MS&E 180: Organizations: Theory and Management
For undergraduates only. Classical and contemporary organization theory; the behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations. Limited enrollment; preference to declared MS&E majors and seniors from other departments.
Terms: Aut, Spr, Sum
| Units: 4
Karunakaran, A. (PI)
Siino, R. (PI)
Bhalerao, P. (TA)
more instructors for MS&E 180 »
Karunakaran, A. (PI)
Siino, R. (PI)
Bhalerao, P. (TA)
Cao, N. (TA)
Engeda, B. (TA)
Garg, A. (TA)
Guillaume, R. (TA)
Tidd, A. (TA)
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