LAW 217: Property
This course is part of the required first-year JD curriculum. It deals with possession and ownership of land and with the incidents thereof, including private and public restrictions on its use and development, nuisance, trespass, concurrent interests, landlord and tenant, and eminent domain. Attendance and final exam. Your instructor will advise you of other basis of grading. This course is open to first-year Law School students only.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 4
LAW 224B: Federal Litigation in a Global Context: Methods and Practice
This course continues with the winter simulation with students representing the plaintiff or defendant in a global torts case. Students submit and orally argue one persuasive brief on a motion in federal district court. Students build on their writing and oral advocacy skills with more emphasis on the lawyering practice. Students lead strategy sessions, conduct legal writing by email, meet and confer with opposing counsel, research, bluebook, peer edit, moot, judge, and orally argue a motion. This course depends on participation; attendance is mandatory. Spring grading reflects all non-written aspects of the work, including research, strategy, peer review, moots, and oral argument (including your roles as a judge and colleague), and professionalism. This course is open to first-year JD students only.
Terms: Spr
| Units: 2
Fagel, M. (PI)
Hoffman, L. (PI)
Linsenmayer, R. (PI)
more instructors for LAW 224B »
Fagel, M. (PI)
Hoffman, L. (PI)
Linsenmayer, R. (PI)
Lupo, B. (PI)
Martin, K. (PI)
Merino, J. (PI)
Mohan, A. (PI)
Thesing, A. (PI)
Tolman, A. (PI)
Yorke, S. (PI)
LAW 400: Directed Research
Directed Research is an extraordinary opportunity for students beyond the first-year to research problems in any field of law. Directed research credit may not be awarded for work that duplicates the work of a course, clinic, or externship for which the student has registered. Directed research credit may be awarded for work that expands on work initially assigned in, or conceived during, a course, clinic, or externship, but only if the continued work represents a meaningful and substantial contribution to the already existing project, significantly beyond mere editing or polishing. If a student seeks to continue or expand on work that the student initiated previously (whether for a course, clinic, externship, or otherwise) a student must (1) share the initial work with the professor supervising the directed research, to the extent that work is non-privileged, and (2) obtain permission for the expansion from the instructor or supervisor who supervised the initial project. The final pro
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Directed Research is an extraordinary opportunity for students beyond the first-year to research problems in any field of law. Directed research credit may not be awarded for work that duplicates the work of a course, clinic, or externship for which the student has registered. Directed research credit may be awarded for work that expands on work initially assigned in, or conceived during, a course, clinic, or externship, but only if the continued work represents a meaningful and substantial contribution to the already existing project, significantly beyond mere editing or polishing. If a student seeks to continue or expand on work that the student initiated previously (whether for a course, clinic, externship, or otherwise) a student must (1) share the initial work with the professor supervising the directed research, to the extent that work is non-privileged, and (2) obtain permission for the expansion from the instructor or supervisor who supervised the initial project. The final product must be embodied in a paper or other form of written work involving a substantial independent effort on the part of the student. A student must submit a detailed petition of at least 250 words, approved by the sponsoring faculty member, outlining his or her proposed project and demonstrating that the research is likely to result in a significant scholarly contribution. A student may petition for "Directed Research: Curricular Development" when the work involves assisting a Law School faculty member in developing concepts or materials for new and innovative law school courses. Both the supervising faculty member and the Associate Dean for Curriculum must approve petition for "Directed Research: Curricular Development." Students must meet with the instructor frequently for the purposes of report and guidance. Unit credit and grading basis (H/P/R/F or MP/R/F) is by arrangement up to the allowable limit. Students whose projects warrant more than four units should consider a Senior Thesis or the Research Track (See SLS Student Handbook for requirements and limitations). With the approval of the instructor, successful completion of a directed research project of two units or more may satisfy the JD writing requirement to the extent of one research writing course (R course). See Directed Research under Curricular Options in the SLS Student Handbook for requirements and limitations. Directed Research petitions are available on the Law School Registrar's Office website (see Forms and Petitions). Elements used in grading: Paper and as agreed to by instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 1-4
