eight main areas of linguistics: Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Historical Linguistics, and Sociolinguistics. Through lectures, in-class activities, and problem sets, you will come away with an overview of various linguistic phenomena, a sense of the diversity across languages, skills of linguistic analysis, an awareness of connections between these linguistics and applications of linguistics more broadly, and a basis for understanding the systematic, but complex nature of human language. While much of the course uses English to illuminate various points, you will be exposed to and learn to analyze languages other than English. By the end of the course, you should be able to explain similarities and differences of human languages, use basic linguistic terminology appropriately, apply the tools of linguistic analysis to problems and puzzles of linguistics, understand the questions that drive much research in linguistics, and explain how understanding linguistics is relevant for a variety of real-world phenomena.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Hilton, K. (PI)

LINGUIST 150: Language and Society

This course explores the social life of spoken language. Students learn to address the following big questions about language and society: Why do languages vary across different time periods, locations, and social groups? What do our opinions about the way other people speak tell us about society? How do our social identities and goals influence the way we speak? And how do we use language to alter our social relationships?
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

LINGUIST 156: Language, Gender, & Sexuality (FEMGEN 156X)

The role of language in the construction of gender, the maintenance of the gender order, and social change. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No knowledge of linguistics required.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

MED 103: Human and Planetary Health (PUBLPOL 183, SOC 103, SUSTAIN 103)

For too long, societies have treated nature as an inexhaustible resource. As a result, humanity faces a health crisis of planetary dimensions. Unsustainable food systems, global warming, biodiversity loss, pollution, and changing disease ecology are impacting both human lives and the natural systems that support them. Those least responsible for these crises are hit worst and first. The field of human and planetary health seeks solutions that sustain nature while supporting human health. This course highlights the complex interconnections between environment and health and demonstrates how an interdisciplinary, multisectoral approach and systems thinking can help us to find a path forward. Through lectures, discussions, and interactive exercises, students will learn and write about large-scale problems, priority areas of action, and levers for impact. All students will join a weekly section and work through a multi-part assignment to produce a policy brief addressing a human and planetary health challenge. The course is appropriate for students at all levels and from all disciplines.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

MED 157: Foundations for Community Health Engagement

Open to undergraduate, graduate, and MD students. Examination and exploration of community health principles and their application at the local level. Designed to prepare students to make substantive contributions in a variety of community health settings (e.g. clinics, government agencies, non-profit organization, advocacy groups). Topics include community health assessment; health disparities; health promotion and disease prevention; strategies for working with diverse, low-income, and underserved populations; and principles of ethical and effective community engagement.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

MS&E 134: Solving Social Problems with Data (COMM 140X, DATASCI 154, EARTHSYS 153, ECON 163, POLISCI 154, PUBLPOL 155, SOC 127)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Nobles, M. (PI)

MUSIC 13P: Media and Communication from the Middle Ages to the Printing Press (ENGLISH 13P, ENGLISH 113P, HISTORY 13P, HISTORY 113P, MUSIC 113P)

Did you know that the emperor Charlemagne was illiterate, yet his scribes revolutionized writing in the West? This course follows decisive moments in the history of media and communication, asking how new recording technologies reshaped a society in which most people did not read or write--what has been described as the shift "from memory to written record." To understand this transformation, we examine forms of oral literature and music, from the Viking sagas, the call to crusade, and medieval curses (Benedictine maledictions), to early popular authors such as Dante and the 15th-century feminist scribe, Christine de Pizan. We trace the impact of musical notation, manuscript and book production, and Gutenberg's print revolution. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum, how did the medium shape the message? Along the way, we will consider how the medieval arts of memory and divine reading (lectio divina) can inform communication in the digital world. This is a hands-on course: students will handle medieval manuscripts and early printed books in Special Collections, and will participate in an "ink-making workshop," following medieval recipes for ink and for cutting quills, then using them to write on parchment. The course is open to all interested students.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

MUSIC 113P: Media and Communication from the Middle Ages to the Printing Press (ENGLISH 13P, ENGLISH 113P, HISTORY 13P, HISTORY 113P, MUSIC 13P)

Did you know that the emperor Charlemagne was illiterate, yet his scribes revolutionized writing in the West? This course follows decisive moments in the history of media and communication, asking how new recording technologies reshaped a society in which most people did not read or write--what has been described as the shift "from memory to written record." To understand this transformation, we examine forms of oral literature and music, from the Viking sagas, the call to crusade, and medieval curses (Benedictine maledictions), to early popular authors such as Dante and the 15th-century feminist scribe, Christine de Pizan. We trace the impact of musical notation, manuscript and book production, and Gutenberg's print revolution. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum, how did the medium shape the message? Along the way, we will consider how the medieval arts of memory and divine reading (lectio divina) can inform communication in the digital world. This is a hands-on course: students will handle medieval manuscripts and early printed books in Special Collections, and will participate in an "ink-making workshop," following medieval recipes for ink and for cutting quills, then using them to write on parchment. The course is open to all interested students.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

NATIVEAM 100: Decolonizing Methodologies: Introduction to Native American Studies (AMSTUD 100A)

This course provides students with an introductory grasp on major concepts, theoretical highlights, and important figures in Native American and Indigenous Studies, also known as American Indian Studies or First Nations Studies. The discipline emerged in the United States during the late 1960s when Native student-activists demanded the inclusion of their histories alongside the dominant white settler narratives in universities¿ educational catalog. By examining historical and legal documents, storytelling accounts, images, films, and literary works, students will explore a diverse range of themes and perspectives, gaining an understanding of Native American cultures, histories, and contemporary lifeworlds. The course emphasizes materials from relevant sources produced by and about Natives to foster critical thinking and analysis. It also aims to cultivate an appreciation for the richness and complexity of Native American experiences while introducing major concepts, theoretical highlights, and important figures in the field of Native American Studies. Throughout the course, students will explore the global development of the discipline from a pan-Indian perspective, discussing keywords, histories, politics, disciplinary concerns, and the recent "decolonial turn" within academia. By the end of the course, students will have an introductory understanding of key disciplinary jargon, methodological research, and constitutive issues in Native American Studies.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wilcox, M. (PI)

NATIVEAM 114: Comparative History of Racial & Ethnic Groups in California (CSRE 114R, HISTORY 250B)

Comparative focus on the demographic, political, social and economic histories of American Indians & Alaska Natives, African Americans, Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans during late 18th and early 20th century California. Topics: relationships with Spanish, Mexican, U.S. Federal, State and local governments; intragroup and intergroup relationships; and differences such as religion, class and gender.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OB 110N: Savvy: Learning How to Communicate with Purpose

Our seminar is designed for students interested in improving their communication skills. Right now, you probably don't spend much time thinking about the way you communicate, nor are you likely, in the academic setting, to get much feedback on the messages you send. Yet the quality of your communication will have a large impact on your overall effectiveness in building relationships and getting things done, both in the university setting and later in your career. Each of the sessions in our seminar will help you appreciate the nature and complexity of communication and provide guidelines for both improving your communication style and recognizing the unique styles of others. In each class session, we'll consider a number of well-studied forms of interpersonal communication. And, we'll rely heavily on experiential learning to bring the concepts to life. For example, to better understand the dynamics of unstructured, spontaneous communication, we will participate in an improvisational theatre workshop, taught by one of the artists-in-residence at the Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles. To better understand persuasive communication tactics, we'll participate in role-play exercises, competitive games, and negotiation simulations. For each tactic, we'll talk about why it works, when it works best, and what its limitations might be. We'll discuss how you can put these approaches to work in order to support your goals. After taking this course, you will be better able to: (1) identify strategies for crafting effective communication in the form of everyday conversation, written work, and public presentations, (2) develop techniques for building strong, long-term relationships with your peers, and (3) become more persuasive in advancing an agenda, acquiring resources, or gaining support from others. These skills will be invaluable to you as you grow and develop here at Stanford and beyond.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OB 118N: Us and Them: The Psychology of Intergroup Relations

Why do individuals participate in intergroup conflict? Should we celebrate differences or de-emphasize them to improve intergroup interactions? What roles do gender, race, and culture play in everyday workplace interactions, such as networking and negotiating? Intergroup relations in the 21st century raise significant theoretical and practical questions related to intergroup conflict and cooperation, prejudice and discrimination, and the interests, identities, ideologies and institutions that shape interactions between "us" and "them". Together, we will explore cognitive, affective, behavioral, social and organizational processes that shape how we navigate intergroup interactions. This course builds on concepts and research findings from social psychology, judgment and decision making, sociology, cognitive science, and management. You will have opportunities to present, discuss and debate classic and current research findings in this field. You will also have opportunities to play an active role in intergroup exercises and simulations (e.g., a cross-cultural negotiation). By the end of this course, you should have a deeper understanding of the problems and the solutions that social scientists work on in the domain of intergroup relations, as well as of how academic research relates to ongoing efforts to promote JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) initiatives and policies in organizations and society at large. Your final grade in this course will be based on evaluation of your brief reflection write-ups, in-class participation in our activities, and final paper.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OBGYN 82Q: Demystifying Pregnancy: Physiology, Policy and Politics

A unique course designed to educate future leaders in diverse fields on maternal health and pregnancy related issues. We encourage enrollment for students of all majors and genders. Students will learn strategies for searching and evaluating health information. We will discuss behavioral, social, cultural and economic factors that affect maternal and fetal wellbeing, along with the impact of health disparities, health promotion, disease prevention strategies and future health challenges. Material will include introductory basic science of maternal and fetal physiology, prenatal care, labor and birth, breastfeeding, nutrition and exercise, the pregnant athlete, advanced maternal age, assisted reproduction, surrogacy, teratogens, toxins and environmental change, genetics and epigenetics. We will touch on potentially controversial topics such as prenatal diagnostic testing, ethics and health policy, access to care and health disparities in both fetal and maternal outcomes, homelessness and incarceration, domestic violence and reproductive coercion, teen pregnancy, LGBTQ pregnancy, BMI and eating disorders, substance abuse, problems related to employment, cultural beliefs, myths misconceptions, pregnancy in history as shown in art, and issues of the future. Prerequisites are not necessary. This is meant to be an introductory course for non science majors who wish to incorporate knowledge of maternal health into their future careers as policy makers and thought leaders.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; DeTata, C. (PI)

OCEANS 6N: Ocean Conservation: Pathways to Solutions

(Formerly BIO 6N) We will learn how to design pathways to solutions by integrating social sciences and governance into our case studies. We will address both conventional (fisheries management, reducing the impacts of global shipping, marine protected areas) and emerging research and management approaches (marine spatial planning, dynamic ocean management, environmental DNA). Oceans are facing long-term challenges, like overfishing and pollution that we know how to solve, and emerging challenges, like climate change and ocean plastics, for which solutions are more elusive. Ultimately to achieve long-term sustainability, solutions have to work for both people and the planet. These puzzles offer challenging complex systems problems that will require our best interdisciplinary thinking to solve.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI, WAY-SMA
Instructors: ; Crowder, L. (PI)

OSPAUSTL 40: Australian Studies: History, Society and Culture Down Under

Introduction to Australian society, history, culture, politics, and identity. Social and cultural framework and working understanding of Australia in relationship to the focus on coastal environment in other program courses. Field trips.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Moss, P. (PI)

OSPBEIJ 20: Understanding China's Rise

This course is a survey of China's economic trajectory since the 1980s. Students should finish the course with an understanding of the following issues: In what ways is China's rise historically unprecedented, and in what ways not; What explains China's remarkably rapid China's economic rise; How do China's political institutions guide its economy; How does the structure of China's economy differ from virtually all others; What current challenges will shape China's future? NOTE: OSPBEIJ 20 is the same as -Sociology 175/275/Global 194-. Students may not earn credit for both.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Walder, A. (PI)

OSPBEIJ 25: China in the Global Economy

This is an upper-level seminar on China in the global economy. Focus will be on China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The goal of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of the BRI as a key initiative of China's efforts to globalize, which has engendered much attention, including suspicion. The approach examines what BRI is in theory and in practice, to understand how BRI has played out in different countries and different sectors over time. Specific questions addressed will include: What are the claims that have been made about BRI? What is the political and economic logic of BRI? Who are the key players? How much of this is controlled and coordinated by Beijing? How much by local authorities? What bureaucratic structures, if any, have been created to regulate this major initiative? Whose interests are being served with BRI? What are the challenges facing BRI? How have strategies evolved? How have international reactions affected China's globalization strategies? How has this affected US-China Relations? How does BRI affect domestic politics? Because of the complexity and likely variation in how BRI works in practice across different projects and countries, students will research a specific country or project that is part of BRI. To cover diverse aspects of the country in more depth students will form small research groups. To facilitate research, we will provide links to various databases useful for research on BRI. Student work will be graded individually and as part of a group project. NOTE: OSPBEIJ 25 is the same as -Political Science 248D/348D-. Students may not earn credit for both.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPBER 22: Everyday Life in a Global Metropolis: Exploring Berlin through History, Society, and Culture

What is Berlin, who is a Berliner, and how have the inhabitants of this global metropolis made their city? We will seek answers to these questions by exploring central topics in everyday life - youth, music, and popular culture; food and drink; religion; nature; and the connection between history and memory. We will discuss research papers, visit sites, and talk to Berliners from different backgrounds. In this process, we will co-create a product that communicates our findings and invites our audience to engage with our answers.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPBER 24: History, Memory, and Trauma: Confronting The Past in Historically Divided Societies

It is an obvious point but one that bears repeating: our era is the most murderous in human history. Scholars today debate the meaning of "genocide" ? a term first coined in 1944 ? but even by the strictest definition the last century has witnessed at least half a dozen. It has also seen "ethnic cleansing" (another recent coinage), the systematic use of rape as a political weapon, a burgeoning international slave trade, a steady erosion of the distinction between combatants and non-combatants, and any number of other grievous crimes. We live in an age of atrocity. Yet our era has also seen the development of new modalities for identifying, combatting, and redressing the effects of such crimes. So accustomed have we become to war crimes tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions, national and institutional apologies, reparations program, and the creation of atrocity museums and memorials that it is easy to forget how novel such things are. To be sure, this emerging international reparative regime has rarely, if ever, fulfilled the ambitions of its architects, but it has ensured a measure of justice for at least some perpetrators of great crimes and a modicum of redress for at least some of their victims. Equally important, it has created an array of precedents and institutional forms for societies seeking to come to terms with gross historical injustice and its legacies. This seminar will survey the emerging field of "retrospective justice" through a series of topical readings and case studies. Topics include: the invention of "genocide"; war crimes tribunals; truth commissions; the politics of official apologies; monetary reparations programs; and the art, architecture, and politics of public memorials. Specific cases range from the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission to the ongoing efforts of American universities to come to terms with their historical sins, but in keeping with our location we will spend the lion's share of our time looking at the German case. focusing not simply on the Holocaust but also on the Nuremberg Tribunal that followed, the "forgotten" extermination of Herero and Nama people in German South-West Africa in the years between 1904-07, and the strange career of Hitler's architect, Albert Speer.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Campbell, J. (PI)

OSPBER 33B: Discovering German Culture Through Engineered Products

Around the world, German Engineering and the products that it produces are known for their excellence. The products of Mercedes, Porsche, Zeiss, Bosch, Krupp and many others are perceived as among, if not the best, examples of the products in their market segments. In this course students will learn about the various dimensions to culture and explore how the culture(s) of Germany influence the products designed, built and marketed in Germany and beyond. **Attending the first class is required for participation in the course**
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPBER 55: Music and Society: Perspectives from Berlin

This course examines music's place in society - its production, its consumption, and its contested role in social relations and structures. Why do we prefer certain songs, artists, and musical genres over others? How do we 'use' music to signal group membership and create social categories like class, race, ethnicity, and gender? How does music perpetuate, but also challenge, broader inequalities? Why do some songs become hits? What effects are technology and digital media having on the ways we experience and think about music? Course readings and lectures will explore the various answers to these questions by introducing students to key concepts and ideas. Class time will be spent moving between core theories, listening sessions, discussion of current musical events, and an interrogation of students' own musical experiences. Students will undertake short research and writing assignments that call on them to make sense of music in their own lives, in the lives of others, and in society at large.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPBER 71: EU in Crisis

Challenges confronting Europe as a whole and the EU in particular: impact of the sovereign debt crisis of the Eurozone, mass migration, external and internal security challenges, as well as political and social needs for reform. How the EU and its members respond and if the opportunities of these crises are constructively used for reform - or wasted (Crisis = Danger + Opportunity). Analyse institutions, interests and competing narratives to explain the current situation in Europe. Excursion to other European capital to get a non-German perspective on the crises.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPBER 77: Understanding Intl' Politics Today: From the German Philosophers to Modern Social Science

International politics is beset by problems. States go to war. The global economy is volatile and unequal. The human community is divided into multiple nation-states. Some states dominate others. People commit acts of evil. Luckily, we are not the first people to have noticed that international politics is not characterized exclusively by peace and harmony. War, capitalism, racism, and totalitarianism have all been subjects about which German thinkers - many based in Berlin - have made profound contributions over the last two centuries. Do their ideas and arguments stand up in the cold light of modern social science? What can we learn from them - and what do we need to discard? This course will introduce students to perennial problems in international politics from two perspectives: those of key German political thinkers, and those of modern social science. It is structured around five core questions: Why do states go to war and what could be the basis for a lasting peace? If war is unavoidable, what is the role of morality in war? How can/should the world be governed in the absence of a world state? How has international politics been transformed by capitalism? What role has been and is played by race and racism in international politics?
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stephen, M. (PI)

OSPBER 79: Political Economy of Germany in Europe: an Historical-Comparative Perspective

Political economy of Germany with special emphasis on contemporary issues. German political economy in the broader context of European integration, with some comparison with the U.S. model of economic and monetary integration. Assess, in comparative perspective, the specifics of the German economy embedded in Europe. How did Germany manage to become third export economy in the world? What is the role of government in its economic success?
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPBER 82: Globalization and Germany

Main channels of globalization¿movement of capital, goods, people and ideas¿and their history. Arguments in favor and against economic integration and relationship between globalization and domestic political processes. Key industries of the German export economy; how globalization relates to current debates on migration and social policy. Germany's position in the European Union, as well as the world economy; Germany and its role in future globalization
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPBER 86: The Integration of Refugees in Europe: German Education Settings

Experiences of refugees as they enter German secondary and post-secondary education settings. Using a social-psychological lens, learn how refugees understand their experiences in German schools and interactions with native students and teachers; how they are seen and treated; barriers to better relationships and outcomes; and how these can be overcome. Learn from popular commentary reports; scholarly writings from social-psychology and related fields on diversity, bias, belonging, and psychologically "wise" interventions. Experiential learning opportunities, including conversations with refugee students and educators working with refugees.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPBER 88: Religion & the Third Reich

This course attempts to grapple with this complex and troubling chapter of Central Europe's history--one whose effects continue to be felt today and whose marks are visible in Berlin--by exploring the Nazi leadership's various attitudes and policies toward the Protestant and Catholic churches; the fascination on the part of some Nazis toward new religious movements anchored in occult practices, pseudo-scientific theories, and Nordic religious mythologies; the responses of religious actors and organizations to government attempts to coopt them via 'Gleichschaltung' (coordination)--ranging from reluctant accommodation to enthusiastic cooperation to resistance; the so-called 'Kirchenkampf' (church struggle) within the Protestant regional and national churches; the distinct response of German Roman Catholic bishops and the Pope (Pacelli) to National Socialism; the predicament and sometimes tragic decisions of Jewish Councils and other victims to manage the catastrophe; and the attempts of a handful of resistors, who out of religious conviction and/or reasons of conscience, attempted to 'drive a spoke into the wheel itself' of National Socialism. The course is designed to take maximum advantage of those sites and museums in Berlin that were a part of the history and people we will be studying.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPBER 98: Germany and the Bomb

Nuclear fission was discovered in Berlin at the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, now part of the Free University of Berlin, by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in December of 1938 in Dahlem. In fact, this laboratory, is only a few blocks away from the Stanford campus in Berlin. A few months later, Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch provided the theoretical basis for understanding the perplexing experimental results by Hahn and Strassmann and named the process fission. Their discovery, and the fear that Germany was developing nuclear weapons, was the motivation for the U.S. Manhattan Project that lead to the development of and first use of nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Germany, in fact, had its own Uranprojekt and Uranmaschine (nuclear reactor) projects lead by Werner Heisenberg, a leading physicist at that time, but failed to develop a nuclear weapon. This course explores the history of the German nuclear bomb program during WWII and the reasons why Germany failed to develop an atomic bomb.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPBER 126X: A People's Union? Money, Markets, and Identity in the EU

The institutional architecture of the EU and its current agenda. Weaknesses, strengths, and relations with partners and neighbors. Discussions with European students. Field trips; guest speakers.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

OSPCPTWN 10: Climate Change and Political Violence

Policymakers and scholars are increasingly interested in whether climate change could increase the risk of political instability, including violent conflicts within and between countries. In this seminar, we explore such questions as: How could the expected effects of climate change make civil or international conflicts more likely? What evidence is there that environmental factors contribute to political violence, both historically and today? What regions or countries are most at risk from these challenges, and why? In addition to addressing the human and social impacts of climate change, topics include what causes political violence within and between countries and how we can assess the contribution of different risk factors. In addition, methods and data that scholars use to explore the link between climate and conflict.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPCPTWN 20: Social Dynamics of Health in South Africa: A Medical Anthropological Perspective

This seminar introduces students to the field of anthropology's intersection with Health, Illness and Medical Histories. Drawing on discourses in Body politics, feminist theories of health and medical anthropological approaches to research, this seminar series seeks to question and explore the nature of health realities in South Africa and Africa more broadly. Essentially, it provides an intersectional exploration into how health is comparatively conceptualised using anthropology as the model of analysis. The series is presented discursively and students' lived-experience and critical reflections are welcomed. Topics covered in the course include anthropological configurations of 'the body' (including phenomenology and biopower) as well as the history and geography of medicine (something of a broad sweep of the impact of European medicinal encounters in Africa). The theoretical approach adopted will consider postcolonial theory, development theory, and feminist theories to unpack health realities in South Africa and Africa more broadly. Typical to studies in health and well-being, the seminar series is interdisciplinary in its delivery and students are encouraged to engage critically with a broad range of literature and texts in order to grapple with the content. Thus, there are no prerequisites for doing the course and we welcome students with varying majors. The course will consist of weekly seminar sessions across 8 weeks (2 seminars per week, 16 seminar sessions in total)Instructor: Dr Efua Prah
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPCPTWN 28: Reimagining Histories of Africa: A Workshop

This class explores, through analysis and practice, the ways in which histories of Africa (with a special focus on Cape Town and South Africa more generally) can be told, narrated, captured, produced, and experienced through means other than what might be called traditional "scholarly" or "academic" historical narratives. While professional historians have long-established methodologies for writing about the past, history is continuously explored by people removed from the academy and uninterested in engaging with many of the historiographical and methodological issues that concern scholars. Put another way, many people think about, relate to, and recreate the past in ways that lack footnotes, citations, and sometimes even words. The course has two main components. First, we will consider how aspects of African history have been treated by non-academics from various walks of life, including artists, writers, archivists, photographers, and engaged citizens. In this aspect of the class, Cape Town will be our laboratory; we will take multiple field trips to museums, historical sites, archives, and other relevant exhibitions. If possible, we will schedule meetings with people working to bring the past to life, either through museum work, archival projects, or artistic expression. Approaches will include graphic histories, creative non-fiction, oral histories, art installations, performance and reenactments, and sites of memory, such as museums. Much of our class discussion will be structured around experiencing, critiquing, and understanding the methods used to produce these reflections on the past. We will assess, through weekly exposure to examples, what works, how it works, what doesn't work, and why. But the course is also essentially a creative and research-oriented endeavor. Our analysis of others' works of exhibitions, art, and documentary is undertaken in the service of thinking about students' own projects. Run essentially as a workshop, the latter part of the course will help students develop and create their own reflections on aspects of African history, memory, or the past. Throughout the course, students will start to develop both a subject and a method to capture a historical experience, event, or episode in a way that allows them to express effectively its import ? emotional, political, personal, or otherwise ? for the present. Along the way, students will be expected to help lead discussions, produce short assignments, and make presentations on the development of their project. The main goal of the class, though, will be the production of a final project ? an innovative work of history, a personal and engaging reflection on the past.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daughton, J. (PI)

OSPCPTWN 36: The Archaeology of Southern African Hunter Gatherers

Archaeology, history and ethnography of the aboriginal hunter gatherers of southern Africa, the San people. Formative development of early modern humans and prehistory of hunters in southern Africa before the advent of herding societies; rock paintings and engravings of the subcontinent as situated in this history. Spread of pastoralism throughout Africa. Problems facing the descendants of recent hunter gatherers and herders in southern Africa, the Khoisan people.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

OSPCPTWN 45: Transitional Justice and Transformation Debates in South Africa

Exploration of transitional justice through critical discussion of contemporary South Africa. Conflicting perspectives of the South African transition through an exploration of the creation of the "rainbow nation" as well as discussions over whether a denial of justice for apartheid-era crimes prevails. Decisions made post-apartheid over how best to confront the large-scale human rights abuses of the past, including South Africa's recent past through the lens of the "pillars" of transitional justice: truth seeking, criminal justice, reparations and institutional reform. Issues of structural violence and the legacies of apartheid in order to question to what extent we can consider South Africa to have realised the promises of its transition
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPCPTWN 49: Foundations of Public Health and Social Justice

This course will examine public health and healthcare in the US, South Africa and globally using a social justice lens and emphasizing the interconnectedness of population and individual health. Using public health and healthcare delivery as the overarching framework, the course will cover foundational elements of public health, historical contributions and incorporate elements of social justice throughout the course. Students will learn about the social determinants of health and the influence this has on the health of a society. Students will gain an understanding of the complex nature of the person in the environment taking into consideration the dynamics of social oppression, diversity and social functioning and how biases, prejudice and oppression have led to health disparities. Through active learning in class, field trips and community engagement, students will be guided in becoming effective leaders to promote social justice and healthy communities. Course Director: Lars Osterberg, MD, MPH
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPCPTWN 67: ICT4D: An Introduction to the Use of ICTs for Development

Overview of selected ICT4D initiatives in Africa and South Africa. Engage critically with the optimism that follows technology invention to evaluate context and the digital knowledge gap. Themes such as the notion of technological colonization, co-design, SDG ICT agenda, policy and frameworks and other fundamentals in the field.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Africa, A. (GP)

OSPCPTWN 79: Engaging Southern Cities: Thinking urbanization, development, and public culture from Cape Town

Critical exploration of culture-led urban development in postapartheid Cape Town and beyond. Introduction to the rise of the creative economy in South Africa and Cape Town; current local development of Woodstock. Ways and forms of conflict but also new social interfaces between the new creative tenants and the old established community, on the one hand pointing to problematic issues like lingering gentrification, sociospatial polarisation and lopsided cultural representation while also trying to flesh out some of the opportunities for finding the right frequency of engagement between creative industries and spaces of vernacular creativity within Cape Town's post-apartheid urban realm.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPCPTWN 83: From Cape to California: Settler Colonialism and the Genocide of Indigenous Peopes

Two major social and historical phenomena: genocide and settler colonialism, contextualized within the broad contours of world history as well as the making of European colonialism and Western global domination from the start of European colonial expansion in the fifteenth century to the twentieth century. Emphasis on developing global comparative perspectives focusing on southern African, North and Latin American, as well as Australian case studies. Histories of the place from which students come, California, as well as the place they currently find themselves, the Cape, and the links both have to settler colonialism and the genocidal destruction of indigenous peoples
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 12: Constituting a Republic: Machiavelli, Madison, and Modern Issues

Looking back to the worlds of Machiavelli and Madison, consider citizenship and constitutional design today. How should government today be constructed to serve the public good? What are our responsibilities as citizens with respect to public policy? Readings from central works of Niccolo Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy and Discourse on Florentine Affairs and of James Madison, Federalist Papers.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 13: Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Scientific Revolution in Italy

Italy was central to the Scientific Revolution during the Renaissance. The work of Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, and others in Italy and across Europe, catalyzed the emergence of modern science, with profound changes in our worldview. The work of these Italians contributed to the rise of the scientific method, the development of modern sciences (especially astronomy, biology, physics, and mathematics), and the study of human anatomy and medicine. Technologic innovations, such as the telescope, microscope, accurate timepieces, and the printing press, were also pivotal for the Scientific Revolution. In this course we will explore the emergence of science and technology during the Renaissance and their connections to modern day scientific practice and principles, with a focus on key Italian pioneers. We will take advantage of Florence's location to visit museums and sites, and better appreciate their contributions to scientific methods and thinking.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 21: "Oh no - the Turks!": Italy and the Islamic Mediterranean

