ACCT 210: Financial Accounting
Financial accounting is the measurement of economic activity for decision-making. Financial statements are a key product of this measurement process and an important component of firms' financial reporting activities. The objective of this course is not to train you to become an accountant but rather to help you develop into an informed user of financial statement information. While financial statement users face a wide variety of decisions, they are often interested in understanding the implications of financial statement information for the future cash flows and earnings potential of a firm. We will focus on understanding the mapping between underlying economic events and financial statements, and on understanding how this mapping affects inferences about future profitability and liquidity. The following learning objectives will be emphasized: (1) familiarity with the transactions businesses engage in, (2) fluency in accounting terminology, (3) understanding the structure that maps transactions into accounting numbers, (4) understanding the rationale for various accounting methods, and (5) awareness of the judgment involved and the discretion allowed in choosing accounting methods, making estimates, and disclosing information in financial statements.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Kim, J. (PI)
deHaan, E. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 210 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 48 / 72
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 8:15 AM - 9:35 AM at GSB Class of 1968 102 with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. In-class Midterm and Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Case and Problem Discussion. Final40% Midtrm30% Particpatn10% Quiz10% Assign10%. -
ACCT 210 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 47 / 72
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 8:15 AM - 9:35 AM at GSB Class of 1968 105 with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. In-class Midterm and Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Case and Problem Discussion. Final40% Midtrm30% Particpatn10% Quiz10% Assign10%. -
ACCT 210 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 49 / 72
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM at GSB Class of 1968 102 with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. In-class Midterm and Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Case and Problem Discussion. Final40% Midtrm30% Particpatn10% Quiz10% Assign10%. -
ACCT 210 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 50 / 72
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM at GSB Class of 1968 105 with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. In-class Midterm and Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Case and Problem Discussion. Final40% Midtrm30% Particpatn10% Quiz10% Assign10%.
ACCT 213: Financial Accounting - Accelerated
This course develops students' ability to read, understand and critically evaluate corporate financial statements. The course is oriented toward the user of financial accounting data (rather than the preparer) and it emphasizes the reconstruction and interpretation of economic events from published accounting reports. The course is geared toward students who already have had some exposure to basic financial accounting concepts, allowing for more depth and breadth of topic coverage and discussion in class.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Kasznik, R. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 213 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 43 / 60
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 8:15 AM - 9:35 AM at GSB Class of 1968 106 with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. Final 40% Midterm 30% Participat'n 15% Assign 15%. In-class Midterm and Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Case and Problem Discussion. -
ACCT 213 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 38 / 60
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM at GSB Class of 1968 106 with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. Final 40% Midterm 30% Participat'n 15% Assign 15%. In-class Midterm and Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Case and Problem Discussion.
ACCT 311: Global Financial Reporting
This course is designed to enhance students' understanding of current financial reporting issues through a detailed analysis and comparison of U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards. The course will cover the development of accounting standards, implementation of these standards, and how to interpret output from these standards. The course highlights intermediate and advanced financial reporting topics including fair value accounting, consolidation including variable interest entities, foreign currency translation, derivatives and hedging, leases, revenue recognition, pensions, and equity compensation. The course also focuses on evaluating emerging financial reporting issues such as proposed financial reporting standards put forth by U.S. or international standard setting bodies. This course should help students better understand the environment governing global financial reporting and how firms develop financial statement information within this environment.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Gipper, B. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 311 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 48 / 60
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 8:15 AM - 9:35 AM at GSB McClelland 104 with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. 1 Group Project/Paper. Take-home Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Final 35% Par 20% Proj/paper 20%,25% Assignments. Case and Problem Discussion. -
ACCT 311 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 47 / 60
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon, Thu 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM at GSB McClelland 104 with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI)
Notes: P/F Not Allowed. Open to MBA1 students. 1 Group Project/Paper. Take-home Final. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Final 35% Par 20% Proj/paper 20%,25% Assignments. Case and Problem Discussion.
