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1 - 10 of 16 results for: HRP ; Currently searching spring courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

HRP 199: Undergraduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit

HRP 200: Health Policy PhD Seminar

This course is for all current PhD students enrolled in the Health Policy PhD program. The course will involve presentations of students' original research and discussions. The course will be moderated by at least two Health Policy faculty in each quarter.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit

HRP 201C: Health Policy Graduate Student Tutorial III

The third in a three-quarter seminar series, this course is intended for first-year Health Policy PhD students and all Health Policy MS students. The course is structured as a student-led seminar, with participation by the Instructor and other faculty, and it will focus primarily on global health. It will familiarize students with seminal papers in policy-relevant social science and biomedical journals and prepare students to design studies to answer health policy research questions. The final sessions will be reserved for student presentations of their own research (made by students enrolling for 2 units). Please note that depending on enrollment, an additional student presentation session may need to be scheduled.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1-2

HRP 203: Methods for Reproducible Population Health and Clinical Research (BIODS 203, EPI 203)

Methods for Reproducible Population Health and Clinical Research is focused on key principles of rigorous and reproducible population health and clinical research. The course provides introductory technical training in collaborative workflows and reproducible programming practices using GitHub and R as well as core topics related to research integrity and scholarly publishing, including academic incentives, authorship, code and data sharing requirements, preregistration, conflicts of interest, and reporting guidelines. Content is designed for health policy, biomedical data science, and epidemiology graduate students supported by NIH training grants with reproducibility training requirements. Students in such programs should consult with their program director to ensure that this course will fulfill specific requirements of their program. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of R.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2
Instructors: Rose, S. (PI)

HRP 224: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab (SE Lab) - Human & Planetary Health (MED 224, PUBLPOL 224)

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab (SE Lab) - Global & Planetary Health is a Collaboratory workshop for students/fellows to design and develop innovative social ventures addressing key challenges in health and the environment, especially in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030). Your mandate in identifying problems and designing solutions is broad and flexible! SE Lab is open to students and fellows across Stanford and combines design thinking exercises, short lectures & case studies, workshops, small group teamwork, presentations, guest speakers, and faculty, practitioner and peer feedback to support you and your team in generating and developing ideas and projects that will change the world! Join SE Lab with an idea or simply the desire to join a team. Enrollment limited to 30.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1-4 | Repeatable 3 times (up to 15 units total)

HRP 243A: Health Policy Seminar

This seminar course is intended to introduce students to the role of policy in the provision of health care, public and population health in the United States. In addition to speakers from HRP and the School of Medicine, we will bring in speakers from outside organizations in the Bay Area with expertise in a variety of health policy issues. There are no pre-requisites. Lunch will be provided.Only HRP 243A will be offered this academic year.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1

HRP 252: Outcomes Analysis (BIOMEDIN 251, MED 252)

This course introduces and develops methods for conducting empirical research that address clinical and policy questions that are not suitable for randomized trials. Conceptual and applied models of causal inference guide the design of empirical research. Econometric and statistical models are used to conduct health outcomes research which use large existing medical, survey, and other databases Problem sets emphasize hands-on data analysis and application of methods, including re-analyses of well-known studies. This is a project-based course designed for students pursuing research training. Prerequisites: one or more courses in probability, and statistics or biostatistics.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4
Instructors: Bendavid, E. (PI)

HRP 276: Introduction to Law and the Biosciences

(SAME AS LAW 3012) This course will provide an introduction to the legal, ethical, and policy areas important to understanding Law and the Biosciences. Each topic will include both discussion of the relevant legal rules and ethical principles and their application to a specific case study. Topics to be covered include the structure and regulation of the biopharma industry and biosciences research, intellectual property relevant to the biosciences, federal regulation of bioscience products through the FDA and otherwise, the health care financing system, human subjects research, genetic technologies, reproductive technologies, neuroscience technologies, criminal law applications of bioscience technologies, and more. The course will prepare students for more advanced courses in these areas, as well as for working with or in the bioscience world. Special Instructions: The class is open to all law students and graduate or professional students from other parts of the University. Some under more »
(SAME AS LAW 3012) This course will provide an introduction to the legal, ethical, and policy areas important to understanding Law and the Biosciences. Each topic will include both discussion of the relevant legal rules and ethical principles and their application to a specific case study. Topics to be covered include the structure and regulation of the biopharma industry and biosciences research, intellectual property relevant to the biosciences, federal regulation of bioscience products through the FDA and otherwise, the health care financing system, human subjects research, genetic technologies, reproductive technologies, neuroscience technologies, criminal law applications of bioscience technologies, and more. The course will prepare students for more advanced courses in these areas, as well as for working with or in the bioscience world. Special Instructions: The class is open to all law students and graduate or professional students from other parts of the University. Some undergraduates may be admitted with consent of the instructor Substantial class attendance is required; in addition, the quality of class participation will play a small role in grading. Elements used in grading: Attendance, class participation, and final exam (In-school, open book). Cross listed with Health Research and Policy (HRP - TBA).
Terms: Spr | Units: 3
Instructors: Greely, H. (PI)

HRP 291: Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training in HRP.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1 | Repeatable 4 times (up to 4 units total)

HRP 299: Directed Reading in Health Research and Policy

Epidemiology, health services research, preventive medicine, medical genetics, public health, economics of medical care, occupational or environmental medicine, international health, or related fields. May be repeated for credit. Students are expected to connect with instructor and should discuss plans and the instructor's expectations for the course units for the quarter BEFORE enrolling in that faculty¿s section. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Instructor approval required to enroll.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit
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