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1 - 8 of 8 results for: BMP ; Currently searching spring courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

BMP 210B: Clinical Seminar Series for Biomedical Physics (RAD 210B)

This seminar series is designed for students interested in biomedical physics, radiation therapy, image-guided therapy, diagnostic, interventional, and molecular imaging, and other forms of disease detection and characterization including molecular diagnostics. The course will give an overview of clinical Radiology and Radiation Oncology and discuss the translation of imaging methods from technical research to clinical utilization. Speakers include Stanford Clinicians for various clinical divisions and roles.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable 2 times (up to 2 units total)

BMP 226: MRI Spin Physics, Relaxation Theory, and Contrast Mechanisms (BIOE 226, RAD 226)

This course covers fundamental principles of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) focusing on the analytic tools needed to understand interactions among nuclear spins, relaxation processes, and image contrast. Starting from a quantum mechanical description of NMR, we'll study J-coupling, the most mathematically tractable coupling mechanism, and its fundamental importance in MRS. Next, we will extend these concepts to develop NMR relaxation theory, which provides the foundation for analyzing multiple in vivo MRI contrast mechanisms and contrast agents..
Terms: Spr | Units: 3
Instructors: Spielman, D. (PI)

BMP 227: Functional MRI Methods (BIOE 227, BIOPHYS 227, RAD 227)

Basics of functional magnetic resonance neuroimaging, including data acquisition, analysis, and experimental design. Journal club sections. Cognitive neuroscience and clinical applications. Prerequisites: basic physics, mathematics; neuroscience recommended.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3

BMP 229: MRI Sequences and Signals (RAD 229)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses sequences of radiofrequency excitation and magnetic field gradients to generate a signal and form images. Numerous common and advanced sequences will be studied, including analysis techniques to predict signal and contrast levels, and to measure and reduce unwanted image artifacts. Prerequisite: EE 369B.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3

BMP 253: Biological Principles and Medical Applications of Ionizing Radiation (RADO 253)

This course gives an introduction to the field of radiation therapy, based on the fundamental principles by which ionizing radiation interacts with biological systems. Blending physics, chemistry, and biology, we will delve into the cellular determinants of radiation response, including DNA damage and repair, modes of cell death, and radiation response modifiers. We will then zoom out and explore the response of normal tissues and tumors to radiation, including acute effects, carcinogenesis, heritable effects, and clinical radiobiology. Beyond these foundational principles, students will also be introduced to innovative topics, including the interaction of radiation therapy with the immune system and the development of radiotheranostics. This course provides a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, equipping participants with a holistic understanding of radiation biology's pivotal role in improving cancer therapies. No prerequisites.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3

BMP 260: Computational Methods for Biomedical Image Analysis and Interpretation (BIOMEDIN 260, CS 235, RAD 260)

The latest biological and medical imaging modalities and their applications in research and medicine. Focus is on computational analytic and interpretive approaches to optimize extraction and use of biological and clinical imaging data for diagnostic and therapeutic translational medical applications. Topics include major image databases, fundamental methods in image processing and quantitative extraction of image features, structured recording of image information including semantic features and ontologies, indexing, search and content-based image retrieval. Case studies include linking image data to genomic, phenotypic and clinical data, developing representations of image phenotypes for use in medical decision support and research applications and the role that biomedical imaging informatics plays in new questions in biomedical science. Includes a project. Enrollment for 3 units requires instructor consent. Prerequisites: programming ability at the level of CS 106A, familiarity with statistics, basic biology. Knowledge of Matlab or Python highly recommended.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4

BMP 399: Graduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit (up to 99 units total)

BMP 802: TGR Dissertation (RAD 802)

TGR Dissertation
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 0 | Repeatable for credit
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