Graduate School of Business
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Action Learning Programs (ALP)
- Economic Analysis & Policy (MGTECON)
- Finance (FINANCE)
- GSB General & Interdisciplinary (GSBGEN)
- Human Resource Management (HRMGT)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Operations Information & Technology (OIT)
- Organizational Behavior (OB)
- Political Economics (POLECON)
- Strategic Management (STRAMGT)
School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences
- Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences (EARTH)
- Earth Systems (EARTHSYS)
- Earth, Energy, & Environmental Sciences (EEES)
- Energy Resources Engineering (ENERGY)
- Environment and Resources (ENVRES)
- Earth System Science (ESS)
- Geological Sciences (GEOLSCI)
- Geophysics (GEOPHYS)
- Sustainability Science and Practice (SUST)
- Woods Institute for the Environment (ENVRINST)
School of Education
School of Engineering
- Aeronautics & Astronautics (AA)
- Bioengineering (BIOE)
- Chemical Engineering (CHEMENG)
- Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)
- Computational & Mathematical Engineering (CME)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Design Institute (DESINST)
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Engineering (ENGR)
- Management Science & Engineering (MS&E)
- Materials Science & Engineer (MATSCI)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Scientific Computing & Comput'l Math (SCCM)
School of Humanities & Sciences
- African & African American Studies (AFRICAAM)
- African & Middle Eastern Languages (AMELANG)
- African Studies (AFRICAST)
- American Studies (AMSTUD)
- Anthropology (ANTHRO)
- Applied Physics (APPPHYS)
- Arabic Language (ARABLANG)
- Archaeology (ARCHLGY)
- Art History (ARTHIST)
- Arts Institute (ARTSINST)
- Art Studio (ARTSTUDI)
- Asian American Studies (ASNAMST)
- Asian Languages (ASNLANG)
- Biology (BIO)
- Biology/Hopkins Marine (BIOHOPK)
- Biophysics (BIOPHYS)
- Catalan Language Courses (CATLANG)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies (CHILATST)
- Chinese (CHINA)
- Chinese Language (CHINLANG)
- Classics (CLASSICS)
- Communication (COMM)
- Comparative Literature (COMPLIT)
- Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity (CSRE)
- Dance (DANCE)
- Division of Literatures, Cultures, & Languages (DLCL)
- Drama (TAPS)
- East Asian Languages & Cultures (EALC)
- East Asian Studies (EASTASN)
- Economics (ECON)
- English (ENGLISH)
- English for Foreign Students (EFSLANG)
- Ethics in Society (ETHICSOC)
- Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies (FEMGEN)
- Film Production (FILMPROD)
- Film and Media Studies (FILMSTUD)
- French Language (FRENLANG)
- French Studies (FRENCH)
- German Language (GERLANG)
- German Studies (GERMAN)
- Global Studies (GLOBAL)
- History (HISTORY)
- History & Philosophy of Science (HPS)
- Human Biology (HUMBIO)
- Human Rights (HUMRTS)
- Humanities Core (HUMCORE)
- Humanities & Sciences (HUMSCI)
- Iberian & Latin American Cultures (ILAC)
- Institute for International Studies (FSI) (IIS)
- International Policy (INTLPOL)
- International Relations (INTNLREL)
- Italian Language (ITALLANG)
- Italian Studies (ITALIAN)
- Japanese (JAPAN)
- Japanese Language (JAPANLNG)
- Jewish Studies (JEWISHST)
- Korean (KOREA)
- Korean Language (KORLANG)
- Latin American Studies (LATINAM)
- Linguistics (LINGUIST)
- Master of Liberal Arts (MLA)
- Mathematical & Computational Science (MCS)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Medieval Studies (MEDVLST)
- Modern Thought & Literature (MTL)
- Music (MUSIC)
- Native American Studies (NATIVEAM)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physics (PHYSICS)
- Political Science (POLISCI)
- Portuguese Language (PORTLANG)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
