UROL 199: Undergraduate Research
Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1-18
| Repeatable
for credit
Ang, L. (PI)
Brooks, J. (PI)
Chung, B. (PI)
Comiter, C. (PI)
Eisenberg, M. (PI)
Enemchukwu, E. (PI)
Fan, R. (PI)
Hsu, T. (PI)
Kennedy, W. (PI)
Leppert, J. (PI)
Liao, J. (PI)
Skinner, E. (PI)
Sonn, G. (PI)
Sun, R. (PI)
UROL 280: Early Clinical Experience in Urology
Provides an observational experience as determined by the instructor and student. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
for credit
Brooks, J. (PI)
Chung, B. (PI)
Comiter, C. (PI)
more instructors for UROL 280 »
Brooks, J. (PI)
Chung, B. (PI)
Comiter, C. (PI)
Eisenberg, M. (PI)
Enemchukwu, E. (PI)
Hsu, T. (PI)
Kennedy, W. (PI)
Leppert, J. (PI)
Liao, J. (PI)
Skinner, E. (PI)
Sonn, G. (PI)
UROL 299: Directed Reading in Urology
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1-18
| Repeatable
for credit
Brooks, J. (PI)
Chung, B. (PI)
Comiter, C. (PI)
more instructors for UROL 299 »
UROL 308A: Urology Clerkship
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Consists of a 4-week period during which students are involved in an overview of urology and its subspecialties through daily clinics, ward work, and the operating room. This clerkship exposes a student to general and specialty based urology (oncology, urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery, pediatric urology, endourology, and minimally invasive surgery, male sexual dysfunction). During the clerkship, students learn broad concepts regarding the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of the common diseases of the genitourinary tract. Students in this clerkship are an integral part of the service. Every effort is made to provide students with as much personal contact with faculty and residents as is possible and appropriate for positive patient care. The daily clinics of the various faculty expose students to ambulatory urological care and provide them with an opportunity to take urologic histories and physi
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VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Consists of a 4-week period during which students are involved in an overview of urology and its subspecialties through daily clinics, ward work, and the operating room. This clerkship exposes a student to general and specialty based urology (oncology, urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery, pediatric urology, endourology, and minimally invasive surgery, male sexual dysfunction). During the clerkship, students learn broad concepts regarding the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of the common diseases of the genitourinary tract. Students in this clerkship are an integral part of the service. Every effort is made to provide students with as much personal contact with faculty and residents as is possible and appropriate for positive patient care. The daily clinics of the various faculty expose students to ambulatory urological care and provide them with an opportunity to take urologic histories and physicals. Students are expected to take part in patient ward care and to attend at surgery on those patients observed on the ward. Students are expected to attend weekly patient care conferences, research conferences, Journal Club, and Grand Rounds and read suggested literature. Please note: This is not a Sub-I clerkship. PREREQUISITES: None. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Craig Comiter, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Taranjit Bains, bainstj@stanford.edu. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Please contact Taranjit Bains for contact information for the chief resident who will provide detailed reporting instructions; Time: TBA. CALL CODE: 1. OTHER FACULTY: T. Chang, B. Chung, C. Comiter, S. Conti, A. Dobberfuhl, M. Eisenberg, E. Enemchukwu, H. Gill, D. Han, K. Kan, W. Kennedy, K. Prado, T. Rude, J. Shah, K. Sheth, E. Shkolyar, G. Sonn, E. Skinner, R. Sun, A. Thong. LOCATION: SUMC.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 6
UROL 308B: Urology Clerkship
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Provides an excellent and unique opportunity for a student to become independent and proficient at clinical skills. The student will be actively involved with responsibilities in the operating room, the outpatient clinic and the inpatient ward. The clerkship emphasizes common benign and malignant diseases of the genitourinary tract in adults. In addition to broad exposure to the field of urology, special emphasis is placed on causes and treatment of urinary tract obstruction in the adult, urinary stone disease, genitourinary oncology, and management of neurogenic bladder and its complications in the spinal cord injured patient. General aspects of preoperative evaluation, operative and postoperative care of the surgical patient are also emphasized, and as such, this is an excellent first surgical rotation. In addition to the clinical experiences, there are weekly conferences in GU Radiology, GU Pathology, GU Oncolo
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VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Provides an excellent and unique opportunity for a student to become independent and proficient at clinical skills. The student will be actively involved with responsibilities in the operating room, the outpatient clinic and the inpatient ward. The clerkship emphasizes common benign and malignant diseases of the genitourinary tract in adults. In addition to broad exposure to the field of urology, special emphasis is placed on causes and treatment of urinary tract obstruction in the adult, urinary stone disease, genitourinary oncology, and management of neurogenic bladder and its complications in the spinal cord injured patient. General aspects of preoperative evaluation, operative and postoperative care of the surgical patient are also emphasized, and as such, this is an excellent first surgical rotation. In addition to the clinical experiences, there are weekly conferences in GU Radiology, GU Pathology, GU Oncology, as well as didactic sessions on selected topics in urology throughout the course. Please note: This is not a Sub-I clerkship. PREREQUISITES: None. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: John Leppert, M.D., jleppert@stanford.edu. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Taranjit Bains, bainstj@stanford.edu. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: PAVAMC, contact Chief Resident in Urology. Please contact Taranjit Bains at bainstj@stanford.edu to get the contact information for the chief resident; Time: TBD by chief resident. CALL CODE: 0. OTHER FACULTY: T. Chang, J. Lavelle, J. Leppert, J. Liao, A. Thong. LOCATION: PAVAMC.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 6