| Repeatable
8 times
(up to 8 units total)
Anand, E. (PI)
Anderson, M. (PI)
Bartlett, R. (PI)
more instructors for LAW 400 »
Anand, E. (PI)
Anderson, M. (PI)
Bartlett, R. (PI)
Campbell, J. (PI)
Chacon, J. (PI)
Engstrom, D. (PI)
Fina, S. (PI)
Gienapp, J. (PI)
Greely, H. (PI)
Grundfest, J. (PI)
Hayes, D. (PI)
Honigsberg, C. (PI)
Karlan, P. (PI)
Kessler, A. (PI)
Klausner, M. (PI)
Koski, W. (PI)
MacCoun, R. (PI)
Meyler, B. (PI)
Mills, D. (PI)
Ouellette, L. (PI)
Persily, N. (PI)
Reddy, G. (PI)
Reese, E. (PI)
Schacter, J. (PI)
Sivas, D. (PI)
Sklansky, D. (PI)
Sohoni, M. (PI)
Triantis, G. (PI)
Weiner, A. (PI)
Weisberg, R. (PI)
LAW 403: Senior Thesis
An opportunity for third-year students to engage in original research and to prepare a substantial written-work product on the scale of a law review article. The thesis topic should be chosen no later than two weeks after the beginning of the seventh term of law study and may be chosen during the sixth term. The topic is subject to the approval of the thesis supervisor, who may be any member of the Law School faculty under whose direction the student wishes to write the thesis and who is willing to assume the responsibility therefor. An oral defense of the thesis before members of the faculty, including the thesis supervisor, will be conducted late in the student's ninth academic term. Acceptance of the thesis for credit requires the approval of the thesis supervisor and one or more other members of the faculty who will be selected by the supervisor. Satisfactory completion of the senior thesis will satisfy graduation requirements to the extent of (a) 5 - 8 units of credit and (b) two
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An opportunity for third-year students to engage in original research and to prepare a substantial written-work product on the scale of a law review article. The thesis topic should be chosen no later than two weeks after the beginning of the seventh term of law study and may be chosen during the sixth term. The topic is subject to the approval of the thesis supervisor, who may be any member of the Law School faculty under whose direction the student wishes to write the thesis and who is willing to assume the responsibility therefor. An oral defense of the thesis before members of the faculty, including the thesis supervisor, will be conducted late in the student's ninth academic term. Acceptance of the thesis for credit requires the approval of the thesis supervisor and one or more other members of the faculty who will be selected by the supervisor. Satisfactory completion of the senior thesis will satisfy graduation requirements to the extent of (a) 5 - 8 units of credit and (b) two research courses. The exact requirements for a senior thesis are in the discretion of the supervising faculty member. Unit credit and grading basis (H/P/R/F or MP/R/F) is by arrangement up to the allowable limit. Special Instructions: Two Research credits are possible. Elements used in grading: Paper and as agreed to by instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 5-8
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 9 units total)
LAW 406: Research Track
The Research Track is for students who wish to carry out a research project of a scope larger than that contemplated for a Senior Thesis. Research Track projects are to be supervised by two or more professors, at least one of whom must be a member of the Law School faculty. At least one faculty member in addition to the supervisors must read the written product of the research, and the student must defend the written work orally before the readers. Students will be admitted to Research Track only if they have a demonstrated capability for substantial independent research, and propose a significant and well-formulated project at the time of application. Special Instructions: Two Research credits are possible. Unit credit and grading basis (H/P/R/F or MP/R/F) is by arrangement up to the allowable limit. Elements used in grading: Paper and as agreed to by instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 9-12
| Repeatable
for credit
LAW 802: TGR: Dissertation
TGR: Dissertation
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
| Units: 0
| Repeatable
for credit
Ablavsky, G. (PI)
Donohue, J. (PI)
Engstrom, D. (PI)
more instructors for LAW 802 »
Ablavsky, G. (PI)
Donohue, J. (PI)
Engstrom, D. (PI)
Fisher, G. (PI)
Greely, H. (PI)
Hensler, D. (PI)
Honigsberg, C. (PI)
Kessler, A. (PI)
Klausner, M. (PI)
Lemley, M. (PI)
Milhaupt, C. (PI)
Nyarko, J. (PI)
Sinnar, S. (PI)
Sykes, A. (PI)
Thompson, B. (PI)
Zambrano, D. (PI)
LAW 809S: Policy Practicum: Hopi Tribe Appellate Court Assistance Project
