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1 - 1 of 1 results for: STATS 300B: Theory of Statistics II

STATS 300B: Theory of Statistics II

Elementary decision theory; loss and risk functions, Bayes estimation; UMVU estimator, minimax estimators, shrinkage estimators. Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals: Neyman-Pearson theory; UMP tests and uniformly most accurate confidence intervals; use of unbiasedness and invariance to eliminate nuisance parameters. Large sample theory: basic convergence concepts; robustness; efficiency; contiguity, locally asymptotically normal experiments; convolution theorem; asymptotically UMP and maximin tests. Asymptotic theory of likelihood ratio and score tests. Rank permutation and randomization tests; jackknife, bootstrap, subsampling and other resampling methods. Further topics: sequential analysis, optimal experimental design, empirical processes with applications to statistics, Edgeworth expansions, density estimation, time series.
Terms: Win | Units: 3
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