OUTDOOR 198: Directed Reading and Individual Studies: Outdoor
Translate theoretical knowledge and acquired skills into actionable projects or initiatives that make positive impact within and/or beyond the Stanford community. Students work in collaborative groups or individually under the mentorship of the course instructor(s) to design, deliver, and evaluate an initiative or project.
Terms: Aut, Win, Sum
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 6 units total)
Lowley, S. (PI)
OUTDOOR 199: Selected Topics: Outdoor
Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular quarter. May be repeated with change of content. For more information regarding specific course titles and topics, please refer to the notes of each course section.
Terms: Aut, Win, Sum
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 6 units total)
Lowley, S. (PI)
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