LIFE 105: Meeting the Moment: Inner Resources for Hard Times (WELLNESS 105)
In the face of social, economic, environmental, and public health upheavals, many of us are experiencing an unprecedented degree of uncertainty, isolation, and stress affecting academic and day-to-day life. Challenging times ask us, in a voice louder than usual, to identify sources of strength and develop practices that sustain and even liberate. In this experiential, project-oriented class: Explore practices to find true ground and enact positive change for self and community; Cultivate natural capacities of presence, courage, and compassion; Develop resources to share with one another and the entire Stanford community.
Terms: Win, Spr
| Units: 2
| UG Reqs: WAY-CE
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 3 units total)
LIFE 121: Creative and Contemplative Movement: Intro to Qigong (DANCE 121)
In the class, students will be introduced to qigong as moving meditation. Qigong, loosely translated as energy cultivation, is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine based on the principles of Buddhism and Taoism. It can integrate the mind and body and cultivate awareness of the present moment. In this class, we will conceptualize qigong through the lenses of both creativity and contemplation and practice it as a slow dance-meditation. Students will learn exercises based on the Yoqi Six Phases of Qi Flow, developed by Marisa Cranfill, as well as engage in creative, improvisational movement. Readings to support the practice include writings by contemporary scholars and practitioners, and articles about the most recent evidence-based research. Assignments include short written reflections as well as solo and collaborative creative projects.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 1-2
| UG Reqs: WAY-CE
Otalvaro, G. (PI)
LIFE 170: Laughter & Play for Wellbeing (TAPS 170W, WELLNESS 170)
Learn about and practice laughter yoga, combined with theater exercises. Laughter yoga (distinct from traditional movement-based yoga) is a modality that integrates laughter exercises with yogic breathing. Explore the growing field of research on laughter yoga and its positive effects on wellbeing and other health outcomes. Examine the various dimensions of laughter yoga as a form of cardiovascular and aerobic exercise, mindfulness, and play. Use theater exercises to leverage the power of performative, healing laughter and to cultivate embodied awareness, creativity, resilience, and joy. Readings and exercises will draw from the work of pioneers in the fields of laughter wellness and socially engaged theater, such as Madan Kataria and Augusto Boal.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 1-2
| UG Reqs: WAY-CE
Otalvaro, G. (PI)
LIFE 172: Introduction to Playful Mindfulness (TAPS 172L, WELLNESS 172)
While mindfulness training sometimes takes on a somber or even pious tone, this course chooses a different track, learning to "play attention" through traditional methods, humor, games, and exercises drawn from improvisational theater. Integrating insights and exercises from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) with those from improvisational theater, this course will help students forge new neural pathways and develop a more connected personal presence, one that leaves them more resourceful, resilient, and creative. As a collaborative art form, improv sharpens the senses, improves listening skills, and teaches effective communication and collaboration. Taken together, the two traditions of mindfulness and improv develop precisely the qualities and abilities most needed for skillfully responding to the challenges of uncertainty and ambiguity.
Terms: Aut, Spr, Sum
| Units: 1
DesMaisons, T. (PI)
LIFE 183G: Sing & Be Well: Exploring and Integrating Wellness Through Singing (MUSIC 183G)
Finding an expressive outlet is essential in a world where stress and anxiety are common. Singing has been proven to be one such outlet. This immersive course explores the health benefits of singing. In addition to research and expert guest lectures, the course emphasizes vocal technique, mindfulness, and group singing through vocal improvisation. Singers of all levels will discover the connection between singing, joy, and holistic health.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 1
| UG Reqs: WAY-CE
Jimenez, N. (PI)
LIFE 198: Directed Reading and Individual Studies - LifeWorks
Translate theoretical knowledge and acquired skills into actionable projects or initiatives that make positive impact within and/or beyond the Stanford community. Students work in collaborative groups or individually under the mentorship of the course instructor(s) to design, deliver, and evaluate an initiative or project.
Terms: Spr, Sum
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 6 units total)
Otalvaro, G. (PI)
LIFE 199: Selected Topics: LifeWorks
Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty/instructor(s) and students in a particular quarter. May be repeated with change of content. For more information regarding specific course titles and topics, please refer to the notes of each course section.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 6 units total)
Otalvaro, G. (PI)
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