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CHPR 130: Human Nutrition (HUMBIO 130)

The study of food, and the nutrients and substances therein. Their action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease. Emphasis is on the biological, chemical, and physiological processes by which humans ingest, digest, absorb, transport, utilize, and excrete food. Dietary composition and individual choices are discussed in relationship to the food supply, and to population and cultural, race, ethnic, religious, and social economic diversity. The relationships between nutrition and disease; ethnic diets; vegetarianism; nutritional deficiencies; nutritional supplementation; phytochemicals. HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 130. CHPR master's students must enroll for a letter grade. Undergraduate prerequisite: Human Biology Core or Biology Foundations or consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-SMA

CHPR 166: Food and Society: Exploring Eating Behaviors in Social, Environmental, and Policy Context (HUMBIO 166)

The material in this course is an introduction to the field and the target audience is undergraduates. It may be of interest to graduate students unfamiliar with the field. The class examines the array of forces that affect the foods human beings eat, and when, where, and how we eat them, including human labor, agriculture, environmental sustainability, politics, animal rights/welfare, ethics, policy, culture, economics, business, law, trade, and ideology, and psychology. The class addresses the impact of current policies and actions that might be taken to improve human nutrition and health; macro-scale influences on food, nutrition, and eating behavior. . Undergraduate Prerequisite: Human Biology Core or Biology Foundations or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 4
Instructors: ; Gardner, C. (PI)

CHPR 199: Undergraduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: ; Baiocchi, M. (PI)

CHPR 200: SPRC/GMD Research Seminar

Focus is on research on prevention of chronic disease and related topics. Guest speakers present material. May be repeat for credit
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable 5 times (up to 5 units total)

CHPR 201: Introduction to Science of Healthy Living

This introduction to the science of healthy living (primarily U.S.) highlights preventable causes of mortality, i.e. modifiable risk factors, national lifestyle recommendations and behavioral change principles for reducing chronic disease risk. A life course perspective is presented as a trajectory from fetal/neonatal to childhood and adolescence to young, middle-ages and older adults, with recognition of the importance of social determinants of health. Sex & gender differences are also presented. Unless otherwise noted, all lectures are presented by Course Director, Marcia Stefanick, Ph.D. Priority for enrollment given to CHPR masters students, who must take the course for a letter grade.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

CHPR 202: Introduction to R

This introductory course is a practicum in which students will learn the basics of R and use the programming language to analyze health datasets by application of classical statistical methods. A familiarity with basic descriptive and inferential statistics is required. It is assumed that students will have no (or very little) prior experience with R. Class sessions will include some lecture content and hands-on coding by each student on their own computers. Students will practice using R with open-source and simulated datasets. The primary goal of the course is to equip students with a basic and fundamental understanding of R's capabilities, experience using R with practice datasets, and the ability to extend their facility with R as their needs dictate.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 1
Instructors: ; Park, L. (PI)

CHPR 205: Understanding Evidence-Based Medicine: Hands-on experience (HRP 250, MED 250)

How can one practice Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and make evidence-based decisions for clinical practice and policy making? In this course we will teach the principles of EBM using examples from pivotal papers published in recent scientific literature in major journals addressing important clinical questions on diverse medical topics. We will probe a wide range of types of studies, targeted therapeutic or preventive interventions, and studies outcomes, including randomized controlled trials, observational studies, epidemiologic surveillance studies, systemic reviews, meta-analyses, mate-analyses of individual patient data, studies on the evaluation of diagnostic test and prognostic models, economic analyses studies, and guidelines. MD studies enroll for +/-. GR students enroll for Letter grade.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 3

CHPR 206: Meta-research: Appraising Research Findings, Bias, and Meta-analysis (HRP 206, MED 206, STATS 211)