UROL 308C: Urology Clerkship
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Similar to Urology 308A, except that the student assumes greater responsibility and hands on patient care. The urology service at the county hospital is very busy, and students follow their own patients from the outpatient/office setting through surgical procedures or hospitalization to follow-up care. There is a close relationship with the junior and senior resident in urology, allowing extensive clinic, ward and operating room teaching experience. Fundamental concepts of urology are covered in clinics and on rounds, but most valuable is the expected ancillary reading related to individual patient diseases and problems. This provides immediate feedback and motivation for conceptual understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of urologic disease. Common and exotic problems come through the county hospital; exposure to all age groups and sexes is common. There are many opportunities to study healthcare disparit
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VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Similar to Urology 308A, except that the student assumes greater responsibility and hands on patient care. The urology service at the county hospital is very busy, and students follow their own patients from the outpatient/office setting through surgical procedures or hospitalization to follow-up care. There is a close relationship with the junior and senior resident in urology, allowing extensive clinic, ward and operating room teaching experience. Fundamental concepts of urology are covered in clinics and on rounds, but most valuable is the expected ancillary reading related to individual patient diseases and problems. This provides immediate feedback and motivation for conceptual understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of urologic disease. Common and exotic problems come through the county hospital; exposure to all age groups and sexes is common. There are many opportunities to study healthcare disparities in underserved patients who have limited access to care and present in the later stages of various urologic diseases. Please note: This is not a Sub-I clerkship. PREREQUISITES: None. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 2 weeks or 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Christopher Elliott, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Taranjit Bains, bainstj@stanford.edu. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: SCVMC, Division of Urology, Valley Specialty Center, 751 Bascom Avenue, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95128. Call Jewel Rey at 408-885-7822 three weeks prior; Time: TBA. (Please contact the Chief Resident. Please contact Taranjit Bains at bainstj@stanford.edu to get the contact information for the chief resident). CALL CODE: 0. OTHER FACULTY: C. Elliott, P. Elliott, C. Harris, W. Thieu. LOCATION: SCVMC.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 3-6
UROL 310B: Advanced Surgery/Urology Clerkship
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: This Sub-internship clerkship provides a unique and excellent opportunity for students interested in surgery and urology to improve their clinical and technical skills in these areas. The student will work in the capacity of a subintern with the Chief Resident in Urology at the Palo Alto VA Medical Center. The responsibilities will include the workup and evaluation of urologic patients both in the outpatient clinics and on the inpatient wards. In addition, the student will play an active role in the postoperative care of all GU surgical patients. Students will participate in the operating room on both endoscopic, laparoscopic and open urologic cases. As the skills of each dictate, the students will be allowed to perform minor surgical procedures under the supervision of a staff member. The clerkship emphasizes benign and malignant conditions of the genitourinary tract in adults. There is special emphasis on causes
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VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: This Sub-internship clerkship provides a unique and excellent opportunity for students interested in surgery and urology to improve their clinical and technical skills in these areas. The student will work in the capacity of a subintern with the Chief Resident in Urology at the Palo Alto VA Medical Center. The responsibilities will include the workup and evaluation of urologic patients both in the outpatient clinics and on the inpatient wards. In addition, the student will play an active role in the postoperative care of all GU surgical patients. Students will participate in the operating room on both endoscopic, laparoscopic and open urologic cases. As the skills of each dictate, the students will be allowed to perform minor surgical procedures under the supervision of a staff member. The clerkship emphasizes benign and malignant conditions of the genitourinary tract in adults. There is special emphasis on causes and treatment of urinary obstruction, urinary stone disease, genitourinary oncology and management of problems associated with neurogenic bladder dysfunction in the spinal cord injured patient. In addition to the clinical experiences, there are weekly conferences in GU Radiology, GU Pathology, GU Oncology, as well as didactic sessions on selected topics in urology throughout the course. Spending a portion of the rotation at Stanford can be arranged for visiting students upon request. Please note: Visiting students must obtain preapproval from the department prior to applying for this clerkship. Please visit:
