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1 - 2 of 2 results for: ARTSTUDI177

ARTSTUDI 177: Video Art

Video holds the ability to bear witness and reconstruct realities of space and time. In this class we study the development of the medium in the 1970s and how artists have since used it as an experimental apparatus. Projects involve creating short video works through narrative, performative, and abstracted approaches. This class explores conceptual possibilities of recording and editing video by utilizing camera technique, lighting, sound design, found footage, and nonlinear digital editing. (lower level)
Last offered: Winter 2022 | UG Reqs: WAY-CE


Using a 'do it yourself' approach, we will create short films in response to key concepts in cinema. In this course, we will experiment with unconventional and traditional methods of filmmaking that employ a diverse range of media. Together, we will devise strategies to work around resource limitations and consider how simple technologies can be tools for making thought-provoking cinematic experiences. Through workshops, discussions, and film screenings, we will explore the possibilities and significance of filmmaking in the 21st century.
Last offered: Winter 2022 | UG Reqs: WAY-CE
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