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1 - 2 of 2 results for: ARTSTUDI247

ARTSTUDI 247: Collage

Collage has influenced painting and drawing practices, as well as film and photography through juxtaposition, scale shifts, and reappropriation of the found image. Although many iconic works in this medium date to the 20th century, this course focuses on collage as a vibrant, contemporary form. Lectures on artists using collage with new vigor. Studio component focused on experimentation and exploration. Student work is encouraged to speak to personal, aesthetic, or political concerns, using findings from magazines, advertisements, internet, and other sources. Working with Photoshop, scans and with print, we will use collage elements to create new and stunning compositions of contemporary life.Prerequisites: 140, 145, or consent of instructor. (upper level). May be repeated for credit
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-CE | Repeatable 2 times (up to 8 units total)
Instructors: Ebtekar, A. (PI)

ARTSTUDI 247A: Art Book Object (ARTSTUDI 147)

This mixed introductory and upper level studio course explores contemporary aesthetic interpretations of the book as an art object. Students learn to use both traditional and digital tools and techniques for creating artists' books, and integrate those into final works of art. The course familiarizes students with basic bookbinding processes and forms, as well as various modes of printing and production that facilitate limited artist editions. In addition to making books, we view numerous artists' books in the Bowes Art & Architecture Library collection as well as the collection of the instructor, and meet with practicing artists and book makers. Students create a number of small books, each focused on a particular process but using content of their choice. Upper level students propose and create a more fully evolved final project involving at least one bookbinding process independently researched in consultation with the instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: WAY-CE
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