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Lucas Arribas Layton

Lucas Arribas Layton larribas
Personal bio
Lucas Arribas Layton brings over 20 years of experience working in the fields of education and international development mainly with World Bank and the US Government. Mr Arribas Layton is a dual national, born in Spain and raised between rural Castilla and urban California, where he arrived as a three-year old. Mr. Arribas Layton started his career as a public-school teacher while at Harvard University, but soon yielded to the call of international service, joining the Peace Corps as a family hillside farming extentionist in Honduras. He earned a Master’s degree and also meet his wife, Janet Holt, at Stanford, in the International Comparative Education program, focusing on bilingual intercultural education of the Mapuche in Chile. Mr Arribas Layton served in Peace Corps again, this time with his wife in Mozambique, as Portuguese speaking secondary school teachers. Mr Arribas Layton holds a PhD, conferred by UCLA for research on Education for Sustainable Development in India. He has worked for the World Bank, supporting education projects in South Sudan and Ethiopia, and returned to work for the Peace Corps as a programming specialist at headquarters in Washington DC and then as overseas staff on the tropical Pacific islands of Micronesia. He most recently worked for Room to Read, San Francisco, supporting libraries, literacy, and girls’ education in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and, Africa, and the US Government, as a Foreign Service Officer awaiting assignment to Zambia. Mr. Arribas Layton is a proud father of three children: 3rd grader Isabel, 1st grader Thomas, and little Gabriel, now three and full of vim and vigor. Mr Arribas Layton loves family, discovering history, exploring diverse geographies and cultures, and striving for a more sustainable and peaceful future.

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