Students will assist the client, the Hopi Tribal Appellate Court, in two separate tracks. Track 1: Law Clerks (6 credits) (max 6 students): Students will serve as off-site law clerks to the Justices of the Hopi Tribal Appellate Court in Arizona. They will assist in preparing for oral arguments and drafting written decisions and any other assistance that the Justices require. Students will receive R-Paper Credit for their work. Students in the law clerk track must commit to both the winter and spring quarters, and to attending the class trip to Hopi, tentatively scheduled for the end of spring break. Track 2: Policy Research (3 credits, R-credit) (max 6 students) : Students will assist the Appellate Court in one of two projects: 1) revising the primary Hopi legal treatise summarizing Hopi caselaw, and 2) researching alternative approaches to juvenile justice, with a focus on drug treatment, diversion, and rehabilitation. Students, including non-law students, with a background in sociolo
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Students will assist the client, the Hopi Tribal Appellate Court, in two separate tracks. Track 1: Law Clerks (6 credits) (max 6 students): Students will serve as off-site law clerks to the Justices of the Hopi Tribal Appellate Court in Arizona. They will assist in preparing for oral arguments and drafting written decisions and any other assistance that the Justices require. Students will receive R-Paper Credit for their work. Students in the law clerk track must commit to both the winter and spring quarters, and to attending the class trip to Hopi, tentatively scheduled for the end of spring break. Track 2: Policy Research (3 credits, R-credit) (max 6 students) : Students will assist the Appellate Court in one of two projects: 1) revising the primary Hopi legal treatise summarizing Hopi caselaw, and 2) researching alternative approaches to juvenile justice, with a focus on drug treatment, diversion, and rehabilitation. Students, including non-law students, with a background in sociology, social psychology, criminology, and other related disciplines are especially encouraged to apply for this second project. Students will present their research and findings to Justices at the end of the quarter. Commitment to the policy research track is for the winter quarter only, with the option to extend to future quarters. Both Tracks: Students in both tracks will travel to the Hopi Reservation and the Grand Canyon. This trip is tentatively scheduled for March 26-30 (the end of SLS spring break), though precise scheduling depends on the Hopi court calendar. SLS will cover flights, accommodation, and reasonable travel expenses. Attendance on this trip is required for students in the law clerk track and strongly encouraged for students in the policy track; applications from students able to commit to the trip will receive preference in admissions. Coursework or background in federal Indian law is helpful but not required. Students who sufficiently complete their work for our client will receive a mandatory pass. Elements used in grading: Attendance, Class Performance, Class Participation, Written Assignments. Students in both the policy and clerkship tracks may opt to extend for an additional quarter. APPLICATION: To access Policy Lab Consent Applications go to link SLS Registrar
Terms: Win, Spr
| Units: 3
| Repeatable
3 times
(up to 9 units total)
LAW 809W: Policy Practicum: Thinking in Systems
Virtually every public policy has causes and consequences beyond those that are intended or immediately visible. This is true of criminal law policies that use algorithmic predictions of flight before trial; environmental policies involving greenhouse gas emissions and conventional pollutants; and social and health policies that address homelessness, institutional racism, and the distribution of Covid vaccines, to name just a few examples. The causes of the problems that these policies seek to address are complex. As a result, these policies often fail and sometimes have unintended adverse consequences. "Systems thinking" reveals the web of associations in which such policies reside. Its goal is to identify the multiple causes of problems and aid in designing enduring solutions. Thinking in systems and learning to map systems are core skills for policy makers. After several introductory classes devoted to these concepts and learning how to use the web-based systems mapping tool, Kumu,
