ESS 14N: Sustainable Adaptation
How do we adapt to the rapid global environmental changes that are happening around us? How do we do so in a way that is sustainable, enhancing human and environmental wellbeing, now and in the future? In this course, we will explore these questions through an interdisciplinary lens, drawing from the social sciences, engineering, and public health. We will focus on people¿s responses to a range of impacts related to global environmental change from sea level rise to extreme weather events. Example responses include changes in fishing practices, taking protective action during wildfires or hurricanes, and migrating to a new location. Often, we will draw case studies from frontline communities, those who experience the "first and worst" of global environmental changes. Through readings, film, and field trips, we will ask what adaptation to global environmental change is, what does it mean to be sustainable, and how can it be sustained.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Wong-Parodi, G. (PI)
ESS 35N: Ecosystem Restoration and the Carbon Cycle
In this course, we will explore the implications of ecosystem restoration for the carbon cycle and its potential to mitigate climate change. Human activities such as deforestation, agriculture and urbanization have dramatically transformed Earth's surface, resulting in major changes to the carbon cycle. Here, we will explore these impacts, alongside the potential to restore terrestrial ecosystems to sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We will also explore cobenefits of ecosystem restoration, such as improved water quality, increased biodiversity, flood prevention and erosion control. We will take an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with ecosystem restoration, pulling from principles of biogeochemistry, ecology, hydrology and environmental management. The course will include a combination of presentations, interactive discussions, in-class activities and field trips. We will discuss case studies from around the world, from the salt marshes of the San Francisco Bay to mangrove restoration in the tropics. Class field trips are an important component of the course, and will offer a chance for hands-on learning in local ecosystems.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Hoyt, A. (PI)
ESS 61Q: Food and security (EARTHSYS 61Q, INTNLREL 61Q)
The course will provide a broad overview of key policy issues concerning agricultural development and food security, and will assess how global governance is addressing the problem of food security. At the same time the course will provide an overview of the field of international security, and examine how governments and international institutions are beginning to include food in discussions of security.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Naylor, R. (PI)
Stedman, S. (PI)
ESS 112: Human Society and Environmental Change (EARTHSYS 112, EARTHSYS 212, HISTORY 103D)
Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding human-environment interactions with a focus on economics, policy, culture, history, and the role of the state. Prerequisite:
Terms: Aut
| Units: 4
| UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Arrigo, I. (PI)
Buday, E. (PI)
Frank, Z. (PI)
Hua, K. (PI)
Naylor, R. (PI)
Venukanthan, S. (PI)
Yribarren, S. (PI)
de Meira Borba, N. (PI)
ESS 152: Marine Chemistry (EARTHSYS 152, EARTHSYS 252, ESS 252, OCEANS 152, OCEANS 252)
Introduction to the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills required to critically evaluate problems in marine chemistry and related disciplines. Physical, chemical, and biological processes that determine the chemical composition of seawater. Air-sea gas exchange, carbonate chemistry, and chemical equilibria, nutrient and trace element cycling, particle reactivity, sediment chemistry, and diagenesis. Examination of chemical tracers of mixing and circulation and feedbacks of ocean processes on atmospheric chemistry and climate. Designed to be taken concurrently with Biological Oceanography (ESS/
EARTHSYS 151/251)
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3-4
Casciotti, K. (PI)
ESS 164: Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science (GIS) (EARTHSYS 144)
Everything is somewhere, and that somewhere matters." The rapid growth and maturity of spatial data technologies over the past decade represent a paradigm shift in the applied use of location data from high-level overviews of administrative interests, to highly personalized location-based services that place the individual at the center of the map, at all times. The use of spatial data and related technology continues to grow in fields ranging from environmental sciences to epidemiology to market prediction. This course will present an overview of current approaches to the use of spatial data and its creation, capture, management, analysis and presentation, in a research context. Topics will include modeling of geographic objects and associated data, modeling of geographic space and the conceptual foundations of "spatial thinking," field data collection, basic spatial statistical analysis, remote sensing & the use of satellite-based imagery, "Big Data" and machine learning approaches t
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Everything is somewhere, and that somewhere matters." The rapid growth and maturity of spatial data technologies over the past decade represent a paradigm shift in the applied use of location data from high-level overviews of administrative interests, to highly personalized location-based services that place the individual at the center of the map, at all times. The use of spatial data and related technology continues to grow in fields ranging from environmental sciences to epidemiology to market prediction. This course will present an overview of current approaches to the use of spatial data and its creation, capture, management, analysis and presentation, in a research context. Topics will include modeling of geographic objects and associated data, modeling of geographic space and the conceptual foundations of "spatial thinking," field data collection, basic spatial statistical analysis, remote sensing & the use of satellite-based imagery, "Big Data" and machine learning approaches to spatial data, and cartographic design and presentation including the use of web-based "Storymap" platforms. The course will consist of weekly lectures, guest speakers, computer lab assignments, midterm and final exams, as well as an individual final project requirement. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 3-4
| UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-AQR
ESS 204: Effective Scientific Presentation and Public Speaking (EPS 306, GEOPHYS 205)
The ability to present your research in a compelling, concise, and engaging manner will enhance your professional career. I will work to convince you that the best way to capture an audience and leave a lasting impression is to tell a story, do a demo, or pick a fight.___The goal of a talk is not to show people how much work you did, how capable and dedicated you are, or how much you know. We don't care about any of those things. Instead, we want to learn something new and important, something that changes our perspective and influences our research. We want to be inspired, shocked, or moved. ___ So, in the opening minutes of a talk, you must plant your flag and make your case. You are forecasting the arc of your story, rather than introducing your topic. If, for example, your very first three words are, "I will argue" you're on a good path. In these crucial opening minutes, you've either hooked them or lost them. ___ The course is taught as a series of stand-and-deliver exercises with
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The ability to present your research in a compelling, concise, and engaging manner will enhance your professional career. I will work to convince you that the best way to capture an audience and leave a lasting impression is to tell a story, do a demo, or pick a fight.___The goal of a talk is not to show people how much work you did, how capable and dedicated you are, or how much you know. We don't care about any of those things. Instead, we want to learn something new and important, something that changes our perspective and influences our research. We want to be inspired, shocked, or moved. ___ So, in the opening minutes of a talk, you must plant your flag and make your case. You are forecasting the arc of your story, rather than introducing your topic. If, for example, your very first three words are, "I will argue" you're on a good path. In these crucial opening minutes, you've either hooked them or lost them. ___ The course is taught as a series of stand-and-deliver exercises with feedback from the other students and revision on the fly. You'll do exercises on talk openers and closers, physical demos, conference talks, job interviews, press interviews, and funding pitches. We also tackle scientific graphics, focusing on builder slides and posters. Special guests will enrich the course, including a graphic designer, Adobe Illustrator mavens, headhunters, entrepreneurs, and TV reporters?.This is a 'flipped' class, so there are no lectures. Instead, students receive Class Notes before each week's classes, and a Postscript Letter afterwards. Grades are completely optional: 70% in-class exercises, 30% final presentation, such as your upcoming conference presentation. ___ It's important to take this course when you have research to present. My pledge is that everyone will come away a more skilled and confident speaker than they were before. ___ Anonymous 2022 Course Evaluation Comments: "Truly the best course that I have taken in my life. There is simply an incredible amount of wisdom to be gained from this course. To no exaggeration, your life will be changed, and you will forever see presentations differently after this experience of a lifetime. It's also accessible to undergrads as long as you have a research project." ___ "By far, the best class I've taken at Stanford. Will change your entire perspective on presenting research." ___ "This is by far the best and most helpful course I have taken in all 5 years at Stanford. This course is really a must for anyone and has given me a huge confidence boost for public speaking in all scenarios. Ross is a fantastic instructor and makes the class a welcoming and collaborative environment." ___ "Ross is an engaging teacher with years of experience doing public speaking in academic, government, and business settings. This class is well worth the time that it takes to prepare the short talk exercises. Highly recommend this class for anyone looking to improve their speaking skills."
Terms: Aut
| Units: 2
Stein, R. (PI)
ElGamal, A. (TA)
ESS 205: Fundamentals of Geobiology (EARTHSYS 205A, EPS 205)
Lecture and discussion covering key topics in the history of life on Earth, as well as basic principles that apply to life in the universe. Co-evolution of Earth and life; critical intervals of environmental and biological change; geomicrobiology; paleobiology; global biogeochemical cycles; scaling of geobiological processes in space and time.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
ESS 210: Techniques in Environmental Microbiology (BIO 201)
Fundamentals and application of laboratory techniques to study the diversity and activity of microorganisms in environmental samples, including soil, sediment, and water. Emphasis is on culture-independent approaches, including epifluorescence microscopy, extraction and analysis of major biomolecules (DNA, RNA, protein, lipids), stable isotope probing, and metabolic rate measurements. Format will include lectures, laboratory exercises, and discussions. Students will learn how to collect, analyze, and understand common and cutting-edge datasets in environmental microbiology. Permission from instructor is required to enroll as C/NC or for 1-3 units.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 1-4
Dekas, A. (PI)
ESS 220: Physical Hydrogeology (CEE 260A)
GES 230.) Theory of underground water occurrence and flow, analysis of field data and aquifer tests, geologic groundwater environments, solution of field problems, and groundwater modeling. Introduction to groundwater contaminant transport and unsaturated flow. Lab. Prerequisite: elementary calculus.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 4
Gorelick, S. (PI)
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