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MS&E 272: Entrepreneurship without Borders

How and why does access to entrepreneurial opportunities vary by geographic borders, racial/gender borders, or other barriers created by where or who you are? What kinds of inequalities are created by limited access to capital or education and what role does entrepreneurship play in upward mobility in societies globally? What are the unique issues involved in creating a successful startup in Europe, Latin America, Africa, China or India? What is entrepreneurial leadership in a venture that spans country borders? Is Silicon Valley-style entrepreneurship possible in other places? How does an entrepreneur act differently when creating a company in a less-developed institutional environment? Learn through forming teams, a mentor-guided startup project focused on developing students' startups in international markets, case studies, research on the unequal access to wealth creation and innovation via entrepreneurship, while also networking with top entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who work across borders.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4
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