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Walter Powell (Professor)

Walter Powell (650) 725-7391
Personal bio
Walter W. Powell is Professor of Education (and, by courtesy) Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Management Science and Engineering, Public Policy, and Communication at Stanford University, where he is also faculty co-director of the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society. His interests focus on the processes through which knowledge is transferred across organizations, and the role of networks in facilitating or hindering innovation and of institutions in codifying ideas and practices.. With Dan McFarland, Chris Manning, and Dan Jurafsky, he is studying how scientific ideas are created and propagated, and whether interdisciplinary collaboration enhances, retards, or alters this flow. He recently completed a book with John Padgett, on The Emergence of Organizations and Markets, forthcoming from Princeton University Press, which culminates a decade- long project analyzing the role of networks in the emergence of novel social and economic forms. Powell is the author or editor of Books: The Culture and Commerce of Publishing, with Lewis Coser and Charles Kadushin (Basic Books, 1982); Getting into Print: The Decision-Making Process in Scholarly Publishing (U. of Chicago Press, 1985); The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, with Paul DiMaggio (U. of Chicago Press, 1991); Private Action and the Public Good, with Elisabeth Clemens (Yale U. Press, 1997); and The Nonprofit Sector, with Richard Steinberg (Yale U. Press, 2006). He received his PhD in Sociology from SUNY â?? Stony Brook in 1978, and previously taught at Yale, MIT, and the University of Arizona. He holds honorary degrees from Uppsala University, Copenhagen Business School, and the Helsinki School of Economics, and is a foreign member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Science.

Currently teaching
SOC 361W: Workshop: Networks and Organizations (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
EDUC 361: Workshop: Networks and Organizations (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
POLISCI 334: Philanthropy and Civil Society (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
EDUC 374: Philanthropy and Civil Society (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
SOC 374: Philanthropy and Civil Society (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
SUSTAIN 324: Philanthropy and Civil Society (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
EDUC 321: Nonprofits, Philanthropy & Society (Spring)
SOC 321: Nonprofits, Philanthropy & Society (Spring)
PUBLPOL 321: Nonprofits, Philanthropy & Society (Spring)
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