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Virtually every public policy has causes and consequences beyond those that are intended or immediately visible. This is true of criminal law policies that use algorithmic predictions of flight before trial; environmental policies involving greenhouse gas emissions and conventional pollutants; and social and health policies that address homelessness, institutional racism, and the distribution of Covid vaccines, to name just a few examples. The causes of the problems that these policies seek to address are complex. As a result, these policies often fail and sometimes have unintended adverse consequences. "Systems thinking" reveals the web of associations in which such policies reside. Its goal is to identify the multiple causes of problems and aid in designing enduring solutions. Thinking in systems and learning to map systems are core skills for policy makers. After several introductory classes devoted to these concepts and learning how to use the web-based systems mapping tool, Kumu, students will work on systems design projects of their choice. In addition to Stanford Law students, students from other Schools are invited to apply. Elements used in grading: Attendance, Class Performance, Class Participation, Written Assignments. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete a Consent Application Form available at SLS Registrar
Terms: Aut, Spr
| Units: 2
Brest, P. (PI)
LAW 809X: Policy Practicum: Roses Talk: Elevating At-Promise Student Voices in San Jose Unified
Despite decades of efforts to remediate racial disparities in education, low-income schools serving predominantly students of color continue to face significant challenges that perpetuate unequal educational outcomes. While no single solution can solve these complex issues, insights from the most marginalized students offer an underutilized source of knowledge that can drive more effective policies and practices. This policy lab seeks to directly address persistent disparities in education by elevating at-promise student voices in school and district decision making, reshaping our thinking around and approaches to advancing educational equity. With over 25,000 students, SJUSD is the largest school district in Santa Clara County, the county where Stanford University is located. District leaders and administrators at Gunderson--a Title I high school in South San Jose--have identified a collective need to better understand how to support "at-promise" students (a positive reframing of "at-
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Despite decades of efforts to remediate racial disparities in education, low-income schools serving predominantly students of color continue to face significant challenges that perpetuate unequal educational outcomes. While no single solution can solve these complex issues, insights from the most marginalized students offer an underutilized source of knowledge that can drive more effective policies and practices. This policy lab seeks to directly address persistent disparities in education by elevating at-promise student voices in school and district decision making, reshaping our thinking around and approaches to advancing educational equity. With over 25,000 students, SJUSD is the largest school district in Santa Clara County, the county where Stanford University is located. District leaders and administrators at Gunderson--a Title I high school in South San Jose--have identified a collective need to better understand how to support "at-promise" students (a positive reframing of "at-risk" that is reflected in California education law), those who may fail to earn a high school diploma for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to low scores on standardized tests, disengagement from school, English language learner status, previous suspension or expulsion, involvement in the foster care system, houselessness, and special education. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated challenges for these students, with metrics of achievement and well-being worsening each year since 2020. Coined by Tupac Shakur and applied to education by Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade, the "rose that grew from concrete" is a metaphor for young people who often experience the most challenging environments but nonetheless show unmatched resilience and determination to overcome their circumstances. If these "roses" are given opportunities to talk, what would they tell us about what they need from school to succeed? Reaching this student demographic is critical for several reasons. Being the most marginalized, improving their outcomes can often improve outcomes for all students, school quality, and a district's overall health. These students also bring unique perspectives on schooling because they have benefited the least from it, which may challenge ignorance and certainty around what approaches and programs are most effective in working with them. Most importantly, at-promise students have an exceptionally high potential to make a difference in the world--an ideal that is at the core of the U.S. education system. Our society has a responsibility to help them reach that potential. In this course, Stanford students will conduct focus groups with Gunderson at-promise students to develop policy recommendations that inform school and district decision making--particularly around how to engage and improve outcomes for the most marginalized students in SJUSD. The course offers a unique opportunity for Stanford