ACCT 332: Mergers and Acquisitions
This course provides a comprehensive overview of strategic, economic and financial issues related to mergers and acquisitions. Specifically, we review the market for corporate control, discuss strategic issues related to firms' decision to acquire or be acquired, and examine the M&A regulatory environment. We analyze various valuation and deal structure considerations, identify strategies that underlay a successful negotiation, and review the financial reporting and income tax implications of M&A transactions. In covering these and other related issues, we will discuss both the theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions. To provide some specific context we will analyze many large and small M&A deals. In discussing these cases, we will examine the situation faced by the company, the issues surrounding the transaction, including the financial implications, and focus on the managerial incentives and the judgment applied. Class time comprises mini lectures that introduce some of the m
more »
This course provides a comprehensive overview of strategic, economic and financial issues related to mergers and acquisitions. Specifically, we review the market for corporate control, discuss strategic issues related to firms' decision to acquire or be acquired, and examine the M&A regulatory environment. We analyze various valuation and deal structure considerations, identify strategies that underlay a successful negotiation, and review the financial reporting and income tax implications of M&A transactions. In covering these and other related issues, we will discuss both the theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions. To provide some specific context we will analyze many large and small M&A deals. In discussing these cases, we will examine the situation faced by the company, the issues surrounding the transaction, including the financial implications, and focus on the managerial incentives and the judgment applied. Class time comprises mini lectures that introduce some of the more technical concepts, case discussions, and guest speakers who will offer additional perspectives on the subject matters. The course is co-taught by Ron Kasznik (GSB) and Safra Catz (Oracle Corporation). Ms. Catz is the CEO of Oracle Corporation and a member of its Board of Directors. She has led Oracle through more than 100 acquisitions in recent years (including PeopleSoft, Siebel, BEA, Sun Microsystems, and many more). Prior to joining Oracle in 1999, Ms. Catz was Managing Director at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, a global investment bank (now part of CSFB). Ms. Catz also serves on the board of directors for Walt Disney.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Kasznik, R. (PI)
Catz, S. (SI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 332 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Student Option LTR/PF |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GFQ
| In Person
| Waitlist: 47
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Fri 8:15 AM - 11:15 AM at GSB Faculty East 103 with Kasznik, R. (PI); Catz, S. (SI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI); Catz, S. (SI)
Notes: No Exam. Capacity limited to 40 students. 2 Group Projects/Papers. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Open to MBA2 and MSx students. P/F Allowed. Participation 40% Projects/Papers 60%. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Case and Problem Discussion.
ACCT 612: Financial Reporting Seminar
The purpose of this PhD seminar is to facilitate your conception and execution of substantive individual research in financial reporting. It provides a vehicle for supplementing and integrating your knowledge of basic research tools and methods, as well as an exposure to the dimensions of contemporary research in the field of financial reporting. The focus of the research we will discuss in this seminar is on global financial reporting. Such research encompasses studies dealing with contemporary financial reporting issues as well as research addressing issues relating to the globalization of financial reporting. Because these issues are also of concern to financial reporting standard setters, we will discuss whether and how the research we study informs standard setting debates. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3
Armstrong, C. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 612 |
3 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 2
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Thu 2:50 PM - 5:50 PM at GSB Faculty East 247 with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI)
Notes: Attendance is mandatory. No Exam. Open to GSB PhD students. 1 Group 2 Individual Projects/Papers. P/F Not Allowed. Participation 40% Projects/Papers 45% Other 15%. MBA students need instructor permission. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Non-GSB students: See Seminar.
ACCT 620: PhD Accounting Research Lab
The main goal of the PhD Accounting Research Lab is to help Ph.D. students transition from coursework to research and to make progress on developing their dissertations. Students actively work on a research project throughout the year, regularly present their updates, receive feedback from faculty and students, and provide feedback to each other. Secondary goals are to help PhD students learn to present and critique research.
Terms: Aut, Win
| Units: 1
Lester, R. (PI)
Kepler, J. (SI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 620 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 4
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 Mon 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM at GSB Faculty East 247 with Lester, R. (PI); Kepler, J. (SI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI); Kepler, J. (SI)
Notes: No Exam. Participation 50% Projects/Papers 50%. Open to GSB PhD students. Capacity limited to 15 students. P/F Mandatory. 4 Individual Projects/Papers. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Seminar.
2024-2025 Winter
ACCT 620 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI); Kepler, J. (SI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI); Kepler, J. (SI)
Notes: No Exam. Participation 50% Projects/Papers 50%. Open to GSB PhD students. P/F Mandatory. 4 Individual Projects/Papers. Mandatory attendance. Absences impact grade. Not Open to Non-GSB Students. Seminar.
