HISTORY 252B: Diplomacy on the Ground: Case Studies in the Challenges of Representing Your Country (INTNLREL 174)
The tragic death of Ambassador Chris Stevens has recently highlighted the dangers of diplomacy in the modern era. This class will look at how Americans in embassies have historically confronted questions such as authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, violent changes of government, and covert action. Case studies will include the Berlin embassy in the 1930s, Tehran in 1979, and George Kennan's experiences in Moscow, among others. Recommended for students contemplating careers in diplomatic service. *IR majors taking this course to fulfill the IR WIM requirement should enroll in
INTNLREL174. As space is limited, first-year students must obtain the instructor's prior consent before enrolling. Non-matriculating students are also asked to consult the instructor before enrolling in the course.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 5
Rakove, R. (PI)
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