LEAD 95: Ensemble Leadership
This experiential course allows students to grow as leaders through immersion in leadership positions in the Stanford Band. Study and implement frameworks and tools that enhance leadership and team performance. Topics covered include traditional leadership and governance concepts, as well as approaches specifically effective in music ensembles.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 1
| Repeatable
8 times
(up to 24 units total)
Gavin, R. (PI)
LEAD 108: Leadership from Within: Meditation, Creativity, and Connection (WELLNESS 108)
This interdisciplinary course equips students with essential life skills for excelling in school, work, and the broader demands of the 21st century. Research over the last few decades has shown that one's ability to thrive is highly correlated with growing and developing as a person: emotionally, socially, cognitively, and psychophysically. This practice-based course fosters inner growth through a specific form of evidence-based meditation called Transcendental Meditation, shown to enhance awareness, creativity, resilience, and balance. The course also focuses on developing key communication, relationship-building, and collaboration skills. It delves into holistic human development, neuroscience of performance, and integrative leadership. Its design is based on a training program utilized by thousands of leaders of larger established organizations, venture backed startups, NGO's, and government agencies. It includes insights from recent research on what differentiates successful versus unsuccessful founders. This integrative approach to leadership development can reduce stress and lead to emotional balance, mental clarity, empowering students to be more effective in all areas of their lives.
Terms: Aut, Spr
| Units: 2
Schechtman, N. (PI)
Valosek, L. (PI)
LEAD 122: Leading with Integrity: ASSU Leadership Foundations
Strengthen your leadership capacities through deepened self-awareness drawing on values-driven leadership and ethical decision-making practices in this experiential leadership development course. This course, for ASSU student leaders, emphasizes your role in supporting student life and engagement and provides frameworks, like the Social Change Model and Cultural Competence for Equity and Inclusion, to support you respectfully engaging with different constituencies, creating equitable programming opportunities, and forging partnerships with students and staff. You will focus on leadership as a set of behaviors engaged in with groups to transform advocacy priorities into robust recommendations influencing University policy, practice, and procedures.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 1
| Repeatable
2 times
(up to 2 units total)
LEAD 126A: Ethics and Leadership in Public Service (CSRE 126C, EDUC 126A, ETHICSOC 79, URBANST 126A)
This course explores ethical questions that arise in public service work, as well as leadership theory and skills relevant to public service work. Through readings, discussions, in-class activities, assignments, and guest lectures, students will develop a foundation and vision for a future of ethical and effective service leadership. This course serves as a gateway for interested students to participate in the Haas Center's Public Service Leadership Program.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 3-4
| UG Reqs: WAY-ER
Lobo, K. (PI)
LEAD 152: Dialogue Lab: Exploring and Cultivating our Capacity to Engage Across Difference
Amid ongoing national and global social issues and sometimes fragmented relations between social groups, the capacity for people to engage across differences of identity and perspective seems ever-important to building thriving, diverse, and inclusive communities. While worthwhile in theory, true dialogue is a practice laden with challenges and opportunities. It warrants deep meaning-making and requires skill and practice. In this course, we first explore ourselves as social beings: how do each of our identities, lived experiences, and broader social dynamics influence how we engage with others? We will make meaning of dialogue as a distinct mode of communication, and explore how it plays out in the university context and other diverse social settings. We will explore the costs and benefits of dialogue, dynamics such as cancel culture, inclusive approaches to dialogue, and the potential for dialogue to help address intergroup conflict and social group inequality. Culminating in a set o
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Amid ongoing national and global social issues and sometimes fragmented relations between social groups, the capacity for people to engage across differences of identity and perspective seems ever-important to building thriving, diverse, and inclusive communities. While worthwhile in theory, true dialogue is a practice laden with challenges and opportunities. It warrants deep meaning-making and requires skill and practice. In this course, we first explore ourselves as social beings: how do each of our identities, lived experiences, and broader social dynamics influence how we engage with others? We will make meaning of dialogue as a distinct mode of communication, and explore how it plays out in the university context and other diverse social settings. We will explore the costs and benefits of dialogue, dynamics such as cancel culture, inclusive approaches to dialogue, and the potential for dialogue to help address intergroup conflict and social group inequality. Culminating in a set of interactive class sessions led by student members of the teaching team, we will apply the lessons learned throughout the quarter, hone our capacity for reflection and dialogue, and emerge as leaders better equipped to foster more empathetic environments in which people can engage and belong across difference.
Terms: Aut, Spr
| Units: 3
| UG Reqs: WAY-EDP
Sihite, E. (PI)
LEAD 198: Directed Reading and Individual Studies - Leadership
Translate theoretical knowledge and acquired skills into actionable projects or initiatives that make positive impact within and/or beyond the Stanford community. Students work in collaborative groups or individually under the mentorship of the course instructor(s) to design, deliver, and evaluate an initiative or project.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 6 units total)
Friedlaender, D. (PI)
LEAD 199: Selected Topics: Leadership Studies
Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular quarter. May be repeated with change of content. For more information regarding specific course titles, please refer to the notes of each course section.
Terms: Win, Spr
| Units: 1-2
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 6 units total)
Friedlaender, D. (PI)
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