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1 - 10 of 10 results for: NEPR ; Currently searching spring courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

NEPR 203: Neuroscience Systems Core

Open to first-year neuroscience graduate students and to other qualified students by permission of the instructors. Introduction to encoding and processing of information by neural systems. Focus is on sensory and motor circuits.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2

NEPR 207: Neurosciences Cognitive Core

For first-year Neurosciences graduate students; open to other graduate students as space permits with preference given to Neuroscience students. Focus is on several domains of cognitive function where cognitive neuroscience approaches have been successfully applied across many different model systems from mice to monkeys to humans: attention, decision-making, and memory.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2

NEPR 208: Neuroscience Computational Core

For first-year Neurosciences graduate students; open to other graduate students as space permits with preference given to Neurosciences students. Introduces students to computational and theoretical methods in neuroscience. Emphasis on what questions are important, and how those questions can be answered with quantitative methods. Topics range from cellular/molecular to cognitive, and emphasizes similarity and differences of methods across neural scales.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2

NEPR 211: Animal Behavior for Neuroscientists

For first-year Neurosciences graduate students; open to other graduate students as space permits. Introduction to methods for observing animal behavior and identifying its function, as a first step toward understanding the causes of behavior.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1
Instructors: Gordon, D. (PI)

NEPR 224: Mapping the human visual system (PSYCH 224)

The human visual system has more than two dozen topographic maps of the visual field. This course will explain principles of topographic maps in the visual system, mapping of visual areas using retinotopy, as well as modeling spatial and temporal computations in the visual system using population receptive fields. The class will combine reading and discussing papers that discovered these maps and computational principles with a lab component in which the students will analyze fMRI datasets that are used to map visual cortex. The course should be open for advanced undergrads and graduate students with prior experience in perception, cognitive neuroscience, or neuroimaging.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1-3

NEPR 280: Neuroscience Journal Club and Professional Development Series

Neuroscience Journal Club and Professional Development Series New description: Required of Neurosciences Ph.D. students in Autumn, Winter, and Spring of the first three years of study. Recent papers in neuroscience literature presented by graduate student
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1-2 | Repeatable for credit