ACCT 691: PhD Directed Reading (FINANCE 691, GSBGEN 691, HRMGT 691, MGTECON 691, MKTG 691, OB 691, OIT 691, POLECON 691, STRAMGT 691)
This course is offered for students requiring specialized training in an area not covered by existing courses. To register, a student must obtain permission from the faculty member who is willing to supervise the reading.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1-15
| Repeatable
for credit
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
more instructors for ACCT 691 »
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
Foster, G. (PI)
Gipper, B. (PI)
Kasznik, R. (PI)
Kepler, J. (PI)
Kim, J. (PI)
Lester, R. (PI)
Marinovic, I. (PI)
McNichols, M. (PI)
Noh, S. (PI)
Piotroski, J. (PI)
Smith, K. (PI)
deHaan, E. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Winter
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Spring
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Summer
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 691 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
ACCT 692: PhD Dissertation Research (FINANCE 692, GSBGEN 692, HRMGT 692, MGTECON 692, MKTG 692, OB 692, OIT 692, POLECON 692, STRAMGT 692)
This course is elected as soon as a student is ready to begin research for the dissertation, usually shortly after admission to candidacy. To register, a student must obtain permission from the faculty member who is willing to supervise the research.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1-15
| Repeatable
for credit
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
more instructors for ACCT 692 »
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
Foster, G. (PI)
Gipper, B. (PI)
Kasznik, R. (PI)
Kepler, J. (PI)
Kim, J. (PI)
Lester, R. (PI)
Marinovic, I. (PI)
McNichols, M. (PI)
Noh, S. (PI)
Piotroski, J. (PI)
Smith, K. (PI)
deHaan, E. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
- - -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| In Person
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Winter
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
- - -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| In Person
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Spring
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
- - -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| In Person
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Summer
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
- - -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 692 |
1-15 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Pass/Fail |
T/D |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| In Person
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
ACCT 698: Doctoral Practicum in Teaching
Doctoral Practicum in Teaching
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1
| Repeatable
25 times
(up to 50 units total)
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
more instructors for ACCT 698 »
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
Foster, G. (PI)
Gipper, B. (PI)
Kasznik, R. (PI)
Kepler, J. (PI)
Kim, J. (PI)
Lester, R. (PI)
Marinovic, I. (PI)
Noh, S. (PI)
Piotroski, J. (PI)
Smith, K. (PI)
deHaan, E. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 17 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 18 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI)
2024-2025 Winter
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 17 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 18 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI)
2024-2025 Spring
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 17 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 18 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI)
2024-2025 Summer
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 17 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 698 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 18 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI)
ACCT 699: Doctoral Practicum in Research
Doctoral Practicum in Research
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1
| Repeatable
25 times
(up to 50 units total)
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
more instructors for ACCT 699 »
Armstrong, C. (PI)
Beyer, A. (PI)
Choi, J. (PI)
Foster, G. (PI)
Gipper, B. (PI)
Kasznik, R. (PI)
Kepler, J. (PI)
Kim, J. (PI)
Lester, R. (PI)
Marinovic, I. (PI)
McNichols, M. (PI)
Noh, S. (PI)
Piotroski, J. (PI)
Smith, K. (PI)
deHaan, E. (PI)
2024-2025 Autumn
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
| Students enrolled: 2
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
| Students enrolled: 1
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Autumn GPH
| Independent Studies
09/23/2024 - 12/06/2024 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Winter
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Winter GPH
| Independent Studies
01/06/2025 - 03/14/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Spring
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Spring GPH
| Independent Studies
03/31/2025 - 06/03/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
2024-2025 Summer
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 01 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
- - -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 02 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Armstrong, C. (PI)
Instructors: Armstrong, C. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 03 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Beyer, A. (PI)
Instructors: Beyer, A. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 04 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Choi, J. (PI)
Instructors: Choi, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 05 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with deHaan, E. (PI)
Instructors: deHaan, E. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 06 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Foster, G. (PI)
Instructors: Foster, G. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 07 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Gipper, B. (PI)
Instructors: Gipper, B. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 08 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kasznik, R. (PI)
Instructors: Kasznik, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 09 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kepler, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kepler, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 10 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Kim, J. (PI)
Instructors: Kim, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 11 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Lester, R. (PI)
Instructors: Lester, R. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 12 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Marinovic, I. (PI)
Instructors: Marinovic, I. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 13 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with McNichols, M. (PI)
Instructors: McNichols, M. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 14 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Noh, S. (PI)
Instructors: Noh, S. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 15 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Piotroski, J. (PI)
Instructors: Piotroski, J. (PI) -
ACCT 699 |
1 units |
UG Reqs: None |
Class #
Section 16 |
Grading: GSB Letter Graded |
Session: 2024-2025 Summer GPH
| Independent Studies
06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025 - with Smith, K. (PI)
Instructors: Smith, K. (PI)
Filter Results: