SOC 350W: Workshop: Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Nation
Weekly research workshop with a focus on ongoing research by faculty and graduate student participants, new theory and research, and recent publications. Workshop participants will present their own work, and read and critique the research-in-progress of their peers. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Sociology doctoral student or consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 1-3
| Repeatable
20 times
(up to 60 units total)
Jimenez, T. (PI)
Saperstein, A. (PI)
SOC 351: Counterfactuals and Causal Inference in the Social Sciences
Questions about causal effects and processes are critical in the social sciences, and range from macro-level concerns such as Does capitalism cause democracy? to micro-level ones such as Does educational attainment increase individual earnings / health /civic participation?. This course trains students in quantitative approaches designed to address causal questions with observational and quasi-experimental data, including propensity score methods, fixed and random effects, instrumental variables, and regression discontinuity, among others. The underlying intuition, statistical formulation, and implementation of each approach will be discussed. The course will also examine topics relevant for researches addressing causal questions such as sensitivity analysis, mediation analysis, and integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Prerequisites:
Soc 381 and
Soc 382 or equivalent. Undergraduate students should request instructor's permission
Last offered: Autumn 2018
SOC 354: Welfare State (SOC 254)
This seminar introduces students to the key literature, questions, and debates about the modern welfare state. Emergence, growth, and purported demise of the welfare state. American welfare state in comparative perspective. Social and political factors affecting state development including political parties, labor markets, gender, demographic change, and immigration.
Last offered: Winter 2020
SOC 356: Strategy and Organizations
Why are some organizations more competitive than others? This is one of the defining questions of the interdisciplinary research field known as strategic management. In this seminar, we will survey the field of strategic management as seen through the lens of organization theory, touching on the four main theoretical approaches that have developed there.nnMost work in strategic management pays little attention to particular theoretical perspectives, and is organized more by the topic - the phenomenon being studied - such as market exit, growth, performance, mergers and acquisitions, innovation, and the like. I have catalogued the research in strategic management both according to theoretical perspective and topic, and that structure is developed in this course. Our goal is to help you to identify theoretical perspectives as you try to understand the strategy field.
Last offered: Spring 2020
SOC 358: Sociology of Immigration
Topics vary each quarter but may include: theories and processes of migration and immigrant incorporation; historical and contemporary perspectives on race, ethnicity, and immigration; immigration law and policy; transnationalism; nations and nationalism.
Terms: Win
| Units: 5
Asad, A. (PI)
SOC 361: Social Psychology of Organizations
This seminar focuses on social psychological theories and research relevant to organizational behavior. It reviews the current research topics in micro-organizational behavior, linking these to foundations in cognitive and social psychology and sociology. Topics include models of attribution, decision making, emotion, coordination, influence and persuasion, and the psychology of power and culture. Prerequisites: Enrollment in a PhD program. graduate-level social psychology course.
Last offered: Winter 2020
SOC 361W: Workshop: Networks and Organizations (EDUC 361)
For students doing advanced research. Group comments and criticism on dissertation projects at any phase of completion, including data problems, empirical and theoretical challenges, presentation refinement, and job market presentations. Collaboration, debate, and shaping research ideas. Prerequisite: courses in organizational theory or social network analysis.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 1-3
| Repeatable
for credit
Powell, W. (PI)
SOC 362: Organization and Environment
This seminar considers the leading sociological approaches to analyzing relations of organizations and environments, with a special emphasis on dynamics. Attention is given to theoretical formulations, research designs, and results of empirical studies. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a PhD program.
Last offered: Autumn 2018
SOC 363A: Seminar on Organizational Theory (EDUC 375A, MS&E 389)
The social science literature on organizations assessed through consideration of the major theoretical traditions and lines of research predominant in the field. For PhD students only.
Last offered: Autumn 2019
SOC 363B: Seminar on Organizations: Institutional Analysis (EDUC 375B)
Seminar. Key lines of inquiry on organizational change, emphasizing network, institutional, and evolutionary arguments.
Last offered: Spring 2008
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