ARTSTUDI 175: Sound Installation (MUSIC 192F)
This class will cover creative, historical and theoretical aspects of sited artworks based in sound. We will create, install and critique new works that use sound with special attention the ways that sound intersects with time, space and architecture. Attention will be given both to sound as immaterial signal and to sound in its relation to visual environments and objects. The class is intended for artists, composers and others who want to explore the spatial, social and aesthetic dimensions of sound. Assigned readings will cover sound practices in the contexts of art, music, sound studies and anthropology. Experience in sound recording or production, signal processing and spatialization, or installation are valuable but not required. Curiosity and attention to sounds are.
Terms: Win
| Units: 4
Basica, C. (PI)
DeMarinis, P. (PI)
ARTSTUDI 175A: Video Installation
Video Installation is a hybrid studio critique and seminar class that explores the potential of cinematic arts within the context of spatial dynamics and formal configuration. The emphasis will be on the conceptual and experimental, rather than a conventional application of film narrative as a way to convey meaning, and considers video as a sculptural material. Screenings, lectures, and class projects will focus on installations that transform film and video into sculpture, architecture, and site-specific forms.
Last offered: Spring 2023
| UG Reqs: WAY-CE
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