Currently teaching
AMSTUD 116A: The American Civil War: A Visual and Literary History
ARTHIST 116: The American Civil War: A Visual and Literary History
COMPLIT 274: Wonder: The Event of Art and Literature
COMPLIT 374A: Wonder: The Event of Art and Literature
ARTHIST 274: Wonder: The Event of Art and Literature
ARTHIST 474: Wonder: The Event of Art and Literature
JEWISHST 274: Wonder: The Event of Art and Literature
AMSTUD 261A: Black Aliveness
ARTHIST 261: Black Aliveness
ARTHIST 1B: How to Look at Art and Why: An Introduction to the History of Western Painting
MLA 399: MLA Thesis Final Quarter
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 660E: Extended Seminar
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 680: Curricular Practical Training
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 640: Dissertation Proposal Preparation
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 650: Dissertation Research
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 610: Teaching Praxis
(Autumn, Winter, Spring)
ARTHIST 620: Qualifying Examination Preparation
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 298: Individual Work: Art History
(Autumn, Winter, Spring)
ARTHIST 290: Curricular Practical Training
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 660: Independent Study
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ARTHIST 295: Visual Arts Internship
(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)