EPS 2: Chemistry of the Earth and Planets (EARTHSYS 2)
EPS 2 - Former
GEOLSCI 2) Chemistry of the Earth and Planets Couse Description: Introduction to chemical principles with an emphasis on applications in the Earth Sciences. Topics include the origin and distribution of the elements in the solar system and on Earth, the origin and structure of the Earth, its oceans, and atmosphere; crystal chemistry, structure, and transformations; predicting and balancing reactions; thermodynamics, phase diagrams, high temperature and aqueous geochemistry, weathering, isotope geochemistry, and organic geochemistry. Students will also be exposed to analytical methods used in the Earth sciences. Change of Department Name: Earth & Planetary Sciences (Formerly Geological Science)
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-SMA
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 9 units total)
Mao, W. (PI)
Pamukcu, A. (PI)
EPS 4: Coevolution of Earth and Life (EARTHSYS 4)
EPS 4 - Former
GEOLSCI 4) Earth is the only planet in the universe currently known to harbor life. When and how did Earth become inhabited? How have biological activities altered the planet? How have environmental changes affected the evolution of life? In this course, we explore these questions by developing an understanding of life's multi-billion year history using tools from biology, geology, paleontology, and chemistry. We discuss major groups of organisms, when they appear in the rock record, and how they have interacted with the Earth to create the habitats and ecosystems that we are familiar with today. Change of Department Name: Earth & Planetary Sciences (Formerly Geological Science)
Terms: Aut
| Units: 4
| UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SMA
Leslie, A. (PI)
EPS 5: Living on the Edge
GEOLSCI 5) A weekend field trip along the Pacific Coast. Tour local beaches, geology, and landforms with expert guides from the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences. Enjoy a BBQ dinner and stay overnight in tents along the coast. Get to know faculty and graduate students in Stanford Earth. Transportation, meals, and camping equipment are provided at no cost to student participants. See notes for each section to view weekend field trip dates and registration requirements. Change of Department Name: Earth & Planetary Sciences (Formerly Geological Science)
Terms: Aut, Spr
| Units: 1
EPS 42: Moving and Shaking in the Bay Area
GEOLSCI 42) Active faulting and erosion in the Bay Area, and its effects upon landscapes. Earth science concepts and skills through investigation of the valley, mountain, and coastal areas around Stanford. Faulting associated with the San Andreas Fault, coastal processes along the San Mateo coast, uplift of the mountains by plate tectonic processes, and landsliding in urban and mountainous areas. Field excursions; student projects. Change of Department Name: Earth and Planetary Science (Formerly Geologic Sciences).
Terms: Aut
| Units: 4
Hilley, G. (PI)
EPS 105: Introduction to Field Methods (EPS 405)
A two-week, field-based course in the White Mountains of eastern California. Introduction to the techniques for geologic mapping and geologic investigation in the field: systematic observations and data collection for lithologic columns and structural cross-sections. Interpretation of field relationships and data to determine the stratigraphic and deformational history of the region. Prerequisite:
EPS 1, recommended:
EPS 102. Change of Department Name: Earth & Planetary Sciences (Formerly Geological Science)
Terms: Aut, Spr
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-SMA
EPS 119: Formation and Dynamics of Planets (EPS 219, GEOPHYS 109, GEOPHYS 209)
GEOLSCI 119 and 219) This course will cover formation of planets within a protoplanetary disk, dynamical evolution of planetary systems (Grand Tack and Nice models, planet migration), condensation chemistry within the solar nebula and meteorite classification, classical accretion models and pebble accretion, melting, magma ocean formation and core formation on rocky objects. Topics will be discussed in the context of both the Solar system and extrasolar planet observations. Change of Department Name: Earth and Planetary Science (Formerly Geologic Sciences).
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3-4
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 12 units total)
Schaefer, L. (PI)
EPS 135: Sedimentary Geochemistry and Analysis (EPS 235)
GEOLSCI 135 and 235) Introduction to research methods in sedimentary geochemistry. Proper laboratory techniques and strategies for generating reliable data applicable to any future labwork will be emphasized. This research-based course will examine how the geochemistry of sedimentary rocks informs us about local and global environmental conditions during deposition. Students will collect geochemical data from a measured stratigraphic section in the western United States. These samples will be collected during a four-day field trip at the end of spring break (attendance encouraged but not required). In lab, students will learn low-temperature geochemical techniques focusing on the cycling of biogeochemical elements (O, C, S, and Fe) in marine sediments throughout Earth history. The focus will be on geochemistry of fine-grained siliciclastic rocks (shale) but the geochemistry of carbonates will also be explored. This is a lab-based course complemented with lectures. Students who wish to take the course for less than 4 units must receive approval from the instructor. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit. Change of Department Name: Earth and Planetary Science (Formerly Geologic Sciences).
Terms: Aut
| Units: 1-4
| UG Reqs: WAY-SMA
Sperling, E. (PI)
EPS 137: The Sixth Extinction (and the Other Five) (BIO 169, BIO 237, EARTHSYS 127A, EARTHSYS 227A, EPS 237)
GEOLSCI 137 and 237) Are we living through Earth's sixth major mass extinction event? The course will address the causes and consequences of extinction. It will review current understanding of background and mass extinction in the fossil record, including aclose examination of three major mass extinction events. It will assess the intensity, selectivity, and trends in the current biodiversity crisis and assess the options and prospects for approaches to mitigating and, ultimately, recovering from this sixth extinction. Change of Department Name: Earth and Planetary Science (Formerly Geologic Sciences).
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-SMA
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 9 units total)
Payne, J. (PI)
EPS 150: Senior Seminar: Issues in Earth Sciences
GEOLSCI 150) Focus is on written and oral communication in a topical context. Topics from current frontiers in earth science research and issues of concern to the public. Readings, oral presentations, written work, and peer review. Change of Department Name: Earth & Planetary Sciences (Formerly Geological Science)
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Chamberlain, P. (PI)
EPS 180: Magmatic and Eruptive Processes (EPS 280)
A dive into the processes involved in the generation, evolution, and eruption of magmas through the lens of local (northern California) magmatism. Explore concepts related to the compositional and textural evolution of magmas, including: the structure and physical properties of magmas; use of geobarometers and geothermometers to determine conditions of magmatic processes; melting and magmatic lineages as a function of tectonic setting; processes that control magma composition; petrogenetic use of trace elements and isotopes. Three optional weekend field trips to localities explored in weekly one hour class meetings will reinforce and enhance knowledge obtained from reading and discussion of scientific journal articles. Students participating in weekly meetings only should register for 1 unit, those participating in field trips (minimum two of three) should register for 3 units. Field trip dates: 9/28, 10/18-10/20, 11/2-11/3. Prerequisites:
EPS 1,
EPS 2, or consent of instructor. Recommended:
EPS 101, 104, and 105. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for WAYS credit.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 1-3
| UG Reqs: WAY-SMA
Pamukcu, A. (PI)
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