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1 - 8 of 8 results for: BIOHOPK

BIOHOPK 185H: Ecology and Conservation of Kelp Forest Communities (BIOHOPK 285H)

(Graduate students register for 285H.) This is an experiential field course on the ecology of giant kelp forests. Through daily scuba dives, lectures, and labs, students become acquainted with the common invertebrates, fishes, and seaweeds and how their interactions shape the community. The course has three major components: scientific dive training, natural history, and ecology. In the first portion of the course, students learn how to do science underwater and upon completion of the course, will be certified to conduct scientific diving at Hopkins Marine Station in accordance with the standards set by the American Academy of Underwater Scientists. Topics include best practices for water safety, rescue methods, navigation and mapping, and data collection techniques. The second portion of the course concentrates on how to recognize the common species, how to identify them if you don't know who they are, and to learn where they can be found. Third, once students are familiar with the basic biology of kelp forest inhabitants, we use that as a springboard to discuss population and community processes that affect both obvious and more subtle differences in patterns of distribution and abundance that can be seen in different kelp forests around the Monterey peninsula. We will practice commonly used methods for conducting quantitative surveys of abundance and population structure for a variety of species. The data we collect during the course contribute to on-going time series for the Hopkins Marine Life Observatory, some of which have been going on for nearly 25 years. Course times reflect lecture only; course is a full-time commitment from June 26-July 28.
Terms: Sum | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: WAY-SMA
Instructors: Elahi, R. (PI)

BIOHOPK 198H: Directed Instruction or Reading

May be taken as a prelude to research and may also involve participation in a lab or research group seminar and/or library research. Credit for work arranged with out-of-department instructors restricted to Biology majors and requires department approval. May be repeated for credit. (Staff)
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit

BIOHOPK 199H: Undergraduate Research

Qualified undergraduates undertake individual work in the fields listed under 300H. Arrangements must be made by consultation or correspondence.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit

BIOHOPK 285H: Ecology and Conservation of Kelp Forest Communities (BIOHOPK 185H)

(Graduate students register for 285H.) This is an experiential field course on the ecology of giant kelp forests. Through daily scuba dives, lectures, and labs, students become acquainted with the common invertebrates, fishes, and seaweeds and how their interactions shape the community. The course has three major components: scientific dive training, natural history, and ecology. In the first portion of the course, students learn how to do science underwater and upon completion of the course, will be certified to conduct scientific diving at Hopkins Marine Station in accordance with the standards set by the American Academy of Underwater Scientists. Topics include best practices for water safety, rescue methods, navigation and mapping, and data collection techniques. The second portion of the course concentrates on how to recognize the common species, how to identify them if you don't know who they are, and to learn where they can be found. Third, once students are familiar with the basic biology of kelp forest inhabitants, we use that as a springboard to discuss population and community processes that affect both obvious and more subtle differences in patterns of distribution and abundance that can be seen in different kelp forests around the Monterey peninsula. We will practice commonly used methods for conducting quantitative surveys of abundance and population structure for a variety of species. The data we collect during the course contribute to on-going time series for the Hopkins Marine Life Observatory, some of which have been going on for nearly 25 years. Course times reflect lecture only; course is a full-time commitment from June 26-July 28.
Terms: Sum | Units: 5

BIOHOPK 290H: Teaching Practicum in Biology

Open to upper-division undergraduates and graduate students. Practical supervised teaching experience in a biology or lecture course. Training often includes attending lectures, initiating and planning discussion sections, and assisting in the preparation of course materials. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit

BIOHOPK 300H: Research

Graduate study involving original work undertaken with staff in the fields indicated. B. Block: Comparative Vertebrate Physiology (biomechanics, metabolic physiology and phylogeny of pelagic fishes, evolution of endothermy); L. Crowder: Marine ecology, fisheries, bycatch, integrating science and policy, marine conservation; G. De Leo: Population dynamics and management, wildlife diseases, environmental policies and sustainable development; M. Denny: Biomechanics (the mechanical properties of biological materials and their consequences for animal size, shape, and performance); W. Gilly: Neurobiology (analysis of giant axon systems in marine invertebrates from molecular to behavioral levels); J. Goldbogen: Physiological and Behavioral Ecology (functional morphology and biomechanics of marine organisms): C. Lowe: Evolution of Development (origin of chordates, early evolution of body plans); F. Micheli: Marine Ecology (species interactions and community ecology, scale-dependent aspects of community organization, marine conservation and design of multi-species marine protected areas, behavioral ecology); S. Palumbi: Molecular Evolution (mechanisms of speciation, genetic differentiations of populations, use of molecular tools in conservation biology, design of marine protected areas); S. Thompson: Neurobiology (neuronal control of behavior and mechanisms of ion permeation, signal transduction, calcium homeostasis, and neutrotransmission);
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit

BIOHOPK 801H: TGR Project

Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 0 | Repeatable for credit

BIOHOPK 802H: TGR Dissertation

Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 0 | Repeatable for credit
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