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1 - 10 of 16 results for: Math51

BIO 165: Quantitative Approaches in Modern Biology (BIO 265)

Modern research approaches tightly integrate experimentation with data analysis and mathematical modeling to provide unprecedented insights into the organization and functioning of living systems. This course explores the quantitative basis of major cellular processes and their coordination to form a cohesive physiological entity that is capable of rapid growth and acclimation to changing environments. Weekly lectures will be accompanied by 'dry lab sessions' in which students analyze experimental data sets and discuss the challenges of accomplishing rigorous and reproducible research. As such, students will actively develop a fundamental skill set of quantitative biology which includes knowledge in coding, dynamical systems modeling, and statistics. Assumes basic (but not advanced) familiarity with math, e.g. MATH51. Undergraduate students should enroll in BIO 165. Graduate students should enroll in BIO 265.
Terms: Win | Units: 3

BIO 265: Quantitative Approaches in Modern Biology (BIO 165)

Modern research approaches tightly integrate experimentation with data analysis and mathematical modeling to provide unprecedented insights into the organization and functioning of living systems. This course explores the quantitative basis of major cellular processes and their coordination to form a cohesive physiological entity that is capable of rapid growth and acclimation to changing environments. Weekly lectures will be accompanied by 'dry lab sessions' in which students analyze experimental data sets and discuss the challenges of accomplishing rigorous and reproducible research. As such, students will actively develop a fundamental skill set of quantitative biology which includes knowledge in coding, dynamical systems modeling, and statistics. Assumes basic (but not advanced) familiarity with math, e.g. MATH51. Undergraduate students should enroll in BIO 165. Graduate students should enroll in BIO 265.
Terms: Win | Units: 3

CEE 154: Data Analytics for Physical Systems (CEE 254)

This course introduces practical applications of data analytics and machine learning from understanding sensor data to extracting information and decision making in the context of sensed physical systems. Many civil engineering applications involve complex physical systems, such as buildings, transportation, and infrastructure systems, which are integral to urban systems and human activities. Emerging data science techniques and rapidly growing data about these systems have enabled us to better understand them and make informed decisions. In this course, students will work with real-world data to learn about challenges in analyzing data, applications of statistical analysis and machine learning techniques using MATLAB, and limitations of the outcomes in domain-specific contexts. Topics include data visualization, noise cleansing, frequency domain analysis, forward and inverse modeling, feature extraction, machine learning, and error analysis. Prerequisites: CS106A, CME 100/ Math51, Stats110/101, or equivalent.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4

CEE 254: Data Analytics for Physical Systems (CEE 154)

This course introduces practical applications of data analytics and machine learning from understanding sensor data to extracting information and decision making in the context of sensed physical systems. Many civil engineering applications involve complex physical systems, such as buildings, transportation, and infrastructure systems, which are integral to urban systems and human activities. Emerging data science techniques and rapidly growing data about these systems have enabled us to better understand them and make informed decisions. In this course, students will work with real-world data to learn about challenges in analyzing data, applications of statistical analysis and machine learning techniques using MATLAB, and limitations of the outcomes in domain-specific contexts. Topics include data visualization, noise cleansing, frequency domain analysis, forward and inverse modeling, feature extraction, machine learning, and error analysis. Prerequisites: CS106A, CME 100/ Math51, Stats110/101, or equivalent.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4

CME 200: Linear Algebra with Application to Engineering Computations (ME 300A)

Computer based solution of systems of algebraic equations obtained from engineering problems and eigen-system analysis, Gaussian elimination, effect of round-off error, operation counts, banded matrices arising from discretization of differential equations, ill-conditioned matrices, matrix theory, least square solution of unsolvable systems, solution of non-linear algebraic equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, similar matrices, unitary and Hermitian matrices, positive definiteness, Cayley-Hamilton theory and function of a matrix and iterative methods. Prerequisite: familiarity with computer programming, and MATH51.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3

CME 251: Geometric and Topological Data Analysis (CS 233)