Passed down through popular lore, the phrase "mamma li turchi!" is still known to Italians today. This course explores the history, culture, and contemporary politics of Italy through the lens of the country's relations with Muslims and Islamic societies in the Mediterranean region. We begin in the first millennium of the common era, when Muslims ruled over large parts of Europe, including Iberia and Sicily. We then move into the Renaissance period to cover Italy's extensive relations with Islamic empires such as the Mamluks of Egypt and the Ottomans of the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa (often simply called, "the Turks"). Moving into the modern period, we will then examine how Italian national identity was moulded in contrast to an imagined Muslim counterpart, tracing how these ideas informed Italian colonialism in North Africa. The last part of the course focuses on contemporary issues: over the past several decades and still today, Italy has maintained particularly close relations with Muslim countries in the region. Nonetheless, immigration and the supposed menace of Islam have come to play a large role in Italian politics today. We will study these topics using a range of sources including first-hand accounts (in translation), art, and film. Key themes in the course include conquest, coexistence, conversion, migration & immigration, trade, colonialism, national identity formation, the Cold War, and global political movements.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 22A: Food, Culture and Italian Identity

Food is not just fuel for living, but an essential element for building and understanding a culture. Food history will be discussed in its essential lines, moving through narrative, literary and scientific sources, including iconography, to offer examples of document interpretation and an introduction to proper historical work
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 26: Economics of the EU

Discussion and analysis of the European Crisis, which started in Greece in 2009 and continues. Critical comprehension of the inner functioning of the European Union's economics, politics and institutions, understanding of the reasons for the crisis and the solutions undertaken. Comparative analysis with the United States to show the complexity entailed in having one monetary policy and nineteen distinct national budgets. Discussion of key challenges in Europe and next steps in the progress of European integration.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 27: Pasta, Soccer, and Opera: A Sampler of Economics and Data Analysis in Italy

The goal of this course is to introduce students to fun, real-world and sometimes surprising economic phenomena with modern and historical Italy as the centerpiece. Examples include the game theory of penalty kicks in Italian soccer, the salt monopoly that led to Tuscany's famous salt-less bread, the causal effect of BBC radio on Italian resistance efforts during World War II, the economic effects of the Mafia, and the effects of Napoleon's victories on Italian opera quality (through adoption of copyright laws). Students will learn basic economic concepts and econometric tools, as well as a basic introduction to coding in R.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 29F: Sustainable Food Production In Italy

There are more than seven billion humans on the planet, each of whom needs to eat every day. Inefficient food production and distribution practices are contributing to a faster consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels and accelerating environmental degradation. To explore solutions to this issue, we will study viable and sustainable modes of food production and consumption, as well as alternative (and more sustainable) models of food production. Additionally, we will examine how people are responding to increasing inequalities related to food availability, and what we can learn from Italian food cultures in terms of sustainability.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 34F: Becoming Inhabitants of the Sky: Celestial Journeys from Galileo to the 19th Century

The reckless act of pointing the telescope towards the sky entailed the emergence of anthropological, philosophical, and scientific issues. The discovery of an Earth-like Moon first, and then of "other Earths" in the sky revealed the need to rethink the image and role of both "our" Earth and human beings while also reflecting on the habitability conditions of planets and several cosmological theories. When did we start considering human beings as inhabitants of the sky? When were women involved in both imaginary and real astronomical journeys? How did the idea of celestial travel change over the last four centuries and how did the intertwinement of artistic and scientific artifacts contribute to the rise of new images of the universe? Which scientific discoveries led astronomers to wonder about the habitability conditions of planets in and beyond the solar system? Drawing on the descriptions of other worlds provided in Italian philosophical and literary texts, scientific and artistic artifacts from the Renaissance to the 19th century, alongside images relating to a truly observed or merely imagined "other Earth on the Moon," this course shall undertake a journey through the challenges faced in the transition from being inhabitants of the Earth to becoming citizens of the sky. By focusing on the scientific methods, material, and theoretical tools adopted by Italian philosophers and astronomers, students will gain a better understanding of the other worlds in the universe: from the Renaissance new definition of the Earth-Moon system and Galileo's methodological and epistemological reflections to Giovanni Schiaparelli's observations and debates on the so-called canals on Mars. They will explore the different methods and arguments employed to state the ontological homogeneity of space by referring to textual and visual documents, as well as material artifacts. Furthermore, they will gain knowledge of the aesthetic and theoretical underpinnings underlying the creation or improvement of scientific instruments to observe, investigate, and represent new images of the universe, as well as the machines designed to undertake the first real or imaginary travels in the sky and to the Moon. Students will be engaged in a critical comparison of the material and literary instruments used to reframe human beings' place in the universe and examine how the understanding of the relationship between human beings, the Earth, and the hypothesis of other inhabited worlds has been transformed over time.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 35F: Migrants, radicals, and dictators: Italy & the Middle East in the modern era

In this class we explore Italy's long-standing, intimate, and often contradictory ties to the Middle East. The course is divided into three parts, the first of which begins with the unification of Italy in the nineteenth century and extends through the Second World War. Here, we examine the role played by North African countries and the Ottoman Empire in the creation of modern Italy, give an overview of Italy's (mostly failed) colonial ventures, and study the role of imperialism in the rise of Italian fascism in the 1920s. The second section of the course focuses on the region during the Cold War, and we devote particular attention to the economic and political alliances which grew between Italy and Middle Eastern countries. We will see how the former frequently sought to balance its own economic interests with the political aims of its allies in the Western Bloc. The last part of the course shifts the focus to the contemporary period by taking up issues of immigration, geopolitical conflicts in the Mediterranean, and minority communities in Italy today. During the course, we will be engaged in an ongoing discussion regarding the benefits and drawbacks of the notions of "Europe" and "the Middle East" in relation to Italy. How can we productively use these terms given their historical and political connotations, and what can Italy's relations with its Middle Eastern neighbors teach us about these simplistic geopolitical categories?
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 47: Faith, Science, and the Classical Tradition in Renaissance Florence

The Renaissance was a pivotal period in the history of European thought when the Christian religious worldview was challenged by the recovery of classical secular philosophy. In particular, Stephen Greenblatt's Pulitzer-prize-winning The Swerve argues that the rediscovery of Lucretius' On the Nature of Things reoriented European intellectual history toward modern scientific materialism.Readings from Renaissance philosophers and site visits to see the magnificent works of Florentine art will suggest a more complex interaction between religious experiences and secular thought. This course will aim to develop students' capacity for historical criticism, to enhance students' knowledge and appreciation of the philosophy and art of Renaissance Florence, and to illustrate how contemporary social science can be used to deepen our understanding of historical change.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 51: Globalization and Social Divisions

The course examines how social diversity and inequality are produced, understood, and enacted in the context of growing global integration. It will explore how existing social arrangements create and maintain social differences among people ¿ social class; race and ethnicity; age, gender and sexuality; citizenship and nationality ¿ and are influenced by cultural, economic and political processes that are increasingly spanning across borders. Analyzing the implications of global forces, relations, and institutions ¿ e.g. the media and cultural industry, tourism, religion, social movements and the human rights regime ¿ will help students understand why the social construction of diversity and inequality today should overcome the "methodological nationalism" that often characterizes the study of social divisions. Instructor: Paola Bonizzoni
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 62: Un)fashionable Entanglements: Development, Workers' Movements and Regulation in Global Garment Value

Fashion and garment production is an old trade, and it is one of Italy's most important sectors in terms of global prestige, cultural effervescence, and exportation. Fashion entangles creativity, culture, style, and ways of life. At the same time, garment production entails complex and globalized manufacturing processes that tie together segmented labor forces with differentiated levels of work quality, rights, and regions embedded in the world economy in diverse positions and at different levels of their developmental path. Garment manufacturing is an industry forerunner in terms of productive globalization, and it is considered a starter industrial sector for economically underdeveloped regions. Early on, it presented signs of technological revolutions, the growing role of intangible assets over production, and the restructuring dynamics of production in complex, globalized and functionally integrated value chains. The sector, therefore, serves as a guide and a lens to scrutinize wide-ranging phenomena and to engage with broader theoretical debates. By analyzing the garment/fashion complex, it is possible to study globalizing production and consumption processes, the role of decent work in global production networks, and the crucial issues of economic development and transnational regulations. This course focuses on the literature that deals with garment production in Global Value Chains and explores different analytical approaches in between the theoretical traditions of economic and labor sociology and international political economy. The focus on garments allows students to deepen their knowledge of related and wider issues such as theories of development, feminist political economy, analyses of labor organizations, and the regulations for decent work across national boundaries. The course, therefore, touches upon issues of gendered exploitative mechanisms at work, labor control and surveillance, theories of labor agency and movements within the workplace and across national boundaries, as well as theories of private and public global governance for labor standards. While the course is global in its analytical scope, it pays specific attention to European and especially Italian dynamics. Readings on Italian case studies and current events are presented in almost all the weekly topics and two thematic units are dedicated entirely to an analysis of garment production processes in Prato and in Southern Italy.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 64: Colonial Heritage, Euro-Mediterranean Relations, Migrations, Multiculturalism

Analysis of colonialism during the 19th century, with particular reference to French colonialism, followed by discussion of the influence of the colonial heritage on current African and Euro-Mediterranean relations. Consideration from the perspective of colonial law. In addition, discussion of three aspects of Euro-Mediterranean relations: 1) the period from the establishment of the European Economic Community (EEC) up until the beginning of the "Arab Spring"; 2) the new EU policies after the uprisings of the "Arab Spring", and 3) the new EU perspectives after the failure of the "Arab Spring" with the exception of Tunisia. Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in 2011 and in 2015 after the end of the "Arab Spring" revolts.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 65: Exclusion/Inclusion Processes of Migrants in Italian Society

Analysis of the processes of exclusion/inclusion of migrants into Italian society, in a country which has recently become a place of immigration from abroad. It is divided into five parts: 1. Migration theories. 2. Migration policies. 3. Labour market and social mobility. 4. Social representations of migrants. 5. Migration and criminality. Field trips to NGO's
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 70F: Environment and Society: Social and Political Perspectives of Sustainability

The course will explore the main social and political dimensions of the environment, from the pioneering 'limits to growth' concept of the 1970s (Meadows Report, 1972) to the influential idea of 'sustainable development' (Brundtland Report, 1987). The complexity of environmental challenges requires an interdisciplinary approach that looks at both the social and political construction of 'natural problems,' and at the scientific and technological dimensions that shape their genesis and solutions. The course is organized around two axes. The first, a theoretical one, offers an overview of key paradigms such as 'limits to growth,' degrowth, ecological modernization, and sustainable development. The second axis focuses on case studies of current environmental issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental risks, with a particular emphasis on Italy and the EU. By connecting theory with practice, students will gain insights into the roles of various social players and the dynamics between technocratic and democratic approaches within the EU. Emphasizing a comparative approach, this course analyzes global case studies to foster transnational awareness and critical reflection on environmental policies and politics. By the end, students will be equipped to navigate and influence environmental policies, critically assessing the interplay of interests, values, and knowledge.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 73: Fascism & World War II in Italy

The purpose of this course is to explore the various dimensions of World War II in Italy. It will cover major military and diplomatic events, as well as the dramatic shifts in Italian fortunes at war, including: Mussolini's occupation policies in the Balkans, efforts to surrender to the Allies in 1943, the subsequent German occupation of northern Italy, the bitter fighting between the Wehrmacht and the Allies, and the growing power of and use of violence by the communist partisans.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 74: The Politics of Race in Italy

This course approaches the politics of race in Italy from an anthropological and historical perspective. It focuses on the historical formation of the range of attitudes, ideas and sentiments of race, including racism, found in Italy today. By taking an explicitly comparative approach to racial formation and racism, it requires students to critically reevaluate their understandings of race, identity, racial politics and racism. This includes rethinking not only what are conventionally viewed as "minority" racial identities but also white racial identity. The learning objectives of the course are: a) to understand the political and social history that has led to the formation of current attitudes, ideas and political stances on race in Italy; b) to understand the regional variation in these attitudes, ideas and political stances; and c) to extend this new understanding to the political and social history of race in the U.S.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 78: EU Politics and Crisis

Institutional design of EU, forthcoming changes, and comparison of the old and new designs. Interactions between the EU, member states, organized interests, and public opinion. Major policies of the EU that affect economics such as competition or cohesion policies, market deregulation, and single currency. Consequences of the expansion eastwards. The role of institutions as a set of constraints and opportunities for the economic actors; relationships between political developments and economic change in the context of regional integration; lessons for other parts of the world.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 81: Communism(s)

History of communism since 1917 as a factor in the making of the global world. Focus of the course will be on the intersections of communism with the colonial and post-colonial world, by analysing strategies, influences, and connections between the Soviet Union, Europe, and the Third World.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 88: Made in Italy: Heritage, Creativity, Sustainability

This class will provide students with knowledge on the complex and evolving nature of sustainability as implemented in two industries: fashion and tourism. In both industries the last decade has witnessed a growing awareness of the need for business models and approaches to production and consumption that are ethically, economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. Their motivation to "go green" stems from ethical, social, and legal questions and also represents an opportunity to increase competitiveness and profitability. The course will discuss contemporary perspectives on sustainability with a specific (but not exclusive) focus on Italian cases.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 89: The Dark Side of the Renaissance: Contagion, Emotions, Beliefs in times of Epidemics

The Dark Side of the Renaissance: Contagion, Emotions, Beliefs in times of Epidemics
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 92: No Planet B: Class, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice

How do old and new environmentalist movements relate to social justice struggles and other collective actors? Why do they emerge in some countries and not in others? How do environmentalist groups shape political decisions at the local, national, and transnational level? What differences and commonalities exist in environmentalist movements and their forms of contention across Italy and Europe? To address these questions, this course will look at environmental contentious politics in Europe and Italy, drawing on debates developed in political economy, social movement studies, environmental sociology, political ecology, and labour environmentalism.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 94: "Brothers of Italy": The Gendered and Racial Making of the Italian Nation

This course introduces an interdisciplinary understanding of the concepts of gender and race and their intersectionality as a theoretical tool to trace a gendered and racial genealogy of the Italian nation. The course aims to work through a variety of disciplinary approaches from history, to sociology, to political philosophy. Through these approaches we will learn to critically employ the concepts of gender, race, and nation by understanding their relationality, reciprocity, and their specific application in the field of Italian contemporary history.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPFLOR 106V: Policing, Punishment and Democracy: Beccaria and the Modern Politics of Crime

This course will ask how police, prosecutors, and prisons should operate in an open, democratic society, and what opportunities and challenges democracy creates for making those institutions fair, effective, and humane. Our entry point will be Cesare Beccaria's 1764 treatise, Of Crimes and Punishments, which linked criminal justice reform with the struggle against despotism. Beccaria was a key figure in the Italian Enlightenment, and his treatise laid the foundation for virtually all subsequent efforts at criminal justice reform, in the United States as well as in Europe. Beccaria's ideas heavily influenced the American Revolutionaries, found expression in the Bill of Rights, and continue to shape discussions of policing and punishment today. We will read Beccaria's treatise, as well as secondary materials placing him in historical context and tracing his influence on the reform of criminal justice institutions in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We will also examine a series of contemporary debates about policing, prosecution, and punishment, including calls for prison abolition and for defunding the police, and we will ask what light Beccaria's ideas can throw on those debates. We will consider, too, the criminal-justice dimensions of the recent rise of populism and nativism, both in the United States and in Europe, and the increasing overlap between debates about crime and debates about immigration. Studying Beccaria will provide a window into the Italian Enlightenment, and tracing his influence will help us place modern debates about mass incarceration, police violence, and prosecutorial discretion in historical perspective. We may take field trips to the sites of former prisons in Florence and to Milan, where Beccaria lived and worked.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

OSPHONGK 24: Urban China

Socioeconomic, political, and cultural facets of urbanization with a regional focus on China. Critical observation and analysis of the process of urbanization and its lived experiences in the Chinese context. Comparative lessons from other regions for comparative understanding of the complex processes of urbanization across the globe. Critical investigation of urban issues ranging from land politics, urban planning, urban governance, to citizen rights, urban space, and urban culture. Overview of China's quest for modernity and its urban transformation since the late imperial era, followed by an interdisciplinary approach to examine China's unprecedented urban development in the post-reform era. Hands-on field trip in Hong Kong to take full advantage of Hong Kong as a global city.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPHONGK 27: China and Regional Order

This course looks at China's changing political, economic and security relationships in Asia through frameworks in the International Relations literature. It contextualizes China's external relationships across Asia-Pacific in the ongoing evolution and negotiation of Asian regional order and institutions in the aftermath of the Cold War, and argues that this context helps account for the objectives of and some apparent ambiguities and contradictions in Chinese foreign and security policy. Three parts: context and background; empirical view of developments involving China's international relationships in Asia; theoretical frameworks to evaluate China's relations with regional order.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPHONGK 29: The Rise of China in the Global Context I: Diplomacy, Trade, and Soft Power

The "Rise of China" from the perspective of Global Governance, shedding light on its diplomatic, trade and cultural relations with others in the Global Community. Critical analysis of the transformation of Chinese foreign policies since the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the momentum behind this change of practices. Topics include: history and evolution of Chinese foreign policies; analytical framework of policy-making process in China, particularly in handling foreign and security affairs; foreign relations with both the developed and developing nations; booming economy and integration with the global economy; assessment of the rhetoric of "Peaceful Rise" and "Charm Offensive" with reference to the Confucius Institute.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPHONGK 32: Fintech and Entrepreneurship in China

Introduction to the concepts essential to the entrepreneurial process and a look at the role of the individual and teams within high-impact ventures, intended for sophomores, juniors, and seniors of all majors. Case studies, lectures, workshops and mentor-guided team projects cover high-growth ventures involving technology, with special emphasis on the significance of entrepreneurship, blockchain/AI/ML related to financial innovation and opportunities in Hong Kong and China more broadly. Explore both financial innovation for high net worth as well as "bottom of the pyramid" individuals and ethical issues in startups. No prerequisites. Also enroll in CUHK course # EPIN4010. Enrollment limited.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPHONGK 42: Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Society

Examination of gender and sexuality from a contemporary and regional perspective. Based on a cross-cultural perspective, read and analyze different meanings of gender and sexuality, and how these meanings are constructed. How gender relations and sexual politics are related with historical backgrounds, cultural heritage, market expansion, ideological shifts, and capitalist dynamics in a context of modernization campaigns and globalization processes. The topics of gender and sexuality interwoven with that of migration, work, family, popular culture, mass media, and consumerism.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPHONGK 44: Medical Sociology

From a sociological perspective, dissect issues such as conflicts between patients and doctors; safety of medical treatments and reliability of medical knowledge; inequality in health and longevity; and ever-increasing health care spending. Questions such as: What counts as illness? How do people understand illness? How does illness affect people's life? Who gets ill and why? What is the role of medical technology in fostering health? Why do doctors and patients have trouble communicating? How should health care systems be organized? Also examine some of these issues in the contexts of Chinese societies, such as China and Hong Kong with comparative perspectives.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Doyle, A. (GP)

OSPHONGK 45: Chinese Culture and Society

An anthropological approach to China. Discussions concentrate on major cultural and social institutions of China, both traditional and contemporary, such as family, marriage, kinship, lineage and clan, economic system, religion and value orientation.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPHONGK 55: What Is Religion? Adventures in Religious Studies, Hong Kong Edition

This course introduces students to the study of religion by posing three interrelated questions: what is religion; what's at stake in defining it; and what gets to count as one? We will engage some of the classic theories of religion, ask how and why certain traditions get counted as "world religions" while others don't, and explore local sites - from the famous Lantau Island Buddha to Hong Kong Disneyland - to understand the conceptual reach and limits of the category.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Lum, K. (PI)

OSPHONGK 72: China Under Mao

More than four decades after the death of Mao Zedong, the assessment of his twenty-seven years in power in the founding period of the People's Republic of China remains a subject of intense debate inside and outside of China. Much of this involves contestations over China's historical past and Maoist legacies for the future that both are primarily concerned with politics in the present. Historians, meantime, are more deeply engaged than ever before in seeking to advance our understanding of how this era and its events emerged and developed as they did, and what its consequences have been for China today. The quest to illuminate the historical processes contributing to this era of turbulent elite politics, chaotic and often horrifically violent revolutionary political campaigns, and unprecedentedly vast state-directed restructuring of the economy, culture, and nearly all aspects of society has been joined by an interest in the related human and natural costs, the lived experiences, and the diverse forms in which local societies at the grassroots distant from the central government adapted their own variations of life under Chinese socialism. This upper-level course invites students to join the exploration of a history of great consequence that is still in the early stages of being brought to light. Also enroll in CUHK course# CHES3003. Enrollment limited.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPKYOTO 25: Japan and China in the Early Modern World

Japan and China during their transition to modernity, in the context of successive waves of interaction and globalization. By the 16th century, when Europeans reached East Asia, China's Ming Dynasty and Japan's Muromachi Shogunate ruled over two of the most populous, urbanized, and sophisticated societies in the world with China the superior regional power. In the late 19th century, that longstanding status quo was abruptly upended. European and American steamships dominated the Pacific, China was in the throes of social and political upheaval, and Japan had begun its modernization and march to empire. Using short primary sources (fiction, memoirs, and historical documents) and field trips, we will study the dynamics of Japanese and Chinese societies, highlighting connections and contrasts, as well as the impact that each has had on the other. How did Sino-Japanese relations in the early modern era lay the foundations for the current fraught relationship between these two East Asian powers? Confucianism, and the Chinese model of statecraft, which can be seen in the temples and other historical sites of Kyoto, as well as in the layout of the city (modeled on the Tang capital of Chang'an). By the 16th century, when European merchants and missionaries first reached East Asia, the Ming Empire and the Muromachi Shogunate comprised two of the most populous, urbanized, economically advanced, and culturally sophisticated societies in the world-with China clearly the superior regional power. By the early twentieth century, that status quo had been turned on its head. European and American steamships now dominated the Pacific, China was in the throes of social and political upheaval, and Japan had begun its modernization and march to empire. Japan's defeat of China in 1895 marked its debut as a major power; soon Japan would seize Korea and begin encroaching on China's Manchurian territories. Using textual sources (fiction, memoirs, and historical documents in English translation), as well as field trips to historical sites and museums, we will study the historical dynamics of Japanese and Chinese societies during these centuries, highlighting their connections and contrasts, as well as the profound impact that each has had on the other. How did Sino-Japanese relations in the early modern era lay the foundations for the current fraught relationship between these two East Asian powers?
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPKYOTO 41: Queer Culture and Life in Japan

Exploration of queer lives and cultural practices in Japan through diverse materials from film, literature, theater, art, as well as newspapers and personal testimonies. What it means to be queer in Japan and how it might signify differently from a US context. Looking at each text, examine how gender norms and sexual politics intersect and operate in Japanese society.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kanno, Y. (PI)

OSPKYOTO 55: Exploring Japan's Media Landscape

This course will examine Japanese media through the lenses of economics, politics, and media studies. A key goal: understand the forces that shape the creation of content across different demands that individuals in Japan have for information as consumers, producers, entertainment seekers, and voters. Broad themes include the ways that markets transform information into news, the operation of the marketplace of ideas, the economics of digital entertainment markets, and the operation of social networks. Distinctive features of Japanese media include anime, manga, national newspapers, and the NHK public broadcasting system. (Note: no previous study of economics, politics, or media studies required).
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Hamilton, J. (PI)

OSPMADRD 19: Language and Thought

Languages describe the world in different ways. In some languages, you have to say when an event happened (past, present, future, etc.), while in others it is obligatory to say how you know about the event (you saw it, you heard about it), or the gender of its participants. In some languages there is one word that covers blue-and-green, while in others there are many. Do these differences in the language you speak influence the way that you perceive, understand, and think? We will survey recent work on how languages affect thought, with a special emphasis on contrasts between Spanish and English. Assignments include reading original sources, essays synthesizing science with personal reflections, and (attempts at) replication of key experiments with friends and acquaintances.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPMADRD 43: The Jacobean Star Way and Europe: Society, Politics and Culture

The Saint James' Way as a tool to understand historic dynamics from a global perspective. Its effect on the structures that form a political and institutional system, and its society, economy, and ideology. Enrollment limited.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Reyes, O. (PI)

OSPMADRD 47: Cultural Relations between Spain and the United States:Historical Perceptions and Influences, 1776-2

Critical historical thinking about international cultural relations, using Spain and U.S. as case studies examples, with references to Atlantic world contexts, from 1776 to the present. Insights into the continuing social and political relevance of their contested legacies. interpretive perspectives grounded in different ideologies, interests and collective identities within both societies. Introduction to pertinent social scientific theory regarding identity formation, self-image, and perceptions of and interactions with ethnic and cultural otherness. Differences between history, historiography and memory through consideration of diverse forms of expression and vehicles of transmission of collective memory.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Hilton, S. (PI)

OSPMADRD 54: Contemporary Spanish Economy and the European Union

Concepts and methods for analysis of a country's economy with focus on Spain and the EU. Spain's growth and structural change; evolution of Spain's production sectors, agriculture, industry, and services; institutional factors such as the labor market and public sector; Spain's economic international relations, in particular, development of the EU, institutional framework, economic and monetary union, policies related to the European economic integration process, and U.S.-EU relationship.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

OSPMADRD 55: Latin Americans in Spain: Cultural Identities, Social Practices, and Migratory Experience

Shift in recent decades from Spain being a country of emigration to one attractive for immigration, especially for people coming from Latin America. Transnational processes of interculturality, integration and assimilation as illustrated by the different ways that immigrant Spaniards relate to Spanish society in Spain.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Perez Galan, B. (PI)

OSPMADRD 61: Society and Cultural Change: The Case of Spain

Complexity of socio-cultural change in Spain during the last three decades. Topics include: cultural diversity in Iberian world; social structure; family in Mediterranean cultures; ages and generations; political parties and ideologies; communication and consumption; religion; and leisure activities.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

OSPMADRD 74: Islam in Spain and Europe: 1300 Years of Contact

Primary problems and conflicts in the contemporary Islamic world and its relations with the West, as well as the relationship between Spain and Islam throughout history. Special attention to the history of al-Andalus, an Islamic state in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, evaluating the importance of its legacy in Europe and in contemporary Spain. Spain's leading role in relations between Europe and the Mediterranean Islamic states from the Modern Era to the present day.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ariza Armada, A. (PI)

OSPMADRD 75: Sefarad: The Jewish Community in Spain

The legacy of Sefarad, the Jewish community in Spain. Historical evolution of the Sephardic community, under both Muslim and Christian rule, including the culmination of Anti-Semitism in 1492 with the expulsion of the Jews. Cultural contribution of the Hebrew communities in their condition as a social minority, both in al-Andalus, the peninsular Islamic State, and in the peninsular Christian kingdoms.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 12: Economics and Strategy in Crisis Management

This course will equip students with academic and professional skills necessary for understanding crisis management in the 21st century. This will be approached by drawing on a series of case studies, from the perspective of both firms and public policy actors. Case studies will cover topics spanning fiscal stimulus, monetary policy, welfare policy, strategy, and risk management, and deal with pertinent issues such as COVID-19, the climate emergency, and cyber warfare. It will include excursions and opportunities for student-led interviews which will draw on Thomas's access to public and private sector actors involved in decision making.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 20: Did Globalization Fail Britain

Did Globalization Fail Britain?This course investigates the causes and effects of the British backlash to globalization. The course is organized into two distinct parts. In part one we look at the dynamics of globalization and why it is so disruptive in most nations. In this section of the class, we look at the early years of the global regime, at the role of international institutions, the welfare and job shift over time and then finally, on the political-populist backlash. In the second half of the course, we look specifically at Britain and the origins and effects of Brexit. We review the history and politics of Britain and the EU and then the political campaign for exit. To better understand popular support for Brexit, we will look closely at public opinion polls before and after the vote. The class meets twice a week for 90-minute sessions. Students will write two papers, one for each section of the course.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 22: British Politics Past and Present

The political system of the United Kingdom; contemporary scholarly debates about UK politics and the UK constitution; and critical analysis of these debates and of current issues in UK politics (including constitutional reform), using contemporary political science and political theory.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 24: Layered Landscapes: Traces of the British Past

What kinds of evidence exists to allow contemporary students to evaluate a country's history of human endeavor? What different roles do buildings, monuments, and records play in forming collective memory? What other kinds of cultural objects - like art, music, and literature - create and augment varying identities within political borders? What role does a nation's established record and its interpretations play in perpetuating particular perspectives?This course asks how and why British communities and institutions preserve and sustain their material record asking how monuments were built, used, and described. We shall explore how (the potentially collective) memories of Britain are gathered, categorized, described, made accessible and felt. We shall investigate how to read the traces of landscapes layered through time, and inquire about the work archives, museums, public monuments, and tourist sites do to testify to a past that was glorious for some and deeply oppressive and violent for others. The course will introduce students to the fundamental skills and methodological framework required for working with an informed humanities expertise; a professional expertise that is critical, recognizing complexity, different viewpoints, and open-ended interpretation. Students will learn to read and interpret archival sources, and to practice the description, analysis, and public-facing discussion of primary materials. Among the places we may visit are the Bodleian Library, Oxford History Centre, and the museums in Oxford; the British Library and the British Museum in London; Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral in Wiltshire; Offa's Dyke (Shropshire); and a variety of monuments and preserved features in the local landscape.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 28: Oxford and Abroad: Travel Narratives and Historiography of an Academic City

Rich history of Oxford, the place in which students are studying; skills to become aware of the profound influences the experience of living and studying abroad can have on self-conceptions. Appreciation of study in a town with such a marvelous tradition of scholarship through understanding of the history of learning in Oxford. How Oxford came to be the university town it is today.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 36: Creating English Democracy

