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BIOS 201: Next Generation Sequencing and Applications

Usher in the golden age of biological discovery with next generation sequencing (NGS) through its wide spectrum of applications. Modules include general introduction of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies, applications of these sequencing technologies, caveats and comparisons with previous approaches, analysis and interpretation of sequencing data, principles of tools and resources and practical ways to utilize them, and features and pitfalls. Prerequisite: background in molecular biology.
Terms: Win | Units: 2

BIOS 205: Introduction to R

Autumn quarter enrollment limited to ADVANCE students; instructor consent required for enrollment. Topics include: basics of R (widely used, open-source programming and data analysis environment) programming language and data structures, reading/writing files, graphics tools for figure generation, basic statistical and regression operations, survey of relevant R library packages. Interactive format combining lectures and computer lab. For course and enrollment information, see
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1

BIOS 223: Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning in Biology

Mini-course. Focus on development of basic skills for quantitative reasoning in biology, including order-of-magnitude estimation and use of the broad spectrum of time scales to enable understanding. Primary examples include going from molecular size and energy scales to functions of single cells and going from mutational and selective processes acting on organisms to evolution of populations on laboratory global scales.
Terms: Win | Units: 2

BIOS 232: Two-photon Imaging of Neural Circuits

Focuses on application of two-photon imaging to modern neuroscience. Topics include microscopy and imaging.
Terms: Win | Units: 2
Instructors: ; Ding, J. (PI); Devlin, M. (GP)

BIOS 243: Grant Writing Academy Mini Course: Specific Aims

Concise overview of the fundamentals for writing competitive NIH Kirschtein NRSA fellowships (F31, F32) and K Awards. Topics include developing specific aims; outlining research and career development plans; and using the review criteria to inform writing. Participants develop their one-page NIH-Specific Aims document with an emphasis on in-class peer review and protected daily proposal writing. Students enroll for units in one small-group section, and also attend two mandatory lectures as noted in class schedule.
Terms: Win, Sum | Units: 1

BIOS 245: The Immune Response to Infectious Diseases

Focuses on the immune defenses that the human body uses to prevent and control infectious diseases. Covers both innate and adaptive immune defenses against bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens will be covered. This course is targeted primarily at graduate students and postdocs whose primary focus is not in immunology, but whose research and interests intersect with the host response to infectious diseases. Motivated undergraduates may also participate.
Terms: Win | Units: 1

BIOS 249: Interactive Microbiology

Focus is on phototactic behavior of single celled organisms and the biophysical principles of feedback control and hydrodynamics underlying it. Enables real biology experimentation in the cloud, and is ultimately intended to illustrate and teach the scientific method (free exploration, hypothesis formation, measurement, data analysis, modeling, conclusions).
Terms: Win | Units: 1
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