students to participate in community-engaged learning and research, apply technical skills and academic knowledge to real-world challenges, and contribute to positive educational outcomes for underserved students. It embodies the principle that higher education institutions can and should play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of K-12 public education for all students. TIMELINE AND EXPECTATIONS: The practicum will be completed in two phases. Phase 1, Winter Quarter: Stanford students will be introduced to basic qualitative research methods, relevant literature, best practices, and impactful laws and policies. They will work collaboratively to develop an interview protocol to use for 1-2 focus groups with Gunderson students. Following data collection, students will engage in qualitative analysis and draft preliminary findings to present to SJUSD and Gunderson leaders for oral and written feedback. Phase 2, Spring Quarter: Based on preliminary findings and feedback, students will formulate interview questions and facilitate a final focus group with Gunderson students to clarify and/or confirm preliminary findings. Students will finalize and draw on their findings to conduct policy research and analysis, legal research and analysis (as needed), and develop evidence-based policy recommendations for the school and school district. Their work will culminate in a final report and presentation to Stanford, SJUSD, and Gunderson leaders in late spring. Please note that this timeline is subject to change. LOGISTICS: Ideally, practicum students would commit to participating in winter and spring quarters. However, students who are only able to participate for winter quarter will also be considered. The winter quarter lab is standard 3-units, while spring quarter lab will be variable 2-3 units to accommodate continuing students. Session meeting times and travel arrangements to/from San Jose will be determined once a final group of practicum students are selected. ENROLLMENT AND GRADING: This class is open to Stanford Law School students, and available for cross-registration for undergraduate and graduate students from across campus. We highly encourage students from outside the Law School to apply, particularly students from the Graduate School of Education. Ideal students will have strong research, writing, and analytical skills, oral communications skills, and a demonstrated commitment to improving educational outcomes for all students. Students will be working together in small teams. Grading will be based on attendance, class performance and participation, collaboration with peers, engagement with high school students, written assignments, and presentations. COURSE OBJECTIVES: (1) Increase at-promise student engagement by amplifying their voices in school and district decision making; (2) equip Stanford students with essential qualitative, policy, and legal research skills and apply these skills in collecting and analyzing data to identify challenges and opportunities for at-promise students; (3) collaborate with peers and instructors to develop evidence-based policy recommendations for improving at-promise student engagement and outcomes, culminating in a final report that influences policies and practices at Gunderson and in SJUSD; and (4) promote diverse perspectives and ideologies by challenging existing beliefs about at-promise students and their communities, encouraging open-mindedness, and fostering thought-provoking conversations about contentious issues that appreciate a wide range of viewpoints. CONSENT APPLICATION AND ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: To apply for this course, students must submit a Consent Application Form at SLS Registrar Additionally, students must submit a resume and writing sample via email to Dionna Rangel at drangel@ Please indicate in your email whether you are applying for winter quarter only, or winter and spring quarters. All application materials are due by Sunday, December 15 at 11:59 pm. This is a Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center for Public Service. Cross-listed with Education (
EDUC 309X).
Terms: Win, Spr
| Units: 3
| Repeatable
2 times
(up to 6 units total)
LAW 810A: Policy Practicum: Immigration Status and Access to K-12 Education
In this class, we will conduct legal research to assist a national nonprofit organization, working with lawyers in that organization to: 1) develop a complete understanding of existing state statutory and constitutional guarantees of access to K-12 education for immigrant residents; 2) design and create a site where this information can be stored, accessed, and revised electronically; and 3) draft model state legislation protective of such educational access. Elements used in grading: Performance, written assignments. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete a Consent Application Form available at SLS Registrar
Terms: Spr
| Units: 2
Chacon, J. (PI)
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