How English democracy developed historically. How did the "Mother of Parliaments" first get going? How did it survive repeated attempts by the monarch to make it subservient, ultimately turning the latter into a figurehead? How did laws, which were once royal decrees enforced by judges who served "at royal pleasure," become parliamentary statutes enforced by judges who held their offices "during good behavior." How did elections transform from affairs in which less than 10% of adult men could vote into mass elections with universal suffrage?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 40: Migration, Forced Displacement, and Human Rights

Contemporary life is hard to imagine without migration and mobility. As an almost constant topic in our political discourse, the movement of people across borders is not one of the most policed areas of modern life. This course will introduce you to some of the topics central to understanding the global migration regime and help you to understand how it fits into the broader framework of human rights protection. We will consider various aspects of migration and mobility, including forced displacement, securitization, border controls, immobility, climate change, and queer displacement.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 41: Western Thought: Origins of Twentieth Century Semiotics

Story of semiotic exploration, its contributions to literary critical theory, Marxist critique and feminist critique, in development of twentieth century thought. Close look at principle authors and circumstances that engendered their writings. Questions about the relationship between thought and environment, and between ideology and action raised by looking at the way twentieth century events influenced thinkers to consider the purposes of language in society, in identity , and in authority.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 45: British Economic Policy since World War II

Development of British economic policy making from 1945, focusing on political economy including: ideological motives of governments; political business cycle; and the influence of changing intellectual fashions. Policy areas: attitude to the pound; control of the business cycle; and the role of the state in the economy. Prerequisite: ECON 50.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 49: Environmental Economics and Policy

Economic dimensions of environmental policy with an emphasis on experience in the UK and EU, particularly in the context of climate change. Topics include: positive and normative perspectives in environmental economics; market failure; regulation theory and practice; asymmetric information; and the valuation of environmental goods and services. Both lecture and seminar formats with visits from local scholars and regulators and a field trip to Parliament and London regulatory agencies. An introductory economics class is recommended prior to taking the class. Oxford University students are welcome.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 61: Entrepreneurship in the Arts

What is it like to start your own company? Creative industries and arts consulting are often overlooked by those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Changemakers, meanwhile, look onto big arts institutions with exasperation. This course teaches the fundamentals of starting an arts business from the ground up, and offers students a chance to meet successful entrepreneurs in the UK and learn from their experiences
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; McGrath, M. (PI)

OSPOXFRD 67: Pandemics in Cultural Context

A pandemic is a biological and medical event, but it is also a social one. Medical anthropology studies these intersections and the biosocial and cultural dimensions of health, illness, and disease. This course uses anthropological theory, social science research methods, writing across the humanities, and visual representations to help us understand infectious disease. We will explore broad debates in medical anthropology, though the focus will remain on recent pandemics. In this course, we will explore and unpack many large questions which shape our lives: what is it to be ill? To be healthy? How do we experience and narrate pain and illness, and how might others do so differently? How might health disparities and outcomes be culturally created? In probing these questions, this course will provide students with a framework for critically engaging with discourse on infectious diseases, as well as approaching the social challenges illuminated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this course we will learn to approach disease and illness within their specific cultural, political, economic, and ecological contexts.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 76: Access, Distinction and Material Culture through Coffee

Each object we come in contact with over the course of any given day brings with it its own accumulation of significances and histories, and helps us to shape our identities. The study of things and their constituent materials is a means to examine exchange, power, identity, and the practices through which things become meaningful. Through the close inspection of a single good we can see the complex accumulation and contestation of themes, meanings, and global connections. Issues of access, inequality, and social capital as explored through the world of goods, beginning with a globally-traded commodity with a rich local history: coffee.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 77: Reading and Influencing People

Understanding and managing human behavior dynamics in the negotiation process. Topics include understanding and influencing leverage, communicating effectively, differentiating interests from positions, using effective table tactics, and optimally closing the deal. Pedagogical goal: systematic understanding of the dynamics individuals typically use in negotiations. Lectures, followed by simulations to combine theory with practice. Intellectual and experiential learning integrated through combination of readings, presentations, and simulations.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 93: Collecting the World

The art, science, and culture of the creation, transmission and collection of valuable, useful and informative objects and texts before the twentieth century, and the associated theories, purposes, and methods for collecting `worldly' goods and other valuables. Means by which local academic practices engaged with global developments in the arts and sciences through examination of primarily early modern material and intellectual culture in and around Oxfordshire. Assessments of quality, meaning, usage, cultural significance and the reception of material ¿treasures¿ in the storage rooms, vaults, and on display in museums, galleries, and libraries.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 97: Museum Anthropology and Digital Technologies

Engage with material cultural theory debates of the late 20th century and examine the impact of the digital revolution on the way we exhibit culture two decades into the third millennium. Reflect upon the transformation of the politics and poetics of museum display analysing readings and exhibitions from the 1990s to the present day. Digital interfaces in our daily lives have altered the way we seek information and the way we communicate with each other. What have we learned about representing cultures in museum spaces and what have we put into practice? Examine contemporary issues and contentions relating to cultural display in relation to exhibits in Western art and anthropology museums.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kahn, A. (PI)

OSPOXFRD 99: Unsettling Museum Spaces: Decolonisation, Diversity, and Discourse.

The past year has presented serious challenges to those who work in cultural heritage, not only has tourism and site attendance been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, but social justice movements have raised critical awareness of these sites. What is the purpose of the museum? This course explores the ways the British museum sector has adapted and responded to criticism, and analyses the underlying purpose of cultural sites. This course invites students to learn about british history while also learning about objections to its typical portrayal in the public spaces of britain.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPOXFRD 117W: Gender and Social Change in Modern Britain

Changes in the social institutions, attitudes, and values in Britain over the past 20 years with specific reference to shifts in gender relations. Demographic, economic and social factors; review of theoretical ideas. Men's and women's shifting roles in a fast-moving society.
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 18: Health Policy and Health Care System Design

This course examines the structures of health care systems, from the perspective of the choices that those designing health care systems face. Topics include the overall goals of health care systems, health insurance programs and government programs financing care, the structure and organization of health care providers like doctor practices and hospitals, provider payment, patient cost sharing, coverage of new and emerging treatments and technology, and quality improvement. We particularly emphasize examples from the US and France.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 21: France in Crisis & Revolution: Historical Political Economics through a French Lens

France has been one of the world's great innovators in introducing new political ideas, often born out of economic or social crises, that have driven not only its own economic and political development but have also influenced institutions around the world. From the trauma of the Great Revolution to the modern emergence of the Extreme Right, the experience of France has much to teach us: not only about how societies develop economically, and how to manage the political polarization and conflict that can often result, but also the role of new ideas in shaping the institutions of nations. In this course, we will study the latest ideas in Political Economics and Historical Political Economy in light of ideas and examples that draw from the French experience in comparative perspective. Each week we will pair a core concept in political economics with a detailed study of how the methods of social science history can shed new light on a particular crisis or episode in France's development. The aim will be to understand what lessons we might draw for reducing political polarization and conflict not only in France but around the world.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 22: Exploring Sustainability: Ecological, Economics and Environmental Humanities

Sustainability, which in broad terms aims at advancing human well-being within planetary boundaries, is a vital necessity in the 21st century but also a 'wicked problem' that demands to be studied from different angles. This innovative class offers two perspectives on sustainability: first, it pairs ecological economics with environmental humanities to allow for an interdisciplinary approach of sustainability's challenges; second, it offers a practical perspective on sustainability focused on the city of Paris to apply analytical insights on the ground and convert theory into sustainable practices. The course aims at equipping students with sustainability analytical toolbox from an ecological economics and environmental humanities perspectives: students will learn the fundamental of sustainability economics as well as put them in perspective with the help of philosophy, literature and art. Students will also learn, within the 'Paris sustainability lab' how to apply sustainability tools on the ground by engaging in a practical sustainability challenge facing Paris; energy, water supply, climate risks, social and environmental inequality, the Seine flooding, etc. Each of the 10 two hours and a half session will be organized as follows: 1 hour lecture on ecological economics; 30 minutes counterpoint on environmental humanities; 15 minutes break and 45 minutes of 'Paris sustainability lab' with a student presentation and collective Forum on sustainability challenges facing the city of Paris.
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 63: Places, Images and Sounds of the French at War (18th through 21st centuries)

How have wars shaped the French Society? How have French men and women gone through these traumatic times, since the French Revolution until today? Beyond addressing a history of Wars per se, explore what French society represents within this context. What was the relationship between the "Citoyen-soldat" and "The Other": Women, the Colonized, the Enemy? Through this three-centuries panorama of French conflicts, gain a knowledge of both French society and the various methods and approaches to better understand the phenomenon of war, in all its universal complexity. In French.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 66: Food Consumption & Production

How does Paris obtain its fresh food for the 8 millions meals that are served every day in the city? Where is this food produced and how is it brought to the city? What recent initiatives promote a more sustainable food system in France? These questions offer an opportunity to explore broader issues related to food systems in the urban era, rural-urban linkages, and sustainable food consumption, using Paris as a case study. The objective of this course is to better understand the food system of a large citysuch as Paris, with a focus on the underlying human-environment interactions. Part I of the course will focus on food production in the peri-urban areas of Paris and other regions in France. 70% of the food consumed in Paris comes from France. We will start with von Thunen's model of the central state.We will also discuss the rise of urban agriculture, with a field visit of an urban agriculture site under the municipality's "Parisculteurs"program. Part II will focus on food distribution and consumption in the city. We will discuss concepts such as agglomeration economies and supply chains. We will conduct interviews atan open-air market in Paris where «maraîchers» bring in their own production to sell. Part III will focus on recent trends to increase the sustainability of food production in France. We will discuss emerging social norms related to sustainable food and how they interact with agricultural and environmental policies in France and the European Union. This will include the rise of organic agriculture, geographical indications, various public and private eco-labeling initiatives, and attitudes toward genetically-modified crops in France.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 73: Medieval Paris

This course offers an immersive introduction to the history of Paris during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. It explores how a sleepy community on the Seine emerged as a cultural, intellectual, and political powerhouse, and how developments in each of these domains spilled over into the others. How did the centralization of royal power shape the rise of the nascent university? How did the abstract reasonings of scholars spur the shift to a new architectural order? And how did an obsession with reason and logic fuel the systematic persecution of marginal communities? Although much of the city's medieval heritage has disappeared, we will trace (through walking trips and numerous site visits) the many ways in which its imprint is still perceptible in the streets and buildings of modern Paris.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 80: The Body, Race, and Difference in Contemporary France

Using anthropological frames, students will learn to think about the body and its role in everyday life, paying particular attention to the ways that ethnicity, citizenship, race and belonging are lived and experienced in contemporary France. We will work with materials ranging from the colonial collection of human remains that were used to represent French Universalism in museum projects, to cultural artifacts acquired during the colonization of Africa (their circulation and the current debates around them), to interactive ethnographic work with current social organizations centered around the body, rights and health. Broad questions pivot on two fundamental queries: Is the differentiated body a natural fact? When and how have ethnic and multicultural discourses come into play in the cultural context of France where the political categorization of race is legally forbidden?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 87: Immigration and Citizenship in Comparative Perspectives

International migration patterns have shaped and reshaped individual and collective identities throughout history and across the world. In the present time of globalization, these dynamics have posed particular political and social challenges in both the United States and Europe and have thus commanded the attention of scholars working in diverse disciplines on both sides of the Atlantic. Immigration and citizenship have been among the most central topics in social sciences in the last 25 years. National history in the United States, immigration in the European context is the result of the reconstruction of the economy after WWII and of the decolonization of the 1960s. Today with the settlement of economic and postcolonial migrants the question is raised in terms of integration and national unity, sovereignty and identity. The seminar will emphasize changes and continuity, convergences and divergences among policies, rhetoric and approaches with regard to immigration, incorporation and citizenship in Western democracies. New developments with regard to migration policies and their effect on identity politics, institutional arrangements, multiculturalism, secularism and religion, as well as on the modes of organization, mobilizations and claims of immigrants or minorities will be analyzed. Based on empirical researches, theoretical reflections and normative considerations, the seminar will question will the terms of citizenship, membership and allegiance, and the changing relationship between citizenship, rights, identities, culture and politics. Primary language: French
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 89P: A French scientific method?

Science is generally considered to be a universal subject, independent of national boundaries. However, a closer examination reveals historical distinctions, notably for specific features of scientific endeavors in France for which certain aspects persist to the present time. In particular, the Cartesian influence is readily contrasted to Anglo-Saxon empiricism. Exploring this topic will focus on key past discoveries (especially in genetics and epigenetics), the reception of scientific achievements by women, and insights obtained through the lens of Nobel Prizes. Contentious issues will be debated by students assuming opposing views.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 91: The Future of Globalization: Economics, Politics and the Environment

Economic and political impact of globalization on France and the EU and influence of France and the EU on the process of globalization. Issues of sovereignty and national identity for France; protection from versus integration into the network of globalization.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

OSPPARIS 93: Paris: Capital of Enlightenment and Revolution

By the 1720's, Paris was widely viewed as the center of European culture and politics. "How can anyone be Persian?" asked a fictional Parisian in Montesquieu's Persian Letters (the implication was that anything other than being Parisian was slightly ludicrous). Eighteenth-century writers, scientists, and aristocrats sought to burnish Paris's reputation as the capital of modern thought and worldly sophistication, from which Enlightenment radiated. Visitors eagerly sought admittance to the famous salons, attended the theater, and watched public scientific displays. But by the end of the century, the novelty promised by the French philosophes took on a revolutionary dimension. Now the streets of Paris provided the stage for some of the most momentous historical events in Europe, from the storming of the Bastille to the execution of Louis XVI. And the ramifications of this revolution echoed throughout the nineteenth century, both in Paris and beyond.In this course, you will study the cultural and political history of Paris using the city itself as a classroom. Whenever possible, you will explore the role of salons, scientific academies, museums, and coffee shops by both studying and visiting them in person. You will examine the sites of revolutionary events and consider how they are commemorated (or not). And you will discover how some of the most striking features of Paris -- its grands boulevards, with their elegant apartment blocks -- reflect lasting fears of a revolutionary people.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

OSPSANTG 20: Comparative Law & Society: Conflicts in the Structuring of Democratic Polities across Latin America

This course examines how different democratic polities with their own distinct, historically rooted traditions have used the law to promote shared goals of liberty and equality. Chile is widely seen as an exemplar in the successful deployment of law to enable the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic society. Topics include: how history has shaped inherited legal institutions and concepts across Latin America, Europe, and the United States; constitutional review; administrative regulation; criminal justice; debates over free speech, as well as ongoing struggles to promote racial, ethnic, and gender equality. Visits to a number of key sights: the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos; the Universidad de Chile; and the Tribunal Constitucional de Chile.
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPSANTG 29: Sustainable Cities: Comparative Transportation Systems in Latin America

Energy and environmental challenges resulting from the growing size and complexity in Latin American cities. Key issues: way in which public authorities deal with the dynamics of urban growth and complexity; related environmental and energy issues, particularly related to different public transportation models. Systemic approach as seen in Curtiba, Bogota, Santiago, and Medellin. Analysis centering on different approaches used to tackle these related issues; different institutional strategies.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI


Formal organizations are ubiquitous in contemporary societies, such as firms, schools, hospitals, and government agencies. They educate us, manage our financial accounts and structure our daily routines, and they distribute resources, status, and opportunities among social groups. This course introduces dimensions and aspects of formal organizations and basic concepts and theoretical logics for analyzing them. A multidisciplinary approach is adopted to understand organizational phenomena, with special attention to complementary perspectives drawn from economics, psychology, and sociology. Organization research literature and specific cases, especially those in a comparative perspective, are used to illustrate the applications of the analytic models and concepts in the real world of organizations.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPSANTG 68: The Emergence of Nations in Latin America

Major themes of 19th-century Latin American history, including independence from Spain, the emergence of nation states, and the development of a new social, political, and economic order.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Jaksic, I. (PI)

OSPSANTG 71: Santiago: Urban Planning, Public Policy, and the Built Environment

Santiago's growth and development over time and in comparison to other mega cities in the world; impact of urban highways on the built environment; shopping malls and the development of new urban sub-centers. Topics: brief history of the city, from 1541 to1940; urban development since 1940; the 1960 Inter-communal Urban Plan; planning and the configuration of modern Santiago; housing policy as an instrument to combat poverty; social housing policy and Santiago's built environment.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

OSPSANTG 116X: Contemporary Chilean Political Culture

Chile's strides towards becoming a developed country have engendered high levels of alienation and disaffection among significant sectors of the population. The roots of this apparent paradox of modernization, focusing on newly emerging actors in the Chilean political scene: Mapuche organizations, women's groups, the environmental movement, and new features of the established ones like trade unions and human rights activists.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Correa, G. (PI)

OSPSANTG 119X: The Market and the State: Chile's Path to Economic Development

The Chilean economy in five stages, taking into account: the international economic position of Chile; internal economic structures closely related to the inherited historical conditions and to the changing international economic position of the country; and the economic strategies prevalent during the period and the concrete development policies conducted by government authorities. Language of Instruction: Primary: English
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PEDS 65N: Understanding Children's Health Disparities

The social and economic factors that affect children and their health status. The principal sources of disparities in the health of children in the U.S. are not biologic, but social and economic. Topics include ethnic, cultural, and behavioral factors that affect children's health, both directly and indirectly; lack of health insurance; and current proposals for health care reform, focusing specifically on how they will impact existing health disparities among children.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

PHIL 29S: Feminist Philosophy

What's the difference between sex and gender? What's does it mean to be a man or woman, cis or trans, straight or gay?and everything in between and outside of the box? How are gender and sexuality related to race, class, ability, and other identities? What is the patriarchy and does it really benefit all men? What does it mean to be oppressed??And how can we change the world to be more gender just? In our class, we will draw on feminist theory to critically investigate these questions and discuss their relevance to our own lives. Together, we will work to build a collaborative learning environment where we can collectively reflect on how our personal experiences are illuminated by feminism. To do so, we will engage each other both intellectually and personally, going beyond the lecture based model of education to center our shared exploration of the course topics. Main ideas will include intersectionality, performativity, deconstruction, structural analysis, theories of injustice, social knowledge, and care ethics. Primary thinkers will include Simone de Beauvoir, Angels Davis, Judith Butler, Catherine MacKinnon, Audre Lorde, Donna Haraway, Robin Kimmerer, and Michel Foucault.
Last offered: Summer 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

PHIL 135X: Citizenship (ETHICSOC 135, POLISCI 135)

This class begins from the core definition of citizenship as membership in a political community and explores the many debates about what that membership means. Who is (or ought to be) a citizen? Who gets to decide? What responsibilities come with citizenship? Is being a citizen analogous to being a friend, a family member, a business partner? How can citizenship be gained, and can it ever be lost? These debates figure in the earliest recorded political philosophy but also animate contemporary political debates. This class uses ancient, medieval, and modern texts to examine these questions and different answers given over time. We¿Äôll pay particular attention to understandings of democratic citizenship but look at non-democratic citizenship as well. Students will develop and defend their own views on these questions, using the class texts as foundations. No experience with political philosophy is required or expected, and students can expect to learn or hone the skills (writing / reading / analysis) of political philosophy.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

POLISCI 1: The Science of Politics

Why do countries go to war? How can we explain problems such as poverty, inequality, and pollution? What can be done to improve political representation in the United States and other countries? We will use scientific methods to answer these and other fundamental questions about politics.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 20Q: Democracy in Crisis: Learning from the Past (EDUC 122Q, HISTORY 52Q)

This January, an armed insurrection assaulted the U.S. Capital, trying to block the Electoral College affirmation of President Biden's election. For the past four years, American democracy has been in continual crisis. Bitter and differing views of what constitutes truth have resulted in a deeply polarized electoral process. The sharp increase in partisanship has crippled our ability as a nation to address and resolve the complex issues facing us. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;There are reasons to hope the current challenges will be overcome and the path of our democracy will be reset on a sound basis. But that will require a shift to constructive--rather than destructive--political conflict. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;This Sophomore Seminar will focus on U.S. democracy and will use a series of case studies of major events in our national history to explore what happened and why to American democracy at key pressure points. This historical exploration will shed light on how the current challenges facing American democracy might best be handled. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 21N: Conflict and Climate Change

This course explores whether and how climate change might contribute to the risk of violent conflict within and between countries. Will drought and rising temperatures lead to struggles over a dwindling supply of agricultural land? Will shortages of fresh water cause growing tension over access to rivers and lakes? Will migration in response to economic hardship or rising sea levels bring people into conflict? Answering these questions requires that we not only think about the human and social impacts of climate change but also ask basic questions about what causes political violence within and between countries and how we can assess the contribution of different risk factors. Students will also gain familiarity with some of the methods that political scientists use to explore these issues systematically.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schultz, K. (PI)

POLISCI 25N: The US Congress in Historical and Comparative Perspective

This course traces the development of legislatures from their medieval European origins to the present, with primary emphasis on the case of the U.S. Congress. Students will learn about the early role played by assemblies in placing limits on royal power, especially via the power of the purse. About half the course will then turn to a more detailed consideration of the U.S. Congress's contemporary performance, analyzing how that performance is affected by procedural legacies from the past that affect most democratic legislatures worldwide.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Cox, G. (PI)

POLISCI 34N: Nationalism (GLOBAL 34N)

SU Intro Seminar - Freshman. Nationalist platforms have been on the rise for years across the globe. The success of nationalist parties and candidates is often accompanied by backlash against outgroups, from immigrants to religious and ethnic minorities. Nationalism often leads people to act against their material interest, from voting against economic policies that would improve their standing, to undertaking extreme actions like self-sacrifice. Why is nationalism such a dominant force in today's world? And why is it such a powerful driver of human behavior? In this course, we will explore this question through a broad interdisciplinary lens, drawing lessons from the social sciences and history. We will ask what national identity is, where it comes from and why it has such appeal for humans. We will go back to the roots of nationalism in early modern Europe in order to understand the historical origin of national identities. And we will try to identify the forces that drive the rise in right-wing nationalism today, by exploring a number of country cases across the world.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fouka, V. (PI)

POLISCI 101: Introduction to International Relations (INTNLREL 101)

Approaches to the study of conflict and cooperation in world affairs. Applications to war, trade policy, the environment, and world poverty. Debates about the ethics of war and the global distribution of wealth.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

POLISCI 102: Introduction to American Politics and Policy: In Defense of Democracy (AMSTUD 123X, PUBLPOL 101, PUBLPOL 201)

American democracy faces a series of unprecedented challenges. This course will identify the greatest areas of weakness in the American political system, make sense of the most pressing threats facing democracy, and contemplate how democracy can be strengthened. With this them - in defense of democracy - in mind, we will examine several questions: What guiding principles, norms, and institutions organize and structure American politics, and how do they affect the health and effectiveness of American democracy? What do patterns of political participation and representation in the United States tell us about the health of our democracy? How do partisan and social identities breed hostility and antagonism among the mass public? How does information from the media and other sources advance or frustrate democratic outcomes? What does increased violence - political, racially motivated, or otherwise - reveal about the trajectory of democracy in the United States? This is a course built on the science of politics, and our aim is to bring the scientific study of politics to bear on these pressing questions.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

POLISCI 110C: America and the World Economy (AMSTUD 110C, INTNLREL 110C)

Examination of contemporary US foreign economic policy. Areas studied: the changing role of the dollar; mechanism of international monetary management; recent crises in world markets including those in Europe and Asia; role of IMF, World Bank and WTO in stabilizing world economy; trade politics and policies; the effects of the globalization of business on future US prosperity. Political Science majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110C.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Goldstein, J. (PI)

POLISCI 110D: War and Peace in American Foreign Policy (AMSTUD 110D, INTNLREL 110D)

The causes of war in American foreign policy. Issues: international and domestic sources of war and peace; war and the American political system; war, intervention, and peace making in the post-Cold War period. Political Science majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110D for 5 units. International Relations majors taking this course for WIM credit should enroll in INTNLREL 110D for 5 units. All students not seeking WIM credit should enroll in POLISCI 110Y.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Schultz, K. (PI)

POLISCI 111: The Politics of Climate Change

This course explores domestic and international dimensions of the politics of climate change. Selected topics include mitigation efforts at the national, state, and local level; international climate bargaining and cooperation; and implications of a warming climate for various political outcomes.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 113: Understanding Russia: Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order (INTLPOL 231B, INTNLREL 131, REES 231B)

Russia presents a puzzle for theories of socio-economic development and modernization and their relationship to state power in international politics. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 brought into being the new Russia (or Russian Federation) as its successor in international politics. Russia suffered one of the worst recessions and experienced 25 years of halting reform. Despite these issues, Russia is again a central player in international affairs. Course analyzes motivations behind contemporary Russian foreign policy by reviewing its domestic and economic underpinnings. Examination of concept of state power in international politics to assess Russia's capabilities to influence other states' policies, and under what conditions its leaders use these resources. Is contemporary Russia strong or weak? What are the resources and constraints its projection of power beyond its borders? What are the determinants of state power in international politics in the twenty-first century? This course is a combination of a lecture and discussion, and will include lectures, readings, class discussions, films and documentaries.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 114D: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (INTLPOL 230, INTNLREL 114D, POLISCI 314D, REES 230)

This course explores the different dimensions of development - economic, social, and political - as well as the way that modern institutions (the state, market systems, the rule of law, and democratic accountability) developed and interacted with other factors across different societies around the world. The class will feature additional special guest lectures by Francis Fukuyama, Larry Diamond, Michael McFaul, Anna Grzymala-Busse, and other faculty and researchers affiliated with the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. Undergraduate students should enroll in this course for 5 units. Graduate students should enroll for 3.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

POLISCI 114S: International Security in a Changing World (INTNLREL 114S)

International Security in a Changing World examines some of the most pressing international security problems facing the world today: nuclear weapons, the rise of China, the war in Ukraine, terrorism, and climate change. Alternative perspectives - from political science, history, and STS (Science, Technology, and Society) studies - are used to analyze these problems. The class includes an award-winning two-day international negotiation simulation.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Trinkunas, H. (PI)

POLISCI 115: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence (AMSTUD 115S, INTNLREL 115, PUBLPOL 114)

This course examines the past, present, and future of American espionage. Targeted at first years and sophomores, the class surveys key issues in the development of the U.S. Intelligence Community since World War II. Topics include covert action, intelligence successes and failures, the changing motives and methods of traitors, congressional oversight, and ethical dilemmas. The course pays particular attention to how emerging technologies are transforming intelligence today. We examine cyber threats, the growing use of AI for both insight and deception, and the 'open-source' intelligence revolution online. Classes include guest lectures by former senior U.S. intelligence officials, policymakers, and open-source intelligence leaders. Course requirements include an all-day crisis simulation with former senior officials designed to give students a hands-on feel for the uncertainties, coordination challenges, time pressures, and policy frictions of intelligence in the American foreign policy process.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 115B: Israel, the Middle East and Nuclear Weapons

Israel, the Middle East and Nuclear Weapons is intended for students who are interested to learn about Israel's national security policy in the context of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. The course is divided into three parts, and combines approaches based on historical research, political science, and science and technology studies. The first part of the course will examine the different factors which shape Israeli national security policy, and the role technology and innovation play within this process. The second part of the course will examine the evolution of Israel's nuclear program and it related nuclear policy. We will place this in historical and theoretical perspective within the academic corpus of literature which deals with nuclear proliferation. The third part of the course will focus on the study of counter-proliferation operations. Using nuclear proliferation literature and intelligence studies literature, we will chart the evolution of counter-proliferation operations, i.e. operations targeting the nuclear program of hostile actors, and the development of Israel's counter-proliferation doctrine. We will place our discussion in the context of the study of special operations and intelligence collaboration.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Rabinowitz Batz, O. (PI)

POLISCI 116M: Global Futures: History, Statecraft, Systems (HISTORY 105F, INTLPOL 222, POLISCI 316M)

Where does the future come from? It comes from the past, of course, but how? What are the key drivers of continuity or change, and how can we trace those drivers going forward, too? What are the roles of contingency, chance, and choice, versus long-term underlying structure? How can people, from whatever walk of life, identify and utilize levers of power to ty to shift the larger system? What is a system, and how do systems behave? To answer these questions and analyze how today's world came into being and where it might be headed, this course explores geopolitics and geoeconomics, institutions and technologies, citizenship and leadership. We examine how our world works to understand the limits but also the possibilities of individual and collective agency, the phenomenon of perverse and unintended consequences, and ultimately, the nature of power. Our goal is to investigate not just how to conceive of a smart policy, but how its implementation might unfold. In sum, this course aims to combine strategic analysis and tactical agility.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kotkin, S. (PI); Rice, C. (PI)

POLISCI 118P: U.S. Relations with Iran

The evolution of relations between the U.S. and Iran. The years after WW II when the U.S. became more involved in Iran. Relations after the victory of the Islamic republic. The current state of affairs and the prospects for the future. Emphasis is on original documents of U.S. diplomacy (White House, State Department, and the U.S. Embassy in Iran). Research paper.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

POLISCI 120B: Campaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections (AMSTUD 162B, COMM 162, COMM 262)