Open to graduate, medical, and undergraduate students. Appraisal of the quality and credibility of research findings; evaluation of sources of bias. Meta-analysis as a quantitative (statistical) method for combining results of independent studies. Examples from medicine, epidemiology, genomics, ecology, social/behavioral sciences, education. Collaborative analyses. Project involving generation of a meta-research project or reworking and evaluation of an existing published meta-analysis. Prerequisite: knowledge of basic statistics.
Terms: Win | Units: 3

CHPR 212: Methods for Health Care Delivery Innovation, Implementation and Evaluation (HRP 218, MED 212)

Preference given to postgraduate fellows and graduate students. Focus is on implementation science and evaluation of health care delivery innovations. Topics include implementation science theory, frameworks, and measurement principles; qualitative and quantitative approaches to designing and evaluating new health care models; hybrid design trials that simultaneously evaluate implementation and effectiveness; distinction between quality improvement and research, and implications for regulatory requirements and publication; and grant-writing strategies for implementation science and evaluation. Students will develop a mock (or actual) grant proposal to conduct a needs assessment or evaluate a Stanford/VA/community intervention, incorporating concepts, frameworks, and methods discussed in class. Priority for enrollment for CHPR 212 will be given to CHPR master's students.
Terms: Win | Units: 2
Instructors: ; Asch, S. (PI); Zulman, D. (PI)

CHPR 220: Responsible Conduct of Research in the Community

This course will engage CHPR students pursuing community-based participatory research in discussions regarding ethical issues to prepare them for their CHPR internship and thesis. Discussions will address specifics of conducting research at Stanford as well as issues that may arise in the community at large. Course limited to current CHPR master's students, who must enroll for a letter grade.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1

CHPR 222: CHPR Professional Development and Career Planning

This interactive seminar will give graduate or professional students some tangible skills as they embark on a career in community-based participatory research (CBPR). Topics and assignments are designed to develop the following skills: poster and slide presentations; thesis or manuscript preparation; portfolio development (resume or CV); peer mentoring; peer-to-peer role playing; networking; informational interviews; defining self-fulling work. Course will also include panel discussions from alumni, faculty, and community partners. Final assignment will culminate in a poster or slide presentation to a larger department group. This course is required for all CHPR Master¿s Students (who must take the class for a grade). Students in other graduate programs or professional schools may take the class S/NC or +/- with instructor¿s consent. Please contact the CHPR Office for a permission code.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1
Instructors: ; Robinson, J. (PI)

CHPR 226: Promoting Health Over the Life Course: the Science of Healthy Living (HUMBIO 126)

(HUMBIO students must enroll in HumBio 126. CHPR students must enroll in CHPR 226 for a letter grade.) Disease prevention and health promotion topics pertinent at different stages of the life span emphasizing healthy lifestyle and reducing risk factors in both individuals and communities. Focus is on the application of behavioral science to risk reduction strategies, and the importance of health promotion as a social and economic imperative. Public and community health are emphasized. Topics include: epidemiology of chronic diseases; social determinants of health, behavior change; physical activity, nutrition, obesity and stress reduction; children, young adult, mid-life and aging health issues; health care delivery and public health system; workplace wellness; and other additional issues. Undergraduate prerequisite: Human Biology Core or equivalent or consent of instructor. Students enrolled in CHPR 226 must complete additional assignments appropriate for its Masters level listing. Undergraduate prerequisite: Human Biology Core or equivalent or consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3

CHPR 227: The Science of Community Engagement in Health Research (HRP 272)