- Public Policy (PUBLPOL)
- Religious Studies (RELIGST)
- Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies (REES)
- Science, Technology, & Society (STS)
- Slavic Language (SLAVLANG)
- Slavic Studies (SLAVIC)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish Language (SPANLANG)
- Spanish, Portuguese, & Catalan Literature (ILAC)
- Special Language Program (SPECLANG)
- Stanford in Washington (SIW)
- Statistics (STATS)
- Symbolic Systems (SYMSYS)
- Theater and Performance Studies (TAPS)
- Tibetan Language (TIBETLNG)
- Urban Studies (URBANST)
Law School
School of Medicine
- Anesthesia (ANES)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biomedical Data Science (BIODS)
- Biomedical Informatics (BIOMEDIN)
- Biosciences Interdisciplinary (BIOS)
- Cancer Biology (CBIO)
- Cardiothoracic Surgery (CTS)
- Chemical & Systems Biology (CSB)
- Community Health and Prevention Research (CHPR)
- Comparative Medicine (COMPMED)
- Dermatology (DERM)
- Developmental Biology (DBIO)
- Emergency Medicine (EMED)
- Epidemiology (EPI)
- Family and Community Medicine (FAMMED)
- Genetics (GENE)
- Health Research & Policy (HRP)
- Immunology (IMMUNOL)
- Medicine (MED)
- Medicine Interdisciplinary (INDE)
- Microbiology & Immunology (MI)
- Molecular & Cellular Physiology (MCP)
- Neurobiology (NBIO)
- Neurology & Neurological Sciences (NENS)
- Neurosciences Program (NEPR)
- Neurosurgery (NSUR)
- Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBGYN)
- Ophthalmology (OPHT)
- Orthopedic Surgery (ORTHO)
- Otolaryngology (OTOHNS)
- Pathology (PATH)
- Pediatrics (PEDS)
- Physician Assistant Studies (PAS)
- Psychiatry (PSYC)
- Radiation Oncology (RADO)
- Radiology (RAD)
- School of Medicine General (SOMGEN)
- Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (STEMREM)
- Structural Biology (SBIO)
- Surgery (SURG)
- Urology (UROL)
Office of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
- Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
- Education as Self-Fashioning (ESF)
- Immersion in the Arts (ITALIC)
- Online Bridge Course (SOAR)
- Oral Communications (ORALCOMM)
- Overseas Studies General (OSPGEN)
- Overseas Studies in Australia (OSPAUSTL)
- Overseas Studies in Barcelona (CASB) (OSPBARCL)
- Overseas Studies in Beijing (OSPBEIJ)
- Overseas Studies in Berlin (OSPBER)
- Overseas Studies in Cape Town (OSPCPTWN)
- Overseas Studies in Florence (OSPFLOR)
- Overseas Studies in Hong Kong (OSPHONGK)
- Overseas Studies in Istanbul (OSPISTAN)
- Overseas Studies in Kyoto (OSPKYOTO)
- Overseas Studies in Kyoto (KCJS) (OSPKYOCT)
- Overseas Studies in Madrid (OSPMADRD)
- Overseas Studies in Oxford (OSPOXFRD)
- Overseas Studies in Paris (OSPPARIS)
- Overseas Studies in Santiago (OSPSANTG)
- Residential Programs (RESPROG)
- ROTC Air Force (ROTCAF)
- Stanford in New York (SINY)
- Structured Liberal Education (SLE)
- Thinking Matters (THINK)
- Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR)
- Writing & Rhetoric, Program in (PWR)
Office of Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
Health and Human Performance
- Athletics and Club Sports (ATHLETIC)
- Kinesiology (KIN)
- Leadership Innovations (LEAD)
- Lifeworks (LIFE)
Undergraduate General Education Requirements
- WAY-A-II: Aesthetic and Interpretive Inquiry
- WAY-AQR: Applied Quantitative Reasoning
- WAY-CE: Creative Expression
- WAY-EDP: Exploring Difference and Power
- WAY-ER: Ethical Reasoning
- WAY-FR: Formal Reasoning
- WAY-SI: Social Inquiry
- WAY-SMA: Scientific Method and Analysis
- DB-EngrAppSci: Engineering and Applied Sciences
- DB-Hum: Humanities
- DB-Math: Mathematics
- DB-NatSci: Natural Sciences
- DB-SocSci: Social Sciences
- EC-AmerCul: American Cultures
- EC-GlobalCom: Global Community
- EC-Gender: Gender Studies
- EC-EthicReas: Ethical Reasoning
- EC-EthicReas: Ethical Reasoning