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1 - 9 of 9 results for: NEPR ; Currently searching autumn courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

NEPR 201: Neuro-Cellular Core

Focuses on fundamental aspects of cellular neurophysiology. Topics include exploration of electrophysiological properties of neurons, synaptic structure and function and synaptic plasticity. The course consists of didactic lectures and student-led discussions of classical papers. Incorporates simulation program Neuron. Enrollment restricted to students enrolled in Neurosciences Graduate Program.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2
Instructors: Madison, D. (PI)

NEPR 212: Responsible Conduct of Neuroscience Research

Enrollment restricted to Neurosciences IDP students. Responsible conduct of research and ethics as it relates to research in neuroscience. Topics are in accord with NIH guidelines. Each topic has guest lecturers with specific insight into the particular topic.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1
Instructors: George, P. (PI)

NEPR 280: Neuroscience Journal Club and Professional Development Series

Neuroscience Journal Club and Professional Development Series New description: Required of Neurosciences Ph.D. students in Autumn, Winter, and Spring of the first three years of study. Recent papers in neuroscience literature presented by graduate student
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1-2 | Repeatable for credit

NEPR 288: Cellullar/Molecular Neuroscience Laboratory

Stanford Immersive Neuroscience is a laboratory course on cellular and molecular neuroscience. It features lectures and laboratories and covers topics such as cloning, hybridization, vector design, immunohistochemistry, fluorescence microscopy, electrophysiology, optogenetics and imaging of activity sensors such as GCaMP. It is the entry course for incoming graduate students in neuroscience and enrollment is limited to this group. Goals are (1) to provide all students from diverse backgrounds with a foundation in basic principles of neuroscience for as they enter this graduate program, (2) to bring students and faculty together in team-based problem solving in a laboratory setting, and (3) to provide hands-on experience with both established and cutting-edge methods in neuroscience. Students will work in multiple small teams with direct faculty engagement across all aspects of the course.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1-10 | Repeatable 4 times (up to 40 units total)

NEPR 299: Directed Reading in Neurosciences

Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Abu-Remaileh, M. (PI) ; Airan, R. (PI) ; Andreasson, K. (PI) ; Baccus, S. (PI) ; Bejerano, G. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Boahen, K. (PI) ; Bronte-Stewart, H. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Brunger, A. (PI) ; Buckmaster, P. (PI) ; Buckwalter, M. (PI) ; Cao, R. (PI) ; Chen, L. (PI) ; Chen, X. (PI) ; Cheng, A. (PI) ; Chichilnisky, E. (PI) ; Clandinin, T. (PI) ; Cobos Sillero, M. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Darian-Smith, C. (PI) ; Deisseroth, K. (PI) ; Delp, S. (PI) ; Ding, J. (PI) ; Dolmetsch, R. (PI) ; Dror, R. (PI) ; Druckmann, S. (PI) ; Duncan, L. (PI) ; Eshel, N. (PI) ; Etkin, A. (PI) ; Fame, R. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Feldman, M. (PI) ; Fisher, R. (PI) ; Ganguli, S. (PI) ; Gardner, J. (PI) ; George, P. (PI) ; Giardino, W. (PI) ; Gibson, E. (PI) ; Gilly, W. (PI) ; Giocomo, L. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Glover, G. (PI) ; Goldstein-Piekarski, A. (PI) ; Goodman, M. (PI) ; Gotlib, I. (PI) ; Greenleaf, W. (PI) ; Greicius, M. (PI) ; Grill-Spector, K. (PI) ; Gross, J. (PI) ; Han, M. (PI) ; Hardan, A. (PI) ; Haroush, K. (PI) ; Heifets, B. (PI) ; Heller, H. (PI) ; Heller, S. (PI) ; Hestrin, S. (PI) ; Hong, G. (PI) ; Huang, T. (PI) ; Huberman, A. (PI) ; Huguenard, J. (PI) ; Humphreys, K. (PI) ; Jarosz, D. (PI) ; Kaltschmidt, J. (PI) ; Keller, C. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kingsley, D. (PI) ; Knowles, J. (PI) ; Knutson, B. (PI) ; Kobilka, B. (PI) ; Kopito, R. (PI) ; Krasnow, M. (PI) ; Kundaje, A. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Lewis, R. (PI) ; Li, F. (PI) ; Liao, Y. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Linderman, S. (PI) ; Longo, F. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Luo, L. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Madison, D. (PI) ; Maduke, M. (PI) ; Malenka, R. (PI) ; McClelland, J. (PI) ; McConnell, S. (PI) ; McNab, J. (PI) ; Menon, V. (PI) ; Mignot, E. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Moore, T. (PI) ; Mormino, E. (PI) ; Newsome, W. (PI) ; Norcia, A. (PI) ; Nuyujukian, P. (PI) ; O'Connell, L. (PI) ; Owen, S. (PI) ; Palmer, T. (PI) ; Parker, K. (PI) ; Parvizi, J. (PI) ; Pasca, S. (PI) ; Pfeffer, S. (PI) ; Pohl, K. (PI) ; Poldrack, R. (PI) ; Poston, K. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Raymond, J. (PI) ; Recht, L. (PI) ; Reimer, R. (PI) ; Reiss, A. (PI) ; Ricci, A. (PI) ; Rodriguez, C. (PI) ; Saggar, M. (PI) ; Sapolsky, R. (PI) ; Schnitzer, M. (PI) ; Shah, N. (PI) ; Shatz, C. (PI) ; Shen, K. (PI) ; Sobel, R. (PI) ; Steinberg, G. (PI) ; Steinman, L. (PI) ; Sudhof, T. (PI) ; Sullivan, E. (PI) ; Tan, L. (PI) ; Tawfik, V. (PI) ; Tessier-Lavigne, M. (PI) ; Tharin, S. (PI) ; Thompson, S. (PI) ; Ting, A. (PI) ; Wagner, A. (PI) ; Wandell, B. (PI) ; Wang, S. (PI) ; Wang, X. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Williams, L. (PI) ; Wyss-Coray, T. (PI) ; Yamins, D. (PI) ; Yang, Y. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Zeineh, M. (PI) ; Zeitzer, J. (PI) ; Zuchero, B. (PI) ; de Lecea, L. (PI)