The Science of Community Engagement in Health Research course will focus on how the science of community engagement can be applied to diverse health-related research topics across the translational spectrum with the ultimate goal of high quality research that transforms human health and addresses health disparities. The course will provide historical context, theoretical frameworks, foundational skills in diverse community engagement methodologies, and tools for examining the effectiveness of various engagement strategies aimed. Specifically, the course will cover: 1) Historical context for community engagement in health-related research; 2) Evolution of community engagement as a science; 3) Theoretical frameworks for various community engagement approaches; 4) Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR); 5) Community engagement strategies for different stages of translational research; and 6) Evaluation of various engagement strategies; and 7) Ethics of community engagement. Students will gain practical experience in various community engagement tools and strategies to help guide the development of a community engagement plan responsive to community needs. Challenges and benefits of establishing community partnerships will be highlighted by real-world examples. nThe course will include lectures; interactive student-led presentations and guided exercises; class discussions among invited speakers, students and instructors; individual and group assignments; and organized small-group and experiential activities. Course readings will demonstrate the need and opportunity for interdisciplinary community engagement approaches and will illustrate how to conduct innovative community-engaged research. nThe Science of Community Engagement course is intended to reach students with diverse research interests, including clinical research, community health, health research and policy, epidemiology, prevention research, environmental health, etc.
Terms: Win | Units: 3

CHPR 228: Theoretical Foundations and Design of Behavioral Intervention Trials

Focuses on the knowledge and skills, respect and thoughtful practice of designing health promotion interventions that are relevant, theoretically-informed, have broad impacts, and can endure. Provides an in-depth review of intervention approaches for health promotion and disease prevention and covers the leading theories of behavior change. Follows an integrative model to demonstrate similarities and differences between the theoretical approaches, seeking what is useful and worthwhile in each theoretical model rather than looking primarily for what is most easily criticized. Practical in nature with emphasis on the specifics of needs assessments and intervention development and delivery and how these may vary across community settings, with diverse populations, addressing different behaviors, and leveraging traditional and emerging delivery channels. Explores intervention creation, delivery, effectiveness, and sustainability to identify and better understand the resources and other practical considerations necessary to produce, deliver, monitor, and disseminate an intervention with demonstrated effectiveness. Examples drawn from across the behavioral spectrum and include tobacco control, physical activity, healthy diet, stress and distress, as well as consideration of the complexities of extending interventions to target multiple risk behaviors. Students develop a foundational understanding of behavior change theory, rigorous research methods, and creative design strategies to advance the health of individuals and communities. Students taking 2 units only will complete all 4 homework assignments, attend 8 of 10 class sessions, and complete an abbreviated final abstract plus figures/tables instead of a final paper. The grading, in this instance, will be the medical school option of credit/no credit. CHPR master's students must enroll for 3 units and a letter grade.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-3
Instructors: ; Prochaska, J. (PI)

CHPR 230: Sexual Function and Diversity in Medical Disciplines (FEMGEN 230, FEMGEN 230X, SOMGEN 230)

(Same as FEMGEN 230). This course is coordinated seminar series that presents evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention guidelines by clinical and translational research and population health science faculty of clinical departments other than Medicine (the focus of CHPR 260) of the Stanford School of Medicine, including; Anesthesiology & Perioperative, & Pain Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Neurology & Neurological Sciences, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Surgery and Urology, CHPR master's program students must enroll for a letter grade and priority for enrollment will be given to current CHPR students. For third unit, graduate students attend INDE 215 Queer Health & Medicine and complete assignments for that section. For third unit and WAYs, undergrads enroll in SOMGEN 130. Prerequisites: CHPR 201 or HUMBIO 126/CHPR 226 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-3

CHPR 231: Diet and Gene Expression

This course provides an introduction to epigenetics, the study of how lifestyle factors can change gene activity without actually modifying the underlying DNA. With that basic foundation in place, students will then discover how food in particular is a powerful signal to our genes that can have a positive impact on our metabolism, longevity, and mental well-being. Along the way, we will specifically explore basic concepts in nutrigenomics, the study of how gene expression can be modified by certain nutrients and bioactive food compounds.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 1

CHPR 232: Social Determinants of Health: Achieving Health Equity

This course examines the theoretical basis and societal context of the social determinants of health, racial-ethnic health disparities, and health equity. Each session focuses on a social determinant of health addressed by Michael Marmot, including the social gradient, stress, racism, early life, social exclusion, work, unemployment, social support, addiction, food and transportation. Students will be encouraged to think beyond the individual-level to consider multi-level and policy-level interventions to promote health equity.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit (up to 99 units total)

