MATH 120: Groups and Rings
Recommended for Mathematics majors and required of honors Mathematics majors. Similar to 109 but altered content and more theoretical orientation. Groups acting on sets, examples of finite groups, Sylow theorems, solvable and simple groups. Fields, rings, and ideals; polynomial rings over a field; PID and non-PID. Unique factorization domains. WIM course. Prerequisite:
Math 51 and some prior proof-writing experience.
Terms: Aut, Spr, Sum
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: GER:DB-Math, WAY-FR
Bump, D. (PI)
Grzegrzolka, P. (PI)
Ye, L. (PI)
Fushida-Hardy, S. (TA)
Helfer, J. (TA)
Kraushar, N. (TA)
Nuti, P. (TA)
Xu, M. (TA)
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