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1 - 10 of 29 results for: GEOPHYS ; Currently searching autumn courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

GEOPHYS 90: Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EARTHSYS 113)

Is the "Big One" overdue in California? What kind of damage would that cause? What can we do to reduce the impact of such hazards in urban environments? Does "fracking" cause earthquakes and are we at risk? Is the United States vulnerable to a giant tsunami? The geologic record contains evidence of volcanic super eruptions throughout Earth's history. What causes these gigantic explosive eruptions, and can they be predicted in the future? This course will address these and related issues. For non-majors and potential Earth scientists. No prerequisites. More information at: https://stanford.box.com/s/zr8ar28efmuo5wtlj6gj2jbxle76r4lu
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-SMA, WAY-AQR
Instructors: Segall, P. (PI)

GEOPHYS 101: Frontiers of Geophysical Research at Stanford (GEOPHYS 201)

Required for new students entering the department and undergraduate majors. Department faculty introduce the frontiers of research problems and methods being employed or developed in the department and unique to department faculty and students: what the current research is, why the research is important, what methodologies and technologies are being used, and what the potential impact of the results might be. Graduate students register for 1 unit (Mondays only), undergraduates for 3 units which include a discussion section (Mondays and Wednesdays). Offered every year, autumn quarter.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Repeatable 4 times (up to 12 units total)
Instructors: Knight, R. (PI)

GEOPHYS 112: Exploring Geosciences with MATLAB (ENERGY 112)

How to use MATLAB as a tool for research and technical computing, including 2-D and 3-D visualization features, numerical capabilities, and toolboxes. Practical skills in areas such as data analysis, regressions, optimization, spectral analysis, differential equations, image analysis, computational statistics, and Monte Carlo simulations. Emphasis is on scientific and engineering applications. Offered every year, autumn quarter.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1-3
Instructors: Mukerji, T. (PI)

GEOPHYS 130: Introductory Seismology

Introduction to seismology including: elasticity and the wave equation, P, S, and surface waves, dispersion, ray theory, reflection and transmission of seismic waves, seismic imaging, large-scale Earth structure, earthquake location, earthquake statistics and forecasting, magnitude scales, seismic source theory.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-AQR, GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SMA
Instructors: Beroza, G. (PI)

GEOPHYS 196: Undergraduate Research in Geophysics

Field-, lab-, or computer-based. Faculty supervision. Written reports.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1-10 | Repeatable for credit

GEOPHYS 197: Senior Thesis in Geophysics

For seniors writing a thesis based on Geophysics research in 196 or as a summer research fellow. Seniors defend the results of their research at a public oral presentation.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 3-5

GEOPHYS 198: Honors Program

Experimental, observational, or theoretical honors project and thesis in geophysics under supervision of a faculty member. Students who elect to do an honors thesis should begin planning it no later than Winter Quarter of the junior year. Prerequisites: department approval. Seniors defend the results of their research at a public oral presentation.
Terms: Aut, Win | Units: 1-3 | Repeatable 4 times (up to 15 units total)

GEOPHYS 205: Effective Scientific Presentation and Public Speaking (EPS 306, ESS 204)

The ability to present your research in a compelling, concise, and engaging manner will enhance your professional career. I will work to convince you that the best way to capture an audience and leave a lasting impression is to tell a story, do a demo, or pick a fight.___The goal of a talk is not to show people how much work you did, how capable and dedicated you are, or how much you know. We don't care about any of those things. Instead, we want to learn something new and important, something that changes our perspective and influences our research. We want to be inspired, shocked, or moved. ___ So, in the opening minutes of a talk, you must plant your flag and make your case. You are forecasting the arc of your story, rather than introducing your topic. If, for example, your very first three words are, "I will argue" you're on a good path. In these crucial opening minutes, you've either hooked them or lost them. ___ The course is taught as a series of stand-and-deliver exercises with more »
The ability to present your research in a compelling, concise, and engaging manner will enhance your professional career. I will work to convince you that the best way to capture an audience and leave a lasting impression is to tell a story, do a demo, or pick a fight.___The goal of a talk is not to show people how much work you did, how capable and dedicated you are, or how much you know. We don't care about any of those things. Instead, we want to learn something new and important, something that changes our perspective and influences our research. We want to be inspired, shocked, or moved. ___ So, in the opening minutes of a talk, you must plant your flag and make your case. You are forecasting the arc of your story, rather than introducing your topic. If, for example, your very first three words are, "I will argue" you're on a good path. In these crucial opening minutes, you've either hooked them or lost them. ___ The course is taught as a series of stand-and-deliver exercises with feedback from the other students and revision on the fly. You'll do exercises on talk openers and closers, physical demos, conference talks, job interviews, press interviews, and funding pitches. We also tackle scientific graphics, focusing on builder slides and posters. Special guests will enrich the course, including a graphic designer, Adobe Illustrator mavens, headhunters, entrepreneurs, and TV reporters?.This is a 'flipped' class, so there are no lectures. Instead, students receive Class Notes before each week's classes, and a Postscript Letter afterwards. Grades are completely optional: 70% in-class exercises, 30% final presentation, such as your upcoming conference presentation. ___ It's important to take this course when you have research to present. My pledge is that everyone will come away a more skilled and confident speaker than they were before. ___ Anonymous 2022 Course Evaluation Comments: "Truly the best course that I have taken in my life. There is simply an incredible amount of wisdom to be gained from this course. To no exaggeration, your life will be changed, and you will forever see presentations differently after this experience of a lifetime. It's also accessible to undergrads as long as you have a research project." ___ "By far, the best class I've taken at Stanford. Will change your entire perspective on presenting research." ___ "This is by far the best and most helpful course I have taken in all 5 years at Stanford. This course is really a must for anyone and has given me a huge confidence boost for public speaking in all scenarios. Ross is a fantastic instructor and makes the class a welcoming and collaborative environment." ___ "Ross is an engaging teacher with years of experience doing public speaking in academic, government, and business settings. This class is well worth the time that it takes to prepare the short talk exercises. Highly recommend this class for anyone looking to improve their speaking skills."
Terms: Aut | Units: 2

GEOPHYS 229: Earthquake Rupture Dynamics

Physics of earthquakes, including nucleation, propagation, and arrest; slip-weakening and rate-and-state friction laws; thermal pressurization and dynamic weakening mechanisms; off-fault plasticity; dynamic fracture mechanics; earthquake energy balance. Problem sets involve numerical simulations on Sherlock cluster. Prerequisites: Experience with continuum mechanics (linear elasticity with stress and strain as tensors) and familiarity with seismic waves. Offered occasionally.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3
Instructors: Dunham, E. (PI)
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