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1 - 10 of 99 results for: EDUC ; Currently searching spring courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

EDUC 102I: International Education Policy Workshop (EDUC 202I)

This is a project-based workshop. Practical introduction to issues in educational policy making, education reform, educational planning, implementation of policy interventions, and monitoring and evaluation in developing country contexts. Preference to students enrolled in ICE/IEAPA, but open to other students interested in international development or comparative public policy with instructor's consent. Attendance at first class required for enrollment.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4

EDUC 111: The Young Adult Novel: A Literature For and About Adolescents

For undergraduates considering teaching or working with adolescents, and for those planning to apply to the coterminal program in the Stanford Teacher Education program (STEP). Students work together to define the genre of young adult novels. What they reveal about adolescence in America. How to read and teach young adult literature.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4
Instructors: Wolf, J. (PI)

EDUC 112: Urban Education (AFRICAAM 112, CSRE 112X, EDUC 212, SOC 129X, SOC 229X, URBANST 115)

(Graduate students register for EDUC 212 or SOC 229X). Combination of social science and historical perspectives trace the major developments, contexts, tensions, challenges, and policy issues of urban education.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-SocSci, WAY-EDP
Instructors: pearman, f. (PI)

EDUC 118S: Designing Your Stanford (ENGR 104S)

DYS uses a Design Thinking approach to help Freshmen and Sophomores learn practical tools and ideas to make the most of their Stanford experience. Topics include the purpose of college, major selection, educational and vocational wayfinding, and innovating college outcomes, explored through the design thinking process. This seminar class incorporates small group discussion, in-class activities, field exercises, personal reflection, and individual coaching. Expect ideation tools, storytelling practices, prototyping to discover more about yourself and possible paths forward. The course concludes with creation of multiple versions of what college might look like and how to make those ideas reality. All enrolled and waitlisted students should attend class on day 1 for admission. Additional course information at http://lifedesignlab.stanford.edu/dys.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1-2

EDUC 126A: Ethics and Leadership in Public Service (CSRE 126C, ETHICSOC 79, LEAD 126A, URBANST 126A)

This course explores ethical questions that arise in public service work, as well as leadership theory and skills relevant to public service work. Through readings, discussions, in-class activities, assignments, and guest lectures, students will develop a foundation and vision for a future of ethical and effective service leadership. This course serves as a gateway for interested students to participate in the Haas Center's Public Service Leadership Program.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER
Instructors: Lobo, K. (PI)

EDUC 139: Data Science and the Science of Learning (DATASCI 194L, DATASCI 294L, PSYCH 139)

This advanced seminar will explore the application of analytic techniques from modern data science to advance the science of human learning. Students will have opportunities to work with real datasets from educational contexts and engage with contemporary research in the learning sciences, culminating in a final project.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3

EDUC 140: Honors Research

Provides opportunity for research in pursuit of senior honors theses.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-5 | Repeatable for credit

EDUC 147: Stanford and Its Worlds: 1885-present (HISTORY 58E)

The past and future of Stanford University examined through the development of five critical "worlds," including the Western region of the United States, the US nation-state, the global academy, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the complex phenomena summarized by the name Silicon Valley. Students are asked to consider and theorize these worlds, their interrelationships, and the responsibilities they entail for all of us who live and work at Stanford in the present.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: WAY-ER, WAY-SI
Instructors: Stevens, M. (PI)

EDUC 163: Church, State, & Schools: Issues in Education & Religion (AMSTUD 293, EDUC 293, JEWISHST 193, JEWISHST 293X, RELIGST 234X)

This course will examine interactions between religion and education, focusing on both formal and experiential sites in which people and communities explore, articulate, encounter, and perform religious ideologies and identities. The class will focus on different religious traditions and their encounters the institutions and structures of education in American culture, both in the United States and as it manifests in American culture transnationally.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4
Instructors: Kelman, A. (PI)
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