NEPR 299: Directed Reading in Neurosciences

Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Abu-Remaileh, M. (PI) ; Airan, R. (PI) ; Allen, W. (PI) ; Andreasson, K. (PI) ; Baccus, S. (PI) ; Bejerano, G. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Boahen, K. (PI) ; Bronte-Stewart, H. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Brunger, A. (PI) ; Buckmaster, P. (PI) ; Buckwalter, M. (PI) ; Cao, R. (PI) ; Chen, L. (PI) ; Chen, X. (PI) ; Cheng, A. (PI) ; Chichilnisky, E. (PI) ; Clandinin, T. (PI) ; Cobos Sillero, M. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Coleman, T. (PI) ; Darian-Smith, C. (PI) ; Deisseroth, K. (PI) ; Delp, S. (PI) ; Ding, J. (PI) ; Dolmetsch, R. (PI) ; Dror, R. (PI) ; Druckmann, S. (PI) ; Duncan, L. (PI) ; Eshel, N. (PI) ; Etkin, A. (PI) ; Fame, R. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Feldman, M. (PI) ; Fisher, R. (PI) ; Ganguli, S. (PI) ; Gardner, J. (PI) ; George, P. (PI) ; Giardino, W. (PI) ; Gibson, E. (PI) ; Gilly, W. (PI) ; Giocomo, L. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Glover, G. (PI) ; Goldstein-Piekarski, A. (PI) ; Goodman, M. (PI) ; Gotlib, I. (PI) ; Greenleaf, W. (PI) ; Greicius, M. (PI) ; Grill-Spector, K. (PI) ; Gross, J. (PI) ; Han, M. (PI) ; Hardan, A. (PI) ; Haroush, K. (PI) ; Heifets, B. (PI) ; Heller, H. (PI) ; Heller, S. (PI) ; Hestrin, S. (PI) ; Hong, G. (PI) ; Hosseini, H. (PI) ; Huang, T. (PI) ; Huberman, A. (PI) ; Huguenard, J. (PI) ; Humphreys, K. (PI) ; Jarosz, D. (PI) ; Kaltschmidt, J. (PI) ; Keller, C. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kingsley, D. (PI) ; Knowles, J. (PI) ; Knutson, B. (PI) ; Kobilka, B. (PI) ; Kopito, R. (PI) ; Krasnow, M. (PI) ; Kundaje, A. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Lewis, R. (PI) ; Li, F. (PI) ; Liao, Y. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Linderman, S. (PI) ; Longo, F. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Luo, L. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Madison, D. (PI) ; Maduke, M. (PI) ; Malenka, R. (PI) ; McClelland, J. (PI) ; McConnell, S. (PI) ; McNab, J. (PI) ; Menon, V. (PI) ; Mignot, E. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Moore, T. (PI) ; Mormino, E. (PI) ; Mourrain, P. (PI) ; Newsome, W. (PI) ; Norcia, A. (PI) ; Nuyujukian, P. (PI) ; O'Connell, L. (PI) ; Owen, S. (PI) ; Palmer, T. (PI) ; Parker, K. (PI) ; Parvizi, J. (PI) ; Pasca, S. (PI) ; Pfeffer, S. (PI) ; Pohl, K. (PI) ; Poldrack, R. (PI) ; Poston, K. (PI) ; Qi, S. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Raymond, J. (PI) ; Recht, L. (PI) ; Reimer, R. (PI) ; Reiss, A. (PI) ; Ricci, A. (PI) ; Rodriguez, C. (PI) ; Saggar, M. (PI) ; Sapolsky, R. (PI) ; Schnitzer, M. (PI) ; Shah, N. (PI) ; Shatz, C. (PI) ; Shen, K. (PI) ; Sobel, R. (PI) ; Steinberg, G. (PI) ; Steinman, L. (PI) ; Sudhof, T. (PI) ; Sullivan, E. (PI) ; Tan, L. (PI) ; Tawfik, V. (PI) ; Tessier-Lavigne, M. (PI) ; Tharin, S. (PI) ; Thompson, S. (PI) ; Ting, A. (PI) ; Wagner, A. (PI) ; Wandell, B. (PI) ; Wang, S. (PI) ; Wang, X. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Williams, L. (PI) ; Wyss-Coray, T. (PI) ; Yamins, D. (PI) ; Yang, Y. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Zeineh, M. (PI) ; Zeitzer, J. (PI) ; Zuchero, B. (PI) ; de Lecea, L. (PI)

NEPR 399: Graduate Research

StudenInvestigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Abu-Remaileh, M. (PI) ; Airan, R. (PI) ; Andreasson, K. (PI) ; Baccus, S. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Boahen, K. (PI) ; Bronte-Stewart, H. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Brunger, A. (PI) ; Buckmaster, P. (PI) ; Buckwalter, M. (PI) ; Chen, L. (PI) ; Chen, X. (PI) ; Cheng, A. (PI) ; Chichilnisky, E. (PI) ; Clandinin, T. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Darian-Smith, C. (PI) ; Deisseroth, K. (PI) ; Delp, S. (PI) ; Ding, J. (PI) ; Dolmetsch, R. (PI) ; Druckmann, S. (PI) ; Eshel, N. (PI) ; Etkin, A. (PI) ; Fame, R. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Feldman, M. (PI) ; Fisher, R. (PI) ; Ganguli, S. (PI) ; Gao, X. (PI) ; Gardner, J. (PI) ; Giardino, W. (PI) ; Gibson, E. (PI) ; Gilly, W. (PI) ; Giocomo, L. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Glover, G. (PI) ; Goldberg, J. (PI) ; Goldstein-Piekarski, A. (PI) ; Goodman, M. (PI) ; Gotlib, I. (PI) ; Greicius, M. (PI) ; Grill-Spector, K. (PI) ; Gross, J. (PI) ; Han, M. (PI) ; Haroush, K. (PI) ; Heller, H. (PI) ; Heller, S. (PI) ; Hestrin, S. (PI) ; Huang, T. (PI) ; Huberman, A. (PI) ; Huguenard, J. (PI) ; Kaltschmidt, J. (PI) ; Keller, C. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kingsley, D. (PI) ; Knowles, J. (PI) ; Knutson, B. (PI) ; Kobilka, B. (PI) ; Kopito, R. (PI) ; Krasnow, M. (PI) ; Kundaje, A. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Lewis, R. (PI) ; Li, F. (PI) ; Liao, Y. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Longo, F. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Luo, L. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Madison, D. (PI) ; Maduke, M. (PI) ; Malenka, R. (PI) ; McCandliss, B. (PI) ; McClelland, J. (PI) ; McConnell, S. (PI) ; Menon, V. (PI) ; Mignot, E. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Moore, T. (PI) ; Mormino, E. (PI) ; Newsome, W. (PI) ; Norcia, A. (PI) ; Nuyujukian, P. (PI) ; Owen, S. (PI) ; Palmer, T. (PI) ; Parker, K. (PI) ; Parvizi, J. (PI) ; Pasca, S. (PI) ; Poldrack, R. (PI) ; Poston, K. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Raymond, J. (PI) ; Recht, L. (PI) ; Reimer, R. (PI) ; Reiss, A. (PI) ; Ricci, A. (PI) ; Rodriguez, C. (PI) ; Sapolsky, R. (PI) ; Schnitzer, M. (PI) ; Shah, N. (PI) ; Shatz, C. (PI) ; Shen, K. (PI) ; Singh, M. (PI) ; Sobel, R. (PI) ; Soltesz, I. (PI) ; Steinberg, G. (PI) ; Steinman, L. (PI) ; Sudhof, T. (PI) ; Sullivan, E. (PI) ; Tan, L. (PI) ; Tawfik, V. (PI) ; Tessier-Lavigne, M. (PI) ; Tharin, S. (PI) ; Thompson, S. (PI) ; Wagner, A. (PI) ; Wall, D. (PI) ; Wandell, B. (PI) ; Wang, S. (PI) ; Wang, X. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Williams, L. (PI) ; Wu, J. (PI) ; Wyss-Coray, T. (PI) ; Yamins, D. (PI) ; Yang, Y. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Zeitzer, J. (PI) ; Zuchero, B. (PI) ; de Lecea, L. (PI)

