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INTLPOL 259A: Research Seminar on Cybersecurity: Topics at the Intersection of Security, Safety, and Privacy

The course will explore the safety, security and privacy implications of the automobile. The modern automobile is a computer on wheels, with processors, sensors and networked connectivity managing hundreds of safety-critical functions. Automation will further drive the evolution of cars from the analog, mechanically-operated vehicles of the 20th century to the digital, AI-driven automobile of the 21st century. Overall, digitization has made cars safer, greener, and more enjoyable to ride in. But this digitization also introduces new risks. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities can expose vehicle occupants, commuters and pedestrians to safety and privacy risks. In addition to the physical, economic and psychological harms experienced by victims of cybersecurity attacks and intrusions, such attacks could undermine consumer and policy-maker confidence in the trustworthiness of digitally-dependent vehicles. The automotive industry and government regulators are in the formative stages of developing regulatory and governance frameworks for these risks, which may have broader implications for regulatory policy concerning digital technologies generally. Students will accompany the instructor on a deep dive into the regulatory, business, and geopolitical dimensions of the automobile. Each student will be expected to use the course to produce a publication-quality research paper on a relevant topic of their choosing (in consultation with the instructor), with mentorship from the instructor and peer support from fellow classmates. (Students may register for 2-4 units with increased research paper word count per unit. 10 slots, graduate students only, undergraduates by permission of instructor.) Note: Topic of course may change from year-to-year. Update in Winter Quarter 2021.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-4
Instructors: Grotto, A. (PI)
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