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1 - 10 of 22 results for: INDE ; Currently searching winter courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

INDE 202: Practice of Medicine II

Medical interview and physical examination skills, information literacy, nutrition principles, evidence-based practice, health policy, and population health are covered. At the end of this quarter, students participate in a performance-based assessment of their medical interview and physical examination skills. See INDE 201 for a complete description of the Practice of Medicine course series. Course open to MD and MSPA students only.
Terms: Win | Units: 5

INDE 205A: Practice of Medicine V-A

Continued emphasis on clinical reasoning, clinical practicum, and clinical procedures. Students continue clinical problem-solving sessions to learn the approach to common and important clinical problems Cases integrate other course themes of population health, evidence-based practice, clinical ethics, nutrition, health policy, and behavioral medicine. Students spend one-half day per week in a clinical setting, practicing medical interview, physical examination skills, oral presentations, and clinical note-writing under the mentorship of a clinical tutor. In the practicum, students also gain experience with other practical aspects of patient care. For the Clinical Procedures segment, students will have an opportunity in the Emergency Department to practice performing procedures learned in the previous quarter. At the end of this quarter, students participate in a comprehensive four-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) performance-based assessment of their medical interview, physical examination, and clinical problem-solving skills.
Terms: Win | Units: 3

INDE 205B: Practice of Medicine V-B

Continued emphasis on clinical reasoning, clinical practicum, and clinical procedures. Students continue clinical problem-solving sessions to learn the approach to common and important clinical problems Cases integrate other course themes of population health, evidence-based practice, clinical ethics, nutrition, health policy, and behavioral medicine. Students spend one-half day per week in a clinical setting, practicing medical interview, physical examination skills, oral presentations, and clinical note-writing under the mentorship of a clinical tutor. In the practicum, students also gain experience with other practical aspects of patient care. For the Clinical Procedures segment, students will have an opportunity in the Emergency Department to practice performing procedures learned in the previous quarter. At the end of this quarter, students participate in a comprehensive four-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) performance-based assessment of their medical interview, physical examination, and clinical problem-solving skills.
Terms: Win | Units: 3

INDE 210: Foundations of Cancer Biology and Pathology

This course builds foundational understanding of cancer biology from molecular to cellular to organismal levels through 10 large group and 2 small group instructional hours. Sessions include: Tissue Biology; Regulation of Cell Growth, Proliferation, and Differentiation; Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptation; Inflammation and Repair; Basics of Cancer Biology; Clinical Aspects of Cancer; Local Cancer Treatments; Systemic Cancer Treatments; Cancer Epidemiology, Screening and Prevention; Laboratory: This session will focus on clinical aspects of cancer including case histories, clinical test orders and results, radiologic images, gross pathology specimens, digital histopathology slides, pathology reports, and overviews of treatment planning
Terms: Win | Units: 2

INDE 214: Stanford Medical Student Journal

Provides an opportunity for editors of all levels to cultivate their skills and assist in preparing pieces submitted by colleagues for publication in the Stanford Medical Student Journal. Students enrolled in the course work closely with student authors as well as other editors. Editors examine multiple categories of writing, including opinion pieces, poetry, memoirs, book reviews, case reports and investigative reports. The Journal is published two to three times per year and highlights the diverse talents of Stanford medical students in both scientific writing and the humanities.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Lin, B. (PI)

INDE 215: Queer Health & Medicine

Explores specific, pertinent, and timely issues impacting the health of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community; examines the role of the primary care physician in addressing the health care needs of this community. Guest lecturers provide a gender-sensitive approach to the medical care of the LGBT patient, breaking down homophobic barriers and reaffirming patient diversity. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Win | Units: 1 | Repeatable 3 times (up to 3 units total)

INDE 217: Physician Scientist Hour

Enrollment is limited to MD, PhD, or MD-PhD students interested in careers as physician scientists. Focus is on aspects of developing careers in biomedical research through a mix of research lectures, clinical case presentations, and physician-scientist guest speakers.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable 15 times (up to 15 units total)

INDE 223A: Science of Medicine III-A

Focus is on structure, function, disease, and therapeutics of the nervous system and skin. Science of Medicine presents organ system-based histology, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, and infectious disease in a sequence of interdisciplinary courses. Each integrated course includes a review of the anatomy, related histology, and normal function of one or more organ systems, how the organ systems are affected by and respond to disease including infection, and how diseases of those organ systems are treated (therapeutics).nnPrerequisites if applicable: INDE-221, INDE-222-A
Terms: Win | Units: 5

INDE 223B: Science of Medicine III-B

Focus is on structure, function, disease, and therapeutics in the areas of Hematology and Autoimmune Disease. Science of Medicine presents organ system-based histology, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, and infectious disease in a sequence of interdisciplinary courses. Each integrated course includes a review of the anatomy, related histology, and normal function of one or more organ systems, how the organ systems are affected by and respond to disease including infection, and how diseases of those organ systems are treated (therapeutics).
Terms: Win | Units: 5
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