This course examines the theory and practice of American campaigns and elections. First, we will attempt to explain the behavior of the key players -- candidates, parties, journalists, and voters -- in terms of the institutional arrangements and political incentives that confront them. Second, we will use current and recent election campaigns as "laboratories" for testing generalizations about campaign strategy and voter behavior. Third, we examine selections from the academic literature dealing with the origins of partisan identity, electoral design, and the immediate effects of campaigns on public opinion, voter turnout, and voter choice. As well, we'll explore issues of electoral reform and their more long-term consequences for governance and the political process.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

POLISCI 120C: American Political Institutions in Uncertain Times (PUBLPOL 124)

This course examines how the rules that govern elections and the policy process determine political outcomes. It explores the historical forces that have shaped American political institutions, contemporary challenges to governing, and prospects for change. Topics covered include partisan polarization and legislative gridlock, the politicization of the courts, electoral institutions and voting rights, the expansion of presidential power, campaign finance and lobbying, representational biases among elected officials, and the role of political institutions in maintaining the rule of law. Throughout, emphasis will be placed on the strategic interactions between Congress, the presidency, and the courts and the importance of informal norms and political culture. Political Science majors taking this course to fulfill the WIM requirement should enroll in POLISCI 120C.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

POLISCI 121L: Racial-Ethnic Politics in US (CSRE 121L, PUBLPOL 121L)

This course examines the profound role race plays in American politics. Topics covered include the construction of political identity among Asian, Black, Latino, Native, and White Americans; the politics of immigration and acculturation; and the influence of racial identity on public opinion, voting behavior, the media, social movements, and in the justice system. We will tackle questions such as: What makes a political campaign ad 'racist?' Why did Donald Trump's support among Black, Latino, and Asian voters increase from 2016 to 2020? Are undocumented immigrants really more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens? How can we measure whether there is racial bias in policing? What do we even mean when we use the terms 'race' and 'ethnicity' - and how have the definitions of identity groups evolved over time? Throughout, students will be pushed to carefully evaluate data-based claims, critically analyze their own assumptions, and bring to bear empirical evidence to support their arguments in an inclusive learning environment. Prior coursework in Statistics or Economics strongly recommended.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

POLISCI 124A: The American West (AMSTUD 124A, ARTHIST 152, ENGLISH 124, HISTORY 151)

The American West is characterized by frontier mythology, vast distances, marked aridity, and unique political and economic characteristics. This course integrates several disciplinary perspectives into a comprehensive examination of Western North America: its history, physical geography, climate, literature, art, film, institutions, politics, demography, economy, and continuing policy challenges. Students examine themes fundamental to understanding the region: time, space, water, peoples, and boom and bust cycles.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

POLISCI 124L: The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America (COMM 164, COMM 264, POLISCI 324L, PSYCH 170, PUBLPOL 164)

Focus is on how politicians and government learn what Americans want and how the public's preferences shape government action; how surveys measure beliefs, preferences, and experiences; how poll results are criticized and interpreted; how conflict between polls is viewed by the public; how accurate surveys are and when they are accurate; how to conduct survey research to produce accurate measurements; designing questionnaires that people can understand and use comfortably; how question wording can manipulate poll results; corruption in survey research.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 135: Citizenship (ETHICSOC 135, PHIL 135X)

This class begins from the core definition of citizenship as membership in a political community and explores the many debates about what that membership means. Who is (or ought to be) a citizen? Who gets to decide? What responsibilities come with citizenship? Is being a citizen analogous to being a friend, a family member, a business partner? How can citizenship be gained, and can it ever be lost? These debates figure in the earliest recorded political philosophy but also animate contemporary political debates. This class uses ancient, medieval, and modern texts to examine these questions and different answers given over time. We¿Äôll pay particular attention to understandings of democratic citizenship but look at non-democratic citizenship as well. Students will develop and defend their own views on these questions, using the class texts as foundations. No experience with political philosophy is required or expected, and students can expect to learn or hone the skills (writing / reading / analysis) of political philosophy.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

POLISCI 140P: Populism and The Erosion of Democracy (REES 240P)

What is populism, and how much of a threat to democracy is it? How different is it from fascism or other anti-liberal movements? This course explores the conditions for the rise of populism, evaluates how much of a danger it poses, and examines the different forms it takes.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 141: Political Economy of Development (FEMGEN 141P)

The last few decades have seen remarkable progress in lifting millions of people out of poverty worldwide. Yet, millions still are unable to meet even their most basic sustenance needs. This course examines foundational reasons for why some countries remain poor and why inequality persists today. In addition to answering the why question, we will also examine how practitioners, policy-makers, and academics have tackled global development challenges, where they have met success, and where failure has provided key lessons for the future. The course will examine how social, political, and economic institutions affect prospects for development, including by covering issues of colonialism and contemporary foreign aid. Students will learn about and explore patterns of development across the world, critically evaluate foundational theories of development, and understand the practical challenges and possible solutions to reducing poverty, creating equality, and ensuring good governance. Course assignments will aim to have students practice linking data and evidence with policy innovation, using global datasets to perform statistical analyses. Students will leave this class with an understanding of how development works (and does not work) in practice.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Prillaman, S. (PI)

POLISCI 141A: Immigration and Multiculturalism (CSRE 141S)

What are the economic effects of immigration? Do immigrants assimilate into local culture? What drives native attitudes towards immigrants? Is diversity bad for local economies and societies and which policies work for managing diversity and multiculturalism? We will address these and similar questions by synthesizing the conclusions of a number of empirical studies on immigration and multiculturalism. The emphasis of the course is on the use of research design and statistical techniques that allow us to move beyond correlations and towards causal assessments of the effects of immigration and immigration policy.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

POLISCI 147: Comparative Democratic Development (SOC 112)

Social, cultural, political, economic, and international factors affecting the development and consolidation of democracy in historical and comparative perspective. Individual country experiences with democracy, democratization, and regime performance. Emphasis is on global third wave of democratization beginning in the mid-1970s, the recent global recession of democracy (including the rise of illiberal populist parties and movements), and the contemporary challenges and prospects for democratic change.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

POLISCI 148: Chinese Politics (INTNLREL 158, POLISCI 348)

China, one of the few remaining communist states in the world, has not only survived, but has become a global political actor of consequence with the fastest growing economy in the world. Why has the CCP thrived while other communist regimes have failed? What explains China's authoritarian resilience? What are the limits to such resilience? How has the Chinese Communist Party managed to develop markets and yet keep itself in power? How does censorship work in the information and 'connected' age of social media? How resilient is the party state in the face of technological and economic change? Materials will include readings, lectures, and selected films. This course has no prerequisites. This course fulfills the Writing in the Major requirement for Political Science and International Relations undergraduate majors. PoliSci majors should register for POLISCI 148 and IR majors should register for INTNLREL 158. Graduate students should register for POLISCI 348.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Oi, J. (PI)

POLISCI 149S: Islam, Iran, and the West

Iran and Islam have had a long and complicated relationship. This course covers the rise of Islam, its expansion in Iran, forms of resistance to and acceptance of Islamic ideas in Iran, the rise of Shiism and the impact of Iran on the development of Sufism. The influence of Muslim thinkers from Iran on the rise of the Renaissance in Europe is examined. And finally, the course focuses on the varieties of Islamic responses to modernity in Iran in the last century.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Milani, A. (PI)

POLISCI 149T: Middle Eastern Politics

Topics in contemporary Middle Eastern politics including institutional sources of underdevelopment, political Islam, electoral authoritarianism, and the political economy of oil.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Blaydes, L. (PI)

POLISCI 154: Solving Social Problems with Data (COMM 140X, DATASCI 154, EARTHSYS 153, ECON 163, MS&E 134, PUBLPOL 155, SOC 127)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

POLISCI 213E: Introduction to European Studies (INTNLREL 122)

This course offers an introduction to major topics in the study of historical and contemporary Europe. We focus on European politics, economics and culture. First, we study what makes Europe special, and how its distinct identity has been influenced by its history. Next, we analyze Europe's politics. We study parliamentary government and proportional representation electoral systems, and how they affect policy. Subsequently, we examine the challenges the European economy faces. We further study the European Union and transatlantic relations.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 220R: The Presidency (POLISCI 320R)

This course provides students with a comprehensive perspective on the American presidency and covers a range of topics: elections, congressional relations, public communications, unilateral action, influence over the bureaucracy, leadership in foreign policy, and much more. Throughout, the goal is to understand why presidents behave as they do and why the presidency as an institution has developed as it has, with special attention to the dynamics of the American political system and how they condition incentives, opportunities, and power.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 223A: Public Opinion and American Democracy

This course focuses on the public mood and politics in America today. It accordingly examines, among other things, the coherence (or lack of it) of public opinion; the partisan sorting of the electorate; and the ideological and affective polarization of mass politics. It also examines contemporary critiques of representation and citizenship in liberal democracies.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Sniderman, P. (PI)

POLISCI 231: High-Stakes Politics: Case Studies in Political Philosophy, Institutions, and Interests (CLASSICS 382, POLISCI 331)

Normative political theory combined with positive political theory to better explain how major texts may have responded to and influenced changes in formal and informal institutions. Emphasis is on historical periods in which catastrophic institutional failure was a recent memory or a realistic possibility. Case studies include Greek city-states in the classical period and the northern Atlantic community of the 17th and 18th centuries including upheavals in England and the American Revolutionary era.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

POLISCI 232T: The Dialogue of Democracy (AMSTUD 137, COMM 137W, COMM 237, POLISCI 332T)

All forms of democracy require some kind of communication so people can be aware of issues and make decisions. This course looks at competing visions of what democracy should be and different notions of the role of dialogue in a democracy. Is it just campaigning or does it include deliberation? Small scale discussions or sound bites on television? Or social media? What is the role of technology in changing our democratic practices, to mobilize, to persuade, to solve public problems? This course will include readings from political theory about democratic ideals - from the American founders to J.S. Mill and the Progressives to Joseph Schumpeter and modern writers skeptical of the public will. It will also include contemporary examinations of the media and the internet to see how those practices are changing and how the ideals can or cannot be realized.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-EthicReas, WAY-ER, WAY-SI

POLISCI 234P: Deliberative Democracy and its Critics (AMSTUD 135, COMM 135W, COMM 235, COMM 335, ETHICSOC 135F, POLISCI 334P)

This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Can a democracy which emphasizes people thinking and talking together on the basis of good information be made practical in the modern age? What kinds of distortions arise when people try to discuss politics or policy together? The course draws on ideas of deliberation from Madison and Mill to Rawls and Habermas as well as criticisms from the jury literature, from the psychology of group processes and from the most recent normative and empirical literature on deliberative forums. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fishkin, J. (PI)

POLISCI 235A: From Cold War to New Cold War: Politics and Political Theory in Contemporary China (POLISCI 335A)

"China lacks everything: middle managers, engineers and capital," so wrote French political thinker Raymond Aron. That was 1950, three years after Harry Truman's 1947 Address to Congress, which was usually considered the beginning of the Cold War, and months after the founding of the People's Republic of China. More than seventy years later, and after a long, winding journey, China now has much more than middle managers, engineers, and capital. However, global politics seems to move towards another clash of two powerful countries with seemingly different ideological orientations as many now claim that a new Cold War is on the horizon.How did China emerge as a global power from what Aron described in 1950? And more importantly, can we, and if so, how do we, understand the rise of China with a theoretical perspective? How do theory and real politics shape each other, as manifested in the history of contemporary China? In this class, we explore answers to these questions by reading political theory against history, sociology, and political science. In every week, we read texts that reflect both the social reality and theoretical concerns of a given period in contemporary Chinese history. By so doing, we seek to make sense of both the contemporary Chinese society and the power and limits of ideas in political theory.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Luo, S. (PI)

POLISCI 237: Varieties of Conservatism in America

This seminar explores the conservative movement in America and its principal strands. It begins with an introduction to the modern tradition of freedom and America's founding principles since the understanding of conservatism - in the United States as elsewhere - requires some acquaintance with that which conservatives seek to conserve. The introduction includes study of Marx's classic critique of liberal democracy because the understanding of conservativism also requires an appreciation of the leading alternative. The seminar then turns to developments in the immediate aftermath of World War II, when a self-consciously conservative movement in the United States first emerged as a national force and concludes with an examination of the leading debates among conservatives today. The seminar meets once a week. It revolves around careful reading of assigned texts, robust discussion of the materials, and analysis from a variety of perspectives. Students will be required to submit one-page ungraded reflections in advance of each class, and a substantial final paper at the conclusion of the course.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Berkowitz, P. (PI)

POLISCI 243: Political Economy of Latin America (INTNLREL 153)

This course offers a comprehensive overview of Latin America's political and economic development, exploring the factors contributing to the region's current situation. It examines why Latin America fell behind the United States, its high degree of political instability, and widespread inequality. The course analyzes Latin America's history, including the colonial period, and uses theories on democracy and development to interpret persistent economic inequality and political instability. Additionally, the course examines key features of Latin American democracies, including state weakness, clientelism, and corruption. By analyzing these factors, students gain an understanding of the challenges facing Latin American countries and potential solutions. The course provides a deep dive into Latin America's political and economic development, offering insights into the region's history and current circumstances, and how they inform potential future outcomes.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mejia Cubillos, J. (PI)

POLISCI 244A: Authoritarian Politics (POLISCI 444A)

This course offers a thematic approach to the study of authoritarian politics. We will cover the major areas of political science research on authoritarian politics and governance while simultaneously building empirical knowledge about the politics of particular authoritarian regimes. The course will also discuss transitions to democracy as well as authoritarian political tendencies within democratic contexts.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 244C: Wealth of Nations (ECON 134)

Why are there economic disparities across countries? Why did some countries grow steadily over the past 200 years while many others did not? What have been the consequences for the citizens of those countries? What has been the role of geography, culture, and institutions in the development process? What are the moral dilemmas behind this development process? These are some of the questions we will discuss in this course. Following a historical and cross-cultural perspective, we will study the origins of economic development and the path that led to the configuration of the modern global economy.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mejia Cubillos, J. (PI)

POLISCI 244D: Societal Collapse (CLASSICS 187)

Sustained economic growth is an anomaly in human history. Moreover, in the very long term, sustained economic decline is common. Following a historical and cross-cultural perspective, we will study the causes of economic decline, the social and political consequences of that decline, and the path that led to the collapse of some of the most prosperous societies in human history. Among the episodes we will cover are the Late Bronze Age collapse in the Eastern Mediterranean, the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the Classic Maya collapse. We will compare these ancient episodes with recent cases of socioeconomic decline, including the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the downfall of Venezuela under Chavismo. We will use the past to reflect on the fundamentals of harmony and prosperity in our society and the challenges that they will face in the future.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mejia Cubillos, J. (PI)

POLISCI 244U: Political Culture (POLISCI 344U)

The implications of social norms, preferences and beliefs for political and economic behavior and societal outcomes.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fouka, V. (PI)

POLISCI 245R: Politics in Modern Iran

Modern Iran has been a smithy for political movements, ideologies, and types of states. Movements include nationalism, constitutionalism, Marxism, Islamic fundamentalism, social democracy, Islamic liberalism, and fascism. Forms of government include Oriental despotism, authoritarianism, Islamic theocracy, and liberal democracy. These varieties have appeared in Iran in an iteration shaped by history, geography, proximity to oil and the Soviet Union, and the hegemony of Islamic culture.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Milani, A. (PI)

POLISCI 246A: Paths to the Modern World: The West in Comparative Perspective (POLISCI 446A)

How and why did Europe develop political institutions that encouraged economic growth and industrialization? And why have many other regions lagged in the creation of growth-promoting institutions? This course uses a comparative approach to understanding routes to the modern world - the historical experiences of Christian Europe, the Islamic world, and others. We will explore questions including: When do parliaments emerge? How do cities promote growth? What is the role of religion?
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 247A: Games Developing Nations Play (ECON 162, POLISCI 347A)

If, as economists argue, development can make everyone in a society better off, why do leaders fail to pursue policies that promote development? The course uses game theoretic approaches from both economics and political science to address this question. Incentive problems are at the heart of explanations for development failure. Specifically, the course focuses on a series of questions central to the development problem: Why do developing countries have weak and often counterproductive political institutions? Why is violence (civil wars, ethnic conflict, military coups) so prevalent in the developing world, and how does it interact with development? Why do developing economies fail to generate high levels of income and wealth? We study how various kinds of development traps arise, preventing development for most countries. We also explain how some countries have overcome such traps. This approach emphasizes the importance of simultaneous economic and political development as two different facets of the same developmental process. No background in game theory is required.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

POLISCI 247G: Governance and Poverty (POLISCI 347G)

Poverty relief requires active government involvement in the provision of public services such as drinking water, healthcare, sanitation, education, roads, electricity and public safety. Failure to deliver public services is a major impediment to the alleviation of poverty in the developing world. This course will use an interdisciplinary approach to examining these issues, bringing together readings from across the disciplines of political science, economics, law, medicine and education to increase understanding of the complex causal linkages between political institutions, the quality of governance, and the capacity of developing societies to meet basic human needs. Conceived in a broadly comparative international perspective, the course will examine cross-national and field-based research projects, with a particular focus on Latin America and Mexico.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

POLISCI 248S: Latin American Politics (POLISCI 348S)

Fundamental transformations in Latin America in the last two decades: why most governments are now democratic or semidemocratic; and economic transformation as countries abandoned import substitution industrialization policies led by state intervention for neoliberal economic polices. The nature of this dual transformation.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Diaz, A. (PI)

POLISCI 299A: Research Design

This course is designed to teach students how to design a research project. The course emphasizes the specification of testable hypotheses, the building of data sets, and the inferences from that may be drawn from that evidence. This course fulfills the WIM requirement for Political Science Research Honors students.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Prillaman, S. (PI)

PSYC 11Q: I thought I heard my name... Destigmatizing psychosis

This course aims to identify and correct misconceptions about psychosis and to provide a more holistic understanding of this diagnosis. Students will learn how trauma, stress, internalized stigma, culture, policing, involuntary hospitalizations and other factors interact with psychosis. Students will learn about current models of care (e.g., coordinated specialty care, recovery-oriented treatment). Guest speakers with lived experience will share personal experiences related to their diagnoses. Ultimately, this course aims to help students develop tools necessary to identify misconceptions, challenge stereotypes, and change the narrative.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PSYC 13Q: Connections between the sleep and awake worlds

Sleep can be a window into much of our awake worlds- anxiety, depression, relationships, trauma, safety, early morning travel plans.. and so much more. If you think of a recent night in which you experienced worse sleep, you might be able to identify something from your awake world that contributed. Much of our awake world is informed by emotion, thoughts, and perception. One could argue that emotion, thoughts, and perception shape the world, rather than there being one true reality. This course will explore the fundamentals of sleep, the fundamentals of navigating emotions, and the intersection between the two. Specifically, you¿ll learn the basics of human sleep science, the principles of a type of psychotherapy called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and how CBT tools can be applied to sleep difficulties.Break-out sessions within each lecture provide opportunities for students to ask questions and to discuss a topic in greater depth. The course will highlight the mind body connection and serve as an introduction to behavioral sleep medicine. Students will have the opportunity to complete their own project examining a sleep-wake connection of interest. Potential topics will be provided (discrimination and sleep, menstruation and sleep, high school start times, shift work and sleep, and more). As a sleep psychologist, I consider myself to be both a scientist and an artist. This course will be most interesting to those who are interested in emotions, therapeutic skills, and sleep.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Solomon, N. (PI)

PSYC 83: Addictions in our World: From Physiology to Human Behavior

Addiction is a powerful brain-based behavioral disorder that interferes with many lives. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health has estimated 21.5 million Americans aged 12 and older are classified as having a substance use disorder, an extraordinary 8.1% of the population. The field of mental health is advancing the understanding of this disorder through research, education, innovation and policy guidance. This class aims to help students better understand the struggles of addiction in our world by discussing many components involved in the disease including: physiology, psychology, treatment options, and the societal implications of addiction.Students will engage in thought-provoking between psychology, neuroscience, and society. They will develop the knowledge-base and framework to critically evaluate the science behind addiction and how to apply this knowledge to address the addiction epidemic in our world. As technology advances, many new types of addiction are emerging, creating an additional urgent need to discuss the implications this burgeoning problem. This highly interactive seminar aims to engage the students in critical thinking didactics, activities and discussions that shape their understanding of the complexity inherent to the issues surrounding addiction, and increase the student¿s ability to more critically assimilate and interrogate information.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

PSYC 86Q: Psychology of Xenophobia

What is the current U.S. socio-political climate like for Muslims? How is it affecting their mental health? Executive Order 13769, dubbed the "Muslim Ban", suspended the entry of citizens from multiple Muslim-majority countries and banned the entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely. The "Muslim Ban" coincided with the highest level of hate crimes against Muslims in America (91% increase in 2017 per CAIR). These levels are comparable to post-9/11 levels of hate crimes. Decades of research on minority communities has documented how stress associated with stigma, intimidation and discrimination is detrimental to physical and mental health. In this seminar we will explore the historical implications of Islamophobia and its modern-day impact on the global refugee crisis. Students will be introduced to the stigma that surrounds mental health in general and minority communities in particular. Special attention will be paid to the development of the nascent field Islamic Psychology and integrating Islamic spirituality into therapy as a means of addressing the under utilization of mental health services in Muslim populations. A combination of stimulating group discussions, talks by guest speakers, and field trips to community partners will provide students with different perspectives and a deeper understanding of these topics. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center)
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

PSYCH 1: Introduction to Psychology

An introduction to the science of how people think, feel, and behave. We will explore such topics as intelligence, perception, memory, happiness, personality, culture, social influence, development, emotion, and mental illness. Students will learn about classic and cutting edge research, a range of methods, and discover how psychology informs our understanding of what it means to be human, addresses other fields, and offers solutions to important social problems. Psych 1 fulfills the SI Way, and, effective Autumn 2018, the SMA Way. For more information on PSYCH 1, visit Please note that section assignments will be done through Canvas in the first week of class.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

PSYCH 11N: Belonging in a Diverse Society

One of the most important questions people ask themselves when they enter a new setting, whether a school, a workplace, or a country, is "Do I belong here?". How do people make sense of their belonging in a new setting? How and why do group identities, such as race-ethnicity, social-class background, gender, or national origin matter? What are the consequences of people's inferences about their belonging? And how can we create school and work settings in which people from diverse backgrounds can genuinely and authentically belong?
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Walton, G. (PI)

PSYCH 12N: Self Theories

Preference to freshmen. The impact of people's belief in a growing versus fixed self on their motivation and performance in school, business, sports, and relationships. How such theories develop and can be changed.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Dweck, C. (PI)

PSYCH 15N: Becoming Kinder

Kindness - the ability to understand each other, the instinct to care for each other, and the desire to help each other - is among our most powerful natural resources. It supports cooperation, fosters relationships, improves health, and overwrites hatred. Kindness is also challenging, especially in the modern world. More than ever, individuals are isolated, anonymous, and independent: qualities that make it harder to truly see each other and easier to succumb to indifference and even cruelty. As technology mediates more of our interactions and tribal signifiers occupy more of our identity, kindness erodes. And yet we have options. A growing number of social scientists are now experimenting in re-building kindness, using everything from virtual reality to meditation to literature to old-fashioned friendship. Their efforts demonstrate that through directed effort, people can become kinder. This class will explore the nature of kindness, the challenges modernity has placed in front of it, and the many ways scientists and practitioners are stimulating kindness. Though drawing mainly from psychology, we will tour sociology, conflict resolution, technology, the humanities, and neuroscience as well. The class will also grapple with central questions about human nature -most importantly, to what extent can we change ourselves into the people we¿d like to become? Finally, we will meld science with personal narrative and exercises meant to not only explore kindness-building as a research concept, but as a part of our own lives.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PSYCH 20N: How Beliefs Create Reality

This seminar will take an interdisciplinary approach to exploring how subjective aspects of the mind (e.g., thoughts, beliefs, and expectations) can fundamentally change objective reality. Over the course of the semester, students will be challenged to think critically about research from psychology, sociology, and medicine, which suggests that what we think, believe and expect plays a significant role in determining our physical health, performance and well-being. Students will explore research on how mindsets about nutrition, exercise, and stress can alter the body's response to those phenomena. Students will also uncover how social interactions with friends, family, colleagues and the media influence the perceived quality and impact of cultural products such as art, music, and fashion. And students will learn about the neurological and physiological underpinnings of the placebo effect, a powerful demonstration of expectation that produces real, healing changes in the body. Finally, students will have the opportunity to consider real world applications in disciplines including policy, business, medicine, academics, athletics and public health and consider the ethical implications of those applications. Throughout the class active participation and an open mind will be critical to success. The final weeks of class will be dedicated to student designed studies or interventions aimed to further explore the power of self-fulfilling prophecies, placebo effects, and the social-psychological creation of reality.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PSYCH 24N: Neuroforecasting

Preference to freshmen. This course explores whether brain activity can be used not only to predict the choices of individuals, but also of separate groups of individuals in the future (e.g., in markets). Questions include how neuroforecasting is possible, whether it can add value to other forecasting tools (e.g., traditional measures like behavioral choice and subjective ratings), and when it extends to different aggregate scenarios. The course is ideal for students that would like to extend neural predictions about individual choice to group choice, and who plan to apply this knowledge in future research.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PSYCH 28N: The Cultural Shaping of Emotion (CSRE 28N)

This seminar examines how our cultural ideas and practices shape our conceptions, perceptions, and experiences of emotion. We will read and discuss empirical research and case studies from psychology, anthropology, sociology, and medicine. Course requirements include weekly reading and thought papers, weekly discussion, and a final research project and presentation.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Tsai, J. (PI)

PSYCH 30: Introduction to Perception

Behavioral and neural aspects of perception focusing on visual and auditory perception. Topics include: scientific methods for studying perception, anatomy and physiology of the visual and auditiory systems, color vision, depth perception, motion perception, stereopsis, visual recognition, pitch and loudness perception, speech perception, and reorganization of the visual system in the blind.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

PSYCH 45: Introduction to Learning and Memory

The literature on learning and memory including cognitive and neural organization of memory, mechanisms of remembering and forgetting, and why people sometimes falsely remember events that never happened. Cognitive theory and behavioral evidence integrated with data from patient studies and functional brain imaging. Required prerequisite: PSYCH 1.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wagner, A. (PI)

PSYCH 50: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

How does our brain give rise to our abilities to perceive, act and think? Survey of the basic facts, empirical evidence, theories and methods of study in cognitive neuroscience exploring how cognition is instantiated in neural activity. Representative topics include perceptual and motor processes, decision making, learning and memory, attention, reward processing, reinforcement learning, sensory inference and cognitive control.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

PSYCH 60: Introduction to Developmental Psychology

How does the human mind develop in the first few years of life? What do babies know, how do they learn, and what methods do scientists use to address these questions? This course will introduce theories of development and key empirical findings in developmental psychology, with a focus on intellectual development in infancy and early childhood. Recommended: PSYCH 1
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PSYCH 70: Self and Society: Introduction to Social Psychology (SOC 2)

Why do people behave the way they do? This is the fundamental question that drives social psychology. Through reading, lecture, and interactive discussion, students have the opportunity to explore and think critically about a variety of exciting issues including: what causes us to like, love, help, or hurt others; the effects of social influence and persuasion on individual thoughts, emotion, and behavior; and how the lessons of social psychology can be applied in contexts such as health, work, and relationships. The social forces studied in the class shape our behavior, though their operation cannot be seen directly. A central idea of this class is that awareness of these forces allows us to make choices in light of them, offering us more agency and wisdom in our everyday lives. Beginning autumn quarter 2021, this course will no longer fulfill the Way-ED requirement
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Starck, J. (PI)

PSYCH 80: Introduction to Personality and Affective Science

How do we measure personality and emotion? What parts of your personality and emotions are set at birth? What parts of your personality and emotions are shaped by your sociocultural context? Can your personality and emotions make you sick? Can you change your personality and emotions? These are questions we begin to address in this introductory course on personality and emotion. Prerequisite: Psych 1.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PSYCH 90: Introduction to Clinical Psychology: A Neuroscience Perspective

This course will provide students with an overview of the field of clinical psychology, the various roles of clinical psychologists in research and practice, and implications of current research in neuroscience for clinical psychology. We will discuss the definition and history of clinical psychology as a profession, research methods used in clinical psychology, issues in diagnosis and classification of disorders, techniques used in the assessment of intellectual and personality functioning, various approaches to therapeutic intervention, and issues related to ethics, professionalism, and training in clinical psychology. Throughout this course we will review and integrate relevant research in the field of clinical neuroscience with our discussion and understanding of clinical psychology.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PSYCH 95: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology

Theories of and approaches to understanding the phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of psychological disorders among adults and children. Research findings and diagnostic issues. Recommended: PSYCH 1.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Haas, A. (PI)

PSYCH 101: Community Health Psychology (HUMBIO 128)

Social ecological perspective on health emphasizing how individual health behavior is shaped by social forces. Topics include: biobehavioral factors in health; health behavior change; community health promotion; and psychological aspects of illness, patient care, and chronic disease management. Prerequisites: HUMBIO 3B or PSYCH 1 or consent of the instructor
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Heaney, C. (PI)

PSYCH 102: Longevity (HUMBIO 149L, MED 229)

Interdisciplinary. Challenges to and solutions for the young from increased human life expectancy: health care, financial markets, families, work, and politics. Guest lectures from engineers, economists, geneticists, and physiologists.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PSYCH 132: Language and Thought (SYMSYS 132)

