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ECON 101: Economic Policy Seminar

Capstone and writing in the major course open to Econ majors only. Economic policy analysis, writing and oral presentations will be large components of this course. Students may also complete group projects that include empirical economic analysis focused on a specific topic. The goal of this course is to enable students to utilize the skills they have acquired throughout their time in the major. Section topics vary by instructor. Enrollment limited to application at the start of each school year with student placement notifications before the term starts. Permission numbers will be provided to students. Limited to students applying to graduate in 2023-24. Prerequisites: Econ 51 and 52, 102B, and two field courses. Enrollment by application: https://economics.stanford.edu/forms.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SI | Repeatable for credit
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