ECON 242: Public Economics II
This course will explore the rationale for and economic effects of social insurance programs including but not limited to social security, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and public health insurance. The course will also include four lectures on behavioral public economics. The focus of these lectures will be on developing a framework for conducting welfare analysis in settings with behavioral consumers, and then on applying that framework to issues in public economics, starting with optimal commodity taxation (including ¿sin taxes¿), followed by policies affecting personal saving, as well as the taxation of earnings (including implications for social insurance). Additional topics covered in the course will include other important areas of government expenditure and regulation such as education, defense procurement, economic stimulus, and environmental regulation. Course will cover both theoretical and empirical evidence and prerequisites are
ECON 202-204 and
ECON 270-272 or similar with permission of instructor.
Last offered: Spring 2019
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