ARTSTUDI 125: Thinking and Exploring Drawing
This class will provide students with different techniques, inspiration, and exercises to experiment Drawing as a tool for invention and discovery. Exploring materials such as charcoal, pastel, and ink, students will be involved in drawing exercises for the development of an individual language or research. We will approach drawing as a language with many uses and "speakers" instead of an established academic tool. Each week we will take inspiration from the drawings of filmmakers, animators, sculptors, illustrators, and artists to copy their styles as a way of learning, and exploring their language and thought. The classes will start with simple drawing exercises to warm up, then proceed to look at the drawings of different kinds of artists to copy the linework, thinking, and techniques in class as a way of exploring the different possibilities and materialities of the medium. No previous experience is required, open to all students, majors, and non-majors, at all skill levels.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 2
Tut, P. (PI)
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