ARTHIST 258: Introduction to Middle Byzantine Music Notation: Transcribing and Singing Old Byzantine Chants (ARTHIST 458)
This course focuses on Middle Byzantine notation (12th-14th c) as it appears in two genres of Byzantine liturgical poetry: mainly in stichera and heirmoi. Stichera are monostrophic hymns, some are idiomela, having their own melodies and others are prosomoia following standard memlodies contrafacta. Heirmoi are model melodies for singing the strophes (troparia) of the Kanones that are polystrophic hymns. Stichera and heirmoi will be systematically taught in the rhythmic interpretation discovered by Ioannis Arvanitis. This interpretation will be applied for the transcription in staff notation or for direct singing from the manuscripts, again focusing on heirmoi and stichera. We will also study some melismatic chants. Many of the music examples will be from the chants for Lent, Easter and Pentecost. The course will feature as a guest speaker Dr. Ioannis Arvanitis, Associate Professor of the Music of the Orthodox Eastern Church at the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University (Corfu).
Terms: Win
| Units: 4-5
Pentcheva, B. (PI)
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