OSPMADRD 8B: Fashion and Design: Spanish and European Culture through Attire
This course addresses aspects of Spanish and European culture, based on the multidisciplinary study of attire and fashion from the perspectives of sociology, history, and art. This pluralistic viewpoint will serve as the framework from which to reflect on the social dynamics associated with clothing: the imitation or differentiation of the individual in social groups, economic inequalities and luxury, the construction of dress as it relates to social characteristics linked to gender, or the new paradigm of sustainable fashion.
Terms: Win
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Luceno Casals, L. (PI)
OSPMADRD 12M: Accelerated Second-Year Spanish I
Part I of an intensive sequence in Madrid integrating language, culture, and geo/sociopolitics of Spain. Emphasis is on achieving advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse, including formal and informal situations, presentational language and appropriate forms in academic and professional contexts. Prerequisite: Completion of 11 or 21B more than two quarters (six months) prior to arriving in Madrid.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 5
Camblor Portilla, M. (PI)
OSPMADRD 13M: Accelerated Second-Year Spanish II
Intensive sequence integrating language, culture, and geo/sociopolitics of Spain. Emphasis is on achieving advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse, including formal and informal situations, presentational language, and appropriate forms in academic and professional contexts. Prerequisite: 11 or 21B within two quarters (six months) of arriving in Madrid or 12 or 22B, or equivalent placement.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 5
OSPMADRD 14: Introduction to Spanish Culture
Required for all Madrid students, this course gives structure to the 10-week experience through a number of lectures and activities intended to cover a wide selection of culturally and academically significant topics to understand Spain as well as its international context. Both the Orientation and the weekend Study Trip form part of this course. Compliance with the language pledge is one of the requirements to pass this course.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 2
| Repeatable
for credit
Perez Leal, P. (PI)
OSPMADRD 15: Flamenco Dance
Practical instruction. The rhythms and styles of flamenco and the expression of feelings proper to this art form which synthesizes song, music, and dance. "Zapateado" (footwork), "braceo" (arm positions and movement technique), and choreographies, including Rumba flamenca and Sevillanas.. Enrollment is limited. This course must be taken for a minimum of 2 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 2
| UG Reqs: WAY-CE, way_ce
Murcia Canovas, L. (PI)
OSPMADRD 17: Directed Reading on Catalan, Galizian, or Basque Languages
For students interested in studying one of the languages spoken in Spain other than Spanish. A Directed Reading Proposal must be submitted to the Overseas Studies Office and to the Program Director at least two months prior to the quarter of intended study. This directed reading may be taken only in addition to twelve units of regular coursework offered directly by the Center.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 1-4
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 15 units total)
Perez Leal, P. (PI)
OSPMADRD 39: New Political Dynamics in Contemporary Spain
Current Spanish politics, historical background followed by focus on contemporary political events, actors and institutions. Special attention to the most dynamic aspects such as the appearance of new parties and the adjustments of the old ones; the demands of social movements, with a special emphasis on feminism; current debates about how to deal with the past (historical memory policies); or the evolution of the territorial conflict, with a special focus on Catalonia. Experiential approach with opportunities to engage in dialogue on the different issues, both with Spanish citizens and with political actors.
Terms: Win
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-SI
Mendez Lago, M. (PI)
OSPMADRD 45: Women in Art: Case Study in the Madrid Museums
Viewing the collections at the Prado Museum through study and analysis of the representations of women. Contemporary literary texts and images that situate paintings in the historical, social, and political conditions that produced the works.
Terms: Win
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-A-II, GER:EC-Gender, GER:DB-Hum, WAY-EDP
Domenech Lopez, J. (PI)
OSPMADRD 48: Migration and Multiculturality in Spain
This course analyzes current migration flows and their implication, one of the most pressing issues in Spain and the European Union today. Students will be provided with the theoretical and conceptual framework needed to critically analyze both the diversity and complexity of migration and its effects on society and culture. The focus will be primarily on the city of Madrid and the course will provide students with field experience to understand how the city has become a place of coexistence for different ethnic and cultural groups, as well as the challenges this multiculturalism implies.
Terms: Win
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-EDP
Estrada, G. (PI)
OSPMADRD 60: Internship Seminar: Experiential Learning through Service and Professional Opportunities
This class is designed to offer real time engagement in the professional life of Madrid. Service work, including volunteering with NGOs and nonprofits, and professional opportunities at companies and institutions ranging from architecture, to publishing, sustainability and to business, serves as the foundation for an experiential learning approach to optimize self-awareness and intercultural competency development. A student-centered approach helps to connect concrete experience with abstract concepts chosen from the students' individual and collective interest areas. Possibilities may include learning about the Spanish educational, social services, migration, entrepreneurship, and business systems. Students develop goals, meet challenges, develop language skills, and acquire a global perspective on today's issues. The course is structured around lecture-workshops, participant observation reflection through field-notes, and individual debriefing meetings with the professor. Requirements include an oral presentation and a final paper based on field experiences and academic research. Prerequisite: completion of SPANLANG 11 or 21B within two quarters (six months) of arriving in Madrid or completion of 12 or 22B, or equivalent placement. Limited enrollment
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 4
| Repeatable
4 times
(up to 12 units total)
Staffa-Healey, A. (PI)
Perez Leal, P. (TA)
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