Languages vary tremendously in how they allow us to express ourselves. In some languages, you have to say when an event happened (past, present, future, etc.), while in others it is obligatory to say how you know about the event (you saw it, you heard about it), or what genders its participants were. In addition, languages just feel different from one another - some feel poetic while others feel brutal. Some things just don't sound right in certain languages, and some translations are harder than others to pull off. But are these differences meaningful? Do differences across languages cause substantive changes in the cognition of their speakers? We'll read some of the burgeoning research literature on these questions and consider how they can be answered with new empirical tools.
Last offered: Spring 2019 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PSYCH 138: Wise Interventions (PSYCH 238, PUBLPOL 238)

Classic and contemporary psychological interventions; the role of psychological factors in social reforms for social problems involving healthcare, the workplace, education, intergroup, relations, and the law. Topics include theories of intervention, the role of laboratory research, evaluation, and social policy.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Walton, G. (PI)

PSYCH 145A: Monitoring the Crisis (PUBLPOL 141, SOC 141, SOC 241, URBANST 149)

A course devoted to understanding how people are faring as the country's health and economic crisis unfolds. The premise of the course is that, as important and valuable as surveys are, it's a capital mistake to presume that we know what needs to be asked and that fixed-response answers adequately convey the depth of what's happening. We introduce a new type of qualitative method that allows for discovery by capturing the voices of the people, learn what they're thinking and fearing, and understand the decisions they're making. Students are trained in immersive interviewing by completing actual interviews, coding and analyzing their field notes, and then writing reports describing what's happening across the country. These reports will be designed to find out who's hurting, why they're hurting, and how we can better respond to the crisis. Students interested should submit the following application: course is open to students who have taken it in earlier quarters, with repeating students allowed to omit the training sessions and, in lieu of those sessions, complete additional field work and writing. Field work will include unique interviews with new participants each lab period, along with corresponding coding, analyses, and reports.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

PSYCH 154: Judgment and Decision-Making

Survey of research on how we make assessments and decisions particularly in situations involving uncertainty. Emphasis will be on instances where behavior deviates from optimality. Overview of recent works examining the neural basis of judgment and decision-making.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Knutson, B. (PI)

PSYCH 155: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ARTHIST 98, CSRE 100, EDUC 166C, ENGLISH 172D, FILMEDIA 98, SOC 146, TAPS 165)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

PSYCH 168: Emotion Regulation (PSYCH 268)

(Graduate students register for 268.) The scientific study of emotion regulation. Topics: historical antecedents, conceptual foundations, autonomic and neural bases, individual differences, developmental and cultural aspects, implications for psychological and physical health. Focus is on experimentally tractable ideas.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PSYCH 169: Advanced Seminar on Memory

Memory and human cognition. Memory is not a unitary faculty but consists of multiple systems that support learning and remembering, each with its own processing characteristics and neurobiological substrates. This advanced undergraduate seminar will consider recent discoveries about the cognitive and neural architectures of working, declarative, and nondeclarative memory. Required: 45.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wagner, A. (PI)

PSYCH 170: The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America (COMM 164, COMM 264, POLISCI 124L, POLISCI 324L, PUBLPOL 164)

Focus is on how politicians and government learn what Americans want and how the public's preferences shape government action; how surveys measure beliefs, preferences, and experiences; how poll results are criticized and interpreted; how conflict between polls is viewed by the public; how accurate surveys are and when they are accurate; how to conduct survey research to produce accurate measurements; designing questionnaires that people can understand and use comfortably; how question wording can manipulate poll results; corruption in survey research.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PSYCH 175: Developmental Science of Social Cognition

Social cognition - the ability to infer and represent the unobservable contents of others' minds - is a critical component of what makes us human. What are the basic elements of social cognition, and what do infants and young children understand about others' actions, thoughts, and feelings? How do these capacities help them learn about the world as they interact with others in the first few years of life? This course will take a deeper look at the theoretical perspectives and scientific findings at the intersection of social cognition and cognitive development. Students will read 3 - 4 journal articles each week (reviews and empirical papers) on various topics in the field, starting from face perception and attribution of agency to Theory of Mind, communication, and altruism. Students will be encouraged to think hard about the fundamental questions about the human mind and how it interacts with other minds, and the value of studying young children in addressing these questions. Students should expect to read, present, and discuss theoretical and empirical research articles, and write a research proposal as a final project. This course is designed for upper-level undergraduate students who already have a basic understanding of cognitive development (PSYCH60 is required). This course fulfills the WIM requirement.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PSYCH 180: Advanced Seminar on Racial Bias and Structural Inequality

How do we address racial bias and inequities? What role do our institutions play in creating, maintaining, and magnifying those inequities? What role do we play? In this course, we will examine racial bias and inequality in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, healthcare facilities, and criminal justice system. In every domain, we will focus our attention on the tools and interventions that can be used to mitigate bias and decrease racial disparities. This course will be conducted as a seminar and meets the WIM requirement. Enrollment is restricted; interested students should complete an application for permission at: Instructor will be in contact if selected.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Starck, J. (PI)

PUBLPOL 19Q: Government by the Numbers

Spending by federal, state, and local governments accounts for about one-third of U.S. GDP and governments employ more than one-in-seven workers in the U.S. For most U.S. residents, government is represented by a complicated web of federal, state, and local policies. There is an increasingly contentious debate about the proper role of the government and regarding the impact of specific government policies. This debate is rarely grounded in a common set of facts. In this seminar, we will explore how each level of government interacts with U.S. residents through government services, public programs, taxes, and regulations. We will examine financial results for different levels of government while considering the net effects of government intervention on the health and economic well-being of individuals and families. Particular attention will be paid to certain sectors (e.g. education, health care, etc.) and to certain groups (e.g. those in poverty, the elderly, etc.). Along the way we will accumulate a set of metrics to assess the performance of each level of government while highlighting the formidable challenges of such an exercise. Prerequisite: Econ 1.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 50: Intermediate Microeconomics for Public Policy (INTLPOL 204A, PUBLPOL 301A)

This course introduces the theories of consumers, producers, and markets, and uses these concepts to understand how people make complex economic decisions in the real world. By the end of the course, students will be familiar with core microeconomic models and be able to use them with real-world applications related to government spending, taxation, and welfare programs. The goal of the course is for students to learn how microeconomists think and approach economic problems. Prerequisites: ECON 1 and MATH 20 or equivalent. PUBLPOL 50 was numbered PUBLPOL 51 prior to the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 55N: Public Policy and Personal Finance (ECON 25N)

The seminar will provide an introduction and discussion of the impact of public policy on personal finance. Voters regularly rate the economy as one of the most important factors shaping their political views and most of those opinions are focused on their individual bottom lines. In this course we will discuss the rationale for different public policies and how they affect personal financial situations. We will explore personal finance issues such as taxes, loans, charity, insurance, and pensions. Using the context of (hypothetical) personal finance positions, we will discuss the public policy implications of various proposals and how they affect different groups of people, for example: the implications of differential tax rates for different types of income, the promotion of home ownership in the U.S., and policies to care for our aging population. While economic policy will be the focus of much of the course, we will also examine some of the implications of social policies on personal finance as well. There will be weekly readings and several short policy-related writing assignments.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 101: Introduction to American Politics and Policy: In Defense of Democracy (AMSTUD 123X, POLISCI 102, PUBLPOL 201)

American democracy faces a series of unprecedented challenges. This course will identify the greatest areas of weakness in the American political system, make sense of the most pressing threats facing democracy, and contemplate how democracy can be strengthened. With this them - in defense of democracy - in mind, we will examine several questions: What guiding principles, norms, and institutions organize and structure American politics, and how do they affect the health and effectiveness of American democracy? What do patterns of political participation and representation in the United States tell us about the health of our democracy? How do partisan and social identities breed hostility and antagonism among the mass public? How does information from the media and other sources advance or frustrate democratic outcomes? What does increased violence - political, racially motivated, or otherwise - reveal about the trajectory of democracy in the United States? This is a course built on the science of politics, and our aim is to bring the scientific study of politics to bear on these pressing questions.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 105: Empirical Methods in Public Policy (PUBLPOL 205)

Methods of empirical analysis and applications in public policy. Emphasis on causal inference and program evaluation. Public policy applications include health, labor and saving. Assignments include hands-on data analysis, evaluation of existing literature, and a final research project. Objective is to obtain tools to 1) critically evaluate evidence used to make policy decisions and 2) perform empirical analysis to answer questions in public policy. Prerequisite: ECON 102B. Public Policy students must take the course for a letter grade. Priority for enrollment will be given to Public Policy students. Non-Public Policy majors must receive instructor permission to enroll.
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Chee, C. (PI)

PUBLPOL 106: Law and Economics (ECON 154, PUBLPOL 206)

In this course, we explore the role of law in promoting social well-being (happiness). Law, among its other benefits, can serve as a mechanism to harmonize private incentives with cooperative gains, to maintain an equitable division of those gains, and to deter social defection and dystopia. Law is thus an implementation of the social contract and essential to civilization. Economic analysis of law focuses on the welfare-enhancing incentive effects of law (and of law enforcement). More generally, we study the law's role in reducing the risks of cooperation, achieved by fixing expectations of what courts or the state will do in possible futures. Prerequisite: ECON 50 or PUBLPOL 50. Final paper instead of an exam. Instructor consent required for enrollment. Please email the instructor a short statement of interest (300 words max) explaining why you would like to enroll in the course.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 108H: Housing Affordability Crisis in California: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions (URBANST 108H)

This course will divided into three sections that when combined provide 1) the overall narrative of the precedents and adverse impacts of the worldwide, US west coast and California housing crises and the frameworks for California to create a balanced housing market without causing extreme displacement; 2) an overview of the planning, regulatory and development environments in California along with an opportunities/threats analysis to illuminate current opportunities to achieve a balanced housing market; and 3) an overview of the federal, state, regional and local housing policy environments and areas of policy work addressing and responding to the California housing crisis.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; LeSar, J. (PI)

PUBLPOL 113: America: Unequal (CSRE 3P, SOC 3)

The U.S. is in the midst of an inequality explosion. The upper class has become unimaginably rich. Extreme racial discrimination and animus remain at the center of the American story. Abject poverty persists amidst so much wealth. A de facto caste system ¿ in which opportunities to get ahead depend on a birth lottery ¿ is firmly in place. The historic decline in gender inequality, which many had thought would continue on until full equality was achieved, has stalled out across many labor market indicators. Why is this happening? And what should be done about it? A no-holds-barred exploration of America¿s inequality problem.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 114: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence (AMSTUD 115S, INTNLREL 115, POLISCI 115)

This course examines the past, present, and future of American espionage. Targeted at first years and sophomores, the class surveys key issues in the development of the U.S. Intelligence Community since World War II. Topics include covert action, intelligence successes and failures, the changing motives and methods of traitors, congressional oversight, and ethical dilemmas. The course pays particular attention to how emerging technologies are transforming intelligence today. We examine cyber threats, the growing use of AI for both insight and deception, and the 'open-source' intelligence revolution online. Classes include guest lectures by former senior U.S. intelligence officials, policymakers, and open-source intelligence leaders. Course requirements include an all-day crisis simulation with former senior officials designed to give students a hands-on feel for the uncertainties, coordination challenges, time pressures, and policy frictions of intelligence in the American foreign policy process.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 121L: Racial-Ethnic Politics in US (CSRE 121L, POLISCI 121L)

This course examines the profound role race plays in American politics. Topics covered include the construction of political identity among Asian, Black, Latino, Native, and White Americans; the politics of immigration and acculturation; and the influence of racial identity on public opinion, voting behavior, the media, social movements, and in the justice system. We will tackle questions such as: What makes a political campaign ad 'racist?' Why did Donald Trump's support among Black, Latino, and Asian voters increase from 2016 to 2020? Are undocumented immigrants really more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens? How can we measure whether there is racial bias in policing? What do we even mean when we use the terms 'race' and 'ethnicity' - and how have the definitions of identity groups evolved over time? Throughout, students will be pushed to carefully evaluate data-based claims, critically analyze their own assumptions, and bring to bear empirical evidence to support their arguments in an inclusive learning environment. Prior coursework in Statistics or Economics strongly recommended.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 122: BioSecurity and Pandemic Resilience (BIOE 122, EMED 122, EMED 222, PUBLPOL 222)

Overview of the most pressing biosecurity issues facing the world today. Critical examination of ways of enhancing biosecurity and pandemic resilience. Examination of how the US and the world are able to withstand a pandemic or a bioterrorism attack, how the medical/healthcare field, government, and technology sectors are involved in biosecurity and pandemic or bioterrorism preparedness and response and how they interface; the rise of synthetic biology with its promises and threats; global bio-surveillance; effectiveness of various containment and mitigation measures; hospital surge capacity; medical challenges; development, production, and distribution of countermeasures such as vaccines and drugs; supply chain challenges; public health and policy aspects of pandemic preparedness and response; administrative and engineering controls to enhance pandemic resilience; testing approaches and challenges; promising technologies for pandemic response and resilience, communication in a crisis; and other relevant topics. Guest lecturers have included former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Special Assistant on BioSecurity to Presidents Clinton and Bush Jr. Dr. Ken Bernard, former Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Robert Kadlec, eminent scientists, public health leaders, innovators and physicians in the field, and leaders of relevant technology companies. Open to medical, graduate, and undergraduate students. No prior background in biology necessary. Must be taken for at least 4 units to get WAYs credit. Students also have an option to take the class for 2 units as a speaker series/seminar where they attend half the class sessions (or more) and complete short weekly assignments. In-person or asynchronous online instruction are available. First day of class is the Wednesday of the first week of class.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI | Repeatable 3 times (up to 15 units total)
Instructors: ; Trounce, M. (PI)

PUBLPOL 124: American Political Institutions in Uncertain Times (POLISCI 120C)

This course examines how the rules that govern elections and the policy process determine political outcomes. It explores the historical forces that have shaped American political institutions, contemporary challenges to governing, and prospects for change. Topics covered include partisan polarization and legislative gridlock, the politicization of the courts, electoral institutions and voting rights, the expansion of presidential power, campaign finance and lobbying, representational biases among elected officials, and the role of political institutions in maintaining the rule of law. Throughout, emphasis will be placed on the strategic interactions between Congress, the presidency, and the courts and the importance of informal norms and political culture. Political Science majors taking this course to fulfill the WIM requirement should enroll in POLISCI 120C.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 127: Health Care Leadership (EMED 127, EMED 227, PUBLPOL 227)

Healthcare Leadership class brings eminent healthcare leaders from a variety of sectors within healthcare to share their personal reflections and insights on effective leadership. Speakers discuss their personal core values, share lessons learned and their recipe for effective leadership in the healthcare field, including reflection on career and life choices. Speakers include CEOs of healthcare technology, pharmaceutical and other companies, leaders in public health, eminent leaders of hospitals, academia, biotechnology companies and other health care organizations. The class will also familiarize the students with the healthcare industry, as well as introduce concepts and skills relevant to healthcare leadership. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit. Students taking the course Mondays and Wednesdays should enroll for 4 units (exceptions for a 3 unit registration can be made with the consent of instructor to be still eligible for Ways credit). Students also have an option of taking the course as a speaker seminar series for 2 units where they attend at least half the class sessions of their choice and complete short weekly assignments. Synchronous online instruction is available.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: ; Trounce, M. (PI)

PUBLPOL 141: Monitoring the Crisis (PSYCH 145A, SOC 141, SOC 241, URBANST 149)

A course devoted to understanding how people are faring as the country's health and economic crisis unfolds. The premise of the course is that, as important and valuable as surveys are, it's a capital mistake to presume that we know what needs to be asked and that fixed-response answers adequately convey the depth of what's happening. We introduce a new type of qualitative method that allows for discovery by capturing the voices of the people, learn what they're thinking and fearing, and understand the decisions they're making. Students are trained in immersive interviewing by completing actual interviews, coding and analyzing their field notes, and then writing reports describing what's happening across the country. These reports will be designed to find out who's hurting, why they're hurting, and how we can better respond to the crisis. Students interested should submit the following application: course is open to students who have taken it in earlier quarters, with repeating students allowed to omit the training sessions and, in lieu of those sessions, complete additional field work and writing. Field work will include unique interviews with new participants each lab period, along with corresponding coding, analyses, and reports.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

PUBLPOL 154: Politics and Policy in California

State politics and policy making, including the roles of the legislature, legislative leadership, governor, special interests, campaign finance, advocacy groups, ballot initiatives, state and federal laws, media, and research organizations. Case studies involving budgets, education, pensions, health care, political reform, environmental reforms, water, transportation and more. Evaluation of political actions, both inside and outside of government, that can affect California policy and social outcomes. Meetings with elected officials, policymakers, and advocates in class and during a day-long field trip to Sacramento, assuming no COVID or related restrictions.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 155: Solving Social Problems with Data (COMM 140X, DATASCI 154, EARTHSYS 153, ECON 163, MS&E 134, POLISCI 154, SOC 127)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Nobles, M. (PI)

PUBLPOL 156: Health Care Policy and Reform (HUMBIO 122A)

Focuses on U.S. health care policy. Includes comparisons with health care policy in other countries and detailed examinations of Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and proposed reforms. Examines health policy efforts at state and local levels. The course includes sessions on effective memo writing as well as presentation and the politics of health policy and reform efforts. Prerequisite: Must be a HUMBIO major or minor to enroll in HUMBIO 122A. Graduate students must enroll in PUBLPOL 156.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 163: Land Use: Planning for Sustainable Cities (AMSTUD 163, EARTHSYS 168, URBANST 163)

Through case studies with a focus on the San Francisco Bay Area, guest speakers, selective readings and interactive assignments, this survey course seeks to demystify the concept of land use for the non-city planner. This introductory course will review the history and trends of land use policies, as well as address a number of current themes to demonstrate the power and importance of land use. Students will explore how urban areas function, how stakeholders influence land use choices, and how land use decisions contribute to positive and negative outcomes. By exploring the contemporary history of land use in the United States, students will learn how land use has been used as a tool for discriminatory practices and NIMBYism. Students will also learn about current land use planning efforts that seek to make cities more sustainable, resilient and equitable to address issues like gentrification, affordable housing, and sea level rise.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 164: The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America (COMM 164, COMM 264, POLISCI 124L, POLISCI 324L, PSYCH 170)

Focus is on how politicians and government learn what Americans want and how the public's preferences shape government action; how surveys measure beliefs, preferences, and experiences; how poll results are criticized and interpreted; how conflict between polls is viewed by the public; how accurate surveys are and when they are accurate; how to conduct survey research to produce accurate measurements; designing questionnaires that people can understand and use comfortably; how question wording can manipulate poll results; corruption in survey research.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 165: How Cities Can Save the World (URBANST 166)

In our cities, we find the greatest concentrations of the world's great problems - poverty, homelessness, violent crime, and GHG emissions, to name a few. So too, cities present many of the most innovative, impactful solutions to these challenges. In this seminar, we'll look at three great challenges that confront Americans - the dearth of affordable housing, the growing impacts of climate change, and violent crime - in the urban context. We'll explore the legal, fiscal, and political limitations that constrain the terrain of local policymaking, and we will assess best practices among cities for enacting meaningful change within that landscape. Readings and discussion will overwhelmingly focus on U.S. cities, but we will consider a few examples from abroad as well. We will seek to move beyond familiar ideological battles to emphasize outcomes, evidence-based solutions, and analytical rigor. From contemporary academic studies and journals, news articles, case law, and guest speakers, students will gain an appreciation for cities as policy laboratories for pragmatic solutions that often elude binary labelling as "progressive" or "conservative." Students will be better prepared to understand and engage in cities as civic leaders, legal advisors or adversaries, participants in economic transactions, and constituents. This class is limited to 25 students, with an effort made to have students from SLS (15 by lottery) and 10 non-law students by consent of the instructor. Admitted non-law students should forward instructor consent to Grete Howland for a permission number to enroll in PUBLPOL 165 or Sonia Chan to enroll in URBANST 166. Elements used in grading: Class Participation, Written Assignments, and Final Paper. Cross-listed with Law School (LAW 7119) and Urban Studies (URBANST 166).
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PUBLPOL 174: The Urban Economy (URBANST 173)

Applies the principles of economic analysis to historical and contemporary urban and regional development issues and policies. Explores themes of urban economic geography, location decision-making by firms and individuals, urban land and housing markets, and local government finance. Critically evaluates historical and contemporary government policies regulating urban land use, housing, employment development, and transportation. Thematic focus on impacts of the pandemic and long-term work-from-home employment patterns on urban form, density, and fiscal policies.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wolfe, M. (PI)

PUBLPOL 183: Human and Planetary Health (MED 103, SOC 103, SUSTAIN 103)

For too long, societies have treated nature as an inexhaustible resource. As a result, humanity faces a health crisis of planetary dimensions. Unsustainable food systems, global warming, biodiversity loss, pollution, and changing disease ecology are impacting both human lives and the natural systems that support them. Those least responsible for these crises are hit worst and first. The field of human and planetary health seeks solutions that sustain nature while supporting human health. This course highlights the complex interconnections between environment and health and demonstrates how an interdisciplinary, multisectoral approach and systems thinking can help us to find a path forward. Through lectures, discussions, and interactive exercises, students will learn and write about large-scale problems, priority areas of action, and levers for impact. All students will join a weekly section and work through a multi-part assignment to produce a policy brief addressing a human and planetary health challenge. The course is appropriate for students at all levels and from all disciplines.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

PWR 91HK: Farmer, Scientist, Activist, Chef: Communicating for Food Security and Food Justice

How can you contribute to efforts to foster a healthy and equitable food system? In this project-based course, you will be matched with a Bay Area community partner working on sustainability or food justice. You will develop public-facing communications to support their mission. Multiple genres are possible: you might create a podcast, a policy brief, video explainer, or a social media campaign. During this process, you will develop a range of writing and oral communication skills. You will practice project management, collaborative group work, and expressing yourself through new genres. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center. For a full course description visit This course does not fulfill the Write 1 or the Write 2 writing requirement.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

PWR 91NF: Writing and Representing Ourselves in the Time of GenAI (CSRE 91NF)

Generative AI promises to help us with some of the greatest challenges in healthcare, education, finance, and more. However, how can we ensure that we benefit from a more ethical & human-centered use of this technology that encompasses and benefits all humans? In this class, we will engage in meaningful discussions and learn how to critically examine the far-reaching socio-cultural and linguistic impacts GenAI tools have on daily interactions, as well as far-reaching global impacts. You will have the opportunity to reflect more deeply on the potential challenges that GenAI can pose in terms of reinforcing stock-narratives or images about marginalized groups and investigate the ways certain GenAI tools have exhibited forms of racial, gender or language-based bias. Via course readings, guest-lecture visits, and course assignments you will increase your awareness and find practical solutions that address the normative narratives that feed Generative AI tools. This course does not fulfill the Write 1 or the Write 2 writing requirement.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Fahim, N. (PI)

PWR 194KTA: Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Racism, Misogyny, and the Law (CSRE 194KTA, FEMGEN 194, HISTORY 261C)

The gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 by the Supreme Court of the United States led to the consequent disenfranchisement of many voters of color. For many citizens who desire a truly representative government, SCOTUS's decision predicted the collapse of democracy and endorsed White supremacy. In this course, through an examination of jurisprudential racism and misogyny, students will learn to dissect the rhetoric of the U.S. judicial branch and the barriers it constructs to equity and inclusion through caselaw and appellate Opinions. The United States of America long deprived the right to vote to men of color and women of every race, and equal access to justice including at the intersections has been an enduring fight. The history of employment law, criminal justice, access to healthcare, and more includes jurisprudence enforcing racist and misogynist U.S. policies and social dynamics. Students will learn how to read a case, scrutinize court briefings, and contextualize bias as a foundation to erect a more just, equitable, and inclusionary legal system.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

PWR 194MF: Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: In the Margins: Race, Gender and the Rhetoric of Science (FEMGEN 123)

Every day a new headline alerts us to the lack of race and gender diversity in the tech sector in Silicon Valley. At the same time, science and technology are often lauded as objective systems capable of producing color- and gender-blind truths and social good for all of us. This course pushes beyond the headlines and the hashtags to think about the complex relationship between gender, race and science. Together we will research chronically understudied voices and contributions in the history of science and technology and have the opportunity to read and participate in some of the efforts to highlight their stories through a Wikipedia edit-a-thon and final research project. We will also rigorously think through why the historical and current under-representation of women and people of color matters for the questions that are asked, methodologies that are used, and science and technology that is eventually produced. This course fulfills the advanced PWR requirement for the Notation in Science Communication (NSC). Prerequisite: first two levels of the writing requirement or equivalent transfer credit. For topics, see
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

REES 85B: Jews in the Contemporary World: Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (HISTORY 85B, JEWISHST 85B)

(HISTORY 85B is 3 units; HISTORY 185B is 5 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

REES 185B: Jews in the Contemporary World:Ā Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (CSRE 185B, HISTORY 185B, JEWISHST 185B, SLAVIC 183)

(HISTORY 185B is 5 units; HISTORY 85B is 3 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

REES 205: The Business of Socialism: Economic Life in Cold War Eastern Europe (HISTORY 227B)

This colloquium investigates the processes of buying, making, and selling goods and services in Cold War Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. We will familiarize ourselves with a variety of approaches to writing the history of economic life and discuss to what extent they are applicable to state socialist systems. Our focus will not be on theories of socialism but on empirically grounded studies that allow for insights into how the system operated in practice and interacted with capitalism. We will, among others, explore the following questions: What was the role of the state in the economies east and west of the Iron Curtain? Are socialism and capitalism two incompatible systems? How did women experience and shape economic life after the Second World War? What had a greater impact on the economies of the region: Cold War politics or globalization?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

RELIGST 1: Religion Around the Globe

This course surveys major religious traditions of the world in all of their complexity, in relation to philosophy and politics; liturgy and literature; identity and social hierarchies; art, community, and emotion. Through examination of a variety of materials, including scriptures and other spiritual writings, religious objects and artifacts, and modern documentary, fiction and film, we explore Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Daoism as rich historical and living traditions.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mayse, E. (PI); Mross, M. (PI)

RELIGST 4: What Didn't Make the Bible (CLASSICS 9N, HISTORY 112C, JEWISHST 4)

Over two billion people alive today consider the Bible to be sacred scripture. But how did the books that made it into the bible get there in the first place? Who decided what was to be part of the bible and what wasn't? How would history look differently if a given book didn't make the final cut and another one did? Hundreds of ancient Jewish and Christian texts are not included in the Bible. "What Didn't Make the Bible" focuses on these excluded writings. We will explore the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse ancient romance novels, explore the adventures of fallen angels who sired giants (and taught humans about cosmetics), tour heaven and hell, encounter the garden of Eden story told from the perspective of the snake, and learn how the world will end. The course assumes no prior knowledge of Judaism, Christianity, the bible, or ancient history. It is designed for students who are part of faith traditions that consider the bible to be sacred, as well as those who are not. The only prerequisite is an interest in exploring books, groups, and ideas that eventually lost the battles of history and to keep asking the question "why." In critically examining these ancient narratives and the communities that wrote them, you will investigate how religions canonize a scriptural tradition, better appreciate the diversity of early Judaism and Christianity, understand the historical context of these religions, and explore the politics behind what did and did not make it into the bible.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

RELIGST 8N: Gardens and Sacred Space in Japan

This seminar will explore gardens and sacred spaces in Japan. We will study the development of Japanese garden design from the earliest records to contemporary Japan. We will especially focus on the religious, aesthetic, and social dimensions of gardens and sacred spaces. This seminar features a field trip to a Japanese garden in the area, in order to study how Japanese garden design was adapted in North America. Note: This course will be offered in East Asia Library, Room 212.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Mross, M. (PI)

RELIGST 10N: The Good Death

We often discuss what makes a 'good life' - that is a life worth living, a life exemplary of one's values and ideals, a life full of meaning. But what makes a 'good death'? Far from being a topic to avoid, ideas of death - what it means, its variations, how it relates to the preceding life, how it should unfold - are rich topics in religion. For religious people, the question of how life is lived in preparation, anticipation, or ignorance of death is often quite central. So, how do religious people imagine what death is and what lies beyond? What guidance exists for the time of death and its aftermath? How is the body understood in relation to death and beyond - and how is it managed? How do the living coexist with the dead in various forms? How do changing ecological and technological concerns shape death practices in the USA and elsewhere? In this class we will explore conceptions of the good death through a variety of religious traditions and perspectives, looking at issues such as the after/next life, death rituals, burial practices, corpses, the holy dead, martyrs, ghosts and spirit guides, and others.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

RELIGST 19Q: Does Religion Divide Us? Legal, Political, and Cultural Perspectives from Across the World

Questions surrounding religion, especially when considered in relation to law, politics, and culture have always been of contentious nature. In this course, we will dissect this nature and explore the roots and reasons of such contention. We will pay special attention to the difficulty of defining religion legally, as well as to the meanings and practices of secularism and religious freedom. During the course, we will think critically about these issues in countries across the world with a comparative, interdisciplinary approach. Course readings will include academic writings by religion scholars, political scientists, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers, and others as well as documents concerning legal cases. Assignments including participation in group projects/presentations and annotation of select readings will encourage students to establish their own understanding of the course material and deliberate with their peers as we discuss the contemporary debates and cases throughout the course.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Yazici, I. (PI)