NEPR 399: Graduate Research

StudenInvestigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Abu-Remaileh, M. (PI) ; Airan, R. (PI) ; Andreasson, K. (PI) ; Baccus, S. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Boahen, K. (PI) ; Bronte-Stewart, H. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Brunger, A. (PI) ; Buckmaster, P. (PI) ; Buckwalter, M. (PI) ; Chen, L. (PI) ; Chen, X. (PI) ; Cheng, A. (PI) ; Chichilnisky, E. (PI) ; Clandinin, T. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Darian-Smith, C. (PI) ; Deisseroth, K. (PI) ; Delp, S. (PI) ; Ding, J. (PI) ; Dolmetsch, R. (PI) ; Druckmann, S. (PI) ; Eshel, N. (PI) ; Etkin, A. (PI) ; Fame, R. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Feldman, M. (PI) ; Fisher, R. (PI) ; Ganguli, S. (PI) ; Gao, X. (PI) ; Gardner, J. (PI) ; Giardino, W. (PI) ; Gibson, E. (PI) ; Gilly, W. (PI) ; Giocomo, L. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Glover, G. (PI) ; Goldberg, J. (PI) ; Goldstein-Piekarski, A. (PI) ; Goodman, M. (PI) ; Gotlib, I. (PI) ; Greicius, M. (PI) ; Grill-Spector, K. (PI) ; Gross, J. (PI) ; Han, M. (PI) ; Haroush, K. (PI) ; Heller, H. (PI) ; Heller, S. (PI) ; Hestrin, S. (PI) ; Huang, T. (PI) ; Huberman, A. (PI) ; Huguenard, J. (PI) ; Kaltschmidt, J. (PI) ; Keller, C. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kingsley, D. (PI) ; Knowles, J. (PI) ; Knutson, B. (PI) ; Kobilka, B. (PI) ; Kopito, R. (PI) ; Krasnow, M. (PI) ; Kundaje, A. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Lewis, R. (PI) ; Li, F. (PI) ; Liao, Y. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Longo, F. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Luo, L. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Madison, D. (PI) ; Maduke, M. (PI) ; Malenka, R. (PI) ; McCandliss, B. (PI) ; McClelland, J. (PI) ; McConnell, S. (PI) ; Menon, V. (PI) ; Mignot, E. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Moore, T. (PI) ; Mormino, E. (PI) ; Newsome, W. (PI) ; Norcia, A. (PI) ; Nuyujukian, P. (PI) ; Owen, S. (PI) ; Palmer, T. (PI) ; Parker, K. (PI) ; Parvizi, J. (PI) ; Pasca, S. (PI) ; Poldrack, R. (PI) ; Poston, K. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Raymond, J. (PI) ; Recht, L. (PI) ; Reimer, R. (PI) ; Reiss, A. (PI) ; Ricci, A. (PI) ; Rodriguez, C. (PI) ; Sapolsky, R. (PI) ; Schnitzer, M. (PI) ; Shah, N. (PI) ; Shatz, C. (PI) ; Shen, K. (PI) ; Singh, M. (PI) ; Sobel, R. (PI) ; Soltesz, I. (PI) ; Steinberg, G. (PI) ; Steinman, L. (PI) ; Sudhof, T. (PI) ; Sullivan, E. (PI) ; Tan, L. (PI) ; Tawfik, V. (PI) ; Tessier-Lavigne, M. (PI) ; Tharin, S. (PI) ; Thompson, S. (PI) ; Wagner, A. (PI) ; Wall, D. (PI) ; Wandell, B. (PI) ; Wang, S. (PI) ; Wang, X. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Williams, L. (PI) ; Wu, J. (PI) ; Wyss-Coray, T. (PI) ; Yamins, D. (PI) ; Yang, Y. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Zeitzer, J. (PI) ; Zuchero, B. (PI) ; de Lecea, L. (PI)

