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Andrew Rachleff (Lecturer)

Andrew Rachleff andy
Personal bio
Andy was a General Partner of Benchmark Capital from its inception in 1995 until 2004, at which time he joined the faculty of the Stanford Graduate School of Business to teach a variety of courses on entrepreneurship. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at Stanford, he serves as trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, the Chairman of the board of overseers for its School of Engineering and Applied Science and the Vice-Chainrman of its endowment investment committee. He sits on the board of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation with whom he partnered on a new award to provide funding for early career investigators to conduct high risk/high reward research to significantly impact the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. He is also the Chairman and CEO of Wealthfront Inc. Andy earned his BS from the University of Pennsylvania in 1980 and MBA form the Stanford University Graduate School of Business in 1984.

Currently teaching
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