PSYCH 1: Introduction to Psychology
An introduction to the science of how people think, feel, and behave. We will explore such topics as intelligence, perception, memory, happiness, personality, culture, social influence, development, emotion, and mental illness. Students will learn about classic and cutting edge research, a range of methods, and discover how psychology informs our understanding of what it means to be human, addresses other fields, and offers solutions to important social problems.
Psych 1 fulfills the SI Way, and, effective Autumn 2018, the SMA Way. For more information on
PSYCH 1, visit Please note that section assignments will be done through Canvas in the first week of class.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 5
PSYCH 10: Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus (STATS 60, STATS 160)
Techniques for organizing data, computing, and interpreting measures of central tendency, variability, and association. Estimation, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, correlation, and regression.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 5
Abdelrahim, S. (PI)
Fan, J. (PI)
Martinez, J. (PI)
more instructors for PSYCH 10 »
Abdelrahim, S. (PI)
Fan, J. (PI)
Martinez, J. (PI)
Schramm, T. (PI)
Schwartz, S. (PI)
Taylor, J. (PI)
Abutto, A. (TA)
Anwar, K. (TA)
Beller, A. (TA)
Chen, C. (TA)
Chen, Z. (TA)
Hill, H. (TA)
Jonas, C. (TA)
Klevak, N. (TA)
Morrison, T. (TA)
Nicollier Sanchez, C. (TA)
Schwartz, S. (TA)
Sinai, A. (TA)
Tan, A. (TA)
Zhang, Q. (TA)
PSYCH 28N: The Cultural Shaping of Emotion (CSRE 28N)
This seminar examines how our cultural ideas and practices shape our conceptions, perceptions, and experiences of emotion. We will read and discuss empirical research and case studies from psychology, anthropology, sociology, and medicine. Course requirements include weekly reading and thought papers, weekly discussion, and a final research project and presentation.
Terms: Win
| Units: 3
Tsai, J. (PI)
PSYCH 31A: Democracy and Disagreement (COMM 3, CSRE 31, HISTORY 3C, PHIL 3, POLISCI 31, PUBLPOL 3, RELIGST 23X, SOC 13)
Deep disagreement pervades our democracy, from arguments over issues ranging from foreign policy, free speech, and reparations to college admissions policy and the professionalization of college athletics. Loud voices drown out discussion. Open-mindedness, humility, and critical thinking seem in short supply among politicians, citizens, and other residents alike. Yet constructive disagreement is an essential feature of a democratic society. This class explores and models respectful, civil disagreement. Each week features scholars who disagree - sometimes quite strongly - about major policy issues. Students will have the opportunity to probe those disagreements, understand why they persist, and improve their own understanding of the facts and values that underlie them. The course may be taken for one or two units. The basic, one-unit class is open to all Stanford students, with other members of the Stanford community welcome to audit individual classes. The requirements are to do readin
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Deep disagreement pervades our democracy, from arguments over issues ranging from foreign policy, free speech, and reparations to college admissions policy and the professionalization of college athletics. Loud voices drown out discussion. Open-mindedness, humility, and critical thinking seem in short supply among politicians, citizens, and other residents alike. Yet constructive disagreement is an essential feature of a democratic society. This class explores and models respectful, civil disagreement. Each week features scholars who disagree - sometimes quite strongly - about major policy issues. Students will have the opportunity to probe those disagreements, understand why they persist, and improve their own understanding of the facts and values that underlie them. The course may be taken for one or two units. The basic, one-unit class is open to all Stanford students, with other members of the Stanford community welcome to audit individual classes. The requirements are to do readings in advance of each class, attend, and listen attentively and critically. Because the topics are different, students who took the course in 2023-24 may enroll this year as well. A limited number of undergraduates may take a second unit of credit. Students enrolled in the two unit course will participate in weekly small group discussion seminars about the topics discussed by guest presenters in the course that week. The discussion seminars will be led by peer facilitators, with the goals of developing critical thinking skills and discourse skills, such as active listening and curiosity. The peer facilitators are undergraduate students who have completed training in dialogue facilitation. Each discussion seminar will have a maximum of 10 students. If interest in discussion seminars exceeds the number offered, students will be chosen by lottery.