NEPR 464: Measuring Learning in the Brain (EDUC 464, PSYCH 279, SYMSYS 195M)

Everything we learn - be it a historical fact, the meaning of a new word, or a skill like reading, math, programming or playing the piano - depends on brain plasticity. The human brain's incredible capacity for learning is served by a variety of learning mechanisms that all result in changes in brain structure and function over different time scales. The goal of this course is to (a) provide an overview of different learning systems in the brain, (b) introduce methodologies and experiments that have led to new discoveries linking human brain plasticity and learning, (3) design an experiment, collect neuroimaging data, and measure the neurobiological underpinnings of learning in your own brain with MRI. The first section of the course will involve a series of lectures and discussions on the foundations of plasticity and learning with particular attention to experimental methods used in human neuroimaging studies. The second part of the course will involve workshops on designing and implementing experiments in MATLAB/Psychtoolbox or Python/PsychoPy. During this part of the course students will design, present and implement their own experiments as group projects. Finally, students will learn how to collect and analyze MRI data by being participants in their own fMRI experiments or analyzing publicly available datasets. Requirements: This class is designed for students who are interested in gaining hands-on experience with measuring the neurobiological underpinnings of learning. Student projects will involve designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data. So some experience with MATLAB/Python or an equivalent programming language is required. Some background in neuroscience (at least 1 course) is also required as we will assume basic knowledge.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3
Instructors: Yeatman, J. (PI)

NEPR 801: TGR Project

Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 0 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Andreasson, K. (PI) ; Baccus, S. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Boahen, K. (PI) ; Bronte-Stewart, H. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Brunger, A. (PI) ; Buckmaster, P. (PI) ; Buckwalter, M. (PI) ; Chen, L. (PI) ; Chen, X. (PI) ; Cheng, A. (PI) ; Chichilnisky, E. (PI) ; Clandinin, T. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Darian-Smith, C. (PI) ; Deisseroth, K. (PI) ; Delp, S. (PI) ; Ding, J. (PI) ; Dolmetsch, R. (PI) ; Etkin, A. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Feldman, M. (PI) ; Fisher, R. (PI) ; Ganguli, S. (PI) ; Gilly, W. (PI) ; Giocomo, L. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Glover, G. (PI) ; Goodman, M. (PI) ; Gotlib, I. (PI) ; Greicius, M. (PI) ; Grill-Spector, K. (PI) ; Gross, J. (PI) ; Han, M. (PI) ; Heller, H. (PI) ; Heller, S. (PI) ; Hestrin, S. (PI) ; Huang, T. (PI) ; Huguenard, J. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kingsley, D. (PI) ; Knutson, B. (PI) ; Kobilka, B. (PI) ; Kopito, R. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Lewis, R. (PI) ; Li, F. (PI) ; Liao, Y. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Longo, F. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Luo, L. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Madison, D. (PI) ; Maduke, M. (PI) ; Malenka, R. (PI) ; McClelland, J. (PI) ; McConnell, S. (PI) ; Menon, V. (PI) ; Mignot, E. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Moore, T. (PI) ; Newsome, W. (PI) ; Norcia, A. (PI) ; Palmer, T. (PI) ; Parker, K. (PI) ; Parvizi, J. (PI) ; Pasca, S. (PI) ; Poston, K. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Raymond, J. (PI) ; Recht, L. (PI) ; Reimer, R. (PI) ; Reiss, A. (PI) ; Ricci, A. (PI) ; Sapolsky, R. (PI) ; Schnitzer, M. (PI) ; Shatz, C. (PI) ; Shen, K. (PI) ; Sobel, R. (PI) ; Steinberg, G. (PI) ; Steinman, L. (PI) ; Sudhof, T. (PI) ; Sullivan, E. (PI) ; Thompson, S. (PI) ; Wagner, A. (PI) ; Wandell, B. (PI) ; Wang, X. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Williams, L. (PI) ; Wyss-Coray, T. (PI) ; Yamins, D. (PI) ; Yang, Y. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Zeitzer, J. (PI) ; de Lecea, L. (PI)

