FRENLANG 23C: Second-Year French: Cultural Emphasis, Third Quarter
Continuation of
FRENLANG 22C. Sequence integrating culture and language. Emphasis is on advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse including presentational language and socio culturally appropriate discourse in formal and informal, academic, and professional contexts. Prerequiste: Completion of
Frenlang 22C, recent placement test or consent of French coordinator.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 4
Mazuet, A. (PI)
Shapirshteyn, V. (PI)
FRENLANG 124: Advanced French: Composition, Writing, and Presentation
This bridge course prepares students for transitioning to literature classes that are taught in French. Emphasis is on the development of speaking, writing, and presenting at the advanced level. Students will review and master the difficulties of French through the study of various types of literary texts and through analysis of current events in the francophone world. Required for students majoring or minoring in French. Prerequisite:
FRENLANG23C, recent placement test or consent of the French coordinator.
Terms: Aut, Spr
| Units: 4
Shapirshteyn, V. (PI)
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