SLE 22B: Searching Together after the Common Good: An Introduction to Ethics in the Western Tradition (ETHICSOC 22B)
Important works from the Western tradition will be used to construct and explore some basic frameworks for ethical thinking. Students will gain a familiarity with some canonical texts and develop skills of close-reading and group discussion when it comes to ethical inquiry. Course texts can vary by quarter and year but will include a mix of canonical philosophical, religious, and literary texts. NOTE: Former SLE students should sign up for the
ETHICSOC 22B listings.
SLE 22A/
SLE 22B are courses in ethics for high school students, taught primarily through an history based humanities curriculum. Stanford Student's participation in this course will include classroom experience with the high school students, as well as time with the course instructors to discuss, evaluate, and reflect on the course design. Please contact the instructor if you'd like to learn more:
Terms: Spr
| Units: 1-3
| Repeatable
2 times
(up to 3 units total)
Watkins, G. (PI)
SLE 81: Public Service Program
This one-unit course is for participation in quarter-long service programs set up by the SLE program and conducted in consultation with the Haas Public Service Center. Available programs will vary by quarter. May be repeat for credit
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1
| Repeatable
for credit
Watkins, G. (PI)
SLE 93: Structured Liberal Education
Focusing on great works of philosophy, religion, literature, painting, and film drawn largely from the Western tradition, the SLE curriculum places particular emphasis on artists and intellectuals who brought new ways of thinking and new ways of creating into the world, often overthrowing prior traditions in the process. These are the works that redefined beauty, challenged the authority of conventional wisdom, raised questions of continuing importance to us today, and - for good or ill - created the world we still live in. Texts may include: Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Du Bois, Eliot, Woolf, Kafka, Brecht, Vertov, Beauvoir, Sartre, Fanon, Gandhi, and Morrison.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 8
| UG Reqs: GER:DB-Hum, GER:IHUM-3, Writing 2, Writing SLE, THINK, WAY-EDP
SLE 99: Directed Reading
Directed reading for undergraduate students. Consult faculty in area of interest for appropriate topics involving one of the research groups or other special projects. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor."
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1
| Repeatable
for credit
Galvez, M. (PI)
Hulstyn, M. (PI)
Osgood, M. (PI)
Sabol, J. (PI)
Sheehan, T. (PI)
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