https://urology.stanford.edu/education/clerkships.html for more information. Periods available for visiting students: Summer P1, P2, P3 and Spring P11 & P12 only. PREREQUISITES: Surgery 300A or Urology 308B. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: John Leppert, M.D., jleppert@stanford.edu. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Taranjit Bains, bainstj@stanford.edu. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: PAVAMC, contact Chief Resident in Urology; Time: TBD by chief resident. Please contact Taranjit Bains at bainstj@stanford.edu to get the contact information for the chief resident. CALL CODE: 0. OTHER FACULTY: T. Chang, J. Lavelle, J. Leppert, J. Liao, A. Thong. LOCATION: PAVAMC.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 6
UROL 338A: Advanced Urology Clerkship
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: The goals are the same as basic urology rotation in
UROL 308A. However, the student will function as a subintern will be given more responsibility both in the clinic and in the OR. They will be expected to take night call one night per week with the urology resident. They will be taught various urologic techniques and will be required to give one talk on a urologic subject of their own choosing during the rotation. Please note: Visiting students must obtain preapproval from the department prior to applying for this clerkship. Please visit:
https://urology.stanford.edu/education/clerkships.html for more information. Periods available for visiting students: Summer P1, P2, P3 and Spring P11 & P12 only. PREREQUISITES:
UROL 308A,
UROL 308B,
UROL 308C or
SURG 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks, 4 students per period from P1-P3, 2 students per period from P4-P12. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Craig Comiter,
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VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: The goals are the same as basic urology rotation in
UROL 308A. However, the student will function as a subintern will be given more responsibility both in the clinic and in the OR. They will be expected to take night call one night per week with the urology resident. They will be taught various urologic techniques and will be required to give one talk on a urologic subject of their own choosing during the rotation. Please note: Visiting students must obtain preapproval from the department prior to applying for this clerkship. Please visit:
https://urology.stanford.edu/education/clerkships.html for more information. Periods available for visiting students: Summer P1, P2, P3 and Spring P11 & P12 only. PREREQUISITES:
UROL 308A,
UROL 308B,
UROL 308C or
SURG 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks, 4 students per period from P1-P3, 2 students per period from P4-P12. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Craig Comiter, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Taranjit Bains, bainstj@stanford.edu. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Email Taranjit Bains for the chief resident¿s contact on where to report; Time: TBA. CALL CODE: 5. OTHER FACULTY: J. Brooks, T. Chang, B. Chung, C. Comiter, S. Conti, A. Dobberfuhl, M. Eisenberg, E. Enemchukwu, H. Gill, D. Han, K. Kan, W. Kennedy, K. Prado, J. Shah, K. Sheth, E. Skinner, G. Sonn, A. Thong. LOCATION: SUMC.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 6
UROL 338C: Advanced Urology Clerkship
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: The goals are the same as basic urology rotation in
UROL 308A. However, the student will function as a subintern will be given more responsibility both in the clinic and in the OR. They will be expected to take night call one night per week with the urology resident. They will be taught various urologic techniques and will be required to give one talk on a urologic subject of their own choosing during the rotation. Please note: Visiting students must obtain preapproval from the department prior to applying for this clerkship. Please visit:
https://urology.stanford.edu/education/clerkships.html for more information. Periods available for visiting students: Summer P1, P2, P3 and Spring P11 & P12 only. PREREQUISITES:
UROL 308A,
UROL 308B,
UROL 308C or
SURG 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Christopher Elliott, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Taranjit Bai
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VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: The goals are the same as basic urology rotation in
UROL 308A. However, the student will function as a subintern will be given more responsibility both in the clinic and in the OR. They will be expected to take night call one night per week with the urology resident. They will be taught various urologic techniques and will be required to give one talk on a urologic subject of their own choosing during the rotation. Please note: Visiting students must obtain preapproval from the department prior to applying for this clerkship. Please visit:
https://urology.stanford.edu/education/clerkships.html for more information. Periods available for visiting students: Summer P1, P2, P3 and Spring P11 & P12 only. PREREQUISITES:
UROL 308A,
UROL 308B,
UROL 308C or
SURG 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Christopher Elliott, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Taranjit Bains, bainstj@stanford.edu. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: SCVMC, Division of Urology, Valley Specialty Center, 751 Bascom Ave, 4/F, San Jose, CA 95128. Call Jewel Rey at 408-885-7822 three weeks prior; Time: TBA (Please contact the Chief Resident). CALL CODE: 5. OTHER FACULTY: C. Elliott, P. Elliott, C. Harris, E. Rodriguez, W. Thien. LOCATION: SCVMC.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 6
UROL 370: Medical Scholars Research
Provides an opportunity for student and faculty interaction, as well as academic credit and financial support, to medical students who undertake original research. Enrollment is limited to students with approved projects.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 4-18
| Repeatable
for credit
Brooks, J. (PI)
Chung, B. (PI)
Comiter, C. (PI)
more instructors for UROL 370 »
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