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FEMGEN 185B: 'In her this brutal monster': Fiction of Mental Illness (ENGLISH 185B)

'In her this brutal monster': Literature of Mental Illness. How have literary traditions of madness informed modern fiction's portrayals of the human mind, particularly in the context of rapidly shifting cultural frameworks about the origins and manifestations of mental illness? What are the repercussions of new forms, trends and genres for parsing (or blurring) the line between condition and personhood? Using the novels of Akwaeke Emezi, Toni Morrison, Virginia Woolf, and Leslie Marmon Silko to guide our inquiries, we'll consider inherited and new metaphors of madness in light of emerging theoretical interpretations of disability, identity, gender and trauma.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5
Instructors: Howse, R. (PI)
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