RELIGST 35X: Introduction to African American Studies: Black Religion, Culture, and Experience to the Civil War

Beginning in 16th century West Africa and ending in the 19th century United States, this course will survey the religious, cultural, and experiential histories of African-descended people in the Atlantic world. From the early histories of the slave trade to the violence of American racial hierarchies, we will delve into the cosmologies, practices, rituals, aesthetics, and other cultural expressions of free and enslaved Africans and their descendants in the Americas, with a particular emphasis on the United States. What did Africa mean to those displaced from their ancestral homelands? How did African descended people perceive, navigate, and resist their racialization? How did they reshape the Americas through their intellect, creativity, and culture? Prioritizing the voices, thought, and sensory registers of the persons involved in these historical processes, this course will explore African Americans' experiences - from the spectacular to the quotidian - as windows into the human experience. (Course is the same as AFRICAAM 104 and AMSTUD 104A)
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wells-Oghoghomeh, A. (PI)

RELIGST 50: Exploring Buddhism

A comprehensive historical survey of the Buddhist tradition, from its beginnings to the 21st century, covering principal teachings and practices, institutional and social forms, and artistic and iconographical expressions. (Formerly RELIGST 14.)
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Harrison, P. (PI)

RELIGST 86: Exploring the New Testament (CLASSICS 43, HISTORY 111B, JEWISHST 86)

To explore the historical context of the earliest Christians, students will read most of the New Testament as well as many documents that didn't make the final cut. Non-Christian texts, Roman art, and surviving archeological remains will better situate Christianity within the ancient world. Students will read from the Dead Sea Scrolls, explore Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing divine temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse an ancient marriage guide, and engage with recent scholarship in archeology, literary criticism, and history.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Penn, M. (PI)

RELIGST 103: Buddhism and Medicine

How did ancient Buddhist practices like mindfulness come to be promoted today as essential for our mental and physical wellbeing? How have Buddhists responded to the global COVID-19 health crisis? If Buddhist practice can indeed heal and keep us healthy, how does it claim to heal, and from what? This class explores these and other related questions by studying how Buddhism has throughout its history been intertwined with the theory and practice of medicine. No prior knowledge of Buddhism or medicine is required.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

RELIGST 115: Interfaith Peacebuilding and Global Justice

Can religions get along, and can interreligious relations be used to achieve positive social change in a complex global world? Efforts to pursue interfaith cooperation by a number of development agencies, policy think tanks, non-profit organizations, and local activists have become ever-more popular in the past decades, producing an avalanche of materials and approaches on how to promote and achieve interfaith harmony. These efforts come with a new set of thorny questions: who gets to be included at the interfaith table? How do religious worldviews change the aims and methods of peacebuilding? How do global relations of power affect the aims and means of justice? This class will travel around the world to explore the promises and limitations of changing the world through interfaith relations. We will explore groups attempting to preserve the Amazonian rainforest, Indian sacred sites shared by Hindus and Muslims, the work of interfaith icons like the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, the challenges of LGBTQ+ interfaith organizers, and the utopian visions of large interfaith organizations like the Parliament of the Worlds' Religions. We will take a hands-on approach based on case studies in order to assess best practices, persistent challenges, and limitations in the work of leveraging religion to foster global peace and justice. Guest speakers and active class discussion will encourage students¿ own reflections on what religion is, its political import, and the historical and ongoing challenges of applying the lens of interfaith relations to conflict resolution and transformation.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

RELIGST 115X: Europe in the Middle Ages, 300-1500 (HISTORY 15D, HISTORY 115D)

(HISTORY 15D is 3 units; HISTORY 115D is 5 units.) This course provides an introduction to Medieval Europe from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance. While the framework of the course is chronological, we'll concentrate particularly on the structure of medieval society. Rural and urban life, kingship and papal government, wars and plagues provide the context for our examination of the lives of medieval people, what they believed, and how they interacted with other, both within Christendom and beyond it. This course may count as DLCL 123, a course requirement for the Medieval Studies Minor.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

RELIGST 116X: The Hebrew Bible: Readings in religion and culture (JEWISHST 116)

This course will provide an introduction to the Hebrew Bible as well as later, classical Jewish literature. We will examine ancient Jewish texts in their social context and explore both the history of Ancient Israel as well as later, diasporic forms of Jewish practice and culture. The class will begin at 11:00 am. This course is under review for WAYS SI and EDP.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Aranoff, D. (PI)

RELIGST 149: Finding Utopia: New Religious Movements in the 19th and 20th Centuries

What is the connection between new religious movements and secularization? As the religious concept of freedom was expanded in the 19th century, so was secular culture: there was a vast array of possible routes a person might take to pursue transcendent wisdom, and this was increasingly a matter of personal choice. Whether in the form of new religious movements such as the Oneida community, reactions against institutionalization of religion such as the rise of atheism, the creation of syncretic religions such as theosophy, or the combination of religious expression and scientific discourse in practices such as scientology, the last two hundred years have been an era of profound religious experimentation. But challenges to traditional religious expression not only consisted of new beliefs, they also led to innovative forms of community.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

RELIGST 158: Spiritualism and the Occult

This course will examine the popular mystical practices of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when millions of people in Europe and America described themselves as spiritualists and shared a recognizable set of practices. These served as a platform for spiritual immediacy guided by the central questions: What is the relationship between seen and unseen? How can the living communicate with the dead? What technologies apply to our inner lives? This course considers the historical emergence of spiritualism, spiritualism and art, spiritualism and technology, and mysticism and women to explore how the invisible became a central metaphor for the ambition to expand and remake the real.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Willburn, S. (PI)

RELIGST 210X: Doing Religious History (AFRICAAM 200P, AFRICAST 200, HISTORY 200P)

What is religion, and how do we write its history? This undergraduate colloquium uses case studies from a variety of regions and periods - but with a specific focus on the African continent - to consider how historians have dealt with the challenge of writing accounts of the realm of religious and spiritual experience. We will explore the utility of oral history alongside written documentary sources as well as explore issues of objectivity and affiliation in writing religious histories. (This course has been submitted for WAY-SI and WAY-ED certification.)
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

RELIGST 218X: The Holy Dead: Saints and Spiritual Power in Medieval Europe (HISTORY 218, HISTORY 318, RELIGST 318X)

Examines the cult of saints in medieval religious thought and life. Topics include martyrs, shrines, pilgrimage, healing, relics, and saints' legends.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

RELIGST 241: Black Religion in America (AFRICAAM 242, AMSTUD 241, RELIGST 341)

Since Africans arrived on North American shores, their religious cultures have anchored them to the traditions of their originating homelands; offered outlets for communal innovation; and structured their responses to the everyday realities of life in the United States. More than a cornerstone of Black American culture, religion has helped to define U.S. African-American identities. At the same time, performances identified with Black religions have transcended racial barriers and become ubiquitous features of the American religious landscape. In this course, we will trace the history of African-descended peoples in the United States through their religious expressions, explore major questions in the study of African-American religions, and analyze representations of African-American religiosity in the popular imagination. Zigzagging across regions and through chronological periods, we will engage primary "texts" ranging from the antebellum "confessions" of Nat Turner to the contemporary rituals of a Vodou priestess, in order to interrogate the questions: "Are there continuities and/or features that mark U.S. Black religions?" "If so, what are they?" "If not, what is the function of the category?" In doing so, we aim to discover the histories of the diverse traditions subsumed under the category of Black religion and register our voices in debates that continue to preoccupy scholars in the field.Undergraduates register for 200-level for 5 units. Graduate students register for 300-level for 3-5 units.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

RELIGST 246: Constructing Race and Religion in America (AMSTUD 246, CSRE 246, HISTORY 256G)

This seminar focuses on the interrelationships between social constructions of race and social interpretations of religion in America. How have assumptions about race shaped religious worldviews? How have religious beliefs shaped racial attitudes? How have ideas about religion and race contributed to notions of what it means to be "American"? We will look at primary and secondary sources and at the historical development of ideas and practices over time.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

RELIGST 255: Perspectives on Caste and Religion in South Asia (RELIGST 355)

Caste, as a plurality of ideas about systemic exclusion or social hierarchy, has shaped the lifeworlds of South Asians past and present, across regions, languages, and religious boundaries. But is caste a unitary concept? And what does it have to do with religion? This seminar turns to the archive to explore a series of case studies about how caste, as an actively contested concept and set of social practices, has interfaced with meaning-making and community formation in Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Buddhist, and Christian traditions. We are interested both in the social history of religion as well as the phenomenology of oppression and liberation, taking a comparative approach that allows us to defamiliarize our assumptions about the varied relationships between religion, culture, hierarchy, and violence. Undergraduates register for 200-level for 5 units. Graduate students register for 300-level for 3-5 units.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

RELIGST 257: Women in Japanese Buddhism (RELIGST 357)

This seminar explores the role of women in Japanese Buddhism, starting from the earliest records until today. All readings will be in English. Prerequisites: Solid foundation in either Buddhist studies or East Asian Studies. You must have taken at least one other course in Buddhist Studies. Undergraduates register for 200-level for 5 units. Graduate students register for 300-level for 3-5 units.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

RELIGST 261: What Does It Mean to be Secular? (RELIGST 361)

"Secularism" and "secularization" are two concepts whose importance to modern life is only matched by their ability to elude our understanding. Our aim in this seminar, therefore, will be to make sense of them as historical and sociological phenomena, as well as objects of theoretical and philosophical inquiry. Among other issues, we will probe the question of religious decline in modern societies, the formation of secular identity and subjectivity, the theological underpinnings of the separation of religion and state, the politics of religious minorities, and the broader transformation of religion in the modern age. Our approach to the subject will consist primarily in the discussion of a wide range of primary sources and scholarly writings, which will span the disciplines of political theory, anthropology, theology, history, and literature. Undergraduates register for 200-level for 5 units. Graduate students register for 300-level for 3-5 units.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SINY 15: Migrant Media in New York City

The course will engage with aspects of media, migration, and movement in New York City, which is home to the largest population of so-called immigrants, with as many as 800 languages spoken, and is also the largest metropolitan economy in the world. The particular confluence of commerce, migration, and urban density in New York produces very specific cultural forms. Students will be introduced to the diversity of the city's racial and ethnic communities, and their media production and consumption practices. We will interrogate the very term, "migrant," by watching films and media that interrogate border regimes and immigration laws, and explore how New York is turned into a space of belonging, and indeed develops its particular cultural vibrancy only on account of its staggeringly diverse populace. The course is designed to be interactive and engage in multi-modal learning ¿ in addition to watching and discussing films, we will undertake field trips to film festivals, museums, archives, and particular neighborhoods.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Iyer, U. (PI)

SINY 56: Business Innovation & Technology for Social Change

This course will explore how new types of business models and technologies can be used to address big global problems like poverty, inequality, and climate change. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the vast disparities that exist in the United States including access to healthcare, education, technology, jobs and even food security, to name a few. Using NYC as our living laboratory, we will explore our communities that were most affected by the pandemic, question why, and explore sustainable solutions to the underlying causes.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SINY 63: Languages and Culture of Immigrant New York

This course explores the working-class immigrant city, using language and culture as a lens for understanding how new communities form, evolve, and integrate. In focus are three of New York's fastest-growing but least-studied groups: Indigenous Latin Americans, Himalayans, and Central Asians. Students will have the chance to read and hear accounts directly from community members while also grappling with broader questions around urban space, education, policy, and the future of mobility, with site visits and field research wherever possible.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SINY 109: Walking and Writing New York City

Navigating the streets and sidewalks of New York City is both an intensely personal and a complex collective experience. During your time in New York, you will do it nearly every day, and you will almost certainly find yourself describing it to others. This course will give you concepts to understand this activity in a broader context, and skills to undertake it more intentionally and effectively. How do people - sociologists, photographers, poets, urban planners, and ordinary New Yorkers - observe the streets, and how do they depict that experience? What do these observations tell us about ourselves, and about the possibilities and inequities of urban life? We will attempt to answer these questions through reading, watching, and listening to the works of New York walkers past and present, and through a close analysis of our own experiences of moving through the city.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SINY 122: The Agile City

Examine the economic, cultural and environmental forces transforming the urban experience globally and understand how cities become agile to adapt to rapidly evolving urban challenges. This course would draw from case studies in New York and elsewhere, using guest experts and site visits or walking tours.
Last offered: Autumn 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SINY 130: Disrupting the News: How Technology is Transforming the Media

Examine how technology has transformed the way news is produced, delivered and consumed from disruption in business models to changes in access. Students read works by leading media scholars, study user data from news organizations and meet key executives in New York City's digital-media market.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Bell, E. (PI); Boggie, M. (PI)

SINY 144: The UN in Action

This course will offer an opportunity to learn how multilateral diplomacy works in practice, taking advantage of the enormous variety of UN offices, agencies, and related policy institutes based in New York to provide an overview of the different dimensions of the UN's work on security, development, human rights, and other multilateral issues.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Gowan, R. (PI)

SINY 168: Safe Cities: A Study of Institutional Responses to Gender Based Violence in the Global City

The course proposes a broad theoretical as well as an experiential and immersive introduction to some of the most urgent issues surrounding institutional responses to gender based violence (GBV) and related forms of gender discrimination today.n nThe course is divided into three main sections: a theoretical framework that introduces students to contemporary arguments and ideas around gender equality, violence, women's empowerment, and legal protections offered under international and domestic law; a critical overview of contemporary New York City and State actors' interventions against gender discrimination, such as the Governor's 2019 Women's Justice Agenda, the Mayor's She Built NYC campaign, and the NYC4CEDAW Act Coalition's campaign for a NYC ordinance for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women; and a series of thematic case studies that focus on specific challenges including in the areas of reproductive rights, sexual assault, sex work, trafficking and the rights of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.n nThe latter section will require engagement with actors that are instrumental in responding to and preventing gender based violence, and may include, Victor Madrigal-Borloz the UN Independent Expert on Protection against Violence and Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Sgt. Greg Accomando of the NYPD Special Victim's Division, Abagail Nelson the Senior Vice President for Programs at Episcopal Relief & Development, and Deborah Hayashi of the North Central Bronx Sexual Assault Response Team. n nThrough these frameworks and studies, the course offers a well-rounded introduction to the complexity of interventions against gender based discrimination in the context of a Global City. The transnational scope of the course is anchored by New York City as an incubator and instigator for innovative interventions against gender inequality, and there will be an emphasis on the cross-pollination that occurs between the City, State and national and international NGO platforms.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SLAVIC 70N: Socialism vs. Capitalism: Russian and American Writers' Responses

The turn of the 20th century was marked with turbulent political events and heated discussions about the future of Russian and American societies. Many writers and intellectuals responded to the burning issues of social justice, inequality, egalitarianism, and exploitation associated with capitalism and socialism. Through close reading, critical thinking, and analytical writing, we will engage in the critical discussions of class struggle, individual interest versus collective values, race, and social equality, and identify points of convergence and divergence between the two systems. To what extent was the opposition between capitalism and socialism fueled by the artistic vision of the great Russian and American writers? What was these thinkers' ideal of society and what impact did it have on shaping emerging socialism? Readings for the class include the fundamental works of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Jack London, W.E.B. Du Bois and Sholem Aleichem. The course will culminate in a digital mapping project visualizing intellectual connections between ideas and writers.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ilchuk, Y. (PI)

SLAVIC 110: The Russian Empire, 1450-1800 (HISTORY 120A)

(Same as HISTORY 20A. 120A is 5 units, 20A is 3 units.) The rise of Russian state as a Eurasian "empire of difference"; strategies of governance of the many ethnic and religious groups with their varied cultures and political economies; particular attention to Ukraine. In the Russian center, explores gender and family; serfdom; Russian Orthodox religion and culture; Europeanizing cultural change of 18th century.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

SLAVIC 121: Ukraine at a Crossroads (REES 221, SLAVIC 221)

Literally meaning "borderland," Ukraine has embodied in-betweenness in all possible ways. What is the mission of Ukraine in Europe and in Eurasia? How can Ukraine become an agent of democracy, stability, and unity? What does Ukraine's case of multiple identities and loyalties offer to our understanding of the global crisis of national identity? In this course, we will consider the historical permeability of Ukraine's territorial, cultural, and ethnic borders as an opportunity to explore the multiple dimensions of its relations with its neighbors. In addition to studying historical, literary, and cinematic texts, we discuss nationalism, global capitalism, memory politics, and propaganda in order to understand post-Euromaidan society. All required texts are in English. No knowledge of Ukrainian is required. NOTE: To satisfy a WAYS requirement, this course must be taken for at least 3 units.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SLAVIC 123: Getting the Picture: Photojournalism in Russia and the U.S. (AMSTUD 123, COMM 123, REES 223, SLAVIC 323)

The vast majority of photographs printed and consumed around the world appeared on the pages of magazines and newspapers. These pictures were almost always heavily edited, presented in carefully devised sequences, and printed alongside text. Through firsthand visual analysis of the picture presses of yesteryear, this course considers the ongoing meaning, circulation, and power of images as they shape a worldview in Russia as well as the US. In looking at points of contact between two world powers, we will cover the works of a wide array of authors, photographers, photojournalists and photographed celebrities (Lev Tolstoy, Margaret Bourke-White, Russian satirists Ilf and Petrov, John Steinbeck and Richard Capa, and many others). We will explore the relationship between photojournalistic practice of the past with that of our present, from the printed page to digital media, as well as the ethical quandaries posed by the cameras intervention into/shaping of modern history. No knowledge of Russian is required.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SLAVIC 171: Chernobyl: from Soviet Utopia to Post-Soviet Apocalypse (REES 322, SLAVIC 371)

The course will introduce students to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster through the history of the late Soviet utopian project of the "atomic cities" to the intellectual, aesthetic, and artistic responses that the Chernobyl catastrophe generated in the post-Soviet Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian societies. During the course, we will study environmental, social, and ecological consequences of the Chernobyl disaster and analyze its many representations across a range of media and cultures. In the end of the course, we will create a portrait of Chernobyl in the collaborative multimedia project "The Control Room #4" which will assemble the representation of Chernobyl in fictional, cinematographic, oral histories, map projects, VR, photography, and other media in order to show how the disaster resonates across space and time. We will consider such issues as urban and technological utopias of the late Soviet Union, representations of the disaster; ethics; health and disease; the body and its deconstruction; ecology and climate; the appropriation of disaster narratives and disaster tourism; the media and cover-ups; and faith and religion.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SLAVIC 183: Jews in the Contemporary World:Ā Culture, Pop Culture, and Representation (CSRE 185B, HISTORY 185B, JEWISHST 185B, REES 185B)

(HISTORY 185B is 5 units; HISTORY 85B is 3 units.) From Barbra Streisand to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, from The Dybbuk to Broad City, and from Moscow to LA, this course applies a multicultural perspective on different experiences of Jewishness in the 20th and 21st centuries. The discussion is centered on the ways in which these experiences are represented in various types of media: in literature or on TikTok, in poetry or on Instagram, in film and on television. The themes of the course include (but are not limited to) the interplay of national, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and political identities, intersectionality, the definitions and boundaries of Jewish cultures, Queer and variously gendered experiences of Jewishness, as well as antisemitism and stereotyped representations of Jewishness. The course introduces students to the analysis of a diverse array of media as cultural texts and historical sources. Students are encouraged to apply their new skills to media of their choice.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SLAVIC 198: Writing Between Languages: The Case of Eastern European Jewish Literature (JEWISHST 148, JEWISHST 348, SLAVIC 398)

Eastern European Jews spoke and read Hebrew, Yiddish, and their co-territorial languages (Russian, Polish, etc.). In the modern period they developed secular literatures in all of them, and their writing reflected their own multilinguality and evolving language ideologies. We focus on major literary and sociolinguistic texts. Reading and discussion in English; students should have some reading knowledge of at least one relevant language as well. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for WAYS credit. In 2020-21, a 'letter' or 'CR' grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 1-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SLAVIC 228: Russian Nationalism: Literature and Ideas (REES 328, SLAVIC 328)

Russia is huge and linguistically and religiously diverse. Yet the ideology of nationalism --the idea that culturally unified groups should rule their own territories-- took root in Russia in the early 19th century and is powerful today. What made this happen? Political thinkers, writers, and other artists have argued for the superiority of the Russian nation. Meanwhile, the tsarist, Soviet, and post-Soviet governments have worked to reconcile the ideology of nationalism with the realities of the administration of a diverse state. This course examines the roots of nationalism itself and the paradox of Russian nationalism, looking at literary and political writers including Dostoevsky, Stalin, and Solzhenitsyn.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SOC 1: Introduction to Sociology

This course is designed to introduce students to the sociological study of society. The course will introduce sociological concepts such as the relationship between the individual and society, the social construction of reality, and the causes and consequences of social inequality. We will examine major topics in sociological research, including but not limited to inequality, mobility, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, crime, punishment and social control, the family, education, and immigration.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

SOC 2: Self and Society: Introduction to Social Psychology (PSYCH 70)

Why do people behave the way they do? This is the fundamental question that drives social psychology. Through reading, lecture, and interactive discussion, students have the opportunity to explore and think critically about a variety of exciting issues including: what causes us to like, love, help, or hurt others; the effects of social influence and persuasion on individual thoughts, emotion, and behavior; and how the lessons of social psychology can be applied in contexts such as health, work, and relationships. The social forces studied in the class shape our behavior, though their operation cannot be seen directly. A central idea of this class is that awareness of these forces allows us to make choices in light of them, offering us more agency and wisdom in our everyday lives. Beginning autumn quarter 2021, this course will no longer fulfill the Way-ED requirement
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

SOC 3: America: Unequal (CSRE 3P, PUBLPOL 113)

The U.S. is in the midst of an inequality explosion. The upper class has become unimaginably rich. Extreme racial discrimination and animus remain at the center of the American story. Abject poverty persists amidst so much wealth. A de facto caste system ¿ in which opportunities to get ahead depend on a birth lottery ¿ is firmly in place. The historic decline in gender inequality, which many had thought would continue on until full equality was achieved, has stalled out across many labor market indicators. Why is this happening? And what should be done about it? A no-holds-barred exploration of America¿s inequality problem.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 4: The Sociology of Music (AMSTUD 4, CSRE 4)

This course examines music - its production, its consumption, and it contested role in society - from a distinctly sociological lens. Why do we prefer certain songs, artists, and musical genres over others? How do we 'use' music to signal group membership and create social categories like class, race, ethnicity, and gender? How does music perpetuate, but also challenge, broader inequalities? Why do some songs become hits? What effects are technology and digital media having on the ways we experience and think about music? Course readings and lectures will explore the various answers to these questions by introducing students to key sociological concepts and ideas. Class time will be spent moving between core theories, listening sessions, discussion of current musical events, and an interrogation of students - own musical experiences. Students will undertake a number of short research and writing assignments that call on them to make sociological sense of music in their own lives, in the lives of others, and in society at large.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SOC 8: Sport, Competition, and Society

This course uses the tools of social science to help understand debates and puzzles from contemporary sports, and in doing so shows how sports and other contests provide many telling examples of enduring social dynamics and larger social trends. We also consider how sport serves as the entry point for many larger debates about the morality and ethics raised by ongoing social change. There is a one hour discussion section required for this course.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

SOC 9N: 2024 Election, Understanding the National, Participating in the Local

In this class we will read the literature on voting and elections. We will cover some literature on voting rights in the US. The class will have a field component, as students will not only be obligated to register to vote (if they are eligible), but also phone bank or canvass in person to talk to voters about some issue or candidate. Learn to understand the election system through participation! Each student will pick a local issue or candidate, and then the students will phonebank or canvass around that local issue or candidate and learn about what their fellow citizens have to say about their chosen issue. Students will present a post-mortem about their chosen candidate or issue after the November elections are over.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Rosenfeld, M. (PI)

SOC 11N: The Data Scientist as Detective

This seminar is about how data are used to figure things out. We will consider cases in which a standing mystery existed, a question without an answer that was subsequently solved with a crisp, clever, or comprehensive analysis of data. We will pay close attention to the reasoning used involved in getting answers from data, and together we will consider how to assess how confident to be in those answers. All of which is directed to providing a better understanding of the logic of making inferences from data, evaluating those inferences, and actually working with data. Over the quarter, students will also be asked to pose and advance a project of their own that involves answering a question with data.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

SOC 21D: Social Movements and the Internet

Over the past few decades, social movements have increasingly relied on social movement participants leveraging internet technologies in mobilization, coordination, and public outreach to assist in their movement goals. How have new online tools such as social media and digital connectivity changed the processes of contemporary social movements? This course uses a sociological perspective to examine the ways social movements have adapted to online technologies to critically think about how the internet has altered traditional forms of social movement mobilization. The first half of the course is an introduction and review of traditional social movement literatures, while the second half is focused on different contemporary social movements where the internet played an important role, including the Arab Spring, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ equality, feminism and the #MeToo movement, and most recently, the storming of the U.S. Capitol. Students will be encouraged to think about the ways in which social movement processes have been accelerated and/or changed due to the effects of online technologies.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 31N: Social Networks

This Introductory Seminar reviews the history of social network studies, investigates how networks have changed over the past hundred years and asks how new technologies will impact them. We will draw from scholarly publications, popular culture and personal experience as ways to approach this central aspect of the human experience.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 37Q: Food Justice Now! Power and Politics in the Ways We Eat (CSRE 37Q, EARTHSYS 37Q)

Where does the food you eat come from? How does it get to your plate? Where does it go when you don't finish it? And why are those particular items on your plate in the first place? How and what we eat is a vastly overlooked part of everyday life, and yet comes with huge personal, societal, and environmental effects, both positive and (quite often) negative. But this isn't indicative of personal moral failings or ignorance - rather, the food system was designed this way. And it leaves many of us without choice or consent around what we put into our bodies and how our actions impact those around us, thereby exacerbating social and health inequities. This class will uncover the secret workings of the global food system and introduce students to movements and efforts towards creating a more just food future for all. We will center on the concept of 'food justice,' which includes all ideas and practices that strive to eliminate exploitation and oppression within and beyond the food system. This trajectory will take us through understandings of economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological life, both now and in the past, providing students with a unique opportunity to gain interdisciplinary knowledge of food systems. For instance, we will learn about how historical and modern-day activists and scholars draw on movements for economic, gender, racial, climate, and environmental justice, and explore the possibilities for both reformative and transformative food politics. Finally, because food production, consumption, and activism are all highly tangible practices, the class will engage in field trips to the Stanford O'Donohue Family Farm, Stanford Food Institute's Teaching Kitchen, and a local Bay Area farm to get hands-on experience with what it means to eat more ethically.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 100: Introduction to Urban Studies (HISTORY 107, URBANST 110)

Today, for the first time in history, a majority of people live in cities. By 2050, cities will hold two-thirds of the world's population. This transformation touches everyone, and raises critical questions. What draws people to live in cities? How will urban growth affect the world's environment? Why are cities so divided by race and by class, and what can be done about it? How do cities change who we are, and how can we change cities? In this class, you will learn to see cities in new ways, from the smallest everyday interactions on a city sidewalk to the largest patterns of global migration and trade. We will use specific examples from cities around the world to illustrate the concepts that we learn in class. The course is intended primarily for freshmen and sophomores.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 103: Human and Planetary Health (MED 103, PUBLPOL 183, SUSTAIN 103)

For too long, societies have treated nature as an inexhaustible resource. As a result, humanity faces a health crisis of planetary dimensions. Unsustainable food systems, global warming, biodiversity loss, pollution, and changing disease ecology are impacting both human lives and the natural systems that support them. Those least responsible for these crises are hit worst and first. The field of human and planetary health seeks solutions that sustain nature while supporting human health. This course highlights the complex interconnections between environment and health and demonstrates how an interdisciplinary, multisectoral approach and systems thinking can help us to find a path forward. Through lectures, discussions, and interactive exercises, students will learn and write about large-scale problems, priority areas of action, and levers for impact. All students will join a weekly section and work through a multi-part assignment to produce a policy brief addressing a human and planetary health challenge. The course is appropriate for students at all levels and from all disciplines.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

SOC 111: State and Society in Korea (INTNLREL 143, SOC 211)

20th-century Korea from a comparative historical perspective. Colonialism, nationalism, development, state-society relations, democratization, and globalization with reference to the Korean experience.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Shin, G. (PI)

SOC 112: Comparative Democratic Development (POLISCI 147)

Social, cultural, political, economic, and international factors affecting the development and consolidation of democracy in historical and comparative perspective. Individual country experiences with democracy, democratization, and regime performance. Emphasis is on global third wave of democratization beginning in the mid-1970s, the recent global recession of democracy (including the rise of illiberal populist parties and movements), and the contemporary challenges and prospects for democratic change.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

SOC 113Q: Asian Americans at the Margins: Exploring Asian Identities in the United States

This seminar asks students to adopt a sociological understanding of Asian Americans by exploring the "edge cases" of this vast population. Students will engage with academic works to inform and fuel reflection and dialogue about the experiences of Asian undocumented immigrants, adoptees, refugees, and more. We will build on this academic understanding through our engagement with various media and guest speakers to contextualize these experiences. We will not only learn who they are, but where they are situated in the social fabric of the U.S. Assignments will include a series of small research-oriented projects. This course will require students to simultaneously focus on both individual biographies and macro processes. Students will be prompted to connect the lived experiences of their friends, family, and peers with a body of works that tell the multi-faceted story of the Asian American community. By the end of the quarter, students will be able to situate the unique nature of Asian American experiences at the margins within broader social processes, complicating their understandings of race and immigration.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Cho, E. (PI)