CHPR 240: Prevention Research: the Science of Healthy Living

Features the research of faculty in the Stanford Prevention Research Center and focuses on key health issues over the life course (prenatal through childhood, young to middle-aged, older and elderly adults). Topics include chronic disease (global and U.S.) epidemiology; application of behavioral science to risk reduction; nutrition; weight management; physical activity; stopping smoking; public health; community health and community-based prevention; national prevention strategy; applying communication technology to health promotion. Prerequisite: HumBio 126 or concurrent enrollment in CHPR 201.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3

CHPR 247: Methods in Community Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (MED 147, MED 247)

Development of pragmatic skills for design, implementation, and analysis of structured interviews, focus groups, survey questionnaires, and field observations. Topics include: principles of community-based participatory research, including importance of dissemination; strengths and limitations of different study designs; validity and reliability; construction of interview and focus group questions; techniques for moderating focus groups; content analysis of qualitative data; survey questionnaire design; and interpretation of commonly-used statistical analyses.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3
Instructors: ; Kiernan, M. (PI)

CHPR 250: Prevention Across Medical Disciplines: Evidence-based Guidelines

Coordinated seminar series presenting evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention guidelines by research and clinical faculty of multiple divisions of Stanford's Department of Medicine, including cardiovascular medicine, oncology, nephrology, immunology and rheumatology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, gerontology and metabolism, gastroenterology and hepatology, hematology, blood and marrow transplantation, pulmonary and critical care medicine, general medical disciplines (including family medicine). Key prevention issues addressed in primary care and outcomes research, biomedical informatics research and the Stanford Prevention Research Center also presented. Enrollment priority given to CHPR Master's students. CHPR students must enroll for letter grade.Prerequisite: CHPR 201 or HUMBIO 126/CHPR 226 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 3
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

CHPR 266: Advanced Statistical Methods for Observational Studies (EDUC 260B, HRP 292, STATS 266)

Design principles and statistical methods for observational studies. Topics include: matching methods, sensitivity analysis, and instrumental variables. 3 unit registration requires a small project and presentation. Computing is in R. Pre-requisites: HRP 261 and 262 or STATS 209 (HRP 239), or equivalent. See
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-3

CHPR 270: Prevention Across Surgical and Other Medical Disciplines

This course is coordinated seminar series that presents evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention guidelines by clinical and translational research and population health science faculty of clinical departments other than Medicine (the focus of CHPR 260) of the Stanford School of Medicine, including; Anesthesiology & Perioperative, & Pain Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Neurology & Neurological Sciences, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Surgery and Urology, CHPR master's program students must enroll for a letter grade and priority for enrollment will be given to current CHPR students. Prerequisites: CHPR 201 or HUMBIO 126/CHPR 226 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 3
Instructors: ; Stefanick, M. (PI)

CHPR 271: Human Molecular Genetics (GENE 271)

For genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents, and postdoctoral fellows interested in the practice of medical genetics and genomics. Gene structure and function; the impact of mutation and polymorphism as they relate to developmental pathways and human disease; mitochondrial genetics; approaches to the study of complex genetic conditions; GWAS and genome sequencing technologies; variant interpretation; gene therapy, stem cell biology, and pharmacogenetics. Undergraduates require consent of instructor and a basic genetics course.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3
Instructors: ; Hanson-Kahn, A. (PI)

CHPR 272: Introduction to Medical Genetics (GENE 272)

For genetic counseling students, graduate students in human genetics, medical students, residents, and fellows; undergraduates with consent of instructor. Principles of medical genetics practice, including taking a family history, modes of inheritance and risk assessment, and mathematical principles of medical genetics (Bayes theorem, population genetics). An additional problem set is required for 3 units.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-3

CHPR 274A: A Case Based Approach to Clinical Genetics (GENE 274A)

For genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents and fellows. Case-based scenarios and guest expert lectures. Students learn skills in case preparation, management, and presentation, as well as content around common genetic disorders.
Terms: Win | Units: 2