NEPR 801: TGR Project

Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 0 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: Andreasson, K. (PI) ; Baccus, S. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Boahen, K. (PI) ; Bronte-Stewart, H. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Brunger, A. (PI) ; Buckmaster, P. (PI) ; Buckwalter, M. (PI) ; Chen, L. (PI) ; Chen, X. (PI) ; Cheng, A. (PI) ; Chichilnisky, E. (PI) ; Clandinin, T. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Darian-Smith, C. (PI) ; Deisseroth, K. (PI) ; Delp, S. (PI) ; Ding, J. (PI) ; Dolmetsch, R. (PI) ; Etkin, A. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Feldman, M. (PI) ; Fisher, R. (PI) ; Ganguli, S. (PI) ; Gilly, W. (PI) ; Giocomo, L. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Glover, G. (PI) ; Goodman, M. (PI) ; Gotlib, I. (PI) ; Greicius, M. (PI) ; Grill-Spector, K. (PI) ; Gross, J. (PI) ; Han, M. (PI) ; Heller, H. (PI) ; Heller, S. (PI) ; Hestrin, S. (PI) ; Huang, T. (PI) ; Huguenard, J. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kingsley, D. (PI) ; Knutson, B. (PI) ; Kobilka, B. (PI) ; Kopito, R. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Lewis, R. (PI) ; Li, F. (PI) ; Liao, Y. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Longo, F. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Luo, L. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Madison, D. (PI) ; Maduke, M. (PI) ; Malenka, R. (PI) ; McClelland, J. (PI) ; McConnell, S. (PI) ; Menon, V. (PI) ; Mignot, E. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Moore, T. (PI) ; Newsome, W. (PI) ; Norcia, A. (PI) ; Palmer, T. (PI) ; Parker, K. (PI) ; Parvizi, J. (PI) ; Pasca, S. (PI) ; Poston, K. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Raymond, J. (PI) ; Recht, L. (PI) ; Reimer, R. (PI) ; Reiss, A. (PI) ; Ricci, A. (PI) ; Sapolsky, R. (PI) ; Schnitzer, M. (PI) ; Shatz, C. (PI) ; Shen, K. (PI) ; Sobel, R. (PI) ; Steinberg, G. (PI) ; Steinman, L. (PI) ; Sudhof, T. (PI) ; Sullivan, E. (PI) ; Thompson, S. (PI) ; Wagner, A. (PI) ; Wandell, B. (PI) ; Wang, X. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Williams, L. (PI) ; Wyss-Coray, T. (PI) ; Yamins, D. (PI) ; Yang, Y. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Zeitzer, J. (PI) ; de Lecea, L. (PI)