FEMGEN 344F: Innovations in Inclusive Design in Tech (HISTORY 244F, HISTORY 344F)
This d-school class prototypes concepts and methods for inclusive design and considers intersecting social factors in designing new technologies. Examples of products (including objects, services, and systems) gone awry will serve as prompts for design activities, challenges, and discussions on the challenges designers face when addressing the different needs of consumers. These include, but are not limited to: gender, race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, age, geographic location, sustainability, and other "intersectional" factors. Class sessions mix use case explorations with design methodology, design thinking abilities, and guest speakers from technology, design, and academia. Students will be asked to work in interdisciplinary teams on several design challenges, culminating in the development of a toolkit for inclusive design. Methods will interact in crucial ways to create "intersectional thinking," i.e., to consider how intersectional factors work together to require new solutions in design. Topics include: algorithms, media, virtual assistants, crash test dummies, robotics, health technologies, assistive technologies, tech for developing worlds, urban/rural design, software development. By application only. You can find the application here:
Terms: Spr
| Units: 4-5
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