SLAVIC 329: Russian Versification: Poetry as System (SLAVIC 129)
The study of verse is foundational to literary theory and poetics. The practical goal of the course is to acquaint the students with specific features of Russian prosody and verse in its historical development and to survey such basic concepts as meter and rhythm, iamb and trochee, ternary meters and dolniks, accentual verse and free verse, rhyme and stanza in order to grasp their difference within Russian poetry from what we encounter in ancient Greek and Latin, as well as modern European literatures. The material of the course helps better understand the different stages in the history of Russian literature. We also address various approaches to poetry translation and the use of oriental verse forms (Persian, Japanese etc.) in Russian modern and modernist literature. Taught in English, readings in Russian. Prerequisite: Two years of Russian.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3-4
Fleishman, L. (PI)
SLAVIC 345E: Survey of Russian Literature: The Age of Experiment (REES 345C, SLAVIC 145)
This course discusses the transition from predominately poetic to predominately prosaic creativity in the Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century Russian literature and the birth of the great Russian novel. It is focused on the peculiarities of poetics and narrative style in the literary works of three towering figures of the period in question - Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, and Nikolai Gogol -- and examines the changes in the Russian literary scene affected by them. An emphasis is placed on close reading of literary texts and analysis of literary techniques employed in them. We will discuss the various approaches and possibilities in presenting authorial positions and characterization in literature; ways of experimenting with narrative and playing with the reader; the creation of the historical and psychological novel and the use of different narrative devices for diverse artistic purposes. Taught in English.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3-5
Fleishman, L. (PI)
SLAVIC 356: Vladimir Nabokov: Displacement and the Liberated Eye (COMPLIT 173, COMPLIT 273, SLAVIC 156)
How did the triumphant author of "the great American novel" "Lolita" evolve from the young author writing at white heat for the tiny sad Russian emigration in Berlin? We will read his short stories and the novels "The Luzhin Defense, Invitation to a Beheading, Lolita, Lolita" the film, and "Pale Fire", to see how Nabokov generated his sinister-playful forms as a buoyant answer to the "hypermodern" visual and film culture of pre-WWII Berlin, and then to America's all-pervading postwar "normalcy" in his pathological comic masterpieces "Lolita" and "Pale Fire". Buy texts in translation at the Bookstore; Slavic grad students will supplement with reading and extra sessions in original Russian.
Terms: Aut
| Units: 3-5
Greenleaf, M. (PI)
Gorshkova, M. (TA)
Open to Russian majors or students working on special projects. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 1-15
| Repeatable
for credit
Fleishman, L. (PI)
Greenleaf, M. (PI)
Ilchuk, Y. (PI)
more instructors for SLAVIC 399 »
Fleishman, L. (PI)
Greenleaf, M. (PI)
Ilchuk, Y. (PI)
Kukulin, I. (PI)
Lawton, D. (PI)
Safran, G. (PI)
SLAVIC 802: TGR Dissertation
Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy, completed all required courses and degree requirements other than the University oral exam and dissertation, completed 135 units or 10.5 quarters of residency (if under the old residency policy), and submitted a Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee form, may request Terminal Graduate Registration status to complete their dissertations.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 0
| Repeatable
for credit
Fleishman, L. (PI)
Greenleaf, M. (PI)
Ilchuk, Y. (PI)
more instructors for SLAVIC 802 »
Fleishman, L. (PI)
Greenleaf, M. (PI)
Ilchuk, Y. (PI)
Lawton, D. (PI)
Safran, G. (PI)
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