GERMAN 206: Turkish-German Literature, Cinema, and Theater (GERMAN 106)
One in five people in Germany now has, as it is termed, a background of migration. Immigration from Turkey is probably the most prominent not only in terms of its massiveness and demographic consequences, but also for its significant role in changing Germany's overall cultural, social, and economic landscape. In this course, through analyzing selected literary works, films, and plays produced by Turkish-German writers and artists, we will discuss complex ideas like migration, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, and class, resorting not to oversimplifications and binary thinking but instead to relevant literary concepts and formative historical moments which have shaped the Turkish-German experience. Remote synchronous with plenty of opportunities to participate in group and breakout room discussions and creative projects.
Terms: Sum
| Units: 3-5
| UG Reqs: WAY-A-II
Deniz, M. (PI)
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