CLASSICS 103L: Advanced Latin: Tacitus
In this course we will read Book 4 of Tacitus' "Annals", one of the most compelling and crucial pieces in this famed historian's bleak depiction of the Roman empire. We will focus on the portrait of the emperor Tiberius, which has long exemplified how to understand political power in psychological terms, and has been the model since for innumerable tyrannical figures in literature and arts. How did Tacitus the historian achieve such powerful, long-lasting influence? Close attention to language, style and narrative techniques. Classics majors and minors must take for a letter grade and may repeat for credit with advance approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 3-5
| UG Reqs: Language, WAY-A-II
| Repeatable
for credit
Ceserani, G. (PI)
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