SOC 114: Economic Sociology (SOC 214)

The sociological approach to production, distribution, consumption, and markets. The impact of norms, power, social structure, and institutions on the economy. Comparison of classic and contemporary approaches to the economy among social science disciplines. Topics: consumption, labor markets, organization of professions such as law and medicine, the economic role of informal networks, industrial organization -- including the structure and history of the computer and popular music industries, business alliances, the platform economy and capitalism in non-Western societies.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

SOC 117A: China Under Mao (SOC 217A)

(Graduate students register for 217A.) The transformation of Chinese society from the 1949 revolution to the eve of China's reforms in 1978: creation of a socialist economy, reorganization of rural society and urban workplaces, emergence of new inequalities of power and opportunity, and new forms of social conflict during Mao's Cultural Revolution of 1966-69 and its aftermath.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

SOC 123D: Mental Health from Crisis to Construction

Mental health is an increasingly hot topic in the media. Why are high school and college students struggling with more and more mental health issues? Why are rates of depression and anxiety increasing? What is the role of social media? How can people cope with the psychological consequences of a multi-year pandemic? These conversations often culminate in the belief that there is a 'mental health crisis' plaguing the 21st century. But mental health, like other social phenomena, is not experienced in a vacuum. How does social context shape individuals' psychological experience? How might sociologists think about the idea of a mental health crisis? This course will provide an introduction to the sociology of mental health and will give you the tools to think critically about narratives around wellbeing that you may hear in your own lives. You will learn how the line between health and illness ('normal' and 'crazy') is socially constructed, how social context influences subjective experience, and how people's responses to subjective experience can change (and have changed) over time. We will also delve into demographic patterns in mental health experiences and discuss the social stigma that surrounds mental illness, mental health treatment, and diagnosis. Throughout the course, we will discuss contemporary issues around mental health - such as social media and the COVID-19 pandemic - using our sociological lens to offer explanations and insights. You will learn through reading scientific articles and books, class discussions, group work, and an independent final project that will be presented to the class at the end of the term.
Last offered: Summer 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 126: Introduction to Social Networks (SOC 226)

(Graduate students register for 226.) Theory, methods, and research. Concepts such as density, homogeneity, and centrality; applications to substantive areas. The impact of social network structure on individuals and groups in areas such as communities, neighborhoods, families, work life, and innovations. Department consent required. To enroll, students must contact Sonia Chan (
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Peterson, C. (PI)

SOC 127: Solving Social Problems with Data (COMM 140X, DATASCI 154, EARTHSYS 153, ECON 163, MS&E 134, POLISCI 154, PUBLPOL 155)

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quantitative analysis, modeling approaches from the social sciences and engineering, and coding skills for working directly with big data. Students will also consider the ethical dimensions of working with data and learn strategies for translating quantitative results into actionable policies and recommendations. Lectures will introduce students to the methods of data science and social science and apply these frameworks to critical 21st century challenges, including social media, climate change, and school choice & segregation. Through a quarter-long project, students will work in teams to apply the foundational skill sets to a social problem that is important to them. In-class exercises and problem sets will provide students with the opportunity to use real-world datasets to discover meaningful insights for policymakers and communities. This course is the required gateway course for the new major in Data Science & Social Systems. Preference given to Data Science & Social Systems B.A. majors and prospective majors. Course material and presentation will be at an introductory level. Enrollment and participation in one discussion section is required. Sign up for the discussion section will occur on Canvas at the start of the quarter. Prerequisites: CS106A is the only required prerequisite. DATASCI 112 is recommended as a pre or corequisite. If you have limited experience working with data in Python and cannot take DATASCI 112 this quarter, expect to spend more time reviewing supplementary course materials. Limited enrollment. Please complete the interest form here: A permission code will be given to admitted students to register for the class.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Nobles, M. (PI)

SOC 128D: Analytics for a Changing Climate: Introduction to Social Data Science

Data science has rapidly gained recognition within the social sciences because it offers powerful new ways to ask questions about social systems and problems. This course will examine how tools from data science can be used to analyze pressing issues relating to disaster, inequality, and scarcity in the Anthropocene (the current period in which humans are the primary driver of planetary changes). We will explore how a range of computational methods can be used to garner new meanings from sources such as weather monitors, press releases, websites, government programs, and more. This is a hands-on, interactive course culminating in a social data science project designed by the student or a team of up to four students. Most class sessions will be taught interactively using Jupyter Notebooks. Students will follow along with workshop-style lectures by using and modifying the provided R/Python code in real time to analyze data and visualize results. The course will cover such topics as the South African water crisis, Hurricane Katrina, the California Wildfires, and water rights along the Colorado River. Students will learn to explore text data with tools such as word embeddings, topic models, and sentiment analysis. Students will gain experience with Python and R and will learn about a range of packages for cleaning data, linking and matching records, and mapping their results.
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, WAY-SI

SOC 130: Education and Society (EDUC 120C, EDUC 220C, SOC 230)

The effects of schools and schooling on individuals, the stratification system, and society. Education as socializing individuals and as legitimizing social institutions. The social and individual factors affecting the expansion of schooling, individual educational attainment, and the organizational structure of schooling.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Ramirez, F. (PI)

SOC 133D: Globalization and Social Change

How do we make sense of a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, and where social problems like climate change, democratization, human rights, and economic stability are increasingly global in their scope? How have international institutions attempted to regulate these processes and maintain social order? Why have recent social and political movements in an increasing number of countries targeted globalization as a source of their society¿s problems? In this course, we will explore how globalization is as an economic, political, and cultural process that shapes major social problems in today¿s world. To do so, we will draw on a range of theories and interdisciplinary research in economics, political science, and sociology.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Furuta, J. (PI)

SOC 134: Gender and Education in Global and Comparative Perspectives (EDUC 197, FEMGEN 297)

This course introduces students to theories and perspectives from the social sciences relevant to an understanding of the role of education in relation to structures of gender differentiation, hierarchy, and power. It familiarizes students with and enables them to critically evaluate research on the status of children, adolescents, and young adults around the world and their participation patterns in various sectors of society, particularly in education. Students have the opportunity to gain research skills by designing research proposals or to develop action plans on topics of their choosing related to gender and education from global and/or comparative perspectives.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 136: Sociology of Law (SOC 236)

(Graduate students register for 236) This course explores major issues and debates in the sociology of law. Topics include historical perspectives on the origins of law; rationality and legal sanctions; normative decision making and morality; cognitive decision making; crime and deviance, with particular attention to the problem of mass incarceration; the "law in action" versus the "law on the books;" organizational responses to law, particularly in the context of sexual harassment and discrimination in education and employment; the roles of lawyers, judges, and juries; and law and social change with particular emphasis on the American civil rights movement. Special Instructions: Students are expected to attend a weekly TA-led discussion section in addition to lecture. Sections will be scheduled after the start of term at times when all students can attend. Paper requirements are flexible. Cross listed with the Law School (LAW 7511). See "Special Instructions" in course description above. Elements Used in Grading: Class participation, paper proposal, three short papers and a final paper (see syllabus for details).
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

SOC 141: Monitoring the Crisis (PSYCH 145A, PUBLPOL 141, SOC 241, URBANST 149)

A course devoted to understanding how people are faring as the country's health and economic crisis unfolds. The premise of the course is that, as important and valuable as surveys are, it's a capital mistake to presume that we know what needs to be asked and that fixed-response answers adequately convey the depth of what's happening. We introduce a new type of qualitative method that allows for discovery by capturing the voices of the people, learn what they're thinking and fearing, and understand the decisions they're making. Students are trained in immersive interviewing by completing actual interviews, coding and analyzing their field notes, and then writing reports describing what's happening across the country. These reports will be designed to find out who's hurting, why they're hurting, and how we can better respond to the crisis. Students interested should submit the following application: course is open to students who have taken it in earlier quarters, with repeating students allowed to omit the training sessions and, in lieu of those sessions, complete additional field work and writing. Field work will include unique interviews with new participants each lab period, along with corresponding coding, analyses, and reports.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

SOC 142: Sociology of Gender (FEMGEN 142, FEMGEN 242, SOC 242)

Sociologists study taken-for-granted social categories and systems, like gender, to understand how they shape our lives. In this course, we will learn sociological approaches to understanding and studying gender. We will critically examine how gender structures society and reproduces inequality. To do this, we will use a multi-level approach, examining gender at the individual, interactional, and structural level. We will apply this framework to multiple areas of social life, including the self, the family, school, and work. This introductory course is designed to cover a range of topics in the sociology of gender, providing a baseline for further study. You will actively participate in class, bringing your own experiences while building your sociological imagination. Through a combination of lectures, in-class discussions, and papers, students will strengthen their academic analysis and writing skills.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 146: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ARTHIST 98, CSRE 100, EDUC 166C, ENGLISH 172D, FILMEDIA 98, PSYCH 155, TAPS 165)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

SOC 147: Race and Ethnicity Around the World (CSRE 147A, SOC 247)

(Graduate students register for 247.) How have the definitions, categories, and consequences of race and ethnicity differed across time and place? This course offers a historical and sociological survey of racialized divisions around the globe. Case studies include: affirmative action policies, policies of segregation and ghettoization, countries with genocidal pasts, invisible minorities, and countries that refuse to count their citizens by race at all.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 149: The Urban Underclass (CSRE 149A, SOC 249, URBANST 112)

(Graduate students register for 249.) We explore the history of residential segregation, urban policy, race, discrimination, policing and mass incarceration in the US. What are the various causes and consequences of poverty? How do institutions that serve the poor work and sometimes fail? We will read deeply into the social, political, and the legal causes of today¿s conflicts.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Rosenfeld, M. (PI)

SOC 152: The Social Determinants of Health (SOC 252)

When we consider a person's health, we often look first to the body. But our bodies don't exist in a vacuum: how we feel, whether we get sick, even how long we live depends on many factors beyond our biology. In this course, we will shift our focus to the world our bodies inhabit, considering how our circumstances affect our health, healthcare, and well-being. We will explore the 'social determinants' of health outcomes, including neighborhoods, social networks, healthcare systems, inequalities, and power structures. We will also reflect on what it means to live a healthy life and the extent to which individuals may or may not be able to determine their own health outcomes.n nBeyond the substantive topic of health, a core component of applying the sociological lens is being able to use research to explain and analyze the social world. To build your critical analysis skills, you will read and engage with social science research and apply theoretical concepts to empirical observations. Throughout the course, we will engage with case studies, both in class and in assignments that ask you to turn your sociological lens to health disparities in the world around you. We will also brainstorm ways to build a world without health inequality.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-SI

SOC 154: The Politics of Algorithms (COMM 154, COMM 254, CSRE 154T, SOC 254C)

(Graduate students enroll in 254. COMM 154 is offered for 5 units, COMM 254 is offered for 4 units.) Algorithms have become central actors in today's digital world. In areas as diverse as social media, journalism, education, healthcare, and policing, computing technologies increasingly mediate communication processes. This course will provide an introduction to the social and cultural forces shaping the construction, institutionalization, and uses of algorithms. In so doing, we will explore how algorithms relate to political issues of modernization, power, and inequality. Readings will range from social scientific analyses to media coverage of ongoing controversies relating to Big Data. Students will leave the course with a better appreciation of the broader challenges associated with researching, building, and using algorithms.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Christin, A. (PI)

SOC 155: The Changing American Family (FEMGEN 155, FEMGEN 255, SOC 255)

What are the historical trajectories and consequences of marriage, divorce, and premarital cohabitation? Where have gay rights come from and what is the future of gay rights in the US? What are the gender differences in marriage, family and housework? What does it mean for the personal to be political? What are the racial differences in family life and how have those differences been politicized? How did marriage equality go from being impossible to being the law of the US? We will study social change from the perspective of public opinion, legal changes, and family politics.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 156A: The Changing American City (CSRE 156, SOC 256A, URBANST 156A)

After decades of decline, U.S. cities today are undergoing major transformations. Young professionals are flocking to cities instead of fleeing to the suburbs. Massive increases in immigration have transformed the racial and ethnic diversity of cities and their neighborhoods. Public housing projects that once defined the inner city are disappearing, and crime rates have fallen dramatically. Do these changes signal the end of residential segregation and urban inequality? Who do these changes benefit? This course will explore these issues and strategies to address them through readings and discussion, analyzing a changing neighborhood in a major city in the Bay Area in groups (which will include at least one site visit), and studying a changing neighborhood or city of their choice for their final project. The course does not have pre-requisites.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 160: Formal Organizations (SOC 260)

(Graduate students register for 260.) Organizations are ubiquitous: they educate us, manage our finances, and structure our daily routines; they also distribute resources, status, and opportunities among social groups. This course will explore the role of formal organizations in contemporary social life, and their consequences for individuals. Drawing on a range of theoretical perspectives and empirical research in the social sciences, we will examine several topics, including: the origins of organizations, how decisions are made, why some organizations live while others perish, incentives and employment relationships, social networks, and what kinds of organizational policies promote diversity. The course will draw on many substantive examples from the real world to illustrate these theoretical models.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Furuta, J. (PI)

SOC 167A: Asia-Pacific Transformation (INTLPOL 244D, SOC 267A)

Post-WW II transformation in the Asia-Pacific region, with focus on the ascent of Japan, the development of newly industrialized capitalist countries (S. Korea and Taiwan), the emergence of socialist states (China and N. Korea), and the changing relationship between the U.S. and these countries.
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-GlobalCom, WAY-SI

SOC 168A: Race, Nature, and the City (CSRE 168, EARTHSYS 169, URBANST 168)

This course provides an introduction to the study of race and place within urban political ecology (UPE). Geographer Natasha Cornea defines UPE as a 'conceptual approach that understands urbanization to be a political, economic, social, and ecological process, one that often results in highly uneven and inequitable landscapes' in and beyond cities. The primary focus will be cities in the Americas, but we will draw on insights from scholars studying the mutually constitutive nature of race and place in other regions. In line with critical theories that frame intersectional experiences of race, the course readings also take into account class, gender, sexuality, and nation.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 169B: Race and Ethnicity in Urban California: Research Seminar (AMSTUD 169B, CSRE 260B, URBANST 169B)

This course is part of an ongoing research project that examines the consequences of social, demographic, economic, and political changes in ethnic and race relations in in urban California. Students taking this course will construct will investigate a particular issue, place, policy, or event of special interest and write a 15-20-page paper. Through individualized research projects, our aim is to understand how and why policies and practices developed that isolated and marginalized communities of color leading to environmental racism, housing inequality, public health crises, socioeconomic (im)mobility, over-policing, and underserving, and (un)fair representation in city politics and governments. We will also focus on solutions. We look at the creative, challenging, and diverse ways grassroots organizers, academics, and governments at every level can work in partnership to reshape policy and rectify injustice in a variety of urban and suburban environments in California. Each paper should conclude with ideas about how to make constructive change. This course has been designated as a Cardinal Course by the Haas Center for Public Service. Cardinal Courses apply classroom knowledge to pressing social and environmental problems through reciprocal community partnerships. The units received through this course can be used towards the 12-unit requirement for the Cardinal Service transcript notation.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 173: Gender and Higher Education: National and International Perspectives (EDUC 173, EDUC 273, FEMGEN 173, SOC 273)

This course examines the ways in which higher education structures and policies interact with gender, gender identity, and other characteristics in the United States, around the world, and over time. Attention is paid to how changes in those structures and policies relate to access to, experiences in, and outcomes of higher education by gender. Students can expect to gain an understanding of theories and perspectives from the social sciences relevant to an understanding of the role of higher education in relation to structures of gender differentiation and hierarchy. Topics include undergraduate and graduate education; identity and sexuality; gender and science; gender and faculty; and feminist scholarship and pedagogy.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

SOC 175: Understanding China's Rise (GLOBAL 194, SOC 275)

This course is an overview China's national trajectory since the 1980s, and will place its historic economic advance in comparative perspective. We will examine the factors that made this advance possible, explore the ways that China's political and economic institutions are different from other major economies, and consider challenges that now appear to threaten China's continuing economic advance. Same as OSPBEIJ 20. Students may not earn credit for both OSPBEIJ 20 and Sociology 175/275.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 176: The Social Life of Neighborhoods (AFRICAAM 76B, AMSTUD 276, CSRE 176B, SOC 276, URBANST 179)

How do neighborhoods come to be? How and why do they change? What is the role of power, money, race, immigration, segregation, culture, government, and other forces? In this course, students will interrogate these questions using literatures from sociology, geography, and political science, along with archival, observational, interview, and cartographic (GIS) methods. Students will work in small groups to create content (e.g., images, audio, and video) for a self-guided ¿neighborhood tour,¿ which will be added to a mobile app and/or website.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 179A: Crime and Punishment in America (AFRICAAM 179A, AMSTUD 179A, CSRE 179A, SOC 279A)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the way crime has been defined and punished in the United States. Recent social movements such as the Movement for Black Lives have drawn attention to the problem of mass incarceration and officer-involved shootings of people of color. These movements have underscored the centrality of the criminal justice system in defining citizenship, race, and democracy in America. How did our country get here? This course provides a social scientific perspective on Americas past and present approach to crime and punishment. Readings and discussions focus on racism in policing, court processing, and incarceration; the social construction of crime and violence; punishment among the privileged; the collateral consequences of punishment in poor communities of color; and normative debates about social justice, racial justice, and reforming the criminal justice system. Students will learn to gather their own knowledge and contribute to normative debates through a field report assignment and an op-ed writing assignment.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Clair, M. (PI)

SOC 180A: Foundations of Social Research (SOC 280A)

Formulating a research question, developing hypotheses, probability and non-probability sampling, developing valid and reliable measures, qualitative and quantitative data, choosing research design and data collection methods, challenges of making causal inference, and criteria for evaluating the quality of social research. Emphasis is on how social research is done, rather than application of different methods. Limited enrollment; preference to Sociology and Urban Studies majors, and Sociology coterms. Department consent required. To enroll, students must contact Sonia Chan (
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kiviat, B. (PI)

SOC 183D: Drugs, Self, and Society

From your daily cup(s) of coffee to the 'War on Drugs,' drugs touch the lives of most people. Yet, how societies deal with drug use and abuse change throughout time. In this course, we will look at drug use and abuse through a sociological lens, exploring how micro (personal), meso (interactional), and macro (structural) level forces underpin the meanings, experiences, and policies associated with drug use and abuse in the United States. Beyond this, we will examine how these forces contribute to persistent systems of inequality among different groups. This will not serve as a 'how to' course, but one in which you will be asked to critically examine the role of drugs and their effects on society. By the end of this course, students should be able to:
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 184D: Policing in Society: From Precincts to Playgrounds

We are in a moment of great national attention and debate over the role of police in society, with some calling for greater funding and resources to support community policing efforts and others calling for the abolition of the institution in its entirety. In its current form, policing has infused a surprisingly wide variety of other social institutions, ranging from healthcare to education to technology. This course examines the social underpinnings of historical and modern-day policing. We will critically analyze the trends in policing practices in the US through time, and ask how - and to what effect - police have become enmeshed in the social fabric of American life. This class will expose you to some of the methods social scientists use to investigate society's most pressing issues and help you think critically about policing in America through reading, discussing, and critiquing both popular journalism and rigorous academic research. I hope this course challenges you to consider the implications of course content beyond the confines of the classroom, leaves you with novel ways of thinking about society, and helps you become a more aware, informed, and active citizen for your future. An additional goal is to help you build proficiency in your analytical skills. With the final project, you will have the opportunity to become a creator of knowledge by collecting and analyzing your own data.
Last offered: Summer 2021 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 185D: Gender and Politics

Despite gains in recent years, women remain dramatically underrepresented in virtually all realms of the American political system. In this course, students will become familiar with the empirical patterns and trends, social and cultural debates, and policy issues concerning the role of gender in American politics. We will examine the gender gap in voting patterns and mass political participation, as well as strategies for increasing women¿s representation. Students will come to understand the effects of women¿s lack of parity, including policy attitudes, processes, and outcomes. Furthermore, we will explore gender inequality in politics through an intersectional lens of race, class, age, education, and sexuality.
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SOC 187: Ethics, Morality, and Markets (SOC 287)

Markets are inescapably entangled with questions of right and wrong. What counts as a fair price or a fair wage? Should people be able to sell their organs? Do companies have a responsibility to make sure algorithmic decisions don't perpetuate racism and misogyny? Even when market exchange seems coldly rational, it still embodies normative ideas about the right ways to value objects and people and to determine who gets what. In this course, we will study markets as social institutions permeated with moral meaning. We will explore how powerful actors work to institutionalize certain understandings of good and bad; unpack how particular moral visions materially benefit some groups of people more so than others; examine the ways people draw on notions of fairness to justify and contest the market's distribution of resources and opportunities; and consider who has agency to build markets according to different normative ideals. Most course readings are empirical research, so we will also critically discuss how social scientists use data and methods to build evidence about the way the world works.
Last offered: Autumn 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI

SOC 188: One in Five: The Law, Politics, and Policy of Campus Sexual Assault (FEMGEN 143, SOC 288)

CW: SA/GBV: Access the Application Consent Form Here: Over the past decade, the issue of campus sexual assault and harassment has exploded into the public discourse. Multiple studies have reinforced the finding that between 20-25% of college women (and a similar proportion of students identifying as transgender and gender-nonconforming, as well as approximately 10% of male students) experience sexual assault carried out through force or while the victim was incapacitated. This course delves into the complex issues of sexual assault and harassment on college campuses, examining legal, policy, and political dimensions. We explore the prevalence of these issues, the historical and social contexts, and relevant laws such as Title IX and the Clery Act. Through readings spanning social science, history, literature, law, health, and journalism, we analyze responses to campus violence, considering the intersectionality of race, class, gender, and other factors. Guest speakers, including experts and advocates, provide firsthand insights. Sensitive Material: The subject matter of this course is sensitive, and students are expected to treat the material with maturity. Much of the reading and subject matter may be upsetting and/or triggering for students who identify as survivors. This course has no therapeutic component, although supportive campus resources are available for those who need them. Elements used in grading: Grades will be based on class attendance, in-person class participation, and either several short reflection papers and a class presentation (Law section 01) or an independent research paper and class presentation, or a project and class presentation (undergraduates, graduates, and Law section 02). After the term begins, law students accepted into the course can transfer from section 01 into section 02, which meets the R requirement, with consent of the instructor. Enrollment: Requires INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION. Application consent forms are available ( or you may contact Professor Burgart at Cross-listed with Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies ( FEMGEN 143) and Sociology ( SOC 188/288). Apply early as demand is high and enrollment is limited to 18 students. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the class is full.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Burgart, A. (PI)

SOC 189: Race and Immigration (CSRE 189, SOC 289)

In the contemporary United States, supposedly race-neutral immigration laws have racially-unequal consequences. Immigrants from Mexico, Central America, and the Middle East are central to ongoing debates about who's includable, and who's excludable, from American society. These present-day dynamics mirror the historical forms of exclusion imposed on immigrants from places as diverse as China, Eastern Europe, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and much of Africa. These groups' varied experiences of exclusion underscore the long-time encoding of race into U.S. immigration policy and practice. Readings and discussions center on how immigration law has become racialized in its construction and in its enforcement over the last 150 years.
Terms: Win | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Asad, A. (PI)

SOMGEN 130: Sexual Diversity and Function Across Medical Disciplines

Focus is on development of personal and professional skills to interact with people across the diverse range of human sexuality, from childhood (pediatric) to older ages (geriatric), with consideration of gender identity, sexual orientation, sociocultural (predominantly U.S., not global) and religious values, and selected medical issues (e.g. hormonal therapy, disabilities, e.g. spinal cord injury, etc. with discussion of sexual taboos and unusual sexual practices that you might encounter in a general medical setting. For the 4th unit, students must also attend INDE 215 Queer Health and Medicine and complete the additional assignments for that section but do not enroll in that course.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

SOMGEN 150Q: Challenging Sex and Gender Dichotomies in Biology and Medicine (FEMGEN 150Q)

This course explores and challenges the physiological basis for distinguishing human "males" and "females", expands the concepts of "intersex" beyond reproductive anatomy/physiology (i.e. beyond the genitalia), and discusses some known consequences of "gender biases" in medical diagnoses and treatments. The influence of gender (sociocultural) "norms", i.e. gendered behaviors and relations, on human biology is juxtaposed with the role of biological traits on the construction of gender identity, roles and relationships, thereby focusing on the interactions of sex and gender on health and medical outcomes. Problems that may arise by labeling conditions that vary in incidence, prevalence and/or severity across the "male-female" spectrum as "men's" or "women's" health issues will be discussed. In addition, the importance of recognizing the spectrum of sex and gender, as well as sexual orientation, in clinical practice from pediatric to geriatric populations, will be highlighted, with consideration of varying perspectives within different race/ethnic, religious, political, and other groups.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

SPANLANG 108SL: Advanced Spanish Service-Learning: Migration, Asylum & Human Rights at the Border

Students develop advanced Spanish language proficiency through examination of issues surrounding current immigration and refugee crises. There will be class discussions of Central American contexts, international treaties, human rights, and U.S. immigration law. Class will include expert commentary from legal and mental health professionals, human rights specialists, migrants, and refugees. Legal, medical, and psychological implications of migration will be examined. Students should enroll in the companion course HUMRTS 108 to receive units for volunteer hours performed throughout the quarter, concurrent with class meetings and assignments. Service-learning opportunities will entail working directly with Spanish-speaking immigrant and asylum seekers in detention in the U.S. Due to COVID-19, all service-learning hours will be performed remotely. Taught entirely in Spanish. Cardinal Course (certified by Haas Center). Prerequisite: Prerequisite: completion of SPANLANG 13, 23B, or placement test equivalent to SPANLANG 100 or higher. SPANLANG 108SL is a requirement for HUMRTS 108.
Terms: Win | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Brates, V. (PI)

STS 1: Introduction to Science, Technology & Society

The course introduces students to critical perspectives on the history, social context, epistemology, and ethics of science, technology, and medicine. The goal of the course is to learn about major concepts and methods from science & technology studies, introduced in the context of real-world issues. STS 1 is the required gateway course for the major in Science, Technology & Society, but is open to students from all departments and disciplines. A final paper will be required. There will be no final exam.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

STS 177: The Cultural Politics of Food and Eating: Technology, History, and Justice

This course will examine our everyday food practices as a site of politics where culture, technology, history, and issues of ethics and justice intersect. Through a survey of academic, journalistic, and artistic works on food and eating, the course will explore a set of key analytical frameworks and conceptual tools in STS, such as the politics of technology, classification and identity, the reproduction of inequality, ethical and responsible innovation, and nature/culture boundaries. The topics covered include: the industrialization of agriculture; globalization and local foodways; food justice and ethics; new technologies in food practices (e.g., biotechnology, delivery apps); health and diet trends; and food and global challenges (e.g., climate change, COVID-19). Through food as a window, the course intends to achieve two broad intellectual goals. First, students will explore various theoretical and methodological approaches in STS and related fields (e.g., anthropology, history, sociology). Second, students will develop a set of basic skills and tools for their own critical thinking and empirical research, and design and conduct independent research on a topic related to food.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Sato, K. (PI)

STS 190: Environment and Society

Humans have long shaped and reshaped the natural world with science and technology. Once a menacing presence to conquer or an infinite reserve for resources, nature is now understood to require constant protection from damage and loss. Global challenges such as climate change have been further forcing us to reconsider our fundamental ideas not only about nature, but also about ethics and justice. This course will examine humanity's varied relationships with the environment, with a focus on the role of science and technology. Topics include: industrialization and modernism, diversity in environmentalism, environmental justice and inequalities, climate politics, global-local tensions, nuclear technology, the Anthropocene debate, and COVID-19 and the environment. Students will explore theoretical and methodological approaches in STS and related fields in social sciences, and conduct original research that engages with environmental issues of their choice. Enrollment limited to juniors and seniors, or with consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Sato, K. (PI)

STS 200U: The Age of Plague: Medicine and Society, 1300-1750 (HISTORY 234P)

(Undergraduates, enroll in 234P. Graduates, enroll in 334P) The arrival of plague in Eurasia in 1347-51 affected many late medieval and early modern societies. It transformed their understanding of disease, raised questions about the efficacy of medical knowledge, and inspired new notions of public health. This class explores the history of medicine in the medieval Islamic and European worlds. Changing ideas about the body, the roles of different healers and religion in healing, the growth of hospitals and universities, and the evolution of medical theory and practice will be discussed. How did medicine and society change in the age of plague?
Last offered: Autumn 2020 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SUSTAIN 51N: Global Cultural Heritage: Past, Present, Future (DLCL 21N, ENGLISH 21N)

What remnants of the world's cultures will future generations be able to discover and decipher, and how will they interpret the monuments, documents, languages, and sites that remain? How will they access the technologies we have created for making our way through the world? What has been the environmental impact of human culture? Why should we preserve human cultural remains? How do encounters with the past inform our future? This IntroSem takes a humanistic perspective on sustainability, viewing the human record as a resource and exploring how it might be sustained in an ethical and meaningful way.
| Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI

