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PSYCH 50: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

How does our brain give rise to our abilities to perceive, act and think? Survey of the basic facts, empirical evidence, theories and methods of study in cognitive neuroscience exploring how cognition is instantiated in neural activity. Representative topics include perceptual and motor processes, decision making, learning and memory, attention, reward processing, reinforcement learning, sensory inference and cognitive control.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SI, WAY-SMA

PSYCH 50A: Practicum in Teaching: Intro to Cognitive Neuroscience

TA training for Intro to Cognitive Neuroscience: preparing for sections, grading assignments, reviewing and answering questions in Canvas online forums and supporting office hours and review sections. Enrollment limited to teaching assistants for Psych 50: Intro to Cognitive Neuroscience. May be repeat for credit
Terms: Aut | Units: 1-4 | Repeatable for credit
Instructors: ; Gardner, J. (PI)

PSYCH 236: Mind Reading with Movies and Neuroimaging

This course will teach you how to use some of the most recent and powerful neuroimaging tools - primarily functional magnetic resonance imaging while participants watch movies - to read the minds of adults. In doing so, you will acquire expertise in writing Python code, using parallel computing and analyzing big data. Prerequisites: PSYCH10 or statistics equivalent, CS106A or programming equivalent, and PSYCH50 or neuroscience equivalent.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3
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