RUSSLANG 23: Second-Year Russian, Third Quarter
Continuation of
RUSSLANG 22. Developing Russian language communicative proficiency from beginning to intermediate level. The course is based on the active practice of speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills in various situations through multiple texts and cultural materials. Intensive grammar review and vocabulary build-up. Increased level of self-confidence and fluency Prerequisite: placement test or
Terms: Spr
| Units: 4
| UG Reqs: Language
Khassina, E. (PI)
RUSSLANG 101: Third-Year Russian, First Quarter
A snapshot of Russian life. Reading comprehension, conversational competence, grammatical accuracy, and cultural sophistication. Prerequisite: Placement Test or
Terms: Aut
| Units: 4
| UG Reqs: Language
Marcos, M. (PI)
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