CHPR 274B: A Case Based Approach to Clinical Genetics (GENE 274B)

For genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents, and fellows. Case-based scenarios and guest expert lectures. Students learn skills in case preparation, management, and presentation, as well as content around common genetic disorders. This course is a continuation of GENE 274A, but may be taken individually with instructor permission.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2

CHPR 278: Prenatal Genetic Counseling (GENE 278)

Online course for genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents, fellows, and nurses interested in prenatal genetics. Genetic counseling students should take this course in conjunction with their initial prenatal genetics rotation. Topics include: prenatal screening and diagnostic testing, ultrasound, genetic carrier screening, teratology, fetal treatment and intervention, perinatal loss, termination, and infertility.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1

CHPR 279: Pediatric and Adult Genetic Counseling (GENE 279)

Internet based course for genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents, and fellows; genetic counseling students should take this course in conjunction with their initial general genetics rotation. Topics include: common genetic conditions, assessment of child development and medical history in the context of a genetic workup, the pediatric genetics medical examination, dysmorphology, introduction to laboratory genetic testing, development of a differential diagnosis, and resources for case management and family support.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1
Instructors: ; Hanson-Kahn, A. (PI)

CHPR 280: Metabolic Genetic Counseling (GENE 280)

Internet based course for genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents, and fellows genetic counseling students should take this course in conjunction with their metabolic genetics rotation. Topics include: overview of metabolic diseases; common pathways; diagnosis, management, and treatment of metabolic disorders; and newborn screening.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1
Instructors: ; Hanson-Kahn, A. (PI)

CHPR 281: Cancer Genetic Counseling (GENE 281)

Internet based course for genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents, and fellows; genetic counseling students should take this course in conjunction with their initial cancer genetics rotation. Topics include: cancer biology and cytogenetics; diagnosis and management of common cancer genetic syndromes¿ predictive testing; psychology of cancer genetic counseling; and topics recommended by ASCO guidelines.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1
Instructors: ; Ormond, K. (PI)

CHPR 284: Medical Genetics Seminar (GENE 284)

Presentation of genetics research and cases from the medical genetics and biochemical genetics services. Course may be completed online or in person. Non-GC students: please contact the instructor when you enroll.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit


Online course for genetic counseling students, graduate students in genetics, medical students, residents, fellows, and nurses interested in inherited cardiovascular conditions. Genetic counseling students should take this course in conjunction with their cardiovascular genetics rotation. Topics include: Basic cardiology principles, including relevant anatomy and physiology; diagnosis, management and genetic testing as it relates to common inherited cardiovascular conditions in both the pediatric and adult setting; predictive genetic testing issues specific to inherited cardiovascular conditions; psychological issues related to sudden death conditions.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1

CHPR 290: Curricular Practical Training and Internship

CHPR masters students enroll for a letter grade in your mentor's section. Before the end of the second week of the quarter, enrolled students must submit a description of the expected learning outcomes and deliverables for each unit to the CHPR office. One unit= three hours of work per week (30 hours for the quarter). CHPR 290 is also the CPT Course required for international students completing degree requirements.
Terms: Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable 4 times (up to 72 units total)

CHPR 299: Directed Reading

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Before the end of the second week of the quarter, enrolled students must submit a description of the expected learning outcomes and deliverables for each unit to the CHPR office. One unit= three hours of work per week (10 hours for the quarter).
Terms: Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable 4 times (up to 72 units total)

CHPR 399: Community Health and Prevention Research Master's Thesis Writing

Thesis writing for Community Health and Prevention Research Program. Students enroll in thesis advisor's section. Non-medical students enroll for a letter grade. Before the end of the second week of the quarter, enrolled students must submit a description of the expected learning outcomes and deliverables for each unit to the CHPR office. One unit= three hours of work per week (30 hours for the quarter).
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable 4 times (up to 72 units total)
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