Mathematical and computational tools for the analysis of data with geometric content, such images, videos, 3D scans, GPS traces -- as well as for other data embedded into geometric spaces. Linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques. Graph representations of data and spectral methods. The rudiments of computational topology and persistent homology on sampled spaces, with applications. Global and local geometry descriptors allowing for various kinds of invariances. Alignment, matching, and map/correspondence computation between geometric data sets. Annotation tools for geometric data. Geometric deep learning on graphs and sets. Function spaces and functional maps. Networks of data sets and joint learning for segmentation and labeling. Prerequisites: discrete algorithms at the level of CS161; linear algebra at the level of Math51 or CME103.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3
Instructors: Guibas, L. (PI)

CS 229: Machine Learning (STATS 229)

Topics: statistical pattern recognition, linear and non-linear regression, non-parametric methods, exponential family, GLMs, support vector machines, kernel methods, deep learning, model/feature selection, learning theory, ML advice, clustering, density estimation, EM, dimensionality reduction, ICA, PCA, reinforcement learning and adaptive control, Markov decision processes, approximate dynamic programming, and policy search. Prerequisites: knowledge of basic computer science principles and skills at a level sufficient to write a reasonably non-trivial computer program in Python/NumPy to the equivalency of CS106A, CS106B, or CS106X, familiarity with probability theory to the equivalency of CS 109, MATH151, or STATS 116, and familiarity with multivariable calculus and linear algebra to the equivalency of MATH51 or CS205.
Terms: Aut, Win, Sum | Units: 3-4

CS 233: Geometric and Topological Data Analysis (CME 251)

Mathematical and computational tools for the analysis of data with geometric content, such images, videos, 3D scans, GPS traces -- as well as for other data embedded into geometric spaces. Linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques. Graph representations of data and spectral methods. The rudiments of computational topology and persistent homology on sampled spaces, with applications. Global and local geometry descriptors allowing for various kinds of invariances. Alignment, matching, and map/correspondence computation between geometric data sets. Annotation tools for geometric data. Geometric deep learning on graphs and sets. Function spaces and functional maps. Networks of data sets and joint learning for segmentation and labeling. Prerequisites: discrete algorithms at the level of CS161; linear algebra at the level of Math51 or CME103.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3
Instructors: Guibas, L. (PI)

CS 248B: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics: Animation and Simulation

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics, focusing on fundamental concepts and techniques in Computer Animation and Physics Simulation. Topics include numerical integration, 3D character modeling, keyframe animation, skinning/rigging, inverse kinematics, rigid body dynamics, deformable body simulation, and fluid simulation. Prerequisites: CS107 and MATH51.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3

CS 345: Building AI-Enabled Robots

This course offers a hands-on experiences in building AI-powered robotic quadrupeds. Students will learn the state-of-the-art algorithms and techniques in robot learning and apply them in practice to build a fully functional quadruped. Specifically, the course consists of role-playing paper discussion and hands-on labs. A set of carefully curated papers will be selected at the beginning of the quarter. Each week, everyone reads the same paper, but a small number of student presenters take on specific roles for that paper. The role defines the lens through which the student reads the paper and what they bring to the discussion. Examples of roles include the journalist who summarizes the paper and its contributions based on facts, the paper reviewer who provides critical and insightful criticisms, and the archaeologist who determines where this paper sits in the context of previous and subsequent work. The lab portion of the course focuses on hands-on robot building, programming/training more »
This course offers a hands-on experiences in building AI-powered robotic quadrupeds. Students will learn the state-of-the-art algorithms and techniques in robot learning and apply them in practice to build a fully functional quadruped. Specifically, the course consists of role-playing paper discussion and hands-on labs. A set of carefully curated papers will be selected at the beginning of the quarter. Each week, everyone reads the same paper, but a small number of student presenters take on specific roles for that paper. The role defines the lens through which the student reads the paper and what they bring to the discussion. Examples of roles include the journalist who summarizes the paper and its contributions based on facts, the paper reviewer who provides critical and insightful criticisms, and the archaeologist who determines where this paper sits in the context of previous and subsequent work. The lab portion of the course focuses on hands-on robot building, programming/training, and evaluation. Students will work in groups of four to develop their quadruped for their sole project in this course. A detailed weekly plan will be proposed and reviewed at the beginning of the quarter. Through weekly labs, students will work toward their final goals of creating an intelligent companion robot dog.Prerequisites: CS123 (or other approved robotics courses), CS107, MATH51
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