SUSTAIN 101D: Sustainable Innovation for Disaster Resilience

Disaster resilience embodies two concepts: adaptation and recovery. As climate change exacerbates the occurrence and intensity of environmental disasters, innovators and decision makers must collaborate to help vulnerable communities and the build environment adapt to and recover from shocks and stresses in a sustainable way without compromising long-term development. This course is tailored to solution-oriented students who are comfortable focusing on wicked problems, and care about the complexity of sustainable and equitable innovation. The course intends to teach students how to lead the design and implementation of products and services that will help real people who are experiencing disaster, with an emphasis on those facing disproportionate effects due to historical contexts. This course is only open to undergraduate students.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SUSTAIN 103: Human and Planetary Health (MED 103, PUBLPOL 183, SOC 103)

For too long, societies have treated nature as an inexhaustible resource. As a result, humanity faces a health crisis of planetary dimensions. Unsustainable food systems, global warming, biodiversity loss, pollution, and changing disease ecology are impacting both human lives and the natural systems that support them. Those least responsible for these crises are hit worst and first. The field of human and planetary health seeks solutions that sustain nature while supporting human health. This course highlights the complex interconnections between environment and health and demonstrates how an interdisciplinary, multisectoral approach and systems thinking can help us to find a path forward. Through lectures, discussions, and interactive exercises, students will learn and write about large-scale problems, priority areas of action, and levers for impact. All students will join a weekly section and work through a multi-part assignment to produce a policy brief addressing a human and planetary health challenge. The course is appropriate for students at all levels and from all disciplines.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

SUSTAIN 130: Empirical Environmental Economics (ECON 177, SUSTAIN 230)

See for the class webpage and promo video. Are you interested in environmental and energy policy? Do you want to improve your data science skills? If so, Empirical Environmental Economics is for you. In the first few weeks of class, you'll use data and microeconomic modeling to quantify the harms from pollution, including estimating the social cost of carbon emissions. For the rest of the quarter, you'll use more data and microeconomic modeling to evaluate major environmental policies such as pollution taxes, cap-and-trade programs, and subsidies for clean technologies. You will consider overall benefits and costs as well as the distributional equity, which can inform discussions of environmental justice. You will learn and practice useful data science skills, including applied econometrics/causal inference methods (e.g., difference-in-differences, instrumental variables, and regression discontinuity) and equilibrium modeling. The class has weekly problem sets involving data analysis in R, plus a final paper. Class sessions feature active learning, discussions, and small-group case studies. You should only enroll if you expect to attend regularly and complete the problem sets on time. The final paper is a great way to generate ideas for and get started on a senior thesis. Prerequisites: You must have experience with regression analysis (e.g., ECON 102 or 108, CS 129, EARTHSYS 140, HUMBIO 88, POLISCI 150C, or STATS 60 or 101). If you plan to take microeconomics (e.g., ECON 1, 50, or 51), we recommend you take those either beforehand or concurrently. If you have no economics background, you may still be comfortable in class if you are strong in math, statistics, and/or computer science. If you have not used R before, that is OK: we will guide you from the beginning. If you have used R before, you can still learn a lot in this class through the applications.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

SYMSYS 132: Language and Thought (PSYCH 132)

Languages vary tremendously in how they allow us to express ourselves. In some languages, you have to say when an event happened (past, present, future, etc.), while in others it is obligatory to say how you know about the event (you saw it, you heard about it), or what genders its participants were. In addition, languages just feel different from one another - some feel poetic while others feel brutal. Some things just don't sound right in certain languages, and some translations are harder than others to pull off. But are these differences meaningful? Do differences across languages cause substantive changes in the cognition of their speakers? We'll read some of the burgeoning research literature on these questions and consider how they can be answered with new empirical tools.
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

TAPS 108: Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (AMSTUD 107, CSRE 108, FEMGEN 101)

Introduction to interdisciplinary approaches to gender, sexuality, queer, trans, and feminist studies. Topics include social justice and feminist organizing, art and activism, feminist histories, the emergence of gender and sexuality studies in the academy, intersectionality and interdependence, the embodiment and performance of difference, and relevant socio-economic and political formations such as work and the family. Students learn to think critically about race, gender, disability, and sexuality. Includes guest lectures from faculty across the university and weekly discussion sections.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-Gender, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

TAPS 165: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ARTHIST 98, CSRE 100, EDUC 166C, ENGLISH 172D, FILMEDIA 98, PSYCH 155, SOC 146)

Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional contexts. In contrast, this transdisciplinary course seeks to track and trouble the historical and contemporary creation, dissolution, experiences, and stakes of various ethnoracial borders. Key topics include: empire, colonialism, capital/ism, im/migration, diaspora, ideology, identity, subjectivity, scientism, intersectionality, solidarity, resistance, reproduction, and transformation. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service . (Formerly CSRE 196C)
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

URBANST 7: Global Imperial Cities of the Pacific World: 1900-2000 (HISTORY 7S)

The history of the twentieth-century Pacific World is the history of imperialism on a global scale. And cities were both the stages and actors of this global dynamic of domination and resistance. We will examine ten cities around the Pacific Rim (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seoul, Panama, Auckland, Shanghai, Lima, Singapore, Kyoto, and Ho Chi Minh City) and explore how we can use local historical sources to study the transnational processes of empire-building and capitalism. In this class, we learn to read city plans, maps, business documents, policy documents, newspapers, photos, diaries, interviews, and landscapes to do environmental, colonial, international, social, gender, and cultural history.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

URBANST 27D: The Detective and the City

This seminar will analyze the social reality of three historic cities (London in the 1890s, San Francisco and Los Angeles in the 1920s and 30s, and Shanghai in the 1990s) through the prism of popular crime fiction featuring four great literary detectives (Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, Dashiell Hammett's Sam Spade, Roman Polanski's Jake Gittes, and Qiu Xiaolong's Chief Inspector Chen). As a student in this course, you will explore why crime fiction is so popular, why the fear of crime - or perhaps just a fascination with crime -- is so much a part of modern urban culture, and why the police detective and the private investigator have become iconic code heroes of pulp fiction, movies, TV shows, and even video games. If you take this class, you will have the opportunity to write a paper and present your research on one of the classic literary detectives, another literary detective of your own choosing, or on one of today's related manifestations of the same impulse in popular visual culture featuring superheroes, vampires, and the zombie apocalypse.
Last offered: Summer 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

URBANST 66Q: Local Government in Action

The purpose of this course is to give First Years and Sophomores a better understanding of the importance and relevance of local government, as well as the knowledge, resources, confidence, and experience to explore careers in public service. It is based on last year¿s PubPol 21/22SI. It will include a broad-based introduction to local government with guest speakers and case studies. Students will also work with local community partners to provide policy recommendations for real world projects (last year they included civic infrastructure in Stockton, electric vehicle infrastructure in Pacifica, and environmental justice and sustainability in Mountain View). An example of a project deliverable from last year¿s course, the white paper developed for the City of Pacifica, can be found here. Dan Rich, Lecturer and former city manager, will be the Principal Instructor for the course, supported by three students involved in last year¿s class.
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

URBANST 103C: Housing Visions (CEE 33C)

This course provides an introduction to American Housing practices, spanning from the Industrial Age to the present. Students will examine a range of projects that have aspired to a range of social, economic and/or environmental visions. While learning about housing typologies, students will also evaluate the ethical role that housing plays within society. The course focuses on the tactical potentials of housing, whether it is to provide a strong community, solve crisis situations, integrate social services, or encourage socio-economic mixture. Students will learn housing design principles and organizational strategies, and the impact of design on the urban environment. They will discuss themes of shared spaces and defensible spaces; and how design can accommodate the evolving demographics and culture of this country. For example, how can housing design address the changing relationship between living and working? What is the role of housing and ownership in economic mobility? These issues will be discussed within the context the changing composition of the American population and economy. n nThis course will be primarily discussion-based, using slideshows, readings and field trips as a departure points for student-generated conversations. Each student will be asked to lead a class discussion based on his/her research topic. Students will evaluate projects, identifying which aspects of the initial housing visions were realized, which did not, and why. Eventually, students might identify factors that lead to ¿successful¿ projects, and/or formulate new approaches that can strengthen or redefine the progressive role of housing: one inclusive of the complex social, economic, and ethical dimensions of design.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Choe, B. (PI)

URBANST 108H: Housing Affordability Crisis in California: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions (PUBLPOL 108H)

This course will divided into three sections that when combined provide 1) the overall narrative of the precedents and adverse impacts of the worldwide, US west coast and California housing crises and the frameworks for California to create a balanced housing market without causing extreme displacement; 2) an overview of the planning, regulatory and development environments in California along with an opportunities/threats analysis to illuminate current opportunities to achieve a balanced housing market; and 3) an overview of the federal, state, regional and local housing policy environments and areas of policy work addressing and responding to the California housing crisis.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; LeSar, J. (PI)

URBANST 110: Introduction to Urban Studies (HISTORY 107, SOC 100)

Today, for the first time in history, a majority of people live in cities. By 2050, cities will hold two-thirds of the world's population. This transformation touches everyone, and raises critical questions. What draws people to live in cities? How will urban growth affect the world's environment? Why are cities so divided by race and by class, and what can be done about it? How do cities change who we are, and how can we change cities? In this class, you will learn to see cities in new ways, from the smallest everyday interactions on a city sidewalk to the largest patterns of global migration and trade. We will use specific examples from cities around the world to illustrate the concepts that we learn in class. The course is intended primarily for freshmen and sophomores.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 112: The Urban Underclass (CSRE 149A, SOC 149, SOC 249)

(Graduate students register for 249.) We explore the history of residential segregation, urban policy, race, discrimination, policing and mass incarceration in the US. What are the various causes and consequences of poverty? How do institutions that serve the poor work and sometimes fail? We will read deeply into the social, political, and the legal causes of today¿s conflicts.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Rosenfeld, M. (PI)

URBANST 113: Introduction to Urban Design: Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Practice

Comparative studies in neighborhood conservation, inner city regeneration, and growth policies for metropolitan regions. Lect-disc and research focusing on case studies from North America and abroad, team urban design projects. Two Saturday class workshops in San Francisco: 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the quarter. Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBSocSci | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-CE, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Glanz, D. (PI)

URBANST 114: Urban Culture in Global Perspective (ANTHRO 126)

Core course for Urban Studies majors. A majority of the world's population now live in urban areas and most of the rapid urbanization has taken place in mega-cities outside the Western world. This course explores urban cultures, identities, spatial practices and forms of urban power and imagination in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Participants will be introduced to a global history of urban development that demonstrates how the legacies of colonialism, modernization theory and global race thinking have shaped urban designs and urban life in most of the world. Students will also be introduced to interpretative and qualitative approaches to urban life that affords an understanding of important, if unquantifiable, vectors of urban life: stereotypes, fear, identity formations, utopia, social segregation and aspirations. Significant work outside of class time is expected of the student for this course.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Balliger, R. (PI)

URBANST 123A: Designing Research for Social Justice: Creating a Community Engaged Research Project (CSRE 146A)

This course will support students in designing or refining a proposal for a community-engaged research project. Unlike "traditional" forms of research, community-engaged research uses a social justice lens to ensure research outcomes benefit communities most impacted by social inequities. This approach to research aims to alter the power relationship between "researchers" and "researched" by ensuring close collaboration with community partners in the design, conceptualization, and actualization of the research process. In this course, students will be guided through each phase of designing a community-engaged research project. This involves forming a successful community partnership, generating meaningful research questions, and selecting means of collecting and analyzing data that best answer the research questions and support community partners. Additionally, the course will support students to develop a grounding in the theory and practice of community-engaged research while also considering the ethical questions and challenges involved. By the end of the course, students will have developed a robust community-engaged research design that can be used to craft a research proposal for various summer funding opportunities, including the Chappell Lougee Scholarship, the Community-Based Research Fellowship, Cardinal Quarter Fellowships, and Major Grants, among others. Please note that while the course prepares students to develop strong proposals, it does not guarantee funding. The skills gained will also benefit students in any academic year, including those who may wish to pursue community-engaged theses or capstone projects.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

URBANST 123B: Community Engaged Research - Principles, Ethics, and Design (CSRE 146B, CSRE 346B)

This course is designed to support students planning to participate in community engaged research experiences during the summer 2023 term. Course materials and discussions will promote deep engagement with, and reflection on, the principles, practices, and ethics of community engaged research as a unique orientation to scholarly inquiry and social action that centers the interests and assets of the communities with whom researchers partner. On a practical level, the course will help students develop or clarify a collaborative research design process and build professional and project-specific skills in consultation with their mentors and community collaborators. This is a required course for students participating in the Haas Center for Public Service Community-based Research Fellows Program, but enrollment is open to all Stanford students. We particularly encourage the involvement of students who will be participating in partnership-based research activities over the summer.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Hurd, C. (PI)

URBANST 132: Concepts and Analytic Skills for the Social Sector (EARTHSYS 137)

How to develop and grow innovative nonprofit organizations and for-profit enterprises which have the primary goal of solving social and environmental problems. Topics include organizational mission, strategy, market/user analysis, communications, funding, recruitment and impact evaluation. Perspectives from the field of social entrepreneurship, design thinking and social change organizing. Opportunities and limits of using methods from the for-profit sector to meet social goals. Focus is on integrating theory with practical applications, including several case exercises and simulations. One-day practicum where students advise an actual social impact organization. Enrollment limited to 20.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

URBANST 133: Social Enterprise Workshop (EARTHSYS 133)

Social Enterprise Workshop: A team based class to design solutions to social issues. In the class students will identify issues they are interested in, such as housing, food, the environment, or college access. They will join teams of like-minded students. Working under the guidance of an experienced social entrepreneur, together they will develop a solution to one part of their issue and write a business plan for that solution. The class will also feature guests who are leaders in the field of social entrepreneurship who will share their stories and help with the business plans. The business plan exercise can be used for both nonprofits and for-profits. Previous students have started successful organizations and raised significant funds based on the business plans developed in this class. There are no prerequisites, and students do not need to have an idea for a social enterprise to join the class. Enrollment limited to 20. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: ; Scher, L. (PI)

URBANST 135: Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs, Democracy, Development and Environmental Justice (CSRE 142C, EARTHSYS 135, INTNLREL 142)

This community-engaged learning class is part of a broader collaboration between the Program on Social Entrepreneurship at the Haas Center for Public Service, Distinguished Visitors Program and the Doerr School of Sustainability, using practice to better inform theory about how innovation can help address society's biggest challenges with a particular focus on environmental justice, sustainability and climate resilience for frontline and marginalized communities who have or will experience environmental harms. Working with the instructor and the 2024 Distinguished Visitors ? Angela McKee-Brown, founder and CEO of Project Reflect; Jason Su, executive director of the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy; Cecilia Taylor, founder, executive director, and CEO of Belle Haven Action; and Violet Wulf-Saena, founder and executive director of Climate Resilient Communities ? students will use case studies of successful and failed social change strategies to explore relationships between social entrepreneurship, race, systemic inequities, democracy and justice. This course interrogates approaches like design theory, measuring impact, fundraising, leadership, storytelling, and policy advocacy with the Distinguished Visitors providing practical examples from their work on how this theory plays out in practice. This is a community-engaged learning class in which students will learn by working on projects that support the social entrepreneurs' efforts to promote social change. Students should register for either 3 OR 5 units only. Students enrolled in the full 5 units will have a service-learning component along with the course. Students enrolled for 3 units will not complete the service-learning component. Limited enrollment. Attendance at the first class is mandatory in order to participate in service learning. Graduate and undergraduate students may enroll.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Janus, K. (PI)

URBANST 141: Gentrification (CSRE 141)

Neighborhoods in the Bay Area and around the world are undergoing a transformation known as gentrification. Middle- and upper-income people are moving into what were once low-income areas, and housing costs are on the rise. Tensions between newcomers and old timers, who are often separated by race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, can erupt; high rents may force long-time residents to leave. In this class we will move beyond simplistic media depictions to explore the complex history, nature, causes and consequences of this process. Students will learn through readings, films, class discussions, and engagement with a local community organization. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center)
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 143: MAXIMUM CITY: Post-Colonial Mumbai at the Crossroads of Global and South Asian Culture (ANTHRO 128B)

There are few cities more emblematic of the rapid urbanization of today's global population than Mumbai, India, formerly known as Bombay. With over 20 million residents, Mumbai today stands as the most populous city in one of the world's most populous countries, an ever-expanding metropolis marked by starkclass disparities and a heterogenous collage of religious, ethnic, and caste communities struggling to find space on a narrow peninsula painstakingly reclaimed from the Arabian Sea. The city's glitz, glamour, and diversity have long made it an object of fascination for both Indians and foreigners alike. Not only is Mumbai a major engine of culture and politics within India, but the city also has a long history of furnishing imagery of South Asian life to the wider world, whether as a site for documentaries and novels or through colorful Bollywood films. In this course, students will have the opportunity to use Mumbai as a jumping-off point to explore South Asian culture and society, as well as contemporary themes in global urban studies: How do issues such as gentrification, rural-urban migration, segregation, the globalization of capitalism, and decolonialization play out in a city such as Mumbai? What happens to supposedly timeless identities such as religion, caste, and ethnicity when they are subjected to the pressures of intense urbanization? What kinds of data can we use to answer these questions, and what are their respective strengths and limitations?We will address these questions through a wide range of materials, including film, literature, and academic texts. By the end of the quarter, students should not only find themselves with expanded knowledge of South Asia, Mumbai, and global urbanism, but also with increased confidence regarding the types of data, methodology, and analysis they can employ in their own projects. No prior knowledge of South Asia or urban studies is assumed for this course.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 149: Monitoring the Crisis (PSYCH 145A, PUBLPOL 141, SOC 141, SOC 241)

A course devoted to understanding how people are faring as the country's health and economic crisis unfolds. The premise of the course is that, as important and valuable as surveys are, it's a capital mistake to presume that we know what needs to be asked and that fixed-response answers adequately convey the depth of what's happening. We introduce a new type of qualitative method that allows for discovery by capturing the voices of the people, learn what they're thinking and fearing, and understand the decisions they're making. Students are trained in immersive interviewing by completing actual interviews, coding and analyzing their field notes, and then writing reports describing what's happening across the country. These reports will be designed to find out who's hurting, why they're hurting, and how we can better respond to the crisis. Students interested should submit the following application: course is open to students who have taken it in earlier quarters, with repeating students allowed to omit the training sessions and, in lieu of those sessions, complete additional field work and writing. Field work will include unique interviews with new participants each lab period, along with corresponding coding, analyses, and reports.
Last offered: Winter 2021 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI | Repeatable 2 times (up to 10 units total)

URBANST 150: From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco (AMSTUD 150X, HISTORY 252E)

This class will examine the history of San Francisco from Native American and colonial settlement through the present. Focus is on social, environmental, and political history, with the theme of power in the city. Topics include Native Americans, the Gold Rush, immigration and nativism, railroads and robber barons, earthquake and fire, progressive reform and unionism, gender, race and civil rights, sexuality and politics, counterculture, redevelopment and gentrification. Students write final project in collaboration with ShapingSF, a participatory community history project documenting and archiving overlooked stories and memories of San Francisco. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center)
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 153: CAPITALS: How Cities Shape Cultures, States, and People (COMPLIT 100, DLCL 100, FRENCH 175, GERMAN 175, HISTORY 206E, ILAC 175, ITALIAN 175)

This course takes students on a trip to major capital cities at different moments in time, including Renaissance Florence, Golden Age Madrid, colonial Mexico City, imperial Beijing, Enlightenment and romantic Paris, existential and revolutionary St. Petersburg, roaring Berlin, modernist Vienna, and transnational Accra. While exploring each place in a particular historical moment, we will also consider the relations between culture, power, and social life. How does the cultural life of a country intersect with the political activity of a capital? How do large cities shape our everyday experience, our aesthetic preferences, and our sense of history? Why do some cities become cultural capitals? Primary materials for this course will consist of literary, visual, sociological, and historical documents (in translation).
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Daub, A. (PI); Pesic, A. (PI)

URBANST 156A: The Changing American City (CSRE 156, SOC 156A, SOC 256A)

After decades of decline, U.S. cities today are undergoing major transformations. Young professionals are flocking to cities instead of fleeing to the suburbs. Massive increases in immigration have transformed the racial and ethnic diversity of cities and their neighborhoods. Public housing projects that once defined the inner city are disappearing, and crime rates have fallen dramatically. Do these changes signal the end of residential segregation and urban inequality? Who do these changes benefit? This course will explore these issues and strategies to address them through readings and discussion, analyzing a changing neighborhood in a major city in the Bay Area in groups (which will include at least one site visit), and studying a changing neighborhood or city of their choice for their final project. The course does not have pre-requisites.
Last offered: Winter 2023 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 163: Land Use: Planning for Sustainable Cities (AMSTUD 163, EARTHSYS 168, PUBLPOL 163)

Through case studies with a focus on the San Francisco Bay Area, guest speakers, selective readings and interactive assignments, this survey course seeks to demystify the concept of land use for the non-city planner. This introductory course will review the history and trends of land use policies, as well as address a number of current themes to demonstrate the power and importance of land use. Students will explore how urban areas function, how stakeholders influence land use choices, and how land use decisions contribute to positive and negative outcomes. By exploring the contemporary history of land use in the United States, students will learn how land use has been used as a tool for discriminatory practices and NIMBYism. Students will also learn about current land use planning efforts that seek to make cities more sustainable, resilient and equitable to address issues like gentrification, affordable housing, and sea level rise.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

URBANST 164: Sustainable Cities (EARTHSYS 160)

Community-engaged learning course that exposes students to sustainability concepts and urban planning as a tool for determining sustainable outcomes in the Bay Area. The focus will be on land use and transportation planning to housing and employment patterns, mobility, public health, and social equity. Topics will include government initiatives to counteract urban sprawl and promote smart growth and livability, political realities of organizing and building coalitions around sustainability goals, and increasing opportunities for low-income and communities of color to achieve sustainability outcomes. Students will participate in remote team-based projects in collaboration with Bay Area community partners. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center.) Apply here:
Terms: Spr | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Kos, R. (PI)

URBANST 165: Sustainable Transportation: Policy and Planning in Practice (EARTHSYS 165)

The transportation network is an essential, if often invisible, part of communities. Only when traffic piles up, the subway shuts down, or the sidewalk is closed do we notice the services and infrastructure that are critical to everyday movement. Beyond the everyday effects, transportation planning decisions also have long term consequences for the environment (transportation is the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States); the economy (transportation is the fourth largest household expenditure after healthcare, housing, and food); and community wellbeing (traffic collisions are the leading cause of death for young people in the United States). This course will interrogate the role of transportation in fostering sustainable communities paying particular attention to how policy and planning decisions contribute to or hinder equitable access, economic vibrancy, environmental protection. Through a combination of lectures, field work, guest speakers, and real-world client projects, this course will provide an introduction to the field of transportation policy and planning. Student will learn about and get hands-on practice with topics such as bicycle and pedestrian design, safety analysis, traffic operations and modeling software, transit planning, and emerging trends such as autonomous vehicles, micromobility, and congestion pricing. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Last offered: Winter 2024 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-SI

URBANST 166: How Cities Can Save the World (PUBLPOL 165)

In our cities, we find the greatest concentrations of the world's great problems - poverty, homelessness, violent crime, and GHG emissions, to name a few. So too, cities present many of the most innovative, impactful solutions to these challenges. In this seminar, we'll look at three great challenges that confront Americans - the dearth of affordable housing, the growing impacts of climate change, and violent crime - in the urban context. We'll explore the legal, fiscal, and political limitations that constrain the terrain of local policymaking, and we will assess best practices among cities for enacting meaningful change within that landscape. Readings and discussion will overwhelmingly focus on U.S. cities, but we will consider a few examples from abroad as well. We will seek to move beyond familiar ideological battles to emphasize outcomes, evidence-based solutions, and analytical rigor. From contemporary academic studies and journals, news articles, case law, and guest speakers, students will gain an appreciation for cities as policy laboratories for pragmatic solutions that often elude binary labelling as "progressive" or "conservative." Students will be better prepared to understand and engage in cities as civic leaders, legal advisors or adversaries, participants in economic transactions, and constituents. This class is limited to 25 students, with an effort made to have students from SLS (15 by lottery) and 10 non-law students by consent of the instructor. Admitted non-law students should forward instructor consent to Grete Howland for a permission number to enroll in PUBLPOL 165 or Sonia Chan to enroll in URBANST 166. Elements used in grading: Class Participation, Written Assignments, and Final Paper. Cross-listed with Law School (LAW 7119) and Urban Studies (URBANST 166).
Last offered: Spring 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

URBANST 168: Race, Nature, and the City (CSRE 168, EARTHSYS 169, SOC 168A)

This course provides an introduction to the study of race and place within urban political ecology (UPE). Geographer Natasha Cornea defines UPE as a 'conceptual approach that understands urbanization to be a political, economic, social, and ecological process, one that often results in highly uneven and inequitable landscapes' in and beyond cities. The primary focus will be cities in the Americas, but we will draw on insights from scholars studying the mutually constitutive nature of race and place in other regions. In line with critical theories that frame intersectional experiences of race, the course readings also take into account class, gender, sexuality, and nation.
Last offered: Spring 2022 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 169: Race, Ethnicity, and Water in Urban California (AFRICAAM 169A, AMSTUD 169, CSRE 260)

Is water a human right or an entitlement? Who controls the water, and who should control the water, in California? Private companies? Nonprofits? Local residents? Federal, state, or local governments? This course will explore these questions in the context of urban California more generally, the players and the politics to make sense of a complex problem with deep historical roots; one that defines the new century in California urban life. The required readings and discussions cover cities from Oakland to Los Angeles, providing a platform for students to explore important environmental issues, past and present, affecting California municipalities undergoing rapid population change. In addition, our research focus will be on the cities located on the Central Coast of California: agricultural Salinas, Watsonville, and Castroville and towns along the Salinas Valley; tourist based Monterey, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Pacific Grove; the bedroom community of Prunedale to the north, and former military towns, Marina and Seaside, as all of these ethnically, socioeconomically diverse communities engage in political struggles over precious, and ever scarcer water resources, contend with catastrophic events such as droughts and floods, and fight battles over rights to clean water, entitlement, environmental racism, and equity. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center.
Last offered: Spring 2024 | Units: 4-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, GER:EC-AmerCul, WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 169B: Race and Ethnicity in Urban California: Research Seminar (AMSTUD 169B, CSRE 260B, SOC 169B)

This course is part of an ongoing research project that examines the consequences of social, demographic, economic, and political changes in ethnic and race relations in in urban California. Students taking this course will construct will investigate a particular issue, place, policy, or event of special interest and write a 15-20-page paper. Through individualized research projects, our aim is to understand how and why policies and practices developed that isolated and marginalized communities of color leading to environmental racism, housing inequality, public health crises, socioeconomic (im)mobility, over-policing, and underserving, and (un)fair representation in city politics and governments. We will also focus on solutions. We look at the creative, challenging, and diverse ways grassroots organizers, academics, and governments at every level can work in partnership to reshape policy and rectify injustice in a variety of urban and suburban environments in California. Each paper should conclude with ideas about how to make constructive change. This course has been designated as a Cardinal Course by the Haas Center for Public Service. Cardinal Courses apply classroom knowledge to pressing social and environmental problems through reciprocal community partnerships. The units received through this course can be used towards the 12-unit requirement for the Cardinal Service transcript notation.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-EDP, WAY-SI

URBANST 172A: Introduction to Urban, Rural, and Regional Planning

This course integrates professional planning approaches and tools with foundational and theoretical practices of recognizing and reading landscapes and working with diverse communities. Weekly modules introduce disciplines within the Urban and Regional Planning field, such as community engagement and governance, health, housing, transportation, design, resource management, and disaster resilience. While designed for undergraduates, class incorporates some graduate-level activities and encourages critical thinking. Students reflect on the places that shaped them, develop a clear-eyed understanding of how planning processes have caused both current and historic social and environmental harms, and explore methods to repair these impacts while testing the limits of the planning field.
Last offered: Autumn 2023 | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI

URBANST 173: The Urban Economy (PUBLPOL 174)

Applies the principles of economic analysis to historical and contemporary urban and regional development issues and policies. Explores themes of urban economic geography, location decision-making by firms and individuals, urban land and housing markets, and local government finance. Critically evaluates historical and contemporary government policies regulating urban land use, housing, employment development, and transportation. Thematic focus on impacts of the pandemic and long-term work-from-home employment patterns on urban form, density, and fiscal policies.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Instructors: ; Wolfe, M. (PI)

URBANST 179: The Social Life of Neighborhoods (AFRICAAM 76B, AMSTUD 276, CSRE 176B, SOC 176, SOC 276)

How do neighborhoods come to be? How and why do they change? What is the role of power, money, race, immigration, segregation, culture, government, and other forces? In this course, students will interrogate these questions using literatures from sociology, geography, and political science, along with archival, observational, interview, and cartographic (GIS) methods. Students will work in small groups to create content (e.g., images, audio, and video) for a self-guided ¿neighborhood tour,¿ which will be added to a mobile app and/or website.
Last offered: Spring 2021 | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI
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