NEPR 802: TGR Dissertation

Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 0 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Airan, R. (PI) ; Andreasson, K. (PI) ; Baccus, S. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Boahen, K. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Brunger, A. (PI) ; Buckmaster, P. (PI) ; Buckwalter, M. (PI) ; Chen, L. (PI) ; Chen, X. (PI) ; Cheng, A. (PI) ; Chichilnisky, E. (PI) ; Clandinin, T. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Darian-Smith, C. (PI) ; Deisseroth, K. (PI) ; Delp, S. (PI) ; Ding, J. (PI) ; Druckmann, S. (PI) ; Feldman, M. (PI) ; Ganguli, S. (PI) ; Gao, X. (PI) ; Gardner, J. (PI) ; Giardino, W. (PI) ; Gilly, W. (PI) ; Giocomo, L. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Glover, G. (PI) ; Goldberg, J. (PI) ; Goodman, M. (PI) ; Gotlib, I. (PI) ; Greicius, M. (PI) ; Grill-Spector, K. (PI) ; Gross, J. (PI) ; Heller, H. (PI) ; Heller, S. (PI) ; Hestrin, S. (PI) ; Huang, T. (PI) ; Huberman, A. (PI) ; Huguenard, J. (PI) ; Kaltschmidt, J. (PI) ; Keller, C. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kingsley, D. (PI) ; Knutson, B. (PI) ; Kobilka, B. (PI) ; Kopito, R. (PI) ; Krasnow, M. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Lewis, R. (PI) ; Li, F. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Longo, F. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Luo, L. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Madison, D. (PI) ; Maduke, M. (PI) ; Malenka, R. (PI) ; McCandliss, B. (PI) ; McClelland, J. (PI) ; McConnell, S. (PI) ; Menon, V. (PI) ; Mignot, E. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Moore, T. (PI) ; Mormino, E. (PI) ; Newsome, W. (PI) ; Norcia, A. (PI) ; Owen, S. (PI) ; Palmer, T. (PI) ; Parker, K. (PI) ; Pasca, S. (PI) ; Poldrack, R. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Raymond, J. (PI) ; Reiss, A. (PI) ; Ricci, A. (PI) ; Sapolsky, R. (PI) ; Schnitzer, M. (PI) ; Shah, N. (PI) ; Shatz, C. (PI) ; Shen, K. (PI) ; Sobel, R. (PI) ; Steinberg, G. (PI) ; Steinman, L. (PI) ; Sudhof, T. (PI) ; Sullivan, E. (PI) ; Tawfik, V. (PI) ; Tessier-Lavigne, M. (PI) ; Thille, C. (PI) ; Thompson, S. (PI) ; Wagner, A. (PI) ; Wall, D. (PI) ; Wandell, B. (PI) ; Wang, X. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Williams, L. (PI) ; Wu, J. (PI) ; Wyss-Coray, T. (PI) ; Yamins, D. (PI) ; Yang, Y. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Zeitzer, J. (PI) ; Zuchero, B. (PI) ; de Lecea, L. (PI)
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