Terms: Win
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
4 times
(up to 8 units total)
PSYCH 35: Minds and Machines (CS 24, LINGUIST 35, PHIL 99, SYMSYS 1, SYMSYS 200)
SYMSYS 100). An overview of the interdisciplinary study of cognition, information, communication, and language, with an emphasis on foundational issues: What are minds? What is computation? What are rationality and intelligence? Can we predict human behavior? Can computers be truly intelligent? How do people and technology interact, and how might they do so in the future? Lectures focus on how the methods of philosophy, mathematics, empirical research, and computational modeling are used to study minds and machines. Students must take this course before being approved to declare Symbolic Systems as a major. All students interested in studying Symbolic Systems are urged to take this course early in their student careers. The course material and presentation will be at an introductory level, without prerequisites. Note that this is a hybrid course. Students should plan to enroll by the first day of the quarter and check their Stanford email account for instructions on how to access the course material. If you have any questions about the course, please email
Terms: Win
| Units: 4
| UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-FR
PSYCH 101: Community Health Psychology (HUMBIO 128)
PSYCH 1 or consent of the instructor. Social ecological perspective on health emphasizing how individual health behavior is shaped by social forces. Topics include: biobehavioral factors in health; health behavior change; community health promotion; and psychological aspects of illness, patient care, and chronic disease management.
Terms: Win
| Units: 4
| UG Reqs: WAY-SI
PSYCH 118F: Literature and the Brain (COMPLIT 138, COMPLIT 238, ENGLISH 118, ENGLISH 218, FRENCH 118, FRENCH 218, PSYC 126)
How does fiction make us better at reading minds? Why do some TV shows get us to believe two contradictory things at once? And can cognitive biases be a writer's best friend? We'll think about these and other questions in the light of contemporary neuroscience and experimental psychology, with the help of Song of Solomon (Toni Morrison), Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert), season 1 of Westworld (Lisa Joy / Jonathan Nolan), and short readings from writers like Louise Glück, Jorge Luis Borges, Virginia Woolf, and Marcel Proust. We'll also ask what we see when we read; whether the language we speak affects the way we think; and why different people react differently to the same book. Plus: is free will a fiction, or were you just forced to say that?
Terms: Win
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, WAY-A-II
Eagleman, D. (PI)
Landy, J. (PI)
Bahia, G. (TA)
more instructors for PSYCH 118F »
Eagleman, D. (PI)
Landy, J. (PI)
Bahia, G. (TA)
Choh, P. (TA)
Gedik, M. (TA)
Mehrish, D. (TA)
Zhan, M. (TA)
PSYCH 124: What Makes You Tick? An Introduction to Affective Science
Why do we do what we do? In this course, we'll systematically examine the forces that energize and direct behavior. Our focus will be on topics such as motivation, emotion, and emotion regulation, and we will consider the role of affective processes in personality, psychopathology, behavior stability and change, non-human animals, and artificial agents. The course will adopt an interdisciplinary perspective. Prerequisite: Psychology 1.
Terms: Win
| Units: 3
Gross, J. (PI)
Petrova, K. (PI)
PSYCH 138: Wise Interventions (PSYCH 238, PUBLPOL 238)
Classic and contemporary psychological interventions; the role of psychological factors in social reforms for social problems involving healthcare, the workplace, education, intergroup, relations, and the law. Topics include theories of intervention, the role of laboratory research, evaluation, and social policy.
Terms: Win
| Units: 4
| UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Gruss, J. (PI)
Walton, G. (PI)
Wang, S. (PI)
Dada, A. (TA)
King, S. (TA)
Ogunbamowo, D. (TA)
PSYCH 139A: Psychology Beyond the Classroom
By its very nature psychology is interdisciplinary. This course will consist of student-led workshops for those who are interested in the role of psychology in today¿s society. Each week a different student will talk about an interest of theirs -- anything from Disney movies to memes -- and how it relates to psychology. Students are encouraged to be as creative as possible and take initiative! (Presented by the Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Association.)
Terms: Win, Spr
| Units: 1
| Repeatable
for credit
(up to 99 units total)
Crum, A. (PI)
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